Users Manual


Users Manual

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Quanta LM175 Test Operation Guide

                             Version 0.1
                          Jun. 04, 2014


  1.     Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
  2.     Test Environment ............................................................................................................................ 3
  2.1.         Uninstallation ......................................................................................................................... 3
  2.1.1.       Windows 7 (32 bit) ................................................................................................................. 3
  2.2.         Installation of drivers .............................................................................................................. 5
  2.2.1.       Windows 7 (32 bit) ................................................................................................................. 5
  3.     Operation of Connection Manager ................................................................................................. 11
  3.1.         Windows 7 (32 bit) ................................................................................................................ 11
  3.1.1.       Basic Configuration ................................................................................................................ 11
  3.1.2.       Extended Information ............................................................................................................13
  3.1.3.       LTE Manager ..........................................................................................................................15
  3.1.4.       Manual PLMN ........................................................................................................................16
  3.1.5.       Change to Commercial Mode.................................................................................................17
  3.1.6.       Disable Polling .......................................................................................................................18
  3.1.7.       PIN Management ...................................................................................................................19
  3.1.8.       Automatic Connect Mode ......................................................................................................20
  3.1.9.       Device Location .....................................................................................................................21
  3.1.10.      Help.......................................................................................................................................22
  3.1.11.      Reset .....................................................................................................................................23

                                                                          Page 1

Revision History

         Version   Release Date                        Description
      0.1          Jun. 04, 2014   1 Test Operation Guide Release

                                         Page 2

1. Introduction
     This document gives the guidance on how to test Quanta devices.

2. Test Environment
     Quanta LM175 device supports Windows XP, Windows Vista (32 bit), and Windows 7 (32 bit) operating
system. It’s recommended to install Quanta LM175 software in Windows 7 32-bit OS.

2.1. Uninstallation
     In order to install latest version of software, uninstallation of previous version is required, including
drivers, connection manager, and corresponding software tools.

 2.1.1. Windows 7 (32 bit)

1.    Please click

      StartProgramsAltair SemiconductorLTE

2.    Please click “Yes (Y)” button.

                                                         Page 3

3.   Please click “Uninstall” button.

4.   Please wait a few seconds to complete

5.   Please click “Close” button.

6.   Please click “OK” button.

7.   Please click

     “StartProgramsAltair SemiconductorLTE

8.   Please click “YES (Y)” button.

9.   Please reboot your computer after you have
     completed the uninstallation.

                                                  Page 4

2.2. Installation of drivers

 2.2.1. Windows 7 (32 bit)

1.   Please double clicks on “Altair(Quanta) Tool
     Package v1.0.0.exe” to start installation.

2.   Please click “Next >” button.

3.   Please click “Install” button.

4.   It will take a few minutes to complete

5.   Please click “Next >” button.

                                                    Page 5

6.   Please check “I accept the terms in the license

7.   Please click “Next >” button.

8.   Please select “Full Installation” type.

9.   Please click “Next >” button.

10. Please click “Next >” button.

                                                       Page 6

11. Please click “Install” button.

12. Please click “Next >” button.

13. Please click “Finish” button.

                                     Page 7

14. Please click “Next >” button.

15. Please check “I accept the terms in the license

16. Please click “Next >” button.

17. Please click “Install” button.

                                                      Page 8

18. Please click “Continue to install driver anyway

19. Please click “Continue to install driver anyway

20. Please click “Continue to install driver anyway

21. Please click “Continue to install driver anyway

22. Please un-check “Launch “Hostless Image

23. Please click “Finish” button to complete driver

24. Please click “OK” button.

25. Please click “Finish” button.

                                                      Page 9

26. Please plug in Quanta device and please be
    patient and wait a few minutes to complete
    driver installation.

27. Please click “Close (C)” button.

28. Please reset Quanta device (take out and plug in
    the usb cable), it will take about 50 seconds for
    Quanta embedded system to be ready.

