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_ Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter

Quick Installation Guide

                               Version 1.0

                             Aug. 26, 2005



Form factor                 USB Wireless module
Chipset                     Broadcom BCMA4320 and BCM2050
Operation Voltage           5.0VDC
Network Standards           IEEE 802.11b (Wi—Fi"¥?) Standard and IEEE 802.11g Standard (54G)

Modulation Techniques       BPSK, QPSK, CCK, 16QAM, 64QA¥M

Modulation Technology       | OFDM, DSSS
Data Rate                   802.11b: 11, 5.5, 2, 1 Mbps
                            802.11g: 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6 Mbps (Turbo mode: up to 108 Mbps)
Network Architectures       Infrastructure and Ad Hoc
Operating Frequencies       2.412 — 2.462 GHz for FCC/IC and Taiwan
Antenna Type                Planar Inverted—F Antenna (PIFA)
Operating Channels          802.11b : 1 ~ 11 for North America€v and Tarwan
                            802.11g : 1 ~ 11 for North America and Tarwan
RF Output Power             B mode 17.5 dBm, G mode 14 dbm (typical output power + 2 dBm)
Receiver sensitivity        11b: —86dBm @ 11Mbps and PER<8%
(PER <10%)                  11g: —69dBm @ 54Mbps and PER<10%
                            Tx : 11b:350mA ,11g:300mAQ@ SV DC; Rx : 200 mA @ SVDC;
Power Consumption
                            Idle: 100mA @ SV DC
                            Hardware 64/128—bit WEP engine; WEP weak—key avoidance, TKIP, hardware AES engine
Security                    supporting CCM and OCB, 802.1x, SSN
Client Utility              Automatic location profile, site monitor, current link status, and diagnostics

Software Support            Microsoft WHQL certified for Windows XP
Temperatures                Operates from 0 to 55 C;
                            Storage from —20 to 70 C
Humidity (non—condensing)    5 to 95%


                                                                        Driver and Utility Installation

Installing Wireless Adapter Driver and Utility
This quick installation guide guides you to install the USB Wireless LAN Card driver and
utility. Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP use the same setup program; however, operation
system—specific situation may occur during or after the installation process. The following steps
only guide you through the overall installation procedure. In OS—specific situations, you should
follow the on—screen instructions to proceed. You can refer to user manual for the details.

               :       If your system has not been installed with the driver, the Windows PnP
               “““““   function will detect the wireless adapter and issue a dialog box requesting for
              Note     its driver. Click Cancel to quit the wizard at this point.

In case you need to re—install the driver and software for any reason, we recommend that you
remove any previously installed driver and software from your system first. Refer to the
section "Uninstalling the Wireless LAN Card" in your user manual for the
instructions on how to remove previous driver.

System Requirements

To use the Wireless LAN Card, your computer must meet the following minimum
©@   Pentium—class PC, 300MHz or better recommended
®@   64 MB of RAM, additional memory recommended
Hard disk space of at least 30 Mbytes
®@   Windows© 2000/XP

1. Close all Windows programs that are running.

2. Insert the companion Utility CD into your CD—ROM drive and select Utility&Driver. Or,
   run Setup.exe on D:\Utility&Driver of the Software Utility CD where D is the drive letter.

                                                      After you double click Setup.exe on the
                                                      companion CD, an InstallShield Wizard

                                                                                    u may go to a

                                                      when the processing bars end.

Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter


                                                                                               When the welcome screen pops up, click Next.
                                            Welcome to the InstaliShield Wizard for WLAN
                                            USB Wieless Uifility

                                                                 s instullwLANM UBB \rsless
                                                                            vlick Hexl

                                                                                               You see a License Agreement window. Please
       Please madthefalowing fcomeaqgieemerd carstully.                                       | read carefully. If you agree, click Yes or click
                                                                                              No to exit the installation.

      Chooze DevtinationLocation.                                                              To install the software in a default destination
       ~Silect foider soreressiap wel   mstall files.
                                                                                               folder, click Next. If you are to install the
                                                                                               utility in a different folder, click Browse to
                                                                                               select another folder, and then click Next.

