Test report

FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1

Test Report

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            FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART C

                PERMISSIVE CHANGE


GDO with 900MHz FHSS Transceiver and 2.4GHz WiFi Module

              MODEL NUMBER: 001D8850

                 FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1
                   IC: 2666A-1D8088

              REPORT NUMBER: 11752100A

               ISSUE DATE: June 2, 2017

                     Prepared for
              The Chamberlain Group, Inc.
                   300 Windsor Dr.
                  Oak Brook, IL 60523

                      Prepared by
                        UL LLC
                   333 Pfingsten Rd.
                  Northbrook, IL 60062
                  TEL: (847) 272-8800

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

                                               Revision History

 Rev.      Date           Revisions                                                                 Revised By
   --                     Initial Issue

                                                 Page 2 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                                                DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                                                 IC: 2666A-1D8088

                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.      ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS .................................................................................... 4

2.      TEST METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 5

3.      FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION .................................................................................... 5

4.      CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY .................................................................................. 5
     4.1.      MEASURING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION ................................................................ 5
     4.2.      SAMPLE CALCULATION ............................................................................................... 5
     4.3.      MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................. 6

5.      EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ................................................................................................. 7
     5.1.      DESCRIPTION OF EUT ................................................................................................. 7
     5.2.      MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER ........................................................................................ 7
     5.3.      DESCRIPTION OF AVAILABLE ANTENNAS ................................................................ 7
     5.4.      SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE ...................................................................................... 7
     5.5.      CONFIGURATION AND MODE ..................................................................................... 8
     5.6.      DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP .................................................................................. 9

6.      TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ....................................................................... 11

7.      MEASUREMENT METHODS .............................................................................................. 12
     7.1.      DUTY CYCLE ............................................................................................................... 13

8.      RADIATED TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................. 14
     8.1.      LIMITS AND PROCEDURE ......................................................................................... 14
     8.2. RADIATED SPUROUS EMSSIONS ............................................................................. 15
       8.2.1. SPURIOUS EMISSIONS 9kHz-30MHz Open Field to 10 Meter Chamber
       Correlation Data ................................................................................................................... 15
       8.2.2. Spurious Emissions 9kHz – 30MHz (single plot maybe used if eut set to hopping
       mode) 16
       8.2.3. SPURIOUS EMISSIONS 30 TO 1000 MHz – Hopping Mode ............................... 18
       8.2.1. SPURIOUS EMISSIONS 1GHz TO 10GHz .......................................................... 20

9.      AC POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ................................................................... 26

10.         SETUP PHOTOS ............................................................................................................. 29

                                                               Page 3 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                                      FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                                   TEL: (847) 272-8800
                   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

COMPANY NAME:                    The Chamberlain Group, Inc.
                                 300 Windsor Dr
                                 Oak Brook, IL 60523, US

EUT DESCRIPTION:                 GDO with 900MHz FHSS Transceiver and 2.4GHz WiFi Module

MODEL:                           001D8850

SERIAL NUMBER:                   non-serialized

DATE TESTED:                     May 1, 2017 to May 12, 2017

                                       APPLICABLE STANDARDS
                            STANDARD                                                TEST RESULTS
                    CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart C                                               Pass
              INDUSTRY CANADA RSS-247 Issue 2                                              Pass
             INDUSTRY CANADA RSS-GEN Issue 4                                               Pass

UL LLC tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above
standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by UL LLC based
on interpretations and/or observations of test results. Measurement Uncertainties were not
taken into account and are published for informational purposes only. The test results show that
the equipment tested is capable of demonstrating compliance with the requirements as
documented in this report.

Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the
conditions and modes of operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or
revised in any way unless done so by UL LLC and all revisions are duly noted in the revisions
section. Any alteration of this document not carried out by UL LLC will constitute fraud and
shall nullify the document. This report must not be used by the client to claim product
certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the U.S.

Approved & Released For
UL LLC By: Jeff Moser                                         Tested By: Bart Mucha

PROGRAM MANAGER                                              STAFF ENGINEER
UL LLC                                                       UL LLC

                                                 Page 4 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with FCC CFR 47 Part 2,
FCC CFR 47 Part 15, ANSI C63.10-2013, RSS-GEN Issue 4, RSS-247 Issue 2.

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 333 Pfingsten
Road, Northbrook, IL 60062 USA.

UL NBK is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 100414-0. The full scope of accreditation
can be viewed at http://ts.nist.gov/

The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been
calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to
recognized national standards.


