Test report LTE band 26 part 1


Test Report

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                                                    FCC REPORT
Report Reference No. .................... :               TRE1809007504                   R/C…….:15856

FCC ID ............................................. :    HD5-EDA511

Applicant’s name ........................... :            HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC

Address ............................................. :   9860 OLD BAILES RD FORT MILL,SC 29707 United States

Manufacturer.....................................:        HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC

Address.............................................:     9860 OLD BAILES RD FORT MILL,SC 29707 United States

Test item description .................... :              Mobile Computer

Trade Mark ....................................... :      Honeywell

Model/Type reference ....................... :            EDA51-1

Listed Model(s) ................................. :       -

Standard ......................................... :      FCC CFR Title 47 Part 2
                                                          FCC CFR Title 47 Part 90

Date of receipt of test sample……….:                       Sep 17,2018

Date of testing………………………...:                              Sep 18,2018- Oct 15,2018

Date of issue………………………….:                                 Oct 16,2018

Result .................. …………………...:                     Pass

Compiled by
( position+printedname+signature) ... :                   File administrators Silvia Li

Supervised by
(position+printedname+signature) .... :                   Project Engineer Aaron Fang

Approved by
(position+printedname+signature) .... :                   Manager Hans Hu

Testing Laboratory Name ............. :                   Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.

Address ............................................. :   1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road,
                                                          Tianliao, Gongming, Shenzhen, China

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial purposes as long as the
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. is acknowledged as copyright owner and source
of the material. Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. takes no responsibility for and will
not assume liability for damages resulting from the reader's interpretation of the reproduced material due
to its placement and context.
The test report merely correspond to the test sample.

                                                                 Page: 1 of 45

Report No.:     TRE1809007504                    Page:   2 of 26                  Issued:   2018-10-16


1.      T EST ST AN D AR D S AND R E PO RT V E R SIO N                                                    3

1.1.    Applicable Standards                                                                          3
1.2.    Report version information                                                                    3

2.      T EST D E S CR I PT IO N                                                                          4

3.      SUM M ARY                                                                                         5

3.1.    Client Information                                                                            5
3.2.    Product Description                                                                           5
3.3.    Operation state                                                                               6
3.4.    EUT operation mode                                                                            7
3.5.    EUT configuration                                                                             8
3.6.    Modifications                                                                                 8

4.      T EST EN V IRO NM ENT                                                                             9

4.1.    Address of the test laboratory                                                                9
4.2.    Test Facility                                                                                 9
4.3.    Equipments Used during the Test                                                               10
4.4.    Environmental conditions                                                                      11
4.5.    Statement of the measurement uncertainty                                                      11

5.      T EST CO N DIT IO N S AND R E SU LT S                                                         12

5.1.    Conducted Output Power                                                                        12
5.2.    Peak-to-Average Ratio                                                                         13
5.3.    99% Occupied Bandwidth & 26 dB Bandwidth                                                      14
5.4.    Band Edge                                                                                     15
5.5.    Conducted Spurious Emissions                                                                  16
5.6.    Frequency stability VS Temperature measurement                                                17
5.7.    Frequency stability VS Voltage measurement                                                    18
5.8.    ERP                                                                                           19
5.9.    Radiated Spurious Emission                                                                    22

6.      T EST S ET UP PHO T O S O F T H E E UT                                                        26

7.      E XT E RN AL AN D INT E RN AL P HO T O S O F T HE E UT                                        26

8.      AP P E N D I X R E PO RT                                                                      26

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Report No.:     TRE1809007504                     Page:      3 of 26                  Issued:   2018-10-16

1.1. Applicable Standards
The tests were performed according to following standards:
ANSI C63.26: 2015: American National Standard for Compliance Testing of Transmitters Used in Licensed
Radio Services
KDB 971168 D01 Power Meas License Digital Systems v03: MEASUREMENT GUIDANCE FOR

1.2. Report version information
      Revision No.                Date of issue                                Description
          N/A                      2018-10-16                                    Original

