Test Report_SAR_Appendix B


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                                                              Report No. :E5/2019/90002
                                                                                                                                              Rev: 01
                                                                                                                                              Page : 1 of 15

                           Appendix B - DAE & Probe Calibration Certificate

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and for electronic format
documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined
therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The
Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot
be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                            SGS Taiwan Ltd.      No.134,Wu Kung Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wuku District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
             台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                                 f (886-2) 2298-0488                    www.tw.sgs.com
                                                                                                                                            Member of SGS Group

Calibration Laboratory of                                 C                   Schweizeischor Kattoierdionst
Schmid & Partner                                        Te                    Sorvicesulsse a‘talonnage
  Engineering AG                                                              Sorvilo avizzer d tartura
Zeoghnusstrasse 4, 0004 Zurich, Swtzetand                                     Swiss Calbration Sorvice
Accrusted by ho Sviss Accredtaion Sarvee (SAS)                             Accredtaion No: SCS 0108
Te Swiss Aceredtation Service i one t the signatories io the EA
MutHatrat Agroomentforthe recogition ofcallationcertficates

DAE                       data acquisition electronics
Connector angle           information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot
                          coordinate system.

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters
   *  DC Voltage Measurement: Calibration Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
     comparison with a callbrated instrument traceable to national standards. The figure given
        corresponds to the full scale range of the voltmeter in the respective range.
    * Connector angle: The angle of the connector is assessed measuring the angle
        mechanically by a toolinserted. Uncertainty is not required.
    *   The following parameters as documented in the Appendix contain technical information as a
        result from the performance test and require no uncertainty.
        *    DC Voltage Measurement Linearity: Verification of the Linearity at +10%and —10%of
             the nominal calibration voltage. Influence of offset voltageis included in this
        +    Common made sensitivity: Influence of a positive or negative common mode voltage on
             the differential measurement.
        *    Channel separation: Intluence of a voltage on the neighbor channels not subject to an
             input voltage.
        * AD Converter Values with inputs shorted: Values on the internal AD converter
          corresponding to zero input voltage
        *    Input Offset Measurement Output voltage and statistical results over a large number of
             zero voltage measurements.
        * Input Offset Current: Typical value for information; Maximum channel input offset
             cutrent, not considering the input resistance.

        *    Input resistance: Typical value for information: DAE input resistance at the connector,
             during intemal auto—zeroing and during measurement.
        *    Low Battery Alarm Voltage: Typical value for information. Below this voltage, a battery
             alarm signalis generated.
        +    Power consumption: Typical value for information. Supply currents in various operating

Contficate No: DAE#—877_Maria                            Page2o5

DC Voltage Measurement
    A/D — Converter Resolution nominal
        High Range:         1LSB=            6AuV ,      full range =   —100...+300 mV
        Low Range:          1LSB =           61nV ,      full range=     ~1.. ..+3mV
    DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 see

      Calibration Factors                X                          ¥                      2
      High Range            405.009 £0.02% (k=2)      404.575 £0.02% (k=2)       404.999 + 0.02% (k=2)
      Low Range              3.98156 + 1.50% (k=2)    .98173 + 1.50% (k=2)       3.97143 + 1.50% (k=2)

Connector Angle

      Connector Angleto be used in DASY system                                       sra0°k1°       __|

Certificate No: DAE4—877_Mar19                        Page 3 of 5

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS0108)
1. DC Voltage Linearity
     High Range                           Reading (1V)__|__Ditterence (2V)          Error (%)
     Channel X___+ input                   2000208               ane                000
     Channel X      _ _+ input              2000702              270                 oo1
     Channel X_ _ — input                  —2000425              170                co1
     Ghannel Y      _ _+ input             20003620              a7o                 000
     Channel Y      _ _+ Input              2ooorcr              187                 oo1
     Channel Y      input                  2000567               o«6                000
     Channel 2      _ _+ input             20002076              4ns                000
     Channel 2      _ _+ Input              200050               101                 oo1
     Channel 2      input                   2000575              o4e                oo
     Low Range                                Reading (i¥)     Difference (¥)       Error (%)
     Channel X   + Input                        2000.31             «s              oo3
     Channel X___+ input                         2oo.ri             18              oce
     Channel x   _ _— input                     19880               o6              oo8
     Channel Y   _ _+ input                     2000.50             on              o1
     Channel Y   + Input                         18970              is              osr
     Ghannel Y         input                    —oo7s               070              oss
     Channel 2   _ _+ Input                     2000.33             CS              ace
     Channel 2   _ _+ Input                      190.06             50              «s
     Channol 2   —input                         —201.38             221              im

