Appendix B_DAE Probe Cal. Certificate


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                                                              Report No. :E5/2019/20001
                                                                                                                                              Rev: 01
                                                                                                                                              Page : 1 of 16

                           Appendix B - DAE & Probe Calibration Certificate

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and for electronic format
documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined
therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The
Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot
be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                            SGS Taiwan Ltd.      No.134,Wu Kung Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wuku District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
             台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                                 f (886-2) 2298-0488          
                                                                                                                                            Member of SGS Group

 Calibration Laboratory of
 Schmid & Partner                                                            s Schwsisorschr Katberdianst
                                                                             g Sorvice sulese attlomnage
   Engineering AG                                                              Serviavizero l tarature
Zevahnusstrasse 3, 0004 2unch, Swizerind                    a                S Swiss Callbraton Sarvien

 Acsrantedby ho Sss AccrudtafonSavicn (GAS)                                   Aesredaion No: SCS 0108
 ThShies AccredtationSorviceis one t the signatoriosto the EA
 Mulilateral Agreonment forthe recognton o cllrtionconiieaton

DAE                      data acquisition electronics
Connector angle          information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot
                         coordinate system.

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters
    *       DC Vollage Measurement: Calibration Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
        comparison with a callbrated instrumenttraceable to national standards. The figure given
        corresponds to the full scale range of the voltmeter in the respective range.
    *    Connector angle: The angle of the connector is assessed measuring the angle
        mechanically by a toolinserted. Uncertainty is not required.
    *   The following parameters as documented in the Appendix contain technical information as a
        result from the performance test and require no uncertainty.
        *      DC Voltage Measurement Linearity: Verification of the Lineaity at +10%and ~10%of
              the nominal calibration voltage. Influence of offset voltage is included in this
        *     Common mode sensitivity: Influence of a positive or negative common mode voltage on
              the differential measurement.
        *     Channel separation: Influence of a voltage on the neighbor channels not subject to an
              input voltage.
        *     AD Converter Values with inputs shorted: Values on the intenal AD converter
              corresponding to zero input voltage
        *     Input Offset Measurement, Output voltage and statistical results over a large number of
              zero voltage measurements.
        *     Input Offset Current: Typical value for information; Maximum channel input offset
              current, not considering the input resistance.
        *     Input resistance; Typical value for information: DAE input resistance at the connector,
              during internal auto—zeroing and during measurement.
        +     Low Battery Alarm Voltage: Typical value for information. Below this voltage, a battery
              alarm signalis generated.
        *     Power consumption: Typical value for information, Supply currents in various operating

Goriicate No: DAEé—856_Apria                           Page2ots

 DC Voltage Measurement
     TD — Gonverter Resalution nominal
        High Range:         1se                 sw ,          full range =
        Low Range:          1se                 sinv,         full ange =
     DASY measurement parameters:        Auto Zere Time: 3 soc; Maasuring tme: 3 se
       Calibration Factors           x                     y                                    2
       High Range          409 380 + 0.02% (k=2) 404500 +0.00% (ke2)                  A09.024 2 0.02% (ioa)
       Low Range           397560 + 1.s0%e (ke2) a.o@e0g + 1.50% (k—2)                9941482 1.50% (Ke2)

 Connector Angle
       Conneetor Angle to be used in DASY system                                          reaseare        __]

Ceniicate No: DAEt—358_Aprid                           Page 2ot5

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS0108)

1. DC Voltage Linearity
     High Range                          Reading (1¥)      __|__Difrence (iV)       Error (%)
     Channel X___+ input                   190001 02             asa                oco
     Channel X    + Input                  20000.09              o7s                000
     Channel X    _ — input                1900072                138               o1
     Channel Y   _ _+ Input               10000550                ote                a00
     Channel Y    _ _+ input               1ee00.s8              —196               oo1
     Channel Y   _ _— input               —20002.18              asn                 0.00
     Channel 2    _ _+ Input              19900515                aze                a.00
     Channel 2    _ _+ input               1900823               as                 oce
     Channel 2   ___—Input                 2000045               a2e                ao1
     Low Range                           Reading (u¥)      __|_Ditteronce (u)      Ereor (%)
     Ghannel X        + input              20118                  48               oor
     Ghannel X        + input               20202                 o40               oz0
     Channel X        — input               197.78                osr              ons
     Ghannel Y        + input              199201                 12e              ons
     Ghannet Y        _ _+ input            20137                 c2r              i3
     Channel Y        ____—input           19820                  o«               o47
     Channel 2        _ _+ input           20000                  a2e              o1
     Channel 2       _ _+ Input             2oner                 419              10
     Channel2        — Input               «sa51                  —uis   

