Test Report DXX

FCC ID: HD5-TAP1000-01

Test Report

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                    Engineering Solutions & Electromagnetic Compatibility Services
                                       Certification Application Report
                                       FCC Part 15.225 & ISED RSS-210

  Test Lab:                                                   Applicant:

  Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc. Phone: 703-689-0368           Honeywell International Inc.
  360 Herndon Parkway           Fax:    703-689-2056          9680 Old Bailes Road
  Suite 1400                    www.rheintech.com             Fort Mill, SC 29707
  Herndon, VA 20170
  E-Mail: atcbinfo@rheintech.com
  FCC ID/                  HD5-TAP1000-01/
                                                              Test Report Date               June 15, 2018
  IC                       1693B-TAP100001
  Platform                 N/A                                RTL Work Order #               2018064
  Model                      A700x
  Model #/HVINs              TAP1010-01, TAP1020-01,          RTL Quote #                    QRTL18-064A

  American National          ANSI C63.10-2013: American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance
  Standard Institute         Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

  FCC Classification         DXX – Part 15 Low Power Communication Device Transmitter

  FCC Rule Part(s)           Part 15.225: Operation within the band 13.110-14.010 MHz (10-01-17)

                             RSS-210 Issue 9: License-Exempt Radio Apparatus: Category I Equipment
  ISED Standards
                             RSS-Gen: Issue 5: General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus
    Frequency Range                                                                               Emission
                                  Output Power (W)             Frequency Tolerance
         (MHz)                                                                                   Designator
         13.56                            N/A                              N/A                    2M20A1D

I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment tested and referenced in this report conforms to the
identified standard(s) as described in this test report. No modifications were made to the equipment during
testing in order to achieve compliance with these standards. Furthermore, there was no deviation from,
additions to, or exclusions from, the applicable parts of FCC Part 2, FCC Part 15, ANSI C63.10, and ISED
RSS-210 and RSS-Gen.

Signature:                                                                       Date: June 15, 2018

Typed/Printed Name: Desmond A. Fraser                                            Position: President

        These tests are accredited and meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 as verified by ANAB.
                           Refer to certificate and scope of accreditation AT-1445.

         This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Rhein Tech
      Laboratories, Inc. and Honeywell International Inc. The test results relate only to the item(s) tested.

                              360 Herndon Pkwy | Suite 1400 | Herndon | Virginia 20170
                            Phone: 703.689.0368 | Fax: 703.689.2056 | www.rheintech.com

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                                      Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                                                     Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                                                            Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                                          ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                                                      Report #: 2018064DXX

                                                                   Table of Contents

 1    General Information ............................................................................................................................. 4
   1.1       Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.2       Description of EUT ...................................................................................................................... 4
   1.3       Test Facility ................................................................................................................................. 4
   1.4       Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s) ...................................................................................................... 4
   1.5       Modifications ............................................................................................................................... 4
 2 Test Information .................................................................................................................................. 5
   2.1       Description of Test Modes ........................................................................................................... 5
   2.2       Exercising the EUT...................................................................................................................... 5
   2.3       Test Result Summary .................................................................................................................. 5
   2.4       Test System Details .................................................................................................................... 5
   2.5       Configuration of Tested System................................................................................................... 6
 3 Radiated Emissions – FCC 15.209, 15.225(a) & (d); ISED RSS-210 B.6, RSS-Gen ............................. 7
   3.1       Limits of Radiated Emissions Measurement................................................................................. 7
   3.2       Radiated Emissions Measurement Test Procedure ...................................................................... 7
   3.3       Radiated Emissions Test Data..................................................................................................... 8
   3.4       Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious Test Data .................................................................... 9
   3.5       Radiated Emissions Digital Test Data ........................................................................................ 10
 4 AC Conducted Emissions - FCC 15.207; ISED RSS-Gen 8.8: AC Power-line Conducted Emissions
 Limits ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
 5 Occupied Bandwidth – ISED RSS-Gen 6.7 ........................................................................................ 12
   5.1       99% Bandwidth Test Procedure ................................................................................................ 12
   5.2       99% Bandwidth Test Data ......................................................................................................... 12
   5.3       99% Bandwidth Plots ................................................................................................................ 13
 6 Frequency Stability – FCC 2.1055, 15.225(e): Frequency Stability; ISED RSS-210 B.6 Transmitter
 Frequency Stability ................................................................................................................................... 21
   6.1       Test Procedure.......................................................................................................................... 21
   6.2       Test Data .................................................................................................................................. 21
 7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 22

