Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                 Testing and certification of electronic and
                                                                 electric appliances, systems, installations and
                                                                 telecommunication systems

                                          TEST REPORT OF A
                                 WIRELESS NETWORK ADAPTER MODULE,
                                            BRAND INTEL,
                                           MODEL 7260NGW

                                 TESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE DFS
                                            CLIENT DEVICES,
                                              FCC PART 15
                                   (10-1-12 EDITION) SECTION 15.407

                                                                            FCC listed   :   90828
                                                                      Industry Canada    :   2932G-2
                                                                     VCCI Registered     :   R-1518, C-1598
                                                        R&TTE, LVD, EMC Notified Body    :   1856

TÜV Rheinland EPS B.V.
P.O. Box 37
9350 AA Leek (NL)
Eiberkamp 10
9351 VT Leek (NL)

Telephone: +31 594 505005
Telefax: +31 594 504804

Internet: www.tuv-eps.com
E-mail: info@tuv-eps.com

Project number: 12121201.fcc02                                                                          Page 1 of 19

                                                             Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                              Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                                    Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                                     Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                            Model:    7260NGW
                                                                           FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                                IC:   1000M-7260NG

Description of test item

EUT                           :    Wireless Network Adapter Module
Manufacturer                  :    Intel Corporation
Brand                         :    Intel
Model                         :    7260NGW
MAC address                   :    001500B6698F
Voltage input rating          :    +3.3 V
Voltage output rating         :    --
Current input rating          :    --
Antenna                       :    AUX4
Operating frequency           :    2412–2462 MHz, 5180-5320 MHz, 5500-5700 MHz and 5745-5825 MHz
Modulation                    :    DSSS and OFDM
Remarks                       :    n.a.

Applicant information

Applicant's representative            :        Steven Hackett
Company                               :        Intel Corporation
Address                               :        100 Center Point Circle Suite 200
Postal code                           :        SC 29210
City                                  :        Columbia
Country                               :        USA
Telephone number                      :        803-216-2344
e-mail address                        :        steven.c.hackett@intel.com

Test(s) performed

Location                              :        Leek
Test(s) started                       :        January 11, 2013
Test(s) completed                     :        February 15, 2013
Purpose of test(s)                    :        Compliance with the DFS technical requirements specification for
                                               Client devices
Test specification(s)                 :        FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition) section 15.407

Project leader                        :        R. van der Meer

Test engineer(s)                      :        O.H. Hoekstra

Report written by                     :        R. van der Meer

Report approved by                    :        O.H. Hoekstra

Report date                           :        March 22, 2013

This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of TÜV Rheinland (EPS) B.V.
The test results as indicated in this test report relate only to the item(s) tested.

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                                                                                Test specification(s):          FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                                                 Description of EUT:            Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                                                       Manufacturer:            Intel Corporation
                                                                                        Brand mark:             Intel
                                                                                               Model:           7260NGW
                                                                                              FCC ID:           PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                                                   IC:          1000M-7260NG

Table of contents
1     Remarks. ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
    1.1    Applied standards. .......................................................................................................................................... 4
    1.2    Description of the EUT. .................................................................................................................................. 4
    1.3    Test modes of operation, test frequencies ..................................................................................................... 4
    1.4    Description of test configuration. .................................................................................................................... 5
2     Test conditions. ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
    2.1    General. .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
    2.2    Standard test conditions. ................................................................................................................................ 8
    2.3    Extreme test conditions. ................................................................................................................................. 8
3     Essential test suites (overview). ............................................................................................................................ 9
    3.1    Test suites and overview of results. ............................................................................................................... 9
4     Dynamic frequency selection (DFS). ................................................................................................................... 10
    4.1    Channel Availability Check. .......................................................................................................................... 10
    4.2    In-Service Monitoring. .................................................................................................................................. 10
    4.3    Channel Shutdown. ...................................................................................................................................... 11
      4.3.1    Test equipment used (for reference see equipment list). ..................................................................... 15
    4.4    Non-Occupancy Period. ............................................................................................................................... 15
    4.5    Uniform Spreading. ...................................................................................................................................... 15
    4.6    Medium Access Protocol .............................................................................................................................. 15
      4.6.1    Requirements (clause 4.8.2). ................................................................................................................ 15
    4.7    User Access Restrictions ............................................................................................................................. 15
5     Test setup ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
6     Test equipment and ancillaries used for tests. .................................................................................................... 19

