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                     Report No.: BL-EC1850176-701

F.1 E-Field Probe

)                 m
unue}                    COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                    Ref: ACR.75.1.18.SATU.A

                                  Name                               Function                          Date                  Signature

Prepared by :                Jérome LUC                        Product Manager                    3/16/2018                    fi/

Checked by :                 Jérome LUC                         Product Manager                   3/16/2018                    fi/

Approved by :           Kim RUTKOWSKI                           Quality Manager                   |3/16/2018                ,,,,, authe@t‘

                                                                        Customer Name
                                        noohurian .
                                      Distribution :

   Issue                  Date                                                          M          cations
     A                  3/16/2018                  Initial release

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 unc                           COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                    Ref: ACR.75.1.18.SATU.A

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

 1.     DeVICE UNUGF T@B——mmmmmmmmmeemmnmmemmmemmmemmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmensmmmene s
 2.     PROGUCt D@SCPIDHON ........s.cccensmencenmmmmmmnceeneecenmnnceennnnrennnnrenmenneeenennreennmenceeenneeennmmnccene 4
      2.1      General Information
 $      Messurement M@hod ———m=mmanemmnmemmummemmnnmenemememmenenet 4
      31       Linearity

      3.2      Sensitivity

      3.3      Lower Detection Limit

      3.4      Isotropy

      3.5      Boundary Effect

 4      Measurement Uncertainty..                                                                                                 $
        CABDEATION MOAEUERMIOTH RORUIEN .cs 1000 e0000seeeeeesseversseereecomereveceeeesesereeemestegecccene 6
      §1       Sensitivity in air

      5.2      Linearity

      $3       Sensitivity in liquid
      5.4      Isotropy

 6      LiSt Of EQJUIPMOME ... ces cscecesnncecnmnnnreeennennmnnerenmnneeennnnereennnereenennnerenmnneeeenmnnreennnnnece 10

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C                  mm
T VG                     COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                    Ref: ACR.75.1.18.SATU.A

1             DEVICE UNDER TEST

                                                     Device Under Test
     Device Type                                                    COMOSAR DOSIMETRIC E FIELD PROBE
     Manufacturer                                                   Vave
     Model                                                          SSE2
     Serial Number                                                  SN 31/17 EPGO321
     Product Condition (new / used)                                 New
     Frequency Range of Probe                                       0.45 GHz—6GHz
     Resistance of Three Dipoles at Connector                       Dipole 1: R1=0.200 MQ
                                                                    Dipole 2: R2=0.226 MQ
                                                                    Dipole 3: R3—0.205 MQ

A yearly calibration interval is recommended.



MVG‘s COMOSAR E field Probes are built in accordance to the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C and
CEVIEC 62209 standards.

                            Figure 1 — MVG COMOSAR Dosimetric Efield Dipole

     Probe Length                                                   330 mm
     Length of Individual Dipoles                                   2 mm
     Maximum extemal diameter                                       8 mm
     Probe Tip Extenal Diameter                                     2.5 mm
     Distance between dipoles / probe extremity                     1 mm

The IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C, CENELEC ENS0361 and CELIEC 62209 standards provide
recommended practices for the probe calibrations, including the performance characteristics of
interest and methods by which to assess their affect. All calibrations / measurements performed meet
the fore mentioned standards.

        3.1     LINEARITY
The evaluation of the lincarity was done in free space using the waveguide, performing a power
sweep to cover the SAR range 0.01 W/kg to 100W/kg.

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C                    mm
unue]                       COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                           Ref: ACR.75.1.18.SATU.A

        3.2        SENSIMIVITY
The sensitivity factors of the three dipoles were determined using a two step calibration method (air
and tissue simulating liquid) using waveguides as outlined in the standards.

        3.3        LOWER DETECTION LMIT
The lower detection limit was assessed using the same measurement set up as used for the linearity
measurement. The required lower detectionlimit is 10 mW/kg.