2. Common mode sensitivity
    DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zoro Time: 3 see: Measuring ime: 3 se
                     Common mode                     High Range                  Low Range
                     Input Voltage (m¥)        Average Reading (xV)         Average Reading (uV)
     Channol X                    200                   —ar                       1590
                                 200                     i7se                     1611
     Channel ¥                    200                    220                      ase
                                 «200                    ass                      ace
     Channel 2                    200                    ts                       1058
                                —20                     —261                      28e

3. Channel separation
   DASY measurementparameters: Auto Zere Time: 3 see; Measuring tme: 3 see
                   Input Voitage (mV) Channe{ X (z¥) ChannelY (s)               ChannelZ (i¥)
    Channet X              200                  —                230                248
    Channel Y              200                T3                  —                 a25
    Channel 2                      200           ©90               449

Cerificate No: DAEt—856_Aprib                      Page A of5

                                                                                                                                              Report No. :E5/2019/20001
                                                                                                                                              Rev: 01
                                                                                                                                              Page : 5 of 16

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and for electronic format
documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined
therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The
Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot
be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                            SGS Taiwan Ltd.      No.134,Wu Kung Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wuku District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
             台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                                 f (886-2) 2298-0488          
                                                                                                                                            Member of SGS Group

Calibration Laboratory of                            w                                    Schwalsescherat         in
Schmid & Partner                                    Fe                                    Servcesuisemaininge
  Engineering AG                                     2C                               9   Serviio wizzord tartura
(ooghavnstraase , 004 2urch,Sutzerand                w                                5 Euse caltiaion Senice
Aeeredun by e Sn Acreotaton Servcn (SA9)                                              Acctedtaton no.: 5CS 0108
"The SuiesAceredtaion Srvice is ono the signatoies tothe EA
MuLlaterat Agrsoment orthrecogniion of calbraton coiicates
clom.     SGSZTWI(Ruden)                                                    conitesmss EX3—3770—Apri®
Oc                             Exsova—sharro

Caitaton posssueto             OX CAI—OT:9; OACAL—12v8, OA CAL—t#4, oAcAL—2z3v5,
                               OA CAL—25v6
                               CalbrationprocedurefordosimetficE—feld probes
Cattrton tte                   Aprl25, 2018

Thi cairaion cerifcacomnents h vraceny to onion urcrtnatich reatc ieyscal usofmemsirements (50
The massiremers in ho rcnianios win conldene robabiy re gve on ie elowino ages an e pat ofi cce
Acaltcaicnshive bea contuce n thecomns latoaar faciy evonmentemporain(2 27andbamiy«70%
Cativaton Eaupment us (WBTE oiforcatrato)

 Prmay Sandvras              C                          Caitbie Cnteaie o)                  Sthedied Gaitatien
 Powe mowNee                 su roure                   oesen8 io. avrazeranzors__|        Recro
 Pove semor narz91           on rosess                  otert8 ho 2vrazera                  nes
 PovesesoNee291              sn rses                    oteetsio 217arera                   hecls
 Retwence 20 a9Atnsatr       sScar? 200                 oeasen8 io 21rezse0                secrs
 Ratwarce Pobe Esaovz        Sn 0t3                     20 Dectr io EssaoreDect)            Doca
 oaee                        sn seo                     2ribec1t o Dt20Deetn)               Docis
 Secontay Stndocs            o                          Creck bar (ntowma)                  Scresies Greck
 Pomt mEaitog                s coemzsore                o690028 in hovse ctec Jin16)__|     ihoowe creccit
 Poverseres Estran           on menassoer               ot—h018 in hove chec in             n house check Jinde
 PowesersorEsttoA            sw ocorroet0               06Jni hevwcret Jint6)___|           inrovsechece Jint8
 RE generashP sorre          sn usssessorree            044990 n howe ced un__|             Inrovnnctect Jini8
 Netor Anaize h arsse        sn ussrasosss              1—0ct01 in hov sest Oct7)           in use chea Oact8
                               w                             Favien                           Srl
Cittmie ty                    ciiiseLaer                     tiseninyTeamisin

