Processing Gain


Test Report

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                                                                                   Page 1 of 11
                                                                                    PG Results
                                                                                 23 March 2001


Distribution:         Peter Flittner, Robert Young, James Collier


Prepared By:          Alex Busteed

Subject:              Results of Processing Gain Tests for FCC Qualification


This memo presents the results of the Processing Gain (PG) tests carried out for FCC
qualification of the Cambridge Silicon Radio BC01B Bluetooth chip. The FCC states that the
PG from a hybrid Bluetooth receiver must be greater than 17 dB when measured in
accordance with the Continuous Wave (CW) jamming margin method. Testing of the BC01b
has found the PG due to the DS section to be approximately 5 dB and the PG due to the FH
part to be approximately 15 dB. It is therefore concluded that the BC01B complies with the
FCC PG requirements for radio communication systems.

The rest of this paper outlines the PG measurement technique and discusses the test results.
Appendix A contains a list of test equipment and Appendix B contains a printout of the
measurement results.

2          METHOD

2.1        PG Definition
The Processing Gain from a frequency hopping communication system is derived from two
parts, the FH section and the DS section. The PG due to FH is given by a simple equation and
is constant. However measurement of the PG due to DS is a little more complex. One
technique is to use the CW jamming margin method. This method measures PG due to DS
using the following algorithm:

A CW signal generator is stepped in 50kHz increments across the passband of the system,
recording at each point the generator level required to produce the 0.1% Packet Error Rate
(PER). This is the jammer level. This level is then referenced to the output power of the
intended Bluetooth signal and the Jammer to Signal Ratio JSR is thus calculated. The worst 4

                                                           Filename: BlueCore01_BC01b_PG_Results_v2.1

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                                                                              PG Results
                                                                           23 March 2001

JSR measurements are discarded and the worst remaining JSR is used to calculate the PG
due to DS as follows:
                                  G p = SNR +JSRmin + Lsys

where Gp = the processing gain of the system, SNR = the signal to noise ratio required for
0.1% BER, JSRmin = minimum J/S ratio and Lsys = system losses.

2.2     PG Measurement Technique
Figure 1 provides an overview of the PG measurement technique. The measurement is
performed in two parts, measurement of the system SNR and measurement of JSRmin.

                         Figure 1: PG Measurement Technique

The system SNR is calculated using the following algorithm. Generate Bluetooth PRBS-9
packets using a BC01B emulator (1) and a Vector Signal Generator (2). Combine this signal
with white noise of a constant level, which is generated using a noise source (4) and a CW
Signal Generator (3). Then vary the level of the Bluetooth signal until the BER measured by
the BC01B (7) is 0.1%. The resulting SNR is the signal level divided by the Noise level.

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                                                                                 PG Results
                                                                              23 March 2001

The JSR for a given jamming frequency is calculated using the following algorithm. Generate
Bluetooth PRBS-9 packets using the BC01B emulator (1) and the Vector Signal Generator
(2). Combine this signal with a constant CW tone at the jamming frequency using a CW
Signal Generator (5) and a combiner (6). Then vary the level of the Bluetooth signal until the
PER measured by the Casira Bluetooth Module (7) is 0.1%. The resulting JSR is the signal
level divided by the jamming level.

3        RESULTS

3.1      Overview
The measurements found that the PG due to DS caused by the access code in page and
inquiry mode is found to be approximately 5dB when the access code is a relatively random
mixture of 1's and 0's. A random access code causes the most Inter Symbol Interference (ISI)
and hence the worst PG for a hybrid system. Therefore only the results for this access code
are used in the PG calculation.

The PG due to FH is given as
                        PGFH = 10 log10 (number of frequency hops)
The number of hops in a Bluetooth system is 32, therefore the PG due to FH is approximately
15 dB. When this is added to the PG due to DS, the total PG for the BC01B is approximately
20 dB, above the minimum PG requirement for FCC qualification.

