Operational Description

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                                                                                               71-61643-01 Rev B

   REV         DESCRIPTION                                                    DATE                      Author

        A        Initial Release Per EDR712                                  11/20/2003                  J. Chin.
        B        Updated part numbers for RoHS EC24058                       05/04/2006                  C.Klicpera

                                             Theory of Operation: Mesa Scanner

                                                                 Theory of Op: Mesa Scanner
   DOC. NO: 71-61643-01 Rev.B                                           Page 1 of 20

                                  Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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                                                                                                        71-61643-01 Rev B

Theory of Operation: Mesa Scanner
1. Purpose
The purpose of this document and the respective schematic is to provide a complete description of the detailed
design of the Mesa RF (a flat top derivative of the Phaser RF) scanner hardware subsystem.

2. References
[1]    Schematic: Mesa Scanner PCB                              17-83514-01, RoHS; 17-61643-01, non-RoHS
[2]    Vanguard RF System Definition Document                                                              00-09845-SD0
[3]    Vanguard RF Software Functional Specification                                                       00-09845-FS0
[4]    Vanguard Microprocessor Selection Update, June 25, 1997, Tom Bianculli                              (Project Folder)
[5]    Microprocessor Update for Vanguard Project, September 19, 1997, Tom Bianculli                       (Project Folder)
[6] Theory of Operation: Vanguard RF Base                                                                  71-36036-01
[7]    Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance, Mark I. Montrose
[8]    Thorough tolerance analysis of a resistor divider auto-ID scheme, Kevin Cordes (Project Folder)
[9]    Schematic: Vanguard RF Handle PCB                            17-82498-01, RoHS; 17-36035-01, non-RoHS
[10] Vanguard Radio Theory of Operation                                                                    (Project Folder)
[11] Patent: An RF encoding scheme for UART communications                                                 Docket #
[12] Patent: UART Synchronization for RF communication                                                     Docket # 748
[13] Analysis of the performance impact by processing raw radio data, Dana DeMeo                           (Project Folder)

3. Overview
The P370 flat top (“Mesa”) scanner is a direct line extension to the P370 Phaser scanner. It is derived from the
P370 by removing the keypad and display creating what is essentially a LS3070 replacement. Many parts are
shared with the existing P370 line; however, a new main PCB and flex board are required to compensate for the
missing display and keypad. The “flat top” of the unit is inherited from the P304 corded scanner. Section 4 details
the differences between the keypad and display Phaser RF scanners and Mesa.

The system is powered by a single 3.6V Lithium Ion cell, stepped up to 5V by a SEPIC DC-DC converter. The
scanner contains a small PCB in the handle to hold the trigger, battery contacts and connection to external
contacts. A second PCB in the head of the scanner (the main PCB) contains the DC-DC converter, the radio and
the entire digital system. LEDs and beepers, the only user interface on the scanner, are located on the top as in the
P304. An SE1200-family scan engine is used to provide scanning capability and is connected to the main PCB via
a flex cable. The handle board is also connected to the main PCB with a flex cable.

                                     Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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The digital system has been designed to decode 100 scan/second one dimensional data; support for 2-D
symbologies is not included. References [4] and [5] detail the requirements needed to obtain the requisite 1-D
performance and provides benchmark data which justifies the core architecture chosen for this design.

The radio system is designed to communicate 100 feet reliably. Calculations show that using 8dBm transmit
power, with –85dBm sensitivity, the radios should meet this requirement with sufficient margin. In order to achieve
the highest antenna gain possible and still remain inside the scanner, an inverted-F type antenna is used. It sits high
up in the front, directly above the scan engine. The center conductor and two ground pins connect to the PC
board using compliant pins. The base uses a center-fed split dipole external rubber-duck antenna, with excellent
gain and radiation patterns. The radios use metal covers that snap onto a metal “fence” that is soldered to the
PCB. This technology allows easy shield removal to gain access to the radio components.

4. Comparing Mesa to Phaser RF
Visually, the Mesa and its Phaser RF siblings are fairly similar. The major external difference is Mesa’s lack of an
LCD display and keypad. The P304’s top bezel is used, with identical LED and beeper locations. Note that the
metal hook bar has no embossed logo, unlike the P304. The P370 cradle and power supply are used without any

Internally, a new main PCB and flex board have been created. The PCB is very similar to the Phaser RF main
PCB. However, leads to/from the microprocessor for the LCD and keypad have been removed. This leaves
microprocessor pins 56-59 and 94 unused and floating. Subsets of the address and data buses are no longer used
to drive and collect signal from the keypad, as it does not exist in Mesa. The LEDs and beeper in Mesa are
different than those in Phaser RF, so the driver circuits for these elements are updated. Support for short-range
and advanced long-range scan engines is retained.

The ENTER key is used to wake the Phaser RF scanner from sleep and forcibly reset the unit. That functionality
does not exist in Mesa, so the ENTER/ON* inputs to the wakeup and reset circuitry are eliminated. Pull-up
resistors tied to Vcc are either left in place as is or added to compensate for this deletion. Microprocessor pin 9 is
left floating.

The new flex board design features the LED and beeper locations from P304, as well as current-limiting resistors
for the LEDs. The 18-pin connector and its complementary socket on the PCB are held over from Phaser,
although the cable pinout is wholly different. Mesa’s flex board pinout was arranged such that accidentally
connecting a Mesa flex to a Phaser RF main PCB would not cause a dangerous situation (Vcc-ground short, etc).
The opposite situation is also safe; connecting a Phaser RF flex to a Mesa main PCB will not produce deleterious

Aside from the aforementioned changes, main PCBs for Mesa and Phaser RF are the same. The radio, UART,
SEPIC DC-DC converter, and startup circuit are identical. Reset and sleep circuits are identical save for the
ENTER/ON* omission.

                                      Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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                                                                                                      71-61643-01 Rev B

5. System Partitions
The Vanguard memory scanner electronic design has been partitioned into eight major sub-systems:
1. The SEPIC DC-DC Converter
2. The System Core
3. The Reset Circuit
4. The Power Up/Down Circuit
5. The User Interface (trigger, beeper, and LEDs)
6. The Scan Engine
7. The A/D Monitoring Functions (low battery, battery temperature, scan engine ID)
8. The Radio
Each of these eight sub-systems are discussed in detail in the following sections.

