Appendix C DASY Calibration Certificate


Test Report

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                             stontouisnun            w                          vew
               @777 cammenms           ;.  s aryoe
                                 son~ j    CNASH
              wl petey monbet sn ueol 422| Ni cEVO
              M ucmd
      Em                         Cortlicate ho: zie9to77

 C                           omeme— sw err
 cutoimPociven               reacsor
                             Cotaten rmentres o tpl vataion is
 Cutnien:                    mmysuans
 This esraten Cuthan ceinens t seatyto rsoral candardy whchretze e styrl unl o
 nessvenents),The messrenes nd e unara escotdencn otonityoe ghen onh song
 prom ardareputet tocetions
 Ab dtom nhesn cniices in ho ced latondoy fsln: ontonnent eneonlnzziyc ord
  CutrateEntonentsaedTE ieforcutatn)
  Finoy worts         is     4i Dak@alvales by Ceifeas o) ScrntieiCatbatan
   Poedtisec Nee      rowio ons iem,msmimisy                   Aore
   Preccess weze on..       oacscm.missrs                      o
   Raereepess coow |cnroor  renwuprciatoniarerrelg              rear
| cce               | tm    oonmsnom—socanneziszrom             e
| eomieytunsus      o#        on Des(Oobewedty Caticunho)          Cctetredltriem
  GarlGmenieEuis| nvatoriaso svreens or. us reascen                     Jear
  Wevodtnayseroorcc uvennours 0 im1e o. noatmeesess                    w rr

 Cotsaiessy            Brooing        Simatcngres                        127.
 Revonesty             adanne         BRbromttowin        L ho>
| Aepmiter             tntiepers      en iederatve rcniey          Aesf
                                                         limes na alis
Ti cooton cortt sharohe eosiced enth i wihedt in secminlohe Iteniny

    Cattivete risonm                  Insios


            e¥ i cuiieseas
             TTL                    e_a
                 ~— enmewemaitonnom
       M it erant ints ie ton
       Enbuitnasce   "9. odainn
 ast                Sesve aindatng fould
 Cone               senstviy n TL NoRe
 wa                noteeplcatle ernot mansured

 Galtratin is ParformadAccordingto the Fllwing Standards:
 ) 1EEE S19202015 TBE Recomnerdad Prodion forDetemining thc Peok
   Spatk—Avered Goecil Adcorlon Rate (2A) in hn HuranHead rom Weciess
   Communicaions Onvcee: Neseurement Tctriavos, June 2013
U)120 62200—1, ‘Procediio maniane haSpecitcAbiarpton Rate(GAR) or hand.ho
   Sevicesused in ioprsdniy o hen (feruencrarge o 00liizto Soey, Fabruary
o) RG $20002, Procedire to measire the SpeaileAbsotpt Rato(GA) For winiess
   communiatin devices vwndi clon proumby toine human beyCroquorcy angeof
   dontte t aoiey, Maeh 20t0
«) EOO0U30O1, SAR fensuremont Requreman‘ fr 100 it o6 iiz

Acidtonal Documentaton:
+) OASIS Sytom Hanetock

  itethods ied and Intorsetaton ofPavametors
  + Mevsurrment Goncifane;Futhr detal areavalabl hm thVaibaton Repot atheord
      oth certicate A)toures aaled in he cefnts ae valdul ie equency indisted
  +. Antowia Paraterwith SC The dga e mourted wth tapoca to postion ts eed
     pontoracty selowtheeanter maring otfatphariom secion in the ams orented
     porleltoh body ais
  +. Faed PoiInpoelanco ond RtarLoae Theve peratararemeasured wth e cosls
     poallened nder hind ied phonlon.Thoinpedance stated is tandfored fom tho
     measiremantathe SIth conneetato is fod ron.The Rlim Lom annures ow
     refocied sover No unontainy eguied
 +. SietialDainy One—vay deiy betncon he SXconnectanth antena eed point
     No uneetainy equred
     5N7 mansiret SAR esnath staid antana hnout power
+ 5W namafznd: AR as imeastrnd,nounalzed t on nputpower o W attw anloans
+. 5WR o novinal L necamatare:The measined TSL parametorareuses to ces the
     reminalSAR resut

