SAR Calibration Data


RF Exposure Info

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Untertuerkheimer Str. 6-10, 66117 Saarbruecken, Germany   Phone: +49 (0) 681 598-0      Fax: -8475
SAR-Laboratory                                            Phone: +49 (0) 681 598-8454            .

                                            Accredited testing laboratory

                                DAR registration number: TTI-P-G 166/98

                               Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA)
                               DAR registration number: KBA-P 00070-97

                          Appendix to the Report 2-3096-1-3/03
                          Calibration Data, Phantom Certificate
                          and detail Information of the DASY 3 System

                          Test specification :

As of February 18, 2003                                                                              Page 1 of 32

Calibration Data and Phantom Information; Report No.: 3-2096-1-3/03

Table of Content

1   Calibration report “Probe ET3DV6” ............................................................................................................................... 3
2   Calibration report “1900 MHz System validation dipole” ............................................................................................. 15
3   Certificate of Conformity “SAM Twin Phantom V4.0/V4.0C” ...................................................................................... 25
4   Application Note Validation and system Check............................................................................................................. 27

As of February 18, 2003                                                                                                                          Page 2 of 32

Calibration Data and Phantom Information; Report No.: 3-2096-1-3/03

1 Calibration report “Probe ET3DV6”

As of February 18, 2003                                               Page 3 of 32


                             ET3DV6 SN:1559                                                                      February 7, 2003

                             DASY — Parameters of Probe: ET3DV6 SN:1559

                             Sensitivity in Free Space                                   Diode Compression

                                         NormX            1.48 uV/(V/im)                             DCP X           100    mV
                                         NormY            1.48 uV/(V/im)                             DCP Y           100    mV
                                         NormZ            1.46 uV/i(V/im)                            DCP Z           100    mV

                             Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid

                             Head               900 MHz                 s = 41.5 1 5%          0 = 0.97 + 5% mho/m
                             Head               835 MHz                 s = 41.5 £ 5%          o = 0.90 + 5% mho/m
                                         ConvF X            6.9 £9.5% (k=2)                          Boundary effect:
                                         ConvF Y            6.9 £9.5% (k=2)                          Alpha           0.31
                                         ConvrF Z           6.9 £+9.5% (k=2)                         Depth           2.72

                             Head              1800 MHz                 s, = 40.0 £ 5%         o = 1,40 + 5% mho/m

                                         ConvF X            5.5 +8.9% (k=2)                          Boundary effect:
                                         ConvF Y            5.5 +£8.9% (k=2)                         Alpha           0.45
                                         ConvrF Z           5.5 £+£8.9% (k=2)                        Depth           2.85

                             Boundary Effect

                             Head               900 MHz          Typical SAR gradient: 5 % per mm

                                         Probe Tip to Boundary                                       1 mm            2 mm
                                         SAR,, [%]   Without Correction Algorithm                    9.1             5.3
                                         SARp, [%]   With Correction Algorithm                       0.4             0.6

                             Head              1800 MHz          Typical SAR gradient: 10 % per mm

                                         Probe Tip to Boundary                                       1 mm            2 mm
                                         SAR,, [%]   Without Correction Algorithm                    13.6            9.7
                                         SARp, [%]   With Correction Algorithm                       0.3             0.3

                             Sensor Offset

                                         Probe Tip to Sensor Center                      2.7                    mm

                                         Optical Surface Detection                       1.9 + 0.2              mm

                                                                      Page 2 of 11

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ET3DV6 SN:1559                                                                  February 7, 2003

                    Receiving Pattern (¢), 0 = 0°

      f= 30 MHz, TEM cell if110                        f= 100 MHz, TEM cell ifi110

                                                  f 02009927
                                                       Ne    o5o



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    —@—X    —@—Y   —@—Z2   —O—Tot                —@—X       —@—Y      —@—Z        —O—Tot

      f= 300 MHz, TEM cell if110                       f= 900 MHz, TEM cell ifi110

    —@—X   —@—Y    —@—Z    —O—Tot                —@—X          —@—Y    —@—Z        —O—Tot

                                  Page 3 of 11


                ET3DV6 SN:1559                                                                                February 7, 2003

                                  f= 1800 MHz, WG R22                                       f= 2500 MHz, WG R22

                    2m0Q                   ee

                         o ‘. .       C      ’i               4 ~..

                           3 %.‘&fi"/                           50


                           —@—X           —@—Y        —@—Z   —O—Tot                      —@—X    —@—Y   —@—Z     —O—Tot |

                                                         Isotropy Error (¢), 0 = 0°

                           0.40                                                                                 —@— 30 MHz
                   '5‘     0.20                                                                                 —B— 100 MHz

                   = 0.00                                                                                       —i&— 300 MHz
                    § 0.20                                                                                      —&—900 MHz
                         .0.40                                                                                  —M— 1800 MHz
                         .0.60                                                                                  —i&— 2500 MHz
                                  0              60          120        180        240          300     360

                                                                    Page 4 of 11

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ET3DV6 SN:1559                                                                       February 7, 2003

                                     Frequency Response of E—Field
                                         ( TEM—Cell:ifi110, Waveguide R22)




         frequency response






                                         500       1000       1500     2000   2500   3000
                                                          f [MHz]
                                               —@—TEM                —@—R22

                                                  Page 5 of 11


ET3DV6 SN:1559                                                                          February 7, 2003

