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Users Manual

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CONFIGURING THE AP’S IP ADDRESS USING THE CLI                                                             BLUESOCKET BSAP 1920/1925
By default, DHCP is enabled on the Bluesocket BSAP 1920/1925. If you need to statically configure the
IP address for the Bluesocket 1920/1925 AP, follow these steps:
1. Ensure that the BSAP is connected to a controlling computer (using the provided RJ-45 Ethernet
                                                                                                          WIRELESS ACCESS POINT
    cable).                                                                                               HARDWARE
2. Specify that the computer’s TCP/IP setting is On or Enabled by navigating to Control Panel >           Make sure the following items were included in the shipment:
    Network Connections and double-clicking the connection of your network interface card. Select          •  Bluesocket BSAP 1920/1925 Wireless Access Point (AP)
    Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and select Properties. Then specify that the TCP/IP setting is enabled.
                                                                                                           •  One wall/ceiling mount hardware kit
3. Set your PC to a static IP address of with a subnet mask of
                                                                                                           •  One ceiling T-rail mount hardware kit
4. Next, access the AP’s command line interface (CLI) using a Secure Shell (SSH) client. Open an
    SSH connection using the unit’s default IP address ( and port 2335. Enter the default
    user name and password (adm1n (note the number 1) and blue1socket) at the prompt. To access
    the unit using vWLAN, and for more instructions about CLI configuration, refer to the Bluesocket
    vWLAN Administrator’s Guide, available online at

More detailed documentation for configuring the Bluesocket BSAP 1920/1925 is provided in the vWLAN
Administrator’s Guide, available online at

                                                                                                          The BSAP 1920 has a modular high-efficiency internal Planar Inverted F Antenna (PIFA) antenna (no
                                                                                                          external antenna is required). The BSAP 1925 supports four modular high-efficiency omni-directional
                                                                                                          antennas that support two internal 802.11 radios: a 5 GHz 802.11a/n radio, and a 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n
                                                                                                          radio. The antennas can be ordered from ADTRAN in a set of four (two 5 GHz and two 2.4 GHz,
                                                                                                          P/N 1700932F1).

                                                                                                                            Make a note of the 12-character MAC address and serial number listed on the back of
                                                                                                                            the BSAP 1920/1925 before mounting the AP to a wall or other surface. This
                                                                                                                            information will be required during configuration.

                                                                                                          MOUNTING THE AP TO THE CEILING OR WALL USING THE WALL
                                                                                                          MOUNTING BRACKET
                                                                                                          Bluesocket BSAPs should be positioned for maximum throughput and range between other APs and
                                                                                                          wireless client devices. Follow these instructions to mount the BSAP 1920/1925 on the ceiling or drywall
                                                                                                          using the enclosed mounting bracket. To mount the AP to the ceiling or drywall:
                                                                                                          1. Attach the mounting bracket to the wall or ceiling using the provided wall/ceiling mount hardware kit.
                                                                                                          2. Insert the provided short screws into the bottom cover of the BSAP 1920/1925. Leave enough of
                                                                                                              the screws exposed to ensure that the unit can be attached to the mounting bracket. If extra space
                                                                                                              is required, use the spacers and long screws provided with the T-rail mounting hardware kit to
                                                                                                              increase the space between the unit and the mounting bracket.

4                                            Copyright © 2012 ADTRAN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.           Quick Start Guide, 61700954F1-13A, September 2012                                                      1

3.   Mount the BSAP 1920/1925 on the mounting bracket by inserting the screws on the back of the AP
     into the keyed slots on the mounting bracket rotating the unit clockwise 90 degrees to secure it into
                                                                                                             SUPPLYING POWER TO THE AP
     place.                                                                                                  The Bluesocket BSAP 1920/1925 does not have a power switch. It is powered when connected to a
                                                                                                             network device that supplies PoE based on the IEEE 802.3af standard, an external PoE injector
                                                                                                             (P/N 1700923F1) or the BSAP 1920/1925 can be powered by an optional external DC power adapter
                                                                                                             (P/N 1700928F1) connected to an AC power source. To use the external DC power adapter, connect the
                                                                                                             adapter to the 12V DC port on the back of the unit. The DC power adapter automatically adjusts to any
                                                                                                             voltage between 100 and 240 VAC at 50 or 60 Hz. No voltage range settings are required.

                                                                                                                                If the WAP is used in a medical environment, it must use an IEC/EN 60601-1
                                                                                                                                compliant power adapter.

                                                                                                             CONNECTING TO THE AP
                                                                                                             Connect the Bluesocket BSAP 1920/1925 to the Ethernet port of the computer used to configure the AP.
                                                                                                             Connect the RJ-45 Ethernet connector on the AP's back panel (labeled Ethernet) to your network using
                                                                                                             a CAT 5 or CAT 6 Ethernet cable. When the AP and the controlling computer are powered on, the AP's
MOUNTING THE AP TO A DROPPED CEILING                                                                         network LED will light indicating a valid network connection.
The Bluesocket BSAP 1920/1925 is shipped with a metal ceiling mounting kit (T-rail kit) to mount the AP      CONFIGURING THE AP WITH VWLAN AND AP DISCOVERY
on the ceiling tile separators of standard dropped ceilings. The mounting bracket can be used to mount       The Bluesocket BSAP 1920/1925 can be configured for use with Bluesocket’s virtual wireless local area
the AP to a drywall ceiling. Refer to Mounting the AP to the Ceiling or Wall Using the Wall Mounting         network (vWLAN). If you have installed a vWLAN instance, and want to use AP discovery to configure
Bracket for instructions. Bluesocket BSAPs should be positioned for maximum throughput and range             the BSAP 1920/1925, follow these steps:
between other APs and wireless client devices.
                                                                                                             1. After powering the AP and connecting it to the network, allow the AP to discover the vWLAN
To mount the BSAP 1920/1925 to a dropped ceiling:                                                                appliance to receive its configuration information. This AP discovery process uses an algorithm that
1. Attach the ceiling clips to the bottom cover of the BSAP 1920/1925 using the provided short screws.           runs through discovery methods in this order: static configuration, Dynamic Host Control Protocol
                                                                                                                 (DHCP) vendor option (43), Domain Naming System (DNS) discovery, and cached vWLAN
                                                                                                                 information. If no response to the discovery request is received, the algorithm moves to the next
                                                                                                                 method in the list (except when using static configuration, which never queries the other discovery
                                                                                                             2. There are two additional network components that can be configured to facilitate AP discovery.
                                                                                                                 First, an external DHCP server can be configured to assign IP addresses to APs associated with
                                                                                                                 the vWLAN. When configuring the DHCP server, make sure to configure the Bluesocket DHCP
                                                                                                                 Vendor option (43) on the server. Second, you can configure an external DNS server to resolve the
                                                                                                                 name apdiscovery to the IP address of the vWLAN instance in the network environment.

                    If extra space is required to accommodate dropped ceiling tiles, use the provided
                    spacers and longer screws included in the T-rail ceiling mount kit.

2.   Once the ceiling clips are attached to the BSAP 1920/1925, line up the T-rail connectors with an
     appropriately sized rail and press the unit onto the rail until it snaps into place.
3.   Optionally protect your BSAP 1920/1925 AP with a Kensington cable lock (not provided) inserted in
     the security slot.

2                                              Copyright © 2012 ADTRAN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.            Quick Start Guide, 61700954F1-13A, September 2012                                                      3

Document Created: 2013-03-29 10:45:32
Document Modified: 2013-03-29 10:45:32

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