                                                                                                                                           Page 2 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                                               Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                                              Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                                                     Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                                   ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                                               Report #: 2018064DXX

                                                                Figure Index

 Figure 2-1:       Configuration of System Under Test .................................................................................... 6

                                                                 Table Index

 Table 2-1:        Channels Tested ................................................................................................................. 5
 Table 2-2:        Test Result Summary – FCC Part 15; ISED RSS-210, RSS-Gen ......................................... 5
 Table 2-3:        Equipment Under Test ......................................................................................................... 5
 Table 3-1:        Radiated Emission Limits..................................................................................................... 7
 Table 3-2:        Radiated Emissions Test Data (Fundamental) ..................................................................... 8
 Table 3-3:        Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious: Type A ............................................................... 9
 Table 3-4:        Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious: Type B ............................................................... 9
 Table 3-5:        Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious: Type F ............................................................... 9
 Table 3-6:        Digital Radiated Emissions Test Data ................................................................................ 10
 Table 3-7:        Radiated Emissions Test Equipment.................................................................................. 10
 Table 5-1:        99% Bandwidth Test Data ................................................................................................. 12
 Table 5-2:        99% Bandwidth Test Equipment ........................................................................................ 20
 Table 6-1:        Temperature Frequency Stability ....................................................................................... 21
 Table 6-2:        External Voltage Frequency Stability at 20°C ..................................................................... 21
 Table 6-3:        Frequency Stability Test Equipment ................................................................................... 22

                                                                  Plot Index

 Plot 5-1:     99% Bandwidth – Type A 106 Kbps......................................................................................... 13
 Plot 5-2:     99% Bandwidth – Type A 212 Kbps......................................................................................... 14
 Plot 5-3:     99% Bandwidth – Type A 424 Kbps......................................................................................... 15
 Plot 5-4:     99% Bandwidth – Type B 106 Kbps......................................................................................... 16
 Plot 5-5:     99% Bandwidth – Type B 212 Kbps......................................................................................... 17
 Plot 5-6:     99% Bandwidth – Type B 424 Kbps......................................................................................... 18
 Plot 5-7:     99% Bandwidth – Type F 212 Kbps ......................................................................................... 19
 Plot 5-8:     99% Bandwidth – Type F 424 Kbps ......................................................................................... 20

                                                              Appendix Index

 Appendix A:       Test Configuration Photographs......................................................................................... 23

                                                            Photograph Index

 Photograph 1:        Radiated Emissions Testing– NFC 30 MHz to 1 GHz – Front View................................. 23
 Photograph 2:        Radiated Emissions Testing – NFC 30 MHz to 1 GHz – Back View ................................ 24
 Photograph 3:        Radiated Emissions Testing – NFC 9 kHz to 30 MHz – Front View................................. 25
 Photograph 4:        Radiated Emissions Testing – NFC 9 kHz to 30 MHz – Back View ................................. 26

                                                                                                                                 Page 3 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                          Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                         Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                                Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                          Report #: 2018064DXX

 1     General Information

 1.1       Scope

 Applicable Standards:

           FCC Part 15.225: Operation within the band 13.110-14.010 MHz

           ISED RSS-210: Low Power License-Exempt Communications Devices

           ISED RSS-Gen: Issue 5: General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus

 1.2       Description of EUT

 Equipment Under Test                                  Body-worn transmitter
 Model/HVIN                                            A700x
 Power Supply                                          Internal rechargeable 3.7VDC Li-Ion Battery
 Modulation Type                                       ASK
 Frequency Range                                       13.56 MHz
 Antenna Type                                          Internal

 1.3       Test Facility

 The open area test site and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated data is located at
 360 Herndon Parkway, Suite 1400, Herndon, Virginia 20170. This site has been fully described in a report
 and approved by the Federal Communications Commission to perform AC line conducted and radiated
 emissions testing (ANSI C63.10-2013).