5.1 The SEPIC DC-DC Converter
The external power supply chosen for the Phaser system is 9 volts ± 5%, 1 amp. This provides head room both in
voltage and current. Note that since the scanner itself is a cordless RF device, it does not receive power from this
9V power supply. A plug is inserted in the bottom of the scanner, where the cable normally goes. However, the
supply is used to power the base station. Since the scanner receives power from the base when inserted, the
scanner’s voltage regulator still needs to accept the 9V.
The LT1302 (U14) switching regulator is used in a SEPIC (Single-Ended Primary Inductance Converter)
configuration. In this topology, the LT1302 can operate over an input range of 2 to 10 volts. This meets the
specifications for the Lithium Ion battery (2.3 to 4.25 volts) and the external power supply (9 volts +/- 5%). R9,
R12 and the reference inside U14 (1.24 volts typical) determine the regulation voltage of 5V. Note that above
8V, the regulator’s efficiency drops; however, this does not pose a problem since the power is provided from an
external 9V power supply. Although the scanner is not connected to a cable, it is powered from the external
power supply when in the base via the AUX_POWER connection.
Note that the base uses a SEPIC Li-Ion battery charger to charge the scanner’s battery. It uses two of the six
contacts on the bottom of the scanner, V_CHARGE and BATT_SENSE+. V_CHARGE connects to the
battery’s positive lead via diode CR3 (on the handle PC board). The diode prevents a massive current discharge
should a customer accidentally short the V_CHARGE contact to the GND contact (on the bottom of the scanner).
Current is only allowed to flow into the battery, not out of it. Although the battery is charged through the diode,
it’s drop does not pose a problem because the charger uses the voltage on the BATT_SENSE+ signal to measure
the battery’s voltage. Since the BATT_SENSE+ contact needs to connect directly to the battery, it poses the
same danger (of shorting) as the V_CHARGE. To handle this problem, MOSFET Q1 (on the handle PC board)
acts as a switch to isolate the sense line from the contacts. The FET turns on only when AUX_POWER is
present, which can only happen when docked in a cradle. Thus, the BATT_SENSE+ contact is electrically
isolated from the battery when the scanner is not in the cradle. A diode can not be used here to isolate (as with

                                      Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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                                                                                                    71-61643-01 Rev B

V_CHARGE) because a diode drop in the sense line will severely affect charging. The MOSFET’s low RDS(on),
coupled with the minute current in the sense line, will not affect charging, however. Refer to section 4.6 and
reference [6] for further information about the charging scheme and the scanner/base interface.

5.2 The System Core
The system core of the Mesa scanner consists of a Toshiba 95C061A microprocessor (U6), a 4Mbit flash
memory (U8) and an SRAM that can be 32Kx8, 64Kx8, or 128Kx8 in size (U5). The 95C061A is packaged in
a 100-pin MFP. The microprocessor (max freq. is 25MHz) runs at 24.800 MHz with zero wait states. The
operating frequency is chosen to meet standard baud rates and decoding performance requirements (greater than
20MHz required). All baud rates are generated within 1.5% of their nominal value given crystal accuracy plus
stability of 17ppm. Although the scanner is not connected to a cable, standard baud rates are required to
communicate on the secondary UART channel to the base, and for flash downloading. Also, the radio synthesizer
requires a reference frequency that is a multiple of 100 kHz. The CLK output (pin 25) of the 95C061A provides
a square wave ¼ the frequency of the crystal. Using 24.800 MHz generates a 6.200 MHz reference frequency.
The crystal (Y2) has a load capacitance of 18pF and therefore has 27pF external load capacitors (C72, C77).
Note that the parallel combination of these capacitors is slightly less than 18pF because the PCB capacitance must
be included. Since the 95C061A is a ROM-less part, and this design uses an 8-bit external bus (as opposed to
16 bits), the EA* pin is tied low while the AM8/16* pin is tied high. The address and data bus are completely
demultiplexed so no external latches are needed to address the memory. The port pins are capable of sourcing
400µA (at 2.4v) and sinking 1.6mA (at .45v).
The linear address space of the 95C061A has four chip select banks, which control the data bus size, wait states,
and chip select control signals for up to four sections of memory. There are also a pair of memory address start
registers and memory address mask registers for each chip select allowing a large amount of flexibility in
configuring the memory map. In this design CS0* (set to two wait states) is used to address the keypad, CS1* is
used to select the SRAM, and CS2* addresses the flash memory. Chip select one is active low when the SRAM
is accessed, which resides from EE0000H~EFFFFFH. Chip select two is active low when addresses
F00000H~FFFFFFH are accessed. During flash writes the CS2 bank control register is changed so that the flash
is accessed with one wait state to ensure that the WR* signal pulse widths satisfy the flash memory timing
requirements. A static timing analysis is depicted in Appendix A.
The area of the memory map from 0H~7FH contains the internal registers of the microprocessor. The system has
been designed to accept a 32Kx8, 64Kx8, or 128Kx8 SRAM and one 4Mbit flash memory. The memory map
for the system is depicted in figure 1.

                                    Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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                                         FFFFFFH Mirror Image of Vector Table
                                                            (256 bytes)

                                                      Mirror Image of External
                                                       4Mbit Flash Memory

                                         F80000H                                           CS2
                                                      Vector Table (256 bytes)

                                                    External 4Mbit Flash Memory


                                                         External RAM
                                                      32KB, 64KB, or 128KB



                                                        Keypad (256 bytes)                  CS0


                                                       Internal I/O (128 bytes)

                               Figure 1. The Mesa Scanner Memory Map

Note that this memory map was designed around the fact that the vectors are located in the upper-most part of
memory (defined by the microprocessor). Also, the microprocessor leaves RESET with CS2* activated for the
entire address space. After leaving reset, the software immediately sets up the chip selects to reflect the memory
map shown above. Here, CS2* is configured to start at F00000H. This causes a shadowing effect in the flash
memory area (as shown in Figure 1). Although the flash is only 512Kbytes, the chip select is configured for
1Mbyte in length. This must be done to allow access to the vectors. The microprocessor doesn’t care if the flash
is not big enough, it will address the upper-most part of memory for the vectors. This is not a problem, however,
since the upper-most bits (A19-A23) simply “fall off” when the micro tries to access the vectors. Thus, addressing
FFFFFFH results in a read from the highest address in the flash – where the vectors are. Using similar reasoning,
all addresses read above F80000H are mirrored down to F00000 (since the 8 in F80000H corresponds to A19,
a bit that does not connect to the flash). Thus, when the microprocessor reads the vectors, it accesses the upper
portion of the flash. Finally, when the microprocessor accesses code (F00000H to 7FFFFFH), it reads the
corresponding addresses from the flash (with the upper bits ignored).

                                    Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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5.3 The Reset Circuit
The reset circuit consists of U3 and the surrounding circuitry and performs several key tasks:
1. Provides a power-on reset
2. Initiates a shutdown sequence if the battery voltage gets too low
3. Forces a reset if the watchdog expires
4. Holds the system in reset if VCC falls below 4.5v

5.3.1 Power On Reset
The DS1708 (U3) provides a power-on reset that lasts between 130ms and 285ms once VCC passes the reset
trip point which is between 4.25 and 4.5v.

