

Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                                    Front Panel                Rear Panel
                                                                                                                                                    前面板                        後面板
                                               ScanPalTM Series
                                               ScanPalTM 系列
                                                                   · ScanPalTM Enterprise Hybrid Device ;
Enterprise Hybrid Device (EHD)                                         手持電腦
                                                                                                                                                             Power Indicator                                                                         Scan Engine
                                                                                                                                                            電源指示燈                                                                                    掃描引擎
                                                                   · Main battery (3.8V, lithium ion battery);                                                                                                                                           Speaker
EDA71-0           Quick Start Guide
                                                                      主電池(3.8V,鋰離子電池)                                                                                                                                                                    揚聲器
EDA71-1           快速入門指導
                                                                   · Regulator sheet.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NFC ant area
                                                                                                                                                             Scan Indicator
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NFC 區域
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Battery Cover Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                  Battery Cover Buckle                                      Lock
                                                                                                                                                                                  Handle                                                    電池蓋安全鎖
                                                                   Remarks:                                                                                                       電池蓋摳手
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Battery Cover Safety
                                                                   If you ordered accessories for the terminal, please make sure they are                                                                                                   Button
                                                                   also included in the package; be sure to keep the original packages for                   Display
                                                                              TM                                                                             顯示屏
                                                                   ScanPal         EDA71 to be returned for repairing when necessary.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Battery Cover
                                                                                                        TM                                                                        電池蓋
                                                                   如果您訂購了終端配件,請確保它們也包含在包裝中; 請務必保留ScanPal EDA71
                                                                                                                                                                                  String Buckle
                                                                                                                                                             Microphone           腕帶卡槽
                                                                   End users should not arbitrarily replace the operating system with other
                                                                   operating systems. To update operating system installed on your device,
                                                                   you need to get license from the OS vendors.
                                                                   最終用戶不應隨意將操作系統替換為其他操作系統。 要更新設備上安裝的操作系統,

                                           EDA71-SC-QS Rev A
                                                                   EDA71-0/EDA71-1 belongs to ScanPalTM Series
                                                                   EDA71-0/EDA71-1 屬於 ScanPalTM 系列

                                                                   Install the Main Battery
Left Side View                                  Right Side View    安裝主電池                                                                                                       Charging / Sync
左側面                                             右側面                Replace the battery with wrong models may cause explosion. Please                                           充電/同步
                                                                   make sure to use the battery in accordance with local regulations.                                          Synchronous Communication
                                                                   Please recycle the battery when possible. Do not dispose it as household waste                              同步通信
                                                     Volume Up
   Power Button
   電源键                                                             Please ensure all kits are dry when connect the mobile device or battery
                                                                                                                                                                               Insert the ScanPalTM EDA71 to the USB cup(or the single cradle).
                                                                   to external devices.
                                                                                                                                                                               Connect the USB cup(or the single cradle) to the computer.
                                                     Volume Down   Damages caused by connecting wet kits are not covered by the warranty.                                                  TM
                                                     音量-                                                                                                                       將ScanPal EDA71插入USB cup或single cradle。
                                                                   用錯誤的型號更換電池可能會導致爆炸。請確保按照當地法規使用電池。請盡可能回收電池。                                                                   將USB cup或single cradle連接到計算機。

                                                     Scan Button   ScanPal TMEDA71 comes with a battery in a separate package.
                                                     掃描键           ScanPal
   Scan Button                                                     Please follow the steps below to install the battery.
   掃描键                                                             請按照以下步驟安裝電池:

                                                                   1. Press down the battery cover safety button to move the battery cover
                                                                      safety lock to the unlock position at right;
                                                                      按下電池蓋安全按鈕,將電池蓋安全鎖移至右側的解鎖位置 ;
                                                                   2. Open the battery cover with the battery cover buckle handle ;
                                                                   3. Insert the battery (Insert the non-connector side first, then press the
                                                                      battery down to establish connection between the battery and the phone)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                USB Cup
                                                                   4. Press down the battery cover (Insert the non-connector side first,
                                                                      then press the battery cover down)
          The Bottom                                                  按下電池蓋(首先插入非連接器側,然後按下電池蓋)
          底部                                                       5. Press down the battery cover safety button to move the battery cover
                                                                      safety lock to the lock position at left

                       8 Pin I/O Connect
                                                                   Refer to the illustrated installation steps on the following page.
                                                                   備註:                                                                                                                                            Single cradle


