Test Report_DFS

FCC ID: HD5-8680B

Test Report

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DEKRA Testin ng and Certificatio
                               on (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongyye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Su uzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX   X: +86-512-6251-55098

                                                                                                        Test report No:

     ST REP
     C Rules&Requlations
                       s 47 CFR Chap
                                   pter I - P
                                            Part 15

 Product Name                                                    Barcode Sc
       ark                                                       Honeywell

 Model an
        nd /or type re
                     eference                                    8680i

 FCC ID                                                          HD5-8680B

        nt´s name / address
                    a                                            HONEYWE ELL INTERNATIONAL IN      NC
                                                                 Honeywell Safety and Productivity
                                                                                      P            S
                                                                 9680 OLD BAILES RD
                                                                 FORT MILL
                                                                         L SC 29707-7539
 Test metthod requestted, standard
                                 d                               FCC CFR Title
                                                                         T     47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15
                                                                 KDB 90546
                                                                         62 D02 v02

                                                                 KDB 90546
                                                                         62 D03 v01r0
 Verdict S
         Summary                                                 IN COMPLIANCE
 Documented By                                                   Kitty Li /Pro
                                                                             oject Assistan

 Tested b
        by (name / po
                    osition & sign
                                                                 Frank He/ Technical
                                                                           T         Su

 Approved by (name / position & signature)
                                s                                Jack Zhang
                                                                          g/ Supervisorr

 Date of issue                                                   2019-07-08
 Report te
         emplate No                                              1962139R--RF-US-DFS

    DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
    No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
    P.R. China
    TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098


Competences and Guarantees................................................................................................................................... 4
General conditions ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Environmental conditions ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Possible test case verdicts ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Document History ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Remarks and Comments ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Used Equipment ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Uncertainty .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
1        General Information ........................................................................................................................................... 9
         1.1      General Description of the Item(s) .......................................................................................................... 9
         1.2      Antenna Information .............................................................................................................................. 10
         1.3      Test date ............................................................................................................................................... 11
         1.4      Data Rate .............................................................................................................................................. 11
         1.5      Channel List .......................................................................................................................................... 13
         2.1      Operating mode(s) used for tests ......................................................................................................... 14
         2.2      Support / Auxiliary equipment / unit / Test software for the EUT .......................................................... 14
         2.3      Test Configuration / Block diagram used for tests ................................................................................ 15
         2.4      Testing process ..................................................................................................................................... 15
         3.1      Standards .............................................................................................................................................. 16
         3.2      Overview of results ................................................................................................................................ 16
         3.3      Test Facility ........................................................................................................................................... 17
         4.1      DFS Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 18
                  4.1.1 Limit............................................................................................................................................. 18
                  4.1.2 Test Setup ................................................................................................................................... 26
                  4.1.3 Client Device requreiment .......................................................................................................... 26
                  4.1.4 Radar Waveform Calibration ...................................................................................................... 27
                  4.1.5 Radar Waveform Calibration Result ........................................................................................... 28
         4.2      Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time ............................................................ 30
                  4.2.1 Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 30
                  4.2.2 Test Data .................................................................................................................................... 31
         4.3      Non-Occupancy Period ......................................................................................................................... 32
                  4.3.1 Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................... 32
                  4.3.2 Test Data .................................................................................................................................... 33

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

DEKRA is a testing laboratory competent to carry out the tests described in this report.
In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, DEKRA has a calibration and
maintenance program for its measurement equipment.

DEKRA guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the measurements and
the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated in the report and it is based
on the knowledge and technical facilities available at DEKRA at the time of performance of the test.

DEKRA is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related to the item under
test and the results of the test.

The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in this document.

IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means,
except in full, without the previous written permission of DEKRA.

1.   This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
2.   This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies or
     Competent Authorities.
3.   This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous written
     permission of DEKRA.
4.   This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without previous
     written permission of DEKRA.

The climatic conditions during the tests are within the limits specified by the manufacturer for the operation of the
EUT and the test equipment. The climatic conditions during the tests were within the following limits:

 Ambient temperature                                           15 °C – 35 °C
 Relative Humidity air                                         30% - 60%

If explicitly required in the basic standard or applied product / product family standard the climatic values are
recorded and documented separately in this test report.