  The reported uncuibiny of measirement is ciled as the slandard uneetwinly
  Messurement mullpted by the couage facor k2, which for a nornal dstibatonof
  Corrsponds o a csvrano prionily of anorntnatey 200

            memn                   hss


       d              ntudarsie
       77L                  e_a
       Sm(            eommnvucece
        s 100stt mt wive worn ce
       HEanemitlets on aneldemin
       bntuitinniee        emuie
 Hoaeitenont Goncitions
   Bhin t ontne en ne uccem1                  —
     D88esn                       siere                  sns
                        ~| Acitamine:
                             ~wearaimemniie   |__
     Dninaspreremmecrit _         on          O wnane              _
    Toom tesatien              ectrtnien
    revweuy                    revies rime                     —
Hond T9L paramaters
  Th orng ranloe e ouatre
                                   mepaare    romataty     coomsmaty
    Hontalfnist ponmoien            Rew         w          Toram
    Hemuadtoat ol poramcmns       @srens       weise      |inaemice
    TeT9kineoate stige drngind] <orc
Shi renullrt Head Te
   sinsmmscart on‘       oaiateni.     Ein
   ino               _         j mies,                    same
  | 08e romme res 15 aranns          mvarei —|srmwncmrs in
   sitamagnionis on‘ tomorrearme       Gras
   EAnmwcd                  —        ZerWesipe |          ie
   sntrmraladStrramim            |   emmaioin       —|switpe ie
nody TS parameters
  Ts vare momat insns wurpes
                               terpenton      Pamiiay      Comiatiy
   erinory e omm                ase              «         Em
   Eindi8reamain              mowaye           [|_miise |reemmsek
   Boiy T9L mt ctons uin ini] cicro
$ARrositwit Body T8C
  [sitanopnsert or" o ammizn [ oi —                                7_
   stnmsnone                        Fentings se          Ramire
   SR ixmandbudTorrrmcomm            meanco n         —|nrrimmakis
   OAtmpconcts on‘ (ouioire|___        cootte                      "
   Eow                                oanroapeee aernivre
  [B1 e voren ty To ocms             mmazae m acmmiemes ton
cnttounczienm                  ho


          a$9em.      novmaineh
        @7TL          s       e_a
        Sn . Grerouuromen
       d  ioi mt esm
       Momerinem®       tsenc
                            ati uin cue
       Elranmawy       T MOAIRIT
  Antonnn Raramator wHend TSL
     bnvabose rrvterata eae                       seo cno
     Ronins                                         zon
  Antanea Peramoterswih Bocy TSL
    bnoninesramrme unds
  General Antonna Parametareand Devign
    Cancitin on corsy                               sim

  Anring es uovan1000it eripnaignt wnrhy oh se rer e fnspootcon
  Un dsc mate t tonsrt eral cantealle Thecerteeonio o h ooo ols ty
 onveca l hecondaimo! h ic Thanewa a Donfrs mt xoi0c             serat osane
 ofi detisunit it ase w ie ie en in incrfo o ngore ratig iorced
 asenies o heposlonss onlinetn ba Wemrnnent contters pasyanh Thonl ce net
 atvan y meeranas Te era oc ol n it acrtca o h S
 Ho mecnsan ce rmatareedto o apec mm srcune hayirai iet ocierad
 etnrectins rehaeniant maho danegnc