3.2      Detailed Results

Test Date:                     17/11/00
Sample Time:                   30 seconds
Access Code:                   c6967e
Signal Frequency:              2.432GHz
Receiver Sensitivity:          -88.7 dBm
Jammer Signal Level:           -85.7 dBm
Measured SNR:                  18.8dB
System Losses:                 2dB

To calculate processing gain, ignore the worst 20% of data points and then apply the
following formula:

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                                                                                                    PG Results
                                                                                                 23 March 2001

                                              G p = SNR +JSRmin + Lsys

Where                  Gp             = Processing Gain of the module
                       SNR            = signal to noise ratio of the module
                       JSmin          = minimum J/S ratio after the worst 20% of J/S samples have been
                       Lsys           = System losses

A total of 20 samples were taken by stepping the jamming signal frequency offsets in 50kHz
increments over the bandwidth of the receiver. The worst 4 samples were found at –500kHz,
-450kHz, -400kHz and 500kHz and were discarded. The remaining minimum J/S ratio was
found to be -15.4dB at an offset of +350kHz

Thus, the processing gain due to direct sequence spreading in page and inquiry mode is
                                          G p = 18.8 − 15.4 + 2 = 5.4dB

                                J/S ratio performance for Processing Gain FCC Testing



     J/S (dBs)




                       -500    -400    -300   -200 -100     0   100 200        300   400   500
                                              Jamming Frequency Offset (kHz)

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                                                                     PG Results
                                                                  23 March 2001


Reference:   Instrument Type             Name
1            BlueCore Emulator Board     N/A
2            Vector Signal Generator     IFR2052
3            CW Signal Generator         IFR2025
4            White Noise Generator       HP33120A
5            RF Mixer                    M8HC-7
6            RF Combiner                 6 dB loss combiner
7            Bluetooth Motherboard and   Casira Development Kit
             BC01B Module
8            5V, 4A DC Power Supply      N/A
9            Spectrum Analyser           HP E4405B

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                                                                                         PG Results
                                                                                      23 March 2001

Timestamp: 14:42.43, 16/11/2000
Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -500 kHz

Level = -68.7 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =   0.01%   SER1 =   0.01%   SER2 =   0.01%
Level = -70.7 dBm   BER =   0.32%   PER =   0.79%   SER1 =   0.79%   SER2 =   0.79%
Level = -69.7 dBm   BER =   0.11%   PER =   0.18%   SER1 =   0.18%   SER2 =   0.18%
Level = -68.7 dBm   BER =   0.04%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -69.2 dBm   BER =   0.06%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%
Level = -69.7 dBm   BER =   0.11%   PER =   0.16%   SER1 =   0.16%   SER2 =   0.16%
Level = -69.5 dBm   BER =   0.09%   PER =   0.11%   SER1 =   0.11%   SER2 =   0.11%
Level = -69.3 dBm   BER =   0.07%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%

J/S = -16.50 dB (SER = 0.05%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -450 kHz

Level = -69.2 dBm   BER =   0.06%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%
Level = -71.2 dBm   BER =   0.84%   PER =   1.72%   SER1 =   1.69%   SER2 =   1.69%
Level = -70.2 dBm   BER =   0.26%   PER =   0.40%   SER1 =   0.40%   SER2 =   0.40%
Level = -69.2 dBm   BER =   0.07%   PER =   0.06%   SER1 =   0.06%   SER2 =   0.06%
Level = -69.7 dBm   BER =   0.12%   PER =   0.18%   SER1 =   0.18%   SER2 =   0.18%
Level = -69.5 dBm   BER =   0.09%   PER =   0.14%   SER1 =   0.14%   SER2 =   0.14%
Level = -69.3 dBm   BER =   0.07%   PER =   0.08%   SER1 =   0.08%   SER2 =   0.08%

J/S = -16.40 dB (SER = 0.08%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -400 kHz

Level = -69.3 dBm   BER =   0.04%   PER =   0.02%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -71.3 dBm   BER =   0.44%   PER =   0.72%   SER1 =   0.71%   SER2 =   0.71%
Level = -70.3 dBm   BER =   0.13%   PER =   0.11%   SER1 =   0.11%   SER2 =   0.11%
Level = -69.3 dBm   BER =   0.04%   PER =   0.01%   SER1 =   0.01%   SER2 =   0.01%
Level = -69.8 dBm   BER =   0.08%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -70.3 dBm   BER =   0.13%   PER =   0.10%   SER1 =   0.10%   SER2 =   0.10%

J/S = -15.40 dB (SER = 0.10%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -350 kHz

Level = -70.3 dBm   BER =   0.05%   PER =   0.01%   SER1 =   0.01%   SER2 =   0.01%
Level = -72.3 dBm   BER =   0.88%   PER =   1.67%   SER1 =   1.64%   SER2 =   1.64%
Level = -71.3 dBm   BER =   0.19%   PER =   0.10%   SER1 =   0.10%   SER2 =   0.10%
Level = -70.3 dBm   BER =   0.06%   PER =   0.01%   SER1 =   0.01%   SER2 =   0.01%
Level = -70.8 dBm   BER =   0.09%   PER =   0.04%   SER1 =   0.04%   SER2 =   0.04%
Level = -71.3 dBm   BER =   0.17%   PER =   0.12%   SER1 =   0.12%   SER2 =   0.12%