Stnein                         mpaoe                          memsvaniger            /fo’%
                                                                                             Issuos Aveize 2010
Th cttratoncaiicaw stt tb reprduced esces in ul wiout witeaporeiao e iteroy

Corifcate No: EX3—3770.Aortt                          Page 1 of 11

Galibration Laboratory of                              «C                                  Sctwoisannther Kalbertiont
Schmid & Partner                                      e                                o. Snmmirammiey
  Engineering AG                                                                          Siniboniiiere dttamie
Zmoghsusstiase 3, 1004 Zurch, Swtzoriand                                               5| suss catbationemice

Acsmdtac by iSuis Acrootalon Servcn (Sa5)                                               Accreitatn No.: SCS 0108
The Svise Accratition Serviee s one otihesignateis io the EA
MulteatAgroomentfor threcooniton f alrain corifcaie
TGL                            ue simulating figuid
NORMicysz                   sensitviy in free space
Conv                        sensitvit in TSL / NORMyez
DCP                         lode compression point
oF                          erestfactor (tiduty_eycle)ofthe RF signal
A.B. C,0                    modultion dapendent Incarization parameters
Polaization o               1rotation around probe axis
Polarization 8              1 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normalto probe axi (at measurement center;
                            te., 8    is normal o probe axis
Comnector Angle             information used in DASY system to algn probe sensor X to the robot coordinate system
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
     a). 1EEE Sid 1528—2013, IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatlal—Averaged Specife
         Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Hoad from Wiroless Communications Devices: Measurement
         Techniques‘,June 2013
     b)_   IEG 62200—1,°   "Measurement procedure for e assessment of Specifc Absorpton Rate (SAR trom hand»
           held and body—mounted devices used next t the ear(fequency range of 300 Mz to 6 GHz, Juy 2016
     ):    1EG 62200—2,    ‘Procedure to determinethe Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wreless communication devices
           used in close provimily t the human body (requency range of 30 MHe to 6 GHz)® March 2010
     )     KD8 865004‘SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHizt 6 GHz"
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
           NORMxy.2: Ausessed forE—feld polarization 3 = 0 (f= 900 MHz in TEN—ca      ; > 1800 MHz: R22 woveguide).
           NOFRKIcy.z are only intermedate values, Le., the uncertainties of NORMxy.z does not affect the Efald
           uncerisiny nside TS(see below Cony?)
           NORM(Mxy.2         IORMxyz * requency.response (see Frequency Response Char). ThisInearization is
           iinglemented DASY4 software versions aterthan 4.2. The uncertainy ofthe frequency response is included
           in the stated uncertainty of ConvF
           DGPxyz: DOP are numerical Incarization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep wth CW
           signal(o uncertainly required), DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
           PMe: PA is the Peak to Average Ratlo thatis not calbrated bat determined base on the signal
           Axyz Beyuz: Cuoy,a: Dryiz: VRay.2:A B. C, D are numercalincarizalion parameters assessed based on
           the data of power sweep for specifc modulaion signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
           media, VRtisthe maximum callbraion range expressed in RMS vollage acruss the dlode.
           GomvE and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in fatphantom using E—feld (or Temperature Transter
           Standard for t «800 MHz) and insde wavequide using analylcal feld ditnbtions based on power
           measurements for T > 800 MHiz. The same setups are used for assessmant othe parameters agpled for
           boundary compensatin (alpha. depth) of which typical uncertaity values are given. These parameters are
           used in DASY‘4 software toimprove probe accuracy close to the boundary, The sensitvly in TL corresponds
           to NORhixy.z * ConvE whereby the uncertainty carresponds to that gven for GonvF, A fraquency dependent
           ConvF is used in DASY version 4 4 and higher which allows extending the valdity rom + 50Mz to > 100
           Sphertcal sotropy (30 devition from isotrapy): in a feld oflow aradientsrealized using a at phantom
           exposed by a patch antenna.
           Sensor OffseThe sensor offset corresponds tothe offset of viiual measurement centerfrom the probe t
           (on probe axis) No tolerance required.
           Connector Angle: The angle is assessad using the information gained by determining the NOR(no
           uncertaity requied)

Cerifeats No ©X3.3770.Anrtd                               Page 2 of 11

exsovs — sarzo                                                                Apilas, 2018

                     Probe EX3DV4


                                 Manufactured:           July 6, 2010
                                 Calibrated:             April 25, 2018

                               Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                   (Nole: non—compaible with DASV2 systam!)

