Probe Calibration per CRN 23454


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  Schmid & Partner
Engineering AG
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone +41 1 245 97 0O0, Fax +41 1 245 97 79

                            Calibration Certificate

                                Dosimetric E—Field Probe


                 Serial Number:

                 Place of Calibration:

                 Date of Calibration:

                 Calibration Interval:

  Schmid & Partner Engineering AG hereby certifies, that this device has been calibrated on
  the date indicated above. The calibration was performed in accordance with specifications
  and procedures of Schmid & Partner Engineering AG.

  Wherever applicable, the standards used in the calibration process are traceable to
  international standards. In all other cases the standards of the Laboratory for EMF and
  Microwave Electronics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich,
  Switzerland have been applied.

                 Calibrated by:

                 Approved by:

  «d No DP   L DP I NA   .    a   CA   PC ILP   Ne   I

Engineering AG
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Telephone +411 245 97 00, Fax +411 245 97 79

                    Probe ET3DVC


                             Manufactured:                     March 7, 2002
                             Last calibration:                 April 10, 2002

                                  Calibrated for System DASY3

                                                 Page 1 of 9

ET3DV6 SN:1677                                                                         April 10, 2002

DASY3 — Parameters of Probe: ET3DV6 SN:1677
Sensitivity in Free Space                               Diode Compression

        NormX             1.70 uV/(V/im) _                          DCP X           93       mV
        NormY             1.76 uV/(V/im)                            DCP Y¥          93       mV
        NormZ             1.67 uV/i(V/im)                           DCP Z           93       mV

Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid
Head            835 MHz                s = 41.5 £ 5%          o = 0.90 £ 5% mho/m
Head            900 MHz                s = 41.5 4 5%          0 = 0.97 £ 5% mho/m

        ConvF X            6.7 +9.5% (k=2)                          Boundary effect:
        ConvF Y            6.7 £9.5% (k=2)                          Alpha           0.33
        ConvrF Z           6.7 +9.5% (k=2)                          Depth           2.62

Head          1900 MHz                 €, = 40.0 £ 5%         o = 1.40 £ 5% mho/im
Head          1800 MHz                 s = 40.0 £ 5%          0 = 1.40 £ 5% mho/im

        ConvF X            5.3 £+9.5% (k=2)                         Boundary effect:
        Convr Y            5.3 £+9.5% (k=2)                         Alpha           0.54

        ConvF Z            5.3 £+9.5% (k=2)                         Depth           2.35

Boundary Effect

Head       835/900 MHz          Typical SAR gradient: 5 % per mm

        Probe Tip to Boundary                                       1 mm            2 mm
        SARp, [%]    Without Correction Algorithm                   9.1             5.2
        SARp, [%]    With Correction Algorithm                      0.3             0.5

Head     1800/1900 MHz          Typical SAR gradient: 10 % per mm

        Probe Tip to Boundary                                       1 mm            2 mm
        SARp, [%]    Without Correction Algorithm                   10.4            6.5
        SARp,, [%]   With Correction Aigorithm                      0.3             0.3

Sensor Offset

        Probe Tip to Sensor Center                      2.7                    mm
        Optical Surface Detection                       1.6 4 0.2              mm

                                     Page 2 of 9

ET3DV6 SN:1677                                                          April 10, 2002

                    Receiving Pattern (¢), 0 = 0°

      f= 30 MHz, TEM cell ifi110                   f= 100 MHz, TEM cell if110



    —@—X   —@—Y    —@—Z    —O—Tot                 —@—X   —@—Y   —@—Z    —O—Tot

      f= 300 MHz, TEM cell ifi110                  f= 900 MHz, TEM cell ifi110

    —@—X   —@—Y    —@—Z    —O—Tot

                                    Page 3 of 9

ET3DV6 SN:1677                                                                            April 10, 2002

                                     Frequency Response of E—Field
                                         ( TEM—Cell:ifi110, Waveguide R22)




         frequency response






                                     0   500        1000         1500     2000   2500   3000
                                                           f [MHz]
                                               —@——TEM                  —@—R22

                                                   Page 5 of 9

ET3DV6 SN:1677                                                                                            April 10, 2002

                                   Conversion Factor Assessment

             f= 835 MHz, WG R9 (body)                                      f= 1900 MHz, WG R22 (body)

          0.80 —                                                         4.50 —
          0.70                                                           4.00
          0.s0 —                                                         3.50

  2 ose —                                                           2 300 —
 €;:E_ 0.40                                                         E% as
  w       0.30                 ®    %                               g
                                                                    t 1.50
          0.20                                                           1.00

          0.10                                                           0.50               %-
          0.00                                             I             0.00                              ,
                 0                 20            40       60                    0          20             40       60
                                        z2[mm]                                                   2[mm]

          —®—Analytical             —&—Measuremets                       —&—Analytical         —Q—Measuremets

Body                       835 MHz                      s, = 55.2 4 5%              o = 0.97 + 5% mho/m
Body                       900 MHz                      s,= 55.0 £ 5%               0 = 1.05 £ 5% mho/m
                   ConvF X                   6.4 +£9.5% (k=2)                          Boundary effect:
                   ConvFr Y¥                 6.4 £9.5% (k=2)                           Alpha              0.43
                   ConvF Z                   6.4 +9.5% (k=2)                           Depth              2.27

Body                      1900 MHz                      s = 53.3 4 5%               o = 1.52 + 5% mho/m

Body                      1800 MHz                      s,= 53.3 4 5%               6 = 1.52 £ 5% mho/im
                   ConvF X                   4.9 +£9.5% (k=2)                          Boundary effect:
                   ConvrF Y                  4.9 £9.5% (k=2)                           Alpha              0.78
                   ConvF Z                   4.9 £9.5% (k=2)                           Depth              2.01

                                                      Page 8 of 9

  schmid & Partner
Engineering AG
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland, Phone +41 1 245 97 00, Fax +41 1 245 97 79

                      Additional Conversion Factors
                                   for Dosimetric E—Field Probe


                 Serial Number:

                 Place of Assessment:

                 Date of Assessment:

                 Probe Calibration Dafe:

 Schmid & Partner Engineering AG hereby certifies that conversion factor(s) of this probe have
 been evaluated on the date indicated above. The assessment was performed using the FDTD
 numerical code SEMCAD of Schmid & Partner Engineering AG. Since the evaluation is
 coupled with measured conversion factors, it has to be recalculated yearly, i.e., following the re—
 calibration schedule of the probe. The uncertainty of the numerical assessment is based on the
 extrapolation from measured value at 900 MHz or at 1800 MHz.

                 Assessed by:

  ET3DV6 — SN:1677                          Page 1 of 2                                11. April 2002

Dosimetric E—Field Probe ET3DV6 SN:1677
Conversion factor (+ standard deviation)

450 MHz              ConvF        1.5£8%                          €, 2 56.7 +/— 5%
                                                                  0 = 0.94 +/— 5% mho/m
                                                         (body tissue)

2450 MHz             ConvF        4.4 +8%                         €, = 39.2 +/— 5%
                                                                   0 = 1.80 +/— 5% mho/m
                                                         (head tissue)

2450 MHz             ConvF        4.0 £8%                          €& 2527 +/—5%
                                                                   0 =1.95 +/—5% mho/m
                                                         (body tissue)

ET3DV6 — SN:1677                           Page 2 of 2                               11. April 2002

Document Created: 2002-05-28 16:55:19
Document Modified: 2002-05-28 16:55:19

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