 1.4       Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

 This is an original certification application for Honeywell International Inc. Model A700x, FCC ID:
 HD5-TAP1000-01, IC: 1693B-TAP100001. The ISED application includes a family certification for
 three HVINs: TAP1010-01, TAP1020-01, and TAP1030-01. These 3 HVINs are electrically identical.

 1.5       Modifications

 No modifications were made to the equipment during testing in order to achieve compliance with these

                                                                                             Page 4 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                            Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                           Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                                  Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                            Report #: 2018064DXX

 2     Test Information

 2.1     Description of Test Modes

 Table 2-1:       Channels Tested
                                               Frequency (MHz)

 2.2     Exercising the EUT

 The EUT was supplied with test firmware programmed with modulation types and rates. The EUT was
 tested in all three orthogonal planes in order to determine worst-case emissions. The EUT was provided
 with software to continuously transmit during testing. The carrier was also checked to verify that information
 was being transmitted.

 2.3     Test Result Summary

 Table 2-2:       Test Result Summary – FCC Part 15; ISED RSS-210, RSS-Gen
            Test                 FCC Reference            ISED Reference                          Result
 AC Power Conducted
                                     15.207                 RSS-Gen 8.8                             N/A
 Radiated Emissions                  15.209                  RSS-Gen                                Pass
 Field Strength of
 Fundamental and                  15.225(a), (d)             RSS-210                                Pass
 99% Bandwidth                        N/A                   RSS-Gen 6.7                             N/A
 Frequency Stability            2.1055, 15.225(e)           RSS-210 B.6                             Pass

 2.4     Test System Details

 The test samples were received on June 5, 2018. The FCC identifiers for all applicable equipment, plus
 descriptions of all cables used in the tested system, are identified in the following table. The BT transceiver
 models are electrically identical.

 Table 2-3:       Equipment Under Test
                                        Model #/            Serial                          Cable
       Part        Manufacturer                                              FCC ID                         Bar
                                         HVIN              Number                         Description
     BT                                                                      HD5-
 Transceiver                           TAP1020-01       7518200122         TAP1000-           N/A          22944
                  International Inc.
 (conducted)                                                                  01
     BT              Honeywell
                                       TAP1020-01       7518200106         TAP1000-           N/A          22942
 Transceiver      International Inc.
     BT              Honeywell
                                       TAP1010-01       7418200070         TAP1000-           N/A          22940
 Transceiver      International Inc.
 3.7V Lithium        Honeywell
                                         BT-901        351747034705            N/A            N/A          22950
  Ion Battery     International Inc.
 3.7V Lithium        Honeywell
                                       TBA901-01       351747030105            N/A            N/A          22955
  Ion Battery     International Inc.
 3.7V Lithium        Honeywell
                                         BT-902        351741029405            N/A            N/A          22952
  Ion Battery     International Inc.
                                                                                                 Page 5 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                     Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                    Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                           Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                         ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                     Report #: 2018064DXX

 2.5   Configuration of Tested System


 Figure 2-1:    Configuration of System Under Test

                                                                                       Page 6 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                          Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                         Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                                Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                          Report #: 2018064DXX

 3     Radiated Emissions – FCC 15.209, 15.225(a) & (d); ISED RSS-210 B.6, RSS-Gen

 3.1     Limits of Radiated Emissions Measurement

 Table 3-1:      Radiated Emission Limits
         Frequency (MHz)                Field Strength (µV/m)                Measurement Distance (m)
            0.009-0.490                      2400/f (kHz)                             300
            0.490-1.705                      2400/f (kHz)                              30
            1.705-30.0                            30                                   30
               30-88                             100                                    3
               88-216                            150                                    3
              216-960                            200                                    3
            Above 960                            500                                    3

 As shown in 15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000 MHz, the field strength limits are based on average
 detector however, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average
 limits specified above by more than 99% under any circumstances of modulation.

 15.225(a) states “The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553–13.567 MHz shall not exceed
 15,848 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.”

 20log(15,848)=84 dBµV/m at 30 m

 3.2     Radiated Emissions Measurement Test Procedure

 Before final measurements of radiated emissions were made on the open-field three/ten meter range, the
 EUT was scanned indoors at one and three meter distances. This was done in order to determine its
 emissions spectrum signature. The physical arrangement of the test system and associated cabling was
 varied in order to determine the effect on the EUT's emissions in amplitude, direction and frequency. This
 process was repeated during final radiated emissions measurements on the open-field range, at each
 frequency, in order to ensure that maximum emission amplitudes were attained.