               Driver and Utility Installation

Now, you see processing bars increasing
during installation. It takes a few minutes.

During installation, a warning window pops
up. Click Continue Anyway to continue the
installation work.

Plug in your WLAN USB Adapter when the
screen pops up.

Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter


                                                                                          System is checking for new hardware.

                                                                                          System found a new hardware and a Found
                           1 Wwelcometo the Found New
                             Hardware Wizard
                                                                                          New Hardware Wizard screen pops up.
                              I ho wigart helgsyou mmial scofwstttor:

                                 Remate XDPIS0211 WisleasAdagpter                         Choose Install the software automatically

                                    . it yoor hardwatre came withan inatailation CD
                                                                                          (Recommended) and then click Next.
                                   * of Hoppydisk . insert it now.

                              uihat ito rou seant the wizerd to io?

                                                                 cafp (Rerommendert}
                                                                      atior {Advaenced}

                              S Mextts       continae.

  Please woit winle the wizard installs the software. ..
                                                                                          The wizard is installing the driver. It may take
                                                                                          several minutes.

                                                                           Driver and Utility Installation


                                                           While the wizard is running, a Hardware
                                                           Installation warning window pops up. Then,
                                                           click Continue Anyway to continue the

                                                           This adapter‘s driver and utility installation is
     Completing the Found New
     Hardware Wizard
                                                           completed. Click Finish to complete the
     The sazard has finished instalingthe enfl—esme for.

               wLAN USE 26 Faemaote NOR BIR TWwisless
                                                           installation process.

                                                           Finally, you are asked to reboot your computer.
     InvaiShietd Wizond Complete
                                                           It is recommended to restart your computer
                                                           now by clicking Finish, or you may restart it

Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter


                           When you succeed in installing the driver, you
                           will see a logo indicating the wireless signal
                           strength at a lower right corner of the toolbar

                                                                                           Driver and Utility Uninstallation

Uninstalling Wireless Adapter Driver and Utility
Should you needto uninstall the wireless LAN adapter driver and utility for any reason, you
should uninstall the associated software and then remove the hardware from your computer.
Please proceed as follows.
Before uninstalling the wireless LAN adapter driver and utility, please disable the utility by
right clicking the utility tray icon and selecting Exit from the context menu. The icon will
disappear, indicating that the utility is not in operation.
1. Close all programs that are currently running.
      ndeus Cntabog

                                                                              Click Start > Programs > WLAN > Uninstall.

                                                    Lt198 irs
                                                    AiB8 Ufifky Liser Guide

     TumyIs? Compites...

                                                                              Click Yes to proceed with the         software
                                                                              removal procedure.

                                                                              Click OK to finish the Wireless LAN Client
                           Maintenance Complete .
                                                                              Utility uninstallation.

It appears when yau run fihe Cmtm! Cemer utility at ‘th@ first time. Select 'the
utility you want to use for configuring your WLAN Card.
Only use Windowswirelessfunction
— Omy use Windows" XP Wireless
Zero Configuration service to configure |                                iy
the WLAN Card.
                                                                    ._}«N x.:tshl$° dnda   fm?*f3   s

Only use our WLAN utilities and
                       % &A #%       s %3% s ®

disable XP wireless function
— Only use WLAN utilities to configure the WLANCard

|                                ,                   v ‘Wireless Radio on
    You can open the Wireless Option                      Wireless Redio Off.
setting window at any time by left—                  |—         ,
clicking the control center icon and                 C Search & Connect
choosing Wireless Option.                                 Wireless :*;:ahx:m

                                                            Taskbar Left—Click Menu

    Configuring with Windows® Wireless Zero Configurafion service
      you : mtnni‘
            want '{to igure your WLAN Card via Windows® Wireless Zero
                                                                                 m d

    Canfsguratzon (WC) service, follow the instruction below to make the settings.