        3.4    ISOTROPY
The axial isotropy was evaluated by exposing the probe to a reference wave from a standard dipole
with the dipole mounted under the flat phantom in the test configuration suggested for system
validations and checks. The probe was rotated along its main axis from 0 — 360 degrees in 15 degree
steps. The hemispherical isotropy is determined by inserting the probe in a thin plastic box filled
with tissue—equivalentliquid, with the plastic box illuminated with the fields from a half wave dipole.
The dipole is rotated about its axis (0°—180°) in 15° increments. At each step the probe is rotated
about its axis (0°—360°).

        3.5        BOUNDARY EFFECT
The boundary effect is defined as the deviation between the SAR measured data and the expected
exponential decay in the liquid when the probeis oriented normal to the interface. To evaluate this
effect, the liquid filled flat phantom is exposed to fields from either a reference dipole or waveguide.
With the probe normal to the phantom surface, the peak spatial average SAR is measured and
compared to the analytical value at the surface.


The guidelines outlined in the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C, CENELEC EN30361 and CEMIEC
62209 standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertainty associated with an E—field
probe calibration using the waveguide technique. All uncertainties listed below represent an
expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor
of k=2. traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to Measurement Uncertainty.
 Uncertainty analysis of the probe calibration in waveguide
                                                 Uncertainty             Probability               teg                     a              Standard
         ERRORSONRCES                              value (%)            Distribution             Bisisor              €               Uncertainty (%)
 Incident or forward power                           3.00%               Rectangular                 fi       |         §                   1.732%

 Reflected power                                     3.00%               Rectangular                 \/5     |         1                   1.732%

 Liquid conductivity                                 5.00%               Rectangular                 \/5     |         1                   2.887%

 Liquid permittivity                                 4.00%               Rectangular                 \/5     |         1                   2309%

 Field homogeneity                                   3.00%               Rectangular                 \/5     |         1                   1.732%

 Field probe positioning                             5.00%               Rectangular                 \6      |         1                   2.887%

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 unue}                               COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                           Ref: ACR.75.1.18.SATU.A

  Field probe linearity                              3.00%              Rectangular                  \/5     |                      1.732%

   Combined standard uncertainty                                                                                                    5.831%
        Expanded uncertainty                                                                                                         120%
      95 % confidence level k = 2                                                                                                     t ~*°


                                                     Calibration Parameters
     Liquid Temperature                                         21°C
     Lab Temperature                                            2°C
     Lab Humidity                                               45%

          5.1    SENSITIVITY IN AIR

                                          Normx dipole Normy dipole Normz dipole
                                          1 (uV/(V/m)) 2 (uV/(V/im)) 3 (uV/(V/imY)
                                              0.62                   0.76                    0.67

                                          DCP dipole 1        DCP dipole 2            DCP dipole 3
                                              (mV)               (mV)                    (mV)
                                               91                 $3                      96

 Calibration curves ei=f(V) (i=1,2.3) allow to obtain H—field value using the formula:
                                                        E:,/ /‘ +£," +€,"

                                               Calibration curves
                      Eliield (Vn)

                                                                                                           Dipole 1
                                                                                                           Dipole 2
                                                                                                           Dipcle 3

                                                            o           0
                                                          Voltage (V)

                                                                 Page: 6/10

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                   be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMVG

)                                    m
unue]                                       COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   Ref: ACR.75.1.18.SATU.A

                5.2               LINEARITY

                      s o
     Linearity Envor (c8)
                      # 6 6 6 s

                                                          Eied (V/m)

