Modular Approval Letter


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9680 Old Bailes Rd. Fort Mill, SC 29707 United States

                   Declaration of the Modular Approval

Applicant: Honeywell International Inc
           Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions
Address: 9680 Old Bailes Rd. Fort Mill, SC 29707 United States
Model name: HON-ST60Q

The single module transmitter has been evaluated then tested meeting the
requirements under Part 15C Section 2.12 as below:
  Modular approval requirement                                 EUT Condition         Comply
(a) The radio elements of the modular transmitter       This modular does have        Yes
    must have their own shielding. The physical         its own RF shielding.
    crystal and tuning capacitors may be located
    external to the shielded radio elements.
(b) The modular transmitter must have buffered          The EUT has buffered          Yes
    modulation/data inputs (if such inputs are          data inputs, detail see
    provided) to ensure that the module will comply     block diagram and
    with part 15 requirements under conditions of       schematic.
    excessive data rates or over-modulation.
(c) The modular transmitter must have its own           The modular has its own       Yes
    power supply regulation.                            power supply regulation,
                                                        detail see EUT photo and
(d) The modular transmitter must comply with the        The modular transmitter       Yes
    antenna and transmission system requirements        complies with the antenna
    of Sections 15.203, 15.204(b) and 15.204(c).        requirements.
    The antenna must either be permanently
    attached or employ a “unique” antenna coupler
    (at all connections between the module and the
    antenna, including the cable). The “professional
    installation” provision of Section 15.203 is not
    applicable to modules but can apply to limited
    modular approvals under paragraph (b) of this
(e) The modular transmitter must be tested in a         The modular transmitter is    Yes
    stand-alone configuration, i.e., the module must    tested in a stand-alone
    not be inside another device during testing for     configuration.
    compliance with part 15 requirements. Unless
    the transmitter module will be battery powered,

    it must comply with the AC line conducted
    requirements found in Section 15.207. AC or
    DC power lines and data input/output lines
    connected to the module must not contain
    ferrites; unless they will be marketed with the
    module (see Section 15.27(a)). The length of
    these lines shall be the length typical of actual
    use or, if that length is unknown, at least 10
    centimeters to insure that there is no coupling
    between the case of the module and supporting
    equipment. Any accessories, peripherals, or
    support equipment connected to the module
    during testing shall be unmodified and
    commercially available (see Section 15.31(i))
    must not be inside another device during
(f) The modular transmitter must be equipped            The modular transmitter     Yes
    with either a permanently affixed label or must     has permanents fixed tag.
    be capable of electronically displaying its FCC
    identification number.
(g) The modular transmitter must comply with any        Please refer to the user    Yes
    specific rules or operating requirements that       manual instructions.
    ordinarily apply to a complete transmitter and
    the manufacturer must provide adequate
    instructions along with the module to explain
    any such requirements. A copy of these
    instructions must be included in the application
    for equipment authorization requirements,
    which are based on the intended
(h) The modular transmitter must comply with any        The modular transmitter     Yes
    applicable RF exposure requirements in its final    complies with applicable
    configuration.                                      RF exposure



Name: Michael Robinson
Position: Product Compliance
Date: 2019-07-23

Document Created: 2019-07-24 12:01:09
Document Modified: 2019-07-24 12:01:09

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