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Level = -71.1 dBm BER = 0.13% PER = 0.05% SER1 = 0.05% SER2 = 0.05%

J/S = -14.60 dB (SER = 0.05%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -300 kHz

Level = -71.1 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =   0.15%   SER1 =   0.15%   SER2 =   0.15%
Level = -69.1 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.00%   SER1 =   0.00%   SER2 =   0.00%
Level = -70.1 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.00%   SER1 =   0.00%   SER2 =   0.00%
Level = -71.1 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =   0.19%   SER1 =   0.19%   SER2 =   0.19%
Level = -70.6 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.04%   SER1 =   0.04%   SER2 =   0.04%
Level = -70.8 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.09%   SER1 =   0.09%   SER2 =   0.09%

J/S = -14.90 dB (SER = 0.09%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -250 kHz

Level = -70.8 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -72.8 dBm   BER =   0.05%   PER =   2.34%   SER1 =   2.29%   SER2 =   2.29%
Level = -71.8 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.33%   SER1 =   0.33%   SER2 =   0.33%
Level = -70.8 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.03%   SER2 =   0.03%
Level = -71.3 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.11%   SER1 =   0.11%   SER2 =   0.11%
Level = -71.1 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.11%   SER1 =   0.11%   SER2 =   0.11%
Level = -70.9 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.03%   SER2 =   0.03%

J/S = -14.80 dB (SER = 0.03%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -200 kHz

Level = -70.9 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.00%   SER1 =   0.00%   SER2 =   0.00%
Level = -72.9 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.34%   SER1 =   0.34%   SER2 =   0.34%
Level = -71.9 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.07%   SER1 =   0.07%   SER2 =   0.07%
Level = -72.4 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.15%   SER1 =   0.15%   SER2 =   0.15%
Level = -72.2 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.12%   SER1 =   0.12%   SER2 =   0.12%
Level = -72.0 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%

J/S = -13.80 dB (SER = 0.07%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -150 kHz

Level = -71.9 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.00%   SER1 =   0.00%   SER2 =   0.00%
Level = -73.9 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -75.9 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.83%   SER1 =   0.82%   SER2 =   0.82%
Level = -74.9 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.16%   SER1 =   0.16%   SER2 =   0.16%
Level = -73.9 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -74.4 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.08%   SER1 =   0.07%   SER2 =   0.07%
Level = -74.9 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.18%   SER1 =   0.18%   SER2 =   0.18%

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                                                                                      23 March 2001

Level = -74.7 dBm BER = 0.00% PER = 0.10% SER1 = 0.10% SER2 = 0.10%

J/S = -11.00 dB (SER = 0.10%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -100 kHz

Level = -74.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.00%   SER1 =   0.00%   SER2 =   0.00%
Level = -76.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%
Level = -78.7 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   2.05%   SER1 =   2.01%   SER2 =   2.01%
Level = -77.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.30%   SER1 =   0.30%   SER2 =   0.30%
Level = -76.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.06%   SER1 =   0.06%   SER2 =   0.06%
Level = -77.2 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.13%   SER1 =   0.12%   SER2 =   0.12%
Level = -77.0 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.08%   SER1 =   0.07%   SER2 =   0.07%

J/S = -8.70 dB (SER = 0.07%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = -50 kHz

Level = -77.0 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.00%   SER1 =   0.00%   SER2 =   0.00%
Level = -79.0 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.00%   SER1 =   0.00%   SER2 =   0.00%
Level = -81.0 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%
Level = -83.0 dBm   BER =   0.16%   PER =   0.73%   SER1 =   0.72%   SER2 =   0.72%
Level = -82.0 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =   0.26%   SER1 =   0.26%   SER2 =   0.26%
Level = -81.0 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.06%   SER1 =   0.06%   SER2 =   0.06%
Level = -81.5 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.13%   SER1 =   0.13%   SER2 =   0.13%
Level = -81.3 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.11%   SER1 =   0.11%   SER2 =   0.11%
Level = -81.1 dBm   BER =   0.04%   PER =   0.06%   SER1 =   0.06%   SER2 =   0.06%

J/S = -4.60 dB (SER = 0.06%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +0 kHz