                                  Dynamic Range f(SAR,,;;,)
                                              ( Waveguide R22 )








                         0.0001    0.001     0.01         0.1                        100.
                                  —@—not compensated               —@~—compensated

                        0.001         0.01          0.1                                     100


                                             Page 6 of 11


    ET3DV6 SN:1559                                                                                 February 7, 2003

                                 Conversion Factor Assessment

                 f= 900 MHz, WG R9 (head)                                f= 1800 MHz, WG R22 (head)

           3.5                                                         30.0 —

           3.0                                                         25.0
      z              55&                                          & 20.0 —
     £     2.0
      S                2!%                                        $ 150           8
      E, 15                                                       €,
|     3®   io                                                     &a 10010—           %k

|          0.5                                                          5.0
           0.0                        i        t         f              0.0
                 0              20            40        60                    0           20             40      60
i                                     z[mm]                                                    z[mm]

|          —@—Analytical             —O—Measuremets                    —©— Analytical         ——— Measuremets


    Head                     900 MHz                  s, 2 41.5 £ 5%              o = 0.97 + 5% mho/im

    Head                     835 MHz                  s,= 41.5 4 5%               o = 0.90 + 5% mho/im

                     ConvF X              6.9 +9.5% (k=2)                             Boundary effect:
                     ConvF Y              6.9 +9.5% (k=2)                             Alpha              0.31

                     Convr Z              6.9 +9.5% (k=2)                             Depth              2.72

    Head                   1800 MHz                   s,= 40.0 £ 5%               o = 1.40 + 5% mho/im

                     ConvF X              5.5 £8.9% (k=2)                             Boundary effect:
                     ConvF Y              5.5 £8.9% (k=2)                             Alpha              0.45
                     ConvrF Z             5.5 £8.9% (k=2)                             Depth              2.85

                                                   Page 7 of 11


ET3DV6 SN:1559                                                                                   February 7, 2003

                            Conversion Factor Assessment

          f= 1900 MHz, WG R22 (head)                                  f= 1900 MHz, WG R22 (body)

        30.0 —                                                      30.0 —

        25.0 ?                                                      25.0

 SE                                                           &
  E 20.0 %                                                    E 20.0 1

  3 15.0                                                      § 15.0                                  f
  €ie              2                                          €CC                                     ||
  4 10.0               \                                      4 10.0                 *                ;
         5.0                                                         5.0             [                ;               *

         0.0                :             f                          0.0             ’                "
               0            20            40        60                     0             20           40     60   |
                                 z2[mm]                                                       z[mm]
        —©—Analytical           —O—Measuremets                      —@—Analytical         ——Q@—Measuremets

Head                   1900 MHz                  s, = 40.0 £ 5%                o = 1.40 + 5% mho/im

                 ConvF X              5.2 £8.9% (k=2)                             Boundary effect:
                 ConvF Y              5.2 +8.9% (k=2)                             Alpha               0.48

                 ConvF Z              5.2 +8.9% (k=2)                             Depth               2.71

Body                   1900 MHz                  s, = 53.3 £ 5%                0 = 1.52 + 5% mho/im

                 ConvF X             4.8 +8.9% (k=2)                              Boundary effect:
                 ConvF Y              4.8 +8.9% (k=2)                             Aipha               0.58

                 ConvFr Z             4.8 +8.9% (k=2)                             Depth               2.52

                                               Page 8 of 11


                             ET3DV6 SN: 1559                                                                        February 7, 2003

                                                   Conversion Factor Assessment

                                                                   f= 900 MHz, WG R9 (body)

                                                             3.5 —

                                                             3.0                                         |
                                                             2.5 —
                                                         S                                               |
                                                         "€ 20                                           '
                                                         & 1
                                                         3   1.0


                                                             0.0                                t            :
                                                                   0            20             40            60

                                                             —@— Analytical           —O— Measuremets

                             Body              900 MHz                   s = 55.0 £ 5%              0 = 1.05 + 5% mho/im

                             Body              835 MHz                   s, = 55.2 £ 5%             o = 0.97 £ 5% mho/im

                                         ConvF X         6.8 £9.5% (k=2)                                Boundary effect:
                                         ConvF Y         6.8 +9.5% (k=2)                                Alpha              0.34

                                         ConvF Z         6.8 £9.5% (k=2)                                Depth              2.71

                                                                       Page 9 of 11

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                              ET3DV6 SN:1559                                                                                                February 7, 2003

                                                                  Conversion Factor Assessment

                                         f= 2400 MHz, WG R22 (head)                                        f= 2400 MHz, WG R22 (body)

                                     25.0 i                  !                                           25.0                                                 |
                                                              ‘                                              ||
                                     20.0                     '                                          20.0 ?