5.3.2 Battery Fail Condition
If voltage on the IN pin (U3-4) drops below 1.25V the NMI* pin transitions from high to low for a minimum of
200µs. The resistor divider formed by R23 and R21 divide the VIN voltage down so that when a low battery
condition exists the IN input falls below 1.25V. Capacitor C51 forms a low pass filter with R23 and R21 to filter
any noise from the Vin signal. Since the NMI* pin is only capable of sourcing 350uA, U7-3,4 and U10-1,2 are
used to form a current buffer. The instant a battery fail condition occurs, the output of U7-4 becomes high
impedance. The pull-up resistor R49 causes Q12 to saturate. This pulls the IN input to ground, latching the
battery fail condition. The latching action occurs since the NMI* output cannot go high until the IN input rises
above 1.25V. This cannot happen since Q12 keeps it pulled to ground.

The NMI* signal controls the state of the voltage regulator. Once it becomes active (low), the voltage regulator is
turned off and power is removed from the system. From this point forward, the circuit will remain latched in the
battery-fail state. The only way to recover is to remove the battery and re-insert it or place the scanner in a base.
Removing the battery will kill the entire system, causing the latching condition to extinguish. Inserting the scanner in
the base provides aux power, which causes the regulator to turn on (see §4.5). Voltage dividers R61/R62 and
R40/R18 prevent false re-triggering of U10 pin 1 & 2 and Q1 as their Vcc voltage drops (after the regulator turns
off). The purpose of Q13 is discussed in §4.5.

5.3.3 The Watchdog Reset
The microprocessor has a built in watchdog timer that is configured to generate a hardware reset upon overflow.
The watchdog overflow time can be configured from 2.64ms to 169.13ms by setting internal registers of the
microprocessor via software. By default the watchdog will not reset the microprocessor on overflow but by setting
a bit in the WDMOD register it can be configured to do so. However, if this bit is flipped by a noise event or
erratic program execution then a watchdog overflow will not initiate a hardware reset. However, the WDTOUT*
signal (U6-31) will go low and stay low until the watchdog is cleared. Note that even after reset, the WDTOUT*
signal remains low until the software executes the WDT clear sequence.

During normal operation U12-13 is low (i.e., the RESET* signal is not active) and U12-12 is high causing U12-11
to be high charging C52 through R35 and CR5 in about 40ms (neglecting R93). If a watchdog overflow occurs
                                   Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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U12-9 goes low causing U12-8 to go low discharging C52 through R53 and Q4 causing the PBRST* (U3-1, a
push-button reset input) pin to go low in about 3ms. U12-1,2,3 is used as a buffer to isolate C52 from U3-1,
since its input impedance is low enough to slowly drain the capacitor. Once U3-1 goes low U3-7 (RESET*) goes
low and U3-8 goes high causing the system to enter reset. U3-8 is connected to U12-10 which also goes high and
C52 will begin to charge through R35 and CR5 reaching with a time constant of about 40ms. This brings U3-1
high (the equivalent of releasing the push-button) and the system will come out of reset 130ms-285ms later. Thus,
upon a watchdog timer expiration, the circuit behaves similar to a one-shot to reset the system. The end result:
should a watchdog time-out occur, the reset circuitry provides a reset pulse to start the system over. Since the
reset signal (U3-8) is fed back into its own reset circuit, monostable behavior is achieved (stable when not in reset,
unstable when in reset).

5.3.4 Low VCC Reset
If VCC falls below 4.5v then U3 issues a reset until the voltage comes back into regulation. In this design this
should never occur since VCC is regulated to 5.0v +/- 5%. However, should this condition occur for any reason
this low voltage reset condition will ensure that the scanner does not exhibit erratic behavior.

5.3.5 The State of the System While in Reset
While the system is in reset, precautions have been taken to ensure that all significant signals are in the proper state.
All port pins are configured as inputs with pull-ups when the system is in reset. This causes the scan engine to be
off (ENGINE_ENB* is high), the beeper is off (BEEPER* is high), and both LEDs are off (LED_GREEN* and
LED_RED* are high).
5.4 The Power Up/Down Circuit

5.4.1 Cold Power Up/Down Circuit
The power-up circuit is contained on page one of the schematic under “startup circuit.” This circuit handles power
switching between the cradle (AUX_POWER) and the battery (VBATT). If AUX_POWER is not present, pass
transistor U4 is on and passes VBATT to VIN, which is then sent to the reset circuitry and DC-DC converter. If
AUX_POWER is present then U4 is off and AUX_POWER is present on VIN after passing through CR1. The
diode drop of CR1 is not important since a 9V power supply is used. MOSFET U4 has a very low Rds(on),
which barely impacts the battery life of the product.
Once the system powers down due to a battery fail condition (as presented in §4.3.2) the system can only be
woken up by the removal and insertion of a battery or when placed into the cradle. Assume for now that C57 is
completely discharged upon insertion of a new battery. This causes a surge of current to flow through the emitter-
base junction of Q5 since C57 appears like a short until it charges up. This surge of current causes Q5 to saturate
for a short period of time which turns on Q6. This pulls down the node connected to U9-1,2. Acting like a buffer,
U9 drives low, turning on the SEPIC voltage regulator. As C57 charges, eventually Q5 exits saturation and cuts
off. A base current in Q5 of about 0.92uA is necessary to keep the transistor from starving. Following the current
loop from Vin through Q5 and C57 to ground,
                                     Vin − 0.7 − 200 K * Ib − Vin + Vin ( e τ ) = 0
Solving for t:
                                      Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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                                                            0.7 + 200 K * Ib
                                         t = −( 0.02) ln(                    )
Using worst case values: Ib = 0.92uA, Vin = 2.75V, βsat = 50, we find that Q5 will be on for approximately
22ms. During this 22ms power-up pulse, the regulator outputs a stable Vcc and the system awakens, held in reset
by the DS1708 (U3). As long as the battery is not completely dead, the NMI* output of U3 will be high. This
causes Q1 to saturate, latching the voltage regulator on. As described above, after 22ms, the power-up pulse
disappears. As long as Q1 turns on within this time, the scanner remains powered-up. Note that 22ms is a
theoretical time for Q5 to leave saturation. In actuality, the power-up pulse lasts much longer (around 100ms)
since Q5 and Q6 still cross through an active region. Also, U9 thresholds Q6’s collector voltage at 2.5V, which
extends the pulse time. Having a longer pulse does not impact the performance of the startup circuit. As long as it
is greater than 10ms (the time for the regulator to stabilize), it works fine.
Note that U9 is a single chip AND gate. It is used because it must be powered from VIN, as opposed to Vcc. A
“chicken before the egg” scenario would exist if U9 was powered from Vcc, since it is the buffer that enables the
regulator. Since the battery voltage (VIN) can never fall below 2.75V, the minimum supply voltage of 2V is
always satisfied for U9.
Once the battery and aux power are removed, C57 begins discharging through CR3, R23 and, R21 of the U3 low
battery resistor divider. After about 200ms C57 is sufficiently discharged to support another battery insertion and
power-up sequence. The time it takes to physically remove the battery and re-insert it by the user exceeds this time
and therefore ensures a valid power-up sequence every time a battery is inserted.
If the scanner is placed in the base, AUX_POWER is present and the battery is disconnected from VIN (because
of U4). At the same time Q6-2,3,4 saturates, ensuring that the LT1302 is turned on if it is not already on, allowing
the scanner to be powered while in the cradle regardless of the state of the battery. In fact, if a battery is not
present, the scanner will power up once placed in the cradle.

