Users Manual Revision 2


Users Manual

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                                                           network card

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‘ontenis                                        Introduction                                         —
                                                The SAN(Smart Applance NeworkInerface] Wereless Nobwork tams
roduction                              1        it and receives dato batwen your Beyond Connacied Applionces
                                                in ordat estoblsh a Connected Applance Natwork you must have ot
BCOUIONS .........llcccccccccccccss    2
                                                          One OfThese      __and    ___One OfThese
                                                 CESON FlpScrean Nedal         Beyond Mrowsve n
                                                 FSD4 or laer                  watmwe
talation and Configuration            .4         iCESOX CountertopModal        Beyord Breadmoler
                                                 C104 or lowe              waweve
                                                 Beyond Connecied Heme Fub Beyond Cales Malar
11e d Handling cccumce= 6                        warnos                    waveve

1ECIMIEOHONS .....clcccccmmco= 7

scttonic Emission Notices ............. 8

nited Warranty ...                  . 10

3ntaclInformatiON....ccccsscccccs 12

                                                     rvie o me ueyong ngorance (iome neer

recoutions                                          What is the Beyond Appliance
(SAN Crtia pncicaty dsgnnt oo uh Anond Comesnd      Home Network2
                                                   Snd Aslarc ocss actore nrmate hob Bood
MMNWODoneommeis inento ndcn oncompuing             Apelrcn in ou hone o on h visanawot oyor feynd
Heconic uonohu e u CEROX ced dvces                 Applermsyou mat ho Hane tb o on CEKONond oopph
                                                   sn matho s SANICodutd
MMGWG: Oe t is co n oherdaren cmd donage tco.
devenotuk                                          The Hone i oi IEEEOK tte n hss d colng 7
                                                   sns fo h enond use ho yoeReyod Applanes
MNIWG tm ofi iecn n onywayobe hn a in ind           onts Wds SA ravote
 wili hepodiavoreay
                                                   Whenaing i anten aropelarc beoanweane t on you
WOs Oe o l Hhv d n owopelerceand in uie            wnttom y mminieg t SA awa, hy ganew ripe
anddoralt cr ooul n atrnragplcid                   and en nee bacod ht nole Sacomtoly ieend on
(how h uied pocdes.                                wgntion e
wmoin nondocies nconnond ht aiinen mponton old
fe D onb nartored bveno t Dso apaander
wnidponniciaaceuit e pacecle Pcon wih
 oullolay lae h 9 devc ns hon 6lnin 20con
  socninvianP dn ssuiind on
Tyos e on reat es h nfamee is ig poc,
wh otyou it devce enadimly
wring Aide
deier n rvtun stt on Ioriy sds n t averotuch
»anncn yo y w tconiyou ravc povle.
                                                    Figure 11 ic Contgunton

MNl Card Owner‘s Manual                                            Installation ard Configuration

stallation and Configuration                         We
                                                     frnd yNokidmm
                                                             tore ocred t Appionnbe
                                                                            Poo        pstice viltom,
1 pscadondrcibed in iclopr s inulyouSAMCoin          finig
                                                     mil   ie
                                                            aiie EBothn
                                                                   Cnolnamen  te
                                                                             pmerho Agher
                                                                                     erat  romme
                                                                                            eno ut
»boond GcmeandAgplence                               beaolith,
wnhe SAcrt, yo‘hand y tcrd ns e SCo                To old your applonct you Home Hub Networks
ond k t mocadvn e Addng Aplanea t yow CoOX
lb 6 davt no ioi no n           refvar ite CHRO¢    1o O jos on ob es EN i pe e Mn New.
kenen to C220X Cortrnph HanePhoulh ioed            2. Whan tMok Mewaepem, ron DOWN or U l ARIANCE
seied nplores ue ol cirgaady s un hn rerciy            i lgtigiet. hewstiicr                         —
                                                       TeApplorse N con
sutellthe SACan i your Bayond Applances            3. Seke BETCTAPYfon t AIANCE tew.
Manor t plst ichow h SACart S i frrct              4: Ond Applrcecore soel matw NWOR bon
s                                                      Te Aprlcacall e Sndag node Te vord BRD vildey
bnarhe SACad inSACon S                                 ond haved "Natni? i inon e Apploceis
                                                       1tAgolenc doddekarn nd h vert Bd dicppeonhre
wepors you KEBOX o Home Hbs                            in oSAConipotion.
n t bckcfho CEBOIrHone Ki neto st SA                   itvind Navocwa oinadon t cnloy hAlinc s
Anewals nicled                                         «td atradat tw o taid e ENWOX btv ofre
                                                       wnsndo id t Aopions, n pros h NEWORK hsn
Add your Applanc oyou EEROX Applarcs atworks           enansn node ce
O# ut CHOX epan hy icCptom Homw.                   YWhent Hone sb duras t agplome, wl ronet o ied
1 t My lacin Opfos s mint Ne Aplercs.              "boratren efls ute in h Agplon, We y lore
~ i flce ctc! saul seh NEPWIOR woon The             extis h Avlaree Aglance uitaopho wad "Neved"
  on l say Scily y Te vard BM vilaupay mt          vil ontd hn Poploce cewl archorie o e ons
We wl Nee uite h appiane uie                        Wb e ban onhApelercntn wilie vevsil o yuHone
1 hAgelodoblotnes che d d dreppr,hee                Mb d h Aplincerevrat haven l onlAyo n of
                                                    W Replono t Hone ib yo i rthov i tnd h catch
hesiicadpetin *                    herren.          ceracio vil iess en h cpplonn o hnd bnck
Wh vod Ned vorcivad n e dely t Aegloa i
dhndymvarieh fas oi ul e TORX bawe y ho
mm ; whid h oplevenh pres h NETWORbacn
maw esbid nod is
{ihehe CHHOL davs t feploren, inpongt y bnd.
1 meichoor Otis hn e Zgpivea.