                                     15.0                                                                15.0
                                "<               &           |©                                     "<              f
                                ;               X             i                                     E           x             ‘                          |

                                9                                                                   2
                                T 10.0
                                &                    %                                              T10.0         /—
                                <                                                   1               <
                                5                                                   |               &

                                      5.0                |                          f                     5.0           ;                                                              s
                         |                  :            :                                                              E                       f   |

                         |            0.0 _L_L_                                                           0.0           1         _|                '
                         |                  0                     20           40         60                    0                 20                40            60
                         ‘r                                            z[mm]                                                            z[mm]

                         l           —@——Analytical                —O—Measuremets                        —&——Analytical                —O— Measuremets


                              Head          2400                   MHz                  s = 39.2 £ 5%               o = 1.80 + 5% mho/im

                                            ConvF X                        5.0 +8.9% (k=2)                                  Boundary effect:
                                            ConvF Y                        5.0 +8.9% (k=2)                                  Alpha                   0.75

                                            Convr Z                        5.0 +8.9% (k=2)                                  Depth                   2.11

                              Body          2400                   MHz                  s,= 52.7 1 5%               o = 1.95 + 5% mho/m

                                                ConvF X                    4.6 +8.9% (k=2)                                  Boundary effect:
                                                ConvF Y                    4.6 +8.9% (k=2)                                  Alpha                   1.60

                                                ConvF Z                    4.6 +8.9% (k=2)                                  Depth                   1.30

                                                                                    Page 10 of 11

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                             ET3DV6 SN:1559                                                                      February 7, 2003

                                              Deviation from Isotropy in HSL
                                                             Error (98,¢), f = 900 MHz

                                                                                                                 Error [dB]

                                               R—1.00—0.80 ©—0.80—0.60 M—0.60—0.40 M—0.40—0.20 ©—0.20—0.00
                                               ©0.00—0.20   ©0.20—0.40   ©0.40—0.60   ©O.60—0.80   ©O0.80—1.00

                                                              Page 11 of 11

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Calibration Laboratory of
Schmid & Partner
  Engineering AG
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland



 Calibration procedure(s)

 Calibration date:

 Condition of the calibrated item

 This calibration statement documents traceability of M&TE used in the calibration procedures and conformity of the procedures with the ISO/IEC
 17025 international standard.

 All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: environment temperature 22 +/— 2 degrees Celsius and humidity < 75%.

 Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration)

 Model Type                             ID #                           f       Cal Date                               Scheduled Calibration
 RF generator HP 8684C                  US3642U01700                           4—Aug—99 (in house check Aug—02)       in house check: Aug—05
 Power sensor E4412A                    MY41495277                             8—Mar—02                               Mar—03
 Power sensor HP 8481A                  MY41092180                             18—Sep—02                              Sep—03
 Power meter EPM E4419B                 GB41293874                             13—Sep—02                              Sep—03
 Network Analyzer HP 8753E              US38432426                             3—May—00                               in house check: May 03
 Fluke Process Calibrator Type 702       SN: 6295803                           3—Sep—01                               Sep—03

                                      L Name                                   Function                                Signature
 Calibrated by:

 Approved by:

                                                                                                                       Date issued: February 7, 2003

 This calibration certificate is issued as an intermediate solution until the accreditation process (based on ISO/IEC 17025 International Standard) for
 Calibration Laboratory of Schmid & Partner Engineering AG is completed.

880—KPO301061—A                                                                                                                                Page 1 (1)

Calibration Data and Phantom Information; Report No.: 3-2096-1-3/03

2 Calibration report “1900 MHz System validation dipole”

As of February 18, 2003                                               Page 15 of 32


  Schmid & Partner
Engineering AG
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone +41 1 245 97 00, Fax +41 1 245 97 79

               Dipole Validation Kuit

                         Type: D1900V2

                       Serial: 504009

                     Manufactured:           February 22, 2002
                        Calibrated:          September 24, 2002


1.     Measurement Conditions

The measurements were performed in the flat section of the new SAM twin phantom filled
with head simulating solution of the following electrical parameters at 1900 MHz:

       Relative permitivity                   39.8          + 5%
       Conductivity                           1.46 mho/m    * 10%

The DASY System with a dosimetric E—field probe ET3DV6 (SN:1507, conversion factor 5.2
at 1900 MHz) was used for the measurements.

The dipole feedpoint was positioned below the center marking and oriented parallel to the
body axis (the long side of the phantom). The standard measuring distance was 10mm from
dipole center to the solution surface. The included distance holder was used during
measurements for accurate distance positioning.

The coarse grid with a grid spacing of 20mm was aligned with the dipole. The 5x5x7 fine cube
was chosen for cube integration. Probe isotropy errors were cancelled by measuring the SAR
with normal and 90° turned probe orientations and averaging.
The dipole input power (forward power) was 250mW + 3 %. The results are normalized to
1W input power.

2.1.   SAR Measurement with DASY3 System

Standard SAR—measurements were performed according to the measurement conditions
described in section 1. The results (see figure supplied) have been normalized to a dipole input
power of 1 W (forward power). The resulting averaged SAR—values measured with the
dosimetric probe ET3DV6 SN:1507 and applying the worst—case extrapolation are:

       averaged over 1 cm‘ (1 g) of tissue:          44.4 mW/g

       averaged over 10 cm(10 g) of tissue:          22.8

2.2    SAR Measurement with DASY4 System

Standard SAR—measurements were performed according to the measurement conditions
described in section 1. The results (see figure supplied) have been normalized to a dipole input
power of 1 W (forward power). The resulting averaged SAR—values measured with the
dosimetric probe ET3DV6 SN:1507 and applying the advanced extrapolation are:

       averaged over 1 cm‘ (1 g) of tissue:          40.4 mW/g

       averaged over 10 cm(10 g) of tissue:          21.4 mW/g


                        3.     Dipole Impedance and Return Loss

                        The impedance was measured at the SMA—connector with a network analyzer and numerically
                        transformed to the dipole feedpoint. The transformation parameters from the SMA—connector
                        to the dipole feedpoint are:

                             Electrical delay:          1.188 ns     (one direction)
                             Transmission factor:       0.982       (voltage transmission, one direction)

                        The dipole was positioned at the flat phantom sections according to section 1 and the distance
                        holder was in place during impedance measurements.