 AdditonalEUT Data
       aag O owe j

comtenmnericomns                buceus


       Bm suassamen
       @TTL s _p_e_a o
       400 evantathoie m sorncan
       faneaddlnty onl enlzinin
       Entuinamee®         Ryouomal
 DASYS Vliain Report od Tst                              bnotane
  t atoatoy: CRaingChee
 DWP Dinel zisie Type: asstva;e naeune snar2
   Commurision Spten:  UID , C;frapeag: 250 it Duy Cpec: i
   Nedpaantes on                       1 Sn o 67 p= 1000 bytna
   Trantonsecton:Cote Se
        kenerio Dasys armirctanst ons oaury
 PASTS Conto
         +. bade: fdbve S¥C 36,735,7 30Cuitoact 2romoté;
              m0rSiice 2rin (Mochnia Sn ce Daisto)
         +0 Meamnion D Sart; Caitewct 20nols
         +. Mavons iplet Purio5 1G;Taee: D 020 s C Sal EW1
         +. Mearrenedt: DASYSR Veon 528y SEMCAD X Vorien 10 aarm)
      DivlcCatiatintFoonSean(reat) Prt¥ew Mesneomentpilide=Son,
      Aetoers vtien it vin towe brt — 01 ap
     Pos 3A(etopnits) 202
     sangq in wiey tA«ts wiy
     Motinies valicof SAR (nesic) = 194 Why



       es | C             L“g__r.__&__‘_;
           o an ~maving~ tror anwing

Cuitorene zomm                  bessare


         z.. nContmacend
           TL        e_a
       dus          aant mt niet mss vee,one
                           io mia

       impodance Monstremont Potfor Head TsL



    hi t 20 50 wsc in un

Cuitireticzisonet                 Incvorn


        g$BP nesuoreen
       en 7TL s _p e a s
        Cz Grenmurowor
       40tmthiie en 1tce
       fomesmen "ormniniiice
       Pntanimace           lipmabae
 MAVS Vanton Repertor ty TSL                             bae instms
 Tos Labntays CTT Rfng,Chie
 B Dss ts Trpe badsrva; sert basiva — sc 7
   Crenmuricaionpten: UID , ; en 2630ie Duy Crse: is
   Melin penten sds +200 Mc           Li Sm m 5 7 1000b‘
   Fhiron sestin: Lt Seion
   NesssemenSuccu. pasvs aterzctnst ooisa00m)
 DASYS Cortwaton
          +0 Pobs: BXGpNs— SnthimOmnt22,200,7 m Catont: 210001;
          +. ScaneSathse tam (Mehrial Bs Drbston)
          +0 Heamnies DABSertsCaltnd 200016
          «. Pintonc Tple MPanton£1C, Tpe: D 000 s1 CA Serl: 16LA
          +. Messrement M DASVS2 Vn28 ()SEMCADX Venion 14032
      Divol CaliatinFoomS (PeTe) O MI¥Oue 00             itc esn
      dytrm ds
      Hefonns vae n ¥44 VincoverIxit=—504 B
      Poak SAR (ompolan 281 We
      sabda tas wike SARCN) «07 Wiy
      Mosinam wler 548 (rewed> 192 W





               vare ma w ind aivng

Cottoininimn                 besrars


                 &          a
    4 ol erestoints ie wern ce
    femead  ants Te wiedoren
    Pafemitace     memeuell
    Impedince Monesremont lt forBouy TSL

iimmonse                      erte         »mensmsim

   necamsaem               bessers

                                                                               Report No.:C180305S01-SF
                                                                                             Page 9 of 28

D2450V2, Serial No.817 Extended Dipole Calibrations
 Per IEEE Std 1528-2013,the dipole should have a return loss better than -20dB at the test frequency to
 reduce uncertainty in the power measurement.
 Per KDB 865664 D01,if dipoles are verified in return loss(<-20dB,within 20% of prior calibration),and in
 impedance (within 5 ohm of prior calibration),the annual calibration is not necessary and the calibration
 interval can be extended.

 Justification of the extended calibration
                                      D2450V2 Serial No.817
                                             2450 Head
                                                Real                       Imaginary
   Date of         Return-Loss     Delta                      Delta                         Delta
                                             Impedance                    Impedance
 Measurement          (dB)          (%)                       (ohm)                         (ohm)
                                               (ohm)                         (ohm)
   5.31.2016         -26.988         --        50.995          --           4.4109            --
   5.30.2017         -27.037        0.18       51.424         0.469         3.8285          0.5824

                                      D2450V2 Serial No.817
                                             2450 Body
                                                Real                       Imaginary
   Date of         Return-Loss     Delta                      Delta                         Delta
                                             Impedance                    Impedance
 Measurement          (dB)          (%)                       (ohm)                         (ohm)
                                               (ohm)                         (ohm)
   5.31.2016         -26.560         --        47.743          --           4.0044            --
   5.30.2017         -26.006        2.09       49.534         1.791         5.1394          1.135

The return loss is < -20dB, within 20% of prior calibration; the impedance is within 5 ohm of prior
calibration. Therefore the verification result should support extended calibration.