                                                        Page 10

3. Operation of Connection Manager

3.1. Windows 7 (32 bit)

 3.1.1. Basic Configuration

1.   In order to get information from our
     embedded connection manager, it’s
     mandatory to configure as the following
2.   Please click

     StartProgramsAltair SemiconductorLTE
     ALT3100Connection Manager.

3.   Please right click on top of connection manager
     and select

     OptionsDevice LocationTechnician PC.

4.   Connection manager will pop out window for
     you to enter IP and port.

5.   Please enter IP address “”. (see NOTE)

6.   Please click “OK” button.

NOTE: If you have successfully installed Quanta
LM175 device, the embedded module will generate
DHCP server and its IP address is “”.
Meanwhile, our Quanta device will get a DHCP
address “” automatically.

                                                       Page 11

7.   Please check if connection manager shows
     device information correctly and the red Altair
     logo turns into yellow color.

                                                       Page 12

 3.1.2. Extended Information

1.   Please right click on top of connection manager
     and select

     ViewExtended Information.

2.   Connection manager will pop out “Extended
     Information” window.

3.   It’s NOT mandatory to set up this
     “Configuration” tab, connection manager will
     scan all the supported frequency bands and try
     to connect to the network.

                                                       Page 13

4.   The “Extended Data” tab shows information of
     Connection Status, APN, Transmission mode,
     Bandwidth, DL EARFCN, Band, PLMN and
     Physical Cell ID and so on.

5.   The “At Commands” tab will allow you to send
     AT Commands sets to configure supported
     functional parameters or to get supported
     information you want.

                                                    Page 14

 3.1.3. LTE Manager

     Please right click on top of connection manager                      —            [___NView                        +   IMgided fiformaten
                                                                     :':flmm'                 Manual PLMN                    Afuoge
     and select
                                                                     Automatic PLA           Ch2ge to Commercial Mode
      .                                                                                      Options                    +
     View—LTE Manager.                                                            Ca         Help                       +
             .               .           u       .                  Connection Time          Reset
     Connection manager will pop out a "Supervisor                                           Quit
     Password" window.                                       ie               CE

3.   Please input "123456" and click "OK" button.           Smewisurpflssm'flL                                                           M
4.   It will pop out a "LTE Manager" window.                   Password is required to perform this operation:

                                                       |                                                                    Ganel

                                                       L                                                      Cmm

                                                       oo                     f _;:I;l |            ‘,                             *             &
                         .        .                        Geimalifo LogCmue Depubhes Reby   GFTt
5.   LTE Manager shows information about                         oe
     Generalinfo, LogCreator, Dispatcher, Relay, and
     GPS Tool.

                                                       Page 15

 3.1.4. Manual PLMN

1.   Pleaserightlick on top of connection manager        CE TetnenPe         VCP
     and select                                               SMinsened WenilPiN
     Manual PLMIN,                                                      e
                                                              Service AraChange to Commercil Mode
                                                                im           Options           +
     Connection manager will pop outa "Plmn                              8   ;
     Search" window.                                                          °8               "
                                                            Comion t         Rese:
                                                        dan     o1b aTr

     It‘s not necessary for you to select PLMN            Plmin Search       Ts
     manually if you want to connect to network.


                                                    Page 16

 3.1.5. Change to Commercial Mode

1.   Please right dick on top of connection manager     @ UE Technicin           Tey                       5
     and select                                             5m                   MenvalPUMN
                                                            Senvice wea          Change o Commercal Mode
     "Change to Commercial Mode.                            AdomatPL             Options                   >
2.   Connection managerwill pop outa "UserMode                         a         Mee                       »
     Changed" dialog.                                                            Reset
                                                               Comecion          ou
                                                                   als a ir

3.   Please dick "VES (¥)" button.                     User Mode Changed
                                                                              S                   B
                                                         Card must be restorted to complete transition
                                                         Do you wish to restart card?