    2ANNI Lard Owners Manual
   Zare and Handling
   laephe cord oifi gt wa,       wip it dinnediailc Uhe ond se
   w cord onl in nomal ienportiveen troinons H:n'gi( leases                     mmmow                           10
   2lridanot . Keep e crd ovcy ho ow ond oiond woe t
   1i s danp op
              ioh cccatlnaly o log Aecing row. Nediyng o on
   woirg w h cordsnterd
   {llimaldaty ts waranty ordconpcr  ants wil one a nolir ond
                                     you C axborzie oaie
   ; yur c i no prlrningvad     righ,conet Conmumer Senicapacas
   thlI t vouble is offectng ho hleglons i he prote cnpar  ind          makagams                          ~—~rramnon
   ns           ec ane at your C Bevord Applonce Nawork un jou y
   n alkyou o didicomm                                                           wnoe                       ses—word                 =

                                                                               m                                =

     —                         7                                                                   —

 ‘ANL Card Owner‘s Manual                                                                 Electronic Emission Notices

 :      ;     o                           .                                                                 s
 lectronic Emission Notices                                        R7T% Complionce Stotoment
 1i divic conpllas wth Pat 15 of h FCC/Inhay ConodaRuls
                                                                   Thisasipnentconglin wih al hereasrenons oi DRECTVE 1999
                                                                   5/E Of TiE EUROPEAN PARIANENT AND TME COUNCK t Merch
 ‘perofo s sutjc t thfoloving o condiions                          5, 1999 on rado equipmenondinacommnicaiontrnialEqipment
 ©:Thisdevice may not couse harmd itefernce                        and h mt mesgnin f hi cofomiy (RATT. The RATE Drec:
* This device will occapt y inerforence received, incuding         the epeck ond redloes in ho inctve 50/13/C
                                                                   [eecommunicatorsTemil Equinent on Scilisfoch Suton
   intefermce hat may couse undesied operation.                    Exapnont As ofApr 8,2000.
C¢/Industry Canedla Radio Trequency Interference                   Sofety
                                                                   Ti eastementis daigna witithe uo carfoheselt of hose
hi equpmenthesbeen teded ond fovnd s conply wif the lnks o c       who indal ond ve it Howas secil atenion mu be pokd o h
Jos B dghd devie, mewont fot 15 ofthe FGC/Induty Conada            Adangeof ce shock ond aateeecristy when vorking wit slear:
uisThese incredignad t provie reaioncblpotecion ogoint             colagipmen.Al gudeinef s locoment mt horsore befolownd
«c interance whan h ipment s opnaln in a commeril or               ot l tmes is ethesol swo t ecuipnont
aidenic emvecnmanThis ocuipmentgonrcis, uis and co radute
l frquancy unarg ond,titindaled od uid n occerdonce wih            £0 Countrios ntonded for Use
he mtnsion manac, noy cou homid inaderenc o radis comnunt
suton,kethe signalsgonreind by rodio ond ileriansond cocies        The E13 venion o hx devce is nended o hone ond ofice in in Aus:
waptones h equipmant coum intodarice is odis o lviice              o Blgum, Dromart, riand,France, uit roquency chonoa
recuphon, y o csenct hn intedranc by in ce ormore o e fo:                           Oreecn relond, ols Lnenbaur, he Natir
loving meswee:
*: Pug th equipmantinto n culet hatis n a diferent creutt
    from h televsion orrodic.                                      The E1venin t hidavice i o utd fr se i EM menbor
+~Nenge he directon of thetelevison or rodto antemna vatl          stoee: keland,Uecandain, Norvoy,ond Suszedond.
  \ ieinerlerence dioppoon.                                        The deve is made e pliggndns hone eplarcs made by Schon
* More the eqpipmentto one ide or the oher ofhe nlaviion           Hang Kang ied fo commncain beveen h applonce ond he
    orradio.                                                       Home Hi/ Coute Top mode by e ome conpory Athe nonent
*: Mave e equipment forher oway from thielevi                      Hhreor 3 hoapplancesoralabi; coloe nake; bead noker ond
    redo.                                                          nicrovere anar, The devce wil ol bnnoled in hane opplorces
                                                                   made by Slse Hory Korg Uinied and wil eve be vad in ui
                                                                   ant on cter nofoctrers.Thevenion winegro niomc wilbe
To omen contavd conplance, any carges o modilcaton not             rloaged in h bos in wa way hat ony he arienais outide he
eprenly sppromd by mondlacurecould void he usn‘scubcry io          deve. n o or en ofth applance ie venln wih h cniennc cor—
opmrote the equpnent                                               recr wil be novnin mide hn applonce ord he onerso wl be