5.4.2 Low Power Mode
The regulated voltage (Vcc) is not removed when the scanner is not in use unless a battery fail condition occurs, as
mentioned above. Typically, the system enters a low power mode after a scan session is completed. The LT1302
continues to generate 5V but is under a very low load (much less than 200µA). The LT1302 under this type of
load draws between 200µa and 300µa resulting in a total system current draw in low power mode of less than
500µA. This scheme is preferred over a cold power down because of the desire to retain LCD RAM data,
general system status, and increased flexibility in low power mode exit conditions. Although the digital system
draws 500µA, inefficiencies in the SEPIC regulator cause a current draw of about 1mA. The battery capacity of
1.2AH swamps out this small current draw.

Once the system enters low power mode the oscillator of the microprocessor halts and all CMOS devices stop
switching leaving only leakage currents on the board. The system exits sleep mode due to one of the following

•   A system reset
•   A transition from low to high on INT0 (U6-43)
        • Auxiliary power becomes available
                                     Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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         •    The trigger is pulled

The above list shows that 2 independent events can actually cause the scanner to exit low power mode. All these
events trigger INT0 at which point the software polls several pins to determine the actual nature of the wake-up
condition. As depicted in the schematic, U11 generates an interrupt when any of its inputs go low. Further, all the
inputs to U11 also connect to general purpose pins on the microprocessor (for polling).
5.5 The User Interface
The user interface consists of the following components:
1. Decode and Status LEDs
2. Trigger
3. Beeper

5.5.1 Decode and Status LEDs
A single red and three green LEDs (signaling good decode and laser on, respectively) are surface-mounted on the
flex board. Flex board resistors R1 through R4 limit LED current. On the main PCB, current is supplied from Vcc
through PNP dual-transistor package Q5. Ferrite beads are placed on the main PCB in series with the leads to
and from the flex for potential EMI mitigation. These may be removed and replaced with jumpers/0 Ω resistors if
EMI is not a concern. The LED_RED* and LED_GREEN* signals are held high during a microprocessor reset,
so no untoward LED illumination will occur.

5.5.2 Trigger
The trigger is contained on the handle board and the signal is supplied to the main PCB as TRIGGER*. This signal
is connected to U6-8 and U11-3 which has a pull-up keeping the TRIGGER* signal high. To add flexibility to the
design, an AIM* signal is also provided, to allow a 2 position trigger switch in the future. AIM* connects to U6-

5.5.3 Beeper
The pair of beepers used are taken from the P304 scanner. For each beeper, two 14 Ω resistors are used to limit
current. CR4 is an avalanche diode, which protects the beeper driver circuit from ESD. As with the LEDs, ferrite
beads are placed on the main PCB in series with the beeper signals. When BEEPER* is low, both Q10 digital
PNP BJTs turn on, turning on NPN transistors Q2 and Q7 and allowing current to flow through the beepers. The
BEEPER* signal is high while the microprocessor is in reset ensuring that the beeper is off during reset and no
clicking sound is heard during battery or cradle insertion.

5.6 The Scanner/Base Interface
The scanner communicates with the cradle via a radio and a secondary asynchronous channel.

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5.6.1 Radio Channel
The interface to the radio consists of eleven signals. Three are for various power enables. RF_VCC_ENB*
enables power to the radio, RF_TXV_ENB* enables power to the transmitter output stages, and
RF_RXV_ENB* enables power to the receiver circuitry. Note that a fourth signal is generated by inverter U10,
RF_/RXV_ENB*. This is simply the inversion of the receiver-enable signal and is used to apply power to the first
amplifier stage of the transmitter.
The next three, RF_SYNTH_DATA, RF_SYNTH_CLK, and RF_SYNTH_LATCH are used to serially
program the frequency synthesizer on the radio. The synthesizer needs to be reprogrammed during each RF
session because the PLL is used as a reference for both receive and transmit. Thus, it must change frequency by
10.7Mhz (the IF frequency) each time it switches between receive and transmit. For example, the synthesizer is
programmed to 2402 MHz to transmit, after the data is transmitted the synthesizer is reprogrammed to 2412.7
MHz and set to receive to await an acknowledgment.
The next signal is RF_SYNTH_REF. The RF synthesizer needs a reference clock to generate its timing and
synchronization. This signal is connected to the 95C061’s CLK output pin (U6-25). This pin is a divide by four
derivative of the system clock. The system clock is 24.8 MHz, making the reference clock 6.2 MHz. Setting the
synthesizer’s reference divide ratio to 62 allows the RF frequency to be resolved in 100 kHz steps (6.2 MHz/62 =
100 kHz). This will provide for the 10.7 MHz difference between TX and RX frequencies.
The next two signals are RF_RXD, and RF_TXD. These are the raw data signals to and from the radio. They
are connected to a UART in the microprocessor (U6-11 & 12) . The baud rate used on this channel is
approximately 48 kbps. This is the closest we can get to the desired 50 kbps, still have reasonable baud rates for
the host, and attain the 100 kHz internal reference for the RF synthesizer.
The last signal is RF_CARR_SENS. This signal originates from a comparator on the radio’s RSSI line. It
provides an indication about the received RF signal’s strength. It is used to alert the micro that the receiver senses
a strong carrier signal. So far this signal has not proved to be sensitive enough to be used reliably as an indicator of
RF data. (It’s threshold is approximately –40dBm, the receiver’s sensitivity is approximately –80 dBm)

5.6.2 Secondary Channel
The scanner communicates with the base microprocessor via the secondary asynchronous channel. Two of the six
pins that make contact when the scanner is inserted in the base, TXD_SECONDARY, RXD_SECONDARY,
comprise the secondary channel. These signals connect a UART in the base microprocessor to a UART in the
scanner microprocessor.
The scanner can be in any state (battery charged, battery dead, battery not installed) when placed in the cradle.
Regardless of its state, the scanner must let the base know that it is present so that AUX_POWER is switched on
by the base and battery charging may begin. The TXD signal originating from the base’s microprocessor normally
remains idle, which is a logic 1. When the scanner is inserted into the base, this +5V is looped back on the receive
line of the base’s secondary channel. When the scanner is placed in the cradle R27 loops RXD_SECONDARY
back to TXD_SECONDARY regardless of the condition of the battery in the scanner. Components CR6, Q3,
and Q11-2,3,4 ensure that the scanner is not back-powered by the voltages on the communication contacts. After
the base senses the presence of the scanner via the loop back mechanism it turns on AUX_POWER which causes
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Q11-1,5,6 to become saturated enabling the secondary transmit line which drives through R46 and CR6 and sinks
through Q11-2,3,4.
Further details regarding hardware associated with the base station can be found in reference [6].
The pin-out of the six scanner/base contacts are designed to be compatible with the Vanguard Memory design.
Thus, if a memory scanner is placed in an RF base (or visa versa), no hardware damage will occur. Note that the
systems will not function properly, however.

