User Manual ver01_part 1


Users Manual

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EN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                UK
     A. Select Start, select Settings, select DE A. Select Start, select Settings, select                KKA. Select Start, select Settings, select         PLA. Select Start, select Settings, select         SLA. Select Start, select Settings, select          A. Select Start, select Settings, select
        Update & Security, select Windows           Update & Security, select Windows                         Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows
        Update, and then install any                Update, and then install any                              Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any
        updates.                                    updates.                                                  updates.                                          updates.                                           updates.                                           updates.
     B. Select Start, and then select Mixed      B. Select Start, and then select Mixed                    B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed
        Reality Portal.                             Reality Portal.                                           Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.
     C. Follow the on-screen instructions.       C. Follow the on-screen instructions.                     C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.
AR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                JA
     A. Select Start, select Settings, select      ES A. Select Start, select Settings, select           LVA. Select Start, select Settings, select PTA. Select Start, select Settings, select                 FIA. Select Start, select Settings, select          A. Select Start, select Settings, select
        Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                   Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows
        Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                        Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any
        updates.                                          updates.                                            updates.                                          updates.                                           updates.                                           updates.
     B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed              B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed
        Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                     Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.
     C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.               C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.

ID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                KO
     A. Select Start, select Settings, select        EL A. Select Start, select Settings, select         LTA. Select Start, select Settings, select BRA. Select Start, select Settings, select                 SRA. Select Start, select Settings, select          A. Select Start, select Settings, select
        Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                   Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows
        Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                        Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any
        updates.                                          updates.                                            updates.                                          updates.                                           updates.                                           updates.
     B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed              B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed
        Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                     Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.
     C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.               C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.

BG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CN
     A. Select Start, select Settings, select      FR A. Select Start, select Settings, select HUA. Select Start, select Settings, select ROA. Select Start, select Settings, select                           SEA. Select Start, select Settings, select          A. Select Start, select Settings, select
        Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                   Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows
        Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                        Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any
        updates.                                          updates.                                            updates.                                          updates.                                           updates.                                           updates.
     B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed              B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed
        Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                     Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.
     C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.               C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.

CS   A. Select Start, select Settings, select HR A. Select Start, select Settings, select                NLA. Select Start, select Settings, select RUA. Select Start, select Settings, select                                                                   TW
                                                                                                                                                                                                               THA. Select Start, select Settings, select         A. Select Start, select Settings, select
        Update & Security, select Windows           Update & Security, select Windows                         Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows
        Update, and then install any                Update, and then install any                              Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any
        updates.                                    updates.                                                  updates.                                          updates.                                           updates.                                           updates.
     B. Select Start, and then select Mixed      B. Select Start, and then select Mixed                    B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed
        Reality Portal.                             Reality Portal.                                           Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.
     C. Follow the on-screen instructions.       C. Follow the on-screen instructions.                     C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.

DA   A. Select Start, select Settings, select        IT A. Select Start, select Settings, select NOA. Select Start, select Settings, select SKA. Select Start, select Settings, select                         TRA. Select Start, select Settings, select
        Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                   Update & Security, select Windows                 Update & Security, select Windows                  Update & Security, select Windows
        Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                        Update, and then install any                      Update, and then install any                       Update, and then install any
        updates.                                          updates.                                            updates.                                          updates.                                           updates.
     B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed              B. Select Start, and then select Mixed            B. Select Start, and then select Mixed             B. Select Start, and then select Mixed
        Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                     Reality Portal.                                   Reality Portal.                                    Reality Portal.
     C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.               C. Follow the on-screen instructions.             C. Follow the on-screen instructions.              C. Follow the on-screen instructions.

2                                                                                                            3*

4                                                                                                                                                              5
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6                                                                                                                                                               A                                                                               B



 EN *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                DE *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz            KK *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz              PL *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                SL *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz             UK    *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz
      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on          • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on
        computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.           computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.           computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.               computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.
      • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers         • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers         • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers             • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers
        that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.                     that support DisplayPort 1.2.                     that support DisplayPort 1.2.                         that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.
      For more information, go to                         For more information, go to                       For more information, go to                       For more information, go to                           For more information, go to                         For more information, go to  
 AR *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                ES *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz            LV *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz              PT *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                 FI *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz             JA   *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz
      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on          • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on
        computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.           computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.           computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.               computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.
      • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers         • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers         • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers             • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers
        that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.                     that support DisplayPort 1.2.                     that support DisplayPort 1.2.                         that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.
      For more information, go to                         For more information, go to                       For more information, go to                       For more information, go to                           For more information, go to                         For more information, go to  
  ID *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz               EL *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz             LT *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz             BR *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                SR *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz             KO    *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz
      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on          • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on
        computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.           computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.           computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.               computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.
      • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers         • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers         • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers             • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers
        that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.                     that support DisplayPort 1.2.                     that support DisplayPort 1.2.                         that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.
      For more information, go to                         For more information, go to                       For more information, go to                       For more information, go to                           For more information, go to                         For more information, go to  
 BG *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                FR *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz            HU *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz              RO *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                SE *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz             CN    *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz
      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on       • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on     • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on          • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on
        computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.            computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.          computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.               computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.
      • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers          • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers        • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers             • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers
        that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.                      that support DisplayPort 1.2.                    that support DisplayPort 1.2.                         that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.
      For more information, go to                         For more information, go to                        For more information, go to                      For more information, go to                           For more information, go to                         For more information, go to  
 CS *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz              HR *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                NL *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz            RU *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                TH *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz             TW    *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz
      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on       • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on     • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on          • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on
        computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.            computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.          computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.               computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.
      • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers          • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers        • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers             • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers
        that support DisplayPort 1.2.                      that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.                    that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.                         that support DisplayPort 1.2.
      For more information, go to                        For more information, go to                         For more information, go to                      For more information, go to                         For more information, go to                           For more information, go to  
 DA *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz               IT *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz               NO                                               SK *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz                TR *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz
                                                                                                            *LCD refresh rate: Hybrid 60/90 Hz
       • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on        • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on       • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on      • High refresh rate with maximum fidelity on
         computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.           computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.             computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.            computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.           computers that support DisplayPort 1.3.
       • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers         • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers           • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers          • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers         • Maximum 60 Hz refresh rate on computers
         that support DisplayPort 1.2.                     that support DisplayPort 1.2.                       that support DisplayPort 1.2.                      that support DisplayPort 1.2.                     that support DisplayPort 1.2.
       For more information, go to                       For more information, go to                         For more information, go to                        For more information, go to                       For more information, go to

Document Created: 2019-03-08 14:54:30
Document Modified: 2019-03-08 14:54:30

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