 Final radiated emissions measurements were made on the three/ten-meter, open-field test site. The EUT
 was placed on a nonconductive turntable 0.8 meters above the ground plane. The spectrum was examined
 from 9 kHz to the 10th harmonic of the highest fundamental transmitter frequency (135.6 MHz).

 At each frequency, the EUT was rotated 360°, and the antenna was raised and lowered from 1 to 4 meters
 in order to determine the emission’s maximum level. Measurements were taken using both horizontal and
 vertical antenna polarizations. For frequencies between 30 and 1000 MHz, the spectrum analyzer’s 6 dB
 bandwidth was set to 120 kHz, and the analyzer was operated in the CISPR quasi-peak detection mode.
 For emissions above 1000 MHz, emissions are measured using the average detector function with a
 minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. No video filter less than 10 times the resolution bandwidth was
 used. The highest emission amplitudes relative to the appropriate limit were measured and recorded in this

                                                                                              Page 7 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                            Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                           Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                                  Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                            Report #: 2018064DXX

 3.3     Radiated Emissions Test Data

 Table 3-2:         Radiated Emissions Test Data (Fundamental)
                     Emission    Quasi-Peak                 Quasi-Peak           Quasi-Peak     Quasi-Peak
 Technology                                     Correction
                    Frequency      Reading                   Corrected              Limit        Margin
    Type                                          Factor
                      (MHz)       (dBµV/m)                    (dBµV/m)            (dBµV/m)         (dB)
         A            13.56          15.1          21.5         36.6                84.0           -47.4
         B            13.56          14.4          21.5         35.9                84.0           -48.1
         F            13.56          13.8          21.5         35.3                84.0           -48.7

 Note:       Levels were extrapolated to 30 m from 10 m (-19.1 dB)

 Part 15.225(a) and (d) state:

       The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553–13.567 MHz shall not exceed 15,848
       microvolts/meter at 30 meters.

       The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110– 14.010 MHz band shall not
       exceed the general radiated emission limits in §15.209

 The 30 meter readings were interpolated from 10 meters by subtracting 40 log (30m / 10m) from the field

 The corrected measured fundamental levels in Table 3-2 are less than Part 15.225(a) and (d).

                                                                                              Page 8 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                    Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                   Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                          Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                        ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                    Report #: 2018064DXX

 3.4     Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious Test Data

 Table 3-3:      Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious: Type A
        Emission       Analyzer
                                      Correction     Corrected          Limit           Margin
       Frequency        Reading
                                        Factor       (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)           (dB)
         (MHz)         (dBµV/m)
         27.12           -37.6           23.6           -14.0            29.5            -43.5
         40.68           -37.1           14.1           -23.0            40.0            -63.0
         54.24           -31.4            8.0           -23.4            40.0            -63.4
         67.80           -37.4            7.0           -30.4            40.0            -70.4
         81.36           -36.1            8.6           -27.5            40.0            -67.5
         94.92           -21.0           11.5            -9.5            43.5            -53.0
         108.48          -35.2           13.4           -21.8            43.5            -65.3
         122.04          -34.8           13.5           -21.3            43.5            -64.8
         135.60          -38.6           12.7           -25.9            43.5            -69.4

 Table 3-4:      Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious: Type B
        Emission       Analyzer
                                      Correction     Corrected          Limit           Margin
       Frequency        Reading
                                        Factor       (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)           (dB)
         (MHz)         (dBµV/m)
         27.12           -36.6           23.6           -13.0            29.5            -42.5
         40.68           -36.7           14.1           -22.6            40.0            -62.6
         54.24           -30.9            8.0           -22.9            40.0            -62.9
         67.80           -37.2            7.0           -30.2            40.0            -70.2
         81.36           -35.4            8.6           -26.8            40.0            -66.8
         94.92           -20.1           11.5            -8.6            43.5            -52.1
         108.48          -34.6           13.4           -21.2            43.5            -64.7
         122.04          -34.4           13.5           -20.9            43.5            -64.4
         135.60          -38.1           12.7           -25.4            43.5            -68.9