                               Feedpoint impedance at 1900 MHz:             Re{Z} = 50.5 Q

                                                                            Im {Z} = 2.5 Q

                               Return Loss at 1900 MHz                      — 31.7 dB

                        4.     Measurement Conditions

                        The measurements were performed in the flat section of the new SAM twin phantom filled
                        with body simulating solution of the following electrical parameters at 1900 MHz:

                               Relative permitivity                  51.4           + 5%
                               Conductivity                          1.57 mho/m     + 10%

                        The DASY System with a dosimetric E—field probe ET3DV6 (SN:1507, conversion factor 4.9
                        at 1900 MHz) was used for the measurements.

                        The dipole feedpoint was positioned below the center marking and oriented parallel to the
                        body axis (the long side of the phantom). The standard measuring distance was 10mm from
                        dipole center to the solution surface. The included distance holder was used during
                        measurements for accurate distance positioning.

                        The coarse grid with a grid spacing of 20mm was aligned with the dipole. The 5x5x7 fine cube
                        was chosen for cube integration. Probe isotropy errors were cancelled by measuring the SAR
                        with normal and 90° turned probe orientations and averaging.
                        The dipole input power (forward power) was 250mW + 3 %. The results are normalized to
                        1W input power.

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5.1.   SAR Measurement with DASY3 System

Standard SAR—measurements were performed according to the measurement conditions
described in section 4. The results (see figure supplied) have been normalized to a dipole input
power of 1W (forward power). The resulting averaged SAR—values measured with the
dosimetric probe ET3DV6 SN:1507 and applying the worst—case extrapolation are:

       averaged over 1 cm‘ (1 g) of tissue:          43.6 mW/g

       averaged over 10 cm‘ (10 g) of tissue:        22.7 mW/g

5.2    SAR Measurement with DASY4 System

Standard SAR—measurements were performed according to the measurement conditions
described in section 4. The results (see figure supplied) have been normalized to a dipole input
power of 1 W (forward power). The resulting averaged SAR—values measured with the
dosimetric probe ET3DV6 SN:1507 and applying the advanced extrapolation are:

       averaged over 1 cm‘ (1 g) of tissue:          40.0 mW/g

       averaged over 10 em‘ (10 g) of tissue:        21.2 mW/g

6.     Dipole Impedance and Return Loss

The dipole was positioned at the flat phantom sections according to section 4 and the distance
holder was in place during impedance measurements.

       Feedpoint impedance at 1900 MHz:              Re{Z} = 46.1 Q

                                                     Im {Z} = 2.9 0

       Return Loss at 1900 MHz                       — 26.0 dB


7.     Handling

Do not apply excessive force to the dipole arms, because they might bend. Bending of the
dipole arms stresses the soldered connections near the feedpoint leading to a damage of the

8.     Design

The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding
line is directly connected to the second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—
circuited for DC—signals.

Small end caps have been added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded
according to the position as explained in Section 1. The SAR data are not affected by this
change. The overall dipole length is still according to the Standard.

9,     Power Test

After long term use with 40W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the
feedpoint can be measured.


Validation Dipole D1900V2 SN5d009,d = 10 mm
Erequency:1900 MiHz:Anteona Iput Power: 250 [mW)
SAM Phantom, Flat SetionGrid Spacine: Dx = 20 0, Dy = 20 0, Dz 100
Probe: ETIDVs— SNI507; ComF($ 20at 1900 MiteIREE1528 1900 Mic: a = 146 mhoim , = 39.p = 1.00 ghem‘
Cubes (2) Peakc 207. mWg     0.02 dSAR (1g) 11.1. mWiy 000 dB, SAR (10g) 5.70 mWi + 002 dB, (Worst—case extrapolation)
Renetration depthc .0 (7.7,&7)
Powerdit: .009 d

                                                                                                                           SAR,, [mtvig)


Schnid & Parter Engineerng AG, Zurich, Switzrlnd

      maoae pn





Validation Dipole D1900V2 SN54009, d = 10 mm
Erequerey: 1900 Mitz: Antemna Iput Power. 250 [mW)
SAM Phanto, Flat Section; Grid Spacing: Dx = 20.0, by = 20 0, Dz = 100
Probe: ETIDV6 — SN1S07; ComB(t 904 90,4          1900 Mz IEEE1528 1900 Miica = 1.57 mho/m ,= 51 4 p = 1.00 wlamt
Cubes (2); Peac 203. mWiy+ 001 dB, SAR (        109. mWig 001 dB, SAR (10@) 567. mWlg +003 dB, (Wors—case ctapolation)
Pevctation depth 8 4 (80,94)[mn]
Powerdif: 004 dB

                                                                                                                         SA8,, [obWik]

                                                                                                                             M qcoms0

Schmid & Partrer Engineeing AG, Zarich, Swtzeland

                    1 200.000 ooo iz



      soam.ous an   1 s00.000 oo tic.