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2. Test Description
              Test Item                      Section in CFR 47                Result         Test Engineer
                                                 Part 2.1046
Conducted Output Power                                                         Pass         Jiongsheng Feng
                                                Part 90.635(b)
Peak-to-Average Ratio                                  -                       Pass         Jiongsheng Feng
99% Occupied Bandwidth & 26 dB
                                                 Part 2.1049                   Pass         Jiongsheng Feng
                                                 Part 2.1051
Band Edge                                                                      Pass         Jiongsheng Feng
                                                 Part 90.691
                                                 Part 2.1051
Conducted Spurious Emissions                                                   Pass         Jiongsheng Feng
                                                 Part 90.691
                                             Part 2.1055(a)(1)(b)
Frequency stability VS Temperature                                             Pass         Jiongsheng Feng
                                                 Part 90.213
                                             Part 2.1055(d)(1)(2)
Frequency stability VS Voltage                                                 Pass         Jiongsheng Feng
                                                 Part 90.213
                                                Part 22.913(a)
ERP                                                                            Pass              Shower Dai
                                                Part 90.635(b)
                                                 Part 2.1053
Radiated Spurious Emissions                                                    Pass              Shower Dai
                                                 Part 90.691
Note: The measurement uncertainty is not included in the test result.

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3.1. Client Information
Applicant:                    HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC

Address:                      9860 OLD BAILES RD FORT MILL,SC 29707 United States

Manufacturer:                 HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC

Address:                      9860 OLD BAILES RD FORT MILL,SC 29707 United States

3.2. Product Description
Name of EUT:                  Mobile Computer

Trade Mark:                   Honeywell

Model No.:                    EDA51-1

Listed Model(s):              -

                              Conducted: 9901194000067
IMEI Code:
                              Radiated: 99001194004106

SIM Information:              Support One SIM Card

Power supply:                 DC 3.8V

                              Model:ADS-12B-06 05010E
Adapter information:          Input: 100-240Va.c., 50/60Hz, 0.3A
                              Output: 5.0Vd.c.,2.0A

Hardware version:             IDH60_MB_V3.0.0

Software version:   
Operation Band:                    FDD Band 26
Transmit frequency:           814.7 MHz – 823.3 MHz
Receive frequency:            859.7 MHz – 868.3 MHz
Channel bandwidth:            1.4MHz, 3MHz, 5MHz, 10MHz
Power Class:                  Class 3
Modulation type:              QPSK, 16QAM
Antenna type                  IFA Antenna
Antenna Gain                  0dBi

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3.3. Operation state
   Test frequency list

     TDD Band 26
                               Test Frequency                               Frequency of           Frequency of
                                                Banwidth[MHz]      NUL                     NDL
                                     ID                                     Uplink [MHz]          Downlink [MHz]
                                                     1.4          26997        814.7       8697       859.7
                                                      3           26705        815.5       8705       860.5
                                 Low Range
                                                      5           26715        816.5       8715       861.5
                                                     10             -              -        -           -
                                 Mid Range        1.4/3/5/10      26740           819      8740        864
                                                     1.4          26783        823.3       8783       868.3
                                                      3           26775        822.5       8775       867.5
                                High Range
                                                      5           26765        821.5       8765       866.5
                                                     10             -              -        -           -

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3.4. EUT operation mode
For RF test items
The EUT has been tested under typical operating condition. Testing was performed by configuring EUT to
maximum output power status.

                                                 Bandwidth (MHz)                          Modulation                  RB #
   Test Items        Band
                                 1.4       3        5       10       15        20     QPSK       16QAM         1       Half     Full
Conducted Output
                      26          ○        ○        ○        ○        -        -         ○          ○          ○        ○        ○
                      26          ○        ○        ○        ○        -        -         ○          ○          ○        -        ○
  99% Occupied
 Bandwidth & 26       26          ○        ○        ○        ○        -        -         ○          ○          -        -        ○
  dB Bandwidth
   Band Edge          26          ○        ○        ○        ○        -        -         ○          ○          ○        -        ○
                      26          ○        ○        ○        ○        -        -         ○          ○          ○        -        -
Spurious Emission
                      26          ○        ○        ○        ○        -        -         ○          ○          -        -        ○
  ERP and EIRP        26          ○        ○        ○        ○        -        -         ○          ○          ○        -        -
Radiated Spurious
                      26          ○        ○        ○        ○        -        -         ○           -         ○        -        -
                     1.    The mark “ ○“means that this configuration is chosenfor testing
                     2.    The mark “-“means that this bandwidth is not test.
    Remark           3.    The device is investigatedfrom 30MHz to10 times offundamental signal for radiated spurious emission test
                           under different RB size/offset and modulations in exploratory test. Subsequently, only the worst case
                           emissions are reported.