Level = -68.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =    0.00% SER1 =    0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -70.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =    0.00% SER1 =    0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -72.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =    0.00% SER1 =    0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -74.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =    0.00% SER1 =    0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -76.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =    0.00% SER1 =    0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -78.7 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =    0.00% SER1 =    0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -80.7 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =    0.00% SER1 =    0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -82.7 dBm   BER =   0.04%   PER =    0.04% SER1 =    0.03% SER2 = 0.03%
Level = -84.7 dBm   BER =   7.51%   PER =   48.26% SER1 =    27.11% SER2 = 28.05%
Level = -83.7 dBm   BER =   0.31%   PER =    1.01% SER1 =    0.86% SER2 = 0.86%
Level = -82.7 dBm   BER =   0.05%   PER =    0.24% SER1 =    0.18% SER2 = 0.18%
Level = -81.7 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =    0.00% SER1 =    0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -82.2 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =    0.13% SER1 =    0.10% SER2 = 0.10%
Level = -82.0 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =    2.31% SER1 =    2.24% SER2 = 2.24%
Level = -81.8 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =    0.06% SER1 =    0.05% SER2 = 0.05%

J/S = -3.90 dB (SER = 0.05%)

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                                                                                      23 March 2001

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +50 kHz

Level = -81.8 dBm   BER =   0.11%   PER =   0.02%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -83.8 dBm   BER =   0.68%   PER =   2.16%   SER1 =   1.82%   SER2 =   1.82%
Level = -82.8 dBm   BER =   0.28%   PER =   0.35%   SER1 =   0.29%   SER2 =   0.29%
Level = -81.8 dBm   BER =   0.09%   PER =   0.02%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -82.3 dBm   BER =   0.15%   PER =   0.25%   SER1 =   0.22%   SER2 =   0.22%
Level = -82.1 dBm   BER =   0.12%   PER =   0.09%   SER1 =   0.07%   SER2 =   0.07%

J/S = -3.60 dB (SER = 0.07%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +100 kHz

Level = -82.1 dBm BER = 1.55% PER = 15.88% SER1 = 13.44% SER2 = 13.51%
Level = -80.1 dBm BER = 0.28% PER = 5.78% SER1 = 5.47% SER2 = 5.47%
Level = -78.1 dBm BER = 0.03% PER = 0.09% SER1 = 0.09% SER2 = 0.09%

J/S = -7.60 dB (SER = 0.09%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +150 kHz

Level = -78.1 dBm   BER =   0.41%   PER =   13.58% SER1 =    11.96% SER2 = 12.16%
Level = -76.1 dBm   BER =   0.09%   PER =    0.42% SER1 =    0.42% SER2 = 0.42%
Level = -74.1 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =    0.00% SER1 =    0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -75.1 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =    0.02% SER1 =    0.02% SER2 = 0.02%
Level = -76.1 dBm   BER =   0.04%   PER =    0.41% SER1 =    0.41% SER2 = 0.41%
Level = -75.6 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =    0.10% SER1 =    0.10% SER2 = 0.10%

J/S = -10.10 dB (SER = 0.10%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +200 kHz

Level = -75.6 dBm   BER =   0.26%   PER =   7.53%   SER1 =   7.00%   SER2 =   7.00%
Level = -73.6 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.17%   SER1 =   0.17%   SER2 =   0.17%
Level = -71.6 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.00%   SER1 =   0.00%   SER2 =   0.00%
Level = -72.6 dBm   BER =   0.00%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.03%   SER2 =   0.03%
Level = -73.6 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.14%   SER1 =   0.14%   SER2 =   0.14%
Level = -73.1 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.04%   SER1 =   0.04%   SER2 =   0.04%
Level = -73.3 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%
Level = -73.5 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =   0.09%   SER1 =   0.09%   SER2 =   0.09%

J/S = -12.20 dB (SER = 0.09%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +250 kHz

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                                                                                         PG Results
                                                                                      23 March 2001

Level = -73.5 dBm   BER =   0.25%   PER =   3.58%   SER1 =   3.46%   SER2 =   3.46%
Level = -71.5 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.03%   SER2 =   0.03%
Level = -72.5 dBm   BER =   0.06%   PER =   0.57%   SER1 =   0.57%   SER2 =   0.57%
Level = -72.0 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.12%   SER1 =   0.12%   SER2 =   0.12%
Level = -71.5 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.04%   SER1 =   0.04%   SER2 =   0.04%
Level = -71.7 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%
Level = -71.9 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.10%   SER1 =   0.10%   SER2 =   0.10%

