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Users Manual

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                                                           C LT 1                              T 4410 4 &                              7)o >
                                                                                                         15 74 4 C
    CLICKER MODEL JB                                                                                           Replacement Transmitter

                        cit FEATURES                                                                       Table 2
    Your Clicker Model 89AG Universal Transmitter is compatible                                Sears, Chamberiain, Lift—Master
    with most 310 and 390 MHz garage door and gate operator                                     2         3     4        5        6         7
    systems manufactured by Chamberiain®, Genie®, Lift—Master®,
    Linear®, Moore—O—Matic®, Sears®, and Stanley®. Please note that
Cuord *# is      nof compatible with rotating code systems such as
    intellicode"* or Security+"‘", developed by several of these
    manufacturers since 1996.
     The Clicke         can be used as a replacement for, or in           Examing the code switches on your receiver. This table is
     addition to, most aolder style remote control transmitters. It can   9 boxes across, one for each code switch. Place a "1" in each
     be programmed to operate up to three garage door openers of          box that corresponds with a switch in "+" position. Place a "2"
     gates, including different brands. If your system uses code          in each box that corresponds with a switch in "O" position.
     switches, you must program the Clicker to match the existing         Place a "3" in each box that corresponds with a switch in "—*
    +code. If your existing system does not use code switches, you        position. Fill only 1 box per column. See example below.
     may program the Clicker to any random code. All
     programming is done through the 3 buttons on the case.
                                                                          Exampile of a Sears with 9 code switches (white squares
    We suggest you first read through the following instructions in       indicate switch position):

    their entirety, then return to Part 1 for brand and code
    identification. The programming procedure on page 2 should
    take onty moments.

                                                                              | &
    Step 1: Place an X in Table 1 below next to the brand of your
    opener. If you are programming your Clicker for more than one
    door or gate opener, place an X next to the brand you will
    program first.
                                  Table 1
     ___1 Stanley                     —4 Sears, Chamberfain,
     __2 Sears, Chamberiain.              Lift—Master {1990—‘97)
         Lift—master (1983— 90)         5 Genie (9 code switches)*
     __3 Linear, Moore—O—Matic        __6 Ganie (12 code sw.tches)*                                      Table 3
                                      *See Step 2 below                                  Genie, Limear, Moore—O—Matic. Stamiey
                                                                                     1    |2        $3    |4   |5   |6       J7   |8   |9       (10]11   |12
                                               Receiver Panel               anwuP
    Step 2: Determine whether                                               OFF/ON
    your system uses code
    switches. Depending on your
     brand, you may have 8, 9, 10
                                        1 2 34 5 6 7 6 9
                                                                          Examine the code switches on your receiver or remote. It will
    or 12. They are usually
    located on the receiver panel      mdintit LCO                        have either 8. 9, 10, or 12 code switches. Place a "1" in each
                                                                          box that corresponds with a switch in the "on" or "up"
    (perhaps under the lamp        Code switches         G         O      position. Place a "3" in each box that corresponds with a
                                   (white squares indicate position}
    cover). The receiver is                                               switch in the "off" or "down" position. Fill only 1 box per
    normally attached to the              Remote Code Switches
                                                                          column, and only as many columns as you have code
    garage door or gate opener,                                           switches. See example below.
    or it may be mounted on a                                             NOTE: Some Stanley units label their code switches open and
    wall and wired to the opener.                                         close. For Clicker coding purposes,
    The accompanying remote wili                                          Close = on, Open = off .
    have matching code switches

    inside the case. The
    illustration shows a receiver                                         Exampile of a Stanley with 10 coge switches:
    panel and remote with 9 code switches.                                  CLOSE]   1     1                    1    1        1
     — If your system has code switches, you must program the                CPEN                   3     13                      3    1|3      |3
      transmitter to match your code. Proceed to Table 2 or 3,
      depending on your brand.
     — If your receiver does not have code switches, choose any
       random 9 d‘git code to program your transmitter. Use Table 2
      and enter a setting of 1, 2. or 3 for each column. Fill only i
      box per column, and ignore the table instructions pertaining        Step 3: Verify the code numbers you entered in the table to ba
      to code switches. Then proceed to "Programming Your                 sure they match your system‘s code. Then proceed to
      Clicker" on page 2.                                                 "Programming Your Clicker" on page 2