                                               Page 9 of 28

                                                          Report No.:C180305S01-SF
                                                                       Page 10 of 28

Dipole Verification Data D2450V2 Serial No.817
2450 MHz-Head

                                          Page 10 of 28

                                Report No.:C180305S01-SF
                                             Page 11 of 28

2450 MHz-Body

                Page 11 of 28


                          IMPORTANT NOTICE

usace of ThE pag4
Te OME unis a dtee, horeco ntnnenantin canteaimen tyn us Thre m ro
serventipor hade e BME Speca atora ant opran o in elorng pore
BateyExchange The tater cet ie DAEsni connd vang a sro, ntetaing e srm may
canebealpece te Do won
sheninaot h OAE ioshnng h OAE o 59EAG tocaioaton remore tbatwin d pactte
OMEo aninaruy Ti mmin t ho b uind n a wbo conare wnch us t
OAE hom meacs 0049 ranoataion The reauge wte maied io nicae it a tnutunenin
stp Fllres Tt decion may be natintonry et botennaoralse in ote e Ex: Avohn
oti  ic mans     o canauenent    naprtc
                          otaveExon     esand   clion aron       cauodby t and on
Retnotnt i be E20010                move we tonsner onl maan mantte vote o we ont
C and o e OME un a mandvnenmonnaritd onasanenent
Rupit Moo: ce e peromeg at o etacstdhte h anma ettaton Hovene SPEAG resenes
befgi o uie o n rapae aproul i tougnpodenora haningcanes be e
uht contpwaton Fe: Snce ie antvaies of ho OAE nat aieinarcos    as meanendsrrn e
ortrme pocuno a 5ME wn, w ratuan ) bCASTaetwar. envaie o 00 Morm is ven
incoressontogcantqunto in
limportint No‘
IWarranty and cllbraton is vod if he DAE uni is disasserbled party orfuly by the

Noverattemptto grease or oitheE—atop auserbly. Cleaning and readjustingoftE—
Istop ausermbl is alowad by corfled SPEAG personnalony and is part otannval
{eatbration procedur

(inportant No:                          ector pins, use great care when instaltngthe
To provent damage o tDAE probe conn  epr obe withtheconnoctor notchoriented in the
brabe t the DAE Gare con     nec tth
Imating positon. Avad any rtatonal movemn    t oftheprobe bacy versus thDAE
htonefumi  ngngta tocking nothe connoctor. The same care shallbe used whon
isc cti the probe tom the DAE

mrrounso ces                                                              inezsee


Galibration Laboratory of                                     g.   terimiterttinesin
Schmid & Parvar                                                    deveemine dtatmon
  Enginoeing AG                                               5    mninime t waes
Fnopominie s ittetence                                        5    seamcametsntenice
hsn ts oreaum tvn t%                                  ermsussono: 5CS 0108
on spraanto tncin tctvnioncsicus
« + cos.ct(ruden)                                     centcrene: DAEt—12SJutt?
oaes                 on« —so ooo pow ow stt oss
Cammmmpmssets        oncn.omes
                     Caltratonprocedare fothe data acquitio lectoncs(OAE)

careinose            Juy 20 017

Tiesttoncnten is nmenean it se uhme stpits onemevnasn
fh neanemonie rntarn utcepray n pon n t vanrpe wun olcantcan
onoencssoceuuon t nsmunsenun 7 Cmyce
oavesstasme e pittona ecapomy
rmansiows                     caou cen)            svensercataime
faviy lnmman Ts               use isvemin          sev                                 |
bnomiesurten       oo         coxouetntonn         svess
hasove ommin      se vinoiiin anant mmneaess       nranecrcs mnis
eseastorns         stomoemiee cantrnmesden         nansaee: mss