J/S = -14.00 dB (SER = 0.05%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +300 kHz

Level = -71.7 dBm BER = 0.08% PER = 0.10% SER1 = 0.10% SER2 = 0.10%

J/S = -14.00 dB (SER = 0.10%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +350 kHz

Level = -71.7 dBm   BER =   0.25%   PER =   1.43%   SER1 =   1.41%   SER2 =   1.41%
Level = -69.7 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -70.7 dBm   BER =   0.08%   PER =   0.14%   SER1 =   0.14%   SER2 =   0.14%
Level = -70.2 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =   0.74%   SER1 =   0.74%   SER2 =   0.74%
Level = -69.7 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.02%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -69.9 dBm   BER =   0.02%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -70.1 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.03%   SER2 =   0.03%
Level = -70.3 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =   0.06%   SER1 =   0.06%   SER2 =   0.06%
Level = -70.5 dBm   BER =   0.06%   PER =   0.13%   SER1 =   0.13%   SER2 =   0.13%

J/S = -15.40 dB (SER = 0.06%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +400 kHz

Level = -70.3 dBm   BER =   0.07%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%
Level = -72.3 dBm   BER =   1.28%   PER =   4.62%   SER1 =   4.42%   SER2 =   4.42%
Level = -71.3 dBm   BER =   0.24%   PER =   0.48%   SER1 =   0.47%   SER2 =   0.47%
Level = -70.3 dBm   BER =   0.06%   PER =   0.06%   SER1 =   0.06%   SER2 =   0.06%
Level = -70.8 dBm   BER =   0.12%   PER =   0.15%   SER1 =   0.15%   SER2 =   0.15%
Level = -70.6 dBm   BER =   0.11%   PER =   0.08%   SER1 =   0.08%   SER2 =   0.08%

J/S = -15.10 dB (SER = 0.08%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +450 kHz

Level = -70.6 dBm BER = 0.17% PER = 0.11% SER1 = 0.11% SER2 = 0.11%
Level = -68.6 dBm BER = 0.01% PER = 0.00% SER1 = 0.00% SER2 = 0.00%
Level = -69.6 dBm BER = 0.04% PER = 0.00% SER1 = 0.00% SER2 = 0.00%

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                                                                                         PG Results
                                                                                      23 March 2001

Level = -70.6 dBm   BER =   0.17%   PER =   0.08%   SER1 =   0.07%   SER2 =   0.07%
Level = -71.6 dBm   BER =   0.60%   PER =   0.70%   SER1 =   0.69%   SER2 =   0.69%
Level = -71.1 dBm   BER =   0.31%   PER =   0.30%   SER1 =   0.29%   SER2 =   0.29%
Level = -70.6 dBm   BER =   0.19%   PER =   0.11%   SER1 =   0.11%   SER2 =   0.11%
Level = -70.1 dBm   BER =   0.09%   PER =   0.03%   SER1 =   0.02%   SER2 =   0.02%
Level = -70.3 dBm   BER =   0.10%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%
Level = -70.5 dBm   BER =   0.16%   PER =   0.06%   SER1 =   0.06%   SER2 =   0.06%
Level = -70.7 dBm   BER =   0.20%   PER =   0.05%   SER1 =   0.05%   SER2 =   0.05%
Level = -70.9 dBm   BER =   0.26%   PER =   0.15%   SER1 =   0.15%   SER2 =   0.15%

J/S = -15.10 dB (SER = 0.07%)

Signal Freq = 2.432 GHz
Jammer Level = -85.7 dBm
Jammer Offset = +500 kHz

Level = -68.7 dBm   BER =   0.01%   PER =   0.00%   SER1 =   0.00%   SER2 =   0.00%
Level = -70.7 dBm   BER =   0.12%   PER =   0.19%   SER1 =   0.19%   SER2 =   0.19%
Level = -69.7 dBm   BER =   0.03%   PER =   0.01%   SER1 =   0.01%   SER2 =   0.01%
Level = -70.2 dBm   BER =   0.07%   PER =   0.12%   SER1 =   0.12%   SER2 =   0.12%
Level = -70.0 dBm   BER =   0.04%   PER =   0.06%   SER1 =   0.06%   SER2 =   0.06%

J/S = -15.70 dB (SER = 0.06%)

Document Created: 2002-04-23 10:02:26
Document Modified: 2002-04-23 10:02:26

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