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                                                    Test specification(s):    FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                     Description of EUT:      Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                           Manufacturer:      Intel Corporation
                                                            Brand mark:       Intel
                                                                   Model:     7260NGW
                                                                  FCC ID:     PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                       IC:    1000M-7260NG

1 Remarks.
1.1 Applied standards.
The 7260NGW, brand Intel, model 7260NGW, has been tested in conformity with parts of the standard:

        FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition) section 15.407

The uncertainty figures have been calculated in accordance with the methods as described in the ETR 100-028-1
and ETR 100-028-2. The expansion factor used is 1.96, which provides a confidence level of 95% (Gaussian).

1.2 Description of the EUT.
The brand Intel model 7260NGW, hereafter referred to as EUT, is a PCIe small form factor IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
+ Bluetooth wireless network adapter module. The module will support MIMO (2x2) for 802.11n/ac modes and
MISO (1x2) for 802.11a/b/g modes and utilizes DSSS and OFDM modulation techniques. Bluetooth operates with
basic, EDR and BLE modes as SISO (1x1). When Bluetooth is operational wifi operates as SISO (1x1).

The module is sold under two different FCC ID numbers under the same model number (see table below). The
FCC ID ending in “U” is intended to allow user installation conditions and host systems must be provided with a
BiOS locking feature to provide mutual authentication between module and host devices.

 Brand       Model Number         Description                         FCC/IC IDs
 Intel       7260NGW              802.11a/b/g/n/ac + BT wireless      PD97260NG
                                  network adapter module              PD97260NGU

The content of this report and measurement results have not been changed other than the way of presenting the

1.3 Test modes of operation, test frequencies

 5 GHz frequency band                                         Test frequencies (MHz)
 channels 52 to 64 (5260 MHz to 5320 MHz)                                    5280
 channels 100 to 140 (5500 MHz to 5700 MHz)                                  5680

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                                                      Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                       Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                             Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                              Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                     Model:    7260NGW
                                                                    FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                         IC:   1000M-7260NG

1.4 Description of test configuration.
Test item                         :       7260NGW
Manufacturer                      :       Intel Corporation
Brand                             :       Intel
Model                             :       7260NGW
MAC address                       :       00.15.00.B6.6E.53
Receipt date                      :       January 7, 2013

Description                       :       Cisco Aironet IOS Access Point
Manufacturer                      :       Cisco
Brand                             :       Cisco
Model                             :       AIR-AP1252AG-E-K9
MAC address                       :       -
Voltage input rating              :       56 Vdc
Current input rating              :       -
Remarks                           :       Access Point with a radar signal detection mechanism.

Product:                              :   Laptop Computer
Brand:                                    Lenovo
Model:                                    ThinkPad X231s
Serial Number:                            MP-27LMO 12/1i
Remark:                                   property applicant, host for testsoftware and EUT

Product:                                  AC Adapter
Brand:                                    Lenovo
Model:                                    ADLX45NCC2A
Rated input Voltage:                      100-240Vac 1.3A 50-60Hz
Rated output Voltage:                     20Vdc 2.25A
Remarks:                                  connects AUX1 to mains

Product:                                  Reference antennas
Manufacturer:                             SkyCross Electronics (Shenzen) Co.,Ltd
Brand:                                    SkyCross Electronics (Shenzen) Co.,Ltd
Gain at 5G:                               5.0 dBi (declared by applicant)
Remarks:                                  connected to EUT and physically placed on lid of AUX2

The EUT was placed inside a host (laptop computer – AUX2).