2. Common mode sensitivity
   DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring tme: 3 see
                    Common mode                       igh Range                 Low Range
                    Input Voltage (m¥)         Average Reading (2)          Average Reading (x¥)
    Channel x                    200                    1542                      1aas
                                —200                   mer                       1284
    Ghannel ¥                    200                   —1m ao                    19 4n
                                —200                    1801                      1821
    Channel 2                    200                    2oo3                      19.00
                                —200                   2315                      2338

3. Channel separation
   DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zoro Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 see
                       Input Voltage (mV)_|      Channel X (4V) |_Channel¥ (¥)   Channel 2 (i¥)
    Ghannel x                    200                   —              os0             340
    Channol Y                    200                  ria              —              149
    Channel 2                    200                  ase             435              —
Cerificate No: DAE4—87_Martd                            Page 4 o5

                                                                                                                                              Report No. :E5/2019/90002
                                                                                                                                              Rev: 01
                                                                                                                                              Page : 5 of 15

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and for electronic format
documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined
therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The
Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot
be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                            SGS Taiwan Ltd.      No.134,Wu Kung Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wuku District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
             台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                                 f (886-2) 2298-0488                    www.tw.sgs.com
                                                                                                                                            Member of SGS Group

Calibration Laboratory of                           «C                                  Setwaizeschor atirintio
Schmid & Partner                                    o                               & insimamecsaimge
  Engineering AG
(oghanstrsse d, 6004 Zurch, Suitzorand
                                                   aeews                                Seniavicers arteies
                                                    i                               8. suies Cattemton temice
Accrudtn by h Snis Accnstaion Savice (598)                                          Acsredtation No: SCS 0108
Te Suiss AccredtationServce isone oftha signtores t the EA
Mullaturl Agreementfrthe recogniton of calration corticaton
ciew      (SGS(Auden)                                                      ceriteai N: EX3—7509—Martd
|CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE_                                             E.
Obea                         ‘Exsova=shirso
Caltraton pecedire(s)        ‘OA CAL—019, OA CAL—14.v5, OA CAL—23, OA CAL—25vT
                               Callbrationprocedurefordosimefric E—fieldprobes

Cattraton dte                  March 25, 2018
‘ri eaitraion cwifetsdocamensthe raconsly o ratona stndantsuhh reatc th sca sns ofmemnsrements(S)
The messirenents and he uncenaintes wit confdarc echabity are aven on h folowng pages and w par ofi cuticate
Mdcaltratonshaveheen conduciin h cloes Iaortoy acity envronmettmporaie(22 3and uy « 70%
Cattraton Eqioment used (WBTE ciialforcatraton

 Prvary Sunduts              o                         Ei bae (Getfeate in)               Gcheded Caitaion
 Pova mewr ho                an sorre                  otAeets pio 21zcosranzora          Aoere
 Pove sres nB                s rosow                   ouaeets ts 217aner2)               secis
 Poser se 291                sucosns                   otaeetsio 217a00r9                 se
 Retorerce 20 t Atenater     sn seur? 209              otrec18io 2rrammen)                Aocs
 mes                         sues                      To18 ie bnxato beeie)              Decto
 Retwnrce PobeESaovs         su s13                    stres io Esssora Decip)            Bc#
 Secordiay Stndards          o                         Teck Ds ferowel                    Scheiuies crece
 Power mow Eei100            s commorre                o6Ase18 n hovse cvec Jintt)__|     inhousncteck20
 PovesemerEeti2X             snnversnocer              Ane18 in hovie otecunt)—_|         innowsecveck Jin20
 Pove snsEattan              sncommoro                 06—Ane—18 n hovwchak Jin8)         n nowsn cnece Jin20
 Pgonemiornesno              n vessisvetron            6th0 (n ow se Jnt                  inewme en w20
 Hemormabzer Essson          s Usaiobour?              Fratwr1tin rowe cect Oc19          inrewse cveck Oc.t9
                               Name                           Furen
Catated y                      Clide Lc                       Catsnisy Techlamn             C}(,