Sample Calculations
Radiated Field Strength and Conducted Emissions data contained within this report is
calculated on the following basis:
Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Meter Reading (dBuV) + AF (dB/m) - Gain (dB) + Cable Loss (dB)
Conducted Voltage (dBuV) = Meter Reading (dBuV) + Cable Loss (dB) + LISN IL (dB)
Conducted Current (dBuA) = Meter Reading (dBuV) + Cable Loss (dB) - Transducer Factor

                                                 Page 5 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests
performed on the apparatus:

            Test                      Range              Equipment             Uncertainty k=2
 Radiated Emissions               30-200MHz           Bicon 10m Horz           4.27dB
 Radiated Emissions               30-200MHz           Bicon 10m Vert           4.28dB
 Radiated Emissions               200-1000MHz         LogP 10m Horz            3.33dB
 Radiated Emissions               200-1000MHz         LogP 10m Vert            3.39dB
 Radiated Emissions               30-200MHz           Bicon 3m Horz            3.30dB
 Radiated Emissions               30-130MHz           Bicon 3m Vert            4.84dB
 Radiated Emissions               130-200MHz          Bicon 3m Vert            4.94dB
 Radiated Emissions               200-1000MHz         LogP 3m Horz             3.46dB
 Radiated Emissions               200-1000MHz         LogP 3m Vert             4.98dB
 Radiated Emissions               1-6GHz              Horn                     5.02dB
 Radiated Emissions               6-18GHz             Horn                     5.34dB
 Radiated Emissions               18-26GHz            Horn                     6.60dB
 Conducted Ant Port               30MHz-26GHz         Spectrum Analyzer        2.94
 Occupied Channel Bandwidth       30MHz-26GHz         Spectrum Analyzer        ± 0.39 dB
Uncertainty figures are valid to a confidence level of 95%.

                                                 Page 6 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088


   5.1.        DESCRIPTION OF EUT

The EUT is an Garage Door Operator with FHSS transceiver operating between 902MHz –
928MHz. The GDO also contains a modular WiFi transceiver, FCC ID: COFWMNBM11 / IC:

The radio circuit and area around the radio circuit is identical to the originally certified device.
The only change is where one side of the board was extended to allow for additional connectors
for additional accessories.


The transmitter has a maximum conducted output power as follows:

 Frequency Range Output Power             Output Power

      (MHz)            (dBm)            (mW)
      902.25           12.118            16.29
      914.75           11.459            13.99
      926.75           10.946            12.43
* highest power recorded for original EUT and
contained in orignal FCC test report FCC ID:


The radio utilizes an wire antenna, with a peak gain of -2 dBi determined by simulation.


The firmware installed in the EUT during testing was 127A0491, Rev B

                                                 Page 7 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088


For Line conducted emissions and Radiated Emissions between 9kHz and 1GHz EUT was set
to hop on all channels.

Radiated emission between 1GHz and 10GHz were performed with the EUT set to transmit on
low, middle and high channels individually.

The EUT was oriented in a normal installation position (gear up).

                                                 Page 8 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                            DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                             IC: 2666A-1D8088


                                        Support Equipment List
Description             Manufacturer         Model                           Serial Number            FCC ID
        EUT             Chamberlain Group INc.001D8088-1                     non-serialized           HBW1D8088-1
    Photo Eyes          Chamberlain Group INc.     Generic                   non-serialized                 N/A
   Wall Control         Chamberlain Group INc.     Generic                   non-serialized                 N/A
     Door Lock          Chamberlain Group INc.     Generic                   non-serialized                 N/A


                                             I/O Cable List
Cable Port               # of identical Connector Cable Type Cable      Remarks
No                       ports          Type                 Length (m)
1       PHoto EYes 1                       custom           solid wire      1m              none
2       Wall Control 1                     custom           solid wire      1m              none
3       Door Lock    1                     custom           solid wire      1m              none


The wireless device is part of the main board of the GDO.

                                                  Page 9 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                TEL: (847) 272-8800
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088


                                                                                       Photo Eyes

        EUT with 900MHz                                                                Control
        FHSS Transceiver


                                                Page 10 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                            DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                             IC: 2666A-1D8088


The following test and measurement equipment was utilized for the tests documented in this

                                              Test Equipment List
        Description                 Manufacturer        Model                Eqp. No.       Cal Date         Cal Due
Radiated Software                       UL             UL EMC                           Ver 9.5, July 22, 2014
Conducted Software                      UL             UL EMC                           Ver 9.5, May 17 2012
       EMI Test Receiver           Rohde & Schwarz            ESCI           EMC4328         12/2/2016     12/31//2017
        Bicon Antenna                  Chase                VBA6106A         EMC4078         2/15/2017      2/28/2018
        Log-P Antenna                  Chase                UPA6109          EMC4258         5/11/2016      5/31/2017
       Loop Antenna                    EMCO                  6502/1         EMC4026         5/22/2016      5/31/2017
        Antenna Array                    UL                   BOMS           EMC4276        11/15/2016     11/15/2017
       EMI Test Receiver           Rohde & Schwarz             ESU           EMC4323        12/24/2016     12/31/2017
        EMI Test Receiver          Rohde & Schwarz             ESR           EMC4377        12/30/2016     12/31/2017
         Transient Limiter
                                     Electro-Metrics        EM7600-2         EMC4224            N/A           N/A
       “Behind Attenuator”
         High Pass Filter            Solar Electronics       2803-150         EMC4327           N/A           N/A
            Attenuator                     HP                 8494B         2831A00838          N/A            N/A
            LISN - L1                     Solar          8602-50-TS-50-N     EMC4066        12/30/2016     12/31/2017

                                                    Page 11 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                TEL: (847) 272-8800
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088


ANSI C63.10:2013 and specific references are listed under procedure for each test.