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                                                       Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                        Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                              Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                               Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                      Model:    7260NGW
                                                                     FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                          IC:   1000M-7260NG

2 Test conditions.

2.1 General.
The purpose of this test is to check the channel shutdown and the channel move time for slave devices, comparing
with the limits of the applied standard. The EUT is configured as slave device. The Cisco Aironet IOS access point
is configured as master device and has a build in radar signal detection mechanism for the 5 GHz frequency band.
The block diagram of the test setup is shown below.

                                                    Radar signal
           computer                                                                                 EUT
          with video                 point                                                         (Client)
          application              (Master)

                                  Radar Test                                                      analyzer

                                                                                                  DFS tester

                                                                                                  DFS tester

                                     Figure: 1 Test setup DFS test for slave devices

A wireless connection between the EUT and the access point is established. Via the video application a
continuously video stream has been sent to the EUT to transfer data. The input level of the DFS tester is adjusted
so that it only measures the transmit levels and times of the radio signal of the EUT. The spectrum is set into zero
span mode to monitor the broadcasts of the EUT in time domain.

A radar signal of 18 pulses with a pulse width of 1 µs and a pulse repetition frequency of 700 pps, will be
broadcasted. The Access point detects the radar signal and instructs the EUT to stop transmitting on current radio
channel and move to another channel. The time of stopping the broadcast on the current radio channel and
moving to another channel, will be measured with the DFS tester. The DFS tester control software displays the
measured values.

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                                      Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                       Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                             Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                              Brand mark:      Intel
                                                     Model:    7260NGW
                                                    FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                         IC:   1000M-7260NG

                                 Figure: 2 Radar burst

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                                      Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                       Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                             Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                              Brand mark:      Intel
                                                     Model:    7260NGW
                                                    FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                         IC:   1000M-7260NG

2.2 Standard test conditions.

         Environmental condition    Parameter           Range
               Temperature              C            +20 to +23
             Relative humidity           %             40 – 60
           Supply voltage EUT      Volts DC/AC           3.3

2.3 Extreme test conditions.
Not applicable for DFS testing.

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                                            Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                             Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                   Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                    Brand mark:      Intel
                                                           Model:    7260NGW
                                                          FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                               IC:   1000M-7260NG

3 Essential test suites (overview).
A summary of test results is given below.

3.1 Test suites and overview of results.

 Essential radio test suite                                Applicable       Report      Compliance
                                                                            clause        results

 DFS: Channel Availability Check                          No               6.1         -
 DFS: In service Monitoring                               No               6.2         -
 DFS: Channel shutdown                                    Yes              6.3         Pass
 DFS: Non-occupancy period                                Yes              6.4         Pass
 DFS: Uniform spreading                                   No               6.5         -

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                                                     Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                      Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                            Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                             Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                    Model:    7260NGW
                                                                   FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                        IC:   1000M-7260NG

4 Dynamic frequency selection (DFS).
4.1 Channel Availability Check.
Not applicable, the EUT is a slave device without radar detection.
Therefore the Channel Availability Check is not required.

4.2 In-Service Monitoring.
Not applicable, the EUT is a slave device without radar detection.
Therefore the In-Service Monitoring is not required.

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                                                 Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                  Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                        Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                         Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                Model:    7260NGW
                                                               FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                    IC:   1000M-7260NG

4.3 Channel Shutdown.
Band 1

          Test frequency 5280 MHz                                                         Limits
                                                                                        FCC part 15

 Channel Move Time (ms)                              305.1                                 10000

 Channel Closing Transmission Time (ms)              11.7                                    200

 Non-occupancy period                               >30min                                 >30min

          Measurement uncertainty                                          0.1% ± 21 µs

Note: tested with a Cisco Aironet 108 Access Point, model AIR-AP1252AG-E-K9.