         1. Double—click the wireless network        2. A window prompts out asking
            icon on the task bar to view available     you for the key if you have set up
           networks.Select the AP and click               encryption on your wireless router,
           Connect.                                       input the keys and click Connect.
                                                          The connection is complete.

To set up the wireless connection properties, right—click the wireless icon on the
taskbar and select Open Network Connection. Then right—click the network
connection icon and select Property to open the Wireless Network Connection
Status page.

                                                                                                               W   General   ‘meless Metweotks      Advariced         id             ;     es

                                                                                                                    xt Use Windoves to confiqure mywiretess netwotk szettimngs
        Statuge     ~               ‘                               Cormected                                       o Avetable nehemiue © o0
        Metwotk:.                       ,      |            v               default            |        |~          _ To camect tio, discaormect ffom, or ind out mare information
         Duration:                                     |                dedfio 0 .                                  |— about vareless netwarks in range, click the buttor: belove.
         Speed:                                    .                 24.0 Mb;:f_:e                                                                          | View Whieless Hetworks: l
         Signal Stengtly




                                                                                                                     Leam about astine i
       — Properties _| | _ Disable _ | |__ View WireleseNetworks _|
                                                            ...... T
                                                                   _i                    x_e]

1. The General page shows status, duration,                                                                  2. Select "Wireless Networks" tab to show
  speed, and signal strength. Signal                                                                            Preferred networks. Use the Add button
  strength is represented by green bars with                                                                    to add the "SSID" of available networks
  5 bars indicating excellent signal and 1                                                                      and set the connection preference order
  bar meaning poor signal.                                                                                      with the Move up and Move down
                                                                                                               buttons. The radio tower with a signal
                                                                                                               icon identifies the currently connected
                                                                                                               access point. Click Properties to set the
                                                                                                               authentication of the wireless connection.

   "I Arsociahon | Authentication: | Connection

        Select this option io provide authentimnated netmark annese for
   1   mupeless Ethemet netsorks.
                                                                                                                      Fratect my computet and retwesrk by fiimiting       i’“r‘**iim“j
                                                                                                                      or preventing acoers io this computer from          Fisssommsssssossinstcnmminsisy
   10 [Enable ICEE 907.12 euthentization tor this network                                                             the irtemet

        EAP pipe: | Smat Card or other Certilicate                                                                   —dreome Correcion Shans

                                                                                                                      77 Altowother nebhommk usess to conrecct through this

                                                            | Propettine | |—                                             sorequtes‘s Irniame: connention

                                                                                                                          Rome netwoiking connecstion:
        [7) Authentioate as computer whan cormputer infotmation is available                       |~                     | Select a private netwisck connection

       ["[ Authenticate as puest when uset or computer information is
           unsevalable                                                               '

                                                                                                                    — Shatng.

                                                                                                                     if you‘re raot ue hoe to set theee propertion, use
                                                                                                                     '         gth Setup Wwigendnotoad.

                                                                                                                   o eC[b)
3. The Authentication page allows you to                                                                     4. The Advanced page allows you to set
  add security seftings. Read Windows help                                                                      firewall and sharing. Read Windows help
  for more information.                                                                                        for more information.

Wireless USB 2.0 Adapter

Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
        This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
        digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.                These limits are designed to
        provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
        This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
        installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
        to radio communications.           However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
        occur in a particular installation.       If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
        radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
        on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following
        — Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
        — Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
        — Connect the equipment intoan outlet on a circuit different from that
          to which the receiver is connected.
    —    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

        This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
        following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
        this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
        undesired operation.

        FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
        responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate this equipment.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:

        This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
        End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance.

        This transmitter must not be co—located or operating in conjunction with any other
        antenna or transmitter.

                                                               Driver and Utility Installation

Canada—Industry Canada(IC)

Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause interference
and 2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.

This device has been designed to operate with an antenna having a maximum gain of 2 dBi.
Antenna having a higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of Industry Canada. The
required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.

Document Created: 2005-12-30 10:30:22
Document Modified: 2005-12-30 10:30:22

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