Test Report_Part 2


Test Report

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                                                                                                      Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m      Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 1 MHz
                  Att             30 dB @ SWT          7 ms @ YBW 3 MHz
                  1Pk Cirw

                 CF 2.441 GHz

                                                 1.7652 ms      —1.22 dBm
                                                 1.6536 ms         0.45 dB

                                                                                       10:51:38   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:51:38

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m      Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 1 MHz
                  Att             30 dB @ SWT         10 ms @ YBW 3 MHz
                  1Pk Cirw

                 CF 2.441 GHz

                                                 1.9275 ms
                                                 2.9275 ms

                                                                                       10:55:49   %

                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:55:50

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                                                                              Access to the World

                Average Time Of Occupancy (Dwell Time)
Test Model
                CH 0: 2402MHz                    8DPSK 3DH1

                Average Time Of Occupancy (Dwell Time)
Test Model
                CH 0: 2402MHz                    8DPSK 3DH3

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                                                                                                      Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m      Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 1 MHz
                  Att             30 dB @ SWT         10 ms @ VBW 3 MHz
                  1Pk Cirw

                 CF 2.48 GHz

                                                 2.2899 ms
                                                  2.913 ms

                                                                                       10:56:13   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:56:13

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                                                                                            Access to the World

9.5.1     Applicable Standard

According to FCC Part 15.247(b)(1) and KDB 558074 D01 15.247 MEAS GUIDANCE v05r02
9.5.2     Conformance Limit

The max For frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band employing at least 75
non-overlapping hopping channels: 1 watt. For all other frequency hopping systems in the 2400-2483.5 MHz
band: 0.125 watts.
9.5.3     Test Configuration

Test according to clause 7.1 radio frequency test setup 1
9.5.4     Test Procedure

 According to FCC Part15.247(b)(1)
As an alternative to a peak power measurement, compliance with the limit can be based on a measurement
of the maximum conducted output power.
Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
Set Span = approximately 5 times the 20 dB bandwidth, centered on a hopping channel (about 10MHz)
Set RBW > the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission being measured (about 3MHz)
Set Sweep = auto
Set Detector function = peak
Set Trace = max hold
Allow the trace to stabilize. Use the marker-to-peak function to set the marker to the peak of the emission to
determine the peak amplitude level.

Test Results
   Temperature:            26C
   Relative Humidity:      54
   ATM Pressure:           1011 mbar

        Operation      Channel   Channel Frequency       Measurement Level          Limit
         Mode          Number         (MHz)                   (dBm)                (dBm)
                          0            2402                    -1.22                 30          PASS
         GFSK            39            2441                    -0.43                 30          PASS
                         78            2480                    -1.27                 30          PASS
                          0            2402                     0.92                 30          PASS
    π/4-DQPSK            39            2441                     1.71                 30          PASS
                         78            2480                     0.86                 30          PASS
                          0            2402                     1.30                 30          PASS
         8DPSK           39            2441                     2.08                 30          PASS
                         78            2480                     1.28                 30          PASS

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                                                                        Access to the World

                Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power
Test Model
                Channel 0: 2402MHz              GFSK

                 Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power
Test Model
                 Channel 39: 2441MHz            GFSK

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                                                                                                               Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 3 MHz
                  Att            30 dB    SWwT      1 ms @ YBW 3 MHz   Mode S
                  1Pk Max
                                                                            M1i[1]             ~34.27

                 CF 2.48 GHz                                                                   10.0 MHz

                                                                                                10:01:48   %

                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:01:48

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 3 MHz
                  Att            30 dB    SWT       1 ms @ YBW 3 MHz   Mode S
                  1Pk Max
                                                                            M1i[1]              0.92

                 CF 2.402 GHz                                                                  10.0 MHz

                                                                                                10:02:14   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:02:14

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                                                                                                     Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 3 MHz
                  Att             30 dB   SWT       1 ms @ YBW 3 MHz
                  1Pk Max