                                                Page 12 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                             DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                              IC: 2666A-1D8088

    7.1.         DUTY CYCLE

Measured for the purpose of:

a) if device cannot be set to 100% duty cycle when operating on individual channels (low, mid
and high) measure the duty cycle and apply to the radiated spurious emissions measurements
in restricted bands.

b) in hopping mode it is likely that the same channel will be only used for few mS out of 100mS.
In that case per part 15.35 (c) measurement of the total on time of an individual channel over
100mS can be conducted and duty cycle factor determined. That duty cycle factor can be
applied to peak level of the radiated emission to show average level.


ANSI C63.10, section 7.8.4


The duty cycle results are from the original test report, FCC ID: HBW1D8808-1 and the table is
copied below.

                                                                                  Duty Cycle Correction (dB)
                                  Number of TX         TX Duration in
                                   in 100mS               100mS                        20  log( TX ( ms )
                                                                                                  100ms )

   TX Hopping Short Packet               1              1.305                           -37.69
   TX Hopping Long Packet                1              3.048                           -30.32
Per the operational descriptions there is a rare worst case possibility where transmission may take place
when two short pulses and one long pulse is transmitted within 100mS window. This case is almost
impossible to capture. If this case ever happens the duty cycle correction factor will decrease from -
30.32dB to -24.95dB based on the measured individual pulse lengths. This is slightly less then what is
reported by the manufacturer in the operational description. The manufacturer uses theoretical values for
the TX duration where measured values are used in this test report.

                                                  Page 13 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                    FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                 TEL: (847) 272-8800
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088



FCC §15.205 and §15.209

IC RSS-247 Clause 5.5


ANSI C63.10:2013, Section 11.12

                                                Page 14 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                                DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                                 IC: 2666A-1D8088

             8.2.1. SPURIOUS EMISSIONS 9kHz-30MHz Open Field to 10 Meter Chamber
                  Correlation Data

Correlation Data for measurements 9kHz-30MHz between Outside and 10m semi-anechoic chamber in
at Underwriter Laboratories in Northbrook, IL.

                 Outside to 10 Meter Chamber Correlation Data - 3m distance







                                                         Frequency (MHz)

                           SA Reading dBuV @ 3m Parking Lot            SA Reading dBuV @ 3m Chamber

Correlation measurements were conducted using a signal source with an antenna outside in open area
(parking lot). Immediately following the measurements the same setup was moved inside the 10 meter
semi-anechoic chamber and the measurements were repeated. The above plot shows the difference in
levels measured between outside and the 10 meter semi anechoic chamber.

                                                     Page 15 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                       FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                    TEL: (847) 272-8800
                 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

       8.2.2. Spurious Emissions 9kHz – 30MHz (single plot maybe used if eut set
            to hopping mode)


                                                Page 16 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                                     DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                                      IC: 2666A-1D8088