     Linearity.1+1.64% (+0.070B

                5.3               SENSITIVITY IN LIQUID

  Liguid                             Frequency              Permittivity        Epsilon ($/m)             ConvE
  HL450                                 450                     4217                  0.86                  1.86
  BL450                                 450                     57.65                 0.95                  1.91
  HL750                                 750                     40.03                 0.93                  1.60
  BL750                                  750                    56.83                 1.00                  1.66
  HL850                                  835                    4219                  0.90                  1.71
  BL850                                  835                    54.67                 1.01                  1.78
  HL900                                 200                     42.08                 1.01                  1.68
  BL900                                 200                     5525                  1.08                  1.73
  HL1800                                1800                    41.68                 1.46                  1.86
  BL1800                                1800                    53.86                 1.46                  1.90
  HL1900                                1900                    38.45                 1.45                  217
  BL1900                                1900                    5332                  1.56                  235
  HL2000                                2000                    38.26                 1.38                  216
  BL2000                                2000                    52.70                 1.51                  335
  HL2450                                2450                    37.50                 1.80                  233
  BL2450                                2450                    5322                  1.89                  241
  HL2600                                2600                    39.80                 1.99                  239
  BL2600                                2600                    §552                  223                   237
  HLS200                                5200                    35.64                 4.67                  23
  BL5200                                5200                    48.64                 5.51                  22%6
  HLS400                                5400                    36.44                 4.87                  217
  BL5400                                5400                    46.52                 5.77                  224
  HLS600                                5600                    36.66                 5.17                  237
  BL5600                                5600                    46.79                 5.77                  235
  HLS800                                5800                    35.31                 5.31                  233
  BLS800                                5800                    47.04                 6.10                  239

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C               mm
T VG                   COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                    Ref: ACR.75.1.18.SATU.A

       5.4   ISOTROPY
HL900 MHz
— Axial isotropy:                             0.04 dB
— Hemispherical isotropy:                     0.05 dB

                                               isotrapy curves

                                                                               Oree aso

                                  r0!                                    .

HL1800 MHz
— Axial isotropy:                             0.04 dB
— Hemispherical isotropy:                     0.07 dB

                                               isotropy curres


                                  1e                             .
                                   4o 38 as o« c db oz o% o6 oo to

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)               m
unue]                  COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                    Ref: ACR.75.1.18.SATU.A

HL5600 MHz
— Axial isotropy:                             0.06 dB
— Hemispherical isotropy:                     0.09 dB

                                               isotropy curves

                                        3s os o« o2 co o2 o+ o6 oo 10

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Report No.: BL-EC1850176-701


     SAR Reference Dipole Calibration Report

                                       Ref : ACR.93.8.17.SATU.A

              PARK, SHAHE XI ROAD,
          PROVINCE, P.R. CHINA 518055
                    FREQUENCY: 2450 MHZ
                    SERIAL NO.: SN 11/17 DIP 2G450—452
                            Calibrated at MVG US
                 2105 Barrett Park Dr. — Kennesaw, GA 30144

                          I ng
                          24///3:\\? [accrepitep)
                             Zuletubs®        cxitretoncerr aszesos
                        Calibration Date: 03/22/2017


   This document presents the method and results from an accredited SAR referencedipole calibration
   performed in MVG USA using the COMOSAR test bench. All calibration results are traceable to
   national metrology institutions.

)                 m
unue]                    SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   Ref: ACR.93.8.17.SATU.A

                                 Name                               Function                         Date                  Signature
Prepared by :                Jérome LUC                       Product Manager                    4/3/2017                    fi

Checked by :                 Jérome LUC                        Product Manager                   4/3/2017                    fi

Approved by :          Kim RUTKOWSKT                           Quality Manager                   4/3/2017                 Jum Puthawih!

                                                                       Customer Name
                                        capg        R                    BALUN
                                      Distribution :                  TECHNOLOGY

   Issue                   Date                                                        M         cations
     A                  4/3/2017                  Initial release

                                                             Page: 2/11

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                The information containedherein is to be used onlyfor thepurposefor which it is submitted and is not to
                be released in whole orpart without written approval ofMTG.