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3.5. EUT configuration
   The following peripheral devices and interface cables were connected during the measurement:
   ●   - supplied by the manufacturer
   ○   - supplied by the lab
                                                Manufacturer:   /
    ○   /
                                                Model No.:      /
                                                  Manufacturer:     /
   ○    /
                                                  Model No.:        /

3.6. Modifications
    No modifications were implemented to meet testing criteria.

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4.1. Address of the test laboratory
Laboratory: Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.
Address: 1/F, Bldg 3, Hongfa Hi-tech Industrial Park, Genyu Road, Tianliao, Gongming, Shenzhen, China
4.2. Test Facility

CNAS-Lab Code: L1225

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been assessed and proved to be in compliance
with CNAS-CL01 Accreditation Criteria for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (identical to ISO/IEC17025:
2005 General Requirements) for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

A2LA-Lab Cert. No.: 3902.01

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been accredited by A2LA for
technical competence in the field of electrical testing, and proved to be in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:
2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and any additional
program requirements in the identified field of testing.

FCC-Registration No.: 762235

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully
described in a report filed with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). The acceptance letter from
the FCC is maintained in our files.

IC-Registration No.:5377B-1

Two 3m Alternate Test Site of Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been registered by
Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for the performance of radiated measurements with
Registration No.: 5377B-1.


Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory can also perform testing for the
Australian C-Tick mark as a result of our A2LA accreditation.

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4.3. Equipments Used during the Test
RF Conducted Test

                                                                                    Last Cal.      Next Cal.
Item      Equipment           Manufacturer      Model No.         Serial No.
                                                                                   (mm-dd-yy)     (mm-dd-yy)

       Universal Radio
 1                        Rohde&Schwarz         CMU200                 112012      11/11/2017     11/11/2018
       Wide Radio
 2     communication      Rohde&Schwarz         CMW500                 137688      10/26/2017     10/25/2018
 3                        Rohde&Schwarz          FSW26                 103440      11/11/2017     11/10/2018
       MXA Signal
 4                        Agilent               N9020A           MY5050187         11/10/2017     11/09/2018
 5     Splitter           Mini-Circuit           ZAPD-4                400059      03/19/2018     03/18/2019
 6                        ESPEC                 EL-10KA           05107008         11/10/2017     11/09/2018

Radiated Emissions

                                                                                    Last Cal.      Next Cal.
Item      Equipment           Manufacturer      Model No.          Serial No.
                                                                                   (mm-dd-yy)     (mm-dd-yy)

       EMI Test
 1                        R&S                     ESCI                 101247      11/11/2017     11/10/2018
 2     Loop Antenna       R&S                   HFH2-Z2                100020      11/20/2017     11/19/2018
 3                        SCHWARZBECK           VULB9163                538        04/05/2017     04/04/2020
 4     Preamplifier       SCHWARZBECK           BBV 9743          9743-0022        10/18/2017     10/17/2018

       RF Connection
 5                        HUBER+SUHNER           RE-7-FL                N/A        11/21/2017     11/20/2018
       EMI Test
 6                        R&S                     ESK1                  N/A           N/A            N/A
 7                        R&S                    FSP40                 100597      11/11/2017     11/10/2018