                                                                                                                                  rok (LT
           PART 2: PROGRAMMING THE CLICKER                                            — If your system has code switches, programming is
                                                                                           complete and the Clicker is ready to open and close your
+« Before beginning, select the button you wish to program to                              garage door. Test to make sure it activates your opener.
   open your garage door or gate. The remaining two buttons                            —   K your system does not have code swiltches, you
 can be used for additional doors or gates.                                                must program your receiver to accept the random 9 digit
— For Step 2 below, you will use the number next to your                                   code you entered into Table 2. Proceed to Step 4.
  existing brand, from Table 1 in Pardt 1.
                                                                                     Step 4 (for receivers without code switches):
+ For Step 3 you will need to refer to the code settings you
 entered into Table 2 or 3.                                                          — Locate the "smard" programming
NOTE: After Steps 1 and 2 there is a 15 second allowance to                            button on your receiver panel.
proceed to Steps 2 and 3. After 15 seconds of inactivity, the                        — Press and HOLD the Clicker
Clicker will exit program mode. To start over from any step,                           button you have selected to open
return to Step 1.                                                                      your garage door.

Step 1:                                                                              — When the indicator light next to                "Sman" flearn)    Indicator Light
                                                                                       the receiver smart button begins                    Button
— Place your Clicker into program                                                      to blink, press the smart button momentarily (for no fonger
  mode by smultaneously pressing                                                       than 3 seconds), then release both buttons.
  and holding the two outside
  buttons.                                                                           Programming is complete and the Clicker will now open and
                                                                                     close your garage door. Test to make sure it activates your
« When the red light starts to blink,                                                opener.
  release both buttons.
Step 2:                                                                              NOTE: To program additiona! doors, return to Part 1.
«+ When the light stops blinking, press the
   button that you want to open your door
   or gate for the number of times that                                                                      BATTERY REPLACEMENT
   corresponds with your existing                                                    The CR2025 lithium batteries supplied with your transmitter
   brand. (Examplte: t you have a                                                    should last 3 to 5 years under normal use of 6 operations per
   Sears system, press the selected                                                  day. Low battery power is indicated by continued shod range.
   button four times.)                                                               intermittent operation and reduced glow of the red indicator
— Wait 4 seconds for the red fight to blink the                                      light. To replace batteries, open the transmutter by inserting a
  same number of times.                                                              flat head screwdriver into the slot on the bottom between the
                                                                                     upper and lower cases. Inside, remove the Phillips head screw
Step 3: From Table 2 or 3, enter your code                                           from the ceniter of the circuit board and carefully lift out the
into the Clicker as follows:                                                         board and the clear plastic battery shield. Replace the old
— Beginning with the first column in the table,                                      batteries, observing correct polarity. Be sure to replace the
  press and release the Clicker button that                                          battery shield before re—attaching the circuit board.
  corresponds with the number you entered in
  the box.                                                                                                              WARNING
 — Continue with each column until the entire code
                                                                                             Use of this radio transmilter should be limited to
  seiting has been entered into the Clicker.                                          A responsible adults. Automatic Gate and Garage
                                                                                             Door systems are dangerous. They can cause
 Example 1: (Table 2) 9 code swilches or random 9 digit code                          great bodily harm and injury and can result in death.
                                                                                      Always exercise caution when using Radio Transmilters.
      +         1       1       1
                                                                                      Do not operate transmitter to activate a gate or door
      0                                 2       2                                     unless you can see that the area is clear. Always keep
      ——                                                3       3       3       3     children away from automatic doors and gates.
 Press button 1 three times, button 2 twice, button 3 four times.

                                                                                                     TECHNICAL SUPPORT: 800—442—1255
 Example 2: (Table 3) if the first three switch settings on your                                           {(8 AM — 4:30 PM PST)
 system are "on, ofl, on," press bution 1, button 3, button 1.
    ON      1               1       7               i       1               1         NOTICE: To comply with FCC rules, adjustment or modifications of this receiver
    DFF             3           3           3           3           3           3     and/or transmilter are prohibited, except for changing the code seiting or
                                                                                      replacing the battery. THERE ARE NO OTHER USER SERVICEABLE PARTS.

 — Immediately after the last button is pressed, the
   Clicker will verify that it has been property
   programmed by again blinking the number of times                                   Chamberlam and Lit Master are Trademarks ol Chambertan Gioup Genvic s
                                                                                      Trademark of Overhead Deoor Corporation Lmea{/Moore 0 Mabe is a Trademaik of
   that corresponds to your existing brand. When it                                   Lingar Corporation   Sears is a Tradomark al Sears & Roebuck:   SlarMey is a
   stops blinking                                                                      Lademark of Stamiey Comporaton Wayne Dakton is a Tademiark of Wayne Uaic:

                                                                    ©1998, The Chamberlam Group, Inc
                                                                            Aid Aights Reserved

Document Created: 2001-03-21 13:28:44
Document Modified: 2001-03-21 13:28:44

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