 Charging / Sync                                                                              Suspend / Wake Up the Terminal                                                                  Install memory card                                                                                      Install Micro SIM Card
 充電/同步                                                                                        暫停/喚醒終端                                                                                         安裝存儲卡                                                                                                    安裝Micro SIM卡
 Charging 充電                                                                                  Suspend / Wake Up the Terminal                                                                  1. Power o ;                                                                                            1. Power o ;
                         TM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              關機;
 1. Insert the ScanPal EDA71 to the USB cup(or the single cradle);                            暫停/喚醒終端                                                                                            關機;
    將ScanPal EDA71插入USB cup或single cradle。                                                    Press the power button and then release (less than 2 seconds).                                  2. Press down the battery cover safety button to move the lock to the unlock position at right;         2. Press down the battery cover safety button to move the lock to the unlock position at right;
 2. Connect the USB cup(or the single cradle) to the power adapter;                           按電源鍵然後松開(少於2秒)。                                                                                   按下電池蓋安全按鈕,將鎖移至解鎖位置在右邊的位置;                                                                               按下電池蓋安全按鈕,將鎖移至解鎖位置在右邊的位置;
   將USB cup或single cradle連接到計算機。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      3. Open the battery cover with the battery cover buckle handle ;
                                                                                              To wake up the device from sleep mode, press the power button and                               3. Open the battery cover with the battery cover buckle handle ;
 3. Make sure the replaceable adapter plug plugged into the power adapter;                    then release (less than 2 seconds).                                                                                                                                                                       從電池蓋扣柄處打開電池蓋;
    確保可更換的適配器插頭插入電源適配器;                                                                       按電源鍵然後松開(少於2秒)。要將設備從睡眠模式喚醒,請按電源鍵然後松開(不到2秒)。
                                                                              TM                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4. Pull out the battery (First open the battery connector side, then pull out the battery)
 4. Connect the power adapter to the wall plug and start charging for ScanPal    EDA71.                                                                                                       4. Pull out the battery (First open the battery connector side, then pull out the battery)
    將電源適配器連接到墻插,然後開始為ScanPalTMEDA71充電。                                                                                                                                                          取出電池(先掀開電池連接器側,然後取出電池;
                                                                                              ScanPalTM EDA71 Power Indicator                                                                                                                                                                         5. Open the rubbercover of the SIM card slot and insert the Micro SIM card until it clicks;
                                                                                              ScanPalTM EDA71 電源指示                                                                            5. Insert the SD card to SD card slot until it clicks;
 Get ScanPal TM EDA71 charged for at least 4 hours before using it, subject to                                                                                                                                                                                                                          掀開Micro-SIM橡膠蓋,插入Micro SIM卡,直到聽到哢嗒聲;
 your battery models. Using the terminal while charging will significantly extend              The status of power indicators in non-charging and charging process are illustrated as below:                                                                                                           6. Insert the battery (Insert the non-connector side first, then press the battery down to
                                                                                                                                                                                              6. Insert the battery (Insert the non-connector side first, then press the battery down to
                                                                                              非充電和充電過程中電源指示燈的狀態如下圖所示:                                                                                                                                                                                     establish connection between the battery and the phone);
 the time required for fully charged.                                                                                                                                                             establish connection between the battery and the phone);
          TM                                                                                                                                                                                    插入電池(先插入非連接器側,再按下電池,使電池和終端連接);
 ScanPal EDA71在使用前至少充電4小時,具體取決於妳的電池型號。充電時使用終端將大大                                              Non- charging process /非充電状态                                                                                                                                                                            7. Press down the battery cover (Insert the non-connector side first, then press the battery
 延長所完全充满需的時間。                                                                                                                                                                                 7. Press down the battery cover (Insert the non-connector side first, then press the battery
                                                                                              O /關                    Battery power is normal /電池電量正常                                                                                                                                                    cover down);
                                                                                              Flashing orange /閃橘色 Battery power is low /電池電量低                                                   cover down);
                                                             Replaceable adapter plug
                                                                                              Charging process /充電状态
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      8. Press down the battery cover safety button to move the battery cover safety lock to the
                                                                                              Constant green /恒綠色     Charging complete /充電完成                                                 8. Press down the battery cover safety button to move the battery cover safety lock to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         lock position at left;
                                                                                              Flashing green /閃綠色     During charging process, and the charging is about                         lock position at left;
                                                                                                                      to be completed /充電中,電量接近滿充                                                按下電池蓋安全按鈕,將電池蓋安全鎖移動到左側鎖定位置;
                                                          USB Cup                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9. Power on
                                                                                              Orange /橘色                   During charging process, and the battery power is                  9. Power on                                                                                                開機。                                                     Micro SIM Card /Micro SIM 存儲卡
       Power adapter
                                                                                                                           still low /充電中,電量低                                                    開機。
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SD Card /SD 存儲卡
                                                                                              Flashing red /閃紅色            Battery is abnormal /電池異常