Cortieate No: Exa—s770_Apria                    Pase 3 oft1

exovs— snarzo                                                                              Apmas zon

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3770
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                SensorX                   Sensory          Sensore         Une (eod)
 Nown (wvivimy)                   050                      o0               ose             +107%
 bGP (my)"                       Tore                      sors             iors

Modulation Calibration Parameters
 us      Communication System Name                 A              a   c      o       a        Uno!
                                                   «s        aBvi           «n       my       (en)
 &          ow                              x      |_c0         a5    1o    on       mai     asa%
                                            y      a0           20    10             147
                                            2      EM           00    10             was

 The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for 2 normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probabilly of approximately 95%.

1 The uncewinian o Nem XY2a nafec h E"eld rcainy niteTSL se Pages S anc 6.
" Numercatinaarzaton pwamaor ncenanyn reqiees
* Uneanaty in deerrinevig h ma.cvtn m fnca reeponse apobjngreingslr dn an s ercessu o hesquarottie

Corticate No: EX3—3770.Aorta                Page t ot 11

exoove— snrzo                                                                                         noniasz01e

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3770

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
     L            uze     Reiithe ,   conductt |                                          7| bepm®       uns
         mtiz)®         pormitiviy      (Sim)    ComvEX   Comey      |_ComFZ     Aloha®       (mm)}     tm__|
          4so              as5           osr      mz       mzs        mzo         ons         is       e193%
          7so              418           ose      toos     toos       soss        oss         ose      s120%
          sas              415           aso      ass      ass         ass        oss         oor      +120%
          so               a1s           osr      ase      ase         ase        orr         110      +120%
         1rso              404           137      ase      s48         s4s        oss         oso      a120%
         1900              «00           140      sze      a2e         aze        os          oso      +120%
         2000              400           140      ais      a15         a1s        oss         oso      r120%
         2300              sos           187      118      178         17e        oss         om       +120%
         2450              so2           180      1ao      ras         ras        oss         oss      +120%|
         2300              sso           188      220      120        rze         oss         om       a120%
         seso              350           an       sas      525        ses         o«          18       ans1%
         seoo              sss           sor      ase      402        ass         o«          18       a91%
         srso              ss4           sz       s2n      s21        s21         oao         180      e181%

© trenueney valayatsv 200 hB t 100L onmaoin o OMSY it and habortav Rage 2l i resite o 0 itc The
urcenany is ho SS t he Gorveunceranty o caivatonteaensyand n ungevan o ‘the efclad beovancy ane, Frenvencyvabuty
aelow 0 it i+ 10.25, 1090 and 70 Ne o Gomvemesessrents t 30,6A,120, 150 and 220 Y respecival; Above 5 it tecuarcy
yatdty an e edendedt a 110 uitc
* AtFeauences ow 3 Gstvaly ttesu aramdas (ano) can e relaed t : 10% n crnsatin ois poledto
ineamized SAvaues.Aacuenio avove 3 Cri e valiy fue paramter(canda) s rettd o 2 S%. The uroetlny sns RSS of
tb# ConnE unsniany o indcates taetmaun poomntom.
  Altaftept e deemnines uinealivaton SPEAG vaivat ut haremaing deviiondaet tbontaatecate conpensaton is
alnay lss man > 11 orroqvenin efo 3 Gitd bfows 21 for tansence beean 0 GHt t any datarce lige hn ht ie roveto
denmierton e toindany

Cerifcate No: EX3—2770_Aoria                       Page Sot 11

excov—swarro                                                                                        Apas, zons