Calibration Data and Phantom Information; Report No.: 3-2096-1-3/03

3 Certificate of Conformity “SAM Twin Phantom V4.0/V4.0C”

As of February 18, 2003                                               Page 25 of 32

  Schmid & Partner
Engineering AG
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone +41 1 245 97 00, Fax +41 1 245 97 79

  Certificate of conformity / First Article Inspection

   Item                              SAM Twin Phantom V4.0
   Type No                           QD 000 P40 BA
   Series No                         TP—1002 and higher
   Manufacturer / Origin             Untersee Composites
                                     Hauptstr. 69
                                     CH—8559 Fruthwilen


  The series production process used allows the limitation to test of first articles.
  Complete tests were made on the pre—series Type No. QD 000 P4O AA, Serial No. TP—1001 and on the
  series first article Type No. QD 000 P4O BA, Serial No. TP—1006. Certain parameters have been retested
  using further series units (called samples).

   Test                   Requirement                                  Details                     Units tested
   Shape                  Compliance with the geometry                 ITIS CAD File (*)           First article,
                          according to the CAD model.                                              Samples
   Material thickness     Compliant with the requirements              2mm +/— 0.2mm in            First article,
                          according to the standards                   specific areas              Samples
   Material               Dielectric parameters for required           200 MHz —3 GHz              Material
   parameters             frequencies                                  Relative permittivity < 5   sample
                                                                       Loss tangent < 0.05.        TP 104—5
   Material resistivity   The material has been tested to be            Liquid type HSL 1800       Pre—series,
                          compatible with the liquids defined in       and others according to     First article
                          the standards                                the standard.


  [1] CENELEC EN 50361
  [2]) 1EEE P1528—200x% draft 6.5
  [3] IEC PT 62209 draft 0.9
  (*)    —The ITIS CAD file is derived from [2] and is also within the tolerance requirements of the shapes of
         [1] and [3].


  Based on the sample tests above, we certify that this item is in compliance with the uncertainty
  requirements of SAR measurements specified in standard [1] and draft standards [2] and [3].

  Date                                 18.11.2001
                   $ y
                /Zml’/% Schmid & Partner
  Signature / Stamp
                                         Engineering AG
                                            Zeughausstrasse 43, CH—8004 Zurich
                                            TQ|.9+41 1 245 97 00, Fax +41 1 245 97 79

  Doc No    881 — QD 000 P40 BA —B                                                                 Page         1(1)

                                                                                                                    a ugv zw vi e

Calibration Data and Phantom Information; Report No.: 3-2096-1-3/03

4 Application Note Validation and system Check Purpose of validation
The Validation and system check verify that the system operates within ist specifications. System and operator
errors can be detected and corrected. It is recommended that the validation be performed prior to any usage of
the system in order to guarantee reproducible results.
The measurement of the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a complicated task and the resultdepends on the proper
functioning of many components and the correct settings of manyparameters. Faulty results due to drift, failures or
incorrect parameters might not berecognized, since they often look similar in distribution to the correct ones. The
DosimetricAssessment System DASY3 incorporates a validation procedure to test the properfunctioning of the
system. The system validation uses normal SAR measurements in asimplified setup (the flat phantom section of the
Generic Twin Phantom) with a wellcharacterized source (a matched dipole of a specified distance). This setup was
selected to give a high sensitivity to all parameters that might fail or vary over time (e.g. probe, liquid parameters,
and software settings) and a low sensitivity to external effects inherent in the system (e.g. positioning uncertainty of
the device holder). The validation does not replace the calibration of the components. The accuracy of the
validation is not sufficient for calibration purposes. It is possible to calculate the field quite accurately in this
simple setup; however, due to the open field situation some factors (e.g. laboratory reflections) cannot be accounted
for. Calibrations in the flat phantom are possible with transfer calibration methods, using either temperature probes
or calibrated E-field probes. The validation also does not test the system performance for arbitrary field situations
encountered during real measurements of mobile phones. These checks are performed at SPEAG by testing the
components under various conditions (e.g. spherical isotropy measurements in liquid, linearity measurements,
temperature variations, etc.), the results of which are used for an error estimation of the system. The validation will
indicate situations where the system uncertainty is exceeded due to drift or failure. Validation procedure
The conductivity should be measured before the validation and the measured liquid parameters must be entered in
the software. If the measured values differ from targeted values in the dipole document, the liquid composition
should be adjusted. If the validation is performed with slightly different (measured) liquid parameters, the expected
SAR will also be different. See the application note about SAR sensitivities for an estimate of possible SAR
deviations. Note that the liquid parameters are temperature dependent with approximately – 0.5% decrease in
permitivity and + 1% increase in conductivity for a temperature decrease of 1° C. The dipole must be placed
beneath the flat phantom section of the Generic Twin Phantom with the correct distance holder in place. The
distance holder should touch the phantom surface with a light pressure at the reference marking (little hole) and be
oriented parallel to the long side of the phantom. Accurate positioning is not necessary, since the system will search
for the peak SAR location, except that the dipole arms should be parallel to the surface. The device holder for
mobile phones can be left in place but should be rotated away from the dipole. The forward power into the dipole at
the dipole SMA connector should be determined as accurately as possible. See section 4 for a description of the
recommended setup to measure the dipole input power. The actual dipole input power level can be between 20mW
and several watts. The result can later be normalized to any power level. It is strongly recommended to note the
actually used power level in the „comment“-window of the measurement file; otherwise you loose this crucial
information for later reference.
The DASY3 installation includes predefined files with recommended procedures for measurements and validation.
They are read-only document files and destined as fully defined but unmeasured masks, so you must save the
finished validation under a different name. The validation document requires the Generic Twin Phantom, so this
phantom must be properly installed in your system. (You can create your own measurement procedures by opening
a new document or editing an existing document file). Before you start the validation, you just have to tell the
system with which components (probe, medium, and device) you are performing the validation; the system will
take care of all parameters. After the validation, which will take about 20 minutes, the results of each task are
displayed in the document window. Selecting all measured tasks and opening the predefined “validation” graphic