 Chamberlain Group Inc
 AC 1D8088-1
 TX Hopping mode
 120V 60Hz
 Trace MArkers
                                                                         Limit 47
          Test          Meter                 Antenna Path               Part
 Marker Frequency Reading                     Factor  Factor      Level  15.209 Margin        Azimuth
 No.      (MHz)         (dBuV)     Detector   dB/m    dB          dBuV/m dBuV/m (dB)          [Degs]
 Parallel to EUT
       1      0.009035     40.46   Pk            22.4         0     62.86   128.47   -65.61   0-360
       2       0.01236     40.37   Pk            20.3         0     60.67   125.75   -65.08   0-360
       3      0.018065     39.39   Pk            17.4         0     56.79   122.45   -65.66   0-360
       4       0.04211     35.97   Pk            13.5         0     49.47    115.1   -65.63   0-360
       5      0.073365     32.72   Pk            11.8         0     44.52   110.29   -65.77   0-360
       6       0.15256     44.44   Pk            11.3         0     55.74   103.93   -48.19   0-360
       7       0.18089     43.03   Pk            11.3         0     54.33   102.45   -48.12   0-360
       8       0.23818     40.63   Pk            11.3         0     51.93   100.06   -48.13   0-360
       9       0.30091     38.75   Pk            11.3         0     50.05    98.03   -47.98   0-360
      10         0.4548    35.66   Pk            11.3         0     46.96    94.45   -47.49   0-360
      11       0.65502     32.87   Pk            11.4         0     44.27    71.28   -27.01   0-360
      12          1.058    25.99   Pk            11.4       0.1     37.49    67.11   -29.62   0-360
      13       1.57275     23.06   Pk            11.5       0.1     34.66    63.67   -29.01   0-360
      14          3.436    17.36   Pk            11.5       0.1     28.96    69.54   -40.58   0-360
      15         5.5095    15.31   Pk            11.3       0.1     26.71    69.54   -42.83   0-360
 Perpendicular to Eut
      16       0.00928     41.63   Pk            22.1         0     63.73   128.23    -64.5   0-360
      17      0.012325     38.51   Pk            20.3         0     58.81   125.77   -66.96   0-360
      18       0.01586     39.67   Pk            18.5         0     58.17   123.58   -65.41   0-360
      19       0.03966     36.91   Pk            13.8         0     50.71   115.62   -64.91   0-360
      20      0.057545      34.4   Pk            12.3         0      46.7   112.39   -65.69   0-360
      21       0.18035      43.4   Pk            11.3         0      54.7   102.48   -47.78   0-360
      22       0.38664     37.15   Pk            11.3         0     48.45    95.86   -47.41   0-360
      23       0.66354     33.57   Pk            11.4         0     44.97    71.17    -26.2   0-360
      24       0.96813     28.76   Pk            11.4       0.1     40.26    67.89   -27.63   0-360
      25       1.12325     26.39   Pk            11.4       0.1     37.89    66.59    -28.7   0-360
      26       1.63075     22.21   Pk            11.5       0.1     33.81    63.36   -29.55   0-360
      27         3.0155    19.57   Pk            11.5       0.1     31.17    69.54   -38.37   0-360
      28       5.92275     15.52   Pk            11.3       0.1     26.92    69.54   -42.62   0-360
      29      10.34163     13.03   Pk            10.7       0.2     23.93    69.54   -45.61   0-360
      30      29.81875     14.45   Pk               8       0.3     22.75    69.54   -46.79   0-360
 Parallel to Ground
      31      0.009035     43.73   Pk            22.4         0     66.13   128.47   -62.34   0-360
      32       0.01103     41.63   Pk              21         0     62.63   126.73    -64.1   0-360
      33       0.01845     40.33   Pk            17.2         0     57.53   122.27   -64.74   0-360
      34       0.02734     40.81   Pk            15.4         0     56.21   118.85   -62.64   0-360
      35         0.0559    33.81   Pk            12.3         0     46.11   112.65   -66.54   0-360
      36      0.073575     32.98   Pk            11.8         0     44.78   110.26   -65.48   0-360
      37       0.10079     29.84   Pk            11.5         0     41.34   107.53   -66.19   0-360
      38      0.117465     29.78   Pk            11.4         0     41.18    106.2   -65.02   0-360
      39       0.15213     44.48   Pk            11.3         0     55.78   103.95   -48.17   0-360
      40       0.24606     40.97   Pk            11.3         0     52.27    99.78   -47.51   0-360
      41       0.34947     38.75   Pk            11.3         0     50.05    96.73   -46.68   0-360
      42         0.4384    36.24   Pk            11.3         0     47.54    94.77   -47.23   0-360
      43       0.85844     30.33   Pk            11.4       0.1     41.83    68.93    -27.1   0-360
      44         1.0145    25.58   Pk            11.4       0.1     37.08    67.48    -30.4   0-360
      45       1.45675     24.22   Pk            11.4       0.1     35.72    64.34   -28.62   0-360
      46          2.247     21.2   Pk            11.5       0.1      32.8    69.54   -36.74   0-360
      47         3.7985    17.46   Pk            11.5       0.1     29.06    69.54   -40.48   0-360
      48       9.14175     11.21   Pk            10.8       0.2     22.21    69.54   -47.33   0-360
      49      19.61075     18.06   Pk             9.3       0.2     27.56    69.54   -41.98   0-360
      50      29.97825     15.22   Pk               8       0.3     23.52    69.54   -46.02   0-360
 Pk - Peak detector

                                                        Page 17 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                          FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                       TEL: (847) 272-8800
               This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

        8.2.3. SPURIOUS EMISSIONS 30 TO 1000 MHz – Hopping Mode

                                                Page 18 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                                                                         DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                                                                          IC: 2666A-1D8088


Chamberlain Group Inc.
AC 1D8088-1
TX Mode Hopping
120V 60Hz
Red= Horizontal Green= Vertical
Trace MArkers
                                                                      Band                  Limit 47
           Test           Meter            Antenna Path               Reject                CFR 15.209
Marker Frequency Reading                   Factor        Factor       Filter     Lev el     dBuV/m            Margin Azimuth Height
No.        (MHz)          (dBuV)   Detector dB/m         dB           dB         dBuV/m 10m                   (dB)      [Degs]       [cm]    Polarity
       1     58.0075        36.97 Pk               7.3         -30 -                14.27             29.55    -15.28 0-360            398 H
       2    176.2425        35.62 Pk           15.3           -29.3 -               21.62             33.07    -11.45 0-360            248 H
       3      57.795        41.65 Pk               7.4         -30 -                19.05             29.55     -10.5 0-360            398 V
       4    120.3125        40.32 Pk           13.2           -29.7 -               23.82             33.07     -9.25 0-360            101 V
       5          176.2     38.45 Pk           15.3           -29.3 -               24.45             33.07     -8.62 0-360            101 V
       6    184.4875        38.03 Pk           15.9           -29.1 -               24.83             33.07     -8.24 0-360            101 V
       7    192.5625        39.18 Pk           15.9           -28.9 -               26.18             33.07     -6.89 0-360            101 V
       8          208.5     47.29 Pk                11        -29.5        0.1      28.89             33.07     -4.18 0-360            299 H
       9          216.5     46.95 Pk                11        -29.4        0.1      28.65             35.57     -6.92 0-360            199 H
      10          224.4     44.73 Pk           10.8           -29.3        0.1      26.33             35.57     -9.24 0-360            299 H
      11          256.3     43.06 Pk           12.3           -29.2        0.1      26.26             35.57     -9.31 0-360            399 H
      12          841.4      30.7 Pk           22.6           -27.8        6.4       31.9         -              -      0-360          399 H
      13          847.3     31.14 Pk           22.5           -27.8        9.1      34.94         -              -      0-360          399 H
      14          950.8     29.89 Pk           23.3           -27.4        9.8      35.59         -              -      0-360          299 H
      15          952.6     30.04 Pk           23.4           -27.2        7.6      33.84         -              -      0-360          199 H
      16          200.5     45.61 Pk           11.2           -29.6        0.2      27.41             33.07     -5.66 0-360             99 V
      17          208.5      43.6 Pk                11        -29.5        0.1       25.2             33.07     -7.87 0-360            302 V
      18          216.6     48.15 Pk                11        -29.4        0.1      29.85             35.57     -5.72 0-360            199 V
      19          240.9     47.34 Pk           11.4           -29.3        0.1      29.54             35.57     -6.03 0-360             99 V
      20          256.6     47.28 Pk           12.3           -29.2        0.1      30.48             35.57     -5.09 0-360             99 V
      21          264.9     45.66 Pk           12.3           -29.1        0.1      28.96             35.57     -6.61 0-360             99 V
      22          846.4     29.48 Pk           22.5           -27.8        8.6      32.78         -              -      0-360          302 V
      23          850.3     30.25 Pk           22.6           -27.7      10.6       35.75         -              -      0-360           99 V
      24          951.4     31.13 Pk           23.3           -27.3        9.1      36.23         -              -      0-360          302 V
      25           953      31.06 Pk           23.4           -27.2        7.2      34.46         -              -      0-360          399 V
Pk - Peak detector
Radiated Emission Data