5.7 Scan Engine Interface
The Mesa scanner will make use of the SE1200 family of scan engines utilizing the MERCI ASIC. A ten pin
interface is used, where VCC is always connected to the engine. When the ENGINE_ENB* signal is in the high
state, GAIN_LIMIT and LASER_ENB* can be in either the high or low state since precautions have been taken
on the scan engine side to allow for active control inputs when the engine is in the off state. The CONFIG1 and
CONFIG2 signals must be held in the low state, however, to prevent the scan engine from back-powering.

5.8 The A/D Converter Monitoring Functions
The 95C061A microprocessor has four A/D conversion channels, all of these channels are used in this design. The
A/D converter has 10 bits of resolution with a maximum conversion error of +/- 4 LSBs. The reference for the
A/D converter is setup by the 4.1v LM4040 reference (VR1) which can be switched on by software through the
V_SW_CNTL* signal. The voltage reference is switchable to reduce low power mode quiescent current draw.
The three voltages which are monitored are:

1. The battery voltage
2. The battery pack thermistor
3. The scan engine ID signal

5.8.1 Monitoring Battery Voltage
The battery voltage is monitored on U6-21 (channel 1 of the A/D converter) to detect a low battery condition. The
software performs an A/D conversion on this channel during each scan session to determine if a low battery
capacity condition exists. Since the conversion error of the A/D is +/- 4 LSBs the total battery voltage error will
    Vref max                                       4.14v
be:          • ( conv. _ error + quan. _ error ) =        • 4.5 = .018v . This allows the system to know the battery
      1024                                         1024
voltage within ±18mv of its actual value, ignoring noise and other losses.

5.8.2 Monitoring Battery Pack Thermistor
The battery pack thermistor is monitored to ensure that the battery is not operated (charged or discharged) outside
of its temperature. The dynamic range of the thermistor over temperature (-20 to +60 degrees C) is about 3K to
80K. A 10K resistor, R28, is placed in series with the thermistor and connected to VR1. The node between R28
and the thermistor is fed to the A/D converter on channel 0 (U6-20). The software performs an A/D conversion on
this channel each scan session to ensure that the battery pack temperature is operating within specification. Taking
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all sources of error into account (A/D conversion error and resistor tolerances) the system can monitor the battery
pack temperature within 3 degrees Celsius. See Appendix B for a cross-reference between temperature and digital
A/D conversion values.

5.8.3 Scan Engine ID
There are several variants of the scan engine - some of which require unique software. The SCAN_ID signal is
provided to help software differentiate among scan engine types. The SCAN_ID signal is connected to channel 3
of the A/D converter (U6-23). A resistor divider on the scan engine provides a unique voltage on the SCAN_ID
pin for each scan engine variant. This allows one body of software to support multiple scan engines such as long
range engines which require aim capabilities and standard engines which do not support such features. See [8] for
the complete tolerance analysis on this identification system.

5.8.4 Keypad/display flex Detector
The Mesa main PC board is intended to be the same for all product configurations – both with and without
keypad/display. Thus, one PC board configuration must support all modes of operation, and auto-identify if a
keypad/display is connected.

In order to identify if a keypad/display flex is attached to the main PC board, the voltage across the green LED
(which is populated on the keypad flex) is read using an A/D input of the microprocessor (U6-22). If the LED
(and thus the flex) is present, approximately 2.0V is read at the A/D input. If the flex is missing, the LED_GREEN
signal is unterminated. Thus, no current flows through R44, causing 5V appear at the A/D. When the system first
leaves reset, the green LED is turned on for a second (to indicate power-up). At this time, the software checks the
A/D and determines if the keypad/display flex is present.

5.9 Radio
Refer to section 4.6.1 for details about the interconnection between the digital section and the radio.
The radio used in the Vanguard design is based on the older Nomad architecture, with many improvements. It is
tuned for 50Kbps operation, using 82 1Mhz channels between 2402MHz and 2483MHz. Based on the standard
single conversion super-heterodyne FM digital radio design, the scanner contains transmit and receive sections
designed to communicate half-duplex. A brief overview of the radio is provided here; for a detailed analysis of the
circuitry, refer to [10].
Note that all radio components have been assigned reference designators greater than 300 to easily separate them
from digital and analog components not in the radio section.

5.9.1 Transmit section
To produce the FM signal at the desired RF channel frequency, the output from a VCO is directly modulated with
the transmit data. A self-contained VCO (U310) working in conjunction with the RF synthesizer (U307) and low
pass filter U312 to form a PLL. In an attempt to lock the VCO to a certain phase and frequency, U307 provides
an error voltage which becomes the VCOADJ signal. Once locked, the output of the VCO is a constant
frequency. This frequency (the carrier) is set by the microprocessor via the three serial control signals

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(RF_SYNTH_DATA, RF_SYNTH_CLK,RF_SYNTH_LATCH). The transmit data arrives at comparator
U309 via the RF_TXD signal. The comparator’s output is directly coupled to the VCO error signal. Thus, as the
data switches between 1 and 0, the frequency of the VCO shifts slightly around some middle frequency (the
carrier). Note that if the data contained on RF_TXD contains too many consecutive 1’s or 0’s, the PLL will have
time to correct and depth of modulation reduces to zero. Thus, the radio has certain limitations on the transmit
data, discussed in the a later section. Resistor R322 controls the amount of “pull” the transmit data has on the
VCO, thus controlling the FM deviation (or modulation).

The VCO output is passed through two stages of RF amplifiers (U305 & U308) and enters the RF switch, U302.
In transmit mode, this switch is set to pass the output signal through the filter FL301 and onto the antenna.
Potentiometer R335 controls the bias current into amplifier U305, which allows for adjustment of the transmit
output power. The nominal output power is adjusted to 8dBm at the antenna connector.