4.   Please walta few seconds for device to be


3.1.6. Disable Polling
                                                     @ L7E Technic   View
  Please right click on top of connection manager                    Monvel PuaN
  and select                                               CMISMM
                                                           Sevce  congerstommeniaiins
                                                           To Hlomar                    Srableroling
                                                                  Ts                    FNiMaragement
   "Options>Disable Polling".                                     Reser                 Adsmabccomen Ned
                                                           sweint o«                    Open       Newns
  Connection manager will stop searching for                                            hests
  available network.                                                                    Ungrade Irage
                                                                                        Device Mode

                                                    Page 18

 3.1.7. PIN Management
                                                        ) LTE Tech
                                                                               View                               +
     Please right click on top of connection manager            SiM            Manual PUMN
                                                                Serv           Change to Commerial Mode
     and select                                                 a              Opions                             >       Disble Poling
                                                                [:             Help                               +       AN Management                  PIN nformation

     "Options>PIN Management>PIN Information"                                  Reset
                                                                                                                          AutomaticConnect Mode
                                                                                                                          Open NewRs
                                                                                                                                                         Encble AN Usege
                                                                                                                                                         EnterPN Code
                                                                                                                                                         Change PINCode
     to get PIN information.                                                                                              Device Location
                                                                                                                          Uparade mage:
                                                                                                                          Device Mode
     Connection manager will pop out "PIN
     Information" window.

     Please click "OK" button.

                                                                  @I PIN is not in use.
                                                                                       PIN retry counter:                       3

                                                                                       PUK.retry counter:                       10

                                                                                                                                                  C _#
                                                        @ LTE— Technicisn              View                           >
4.   You also can enable PIN usage by right click on          SIM inserted].
                                                              Service Areal
                                                                                       Change to CommercialMode
     top of connection manager and select                     Adonatic PLI             Optiors                        +      Disble Poling
                                                                                       Help                           +      FNiManagement           +    PDiInformation
                                                                                       Reser                                 AutomaticConnect Mode        Enable AN Usage
     "Options>PIN Management>Enable PIN                        Comton t                Sn                                    Open Newre                   EnterPN Code
                                                                                                                                                          Change PN Code
                                                                       ols a i r                                             DeviceLocation
     Usage".                                             dan
                                                                                                                             Ungrade Image
                                                                                                                             Device Mode

                                                                       PI ease Enter
                                                                                 Enter PIN Cod
5.   Please input correct PIN code and click "OK"
     button.                                                               FIN is currently locked

                                                                           Enter a 4—8 digits for the SIM PIN

                                                                           Remaining retries: 3

                                                                           PIN Code                      ol

                                                       Page 19

3.1.8. Automatic Connect Mode
                                                     @ LT€— Technicisn     Nes
  Please right click on top of connection manager          SIM inserted]   MarvalPINN
  and select                                               Service Areal   Change to CommercilMode
                                                            Aomec d        Options                   Disble Roling
                                                                           Help                      PNManagement
  "Options>Automatic Connect Mode" to switch
                                                                           Reser                     AntomaticComect Mode
  connection manager from manual connect                    Commeton T
                                                                           out                       OpenNewR
  mode to automatic connect mode.                     bas        olb alr                             Peslendie
                                                                                                     Ungrade Image
  Connection manager will automatically connect                                                      Device Mode
  to network.

                                                    Page 20

3.1.9. Device Location
                                                     @ UE Techni
  For Quanta hostless device, please use                   SMinsene    MarvalPINN
         &2                                                Serice mo   Change to Commenil Mode
  "Technician PC" only.                                    paoealic    Gony,,                    Bmsz
                                                                       Help                      y       PN Management         +

  Please right click on top of connection manager          ol          on                                en
          +     +                     .                                Reset                         v    utomaticCome   ode

  and select                                          o«           CUESIT _                              Deves Leaien          7   ME
                                                                                                         Ungrade Image             OpenPlatform

  "Options>Device Location—@Technician PC".                                                                                        s
                                                                                                                                   Andioid Tablet

  Please set IP address to "" and click
  "OK" button.

  Connection manager will get information from
  Quanta hostless device.