Approvet by                    Kale Polone                    Techaiitavagec            M

                                                                                            Hisve: More 2n, 2010
This caltraton crifcre shal ot b epradvced mcnsi ul wihot vetten aprova t h ntoary

Corticate No: EX3—7508.Martd                          Page 1 of 10

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                Schwoizedachor Kalbirsiont
Schmid & Partner

                                                                                         Sonvice suisse fétalomnage
  Engineering AG                                                                         Sviio svizere dtratura
Zeoghausnrass a3, 0004 2urch, Suizeand                                                   Suiss Caraton Sarvce

Accredted ty h Snss AccrestaionSevcn (SA8)                                                   oo io: SCS 0108
Te Suiss Accredtaion Senice is onof the signatoie t ho EA
MotilateatAgrecment fortherecognidonof cabration corfeaton
TS                      tissue simulating lquid
NORMcyz                 sensitviy in free space
Conve                   sensiiviy in TSL /NORMcy.z
ber                     iede compression poit
cr                      crest factor(1/duty_cyclo)of the RF signal
A8.0.D                  modultion dependent Ineerization parameters
Polerization y          srotation around probe axis
Polarization 8          8 rolation around an ax‘s that is in the plane normalto probe axis (at measurement center),
                        ie       =0 is normal o probe axis
Connector Angle         information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to trobot coordinate system
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
    a). 1EEE Std 1628—2013, NEEE Recommendad Practicefor Determining the Poak Spatia—Averaged Specitc
        Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Gommunications Devices: Measurement
        Techniques®,June 2013
    b). 12G 62200—1, ",‘Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specifc Absorplion Rete (SAR) from hand—
        held and bod—mounted devices used next to the ear(requency range of 300 NKz to 6 GHz)‘,Juy 2016
    ): 1EC 62200.2, ‘Procedure to determine the Specifc Absorpton Rate (BAR) for wreless communication davices
        used in close proximity to the human body (requency range of 30 MFiz to 6 GHz}®, March 2010
    ) KDB 865684 ‘SAR Measurement Requiroments for 100 MHe to 6 GHz"
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Paramete
    * NORMyz: Assessed for Efield polanization 8 = 0 (f= 900 MHzin TEM.calt (> 1800 MFiz: R22 waveguide)
       NORMiyz are only ntermedate values, .« the uncertaintes of NORNs3.z does not affec te E~—feld
       uncertainty nside TSL (see below Cony£).
    * NORM(Qy.z = NORMxy.2 * requeney.response (see Frequency Response Chart) This insartzation is
       imelemented in DABY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertaintyof he frequency response s ncluded
       in tstated uncertinty o Conv‘s
    + DOPxy,a: DGP are numenicalinearization perameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
       sinal(no uncerainly reguired}. DCP does not depend on freauency nor media.
    + PAR: PR is the Peak to Average Rati thatis not calbrated but determned based on the signal
    +. Auyias Bey: Copz: Deyie; VRky.z: A B. C, D ate numericalIncarization parameters assessed based on
       the data of power sweep for speciic modulation signa. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
       media. VR is the maximum caltration range exprssed in RMS valage actoss the dde.
    * GovE and Boundary Effect Paramaters: Assessed in fet phantom using E—feld (or Termperature Transfer
       Standard forf 900 MHiz)and inside waveguide using analytcalfeld disrbstions based on power
       measurementsfor > 800 Miz. The same setups are used for assessmnt of he parameters appled for
       boundary compensation (alsha, deptr) of which tysicauncortainty values are given. These parameters are
       used in DASV4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensithity in TSL corresponds
       to NORKy.z * Ganwhereby the uncertaity cortesponds o that given for GonvF. A frequency depenent
       Covi is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher whichalows extending the valiity rom + 50 MHz to + 100
    * Sphericalisotrapy (3D deviaton from Isattopy}; n a Held oflow gradients realized using a lt phantom
       exposed by patch antenna.
    «: Sensor Offset The sensoroffset coresponds to the offset of vitual measurement center from the probe t
       (on probe axis) No tolerance required.
    + GonnestorAngle: The angle is assessed using the infomation gained by determiring the NORA (no
       uncertaily required)

Gorifeate No: EX3—7800.Martd                        Page 20t 10

exaove ~sniroos                                                                                  March 25,2010
DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7509
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                     Simsorx                 Sensory                 Sensore         Te t
 Nomm V(VimP)"                         oar                       o46                  oar            2101%
 DCP (my)                              96                        96                   1025

Galibration Results for Modulation Response
 uo         Communication System Name               A            8      §        o       ve       Max      Une
                                                    as      aeviv              as        my     dev.       ger
 2          ow                               x      c0       o0        10      on        ms     sn        |rark
                                             ¥|_co               o0     i0               Teo
                                             x      s0           00     10               155

 The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 muliplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probabilly of approximately 95%.