                         fure               Feowm                     Guce
cammutty                 bevize ut          Aimenty tarrian          ae2

Km                       sonim              Doi                       if Bj‘\mw
M xtntensottenpusent ocn iuiewwonoretoay

conteas ns oree 0s 207                 o ras


Callbration Laboratory of                                      g. ttmintain tatnmen
Schmid & Partor                                                    evinine rutomam
  Engineeing AG                                                5. sntontmedinie
tnapoonie i intraics petmiea                                   8 mnocomntenes
Hormtusn urs revmutw on                                         nsussonme ns: SS 0108
Th is Arrntatntaice iow ot enc ieth
Iasutenreaon on mapntonatcttntan cten
oa€                 data acquitton lectonics
Connactor angle     information used in DASY system to alg probe sensarX to the robot
                    coordinate system.
Methods Applied and Interprettion of Paramoters
   + DC Vollage Heasirement CalbraionFacior assessed for use in DASY system by
      comparson with a calbrated inshument raceableto naionalstandards, The ue aven
      corespands to tfuscle range ofthe valimetein the respectve range
   +. Gomnectorangle: The angleofthe connectoris assossed moasuringthe angle
      mechaniealy by a looinseted. Unceranty s not requtred
   +. Thefolowing parammeter as documanted in the Appendx contain technicaiformation as a
      resullfrom the peformanco lt and requre nuncerainly
      * DC Voliage Measurement Linoaiy: Voiteaion o heLinoarty l +10% and —10% of
          the nominal calbraton vatage. nfuence of ofeet vatage iincluded in is
      + Gommon mode sensitvlylnluence oa positveo negativecommon mode valage on
          the diferenialmeasuremont
      * Ghannel separaton:ntluence of a votage on the neighber channelsnot subject tan
      + AD Gomverter Valies wih inputsshortec: Valies on the intemal ADconverier
          coresponding to 200 nout vatage
      * InputOlset Measirement Ouiput vatage and stisical resuls overa large number of
          zoro votago measuromonts
      + Input Ofset Gurrent Typial value foinfommation; Maximum channol nput ofst
        currnt not considerinthinput resistance
      + Inputreistance: Tyiealvalefornformation: DAE inut rositance at he connecto,
        durng Intomal auto—zeroing and during measirement
      + Low BatlryAlarm Votage: Typial value frnformation. Below his vatago,a batlry
        alarm signatis gonorted
      + Power consumplion:Tyoleal value foinformation. Supaly curents n varous oporatng

centemn ns oree is a07


DC Voltage Measurement
    A/D — Converter Resolution nominal
        High Range:      1LSB =         6ApV ,        full range =   —100.. +300 mV
        Low Range:       1LSB =         B1nV ,        full range = ~1... +3mV
    DASY measurement parameters; Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec

      Calibration Factors                X                            Y                  Z

      High Range             405.976 + 0.02% (k=2)      404.686 +0.02% (k=2)   405.823 + 0.02% (k=2)
      Low Range              -'1.00@66_:‘ 1.50% (k=2)   3.98422 + 1.50%(k=2)   4.02584 + 1.50% (k=2)

Connector Angle

      Connector Angle to be used in DASY system                                       20.5°%41°