)                     m
unue)                        SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   B ACK.93817.BATU—A

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.     MFOONEHION——mmmmmemmmmmmemmmnmmmmmenmmememememmmemenemianmesmemnemensne 4
2      Device Under Test                                                                                                      4
3          PFOUOEDeSGCHIPNON ——.omm—unomumnmennennnemaenemnemenmenenenetm 4
     3.1      General Information                                                                                                      4

4      MEMSUCMENEM@UOA ——=—=—mmurmmumnnpcemmunmnnmmnnmenenumnemenanen 5
     4.1      Return Loss Requirements                                                                                                 $
     4.2      Mechanical Requirements                                                                                                  5
5.     M@ASUPCM@NE URCGMIAIMLY ........ccccensececnsecenmmencennmnnennmnreremnneenmnrcenmenrennmnneenmmemnmeen 3
     §1       Return Loss                                                                                                              3
     §2       Dimension Measurement                                                                                                    5
     $3       Validation Measurement                                                                                                   3
6      Calibration Measurement Results
     6.1      Return Loss and Impedance In Head Liquid                                                                                 6
     6.2      Return Loss and Impedance In Body Liquid                                                                                 6
     6.3      Mechanical Dimensions                                                                                                    6
T      NALRNONIMONRUEOMOAE ... smm—ememmemmmmermnmmeremmemmmemmmemmcensinessemesmsemees 7
     7.1      Head Liquid Measurement                                                                                                  7
     72       SAR Mecasurement Result With Head Liquid                                                                                 8
     7.3      Body Liquid Measurement                                                                                                  9
     7.4      SAR Measurement Result With Body Liquid                                                                                 10
8      List of Equipment

                                                                 Page: 3711

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C               mm
mvG                    SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   Ref: ACR.93.8.17.SATU.A

1            INTRODUCTION

This document contains a summary of the requirements set forth by the IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and
CEVIEC 62209 standards for reference dipoles used for SAR measurement system validations and
the measurements that were performed to verify that the product complies with the fore mentioned

2            DEVICE UNDER TEST

                                                  Device Under Test
        Device Type                                      COMOSAR 2450 MHz REFERENCE DIPOLE
        Manufacturer                                     MVG
        Model                                            $1D2450
        Serial Number                                    SN 11/17 DIP 2G450—452
        Product Condition (new / used)                   New

A yearly calibration interval is recommended.



MVG‘s COMOSAR Validation Dipoles are built in accordance to the IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and
CEVIEC 62209 standards. The product is designed for use with the COMOSAR test bench only.

                               Figure 1 —MVG COMOSAR Validation Dipole

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C               mm
unue)                  SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                    B ACK.938 17.BATU—A

The IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs and CEUIEC 62209 standards provide requirements for reference
dipoles used for system validation measurements. The following measurements were performed to
verify that the product complies with the fore mentioned standards.

The dipole used for SAR system validation measurements and checks must have a return loss of —20
dB or better. The return loss measurement shall be performed against a liquid filled flat phantom,
with the phantom constucted as outlined in the fore mentioned standards.

The IEEE Std. 1528 and CEVIEC 62209 standards specify the mechanical components and
dimensions of the validation dipoles, with the dimensions frequency and phantom shell thickness
dependent. The COMOSAR test bench employs a 2 mm phantom shell thickness therefore the
dipoles sold for use with the COMOSAR test bench comply with the requirements set forth for a 2
mm phantom shell thickness.


All uncertainties listed below represent an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximatelythe 95%
confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2,traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to
Measurement Uncertainty.

       5.1    RETURNLOSS
The following uncertainties apply to the return loss measurement:
                    Frequency band                                    Expanded Uncertainty on Return Loss
                      400—6000MHz                                                              0.1 dB

The following uncertainties apply to the dimension measurements:
                      Length (mm)                                         Expanded Uncertainty on Length
                            3 — 300                                                           0.05 mm

The guidelines outlined in the IEEE 1528, FCC KDBs, CENELEC ENS50361 and CEVIEC 62209
standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertainty for validation measurements.
                     Scan Volume                     Expanded Uncertainty
                               1g                                                    20.3 %

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)                 m
                         SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                  Ref: ACR.93.8.17.SATU.A

                                   10 g                                                   20.1 %


                                                                    Frequency, MHz
                            2350           2200     2i00    2420     2440     2460   2e     2600   2520       2550