                                               Traffic density

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                                                   Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                    Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                          Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                           Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                  Model:    7260NGW
                                                                 FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                      IC:   1000M-7260NG

                         Channel move time (Marker 1 represents end of the radar pulse)

                                 Non-occupancy period at Radio channel 5280 MHz

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                                            Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                             Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                   Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                    Brand mark:      Intel
                                                           Model:    7260NGW
                                                          FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                               IC:   1000M-7260NG

Band 2

          Test frequency 5680 MHz                                                    Limits
                                                                                   FCC part 15

 Channel Move Time (ms)                         37.0                                  10000

 Channel Closing Transmission Time (ms)          2.8                                    200

 Non-occupancy period                          >30min                                 >30min

          Measurement uncertainty                                     0.1% ± 21 µs

                                          Traffic density

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                                                   Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                    Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                          Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                           Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                  Model:    7260NGW
                                                                 FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                      IC:   1000M-7260NG

         Channel Closing Time - Radio channel 5680 MHz (Marker 1 represents end of the radar pulse)

                                 Non-occupancy Period at Radio channel 5680 MHz

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                                                       Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                        Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                              Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                               Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                      Model:    7260NGW
                                                                     FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                          IC:   1000M-7260NG

4.3.1    Test equipment used (for reference see equipment list).

 12520     12559    13526     99550   99737    99738      99538

4.4 Non-Occupancy Period.
Part 15.407(iv) states: Non-occupancy period. A channel that has been flagged as containing a radar system,
either by a channel availability check or in-service monitoring, is subject to a non-occupancy period of at least 30
minutes. The non-occupancy period starts at the time when the radar system is detected.
The EUT fulfils this requirements, see section 6.3.

4.5 Uniform Spreading.
Not applicable, the EUT is a slave device without radar detection.
Therefore the Uniform Spreading is not required.

4.6 Medium Access Protocol
A medium access protocol is implemented in the equipment and is active under all circumstances.

4.6.1    Requirements (clause 4.8.2).

A medium access protocol shall be implemented by the equipment and shall be active under all circumstances.

4.7 User Access Restrictions
DFS controls (hardware and software) related to radar detection are not accessible to the user.

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                                   Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                    Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                          Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                           Brand mark:      Intel
                                                  Model:    7260NGW
                                                 FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                      IC:   1000M-7260NG

5 Test setup

                                 DFS test setup

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                                                   Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                    Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                          Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                           Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                  Model:    7260NGW
                                                                 FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                      IC:   1000M-7260NG

                      EUT setup with laptop and DVD with Video. The video is displayed via
                           the RF connection to the Access Point on a second laptop

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                                                   Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                    Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                          Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                           Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                  Model:    7260NGW
                                                                 FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                      IC:   1000M-7260NG

Combiner and 2x 10 dB attenuator to combine the two antenna ports of the EUT. The output of the combiner is
connected to the spectrum analyzer. The If output of the spectrum analyzer is connected to the DFS testtool.

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                                                        Test specification(s):   FCC part 15 (10-1-12 Edition)
                                                         Description of EUT:     Wireless Network Adapter Module
                                                               Manufacturer:     Intel Corporation
                                                                Brand mark:      Intel
                                                                       Model:    7260NGW
                                                                      FCC ID:    PD97260NG and PD97260NGU
                                                                           IC:   1000M-7260NG

6 Test equipment and ancillaries used for tests.
To facilitate inclusion of the test equipment, used for performing the tests, on each page of this test report, each
item of test equipment and ancillaries, such as cables, must be identified (numbered) by the test laboratory.

Inventory           Description               Brand                         Model                  Cal Date         Cal Due
 number                                                                                                              Date
  13526          Signal generator           Hewlett &                      83620A                   04/2012         04/2013
  99550            DFS test tool              TNO                            TNO                     Not              Not
                                                                                                  Applicable       Applicable
  99538         Spectrum analyzer           Rohde &                         FSP40                  12/2012          12/2013
  99737              Cable RF            Huber + Suhner         Sucotest 18/Sucoflex 102            04/2012         04/2013
  99738              Cable RF            Huber + Suhner         Sucotest 18/Sucoflex 102            04/2012         04/2013

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Document Created: 2013-03-22 08:31:42
Document Modified: 2013-03-22 08:31:42

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