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098


 Test case does not apply to test object                       N/A
 Test object does meet requirement                             P (Pass) / PASS
 Test object does not meet requirement                         F (Fail) / FAIL
 Not measured                                                  N/M

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
EUT        :   Equipment Under Test
QP         :   Quasi-Peak
CAV        :   CISPR Average
AV         :   Average
CDN        :   Coupling Decoupling Network
SAC        :   Semi-Anechoic Chamber
OATS       :   Open Area Test Site
BW         :   Bandwidth
AM         :   Amplitude Modulation
PM         :   Pulse Modulation
HCP        :   Horizontal Coupling Plane
VCP        :   Vertical Coupling Plane
UN         :   Nominal voltage
Tx         :   Transmitter
Rx         :   Receiver
N/A        :   Not Applicable
N/M        :   Not Measured

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098


 Report No.                             Version            Description                              Issued Date
 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                        Initial issue of report.                 2019-07-08


1. The equipment under test (EUT) does meet the essential requirements of the stated standard(s)/test(s).
2. These test results on a sample of the device are for the purpose of demonstrating Compliance with Part 15
    Subpart E Paragraph 15.407.
3. The test results presented in this report relate only to the object tested..
4. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the Issuing CB Testing
5. The measurement result is considered in conformance with the requirement if it is within the prescribed limit, It
    is not necessary to account the uncertainty associated with the measurement result, unless the specification,
    standard or customer have special requirements.
6. This report is not used for social proof in China (or Mainland China) market.

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098


Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) / TR-8
Instrument                            Manufacturer             Model No.     Serial No.    Cal. Date    Next Cal. Date
Spectrum Analyzer                     Agilent                  N9010A        MY48030494    2019.05.12   2020.05.11
Vector Signal Generator               Agilent                  E4438C        MY49070163    2019.03.28   2020.03.27
Splitter/Combiner (Qty: 2)            Mini-Circuits                          NN256400424   N/A          N/A
                                                               4.2-6.0 GHz
ATT (Qty: 1)                          Mini-Circuits            VAT-30+       30912         N/A          N/A
Laptop PC                             ASUS                     N80V
                                                                             468          N/A           N/A
RF Cable (Qty: 6)                     Mini-Circuits            N/A           DFS-1~6       N/A          N/A
DFS test software                     Agilent                  N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098


Uncertainties have been calculated according to the DEKRA internal document. The reported expanded
uncertainties are based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of k=2, providing a level of
confidence of approximately 95%

                              Test item                                         Uncertainty
DFS                                                            ± 2.02dB

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DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

1.1 General Description of the Item(s)
Model / Type number .....................:         8680i
Trademark .....................................:   Honeywell
Manufacturer ..................................:   HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC
                                                   Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions
                                                   2、Metro(Suzhou)Technologies Co.,Ltd
Manufacturer Address ...................:          1、9680 OLD BAILES RD
                                                   FORT MILL SC 29707-7539
                                                   2、No.221 Xinghai street China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park

Wireless specifiction .......................:     WIFI
Operating frequency range(s) .........:                                                     Outdoor AP
                                                                                            Indoor AP
                                                                                            Fixed point-to-point AP
                                                                                            Mobile and Portable Client
                                                                                            With TDWR Channels
                                                                                            Without TDWR Channels
Type of modulation .........................:      OFDM-BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, 256QAM
Number of channel .........................:       802.11a/n(20MHz)/ac(20MHz): 24
                                                   802.11n(40MHz)/ac(MHz): 11
                                                   802.11ac(80MHz): 5
Device category ..............................:               Outdoor AP
                                                              Indoor AP
                                                              Fixed point-to-point AP
                                                                                            Slaver device with radar
                                                                                            detection function
                                                              Mobile and Portable Client
                                                                                            Slaver device without radar
                                                                                            detection function
Master AP Information
Product Name                                       Cisco Aironet IOS Access Point
Model No.                                          AIR-AP1252AG-A-K9

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

Rated power supply .................... :
                                                                                  Voltage and Frequency