Certificate No: DAE4—1245_Jul17                         Page 3 of 5


Appondlx (Addtional assessments outside the scope of $CS010¢)
1. DC Voltage Linearty
    iohe                     Feading tm                            En
    Chimaix rima              wommase                              am
    Chummai® rins              zomes                               on
    Eomm                       rmocs                               o
   [Gmaly       smewt               womiz                           as
    chummaly    zin                 momse                           om
    chummaly    l                   zoomze                          on
    chumralz    zies                Tmmsire                         ow
   |ctameiz     amew                zomm                            Eo
    Chamalz     __roa                zon              se           ow
    Towange                        Textea on    _|_oifemncc in     Erem
    Ghemaix     sipa                 mour             on           on
   [Erameix     + mot                zes             on             on
    Chamlx       <hovt               is        _| _ im              as
    chamaly    rmoa                 Eam             on              oo
    chmmal¥    io                   wiar            as              os
    Gtammal¥   ow                   moum            on              o
    ctomalz    spoa                 znsr            on              on
    chimmil?   siou                 mz              on              on
    ctamelz    <ros                 zom             an              on
2. Common mode sensitvity
    OAmeasreme santrs Ado ts Te 3 sc vung ie 3see
               lt Votags )         Mak naoge 0) Amage
                               |_ArmgeRexang       towaoge
                                                      Aesane i)
    Ghmax                 m           zm            o
                          zo          me            iz
    Giemay                m           zm            zas
       _                  zo          ser       _iz
   ctomaiz                    E3               am                 en
                              E3               an                 in
3. Channel separation
    DASt messranensns A2oo Ti 3 sec Hesuaea o. ues
                  Inot Yotaos (nt) Crannalx ) Chameiy o)         GramelZ oi)
   chimaix               zo                            se           sa
    ctomway            zo                im             ;           im
    ctamaiz                              m             Ts
Contene s oane ies 207                    raptas


4. AD—ConverterValues with nputs shorted
   OHSmeasranedswranats Aso 2o Tim 3 se omurng tw 3 se
                                 ob nange use        torrangton
   Gramix                            T                   Tan
   @amay                             es                  en
   Cwz                               e                   ons
   input Offst toasurement
   UResrerer samman ut ts Te se Momutng ie e
                     Amragei0) nin otae u) max otect t| samam
                                                           pyp i
    com                  i          in          is         on
    @may                aa          cg         sas         sn
    ee:                  y          ze         is —| n
   input Offset Current
    fhrontneiony tastomen on attomatc tsin
4: lipit Bewerith saleuie n imwales
                                Ts omm               Comt:=mm
    mm                                mo                zo       7
    (iemay                            m                 m
    @amaz                             3:                m
8. Low Battery Msem Voliage peates t fomate)
   fgntem                       [Rtev o)
   sumiriven                                 s
   Serecveq                                  s
5: Power Consumption (ipeat ies o nomaten
    nemmes                   suictedatinn) Sardbrin) |_tarsnims m
    sermrtevea                    oo           a           ys
    Gurmrtve                     on            a            5

contems i orce esan7                rapsos


Caltbraton Laboratery of                                stt tsmmz
Sctmid & Parver
  Engnooing AG
tnaiimnmst   im sn termins                              peostatemaseice
Herntortybetonstcrenam en 09                         pensnazaa: 08 0108
To oenava movesenio oneth
Wnirenfycemect vemnpman rcamatecrn
cun Cos.oN(Aiden)                              conscncne ©G—2798.Jutt?
ow                 excove— sns
crmmnsesen         excrcone,on crt—ta oron.ams, on onl2510
                   Giltaton rocdira odasinticEfad robes

oommease       Juy saomt
Tnveatasnes uceheen iess ast marebe orea onciomnemone i
 Acatses s tanonsm tind ismtray svnrme wuas i 27c mhy «ts
 ooteme termeont vircomstveammn
 mnses —2— —m                         commepema  m       cmrmmes
 mettacie           Scu               sev     nememn w
 mermenveat         m on              eceuse mamy       liew
 reawamren —|mone                     eceute mess         eu
 fewm m ns s on        snoi           oixeuse omm         w
[ntowsraweson sime               ~[ncuss m             ~faen
 Eo                                     sns   merm        sau             )
[ss                 s _               cammmeeenmms        mamee
           s        acsm
[reenernnc —| stmmoer    nmn           anet amar          —|rmar on sn
 mt wnre                               «ie tnmessenim     —|nmasoms win
[nevmms ts          nc oovmeits——|otdieai   omensnn im nnemomr
 W perntle mne      mt meaw              ce mon en im—| mroceona he n
[neferroyersinns —| aciemame      "— | nounimeerenonin—|nmersee onl