5.9.2 Receive section
The incoming RF signal arrives at the antenna and passes through a band pass filter FL301. In receive mode, the
RF signal passes through two stages of high gain RF amplifiers (U303 & U304). Then it enters a mixer (U306)
which down converts the signal to the IF frequency of 10.7Mhz. Note that the previously discussed VCO is used
to mix with the incoming RF signal. Thus, the microprocessor sets the synthesizer (U307) to 10.7Mhz above the
desired receive frequency. The IF signal then passes through FL302, a 10.7Mhz ceramic filter with a 3db
bandwidth of 280Khz. Finally, the IF signal enters the FM demodulator (U311) which reduces the signal to
baseband and feeds the data slicer (U309). The output signal of U309 is the received data. U312 is used to
create a carrier sense signal, based on the RSSI output from the FM demodulator chip. Its output thresholds at
approximately –40dBm of input power (at the antenna). Note that if no RF energy is present at the tuned channel,
the data slicer will operate near the noise floor. Thus, complete random garbage will pour out of the RF_RXD
signal. As mentioned previously, the microprocessor must sift through all this garbage to find a valid transmit

5.9.3 Power control
To conserve power, Vcc to the entire radio is controlled via the RF_VCC_ENB* signal. As shown in the
schematic, this signal removes power to both receive and transmit sections by turning off Q302 (2,3,4). Further,
during normal operation, only the receiver or the transmitter may be on at once (half duplex). Thus,
RF_RXV_ENB*, RF_/RXV_ENB* and RF_TXV_ENB* control MOSFETs which apply power to the
respective sections of the circuitry. The TXV signal is the power for all the transmitter-only components and the
RXV signal is the power for all the receiver-only components. Note that the RXV* signal is only used to power
the first RF output stage. This allows for phase-lock stabilization without having to actually transmit. In order to
stabilize and center the PLL, a square wave must be input to the PLL for 10ms before meaningful data can be sent.
Transmitting this square wave uses up a good portion of the limited transmit time the FCC allows. However, the
VCO cannot properly stabilize if the input impedance of the first stage amplifier is not correct. Thus, only this stage
receives power during this stabilization period. RF energy is not transmitted until the TXV signal activates, when
the second stage receives power. In order to properly transmit, the software keeps both RF_RXV_ENB* and
RF_TXV_ENB* signals deasserted. This turns off all receiver-only and transmitter-only components. However,
the first stage amp receives power (from RXV*), along with the PLL/synthesizer (which are powered directly from

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SVCC). After the 10ms of square wave are complete, the software asserts RF_TXV_ENB* and begins sending

5.9.4 RF Data Limitations
As mentioned before, the nature of the transmitted RF data is limited by the radio. In this design, the DC bias and
run-rate of the data is the predominant factors in determining RF performance. DC bias is measured by
subtracting the total number of 1’s from the total number of 0’s in a transmitted byte. Experiments have shown that
the radio operates properly with data up to ±2 DC bias (2 more 1’s than 0’s or visa-versa). The run rate
measures the maximum consecutive identical bits in a byte. It is measured by counting the maximum number of 0’s
or 1’s in a row. Experiments have shown that the radio operates properly with data containing a maximum run rate
of 5 (no more than five 0’s or five 1’s in a row).

Should the transmitted data exceed either of these bounds, the transmitter’s PLL may lock and the data transmitted
may be garbled (loss of depth of modulation). Also, the receiver’s data slicer may begin to output noise. To
handle this situation, a data encoding scheme is implemented in software. Since this system uses UARTs set for
8N1 to transmit over the radio, 1 byte is always sent between a start and stop bit. Drawing out all possible
combinations of these 10 bits (start, 1 byte, stop) shows that about 30% violate the restrictions. Thus, a look-up
table is used to determine if the byte being sent is an “offending” one. If it is not, the byte is transmitted with no
encoding. For offending bytes, a lookup table is used to map the byte to a “valid” byte. A special “flag” byte is
transmitted directly before this encoded byte to inform the receiver it must decode the byte. Thus, the overall
throughput cuts in half when sending encoded bytes. Luckily, the majority of the data normally transmitted (i.e.
ASCII data) does not need encoding. Should the need arise to send the “flag” byte as a normal data character, it
is simply sent twice. The software in the receiver expects this to happen and, thus can handle it. Refer to
Appendix D and reference [11] for further information about this encoding scheme.

Another problem exists when UARTs are connected directly to digital radios. If the transmitter simply begins
sending data, the receiving UART cannot tell where the noise stops (from the data slicer, as explained earlier) and
the valid data begins. To solve this problem, before a frame is transmitted from the transmitter’s UART, five
consecutive 0’s followed by five consecutive 1’s are transmitted. This can be accomplished by sending a 0x0F
using 8N1, or 0x7F using 7E1 settings; either way the same waveform is transmitted (Note that this includes start
and stop bits). The key to synchronization is to let the receiving UART know where the start bit of the first byte in
the data frame is. From there, synchronization is naturally maintained between the receiver and transmitter
UARTs, assuming the baud rate/parity settings are identical. Refer to [12] for further details.

6. EMI and ESD Countermeasures
In order to ensure proper operation of any digital system, an ample amount of EMI and power supply filtration is
implemented. EMI countermeasures are components on a PC board that filter unwanted high frequency signals
from power supply and signal trace. Power supply filters are components that smooth and lessen ripples and other
AC components from the DC power source. Besides relying on components to reduce the effects of EMI and
ESD, careful PC board design techniques are implemented.

All components providing protection from ESD are depicted in the Vanguard RF Handle PCB schematic [9].
Tranzorbs (CR2) are placed on the two communication lines to the contacts on the scanner
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also connected to the contacts and are protected by tranzorbs VR2 and CR1, respectfully. To inhibit excessive
ground bounce during ESD events VR1 is placed between VBATT and ground. If ground bounces very high due
to an ESD event VR1 will short the event to the battery in an attempt to clamp the voltage.

To reduce EMI radiated emissions, resistors R64 through R68 are placed in series with all the chip select, read
and write signals. The addition of these resistors on the memory version of Vanguard (previous design) improved
EMI performance considerably.
The radio synthesizer requires a clock source to operate. This clock is derived from the microprocessor. The
CLK pin (pin 25) outputs a square wave at 6.2Mhz. This high frequency square wave is a large source of EMI,
especially because of its harmonics. Thus, FL1, a semi-felt distributed L-C filter is inserted right next to pin 25.
This component removes almost all the harmonic content of the square wave, practically turning it into a sine wave.
This significantly reduces the EMI. Note that this level of filtering normally cannot be done because digital signals
require sharp edges. However, the radio synthesizer can work just as well with a sine wave input.
As shown on the Handle PCB [9] schematic, ferrite beads are placed in series with the signals connecting to all 6
external contacts. CMOS signals are protected with 0603 ferrites, while power signals are protected with 1206
ferrites (3A rating). The worst case EMI test configuration (for the Mesa product) is when the scanner is in the
base, charging. Here, there are two interconnected microprocessor systems, two radios, and cables for the power
supply and host. Past experience with the memory version showed that EMI generated in the scanner propagates
through the base and out the host and power supply cables. These ferrites help to minimize this EMI impact.