                                                               AC: 220 – 240 V, 50/60 Hz
                                                               AC: 100 – 240 V, 50/60 Hz
                                                               DC: 12 V, 24 V, 12 / 24 V
                                                               Battery: DC 3.8V
Mounting position........................ :                    Table top equipment
                                                               Wall/Ceiling mounted equipment
                                                               Floor standing equipment
                                                               Hand-held equipment

1.2     Antenna Information
Antenna model / type number ........:              N/A
Antenna serial number....................:         N/A
Antenna Delivery ...........................:                  1TX + 1RX
                                                               2TX + 2RX
Antenna technology ........................:                   SISO
                                                               MIMO                         Basic
Antenna Type .................................:                External                     Dipole
                                                               Internal                     PIFA
Antenna Gain ..................................:   2.7dBi
Directional Gain ..............................:    For Power: N/A
                                                   For PSD: N/A

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DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

1.3 Test date

Test Location                           No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006, P.R. China
Date(receive sample)                    Jun. 20, 2019
Date (start test)                       Jun. 20, 2019
Date (finish test)                      Jul. 05, 2019

1.4 Data Rate
 MCS                                                                  Data Rate (Mbps)
 Index for                                                           20MHz Bandwidth          40MHz Bandwidth
                Streams 802.11b 802.11g 802.11a
 802.11n                                                           800ns GI    400ns GI    800ns GI      400ns GI
       0             1            1            6              6      6.5          7.2        13.5          15.0
       1             1            2            9              9      13.0        14.4        27.0          30.0
       2             1           5.5          12              12     19.5        21.7        40.5          45.0
       3             1           11           18              18     26.0        28.9        54.0          60.0
       4             1            ---         24              24     39.0        43.3        81.0          90.0
       5             1            ---         36              36     52.0        57.8       108.0         120.0
       6             1            ---         48              48     58.5        65.0       121.5         135.0
       7             1            ---         54              54     65.0        72.2       135.0         150.0
 Note 1 : The blue form is the maximum power data rate

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

Spatial                                                                       Data Rate(Mb/s)
Stream MCS Modulation                                          20MHz                 40MHz              80MHz
   s    Index type                                        Guard Interval       Guard Interval    Guard Interval
(Note1)                                                800ns       400ns      800ns     400ns   800ns       400ns
               0          BPSK              1/2          6.5           7.2     13.5      15     29.3        32.5
               1          QPSK              1/2           13           14.4    27        30     58.5            65
               2          QPSK              3/4         19.5           21.7    40.5      45     87.8        97.5
               3         16-QAM             1/2           26           28.9    54        60      117            130
               4         16-QAM             3/4           39           43.3    81        90     175.5           195
               5         64-QAM             2/3           52           57.8    108       120     234            260
               6         64-QAM             3/4         58.5           65     121.5      135    263.3       292.5
               7         64-QAM             5/6           65           72.2    135       150    292.5           325
               8        256-QAM             3/4           78           86.7    162       180     351            390
               9        256-QAM             5/6          N/A           N/A     180       200     390        433.3
Note 1: The blue form is the maximum power data rate.

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

1.5 Channel List

IEEE 802.11a/n(20MHz)/ac(20MHz)
  Working Frequency of Each Channel
  Channel           Frequency           Channel           Frequency   Channel   Frequency   Channel   Frequency
      36            5180 MHz                40            5200 MHz      44      5220 MHz      48      5240 MHz
      52            5260 MHz                56            5280 MHz      60      5300 MHz      64      5320 MHz
      100           5500 MHz               104            5520 MHz     108      5540 MHz      112     5550 MHz
      116           5580 MHz               120            5600 MHz     124      5620 MHz     128      5640 MHz
      132           5660 MHz               136            5680 MHz     140      5700 MHz     149      5745 MHz
      153           5765 MHz               157            5785 MHz     161      5805 MHz     165      5825MHz

IEEE 802.11n(40MHz)/ac(40MHz)
  Working Frequency of Each Channel
  Channel           Frequency           Channel           Frequency   Channel   Frequency   Channel   Frequency
      38            5190 MHz                46            5230 MHz      54      5270 MHz      62      5310 MHz
     102            5510 MHz               110            5550 MHz     118      5590 MHz     126      5630 MHz
     134            5670 MHz               151            5755 MHz     159      5795 MHz     N/A         N/A

IEEE 802.11ac(80MHz)
  Working Frequency of Each Channel
  Channel           Frequency           Channel           Frequency   Channel   Frequency   Channel   Frequency
      42            5210 MHz                58            5290 MHz     106      5530MHz      122      5610 MHz
     155            5775 MHz               N/A                 N/A     N/A        N/A        N/A         N/A

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098


2.1 Operating mode(s) used for tests

During the tests the following operating mode(s) has(have) been used.