 Frequency (MHz)                      Return Loss (dB)                         Requirement (dB)                        Impedance
      2450                                 —24.82                                    —20                             44.3 O +0.2 jQ

                                                                    Frequency. MHz
                          z50             2sen    2ico     2izn      2uad 2aso nago         2600   2520

 Frequency (MHz)                      Return Loss (dB)                         Requirement (dB)                        Impedance
      2450                                 —31.92                                    —20                             47.5 G — 0.4 j0

Frequency MHz                             L mm                                       h mm                                  d mm

                         required                 measured               required           measured           required           measured

    300                 420.0 1 %.                                     250.0 +1 %.                            6.35 :1 %.

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)                m
unue)                   SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                    Ref: ACR.93.8.17.SATU.A

      aso              290.0 %1 %.                                  166.741%.                                 635 +1 %
      750              176.0 41 %.                                  100.0 #1%.                                6.35 :1 %.

      835              161.041%.                                     s0.4 21 %                                 3641%.
      900              149.041%.                                     833 +1%.                                  36:1%.
     1450               89.1 +1 %.                                   51.741%                                   3.6:1%.

     1500               80.5 £1%.                                    50.0 41 %                                 3.641%.

     1640               79.0%1%.                                     45.7 +1 %.                                3641%.
     1750               75.241%.                                     42.9 :1 %.                                36:1%.
     1800               72.041%.                                     41.7 +1 %.                                36:1%.
     1900               68.0 +1 %.                                   39.5 £1 %.                                3.641%.

     1950               66.3 21 %.                                   38.5 :1 %.                                36+1%.
     2000               64.5 21 %.                                   37.5 +1 %.                                3641%.
     2100               61.0 +1 %.                                   35.7 +1 %.                                3.641%.

     2300               55.5 41 %.                                   32.6 41 %.                                36+1%.
     2450               51.5 41 %.               pass                30.4 +1 %.              Pass              36:1%.             Fass
     2600               48.5 k1 %.                                   28.8 +1 %.                                3.641%.

     3000               415 k1 %.                                    25.041 %.                                 3611%.
     3500               37.081%.                                     264 1 %.                                  3611%.
     3700               34.741%.                                     264 1 %.                                  36:1%.

The IEEE Std. 1528, FCC KDBs and CEVIEC 62209 standards state that the system validation
measurements must be performed using a reference dipole meeting the fore mentioned return loss
and mechanical dimension requirements. The validation measurement must be performed against a
liquid filled flat phantom, with the phantom constructed as outlined in the fore mentioned standards.
Per the standards, the dipole shall be positioned belowthe bottom of the phantom, with the dipole
length centered and parallel to the longest dimension of the flat phantom, with the top surface of the
dipole at the described distance from the bottom surface of the phantom.


                        Fm&‘i"“’               Relative permittivity (€,‘)             Conductivity (0) 5/m
                                              required           measured            required         measured

                            300               45.3 £5%                              0.87 25 %
                            aso               43.5 25 %                             0.87 25 %
                            750               41.9 +5 %                             0.89 £5 %
                            835               415 £5%                               0.90 +5 %
                            900               415 £5%                               0.97 25 %
                           1450               40.5 15 %                             12025 %
                           1500               40.4 £5%                              123:5%
                           1640               40.2 £5%                              13145%
                           1750               40.1 £5%                              13725%
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)                  m
unue)                     SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                    B ACK.938 17.BATU—A

                             1800               40.0 £5%                              14025 %
                             1900               40.0 £5 %                             1.40 £5 %

                             1950               40.0 25 %                             140 25 %
                             2000               40.0 £5%                              140 25 %
                             2100               39.8 25 %                             1.49 25 %

                             2300               30.5 +5 %                             16715 %
                             2450               39.2 +5 %             Pass            1.80 25 %            Pass
                             2600               39.0 +5 %                             19545 %
                             3000               38.5 +5 %                             24045%
                             3500               37.9 25 %                             2.9145%

The IEEE Std. 1528 and CEIIEC 62209 standards state that the system validation measurements
should produce the SAR values shown below (for phantom thickness of 2 mm), within the
uncertainty for the system validation. All SAR values are normalized to 1 W forward power. In
bracket,the measured SAR is given with the used input power.