} Theunsertnteso Nom xz s rtatectneEtd uncetaint ie T5(so Pages S and )
" NumereaInoarcaton pronoter unceiany netreauees
! Unestnt i deternin sing inmax,vaton fom Incar ressonse acnin rectanatar detrbaionand is oxpessedh seuae o the
feld vave

Certicate No: EX3—ro08. Marta                     Page a of 10

exsovs—snzs0e                                              Maren 25, 2019
DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7509

Other Probe Parameters
Sensor Arangement                                            Trangular
Comnecior Angle (5                                                476
 Mechancal Surface Detecton Mode                              enabed
 Oplical Surface betecton Mode                                deabed
 Probe OverallLengin                                           397 mm
 Probe Body Dameler                                             10mm
 Ti Lengh                                                        S mm
 Tio Diameter                                                  25 mm
 Probe Ti to Sensor X Gallbion Point                             mm
 Probe Ti to Sensor Y Gallraton Pont                             T mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor 2 Galbration Point                            mm
 Recommanded Measurement Distance rom Surface                  14 mm

Cerifcate No: Exs—rso0._Martd               Page 4 ot 10

exapve— sncrooo                                                                                     March 25. 2010

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7509

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                   Rer          Congueryity                                                 Dorn          Ts
    1(is]®       Pornitiviy        (Sim)"       ComvEX     ComeY       ComeZ      Alpha®)    tem)         tea)
       z50          419             ose          1041       1041        i041       ost       oso       r120%
       s5           415             090          1013       ioi3        tois       o«s       oss       r120%
       sco          415             osr          aso        o.s0        aso        om        om        +120%
      17so          401             137          ass        as          ass        ors       ose       £120%
      1900          400             140          aso        aso         aso        oso       oss       2120%
      2000          400             140          a30        aso         a30        oss       oss       +120%
      2300          sos             167          a1s        s13         s13        oz        oss       +120%
      2450          so2             180          170        170         17e        oso       oss       £120%
      2000          ss0             108          170        170         z70|       oss       oms       +120%
      seoo          se0             4ss          54o        sao         sas        o«        18        e131%
      sv0           sso             «7e          szo        s20         szo_|      oso       180       e131%
      seoo          sso             sor          Pra        arr         a77        o0        180       e131% |
      Eo            se3             ser          494        «94         ase        o«        180       e131%

  Erequencyivaiy ate 200 it t 100 Wtc ony apatesfrBASY ve d and gher(see Page 2) is t is renticteto 50 NKG: Te
             ns RSS ftheGorwe uncetiny acaliraton beuency and ho uneatany o ho nieaed toquency band. Frecueny vadty
Helow 300 t in 10254850 and 7 MfoGomi® asessmeni t 264 128190 and 220 i respectva, Vality o Gonvenosessd at
6 ht is 49 hiteand Conn assesedat 19 ts 51 Mz Abov5 Gtefeguarey valoy can e xtt » 110 ke
* Alreawences ow 3 Gz.th vaty o tesue paametr (can o) can b elava o 10% i laud compensatonfamul is aopled to
mensird SAvaves. Altecuence atove 3 GitIhvality o Yewue paranata s and o)is restided t : 5%. Th unceriny h RSS of
the ComEuncetny tindcaetrgetnove prareters
* Aprarosah are dtorinad curng caitraton SPERG varrats hte remaiing daiaton ue totha boundary ofect atrconpersatonis
alvays ess thaa 13 o rguencs uow 3 Git and blow » 2% oreauerces beveon 26 it t andstanclargrthan tthe ob to
damite o t boundary

Gertfcate No: EX3—7508.Martd                        Page Sot to

exsove— shzso0                                                                                          March 25, 2010

