Users Manual

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                            7 YPCAL —TZTASTRUCT/0A4S
    Model s3g:sseze— /45247
                                                                                                                 Owner‘s Manual

                                                                                                           Mode!l 48@:sss59 /452 5 9
            3—Function Remote Control                                                 Compact 3—Function Remote Control
 To comply with FCC mules, adjustment or modifications of this receiver and/or
 transmitter are prohibited, except for changing the code setting or replacing the
                                                                                                            LJ                         e
The 53000 Series remote control works only with door
                                                                                       Children operating or playing with a garage door
openers and light controls having a green "SRT" button
                                                                                       opener can injure themselves or others. The
and green indicator light.
                                                                                       garage door could close and cause serlous injury
Instructions are given below for programming your                                      or death. Do not allow children to operate the
opener to match the remote control‘s code. The                                         door push button(s) or remote control(s).
additional remote control buttons can also activate other                              A moving garage door could Injure or kill
garage door openers and/or light controls. (Instructions                               someone under It. Activate the opener only when
for programming light products are included with those                                 you can see the door clearly, it is free of
accessories.)                                                                          obstructions, and is properly adjusted.

              Program the Opener to Accept
                 the Remote Control Code                                              FIGURE 1              Select a remote control push
                                                                                                              button to operate opener
Select a remote control push button to operate the receiver.
The large button is recommended for use with the garage
door opener.
1. Press and HOLD the selected remote control push button,
   Figure 1.
                                                                                                      3—FUNCTION                       COMPACT 3—FUNCTION
2. Then press and release the green "SRT" button on the                                             REMOTE CONTROL                      REMOTE CONTROL
   right side panel of the opener in Figure 2. The opener
   light willflash once.
                                                                                                     53000 SERIES GARAGE DOOR OPENERS
3. Release the remote control push button.                                                     (With Green "SRT" Button and Green Indicator Light)
Now the opener will operate when the remote control push
button is pressed.
                                                                                     FIGURE 2
If you release the remote control push button before the                                                           1              2              Te
                                                                                                Green "SRT*            —
opener light flashes, the opener has not accepted the                                             Button         -
code.                                                                                         Green Indicator
              To Change the Selected Push Button
                 On the Same Remote Control
If you decide to use a different remote control button than
originally programmed into the opener, you need to crase
all the learned codes and reprogram each remote control
used to operate the garage door opener.                                                Keep batteries away from small children. if
                                                                                      swallowed, promptly notify doctor.
              To Erase All Remote Control Codes
* Press and hold the green "SRT" button on the opener
                                                                                                    The Remote Control Batteries
 panel until the indicator light turns off (about 6 seconds)}.
 All the codes the opener has learned will be erased.                                The lithium batteries should produce                  3—FUNCTION
                                                                                     power for up to 5 years. To replace                   Open this end
* To reprogram, repeat Steps 1 —3 for each remote control                                                                                  first to avoid
                                                                                     batteries, use the visor clip or                      cracking
 in use.
                                                                                     screwdriver blade to pry open the case,               housing

Code programming instructions are also located on the                                as shown. ("Open" location is stamped
opener panel.                                                                        on back of transmitter case.) Insert                  compact
                                                                                     batteries positive side down.              Twist here
                                                                                                                         —      to open
                          Replacement Parts:                                         Replace cover as follows: 3—Function
 3—Function remote control housing only (no circuit board) — 4144873;                remote: Insert the 3 tabs at the opposite end and snap shut.
 Compact remote control housing only (no circuit board) — 41A44874;                  Compact remote: Snap shut along both sides.
 3V 2016 Lithium Battery — 10A19 (2 required); Visor Clip — 298134
                                                                                     Dispose of old batteries properly.

                                                            ©1995, Sears Roebuck & Company
11441959                                                           All Rights Reserved                                                        Printed in Mexico

Document Created: 1998-11-17 14:21:01
Document Modified: 1998-11-17 14:21:01

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