                 CF 2.441 GHz                                                         10.0 MHz

                                                                                      10:02:38   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:02:38

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 3 MHz
                  Att            30 dB    SWT       1 ms @ YBW 3 MHz
                  1Pk Max

                 CF 2.48 GHz                                                          10.0 MHz

                                                                                      10:02:58   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:02:58

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                                                                        Access to the World

                Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power
Test Model
                Channel 0: 2402MHz              8DPSK

                 Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power
Test Model
                 Channel 39: 2441MHz            8DPSK

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                                                                                                                   Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 3 MHz
                  Att            30 dB    SWwT      1 ms @ YBW 3 MHz   Mode S
                  1Pk Max
                                                                            M1i[1]                   1.28

                 CF 2.48 GHz                                                                        10.0 MHz
                                                                                                    10:04:05   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:04:05

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                                                                                          Access to the World


9.6.1      Applicable Standard

According to FCC Part 15.247(d) and KDB 558074 D01 15.247 MEAS GUIDANCE v05r02
9.6.2      Conformance Limit

According to FCC Part 15.247(d):
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum intentional radiator is
operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB
below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power,
based on either an RF conducted, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak
conducted power limits.

9.6.3     Test Configuration

Test according to clause 7.1 radio frequency test setup 1

9.6.4     Test Procedure

The transmitter output (antenna port) was connected to the spectrum analyzer
®    Reference level measurement
Establish a reference level by using the following procedure:
Set instrument center frequency to DSS channel center frequency.
Set Span = approximately 5 times the 20 dB bandwidth, centered on a hopping channel.
Set the RBW = 100 kHz. Set the VBW 2 3 x RBW.
Set Detector = peak. Set Sweep time = auto couple.
Set Trace mode = max hold. Allow trace to fully stabilize.
Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum Maximum conduceted level.
Note that the channel found to contain the maximum conduceted level can be used to establish the
reference level.
m    Band—edge Compliance of RF Conducted Emissions
Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the emission operating on the channel closest to the
band—edge, as well as any modulation products which fall outside of the authorized band of operation
Set RBW > 1% of the span=100kHz        Set VBW > RBW
Set Sweep = auto Set Detector function = peak           Set Trace = max hold
Allow the trace to stabilize.  Set the marker on the emission at the bandedge, or on the highest modulation
product outside of the band, if this level is greater than that at the bandedge. Enable the marker—delta
function, then use the marker—to—peak function to move the marker to the peak of the in—band emission.
The marker—delta value now displayed must comply with the limit specified in this Section.
Now, using the same instrument settings, enable the hopping function of the EUT.       Allow the trace to
stabilize. Follow the same procedure listed above to determine if any spurious emissions caused by the
hopping function also comply with the specified limit.
m     Conduceted Spurious RF Conducted Emission
Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the in—band emission and all spurious emissions (e.g.,
harmonics) from the lowest frequency generated in the EUT up through the 10th harmonic.(30MHz to
25GHz).      Set RBW = 100 kHz       Set VBW > RBW
Set Sweep = auto          Set Detector function = peak    Set Trace = max hold
Allow the trace to stabilize.   Set the marker on the peak of any spurious emission recorded.    The level
displayed must comply with the limit specified in this Section.

9.6.5     Test Results

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                                                                             Access to the World

                Maximum Conduceted Level RBW=100kHz
Test Model
                Channel 0: 2402MHz               GFSK

                 Conduceted Spurious RF Conducted Emission
Test Model
                 Channel 0: 2402MHz              GFSK

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                                                                         Access to the World

                Band-edge Conducted Emissions
Test Model
                Channel 0: 2402MHz               GFSK

                 Maximum Conduceted Level RBW=100kHz
Test Model
                 Channel 39: 2441MHz             GFSK

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                                                                            Access to the World

                Conduceted Spurious RF Conducted Emission
Test Model
                Channel 39: 2441MHz              GFSK

                 Maximum Conduceted Level RBW=100kHz
Test Model
                 Channel 78: 2480MHz             GFSK

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                                                                            Access to the World