                                                                      Band                  Limit 47
           Test           Meter            Antenna Path               Reject                CFR 15.209
           Frequency Reading               Factor        Factor       Filter     Lev el     dBuV/m            Margin Azimuth Height
           (MHz)          (dBuV)   Detector dB/m         dB           dB         dBuV/m 10m                   (dB)      [Degs]       [cm]    Polarity
            208.5406        44.05 Qp                11        -29.5        0.1      25.65             33.07     -7.42       179        352 H
            200.4863        43.09 Qp           11.2           -29.6        0.2      24.89             33.07     -8.18           34     101 V
           216.47334        44.24 Qp                11        -29.4        0.1      25.94             35.57     -9.63           88     187 V
           256.28442        44.42 Qp           12.3           -29.2        0.1      27.62             35.57     -7.95       355        102 V
Qp - Quasi-Peak detector

                                                                        Page 19 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                                                           FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                                                        TEL: (847) 272-8800
                    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

       8.2.1. SPURIOUS EMISSIONS 1GHz TO 10GHz
Low Channel Plots

                                                Page 20 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                                                                    DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                                                                     IC: 2666A-1D8088

Low Channel Data

AC, 1D8088-1
TX Low CH Modulated, 902.25
120V 60Hz
Red: Horizontal, Green: Vertical
Trace MArkers

                                                                                                                 Av erage
                                                                                                                  Lev el
                                                                                                       Hopping     w ith
                                                                                      Peak              Duty      Duty      Av erage
             Test       Meter                 Anteanna   BRF     Path      Peak       Limit   Peak     Cy cle     Cy cle     Limit     Av erage
Marker Frequency Reading                       Factor    Factor Factor     Lev el    15.209   Margin   Factor     Factor    15.209     Margin Azimuth      Height
  No.       (GHz)      (dBuV)      Detector    dB/m       dB      dB     dBuV/m     dBuV/m     (dB)      dB      dBuV/m     dBuV/m       (dB)     [Degs]   [cm]     Polarity
   1        1.805       97.16        Pk         26.8      0.4   -54.88     69.48       N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A      0-360     98         H
   2        *2.706      96.32        Pk         22.1      N/A   -50.94     67.48        74    -6.52    -24.95     42.53       54        -11.47    0-360     200        H
   3        *3.609      89.92        Pk         23.2      N/A   -50.34     62.78        74    -11.22   -24.95     37.83       54        -16.17    0-360     150        H
   4        *4.511      94.17        Pk         27.8      N/A   -51.86     70.11        74    -3.89    -24.95     45.16       54        -8.84     0-360     149        H
   5        *5.413      90.56        Pk         27.9      N/A   -50.26     68.2         74     -5.8    -24.95     43.25       54        -10.75    0-360     149        H
   6        6.316       79.9         Pk         29.2      N/A   -47.74     61.36       N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A      0-360     149        H
   7        7.218       72.59        Pk         29.8      N/A   -46.35     56.04       N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A      0-360     149        H
   8        *8.119      72.31        Pk         36.2      N/A   -47.75     60.76        74    -13.24   -24.95     35.81       54        -18.19    0-360     150        H
   9        *9.022      66.07        Pk         36.1      N/A   -49.78     52.39        74    -21.61   -24.95     27.44       54        -26.56    0-360     150        H
  10        9.925       57.56        Pk         36.4      N/A   -48.28     45.68       N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A      0-360     150        H
  11        1.805       99.43        Pk         26.8      0.4   -54.88     71.75       N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A      0-360     150        V
  12        *2.706      95.75        Pk         22.1      N/A   -50.94     66.91        74    -7.09    -24.95     41.96       54        -12.04    0-360     200        V
  13        *3.609      82.97        Pk         23.2      N/A   -50.34     55.83        74    -18.17   -24.95     30.88       54        -23.12    0-360     150        V
  14        *4.511      87.47        Pk         27.8      N/A   -51.86     63.41        74    -10.59   -24.95     38.46       54        -15.54    0-360     200        V
  15        *5.413      84.11        Pk         27.9      N/A   -50.26     61.75        74    -12.25   -24.95      36.8       54        -17.2     0-360     200        V
  16        6.316       78.83        Pk         29.2      N/A   -47.74     60.29       N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A      0-360     150        V
  17        7.219       67.19        Pk         29.8      N/A   -46.34     50.65       N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A      0-360     150        V
  18        *8.12       68.38        Pk         36.2      N/A   -47.78     56.8         74    -17.2    -24.95     31.85       54        -22.15    0-360     150        V
  19        *9.022      64.69        Pk         36.1      N/A   -49.78     51.01        74    -22.99   -24.95     26.06       54        -27.94    0-360     150        V
  20        9.926       59.4         Pk         36.4      N/A   -48.29     47.51       N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A      0-360     200        V