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format displays all necessary information for validation. A description of the different measurement tasks in the
predefined document is given below, together with the information that can be deduced from their results:
•   The „reference“ and „drift“ measurements are located at the beginning and end of the batch process. They
    measure the field drift at one single point in the liquid over the complete procedure. The indicated drift is
    mainly the variation of the amplifier output power. If it is too high (above ± 0.1dB) the validation should be
    repeated; some amplifiers have very high drift during warm-up. A stable amplifier gives drift results in the
    DASY3 system below ± 0.02 dB.
•   The „surface check“ measurement tests the optical surface detection system of the DASY3 system by
    repeatedly detecting the surface with the optical and mechanical surface detector and comparing the results.
    The output gives the detecting heights of both systems, the difference between the two systems and the
    standard deviation of the detection repeatability. Air bubbles or refraction in the liquid due to separation of the
    sugar-water mixture gives poor repeatability (above ± 0.1mm). In that case it is better to abort the validation
    and stir the liquid. The difference between the optical surface detection and the actual surface depends on the
    probe and is specified with each probe. (It does not depend on the surface reflectivity or the probe angle to the
    surface within ± 30°.) However, varying breaking indices of different liquid compositions might also influence
    the distance. If the indicated difference varies from the actual setting, the probe parameter „optical surface
    distance“ should be changed in the probe settings (see manual). For more information see the application note
    about SAR evaluation.
•   The „coarse scan“ measures the SAR above the dipole on a parallel plane to the surface. It is used to locate the
    approximate location of the peak SAR with 2D spline interpolation. The proposed scan uses large grid spacing
    for faster measurement; due to the symmetric field the peak detection is reliable. If a finer graphic is desired,
    the grid spacing can be reduced. Grid spacing and orientation have no influence on the SAR result.
•   The two „cube 5x5x7“ scans measure the field in a volume around the peak SAR value assessed in the previous
    „coarse“ scan (for more information see the application note on SAR evaluation). Between the two cube scans
    the probe is rotated 90° around its axis. This allows checking and compensation of the probe isotropy error. In
    the document, the evaluated peak 1g and 10g averaged SAR values are shown. In the graphic, the mean values
    and the relative differences between the two cube scans are given for the extrapolated peak value and the 1g
    and 10g spatial peak values. If the difference between the cubes is larger than the expected isotropy from the
    probe document (and the power drift measurement is OK), there may be a problem with the parameter settings
    of the probe (e.g. wrong probe selected) or with the probe itself. The penetration depth is assessed from an
    exponential curve fitting on the z-axis in the center of the cube. Since the decay is not purely exponential, the
    values in parentheses give the decay near the surface and further inside the phantom. If these values differ
    greatly from the values in the dipole document, either the dipole distance or the actual liquid parameters are
    different to the ones used in the document.
If the validation measurements give reasonable results, the peak 1g and 10g spatial SAR values averaged between
the two cubes and normalized to 1W dipole input power give the reference data for comparisons. The next section
analyzes the expected uncertainties of these values. Section 6 describes some additional checks for further
information or troubleshooting. Validation uncertainty
This section describes the expected deviation of the 1g and 10g validation results with respect to the correct values
(absolute uncertainty), to validation results from other laboratories (interlaboratory comparisons) and to earlier
results from the same laboratory and setup (repeatability). The uncertainty evaluation includes factors outside of the
actual measurement system (conductivity measurement, source power determination and laboratory reflections).
Since the uncertainty of these factors depends on the actual equipment and setup at the user location, estimated
uncertainty values are given for a typical setup and a state-of-the-art setup. The typical setup assumes the HP
dielectric probe kit for conductivity measurements and a simple power setting without directional coupler. The
state-of-the-art setup assumes slotted coaxial lines for conductivity measurements and a power setting according to
section 4. Section 5 describes the influence and reduction of laboratory reflections. It is assumed that the results of
the liquid parameter assessment give the targeted values from the dipole document. All errors are given in percent
of SAR, so 0.1dB corresponds to 2.3%. The field error would be half of that.

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Calibration Data and Phantom Information; Report No.: 3-2096-1-3/03
Absolute uncertainty
The table gives the absolute measurement uncertainty with respect to the correct SAR value in a perfect setup. This
uncertainty is smaller than the expected uncertainty for mobile phone measurements due to the simplified setup and
the symmetric field distribution.

                          Error        Error Distribution   SAR Error Std. Dev.
                                                            Typical setup         State-of-the-art setup
Probe isotropy                                              ± 0.5 %               =
Probe linearity           ± 0.1 dB     rectangular          ± 1.4 %               =
Probe calibration         ± 3.3 %      normal               ± 3.3 %               =
Electronics               ±1%          rectangular          ± 0.6 %               =
Drift                     ±1%          normal               ±1%                   =
1g peak SAR               ±3%          normal               ±3%                   =
Source to liquid          ± 0.1 mm     rectangular          ± 0.6 %               =
Liquid conductivity       ±5%          rectangular          ± 2.9 %               ± 1.5 %
Source power              ± 0.2 dB     normal               ± 4.8 %               ± 2.4 %
Laboratory reflections    ±3%          normal               ±3%                   ±1%

Total                     K=1                               ±8%                   ± 5.75 %
Total expanded            K=2                               ± 16 %                ± 11.5 %

The probe isotropy is practically cancelled out because the field is normal to the probe axis and the SAR is
averaged between two 90° rotated cube measurements.