 8     Horn Antenna       SCHWARZBECK            9120D                  1011       03/27/2017     03/26/2020

 9     Horn Antenna       SCHWARZBECK           BBHA9170               25841       03/27/2017     03/26/2020
 10                       SCHWARZBECK           BBV 9718           9718-248        10/18/2017     10/17/2018
 11    High pass filter                          BSU-6                 34202       11/11/2017     11/10/2018
                          Direction systems
       RF Connection
 12                       HUBER+SUHNER          RE-7-FH                 N/A        11/21/2017     11/20/2018
 13    Signal Generator   Rohde&Schwarz         SMB100A                114360      06/12/2018     06/11/2019
       Universal Radio
 14                       Rohde&Schwarz         CMU200                 112012      11/11/2017     11/11/2018
       Wide Radio
 15    communication      Rohde&Schwarz         CMW500                 137688      10/26/2017     10/25/2018
       EMI Test
 16                       Audix                    E3                   N/A           N/A            N/A
 17    Turntable          MATURO                  TT2.0                 N/A           N/A            N/A
 18    Antenna Mast       MATURO                TAM-4.0-P               N/A           N/A            N/A

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4.4. Environmental conditions
During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:

                            VN=Nominal Voltage         DC 3.80V
Voltage                     VL=Lower Voltage           DC 3.60V
                            VH=Higher Voltage          DC 4.20V
                            TN=Normal Temperature      25 °C
                            Extreme Temperature        From −30° to + 50° centigrade
Humidity                    30~60 %
Air Pressure                950-1050 hPa

4.5. Statement of the measurement uncertainty
The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that there
may be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement uncertainty was
calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to TR-100028-01”Electromagnetic
compatibilityand Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the measurementof mobile radio equipment
characteristics;Part 1”and TR-100028-02 “Electromagnetic compatibilityand Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM);Uncertainties in the measurementof mobile radio equipment characteristics;Part 2 “ and is
documented in the Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd quality system acc. to DIN EN
ISO/IEC 17025. Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may result
in additional deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compliance of the device.

Hereafter the best measurement capability for Shenzhen Huatongweilaboratory is reported:
                       Test Items                            MeasurementUncertainty                 Notes
                     Frequency stability                                   25 Hz                      (1)
                Transmitter power conducted                               0.57 dB                     (1)
                 Transmitter power Radiated                               2.20 dB                     (1)
     Conducted spurious emission 9KHz-12.75 GHz                           1.60 dB                     (1)
              Conducted Emission 9KHz-30MHz                               3.39 dB                     (1)
              Radiated Emission 30~1000MHz                                4.24 dB                     (1)
                Radiated Emission 1~18GHz                                 5.16 dB                     (1)
                Radiated Emission 18-40GHz                                5.54 dB                     (1)
                    Occupied Bandwidth                                    ---------                   (1)
                       Emission Mask                                      ---------                   (1)
                  Modulation Characteristic                               ---------                   (1)
               Transmitter Frequency Behavior                             ---------                   (1)
(1) This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence
    level using a coverage factor of k=1.96.

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5.1. Conducted Output Power

1.    The EUT output port was connected to communication tester.
2.    Set EUT at maximum power through communication tester.
3.    Select lowest, middle, and highest channels for each band and different modulation.
4.    Measure the maximum burst average power.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


     Passed             Not Applicable

Refer to appendix A on the section 8 appendix report

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5.2. Peak-to-Average Ratio

1.    The EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer and communication tester via a power splitter
2.    Set EUT in maximum power output.
3.    Center Frequency = Carrier frequency, RBW > Emission bandwidth of signal
4.    The signal analyzer was set to collect one million samples to generate the CCDF curve
5.    The measurement interval was set depending on the type of signal analyzed.
       i.   For continuous signals (>98% duty cycle), the measurement interval was set to 1ms.
      ii.   For bursttransmissions, the spectrum analyzer is set to use an internal “ RF Burst” trigger that
            issynced with an incoming pulse and the measurement interval is set to less than the durationof the
            “ on time” of one burst to ensure that energy is only captured during a time in whichthetransmitter is
            operating at maximum power
6.    Record the maximum PAPR level associated with a probability of 0.1%.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


     Passed               Not Applicable

Refer to appendix B on the section 8 appendix report

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5.3. 99% Occupied Bandwidth & 26 dB Bandwidth

1.    The EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer and communication tester via a power splitter
2.    Set EUT in maximum power output.
3.    Spectrum analyzer setting as follow:
     Center Frequency= Carrier frequency, RBW=1% to 5% of the anticipated OBW, VBW= 3 * RBW,
      Trace maximum hold.
4.    Record the value of 99% Occupied bandwidth and 26dB bandwidth.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