Software                                                               OPENSAR V4
Phantom                                                                SN 20/09 SAM71
Probe:                                                                 SN 18/11 EPG122
Liquid                                                                 Head Liquid Values: eps® 37.5 sigma            : 1.80
Distance between dipole center and liquid                              10.0 mm
Area scan resolution                                                   dx—8mm/dy—8mm
Zoon Scan Resol                                                        dx—5mm/dy—5mm/dz=5mm
F                                                                      2450 MHz
                                                                       20 dBm
Liquid T                                                               °C
Lab T                                                                  21°C
Lab Humidi                                                             45%

                          F’e"\‘d'fl"“’              18 SAR (W/ke/w)                      10 g SAR (W/ke/w)
                                                required           measured            required         measured

                              300                  2.85                                  194

                              450                  4.58                                  306
                              750                  8.49                                  5.55
                              835                  9.56                                  622

                              900                  10.9                                  6.99
                             1450                   29                                    16
                             1500                  30.5                                  16.8
                             1640                  342                                   18.4

                             1750                  36.4                                  19.3

                             1800                  38.4                                  20.1

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                      SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   Ref: ACR.93.8.17.SATU.A

                                                            54.31 (5.43)                         24.20 (2.42)

            tus rogmiimcs

                                                                                                        1o ta m is ie    2 4 & m &


                      F'e"\‘d';el““’       Relative permittivity (6/)              Conductivity (0) S/m
                                           required           measured           required         measured

                            150           61.9 25 %                              0.80 25 %

                            300            58.2 25 %                             0.92 25 %

                            450           56.7 25 %                              0.94 25 %
                            750            55.5 45 %                             0.96 25 %

                            835            55.2 25 %                             0.97 25 %

                            900           55.0 25 %                              1.05 £5 %
                            915           5.0 25 %                               1.06 25 %
                            1450          54.0 5 %                               1.30 £5 %

                            1610           53.8 25 %                             1.40 £5 %
                            1800          53.3 25 %                              1.52 25 %
                            1900          53.3 25 %                              1.52 45 %
                            2000           53.3 45 %                             15245 %

                            2100           53.2 25 %                             1.62 45 %

                                                         Page: 911

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)                  m
                          SAR REFERENCE DIPOLE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   B ACB.988 17.BATU—A

                             2300              52.9 5 %                               1.8125%
                             2450               52.7 25 %              PASS           1.95 25 %             PASS

                             2600              52.5 25 %                              21645 %
                             3000              52.0 45 %                              27345%
                             3500               51.3 45 %                             3.31 25 %

                             3700               51.0 45 %                             3.55 25 %

                             5200              49.0210%                              530210%
                             5300              48.9 £10%                             5.42210%

                             5400              48.7£10%                              5.53210%
                             5500              48.6 210 %                            5.65 210%
                             5600              48.5 £10%                             5.77 210%

                             5800              48.2 210 %                            6.00 £10 %

Software                                                               OPENSAR V4
Phantom                                                                SN 20/09 SAM71
Probe                                                                  SN 18/711 EPG122
Liguid                                                                             Values
Distance between     le center and li                                  10.0 mm
Area scan resolution                                                   dx—8mm/dy—8mm
Zoon Scan Reso!                                                             mm/dy—Smm/dz—Smm
F                                                                      2450 MHz
                                                                       20 dBm
Liguid T                                                               21°C
Lab Temy                                                               21 °C
Lab Hum                                                                45%

                          T."                       18 SAR (Wke/w)                         10 & SAR (W/ke/w)
                                                         measured                                measured
                             2450                       53.67 (5.37)                          24.37 (2.44)

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Document Created: 2018-05-30 01:12:30
Document Modified: 2018-05-30 01:12:30

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