 Table 3-5:      Radiated Emissions Harmonics/Spurious: Type F
        Emission       Analyzer
                                      Correction     Corrected          Limit           Margin
       Frequency        Reading
                                        Factor       (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)           (dB)
         (MHz)         (dBµV/m)
         27.12           -37.5           23.6           -13.9            29.5            -43.4
         40.68           -36.3           14.1           -22.2            40.0            -62.2
         54.24           -30.5            8.0           -22.5            40.0            -62.5
         67.80           -37.0            7.0           -30.0            40.0            -70.0
         81.36           -35.3            8.6           -26.7            40.0            -66.7
         94.92           -20.9           11.5            -9.4            43.5            -52.9
         108.48          -34.6           13.4           -21.2            43.5            -64.7
         122.04          -34.3           13.5           -20.8            43.5            -64.3
         135.60          -38.6           12.7           -25.9            43.5            -69.4

                                                                                      Page 9 of 26

   Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                             Client: Honeywell International Inc.
   360 Herndon Parkway                                                                            Model: A700x
   Suite 1400                                                   Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
   Herndon, VA 20170                                                 ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
   http://www.rheintech.com                                                             Report #: 2018064DXX

    3.5     Radiated Emissions Digital Test Data

    Table 3-6:          Digital Radiated Emissions Test Data
                                         Temperature: 72.4°F Humidity: 55%
Emission                 Antenna    Turntable    Antenna   Analyzer                Emission
              Test                                                    Correction                  Limit      Margin    Pass/
Frequency                Polarity   Azimuth       Height   Reading                   Level
             Detector                                                  Factor                   (dBµV/m)      (dB)      Fail
  (MHz)                   (H/V)        (°)         (m)      (dBµV)                 (dBµV/m)
  51.04        QP           H          90          1.0      -47.3         9.0        -38.3          40.0     -78.3     PASS
 150.50        QP           H          90          1.0      -56.0        11.5        -44.5          43.5     -88.0     PASS
 192.39        QP           H          90          1.0      -59.5        10.3        -49.2          43.5     -92.7     PASS
 207.42        QP           H          90          1.0      -42.2        10.5        -31.7          43.5     -75.2     PASS
 556.91        QP           H          90          1.0      -54.8        21.0        -33.8          46.0     -79.8     PASS
 767.94        QP           H          90          1.0      -55.3        22.5        -32.8          46.0     -78.8     PASS

    Note:    Levels were extrapolated to 30 m from 1 m (-59.1 dB)

    Part 15.225(a) and (d) state:

          The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553–13.567 MHz shall not exceed 15,848
          microvolts/ meter at 30 meters.

          The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110– 14.010 MHz band shall not
          exceed the general radiated emission limits in §15.209

    The 30 meter readings were interpolated from 10 meters by subtracting 40 log (30m / 1m) from the field

    The corrected measured fundamental levels in Table 3-2 are less than Part 15.225(a) and (d).

    Result: PASS

    Measurement uncertainties shown for these tests are expanded uncertainties expressed at 95% confidence
    level using a coverage factor k = 2. Measurement uncertainty = ±4 dB.

    Table 3-7:          Radiated Emissions Test Equipment
      RTL                                                                                     Serial       Calibration
                    Manufacturer                Model                 Part Type
     Asset #                                                                                 Number         Due Date
                                                                   Bilog Antenna
     900791              Chase               CBL6111B                                         N/A           10/4/20
                                                               (30 MHz–2000 MHz)
                    Rhein Tech                                3 meter Antenna mast,                           Not
     900878                              AM3-1197-0005                                       OATS1
                  Laboratories, Inc.                                 polarizing                             Required
                                                               OATS 1 Preamplifier
                    Rhein Tech
     900905                                   PR-1040                  40 dB                  1006          8/18/18
                  Laboratories, Inc.
                                                                 (30 MHz–2 GHz)
                    Rhein Tech                                                                                Not
     901242                              WRT-000-0003          Wood rotating table            N/A
                  Laboratories, Inc.                                                                        Required
                     Rohde and                  FSU             Spectrum Analyzer
     901581                                                                                  200106         4/26/20
                      Schwarz               1166.1660.50        (20 Hz – 50 GHz)
                     Rohde and                                    Loop Antenna
     901663                                  HFH2-Z2                                    827525/019           5/1/19
                      Schwarz                                    (9 kHz-30 MHz)

                                                                                                       Page 10 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                       Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                      Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                             Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                           ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                       Report #: 2018064DXX

 Test Personnel:

           Khue N. Do                                                          June 13, 2018
          Test Engineer                       Signature                         Date of Test

 4 AC Conducted Emissions - FCC 15.207; ISED RSS-Gen 8.8: AC Power-line Conducted
  Emissions Limits

 Device is battery operated. AC line conducted emissions measurements are not required.