* Indicates frequency in restricted band. No limit applies outside of the restricted band.
Pk - Peak detector

                                                                         Page 21 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                                                       FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                                                    TEL: (847) 272-8800
                     This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

Middle Channel Plots

                                                Page 22 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                                                                        DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                                                                         IC: 2666A-1D8088

Middle Channel Data

 AC, 1D8088-1
 TX Mid CH Modulated, 914.75
 120V 60Hz
 Red: Horizontal, Green: Vertical
 Trace MArkers

                                                                                                                   Av erage
                                                                                                                    Lev el
                                                                                                         Hopping     w ith
                                                                                        Peak              Duty      Duty      Av erage
              Test       Meter                 Anteanna    BRF      Path      Peak      Limit   Peak     Cy cle     Cy cle     Limit     Av erage
 Marker Frequency       Reading                 Factor    Factor   Factor    Lev el    15.209   Margin   Factor     Factor    15.209     Margin     Azimuth Height
   No.       (GHz)       (dBuV)     Detector    dB/m        dB        dB     dBuV/m dBuV/m       (dB)      dB      dBuV/m dBuV/m           (dB)     [Degs]   [cm]    Polarity
    1         1.83       96.69        Pk          27        0.4     -54.66    69.43      N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A       0-360    98        H
    2        *2.744      98.36        Pk         22.1       N/A     -50.89    69.57       74    -4.43    -24.95     44.62       54        -9.38      0-360   150        H
    3        *3.659      86.55        Pk         23.4       N/A     -49.39    60.56       74    -13.44   -24.95     35.61       54        -18.39     0-360   200        H
    4        *4.573      94.75        Pk         27.7       N/A     -51.86    70.59       74    -3.41    -24.95     45.64       54        -8.36      0-360   100        H
    5        5.488       88.72        Pk         28.1       N/A     -50.06    66.76      N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A       0-360   150        H
    6        6.403       82.54        Pk         29.2       N/A     -47.68    64.06      N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A       0-360   150        H
    7        *7.318      68.87        Pk         30.6       N/A     -46.01    53.46       74    -20.54   -24.95     28.51       54        -25.49     0-360   150        H
    8        *8.233      71.68        Pk         36.4       N/A     -48.68    59.4        74    -14.6    -24.95     34.45       54        -19.55     0-360   150        H
    9        *9.148      65.34        Pk         36.3       N/A     -48.38    53.26       74    -20.74   -24.95     28.31       54        -25.69     0-360   200        H
   10         1.83       98.09        Pk          27        0.4     -54.66    70.83      N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A       0-360   150        V
   11        *2.744      95.33        Pk         22.1       N/A     -50.89    66.54       74    -7.46    -24.95     41.59       54        -12.41     0-360   200        V
   12        *3.659       83.2        Pk         23.4       N/A     -49.39    57.21       74    -16.79   -24.95     32.26       54        -21.74     0-360   200        V
   13        *4.574      88.27        Pk         27.7       N/A     -51.86    64.11       74    -9.89    -24.95     39.16       54        -14.84     0-360   200        V
   14        5.489       83.19        Pk         28.1       N/A     -50.04    61.25      N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A       0-360   150        V
   15        6.403       79.28        Pk         29.2       N/A     -47.68    60.8       N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A       0-360   150        V
   16        *7.318      68.53        Pk         30.6       N/A     -46.01    53.12       74    -20.88   -24.95     28.17       54        -25.83     0-360   200        V
   17        *8.232      65.44        Pk         36.4       N/A     -48.7     53.14       74    -20.86   -24.95     28.19       54        -25.81     0-360   200        V
   18        *9.147      63.31        Pk         36.3       N/A     -48.38    51.23       74    -22.77   -24.95     26.28       54        -27.72     0-360   200        V
 * Indicates frequency in restricted band. No limit applies outside of the restricted band.
 Pk - Peak detector

                                                                            Page 23 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                                                           FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                                                        TEL: (847) 272-8800
                      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

High Channel Plots

                                                Page 24 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                                                                      DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                                                                       IC: 2666A-1D8088