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7. Appendix A - Static Timing Analysis at 24.800MHz

                                     Read Cycle (ns)
 Parameter            RAM         FLASH   Inequality              95C061            95C061 (1-WS)
TRC                   70-MN       90-MN            <=             161.29                  241.94
TAA                   70-MX       90-MX            <=             106.13                  106.13
TACS                  70-MX       90-MX            <=             106.13                  188.77
TOE                   35-MX       50-MX            <=              60.81                  141.45
TOHZ                  (0,30)      (0,23*)        RANGE             (0,?)                   (0,?)

                                     Write Cycle (ns)
 Parameter            RAM         FLASH    Inequality             95C061            95C061 (1-WS)
TWC                   70-MN         x               <=            161.29                  241.94
TCW                   65-MN         x               <=            101.13                  181.77
TAW                   65-MN         x               <=             81.13                  161.77
TWP                   55-MN      90-MN              <=             60.81                  141.45
TDW                   35-MN      50-MN              <=             40.65                  121.29
TAH                     x        50-MN              <=             60.97                  141.61
TWPH                    x        100-MN             <=            100.48                  100.48

Read Cycle Parameters
Trc (Read Cycle Time) - The time required between successive reads.
Taa (Address Access Times) - The time from address valid to data valid.
Tacs (Chip Select Access Time) - The time from chip select valid to valid data.
Toe (Output Enable to Output Valid) - The time from output enable valid to valid data.
Tchz (Output Disable to High-Z Output) - The time from chip select disable to high-z
       data output.
Tohz (Output Disable to High-Z Output) - The time from output enable disable to high-z
       data output.

Write Cycle Parameters
Twc (Write Cycle Time) - The time required between successive writes.
Tcw (Chip Select to Write End) - The time from chip select enable to write enable
Taw (Address Valid to Write End) - Address valid to write enable disable.
Twp (Write Pulse Width) - The time write enable is active.
Tdw (Data Setup to Write End) - The time from data valid to write enable disable.
Tah (Address Hold Time) - The time from write enable to address invalid.

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Twph (Write Pulse Width High) - The time the write pulse width is high (disabled).

8. Appendix B - Battery Temperature A/D Digital Values

   Battery Thermistor A/D Analysis

Temp. (degrees C) Rtmax(Kohms) Rttyp(Kohms) Rtmin(Kohms) Max. Dig. Value                                     Min. Dig. Value
       -23           80.75         78.33       75.96          916                                                 900
       -19           66.44         64.57       62.74          895                                                 878
       -16           57.51         55.97       54.47          878                                                 860
       -13           49.95         48.68       47.43          859                                                 840
       -10           43.52         42.47       41.44          838                                                 819
        -7           37.92         37.06       36.21          816                                                 797
        -4           33.15         32.44       31.74          793                                                 773
        -1           29.06         28.48        27.9          768                                                 748
         2           25.52         25.03       24.56          742                                                 722
         5           22.45         22.05       21.66          715                                                 694
         8           19.81         19.48       19.16          687                                                 667
       11            17.51         17.24       16.98          658                                                 638
       14             15.5         15.28       15.06          629                                                 609
       17            13.75         13.58        13.4          599                                                 580
       20            12.24         12.09       11.95          570                                                 551
       22            11.32         11.2        11.07          550                                                 531
       25             10.1          10           9.9          521                                                 503
       28            9.043         8.944       8.845          493                                                 474
       31            8.112         8.014       7.917          465                                                 446
       34            7.288         7.192       7.096          438                                                 419
       37             6.56         6.467       6.375          412                                                 392
       40            5.918         5.827       5.738          387                                                 367
       43            5.342         5.255       5.169          363                                                 343
       46            4.832         4.749       4.666          340                                                 320
       49            4.379         4.299        4.22          318                                                 298
       52            3.972         3.896       3.821          297                                                 277
       56            3.496         3.425       3.354          271                                                 251
       60            3.087         3.02        2.954          247                                                 228

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9. Appendix C – Microprocessor port pin definitions, operating and low-power states
                                                         Masked / OTP Microprocessor