                                                                                          Page 11 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                          Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                         Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                                Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                          Report #: 2018064DXX

 5     Occupied Bandwidth – ISED RSS-Gen 6.7

 5.1     99% Bandwidth Test Procedure

 The following conditions shall be observed for measuring the occupied bandwidth and x dB bandwidth:

 • The transmitter shall be operated at its maximum carrier power measured under normal test conditions.

 • The span of the spectrum analyzer shall be set large enough to capture all products of the modulation
 process, including the emission skirts, around the carrier frequency, but small enough to avoid having other
 emissions (e.g. on adjacent channels) within the span.

 • The detector of the spectrum analyzer shall be set to “Sample”. However, a peak, or peak hold, may be
 used in place of the sampling detector since this usually produces a wider bandwidth than the actual
 bandwidth (worst-case measurement). Use of a peak hold (or “Max Hold”) may be necessary to determine
 the occupied / x dB bandwidth if the device is not transmitting continuously.

 • The resolution bandwidth (RBW) shall be in the range of 1% to 5% of the actual occupied / x dB
 bandwidth and the video bandwidth (VBW) shall not be smaller than three times the RBW value. Video
 averaging is not permitted.

 Note: It may be necessary to repeat the measurement a few times until the RBW and VBW are in
 compliance with the above requirement.

 5.2     99% Bandwidth Test Data

 Table 5-1:      99% Bandwidth Test Data
                      Mode                                             99% Bandwidth (MHz)
                    Type A – 10                                                1.32
                    Type A – 21                                                1.78
                    Type A – 42                                                2.20
                    Type B – 10                                               0.200
                    Type B – 21                                               0.281
                    Type B – 42                                               0.481
                    Type F – 21                                               0.521
                    Type F – 42                                               0.921

                                                                                             Page 12 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                  Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                 Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                        Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                      ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018064DXX

 5.3   99% Bandwidth Plots

 Plot 5-1:      99% Bandwidth – Type A 106 Kbps

                                                                                   Page 13 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                  Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                 Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                        Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                      ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018064DXX

 Plot 5-2:      99% Bandwidth – Type A 212 Kbps

                                                                                   Page 14 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                  Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                 Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                        Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                      ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018064DXX

 Plot 5-3:      99% Bandwidth – Type A 424 Kbps

                                                                                   Page 15 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                  Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                 Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                        Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                      ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018064DXX

 Plot 5-4:      99% Bandwidth – Type B 106 Kbps

                                                                                   Page 16 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                  Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                 Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                        Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                      ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018064DXX

 Plot 5-5:      99% Bandwidth – Type B 212 Kbps

                                                                                   Page 17 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                  Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                 Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                        Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                      ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018064DXX

 Plot 5-6:      99% Bandwidth – Type B 424 Kbps

                                                                                   Page 18 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                  Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                 Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                        Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                      ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                  Report #: 2018064DXX

 Plot 5-7:      99% Bandwidth – Type F 212 Kbps

                                                                                   Page 19 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                       Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                      Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                             Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                           ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                       Report #: 2018064DXX

 Plot 5-8:        99% Bandwidth – Type F 424 Kbps

 Measurement uncertainty: Measurement uncertainties shown for these tests are expanded uncertainties
 expressed at 95% confidence level using a coverage factor k = 2. Measurement uncertainty = ±2 dB.

 Table 5-2:        99% Bandwidth Test Equipment
    RTL                                                                       Serial       Calibration
                   Manufacturer      Model              Part Type
  Asset #                                                                    Number         Due Date
                                   FSEM 30:         Spectrum Analyzer
   901672        Rhode & Schwarz                                            833063/13          4/17/19
                                   1079.8500        (20 Hz – 26.5 GHz)

 Test Personnel:

              Dan Baltzell                                                      June 8, 2018
             Test Engineer                     Signature                        Date of Test

                                                                                        Page 20 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                             Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                            Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                                   Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                                 ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                             Report #: 2018064DXX

 6 Frequency Stability – FCC 2.1055, 15.225(e): Frequency Stability; ISED RSS-210 B.6 Transmitter
  Frequency Stability

 6.1   Test Procedure

 The carrier frequency stability is the ability of the transmitter to maintain an assigned carrier frequency.