                                                           Single cradle

It's recommended to use Honeywell's peripherals, batteries, USB charging cables
and power adapters. Damages caused by using non-Honeywell peripherals, batteries,
USB charging cables or power adapters are not covered by the warranty.
Please make sure all kits are dry when use the terminal and battery with other accessories.
Damages caused by using wet kits may not be covered by the warranty.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Note: only EDA71-1 delivers this feature

Use Scan Engine                                                                               Aiming Beam                                                                                     Technical Support
                                                                                               瞄準光束                                                                                            技術支持
Align the aiming beam with the barcodes, and adjust the angle between the beam                The aiming beam gets narrower when the terminal gets closer to the barcodes ,                   For information about technical support, after-sales service and maintenance, please
and the barcodes to get the best results.The recommended range from the terminal              while it gets wider when the terminal gets farther from the barcodes.                           visit www.honeywellaidc.com .
to the barcodes is 4" to 10" (10cm to 25cm).                                                                                                                                                  技術支持,售後服務和維護的相关联系信息,請訪問www.honeywellaidc.com
將瞄準光束对准條形碼,調整瞄準光束与条形码之間的角度以獲得最佳效果。推荐終端到机到條形碼                                                                                                                                                  User Documents
的距离是4“到10”(10厘米到25厘米)。                                                                                                                                                                        用戶文档
1. Click the demo application on the interface, and then select Scan demo program;            The smaller the barcodes, the closer the aiming beams should get to the barcodes                For the local version of this article, please visit www.honeywellaidc.com .
  点擊界面上應用程序,選擇掃描演示程序;                                                                          當條形碼尺寸減小時,瞄準光束必須靠近條形碼位;                                                                        对于本文件的本地版本,請訪問www.honeywellaidc.com
2. Click Scan on the screen or press the Scan Button;                                         The bigger the barcodes, the father the aiming beams should get to the barcodes                 Patents
  从屏幕上点击掃描或按住掃描键 ;                                                                             當條形碼尺寸增加時,瞄準光束必須遠離條形碼。                                                                         專利
3. Align ScanPal         EDA71 with the barcodes;                                                                                                                                             For information on patents, please refer to www.honeywellaidc.com/patents.
               TM                                                                                                                                                                             有關專利的信息,請訪問www.honeywellaidc.com/patents
  將ScanPal EDA71 终端机對准條形碼;
                                                                                              Beam positions when scan 2D images
4. Adjust the aiming beam: in order to obtain the best performance, avoid scanning in a                                                                                                       Warranty
                                                                                               掃描光束位置                                                                                         保修期限
  slight angle and slowly move the beam on the barcodes by scanning the reflection of                                                                                                          Please log into www.honeywellaidc.com/warranty_information for warranty information
  the barcodes;                                                                                                                                                                               on your product.
  調整瞄準光束:為了獲得最佳性能,請避免以微小角度,通过掃描條形碼的反射,緩慢移動條形碼                                                                                                                                                  請登錄www.honeywellaidc.com/warranty_information獲取您产品的保修信息。
5. The terminal will beep when the barcodes are successfully decoded, which means the                                                                                                         免责声明
                                                                                                                                                                                              Honeywell International Inc. reserves the rights to modify the specifications and other
   information included in the barcode has been obtained by the terminal.
                                                                                                                                                                                              information mentioned above without prior notification.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Readers should consult Honeywell International Inc. to make sure if any changes made
                                                                                                                                                                                              any time they read this article.
                                                                                                                                                                                              The information in this article does not represent any commitments of Honeywell International Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Honeywell International Inc. is not responsible for direct or indirect loss caused by any
                                                                                                                                                                                              technical or editing errors or omissions contained in this article.
                                                                                                                                                                                              The proprietary information contained in this article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Without prior written consent from Honeywell International Inc., any form of photocopy,
                                                                                                                                                                                              copy or translation into other languages for any part of this article is not allowed.
                                                                Scan Engine /掃描引擎                                                                                                             本文档的任何部分不得复印、复制,或翻译成另一种语言。

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   All Rights Reserved by Honeywell International Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Website: www.honeywellaidc.com

1.22   (Only for EDA71-0)

Document Created: 2019-05-24 17:15:40
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 17:15:40

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