wwinit Cara Cwners Manual                                                                           umitea vvarranty

imited Warranty                                                kesbox, LC hy dacimsaryond l isbitesforcorseqsentlond
                                                               Incidall danages oring ouo orin connecion wth ony beoch of
                                                               ts worant or onyt in wih repctis is rodvc, ncuding
1 prodctls worarnd by evbo, UC t b e hom ds in ns              ut ratlentedt loins ofnligenc, sfi n eo broochof
2l ord worimeniti for on(1 yeor rom hedal of prchors, nles     eonroc
Anrvis sited
                                                               Uintain ofRamada: No represntatie operion is cthried io
wng ts pared i his prducisownd t be debet                      osuim orSaten,i. ony ho Tobin connecton itho saleof
arkmordip, nandechaoone ofi oubrized servcnfociti vil           our roducs, Thra shl be 0 lsina fr dafctorfasire opador
ts opton athererlr or replace hproded wihod chorge, uie        noves o producfalir underony heayof t conroctor conmenil .
      loving eandifon, lintatons ond exchnlons:                l inclidng,bt ntrnted o reglqmce,oros megigence,sit io
                                                               billy boash o waranyand beoch ofcourect Repus, mplcenenor
1 werrony eerdst h rtjinal conmme urchoseonlond           t    sn shol bath sle ranedy ohe piriain ind is warantyond
signlde orpandorble ner dee it apply f is davcn is id in con   in ro rstshll we beReil fo y inciderl o commqventaldane
en wony nacine oherhonhe CHBOX.                                oges osses o epenses Sone aateda notlow h excuiun or
                                                               Inniston o ridanidocomequental donages o e bov lintoton
trverreay hoetapnly tary podicichhasbeen subjeced io           or acinion nay notornl t you
fwe, chire, cbromal n neligie,cheralon o occiden, o has
od i seic numbe alwred orranornd.                              tngo ighs: worsnygiasyouspeiic lagl hiondyou moy
                                                               olts have ther igh whch vay rom ol t ie
S verrany doosnotopaly to n daecs or danage drecy or ind
se cavnd by o reling hom tuneof oouthorizndrelocanant
arisand/or sevien prlaenad by ormuhoized pursoned.
M verrony doos ncapelyto h olware dtver ht ceconponta tis
e worsey is mde xpraily in les of loterveronios aprosed
«iinled, nchdlag btntlinte t ny inpled wereny ofmhont
\bk offiress for portedarpurpore, td ol oioblgationon he
w o abox, LC provide, howeve; hat h dadsmaofnlied
voranta s mficin under    applccblelw, t hraton of y
raled waranis oraing by operaton o ow halbe linted one(1)
warhomthe dts f purchosn ouch ongar pored o moy b roqu
»y cppleail low.

                              To                                                           m

‘ANI Card Owner‘s Manual                                                                        Contact Information

Zontact Information
dotonalSevice Coner
‘08Souh MsouStont
feco, Mo 63552

1USh ond Conadacal
Tename: Svice: 14009073744
Zename: Pori: 14009473745

afvope css
‘xapeon Catem Sevice: +3536170 2058

x in he Utent:
Suroner Servce: 0845 200 4310


Document Created: 2004-10-08 17:21:23
Document Modified: 2004-10-08 17:21:23

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