High Channel Data
 AC, 1D8088-1
 TX High CH Modulated, 926.75
 120V 60Hz
 Red: Horizontal, Green: Vertical
 Trace MArkers
                                                                                                                   Av erage
                                                                                                                    Lev el
                                                                                        Peak             Hopping w ith Duty Av erage
              Test       Meter              Anteanna      BRF       Path     Peak       Limit   Peak       Duty     Cy cle     Limit   Av erage
 Marker Frequency Reading                     Factor     Factor    Factor    Lev el    15.209   Margin    Cy cle    Factor    15.209   Margin     Azimuth Height
   No.       (GHz)      (dBuV) Detector       dB/m         dB        dB     dBuV/m dBuV/m        (dB)    Factor dB dBuV/m     dBuV/m     (dB)     [Degs]   [cm]    Polarity
    1        1.854       98.87      Pk         27.3        0.4     -54.65    71.92      N/A      N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       0-360    98        H
    2        *2.78      100.41      Pk         22.2       N/A      -50.73    71.88       74     -2.12     -24.95    46.93       54      -7.07      0-360   150        H
    3        *3.707      83.25      Pk         23.5       N/A      -49.6     57.15       74     -16.85    -24.95     32.2       54      -21.8      0-360   150        H
    4        *4.634      94.83      Pk         27.7       N/A      -51.73     70.8       74      -3.2     -24.95    45.85       54      -8.15      0-360   150        H
    5         5.56       85.56      Pk         28.3       N/A      -49.48    64.38      N/A      N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       0-360   100        H
    6        6.487       80.23      Pk         29.1       N/A      -47.42    61.91       74     -12.09    -24.95    36.96       54      -17.04     0-360   150        H
    7        *7.415      73.42      Pk          31        N/A      -47.18    57.24       74     -16.76    -24.95    32.29       54      -21.71     0-360   150        H
    8        *8.34       66.52      Pk         36.5       N/A      -47.24    55.78       74     -18.22    -24.95    30.83       54      -23.17     0-360   200        H
    9        9.268       65.44      Pk         36.4       N/A      -48.61    53.23      N/A      N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       0-360   200        H
   10        1.854       99.45      Pk         27.3        0.4     -54.65     72.5      N/A      N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       0-360   200        V
   11        *2.78       95.12      Pk         22.2       N/A      -50.73    66.59       74     -7.41     -24.95    41.64       54      -12.36     0-360   150        V
   12        *3.707      87.76      Pk         23.5       N/A      -49.6     61.66       74     -12.34    -24.95    36.71       54      -17.29     0-360   200        V
   13        *4.633      89.66      Pk         27.7       N/A      -51.74    65.62       74     -8.38     -24.95    40.67       54      -13.33     0-360   150        V
   14         5.56       84.74      Pk         28.3       N/A      -49.48    63.56      N/A      N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       0-360   150        V
   15        6.488       74.95      Pk         29.1       N/A      -47.41    56.64      N/A      N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       0-360   150        V
   16        *7.414      72.24      Pk          31        N/A      -47.18    56.06       74     -17.94    -24.95    31.11       54      -22.89     0-360   200        V
   17        *8.341      65.86      Pk         36.5       N/A      -47.25    55.11       74     -18.89    -24.95    30.16       54      -23.84     0-360   200        V
   18        9.268       67.06      Pk         36.4       N/A      -48.61    54.85      N/A      N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A       0-360   200        V
 * Indicates frequency in restricted band. No limit applies outside of the restricted band.
 Pk - Peak detector

                                                                            Page 25 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                                                           FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                                                        TEL: (847) 272-8800
                      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088


FCC §15.207 (a)

RSS-Gen 8.8


ANSI C63.10:2013, Section 6.2

The EUT is placed on a non-conducting table 40 cm from the vertical ground plane and 80 cm
above the horizontal ground plane. The EUT is configured in accordance with ANSI C63.10.

The receiver is set to a resolution bandwidth of 9 kHz. Peak detection is used unless otherwise
noted as quasi-peak or average.

Line conducted data is recorded for both NEUTRAL and HOT lines.


                                                Page 26 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088



                                                Page 27 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                                                                             DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                                                                              IC: 2666A-1D8088

Line Conducted Emissions data
Manufacturer:Chamberlain Group Inc
Model#AC 1D8088-1
Operating Mode:TX Hopping
Voltage:120V 60Hz
Red=Qp Green=CAv
Trace Markers