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7509

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                   Retatve       Conduciny                                                     Depin®         —Une
    Li |_        Pornitivty®        (8im)"       ComtX       Comey       Comez      Aipha®      (mm)          tea)
       7so           ses             oss           toar       tos         tost        oss       oso        +120%
       835           EH              osr           iose       tose        tose        o«o       oss        s120%
      200            sso             105           1o4r       tosr        toar        oa0       oso        +120%
      17so           ssa             149           se3        ass         ass         oss       oss        r120%
      1900           sse             18e           a24        a2s         aze         oss       oss        +120%
      2000           EH              152           a19        a10         a19         om        116        £120%
      2300           sao             181           an         ann         a11_|       oss       oss        +120%
      2450           ser             195           aos        so5         aos         ore       oss        +120%
      2000           sas             2.16          178        126         17e         ors       oss        £120%
      szoo           400             s30           4ss        «s1         as1_|      oso        180        r131%
      s300           ano             sao           406        180         «se        oso        180        a1s1%
      seoo           «5              s77           ano         a1o        a10_|      oso        180        ats1%
      sevo           482             s.00          420         420        420        oso        180        e181%

©Ereqvencyvaiyo 200 Nt t 100 NHHonl apalenfor DABY ved und hgher ce Page 2) ols is resvtaio a 50 Nt The
urcarmaystha RSS t heComuncntantyat caivatonrecuency and t unctainy t ho nchaquaney band Freavency vakaty
selow 200 itis 10254050 ana 70e arCoriPannesements t 2. 04129190 and 220 i respucorls aluty o Gomvemosessed t
§ hite is 9 Mit,and Gontassoseda 13 Mn 91 Mz Above 5 Gitefeoveneyvaldy can e eterded o a 110Ntz
! l Renvenciesbiow 3 Gt,th vaity o ssue paametr (¢an o) can b eiu t# 10% 1 laud componsaton foml is plad to
reasirad SAR vaues l tecuence avove 3 Git h valdty o Yesue parameters (and o)is rosictdto a5%. The uncetainy is h RSS of
the ComE uncarnny o indcaed trgetsov pranters
* Aphalbeth are delomined uty calivaton SPEAG esnt mt teremaing devtn cuto haboundan fctator compensatons
alvays ess than 13 forbequencisbtow 3 Git nd blow » 2o repuances beveen 35 Gz t any datarc lrge than ht e robetp
demetatom tboundary

Gorticate No: EX3—7500.Martd                         Page t ot 10

exsov— stzsoo                                                                                               Maren 2s, 2010

                                           Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                  (TENM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
        Frequency response (normalized)


                             064                          4

                             as i                 eb           agar d ul               io        cacace    d a
                                            500         1000        1500        200                       2000

                                          Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—feld: £ 6.3% (ke2)

Gertieate No: Ex3—7800.Martd                                    Page t o 10

exsove~ snzsoo                                                                                  March 25, 2010

                                 Receiving Pattern (§), 9 = 0°

                     12600 MFHz,TEM                                            £21800 MHz.R22

            —           &            7           &                  >            1—‘—u            u
           To           &            f           f                 Ta            &                >

          Hfrccnd                                                          4
      g                                                                                            i
      &s so       hest                                            topeprienpe       o0   topebet® n

                               Uncertainty of AxialIsotropy Assessment: 0.5% (ke2)

Goriicate No: EX2—7500.Martd                         Pase wot 10

Exsove— sitz300                                                                  March 25, 2010

                                Dynamic             Range f(SARpeq)
                                       (TEM coll , fo,ur= 1900 MHz)



                                                    SAR InWend]
                                  not compansated                  compersated
                              Uncortainty of Linearity Assessmont: £0.6% (k=2)

Ceriicate No: EX3—7508Marta                         Page 9 ot 10

                                                                                                                                              Report No. :E5/2019/90002
                                                                                                                                              Rev: 01
                                                                                                                                              Page : 15 of 15

                                                                                     - End of report -

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and for electronic format
documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined
therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. The
Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot
be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                            SGS Taiwan Ltd.      No.134,Wu Kung Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wuku District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 24803/新北市五股區新北產業園區五工路 134 號
             台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司                        t (886-2) 2299-3279                                 f (886-2) 2298-0488                    www.tw.sgs.com
                                                                                                                                            Member of SGS Group

Document Created: 2019-11-07 03:01:58
Document Modified: 2019-11-07 03:01:58

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