Deviation in interlaboratory comparisons
Since the correct value is not accessible directly, the validation results must be compared to some other measured
values. For comparisons between completely different measurement systems, the absolute errors of both systems
must be combined (RSS) for the estimated deviation in their results. If two DASY3 systems are compared, some
intrinsic system errors are (partially) cancelled out (e.g. evaluation routine errors or calibration errors). The
following table gives the estimated deviation of each system for interlaboratory comparisons.

                          Deviations     Deviations              SAR Std. Div.
                                                                 Typical setup    State-of-the-art setup
Probe isotropy                                                   ± 0.5 %          =
Probe linearity           ± 0.1 dB       rectangular             ± 1.4 %          =
Probe calibration         ±2%            normal                  ±2%              =
Electronic                ±1%            rectangular             ± 0.6 %          =
Drift                     ±1%            normal                  ±1%              =
1g peak SAR               ± 0.6 %        normal                  ± 0.6 %          =
Source to liquid          ± 0.1 mm       rectangular             ± 0.6 %          =
Dipole variations         ±1%            normal                  ±1%              =
Liquid conductivity       ±5%            rectangular             ± 2.9 %          ± 1.5 %
Source power              ± 0.2 dB       normal                  ± 4.8 %          ± 2.4 %
Laboratory reflections    ±3%            normal                  ±3%              ±1%

Total deviations          K=1                                    ±7%              ± 4.25 %

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Total expanded            K=2                                     ± 14 %            ± 8.5 %
Comparison betw.          K=2                                     ± 20 %            ± 12.0 %
DASY3 labs

The results of the SAR measurements performed at the ETH Zurich using state of the art methods for power and
conductivity measurements are included with each validation dipole. The total deviation (K=1) of these data for
interlaboratory comparison is ± 4 %. The differences between different dipole units of the same type are small, so it
is not necessary to exchange the dipoles to compare the results. As the table indicates, the main differences in
laboratory intercomparisons are due to external factors like conductivity measurements, power settings and the
laboratory setup. For good results it is important that the power setting system on both sides is state-of-the-art (see
section 4) and that the laboratory setup minimizes reflections from nearby objects. During the system installation,
the validation is compared with the ETH results (often also with liquid delivered from and measured at SPEAG) to
check for deviations due to laboratory reflections. Typically, deviations within ± 5 % from the ETH value can be

Validation repeatability
The repeatability check of the validation is insensitive to external effects and gives an indication of the variations in
the DASY3 measurement system, provided that the same power reading setup is used for all validations. The
repeatability estimate is given in the following table:

                          Repeatab.     Repeatab. Distribution SAR Std. Dev.
                                                               Typical setup        State-of-the-art setup
Probe isotropy                                                 ±0%                  =
Probe linearity           ± 0.1 dB      rectangular            ±0%                  =
Probe calibration         ±2%           normal                 ±0%                  =
Electronics               ±1%           rectangular            ±0%                  =
Drift                     ±1%           normal                 ±1%                  =
1g peak SAR               ± 0.6 %       normal                 ± 0.6 %              =
Source to liquid          ± 0.05 mm     rectangular               ± 0.3 %           =
Dipole variations         ±0%           normal                    ±0%               =
Liquid conductivity       ±5%           rectangular               ± 2.9 %           ± 1.5 %
Source power              ± 0.2 dB      normal                    ±2%               ±1%
Laboratory reflections    ±3%           normal                    ±0%               ±0%

Total repeatability       K=1                                     ± 3.75 %          ± 2.25 %
Total extended            K=2                                     ±7%               ± 4.5 %

The expected repeatability deviation is low. If the liquid is stable, the short time repeatability should be around ±
1.5% (K=1). Excessive drift (e.g. drift in liquid parameters), partial system failures or incorrect parameter settings
(e.g. wrong probe or device settings) will lead to unexpectedly high repeatability deviations. While the
interlaboratory comparison gives an indication of the system performance at the initial setup or after changes in the
setup, the repeatability gives an indication that the system operates within its initial specifications. Excessive drift,
system failure and operator errors are easily detected. Power set-up for validation
The uncertainty of the dipole input power is a significant contribution to the absolute uncertainty and the expected
deviation in interlaboratory comparisons. The values in Section 2 for a typical and a sophisticated setup are just
average values. Refer to the manual of the power meter and the detector head for the evaluation of the uncertainty

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in your system. The uncertainty also depends on the source matching and the general setup. Below follows the
description of a recommended setup and procedures to increase the accuracy of the power reading:

The figure shows the recommended setup. The PM1 (incl. Att1) measures the forward power at the location of the
validation dipole connector. The signal generator is adjusted for the desired forward power at the dipole connector
and the power meter PM2 is read at that level. After connecting the cable to the dipole, the signal generator is
readjusted for the same reading at power meter PM2. If the signal generator does not allow a setting in 0.01dB
steps, the remaining difference at PM2 must be noted and considered in the normalization of the validation results.
The requirements for the components are:

•   The signal generator and amplifier should be stable (after warm-up). The forward power to the dipole should be
    above 10mW to avoid the influence of measurement noise. If the signal generator can deliver 15dBm or more,
    an amplifier is not necessary. Some high power amplifiers should not be operated at a level far below their
    maximum output power level (e.g. a 100W power amplifier operated at 250mW output can be quite noisy). An
    attenuator between the signal generator and amplifier is recommended to protect the amplifier input.
•   The low pass filter after the amplifier reduces the effect of harmonics and noise from the amplifier. For most
    amplifiers in normal operation the filter is not necessary.
•   The attenuator after the amplifier improves the source matching and the accuracy of the power head. (See
    power meter manual.) It can also be used also to make the amplifier operate at its optimal output level for noise
    and stability. In a setup without directional coupler, this attenuator should be at least 10dB.
•   The directional coupler (recommended ³ 20dB) is used to monitor the forward power and adjust the signal
    generator output for constant forward power. A medium quality coupler is sufficient because the loads (dipole
    and power head) are well matched. (If the setup is used for reflective loads, a high quality coupler with respect
    to directivity and output matching is necessary to avoid additional errors.)
•   The power meter PM2 should have a low drift and a resolution of 0.01dBm, but otherwise its accuracy has no
    impact on the power setting. Calibration is not required.
•   The cable between the coupler and dipole must be of high quality, without large attenuation and phase changes
    when it is moved. Otherwise, the power meter head PM1 should be brought to the location of the dipole for
•   The power meter PM1 and attenuator Att1 must be high quality components. They should be calibrated,
    preferably together. The attenuator (³10dB) improves the accuracy of the power reading. (Some higher power
    heads come with a built-in calibrated attenuator.) The exact attenuation of the attenuator at the frequency used
    must be known; many attenuators are up to 0.2dB off from the specified value.
•   Use the same power level for the power setup with power meter PM1 as for the actual measurement to avoid
    linearity and range switching errors in the power meter PM2. If the validation is performed at various power
    levels, do the power setting procedure at each level.

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•   The dipole must be connected directly to the cable at location “X”. If the power meter has a different connector
    system, use high quality couplers. Preferably, use the couplers at the attenuator Att1 and calibrate the attenuator
    with the coupler.
•   Always remember: We are measuring power, so 1% is equivalent to 0.04dB. Laboratory reflections
In near-field situations, the absorption is predominantly caused by induction effects from the magnetic near-field.
The absorption from reflected fields in the laboratory is negligible. On the other hand, the magnetic field around the
dipole depends on the currents and therefore on the feedpoint impedance. The feedpoint impedance of the dipole is
mainly determined from the proximity of the absorbing phantom, but reflections in the laboratory can change the
impedance slightly. A 1% increase in the real part of the feedpoint impedance will produce approximately a 1%
decrease in the SAR for the same forward power. The possible influence of laboratory reflections should be
investigated during installation. The validation setup is suitable for this check, since the validation is sensitive to
laboratory reflections. The same tests can be performed with a mobile phone, but most phones are less sensitive to
reflections due to the shorter distance to the phantom. The fastest way to check for reflection effects is to position
the probe in the phantom above the feedpoint and start a continuous field measurement in the DASY3 multimeter
window. Placing absorbers in front of possible reflectors (e.g. on the ground near the dipole or in front of a metallic
robot socket) will reveal their influence immediately. A 10dB absorber (e.g. ferrite tiles or flat absorber mats) is
probably sufficient, as the influence of the reflections is small anyway. If you place the absorber too near the
dipole, the absorber itself will interact with the reactive near-field. Instead of measuring the SAR, it is also possible
to monitor the dipole impedance with a network analyzer for reflection effects. The network analyzer must be
calibrated at the SMA connector and the electrical delay (two times the forward delay in the dipole document) must
be set in the NWA for comparisons with the reflection data in the dipole document. If the absorber has a significant
influence on the results, the absorber should be left in place for validation or measurements. The reference data in
the dipole document are produced in a low reflection environment. Additional system checks
While the validation gives a good check of the DASY3 system components, it does not include all parameters
necessary for real phone measurements (e.g. device modulation or device positioning). For system validation
(repeatability) or comparisons between laboratories a reference device can be useful. This can be any mobile phone
with a stable output power (preferably a device whose output power can be set through the keyboard). For
comparisons, the same device should be sent around, since the SAR variations between samples can be large.
Several measurement possibilities in the DASY software allow additional tests of the performance of the DASY
system and components. These tests can be useful to localize component failures:
•   The validation can be performed at different power levels to check the noise level or the correct compensation
    of the diode compression in the probe.
•   If a pulsed signal with high peak power levels is fed to the dipole, the performance of the diode compression
    compensation can be tested. The correct crest factor parameter in the DASY software must be set (see manual).
    The system should give the same SAR output for the same averaged input power.

•   The probe isotropy can be checked with a 1D-probe rotation scan above the feedpoint. The automatic probe
    alignment procedure must be passed through for accurate probe rotation movements (optional DASY3 feature
    with a robot-mounted light beam unit). Otherwise the probe tip might move on a small circle during rotation,
    producing some additional isotropy errors in gradient fields.

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Document Created: 2003-02-18 14:37:43
Document Modified: 2003-02-18 14:37:43

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