Pin Number     Pin Name                Function Capability                       Operating State           Power-down State      Signal Name
           1   TO3/P57                 Timer output, I/O port                    Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
           2   NMI*                    Non-Maskable Interrupt                    NMI*                      Not Programmable      GND
           3   DAOUT0                  D/A converter 1 output                    4.0 V (Vref)              Not Programmable      Not Connected
           4   DAOUT1                  D/A converter 2 output                    0V                        Not Programmable      Not Connected
           5   VREF                    A/D converter voltage reference           VREF                      Not Programmable      4.0 V
           6   AGND                    A/D converter ground reference            AGND                      Not Programmable      GND
           7   AN0/P60                 A/D input, general input port             Input port                Analog Input          ID_HOST
           8   AN1/P61                 A/D input, general input port             Input port                Analog Input          BATT_LEVEL
           9   AN2/P62                 A/D input, general input port             Input port                Analog Input          RADIO_ID
          10   AN3/P63                 A/D input, general input port             Input port                Analog Input          GND
          11   AN4/P64                 A/D input, general input port             Input port                Analog Input          GND
          12   AN5/P65                 A/D input, general input port             Input port                Analog Input          GND
          13   AN6/P66                 A/D input, general input port             Input port                Analog Input          GND
          14   AN7/P67                 A/D input, general input port             Input port                Analog Input          GND
          15   VCC                     Vcc                                       Vcc                       Not Programmable      VCC
          16   RXD0/P70                RXD channel 0, I/O port                   Input port                RXD0                  PCE_RXD
          17   TXD0/P71                TXD channel 0, I/O port                   Input port, pulled high   TXD0                  Not Connected
          18   RXD1/P72                RXD channel 1, I/O port                   Input port                RXD1                  TTL_RXD
          19   SCLK1/CTS1*/P73         CTS channel 1, serial clock 1, I/O port   Input port                CTS1*                 TTL_CTS
          20   TXD1/P74                RXD channel 1, I/O port                   Input port, pulled high   TXD1                  TTL_TXD
          21   RESET*                  Reset* signal                             RESET*                    Not Programmable      RESET*
          22   CLK                     Clock out                                 CLK                       Not Programmable      Not Connected
          23   VSS (GND)               Gnd                                       Gnd                       Not Programmable      GND
          24   X1                      Oscillator 1                              X1                        Not Programmable      Crystal
          25   X2                      Oscillator 2                              X2                        Not Programmable      Crystal
          26   EA*                     External Addressing                       EA*                       Not Programmable      MASKED/FLASH*
          27   RXD2/P75                RXD channel 2, I/O port                   Input port                Outport, driven low   Not Connected
          28   SCLK2/P76               Serial clock 2, I/O port                  Input port                Output port           TTL_RTS
          29   TXD2/P77                RXD channel 2, I/O port                   Input port, pulled high   Output, driven low    Not Connected
          30   WDTOUT*/P80             Watchdog out, I/O port                    Pulled high               Watchdog Output       Not Connected
          31   INT0/P81                Interrupt 0, I/O port                     Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          32   STBY*/P82               Hardware standby, I/O port                Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          33   ALE/P83                 Address Latch Enable, I/O port            Pulled low                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          34   VCC                     Vcc                                       Vcc                       Not Programmable      VCC
     35 ~ 42   AD0 ~ AD7 / P00 ~ P07   AD0 - AD7, I/O ports                      Input ports               Outputs, driven low   Not Connected
     43 ~ 50   A8 ~ A15 / P10 ~ P17    A8 - A15, I/O ports                       Input ports               Outputs, driven low   Not Connected
          51   VSS (GND)               Gnd                                       Gnd                       Not Programmable      GND
          52   TPG00/P20               Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Bi-directional port   SYN_CLK
          53   TPG01/P21               Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Bi-directional port   SYN_DATA
          54   TPG02/P22               Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Bi-directional port   SYN_IBM-DATA
          55   TPG03/P23               Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Bi-directional port   SYN_IBM_CLK
          56   TPG04/TPG17/P24         Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          57   TPG05/TPG16/P25         Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          58   TPG06/TPG15/P26         Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          59   TPG07/TPG14/P27         Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Input port            COMMAND_MODE*
          60   RD*/P30                 External read, I/O port                   Output, driven high       Output, driven high   Not Connected
          61   WR*/P31                 External write, I/O port                  Output, driven high       Output, driven high   Not Connected
          62   PWM0/P32                PWM channel 0, I/O port                   Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          63   PWM1/P33                PWM channel 1, I/O port                   Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          64   TPG10/P40               Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Outport Port          LED*
          65   TPG11/P41               Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Input Port            MASKED/FLASH*
          66   TPG12/P42               Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Output, driven low    HI_CHARGE
          67   TPG13/P43               Pulse Generator, I/O port                 Input port                Output, driven low    CHARGE_ENABLE
          68   CAP0/P44                Capture 0, I/O port                       Input port                Output Port           EE_DOUT
          69   CAP1/P45                Capture 1, I/O port                       Input port                Input Port            EE_DIN
          70   CAP2/P46                Capture 2, I/O port                       Input port                Bi-directional port   EE_CS
          71   CAP3/P47                Capture 3, I/O port                       Input port                Bi-directional port   EE_CLK
          72   EXIN/P50                External clock input, I/O port            Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          73   TO4/P51                 Timer output, I/O port                    Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          74   TO5/P52                 Timer output, I/O port                    Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          75   VCC                     Vcc                                       Vcc                       Not Programmable      VCC
          76   INT1/TI4/P53            Interrupt 1, timer input, I/O port        Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          77   INT2/TI5/P54            Interrupt 2, timer input, I/O port        Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected
          78   VSS (GND)               Gnd                                       Vcc                       Not Programmable      GND
          79   WAIT*/TO1/P55           Wait, timer output, I/O port              Input port                Timer 1               BEEPER*
          80   INT3/TI2/P56            Interrupt 3, timer input, I/O port        Input port                Output, driven low    Not Connected

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10. Appendix D: RF Encoding Table

         Data(hex)    Mapping   New DC Bias New Run Rate                Data(hex)   Mapping   New DC Bias
                                                                                                       New Run Rate
         0x0          0x0f                 0             4              0x80        0x6c             0            3
         0x1          0x17                 0             3              0x81        0x71             0            3
         0x2          0x1b                 0             3              0x82        0x72             0            3
         0x3          0x1d                 0             3              0x84        0x74             0            3
         0x4          0x1e                 0             4              0x88        0x78             0            4
         0x5          0x27                 0             3              0x90        0x87             0            4
         0x6          0x2b                 0             2               0x9F       0x8b             0            3
         0x7          0x2d                 0             2               0xA0       0x8d             0            3
         0x8          0x2e                 0             3              0xAA        0xd1             0            3
         0x9          0x33                 0             2              0xaf        0x2a            -2            2
          0x0A        0x35                 0             2              0xb7        0x32            -2            2
          0x0C        0x36                 0             2              0xbb        0x49            -2            2
          0x0D        0x39                 0             3              0xbd        0x4a            -2            2
         0x10         0x3a                 0             3              0xBE        0x8e             0            3
         0x11         0xf0                 0             5              0xBF        0x93             0            2
         0x12         0xd8                 0             4              0xC0        0x95             0            2
         0x14         0xe8                 0             4              0xCA        0xd4             0            3
         0x18         0x3c                 0             4              0xCB        0xd2             0            3
         0x20         0x47                 0             3              0xcf        0x52            -2            2
         0x21         0xe2                 0             4              0xd0        0x5b             2            2
         0x22         0x25                -2             2              0xd7        0x6b             2            2
         0x24         0x26                -2             2              0xdb        0x6d             2            2
         0x28         0x4b                 0             2              0xDD        0x96             0            2
         0x30         0x4d                 0             2               0xDE       0x99             0            2
          0x3F        0x4e                 0             3              0xDF        0x9a             0            2
         0x40         0x53                 0             2              0xe7        0x92            -2            2
         0x41         0x55                 0             1               0xEB       0x9c             0            3
         0x42         0x56                 0             2               0xED       0xa3             0            3
         0x44         0xe1                 0             4              0xEE        0xa5             0            2
         0x48         0xe4                 0             4               0xEF       0xa6             0            2
         0x50         0x59                 0             2              0xf1        0x9b             2            2
          0x5F        0x5a                 0             2               0xF3       0xa9             0            2
         0x60         0x5c                 0             3               0xF4       0xab             2            2
          0x6F        0x63                 0             3               0xF5       0xac             0            3
         0x77         0x29                -2             2               0xF6       0xb1             0            3
          0x7B        0x65                 0             2               0xF7       0xb2             0            2
          0x7D        0x66                 0             2              0xf8        0xad             2            2
          0x7E        0x69                 0             2               0xF9       0xb4             0            3
          0x7F        0x6a                 0             2               0xFA       0xb8             0            4
                                                                         0xFB       0xc3             0            4
                                                                         0xFC       0xc5             0            3
                                                                         0xFD       0xc6             0            3
                                                                         0xFE       0xc9             0            3
                                                                         0xFF       0xcc             0            3

                                         Theory of Operation (Mesa RF Scanner)
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Document Created: 2006-05-09 16:15:19
Document Modified: 2006-05-09 16:15:19

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