                                                    Page 21

 3.1.10.          Help
             .      .                    .                 @ UT€— Technicinn        C
     Please right click on top of connection manager                                    en                    f
                                                                  SMinsated         Monvel PMN
     and select                                                   Senvice ¥ea       Change to Commenil Mode
                                                                  Atomatc PL        Options                   »
                                                                               c    Help                      »      Abou
             .              .           L                                           Rese:                            ShowVerions
     Connection manager will pop out a "LTE Card                  Conecton t        dut
     Info" message box.                                     ds         als air

     It will show information of IMSI number, IMET
     number, Supported Bands, Current firmware
                                                                      IMSInumber                   oorotor2sassoss
     version, and System package version.
                                                                      IMET number                  sdconco00000000
4.   Please click "OK" button.
                                                                      Supported Bands:              13
                                                                      Current frmware version      ALT3100,04.05.00,00.50.TF
                                                                      System package version:      0405.00.00.507F

             .      .                    .                  (TE— Technicisn        ¥iew                       7
     Please right click on top of connection manager                               NomaSin
                                                                  SMinserted            tok
     and select                                                   Sevice Area.     Change to CommenialMode
                                                                  Adonatio PI      Opion:                     +
     "Help—>Show Versions".                                                        Hep                        5      s
                                                                                   Reser                             ShowVeriors
6.   Connection manager will pop out a "Version                   Comeion T        out
     info" message box.                                                als a i r

7.   It will show information of System release
     version, SWinfra release version, and Current
                                                                      System release version        caoso000so.te
     firmware version.
                                                                      SWinfa release version        2012.07—10
8.   Please click "OK" button.
                                                       I              Current firmware version:     ALT3100,04.05,00,00,50.TF

                                                       Page 22

 3.1.11.        Reset

1.   Please right click on top of connection manager
     and select


2.   Connection manager will pop out a “” message

                                                       Page 23

Manual Information to the End User
The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information to the end user regarding how to
install or remove this RF module in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this
module. The end user manual shall include all required regulatory information/warning as show in
this manual.

Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
 ‐ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
 ‐ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
 ‐ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
 ‐ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This transmitter must not be co‐located or
operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20 cm
between the radiator & your body.

End Product Labeling
When the module is installed in the host device, the FCC ID label must be visible through a window
on the final device or it must be visible when an access panel, door or cover is easily re‐moved. If
not, a second label must be placed on the outside of the final device that contains the following text:
“Contains FCC ID: HFS‐LM175”
The grantee's FCC ID can be used only when all FCC compliance requirements are met.

This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following conditions:
(1) The antenna must be installed such that 20 cm is maintained between the antenna and users,
(2) The transmitter module may not be co‐located with any other transmitter or antenna except as
described below.
(3) To comply with FCC regulations limiting both maximum RF output power and human exposure to
RF radiation, the maximum antenna gain including cable loss in a mobile exposure condition must
not exceed:
Standalone Condition:
      。 5.0 dBi in 1700 MHz Band
      。 9.0 dBi in 700 MHz Band

Assuming collocated with a WLAN transmitter with maximum 34 dBm average EIRP power
    。 5.0 dBi in 1700 MHz Band
    。 6.0 dBi in 700 MHz Band
Remark: This assumption is not valid if the output power of the collocated WLAN transmitter is
higher than 34 dBm.

In the event that these conditions cannot be met (for example certain laptop configurations or
co‐location with another transmitter), then the FCC authorization is no longer considered valid and
the FCC ID cannot be used on the final product. In these circumstances, the OEM integrator will be
responsible for re‐evaluating the end product (including the transmitter) and obtaining a separate
FCC authorization. A separate approval is required for all other operating configurations, including
portable configurations with respect to 2.1093 and different antenna configurations.

To ensure compliance with all non‐transmitter functions, the host manufacturer is responsible for
evaluating host system for Part 15 subpart B requirement.

Document Created: 2014-07-24 17:23:29
Document Modified: 2014-07-24 17:23:29

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC