Bluetooth Declaration


Test Report

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                                       Bluetooth Declaration Per FCC 15.247 Requirements

                       1 Output power and channel separation of a Bluetooth device in the
                       different operating modes:
                       The different operating modes (data—mode, acquisition—mode) of a Bluetooth device
                       don‘t influence the output power and the channel spacing. There is only one
                       transmitter which is driven by identical input parameters concerning these two
                       parameters. Only a different hopping sequence will be used.
                       For this reason the check of these RF parameters in one op—mode is sufficient.

                       2 Frequency range of a Bluetooth device:
                       Hereby we declare that the maximum frequency of this device is: 2402 — 2480 MHz.
                       This is according the Bluetooth Core Specification V 2.08 (+ critical errata) for
                       devices which will be operated in the USA.
                       This was checked during the Bluetooth Qualification tests (Test Case: TRM/CA/O4—E).
                       Other frequency ranges ( e.g. for Spain, France, Japan) which are allowed accordmg
                       the Core Specification are not supported by this device.

                       3 Co—ordination of the hopping sequence in data mode to avoid
                       simultaneous occupancy by multiple transmitters:
                       Bluetooth units which want to communicate with other units must be organized in a
                       structure called piconet. This piconet consist of max. 8 Bluetooth units. One unit is
                       the master the other seven are the slaves. The master co—ordinates frequency
                       occupation in this piconet for all units. As the master hop sequence is derived from
                       it‘s BD address which is unique for every Bluetooth device, additional masters
                       intending to establish new piconets will always use different hop sequences.

                       4 Example of a hopping sequence in data mode:
                       Example of    a 79 hopping sequence     in data   mode:
                       40, 21, 44,   23, 42, 53, 46, 55, 48,   33, 52,   35, 50,   65,   54,   67,
                       56, 37, 60,   39, 58, 69, 62, 71, 64,   25, 68,   27, 66,   57,   70,   59,
                       72, 29, 76,   31, 74, 61, 78, 63, O1,   41, 05,   43, 03,   73,   07,   75,
                       09, 45, 13,   47, 11, 77, 15, 00, 64,   49, 66,   53, 68,   02,   70,   06,
                       O1, 51, 03,   55, 05, 04

                       5 Equally average use of frequencies in data mode and behaviour for short
                       The generation of the hopping sequence in connection mode depends essentially on
                       two input values:

                       1. LAP/UAP of the master of the connection
                       2. Internal master clock The LAP (lower address part) are the 24 LSB‘s of the 48
                       BD_ADDRESS. The BD_ADDRESS is an unambiguous number of every Bluetooth unit.
                       The UAP (upper address part) are the 24 MSB‘s of the 48 BD_ADDRESS.
                       The internal clock of a Bluetooth unit is derived from a free running clock which is
                       never adjusted and is never turned off. For synchronisation with other units only
                       offset are used. It has no relation to the time of the day. Its resolution is at least half
                       the RX/TX slot length of 312.5 us. The clock has a cycle of about one day (23h30).
                       In most case it is implemented as 28 bit counter. For the deriving of the hopping
                       sequence the entire LAP (24 bits), 4 LSB‘s (4 bits) (Input 1) and the 27 MSB‘s of the
                       clock (Input 2) are used.

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                      With this input values different mathematical procedures (permutations, additions,
                      XOR—operations} are performed to generate the sequence. This will be done at the
                      beginning of every new transmission.
                      Regarding short transmissions the Bluetooth system has the following behaviors:
                      The first connection between the two devices is established, a hopping sequence was
                      generated. For transmitting the wanted data the complete hopping sequence was not
                      used. The connection ended.
                      The second connection will be established. A new hopping sequence is generated.
                      Due to the fact that the—Bluetooth clock has a different value, because the period
                      between the two transmission is longer (and it cannot be shorter) than the minimum
                      resolution of the clock (312.5 us). The hopping sequence will always differ from the
                      first one.

                      6 Receiver input bandwidth and behaviors for repeated single or multiple
                      The input bandwidth of the receiver is 1 MHz.
                      In every connection one Bluetooth device is the master and the other one is the
                      The master determines the hopping sequence (see chapter 5). The slave follows this
                      sequence. Both devices shift between RX and TX time slot according to the clock of
                      the master.
                      Additionally the type of connection (e.g. single or multislot packet) is set up at the
                      beginning of the connection. The master adapts its hopping frequency and its TX/RX
                      timing according to the packet type of the connection. Also the slave of the
                      connection will use these settings.
                      Repeating of a packet has no influence on the hopping sequence. The hopping
                      sequence generated by the master of the connection will be followed in any case.
                      That means, a repeated packet will not be send on the same frequency, it is send on
                      the next frequency of the hopping sequence.

                      7 Dwell time in data mode
                      The dwell time of 0.3797s within a 30 second period in data mode is independent
                      from the packet type (packet length). The calculation for a 30 second period is a
                      Dwell time = time slot length * hop rate / number of hopping channels *30s
                      Example for a DH1 packet (with a maximum length of one time slot)
                      Dwell time = 625 us * 1600 1/s / 79 * 305 = 0.3797s (in a 305 period)
                      For multislot packet the hopping is reduced according to the length of the packet.
                      Example for a DHS5 packet (with a maximum length of five time slots)
                      Dwell time = 5 * 625 us * 1600 * 1/5 *1/s / 79 * 30s = 0.3797s (in a 30s period)
                      This is according the Bluetooth Core Specification V 1.08B (+ critical errata) for all
                      Bluetooth devices. There for all Bluetooth devices comply with the FCC dwell time
                      requirement in data mode.
                      This was checked during the Bluetooth Qualification tests.
                      The Dwell time in hybrid mode is measured and stated in the test report.

                       8 Channel Separation in hybrid mode
                      The nominal channel spacing of the Bluetooth system is 1Mhz independent of the
                      operating mode.
                      The maximum "initial carrier frequency tolerance" which is allowed for Bluetooth is
                      fcenter = 75 kHz.
                      This was checked during the Bluetooth Qualification tests (Test Case: TRM/CA/O7—E)
                       for three frequencies (2402, 2441, 2480 MHz).

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                       Additionally an example for the channel separation is given in the test report

                       9 Derivation and examples for a hopping sequence in hybrid mode
                       For the generation of the inquiry and page hop sequences the same procedures as
                       described for the data mode are used (see chapter 5), but this time with different
                       input vectors:
                       + For the inquiry hop sequence, a predefined fixed address is always used. This
                       results in the same 32 frequencies used by all devices doing an inquiry but every
                       time with a different start frequency and phase in this sequence.
                       « For the page hop sequence, the device address of the paged unit is used as input
                       vector. This results in the use of a subset of 32 frequencies which is specific for that
                       initial state of the connection establishment between the two units. A page to
                       different devices would result in a different subset of 32 frequencies.
                       So it is ensured that also in hybrid mode the frequency use equally averaged.
                       Example of a hopping sequence in inquiry mode:
                       48, 50, 09, 13, 52, 54,41, 45, 56, 58, 11, 15, 60, 62, 43, 47, 00, 02, 64, 68, 04, 06,
                        17, 21, 08, 10, 66, 70, 12, 14, 19, 23

                       Example of a hopping sequence in paging mode:
                       08, 57, 68, 70, 51, 02, 42, 40, 04, 61, 44, 46, 63, 14, 50, 48, 16, 65, 52, 54, 67, 18,
                       58, 56, 20, 53, 60, 62, 55, 06, 66, 64

                       10 Receiver input bandwidth and synchronisation in hybrid mode:
                       The receiver input bandwidth is the same as in the data mode (1 MHz). When two
                       Bluetooth devices establish contact for the first time, one device sends an inquiry
                       access code, the other device is scanning for this inquiry access code. If two devices
                       have been connected previously and want to start a new transmission, a similar
                       procedure takes place. The only difference is, instead of the inquiry access code, an
                       special access code, derived from the BD_ADDRESS of the paged device will be, will
                       be sent by the master of this connection.
                       Due to the fact that both units have been connected before (in the inquiry procedure)
                       the paging unit has timing and frequency information about the page scan of the
                        paged unit.
                        For this reason the time to establish the connection is reduced considerable.

                        11 Spread rate / data rate of the direct sequence signal
                       The Spread rate / Data rate in inquiry and paging mode can be defined via the
                       access code. The access code is the only criterion for the system to check if there is
                       a valid transmission or not. If you regard the presence of a valid access code as one
                       bit of information, and compare it with the length of the access code of 68 bits, the
                        Spread rate / Data rate will be 68/1.

                       12 Spurious emission in hybrid mode
                       The Dwell in hybrid mode is shorter than in data mode. For this reason the spurious
                        emissions average level in data mode is worst case. The spurious emissions peak
                        level is the same for both modes.

Document Created: 2010-12-17 11:06:32
Document Modified: 2010-12-17 11:06:32

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