 Test Mode                                        Mode 1: Transmit by 802.11ac(80MHz)

2.2 Support / Auxiliary equipment / unit / Test software for the EUT

The EUT has been tested with the following auxiliary equipment / unit / software:

Auxiliary equipment                                            Type / Version     Manufacturer   Supplied by
Notebook                                                       Think pad x220     Lenovo         Adapter
                                                               ZAPD-50W 4.2-6.0
Splitter/Combiner (Qty: 2)                                                        MINI-Circuit   NN256400424
ATT (Qty: 1)                                                   VAT-30+            MINI-Circuit   30912
                                                               ZAPD-50W 4.2-6.0
Splitter/Combiner (Qty: 2)                                                        MINI-Circuit   NN256400424
unit / software                                                Type / Version     Manufacturer   Supplied by
N/A                                                            N/A                N/A            N/A
N/A                                                            N/A                N/A            N/A
software                                                       Type / Version     Manufacturer   Supplied by
DFS Tool                                                       7607C              Agilent        N/A
Supplemental information:

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 DEXRA Testing and Certeaton (Suztou) Co. id
 No 88, Hongye Roed, Suzhou Industral Park Suzhou, 215006,
 Pn. Cns
 Teu »s051200515008 / rave«sest2c25t—so08
                                                                                             £> DEKRA
2.3       Test Configuration / Block diagram used for tests

The following test setup / configuration / block diagram has been used during the tests:

[Test setup Diagram

              Radar Test
              Signal Generator                                                                    Master

                                                             2Wey            2wey
                                                          Spitter            Spitter
                                        [ra }_ |         Combiner           Combiner

                            0                                                                O      Spectum
                  UuT                                                                               Analyzer
                 (Client)                                                                    (vit 10 0B interal

2.4       Testing process

      1     Setup the EUT as shown in Section 2.3.
            Open all the equipment and connect the EUT with AP.

            Configure the test mode, the test channel, and the data rate.

            Start the continuous Transmitter and add the radar signal.

            Verify that the EUT stops working after decect the radar wave.

 Report no.: 1962139R—RF—US—DFS                                                                              Page 15 /34

 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

This chapter presents an overview of standards and results. Refer to the next chapters for details of measured
test results and applied test levels.

3.1 Standards

 Standard                                  Year                Description
 FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15                  2019                Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices
 Subpart E Section 15.407
 ANSI C63.10                               2013                American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance
                                                               Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

 KDB 789033 D02V02r01                      2017                GUIDELINES FOR COMPLIANCE TESTING OF UNLICENSED
                                                               NATIONAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE (U-NII)
                                                               DEVICES PART 15, SUBPART E

3.2 Overview of results
 Requirement – Test case                         Basic standard(s)                                     Verdict         Remark
 DFS                                             FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart E                   PASS
                                                 Section 15.407(h)
 Supplementary information:

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DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

3.3 Test Facility
USA                            :    FCC Designation Number: CN1199
Canada                         :    CAB identifier Number: CN0040

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098


4.1 DFS Overview                                                                                      VERDICT:        PASS

4.1.1     Limit
Standard                                   FCC Part 15 Subpart E Paragraph 15.407(h)

                                           Operational Mode
 Requirement                                                   Client (without radar
                                           Master                                              Client (with radar detection)
 Non-Occupancy Period                      Yes                 Not Required                    Yes
 DFS Detection Threshold                   Yes                 Not Required                    Yes
 Channel Availability Check
                                           Yes                 Not Required                    Not Required
 U-NII Detection
                                           Yes                 Not Required                    Yes

                                        Operational Mode
Requirement                             Master or Client (with radar
                                                                                       Client (without radar detection)
DFS Detection Threshold                 Yes                                            Not Required
Channel Closing
                                        Yes                                            Yes
Transmission Time

Channel Move Time                       Yes                                            Yes

