Confidentiality Request


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                     Dali Wireless, Inc.
                                                                        535 Middlefield Road, Suite 280
                                                                                 Menlo Park, CA 94025

December 6, 2016

TIMCO Engineering, Inc.
849 N.W. State Road 45
P.O. Box 370
Newberry, Florida 32669 USA

Reference:     Restricted Access of Equipment and Request for Confidentiality

Pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 0.457 and 0.459, Dali Wireless
requests confidential treatment of certain information submitted with this document.

This Restricted Access of Equipment and Documentation Notice is to inform TIMCO
Engineering, Inc. that access to equipment and related documentation supplied by Dali Wireless
Inc. is to be restricted to only authorized users in order to ensure the security of the equipment
and confidentiality of related documentation at all times. Only designated professionals shall be
allowed to maintain or service the equipment.

Dali Wireless, Inc. is requesting Internal Photos and User Manual to be given Long-Term
Confidentiality for the following reasons:

   1. The circuit boards and internal components are not accessible to users. They are housed
      inside a water tight (IP65) enclosure installed in communication rooms, telecom closets
      or above ceilings that are not accessible to the public.
   2. Internal photos are not available in any product collaterals and they are not accessible to
      the public. They are kept internally within the Engineering and Operations group, not for
      external distribution.
   3. Servicing of the equipment is only to be carried out by professionally trained field service
      technicians employed by companies under Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Dali
      Wireless, Inc. They are not allowed to disclose any information about the Dali equipment
      including internal photos to third party under the NDA.
   4. The User Manual contains proprietary technical information including installation,
      commissioning, operations and maintenance procedures intended for professional
      technicians trained by Dali Wireless, Inc. Distribution under NDA.
   5. User Manual is not available to the public. The distribution is through request from Sales
      department to the Operations department within Dali Wireless. User Manual is only
      distributed to customers and system integrators under NDA.

                                                                                     Dali Wireless, Inc.
                                                                        535 Middlefield Road, Suite 280
                                                                                 Menlo Park, CA 94025

   6. Sales of all Dali Wireless manufactured equipment to end users, third party sales partners
      or system integrators require NDA in place.

Appropriate documentation will be made available to Dali Wireless, Inc. partners and integrators
only. Designated professionals under the employ of these partners and integrators will be
responsible for service and maintenance of our devices. Each partner and integrator will be under
a non-disclosure agreement with Dali Wireless, Inc.

In conclusion, Dali Wireless, Inc. requests the long-term confidentiality for the following items:

Permanently Confidential - Operational Description

Permanently Confidential - User Manual

Permanently Confidential - Schematics

Permanently Confidential - Parts List

Permanently Confidential –Internal Photographs

Permanently Confidential –Block Diagram

Permanently Confidential –Tuning Procedure

                                                                                 Dali Wireless, Inc.
                                                                    535 Middlefield Road, Suite 280
                                                                             Menlo Park, CA 94025

Where in each of the above vX may be v1 to v9 or not present and refers to the document


Andrew Leung
VP, Operations
Dali Wireless, Inc.

Document Created: 2016-12-11 15:48:35
Document Modified: 2016-12-11 15:48:35

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