 15.255(e): The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within ± .01% of the operating
 frequency over a temperature variation of -20°C to +50°C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in
 the primary supply voltage from 85% to 115% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20°C. For
 battery-operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.

 ISED RSS-210 B.6: Carrier frequency stability shall be maintained to ±0.01% (±100 ppm).

 The EUT was evaluated over the temperature range -20°C to +50°C.

 The temperature was initially set to -20°C and a 1-hour period was observed for stabilization of the EUT.
 The frequency stability was measured within one minute after application of primary power to the
 transmitter. The temperature was raised at intervals of 10 °rees centigrade through the range. A ½-hour
 period was observed to stabilize the EUT at each measurement step and the frequency stability was
 measured within one minute after application of primary power to the transmitter. Additionally, the power
 supply voltage of the EUT was varied +/-15% nominal input voltage.

 6.2   Test Data

 Table 6-1:       Temperature Frequency Stability
         Temperature (°C)            Measured Frequency (MHz)                Percent of Operating Frequency
                  -20                         13.560053                                    0.0004%
                  -10                         13.560053                                    0.0004%
                   0                          13.560053                                    0.0004%
                   10                         13.560027                                    0.0002%
            20 (reference)                    13.560000                                    0.0000%
                   30                         13.560000                                    0.0000%
                   40                         13.560000                                    0.0000%
                   50                         13.560013                                    0.0001%

 Table 6-2:      External Voltage Frequency Stability at 20°C
          Voltage (TVDD)              Measured Frequency (MHz)               Percent of Operating Frequency
                3.145                        13.560000                                     0.0000%
           3.7 (reference)                   13.560000                                     0.0000%
                4.255                        13.560000                                     0.0000%

 Result: PASS

 Measurement uncertainty: Measurement uncertainties shown for these tests are expanded uncertainties
 expressed at 95% confidence level using a coverage factor k = 2. Measurement uncertainty = ±2 dB.

                                                                                                 Page 21 of 26

Rhein Tech Laboratories, Inc.                                          Client: Honeywell International Inc.
360 Herndon Parkway                                                                         Model: A700x
Suite 1400                                                Standards: FCC 15.225/ISED RSS-210/RSS-Gen
Herndon, VA 20170                                              ID’s: HD5-TAP1000-01 / 1693B-TAP100001
http://www.rheintech.com                                                          Report #: 2018064DXX

 Table 6-3:         Frequency Stability Test Equipment
    RTL                                                                          Serial       Calibration
                    Manufacturer        Model              Part Type
  Asset #                                                                       Number         Due Date
                       Tenney                        Temperature Chamber
     900946                              TH65                                    11380           3/26/19
                   Engineering, Inc.                     with Humidity
                       Agilent                        EXA Signal Analyzer
     901583                             N9010A                                MY51250846         2/6/20
                    Technologies                       (10 Hz-26.5 GHz)
     901627            Meterman         34XR-A             Multimeter          040402802         4/19/19

     901635        Hewlett Packard      6024A           DC Power Supply       1912A00331           N/A
                                       FSEM 30:        Spectrum Analyzer
     901672       Rhode & Schwarz                                              833063/13         4/17/19
                                       1079.8500       (20 Hz – 26.5 GHz)

 Test Personnel:

              Daniel Baltzell                                                      June 11, 2018
              Test Engineer                        Signature                       Date of Tests

 7    Conclusion

 The data in this measurement report shows that the EUT as tested, Honeywell International Inc. Model
 A700x, FCC ID: HD5-TAP1000-01, IC: 1693B-TAP100001, complies with all the applicable requirements
 of FCC Part 15 and ISED RSS-210 and RSS-Gen.

                                                                                           Page 22 of 26

Document Created: 2018-08-15 13:33:53
Document Modified: 2018-08-15 13:33:53

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