U-NII Detection
                                        Yes                                            Not required

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DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

Additional requirements for
                                             Master Device or Client with
devices with multiple bandwidth                                             Client (without radar detection)
                                             Radar Detection
U-NII Detection Bandwidth and
Statistical Performance Check                All BW modes must be tested    Not required

Channel Move Time and                        Test using widest BW mode
Channel                                      available                      Test using the widest BW mode
                                                                            available for the link
Closing Transmission Time

All other tests                              Any single BW mode             Not required

Note: Frequencies selected for statistical performance check (Section 7.8.4) should include several frequencies
within the radar detection bandwidth and frequencies near the edge of the radar detection bandwidth. For
802.11 devices it is suggested to select frequencies in all 20 MHz channel blocks and a null frequencies
between the bonded 20 MHz channel blocks.

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DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices and Client Devices With Radar Detection

   Maximum Transmit Power                                     Value (see note)
   EIRP ≥ 200 milliwatt                                      -64 dBm
     EIRP < 200 milliwatt and power spectral density <
                         10 dBm/MHz                          -62 dBm
      EIRP < 200 milliwatt that do not meet the power
                spectral density requirement                 -62 dBm
   Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
   Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the test
   transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that the
   test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
   Note3: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refer to KDB Publication 662911

DFS Response requirement values

   Parameter                                                  Value
   Non-Occupancy Period                                       Minimum 30 minutes
   Channel Availability Check Time                            60 Seconds
                                                              10 Seconds
   Channel Move Time
                                                              (See Note1)
                                                              200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds
   Channel Closing Transmission Time                          over remaining 10 second period.
                                                              (See Notes 1 and 2)
                                                              Minimum 100% of the U-NII 99% transmission
   U-NII Detection Bandwidth
                                                          power bandwidth. See Note 3.
       Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with
               Radar Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
          Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at
        the beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required
          to facilitate a Channel move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10
        second period. The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between
         Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 should be used. For
          each frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are
                                          performed with no data traffic.

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms

A minimum of 30 unique waveforms are required for each of the Short Pulse Radar Types 2 through 4. If more
than 30 waveforms are used for Short Pulse Radar Types 2 through 4, then each additional waveform must also
be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms. If more than 30 waveforms are used for Short Pulse
Radar Type 1, then each additional waveform is generated with Test B and must also be unique and not repeated
from the previous waveforms in Tests A or B.

For example if in Short Pulse Radar Type 1 Test B a PRI of 3066 usec is selected, the number of

pulses would be = Roundup                       ⋅              ⋅

 Report no.: 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                                                   Page 21 / 34

 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

Pulse Repetition Intervals Values for Test A

The aggregate is the average of the percentage of successful detections of Short Pulse Radar Types 1-4.

Long Pulse Radar Test Signal

                                                          Pulse       Chirp               Percentage
    Radar                               Pulses Per                            PRI                      Minimum
                         Bursts                           Width       Width               of
    Waveform                            Burst                                 (  sec )                Trials
                                                          (  sec )   (MHz)               Successful
    5                 8-20              1-3               50-100      5-20    1000-2000   80%          30

  The parameters for this waveform are randomly chosen. Thirty unique waveforms are required for the
longpulse radar test signal. If more than 30 waveforms are used for the long pulse radar test signal, then
eachadditional waveform must also be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms.

 Report no.: 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                                                          Page 22 / 34

DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

Statistical data will be gathered to determine the ability of the device to detect the Long Pulse Radar Type
5 found in Table 6. The device can utilize a test mode to demonstrate when detection occurs to prevent
the need to reset the device between trials.
Three subsets of trials will be performed with a minimum of ten trials per subset. The subset of trials
differ in where the Long Pulse Type 5 Signal is tuned in frequency:
a) the Channel center frequency (Figure 18);
b) tuned frequencies such that 90% of the Long Pulse Type 5 frequency modulation is within the low
edge of the UUT Occupied Bandwidth (Figure 19); and
c) tuned frequencies such that 90% of the Long Pulse Type 5 frequency modulation is within the high
edge of the UUT Occupied Bandwidth (Figure 20).