                                       E>       Tiker
hz i             es                       mz                wa—
 corm                nmat iee
 lstwty              rmevueg           rausuom LAf
 (nacsseruntnts ngrnceon nsnn eventre smy

 cenmune ons s                     Pm tarn


Callbraton Laboratery of
Sumda rone
 tmenyre                                                 $$ emeng
sBHREYMcce cce                                              esn
Ioonrnnicuedmens                                           smm ie: 828 0108
x          $ed

neniage,         AnDNERMTHHT cuncietmesFubemeanen sn
Callbration iRerformed Accordingto the Fllowing Standards:
   a) iee m ez ts WeE Reconnenda oco ntemiing e Posk Sount vmapd Speoic
       AlrootonRls SAn h faman ras n Wirsins ConuncatomDveen Nomnerment
       Teconue. ie ts
    14 R€ zio7 ersummen meceire oh mnovenenteSpect:Anontoate CAon ants
       12E Bon8a ecaneavices   nnao
                          1 tenie       e n(remenay o o ie
                                   ru tpoteAvonenhteGAe)         oyen
                                                           o mevirec  y oieaniees
       wnad n m novunt o e hana tsue mratd ie o0 Grey Mc anto
   6, Kob titee SA mnromanResanuc oi ioo e
Methods Applied and Intermretaton of Paramoters:
       MOhMcya mseau o t olncate a» 0t00 Mc n Telica(> 100 ite Ris womnit)
       NoNwo ol nomedataakes 1 lb cananto l NORtis doerut atect in Ed
       tnentanlyre 15blow Corrh
   + NOAMDove» Noplbye"hewseny uzonho remaneResionse Ctar) i iecrcaton n
       insonarii ASYAwahrr rrvars hn han 2. Thunatany o Foovencyrssors a nauced
       nb snad teatany o Cont
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   +. PA¥ PCsPasktoonfatbtis recainatd xt dminesased on es
   +. Aove Bricc Oe Oriec Vir A & 5.0 n rummralboatatonpariatrs ncemn hsn on
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       wsat n DAGvHsovare ncnb curnce o e randay Thesorurg n TSL cononts
       toligi"Grnutmnby t rcananarmunts t l veo Cor® A o) epentat
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    +. Sporealnobgy 20 vato on ntoryi ult o aadas rnianduang ul prarion
       mmed yh morca
    * Simer in Thenancr tatcornionts t hortof itnearunence tom be poieto
       (enioteNo lowarcereaues
   + Camrect Aut: Ties msswig e namaton garedbydaarmeny ha NoRuero
conroaens poome j                   rersan


poov—suam                                             soym on

            Probe EX3DV4


                    Manufactured:     Apri5, 2011
                    Callbrated:       July 26, 2017

                   Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                       (l:nanconpailn OMS2 sptond

centnens poorewr                  ramsan


poov—stsne                                                                myascom

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3798
Basl Callbation Parameters
                           Sm               smay            se            uen
Eewpar                      os:              oas             osr          riors
 octimg                    es                se         1    we

                                       afoef       e         Ts      w     w
                                      w on                   w       ay    omm
                                    x ~on  on     uc         s      ie     ze
                                    on     ~|~se|"ie                mas
                                    2o     se     |7ia              es
The rearteunceraint of measrement is ialed as hestandard uncerainly of measuromont
imatiple by the coveragefacerke2, tichfoa romal trutonconsepondstoa coverage
(iremmetion0(2 w nc net itenma ts ts hgnoce


poovesuane                                                             aarmecon

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3798

Callbcaton Paramater Detorminein Head Tissue Simutating Modia
   rau: nouity                                            ama] Te |_ i5 ‘
    as        ais                                          o |_ose
  |_as        «s                           sn              on | on
    io        wo          me    _|   ais   sis      sis    ow | ow
    w0 |      us          mno        sor   sor      sor _| osr | ons
    2s        se          rso        me     me      ze | on | ow
    sam       o        |_ass | am          om ame | oss | in
                       ars     ast         se aot
                    "|is                   an |_am
                       sor                 l in