     Passed             Not Applicable

Refer to appendix C on the section 8 appendix report

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5.4. Band Edge
(1) For any frequency removed from the EA licensee's frequency block by up to and including 37.5 kHz, the
    power of any emission shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) in watts by at least 116
    Log10(f/6.1) decibels or 50 + 10 Log10(P) decibels or 80 decibels, whichever is the lesser attenuation,
    where f is the frequency removed from the center of the outer channel in the block in kilohertz and where f
    is greater than 12.5 kHz.
(2) For any frequency removed from the EA licensee's frequency block greater than 37.5 kHz, the power of
    any emission shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) in watts by at least 43 + 10Log 10(P)
    decibels or 80 decibels, whichever is the lesser attenuation, where f is the frequency removed from the
    center of the outer channel in the block in kilohertz and where f is greater than 37.5 kHz.


1. The EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer and communication tester via a power splitter
2. Set EUT in maximum power output.
3. The band edges of low and high channels were measured.
4. Spectrum analyzer setting as follow:
    RBW= no less than 1% of the OBW, VBW =3 * RBW, Sweep time= Auto
5. Record the test plot.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


   Passed               Not Applicable

Refer to appendix D on the section 8 appendix report

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5.5. Conducted Spurious Emissions
(3) For any frequency removed from the EA licensee's frequency block by up to and including 37.5 kHz, the
    power of any emission shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) in watts by at least 116
    Log10(f/6.1) decibels or 50 + 10 Log10(P) decibels or 80 decibels, whichever is the lesser attenuation,
    where f is the frequency removed from the center of the outer channel in the block in kilohertz and where f
    is greater than 12.5 kHz.
(4) For any frequency removed from the EA licensee's frequency block greater than 37.5 kHz, the power of
    any emission shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) in watts by at least 43 + 10Log10(P)
    decibels or 80 decibels, whichever is the lesser attenuation, where f is the frequency removed from the
    center of the outer channel in the block in kilohertz and where f is greater than 37.5 kHz.


1. The EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer and communication tester via a power splitter
2. Set EUT in maximum power output.
3. Spectrum analyzer setting as follow:
    Below 1GHz, RBW=100KHz, VBW = 300KHz, Detector=Peak, Sweep time= Auto
    Above 1GHz, RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz, Detector=Peak, Sweep time= Auto
    Scan frequency range up to 10 harmonic.
4. Record the test plot.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


   Passed               Not Applicable

Refer to appendix E on the section 8 appendix report

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5.6. Frequency stability VS Temperature measurement

1. The equipment under test was connected to an external DC power supply and input rated voltage.
2. The EUT output port was connected to communication tester.
3. The EUT was placed inside the temperature chamber.
4. Turn EUT off and set the chamber temperature to –30°C. After the temperature stabilized for
   approximately 30 minutes recorded the frequency.
5. Repeat step 4 measure with 10°C increased per stage until the highest temperature of +50°C reached.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


   Passed               Not Applicable

Refer to appendix F on the section 8 appendix report

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5.7. Frequency stability VS Voltage measurement

1. The equipment under test was connected to an external DC power supply and input rated voltage.
2. The EUT output port was connected to communication tester.
3. The EUT was placed inside the temperature chamber at 25°C
4. The power supply voltage to the EUT was varied ±15% of the nominal value measured at the input to the
5. Record the maximum frequency change.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


   Passed               Not Applicable

Refer to appendix F on the section 8 appendix report

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5.8. ERP
LTE Band 26: 100W(50.00dBm) ERP