Figure 18: Example of the Relationship Between Long Pulse Type 5 Signal and the U-NII channel when the
Signal is Tuned to the UUT Channel Center Frequency

Figure 19: Example of the Relationship Between Long Pulse Type 5 Signal and the U-NII channel when the
Signal is Tuned so that 90% of the Radar Signal Overlaps with the Low Edge of the UUT Occupied

Report no.: 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                                                         Page 23 / 34

DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

Figure 20: Example of the Relationship Between Long Pulse Type 5 Signal and the U-NII channel when the
Signal is Tuned so that 90% of the Radar Signal Overlaps with the High Edge of the UUT Occupied
For subset case 1: the center frequency of the signal generator will remain fixed at the center of the UUT
For subset case 2: to retain 90% frequency overlap between the radar signal and the UUT Occupied
Bandwidth, the center frequency of the signal generator will vary for each of the ten trials in subset case
2. The center frequency of the signal generator for each trial is calculated by:

For subset case 3: to retain 90% frequency overlap between the radar signal and the UUT Occupied
Bandwidth, the center frequency of the signal generator will vary for each of the ten trials in subset case
3. The center frequency of the signal generator for each trial is calculated by:

The percentage of successful detection is calculated by dividing the sum of the detections for the three
subsets by the sum of trials for the three subsets:

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 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

Frequency Hopping Radar Test Signal
  Radar             Pulse             PRI               Hopping              Hopping      Minimum      Minimum
                                                                   Per Hop
  Waveform          Width             (  sec )         Sequence             Rate (kHz)   Percentage   Trials
                    (  sec )                           Length                            of
                                                        (msec)                            Successful
   6             1             333          300           9           .333          70%          30
For the Frequency Hopping Radar Type, the same Burst parameters are used for each waveform. The hopping
sequence is different for each waveform and a 100-length segment is selected from the hopping sequence
defined by the following algorithm:
The first frequency in a hopping sequence is selected randomly from the group of 475 integer frequencies from
5250 – 5724 MHz. Next, the frequency that was just chosen is removed from the group and a frequency is
randomly selected from the remaining 474 frequencies in the group. This process continues until all 475
frequencies are chosen for the set. For selection of a random frequency, the frequencies remaining within the
group are always treated as equally likely.

 Report no.: 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                                                           Page 25 / 34

 DEKRA Testing and Certfeation (Suzhou) Co, id
 No 88, Hongye Roed, Suztoo Industial Pak Suzhou, 215008,
 Pn. Cns
 Teu »ss5asesn.s008 rac «se51200515008

4.1.2    Test Setup

DFS Test Setup:

        Radar Test                                                                           o
        Signal Generator                                                                          Master
                          omio                                                        8

                                   Te            Combiner                 Combiner

                      o                                                                      O     Spectrum
            UUT                                                                                     Analyzer
           (Client)                                                                          (vib 10 dBinfemal

4.1.3     Client Device requreiment
 a) A Client Device will not transmit before having received appropriate control signals from a.
 Master Device.
 b)   A Client Device will stop all its transmissions whenever instructed by a Master Device to which it is
 associated and will meet the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time requirements. The
 Client Device will not resume any transmissions until it has again received control signals from a Master Device.
 c) If a Client Deviceis performing In—Service Monitoring and detects a Radar Waveform above
 the DFS Detection Threshold, it will               inform the Master Device.   This is equivalent to the Master Device
 detecting the Radar Waveform and c) through 1) of section 5.1.1 apply.
 d)     Irespective of Client Device or Master Device detection the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing
 Transmission Time requirements remain the same.
 e) The client test frequency must be monitored to ensure no transmission of any type has occurred for 30
 minutes. Note: If the client moves with the master, the device is considered compliant f nothing appears in the
 client non—cccupancy peried test. For deviees that shut down (rather than moving channels), no beacons should

 Report no.: 1962139R—RF— US—DFS                                                                                 Page 26 / 34

DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

4.1.4    Radar Waveform Calibration
  The following equipment setup was used to calibrate the conducted radar waveform. A spectrum analyzer
was used to establish the test signal level for each radar type. During this process there were replace 50ohm
terminal from master and client device and no transmissions by either the master or client device. The spectrum
analyzer was switched to the zero span (time domain) at the frequency of the radar waveform generator. Peak
detection was utilized. The spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth (RBW) and video bandwidth (VBW) were
set to 3MHz and 3 MHz.
  The signal generator amplitude was set so that the power level measured at the spectrum analyzer was -
61dBm due to the interference threshold level is not required.
Conducted Calibration Setup