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3770

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                  Ralatva      Condoctty                                                T Basm®         Une
    1Mitz®      Pornitiviy®       (Sim)"      ComvEX     ComEy      |_ConvEZ   Abpha®     |__{mm)      tem
       4so         sez            ose          1oss       toss       ross      ocms       12s        a183%
       150         ses            ose          aar        ner        oer       oss        oss        +120%
       ss5         sea            oar          are        are        are       oas        oss        £120%
       aco         sso            105          ass        as4        ast       ost        oss        £120%
      i7so         Em             140          a20        a25        aze       oas        oso        +120%
      1000         sss            18e          a00        a00        aso       ost        ost        +120%
      2000         sss            182          ner        rer        rer       oz         io         s120%
      2300         so             im           zee        168        zee       o«2        om         »120% |
      2450         sez            185          1so        15         mso       oi         oss        +120% .
      2500         sas            210          r37        ze         nsz       ois        oss        +120%
      seso         «80            536          «s5        ass        ass       oso        180        af21%
      seoo         «85            577          405        409        «06|      oso        180        ef21%
      srso         «23            soe          ase        ass        ass       oso        is         ess1%

© reaseney vatiy avov 20 it at a 100 B4 onl apotes oDASY ust and Naer cePoge 21 se s esc o 50 Ntz Tre
uncerany s ineRGSofheGarve oncnalny n caivalonReauency un h uncen for h iniata aauancy band, Frequeney uty
beow 00 Mit in 10,25, 105 ant 70 ie o Gorveancessment t 306¢, 128, 180 and 220 iC rerpectrl, Abov 5 it recuecy
valutycan ho anurdento» 10 it
* Atazencis beion 3 G, hvalty o tesuprametr (eand a} can b relardto 2 10% 1 id conpenaton ormta s apniadto
imessors SAvates. t tecuancesavove 3 it thvatety f im prametr (canco) is eaeted o 55Theuncurany is nc RSS t
fne Gomeunsannt t indealed tarptowv prenstrs
*AppofGeth e deaminedurng caliraton SPEAG warantth eriingdevaton uet the bounday efecater ononsatanis
ahaystewetan s 1% loFeouencin ow 3 GHand bulo2 27 for Reovencia etwaan 2.Glt l ary atorcagein ht h anet
enon tboundary

Cerifate No:E3—a770.Aprid                        Page 6ot11

ecove—sarzo                                                                                                        Apnias, 2018
                                                 Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                      (TENM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
        Frequency response (normalized)


                                          as                                                                 7

                                                Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—feld: 2 6.3% (k=2)

Coricate No:EX3—2770.Aprid                                            Page 7 of 11

 ecove—suarro                                                                                   Apai2s, 2010

                                 Receiving Pattern (¢), 8 = 0°

                     1=600 MFHz,TEM                                     (=1800 MHz,R22

                  En     4                   4             1       4              io        3
                    «ids                      +
                                            abtte                 +
                                                                  t                    ahithe
                              Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessments + 0.5% (ke2)

Certfeate No:EX8—3770.Anria                        Page 8 of 11

 Expve— sN3rz0                                                                          Aprias, 2010

                                   Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                           (TEM cell , fe,a= 1900 MHz)


                                     4                          B
                            10       dos        to0      i0     10    10           io
                                                    SAR {mWems)
                                     notcompensated             wmgfi\mu

                                                      SAR JmiWena]
                                     retcompensaies                     oo
                                 Uncertainty of Linearity Assossment+ 0.6% (K=2)

Cerifeate No: 2X3—3770.A0rt8                          Page aof i1

Expvi—sv3rmo                                                                             Apaias, 2018

                               Conversion Factor Assessment
                1 = 835 MHzWGLS RO (4.contt)                   1= 1900 MzWGLS Ra2 (4_comt)

                              Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                         Error (§, 9), £= 900 MHz

                         40 <os os o« or oo or o6 os os 10
                          Uncertainty of Sphorical Isotropy Assossment£2.0% (K=2)

Coriicate No: EX3—3770.Aprid                   Page 10 of 11

                                                                                                                                              Report No. :E5/2019/20001
                                                                                                                                              Rev: 01
                                                                                                                                              Page : 16 of 16

                                                                                     - End of report -

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at and for electronic format
documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined
therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The
Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot
be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                            SGS Taiwan Ltd.      No.134,Wu Kung Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wuku District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
             台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                                 f (886-2) 2298-0488          
                                                                                                                                            Member of SGS Group

Document Created: 2019-03-13 09:37:20
Document Modified: 2019-03-13 09:37:20

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