1. EUT was placed on a 0.8 meter for below 1GHz and 1.5 meter for above 1GHz high non-conductive stand
   at a 3 meter test distance from the receive antenna. A receiving antenna was placed on the antenna mast
   3 meters from the EUT for emission measurements. The height of receiving antenna is 1.0m. Detected
   emissions were maximized at each frequency by rotating the EUT through 360°and adjusting the
   receiving antenna polarization. The radiated emission measurements of all transmit frequencies in three
   channels (High, Middle, Low) were measured with peak detector.
2. A log-periodic antenna or double-ridged waveguide horn antenna shall be substituted in place of the EUT.
   The log-periodic antenna will be driven by a signal generator and the level will be adjusted till the same
   power value on the spectrum analyzer or receiver. The level of the spurious emissions can be calculated
   through the level of the signal generator, cable loss, the gain of the substitution antenna and the reading
   of the spectrum analyzer or receiver.
3. The EUT is then put into continuously transmitting mode at its maximum power level during the test.Set
   Test Receiver or Spectrum RBW=1MHz,VBW=3MHz for above 1GHz and RBW=100kHz,VBW=300kHz
   for 30MHz to 1GHz,, And the maximum value of the receiver should be recorded as (Pr).
4. The EUT shall be replaced by a substitution antenna. In the chamber, an substitution antenna for the
   frequency band of interest is placed at the reference point of the chamber. An RF Signal source for the
   frequency band of interest isconnected to the substitution antenna with a cable that has been constructed
   to not interfere with the radiation pattern of the antenna. A power (PMea) is applied to the input of the
   substitution antenna, and adjust the level of the signal generator output until the value of the receiver
   reach the previously recorded (Pr). The power of signal source (PMea) is recorded. The test should be
   performed by rotating the test item and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization.
5. A amplifier should be connected to the Signal Source output port. And the cable should be connect
   between the Amplifier and the Substitution Antenna. The cable loss (Pcl) ,the Substitution Antenna Gain
   (Ga) and the Amplifier Gain (PAg) should be recorded after test.

6. The measurement results are obtained as described below:
   Power(EIRP)=PMea- PAg - Pcl + Ga
   We used SMF100A micowave signal generator which signal level can up to 33dBm,so we not used power
   Amplifier for substituation test; The measurement results are amend as described below:
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.                 Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Report No.:     TRE1809007504                    Page:   20 of 26                  Issued:   2018-10-16

    Power(EIRP)=PMea- Pcl + Ga
7. This value is EIRP since the measurement is calibrated using an antenna of known gain (2.15 dBi) and
   known input power.
   ERP can be calculated from EIRP by subtracting the gain of the dipole, ERP = EIRP-2.15dBi.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


   Passed               Not Applicable

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.              Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Report No.:     TRE1809007504                     Page:   21 of 26                   Issued:   2018-10-16

                                          LTE Band 26-1.4MHz
                                                  ERP (dBm)
   Modulation           Channel                                                 Limit (dBm)         Result
                                         Vertical         Horizontal
                          Low             20.48               18.15
      QPSK                Mid             20.55               18.18                                 PASS
                          High            20.86               17.97
                          Low             19.56               17.26
     16QAM                Mid             19.77               17.48                                 PASS
                          High            19.72               17.38

                                           LTE Band 26-3MHz
                                                  ERP (dBm)
   Modulation           Channel                                                 Limit (dBm)         Result
                                         Vertical         Horizontal
                          Low             20.83               17.97
      QPSK                Mid             21.30               18.16                                 PASS
                          High            21.13               17.93
                          Low             19.30               17.42
     16QAM                Mid             19.62               17.58                                 PASS
                          High            19.58               17.34

                                           LTE Band 26-5MHz
                                                  ERP (dBm)
   Modulation           Channel                                                 Limit (dBm)         Result
                                         Vertical         Horizontal
                          Low             20.83               18.09
      QPSK                Mid             20.56               17.95                                 PASS
                          High            20.54               17.59
                          Low             19.99               17.75
     16QAM                Mid             19.87               17.58                                 PASS
                          High            19.70               17.16

                                           LTE Band 26-10MHz
                                                  ERP (dBm)
   Modulation           Channel                                                 Limit (dBm)         Result
                                         Vertical         Horizontal
                          Low             20.78               17.92
      QPSK                Mid             20.87               17.80
                          High            20.62               17.60
                          Low             19.91               17.52
     16QAM                Mid             19.93               17.36                                 PASS
                          High            19.76               17.26

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.                Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Report No.:     TRE1809007504                      Page:    22 of 26                  Issued:   2018-10-16