Report no.: 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                                                     Page 27 / 34

DEKRA Testing and Certification
                              n (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
             e Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suz
No. 99, Hongye                                 zhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX:: +86-512-6251-50 098

4.1.5    Radar Wavefo
                    orm Calibrration Resu
  11ac80 C
         CH106 5530
                  0MHz Radar Type 0 Calib
                                        bration                11ac80 CH1
                                                                        106 5530MH
                                                                                 Hz Radar Typ
                                                                                            pe 1 Calibratiion
                     Plot                                                         P

  11ac80 C
         CH106 5530
                  0MHz Radar Type 2 Calib
                                        bration                       11a
                                                                        ac80 CH106 5530MHz Radar Type 3
                     Plot                                                       Cal ibration Plot

              11ac80 CH1
                       106 5530MHz Radar Typ
                                           pe 4                       11a
                                                                        ac80 CH106 5530MHz Radar Type 5
                        Calibration Plot
                                    P                                           Cal ibration Plot

Report no.: 1962139R--RF-US-DFS
                              S                                                                    Page 28
                                                                                                         8 / 34

DEKRA Testing and Certification
                              n (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
             e Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suz
No. 99, Hongye                                 zhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX:: +86-512-6251-50 098

                                         11ac80 CH106 5 530MHz Ra
                                                                adar Type 6 Calibration P

Report no.: 1962139R--RF-US-DFS
                              S                                                                Page 29
                                                                                                     9 / 34

DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

4.2 Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission
                                                                                      VERDICT:         PASS

4.2.1    Test Procedure
These tests define how the following DFS parameters are verified during In-Service Monitoring; Channel
Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time.
The steps below define the procedure to determine the above mentioned parameters when a radar burst with a
level -61dBm is generated on the operating channel of the U-NII device.
A U-NII device operating as a Client device will associate with the Master device at 5500MHz.
During the in-service monitoring detection probability and channel moving tests the system was configured with
a streaming video file from the master device (sourced by the PC connected to the master device via an
Ethernet interface) to the client device. The streamed file was the “FCC” test file and the client device was using
Media Player Classic as required by FCC Part 15 Subpart E.
Observe the transmissions of the EUT at the end of the radar burst on the operating channel for duration
greater than 10 seconds. Measure and record the transmissions from the spectrum analyzer during the
observation time (Channel Move Time). Compare the channel move time and channel closing transmission time
results to the limits defined in the DFS Response requirement values table.

Report no.: 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                                                         Page 30 / 34

 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

4.2.2     Test Data

5530MHz. (802.11ac80MHz)

Test Item                                          Limit                               Results
Channel Move Time                                  10 s                                Pass
                                                   200ms + an aggregate of 60ms over
Channel Closing Transmission Time                                                      Pass
                                                   remaining 10 second period.

 Report no.: 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                                                  Page 31 / 34

DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
P.R. China
TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

4.3 Non-Occupancy Period                                                         VERDICT:       PASS

4.3.1    Test Procedure
Measure the EUT for more than 30 minutes following the channel close/move time to verify that the UUT does
not resume any transmissions on this channel.

Report no.: 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                                                  Page 32 / 34

 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

4.3.2     Test Data

5530MHz. (802.11ac80MHz)

Test Item                                          Limit                               Results
Channel Move Time                                  10 s                                Pass
                                                   200ms + an aggregate of 60ms over
Channel Closing Transmission Time                                                      Pass
                                                   remaining 10 second period.

 Report no.: 1962139R-RF-US-DFS                                                                  Page 33 / 34

 DEKRA Testing and Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
 No. 99, Hongye Road, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, 215006,
 P.R. China
 TEL: +86-512-6251-5088 / FAX: +86-512-6251-5098

4.4 Test setup photo and EUT Photo                                       VERDICT:   PASS

Remark: The test setup photo and EUT Photo please see appendix.

                                                               The End

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Document Created: 2019-07-15 17:50:24
Document Modified: 2019-07-15 17:50:24

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