                                                                                             QP Limit                 Av Limit
                                                                                             47 CFR                   47 CFR
            Test           Meter             LISN         Path        Dougle                 Part                     Part
Marker      Frequency      Reading           Factor       Factor      Factor       Lev el    15.207         Margin 15.207            Margin
No.         (MHz)          (dBuV)    Detector dB          dB          dB           dBuV      dBuV           (dB)      dBuV           (dB)
       1           0.159     24.31 Qp              0.1      12.8               0    37.21           65.52   -28.31           55.52
       2           0.159     18.83 Ca              0.1      12.8               0    31.73           65.52   -33.79           55.52      -23.79
       3            0.24     32.34 Qp                0      11.3               0    43.64            62.1   -18.46            52.1
       4            0.24     24.25 Ca                0      11.3               0    35.55            62.1   -26.55            52.1      -16.55
       5      0.27825        36.36 Qp                0           11            0    47.36           60.87   -13.51           50.87
       6      0.27825        27.79 Ca                0           11            0    38.79           60.87   -22.08           50.87      -12.08
       7       0.5595        35.29 Qp                0      10.6               0    45.89             56    -10.11             46
       8       0.5595         25.3 Ca                0      10.6               0      35.9            56     -20.1             46           -10.1
       9       0.7575        35.33 Qp                0      10.6               0    45.93             56    -10.07             46
       10      0.7575        25.34 Ca                0      10.6               0    35.94             56    -20.06             46       -10.06
       11     0.91725        35.47 Qp                0      10.6               0    46.07             56     -9.93             46
       12     0.91725        25.38 Ca                0      10.6               0    35.98             56    -20.02             46       -10.02
       13     1.09725        35.69 Qp                0      10.6               0    46.29             56     -9.71             46
       14     1.09725        25.26 Ca                0      10.6               0    35.86             56    -20.14             46       -10.14
       15     1.45725        35.53 Qp                0      10.6               0    46.13             56     -9.87             46
       16     1.45725        24.67 Ca                0      10.6               0    35.27             56    -20.73             46       -10.73
       17     1.77675        35.21 Qp                0      10.6               0    45.81             56    -10.19             46
       18     1.77675        24.36 Ca                0      10.6               0    34.96             56    -21.04             46       -11.04
       19          2.814     34.32 Qp                0      10.6               0    44.92             56    -11.08             46
       20     2.83425        24.02 Ca                0      10.6               0    34.62             56    -21.38             46       -11.38
       21          4.812     26.87 Qp                0      10.7           0.1      37.67             56    -18.33             46
       22      4.9515        17.47 Ca                0      10.7           0.1      28.27             56    -27.73             46       -17.73
       23      6.1665        24.42 Qp                0      10.8           0.1      35.32             60    -24.68             50
       24     6.20925        16.61 Ca                0      10.8           0.1      27.51             60    -32.49             50       -22.49
       25    12.05925        15.29 Qp                0      11.1           0.3      26.69             60    -33.31             50
       26    12.05925        12.62 Ca                0      11.1           0.3      24.02             60    -35.98             50       -25.98
       27    25.59975        15.54 Qp              -0.1     11.7           1.1      28.24             60    -31.76             50
       28    25.59975        13.56 Ca              -0.1     11.7           1.1      26.26             60    -33.74             50       -23.74
       29          0.159     28.72 Qp              0.1      13.3               0    42.12           65.52    -23.4
       30          0.159     19.15 Ca              0.1      13.3               0    32.55           65.52   -32.97           55.52      -22.97
       31     0.26025        39.73 Qp                0      11.7               0    51.43           61.42    -9.99
       32     0.26025        29.13 Ca                0      11.7               0    40.83           61.42   -20.59           51.42      -10.59
       33      0.2985        37.87 Qp                0      11.4               0    49.27           60.28   -11.01
       34      0.2985        26.68 Ca                0      11.4               0    38.08           60.28    -22.2           50.28          -12.2
       35     0.49875        36.11 Qp                0      11.2               0    47.31           56.02    -8.71
       36     0.49875        24.65 Ca                0      11.2               0    35.85           56.02   -20.17           46.02      -10.17
       37      0.6585        36.94 Qp                0      11.1               0    48.04             56     -7.96
       38      0.6585        25.31 Ca                0      11.1               0    36.41             56    -19.59             46           -9.59
       39      0.8385        37.46 Qp                0      11.1               0    48.56             56     -7.44
       40      0.8385        25.79 Ca                0      11.1               0    36.89             56    -19.11             46           -9.11
       41      1.0185         37.6 Qp                0      11.1               0      48.7            56       -7.3
       42      1.0185        25.63 Ca                0      11.1               0    36.73             56    -19.27             46           -9.27
       43     1.41675        37.04 Qp                0      11.1               0    48.14             56     -7.86
       44     1.41675        24.72 Ca                0      11.1               0    35.82             56    -20.18             46       -10.18
       45     2.09625        36.19 Qp                0      11.1               0    47.29             56     -8.71
       46      2.1165        24.29 Ca                0      11.1               0    35.39             56    -20.61             46       -10.61
       47      3.2145        34.96 Qp                0      11.2               0    46.16             56     -9.84
       48    25.59975        15.68 Qp              -0.1     12.2               1    28.78             60    -31.22
       49    25.59975        13.74 Ca              -0.1     12.2               1    26.84             60    -33.16             50       -23.16
Qp - Quasi-Peak detector
Ca - CISPR Av erage detection

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UL LLC                                                                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                                                                              TEL: (847) 272-8800
                     This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088


Line Conducted Emissions

                                                Page 29 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

Radiated Emissions 9kHz-30MHz

                                                Page 30 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

Radiated Emissions 30MHz – 1GHz

                                                Page 31 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO:11752100A                                                                           DATE: June 2, 2017
FCC ID: HBW1D8088-1                                                                            IC: 2666A-1D8088

Radiated Emissions 1GHz – 10GHz

                                        END OF REPORT

                                                Page 32 of 32
UL LLC                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701J
333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, USA                                               TEL: (847) 272-8800
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

Document Created: 2017-06-22 14:34:03
Document Modified: 2017-06-22 14:34:03

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