             ee   ts t n owtdata
                  evain   en enh n   m us uontame
                                   teieeenon       mamte    mm
                                                        en onsus
 CEECY      10
 Revoeasmieie  t Bd       nmemmont   ot in homc        ce   dn ocm
 npovensitcmt Cb htden NOEnie      anmnat 19 tosrnmenantomaai
                           TePnmmbaaio       nc n t onsareraseons
 enn We immnotion mituo  WX n1enpnonamnte
                                nn enneoiononay
                                                  mm  es mraatinran
                                                            crormame n

cerrins pooriw                         P sors


nove—svarme                                                                zs zow

DASY/EASY — Parametersof Probe: EXSDV4 — SN:3798

Callbration Paramoter Dotermined in Body Tissue Simulating Medtia
         Taae | Concbny
  |rums mmatiy    "my   conrs conr‘ |.                             Tw
    s     se       om    _|_oss oss                            oss | oro
     so        sso         1os       out     om | our oa | ons
    io   saa               ise    zo tmr               ts1     o|     os
    190  saa               ie us us                            oas    o
    2aso sr                im mm ie                    m       on |   ow
    sao  mmo               sz _| ast | am              am      ow     im
    sso  mo _                     asr | as             asr     ow |   im
    sso  is                       az | am              «m      on |   10
 |_so | iss _|                  | am am                am      on |   i9
 |_ sw   we                om | im im                  sns     on |   im
  en itatt     TneGait      nc oi o tAv t twon ono maco s sotie e
Ei     Wene tsnn    ind iGant  ltmmmon
                                         n overuelfo
                                             io uis  neiementngVaceC
                                                           enc l haves
                                                                     ole mmay
oois ie         Mnc e valnyiTAvehyaiinnromnoun
                            ic mm t en eaatisa     9 ow emmsanen
                                               mtoncadaoe             nson
                                                               ie onane
 anin ne olomtmt
            Te Ieamonttace OBd    unsA
                               e tine    twunsnc
                                      n onganr ondn   eb t
                                                    enon        eeraiommis
                                                                         bnan in

centeane nsmmt                         rapsan


                                  Frequency Response of E—Field
                                      (reh—callii0 EXK, Waveguide: Ra2)
    Freweny essonse pomaized

                                  s         ie       te       sh          ce
                                        8                           it#
                                 Uncetiny ofreqvencResponsottlt: x c3% e

centcrane ooamm                                   Patarn


econ—susm                                                    syas zon

                    Receiving Pattern (§), 9 = 0°
            t—600 MzTem                       11800 iz Raz

                   Unevtaintott stopyAssesumant 2 05% t

cenraene ooori s                 rarta


pcon—suom                                                   wayaszom

                     Dynamic Rangef(SARts)
                            EM cll; un 1900 Witt)
        so e

               io      io   i santoirens
                                   io    io             o

                        °         sn alont
                            a                       +
                    Uncariny oLnoaty Assessmant t en


poov—stome                                                      wayzezom
                   Conversion Factor Assessment
         t« msimemousnootcomn)               is soomewots etcone)

                Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                           Eior (6,9),1= 900 Mite

               ie oe me e«           se ez on se se ve
                Uneanaty o ptetcaoovopyAasessment 2206 o)

centerete pore w                 Pm oon


soovemane                                       syas m

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3798

Othor Probe Parameters
[SereePracpmen                          —I
 crecnt                                    is
|nadonarsctineccinien             Tfi
 onealtizticsDroscntine                  deais
 PetaGreaitomgn                          Srmm|
                                      =    nn
(Tetan                      w   — |        Sm
 Tobanae                          |—      Z5ma
 P ToSenant Gntzatmrome           |—       Tam
 Frte ToGmsnv Catinnron             i      Tam
 FateTolSmssz Catraimran            §      Tam
[RetormeriaNesuronenDameson Satem         Timm|

centerate poaremt       retia

Document Created: 2019-08-29 14:56:10
Document Modified: 2019-08-29 14:56:10

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