                Conduceted Spurious RF Conducted Emission
Test Model
                Channel 78: 2480MHz              GFSK

                 Band-edge Conducted Emissions
Test Model
                 Channel 78: 2480MHz             GFSK

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                                                                                                               Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att            30 dB    SWwT      1 ms @ YBW 300 kHz
                  1Pk Max

                 Start 2.4 GHz                                                  Stop          2.4835 GHz

                                                                                                10:37:58   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:37:58

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att            30 dB    SWT    250 ms @ Y¥BW 300 kHz
                  1Pk Max

                              3 21.050

                 Start 30.0 MHz                                                        Stop     25.0 GHz

                                                                                                10:39:17   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:39:17

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                                                                                                                     Access to the World

                  RefLevel 20.00                 2.00   @ RBW   100
                  Att             30 dB   SWT      1 ms @ YBW 300 kHz     Mode S
                  1Pk Max
                                                                              M1i[1]                —55.62

                              3 21.050

                 Start 2.39 GHz                                                              Stop    2.41 GHz

                                                                                                     1038130    /#

                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:38:39

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att            30 dB    SWT       1 ms @ Y¥BW 300 kHz   Mode S
                  1Pk Max
                                                                              M1i[1]              —56.31

                 Start 2.47 GHz                                                                St     2.5 GHz

                                                                                                     10:39:01   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:39:02

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                                                                                                                     Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att             30 dB   SWT       1 ms @ YBW 300 kHz   Mode
                  1Pk Max
                                                                                M1i[1]             —3.03

                 CF 2.402 GHz                                                                          7.0 MHz

                                                                                                      10:27:23   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:27:23

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att             30 dB   SWT    250 ms @ Y¥BW 300 kHz   Mode S
                  1Pk Max
                                                                                M1i[1]             —44.97

                              1 «23.030

                 Start 30.0 MHz                                                                Stop   25.0 GHz

                                                                                                      10:28:11   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:28:11

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                                                                                                                     Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att             30 dB   SWT     1.1 ms @ YBW 300 kHz    Mode
                  1Pk Max
                                                                              M1i[1]             —43.89

                              $ «23.030

                 Start 2.39 GHz                                                             Stop     2.403 GHz

                                                                                                      10:27:52   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:27:52

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m     Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att            30 dB    SWT       1 ms @ Y¥BW 300 kHz   Mode S
                  1Pk Max
                                                                              M1i[1]                  —2.40

                 CF 2.441 GHz                                                                          7.0 MHz

                                                                                                      10:28:52   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:28:52

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                                                                                                                      Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m      Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att              30 dB   SWT    250 ms @ YBW 300 kHz    Mode
                  1Pk Max
                                                                                 M1i[1]            —45.09

                               1 —22,400

                 Start 30.0 MHz                                                                 Stop   25.0 GHz

                                                                                                       10:29:17   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019    10:29:17

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m      Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att              30 dB   SWT       1 ms @ YBW 300 kHz   Mode S
                  1Pk Max
                                                                                 M1i[1]             —3.29

                 CF 2.48 GHz                                                                            7.0 MHz

                                                                                                       10:29:44   %

                Date:   24.JUN.2019    10:29:44

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                                                                                                                         Access to the World

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m      Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att              30 dB   SWT    250 ms @ YBW 300 kHz     Mode
                  1Pk Max
                                                                                  M1i[1]            —44.95

                              1 23.290

                 Start 30.0 MHz                                                                  Stop     25.0 GHz

                                                                                                          10:30:30   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:30:31

                  Ref Level 20.00 d&m      Offset 2.00 dB @ RBW 100 kHz
                  Att              30 dB   SWT       1 ms @ Y¥BW 300 kHz   Mode S
                  1Pk Max
                                                                                  M1i[1]            —52.64

                              1 23.290

                 Start 2.478 GHz                                                                   Stop    2.5 GHz

                                                                                                          10:30:11   t
                Date:   24.JUN.2019   10:30:11

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Document Created: 2019-08-08 18:17:18
Document Modified: 2019-08-08 18:17:18

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