5.9. Radiated Spurious Emission
(5) For any frequency removed from the EA licensee's frequency block by up to and including 37.5 kHz, the
    power of any emission shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) in watts by at least 116
    Log10(f/6.1) decibels or 50 + 10 Log10(P) decibels or 80 decibels, whichever is the lesser attenuation,
    where f is the frequency removed from the center of the outer channel in the block in kilohertz and where f
    is greater than 12.5 kHz.
(6) For any frequency removed from the EA licensee's frequency block greater than 37.5 kHz, the power of
    any emission shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) in watts by at least 43 + 10Log 10(P)
    decibels or 80 decibels, whichever is the lesser attenuation, where f is the frequency removed from the
    center of the outer channel in the block in kilohertz and where f is greater than 37.5 kHz.


1. EUT was placed on a 0.8 meter for below 1GHz and 1.5 meter for above 1GHz high non-conductive stand
   at a 3 meter test distance from the receive antenna. A receiving antenna was placed on the antenna mast
   3 meters from the EUT for emission measurements. The height of receiving antenna is 1.0m. Detected
   emissions were maximized at each frequency by rotating the EUT through 360°and adjusting the
   receiving antenna polarization. The radiated emission measurements of all transmit frequencies in three
   channels (High, Middle, Low) were measured with peak detector.
2. A log-periodic antenna or double-ridged waveguide horn antenna shall be substituted in place of the EUT.
   The log-periodic antenna will be driven by a signal generator and the level will be adjusted till the same
   power value on the spectrum analyzer or receiver. The level of the spurious emissions can be calculated
   through the level of the signal generator, cable loss, the gain of the substitution antenna and the reading
   of the spectrum analyzer or receiver.
3. The EUT is then put into continuously transmitting mode at its maximum power level during the test.Set
   Test Receiver or Spectrum RBW=1MHz,VBW=3MHz for above 1GHz and RBW=100kHz,VBW=300kHz
   for 30MHz to 1GHz, And the maximum value of the receiver should be recorded as (Pr).
4. The EUT shall be replaced by a substitution antenna. In the chamber, an substitution antenna for the
   frequency band of interest is placed at the reference point of the chamber. An RF Signal source for the
   frequency band of interest isconnected to the substitution antenna with a cable that has been constructed
   to not interfere with the radiation pattern of the antenna. A power (PMea) is applied to the input of the
   substitution antenna, and adjust the level of the signal generator output until the value of the receiver
   reach the previously recorded (Pr). The power of signal source (PMea) is recorded. The test should be
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.                 Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Report No.:     TRE1809007504                      Page:    23 of 26                  Issued:   2018-10-16

    performed by rotating the test item and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization.
5. A amplifier should be connected to the Signal Source output port. And the cable should be connect
   between the Amplifier and the Substitution Antenna. The cable loss (Pcl) ,the Substitution Antenna Gain
   (Ga) and the Amplifier Gain (PAg) should be recorded after test.
6. The measurement results are obtained as described below:
   Power(EIRP)=PMea- PAg - Pcl + Ga
   We used SMF100A micowave signal generator which signal level can up to 33dBm,so we not used power
   Amplifier for substituation test; The measurement results are amend as described below:
   Power(EIRP)=PMea- Pcl + Ga
7. This value is EIRP since the measurement is calibrated using an antenna of known gain (2.15 dBi) and
   known input power.
   ERP can be calculated from EIRP by subtracting the gain of the dipole, ERP = EIRP-2.15dBi.

Please refer to the clause 3.3


   Passed               Not Applicable

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.                 Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Report No.:     TRE1809007504                       Page:     24 of 26                  Issued:   2018-10-16

                                          LTE Band 26-1.4MHz
                  Frequency               Spurious Emission
  Channel                                                                       Limit (dBm)         Result
                    (MHz)            Polarization           Level (dBm)
                    1649.40            Vertical               -35.77
                    2474.10               V                   -39.45              <-13.00            Pass
                    3298.80               V                     ---
                    1649.40           Horizontal              -38.69
                    2474.10               H                   -40.85              <-13.00            Pass
                    3298.80               H                     ---
                    1673.00            Vertical               -35.06
                    2509.50               V                   -39.60              <-13.00            Pass
                    3346.00               V                     ---
                    1673.00           Horizontal              -38.54
                    2509.50               H                   -40.70              <-13.00            Pass
                    3346.00               H                     ---
                    1696.60            Vertical               -35.33
                    2544.90               V                   -39.84              <-13.00            Pass
                    3393.20               V                     ---
                    1696.60           Horizontal              -38.57
                    2544.90               H                   -40.66              <-13.00            Pass
                    3393.20               H                     ---

                                           LTE Band 26-3MHz
                  Frequency               Spurious Emission
  Channel                                                                       Limit (dBm)         Result
                    (MHz)            Polarization           Level (dBm)
                    1653.00            Vertical               -35.84
                    2479.50               V                   -39.16              <-13.00            Pass
                    3306.00               V                     ---
                    1653.00           Horizontal              -37.14
                    2479.50               H                   -38.89              <-13.00            Pass
                    3306.00               H                     ---
                    1675.60            Vertical               -36.93
                    2513.40               V                   -38.03              <-13.00            Pass
                    3351.20               V                     ---
                    1675.60           Horizontal              -36.69
                    2513.40               H                   -37.14              <-13.00            Pass
                    3351.20               H                     ---
                    1699.20            Vertical               -38.22
                    2548.80               V                   -37.43              <-13.00            Pass
                    3398.40               V                     ---
                    1699.20           Horizontal              -37.07
                    2548.80               H                   -37.19              <-13.00            Pass
                    3398.40               H                     ---

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.                   Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Report No.:        TRE1809007504                           Page:     25 of 26                  Issued:   2018-10-16

                                                   LTE Band 26-5MHz
                      Frequency                   Spurious Emission
     Channel                                                                           Limit (dBm)         Result
                        (MHz)               Polarization           Level (dBm)
                        1649.40               Vertical               -36.76
                        2474.10                  V                   -38.99              <-13.00            Pass
                        3298.80                  V                     ---
                        1649.40              Horizontal              -37.57
                        2474.10                  H                   -38.82              <-13.00            Pass
                        3298.80                  H                     ---
                        1673.00               Vertical               -37.43
                        2509.50                  V                   -38.28              <-13.00            Pass
                        3346.00                  V                     ---
                        1673.00              Horizontal              -37.97
                        2509.50                  H                   -37.69              <-13.00            Pass
                        3346.00                  H                     ---
                        1696.60               Vertical               -39.00
                        2544.90                  V                   -37.88              <-13.00            Pass
                        3393.20                  V                     ---
                        1696.60              Horizontal              -38.43
                        2544.90                  H                   -37.76              <-13.00            Pass
                        3393.20                  H                     ---

                                                  LTE Band 26-10MHz
                      Frequency                   Spurious Emission
     Channel                                                                           Limit (dBm)         Result
                        (MHz)               Polarization           Level (dBm)
                        1653.60               Vertical               -37.33
                        2480.40                  V                   -38.80              <-13.00            Pass
                        3307.20                  V                     ---
                        1653.60              Horizontal              -38.17
                        2480.40                  H                   -38.63              <-13.00            Pass
                        3307.20                  H                     ---
                        1670.10               Vertical               -38.03
                        2505.15                  V                   -38.07              <-13.00            Pass
                        3340.20                  V                     ---
                        1670.10              Horizontal              -38.59
                        2505.15                  H                   -37.11              <-13.00            Pass
                        3340.20                  H                     ---
                        1694.52               Vertical               -40.24
                        2541.78                  V                   -37.42              <-13.00            Pass
                        3389.04                  V                     ---
                        1694.52              Horizontal              -39.48
                        2541.78                  H                   -37.27              <-13.00            Pass
                        3389.04                  H                     ---

1.    Remark”---“ means that the emission level is too low to be measured
2.    The emission levels of below 1 GHz are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.                          Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Report No.:     TRE1809007504                     Page:   26 of 26                  Issued:   2018-10-16



   Refere to the test report No.: TRE1809007501


Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.               Report Template Version: V01 (2018-01)

Document Created: 2018-10-30 11:02:49
Document Modified: 2018-10-30 11:02:49

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