RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                        FCC TEST REPORT

                           REPORT NO.: RF920116R03
                            MODEL NO.: WLH3010

                           ACCORDING: FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure
                                      IEEE C95.1

                     APPLICANT: ASKEY COMPUTER CORP.

                      ADDRESS: 10F, NO. 119, CHIENKANG RD., CHUNG-HO,
                               TAIPEI, TAIWAN, R.O.C.

                     ISSUED BY: Advance Data Technology Corporation

                LAB LOCATION: 47 14th Lin, Chiapau Tsun, Linko, Taipei,
                              Taiwan, R.O.C.

                                                                  Lab Code: 200102-0

                                             ILAC MRA

ADT No.: 920116R03


          RF Exposure Measurement (Mobile Device)
1. Introduction

2.4GHz frequency band is regarded specially as a dangerous band for its heating
harmfulness to the human body. That’s why microwave oven is operating in this
frequency band. The manufacturer whose product is working in this frequency band is
obligatory to prove the harmfulness of his product.
In this document, we try to prove the safety of radiation harmfulness to the human body
for our product. The limit for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) specified in FCC
1.1310 is followed. The Gain of the antenna used in this product is measured in a Fully
Anechoic Chamber (FAC), and the maximum total power input to the antenna is
measured. Through the Friis transmission formula and the maximum gain of the antenna,
we can calculate the distance, away from the product, where the limit of MPE is reached.

2. Classification
The antenna of the product, under normal use condition, is at least 20cm away from the
body of the user. Warning statement for keeping 20cm separation distance and the
prohibition of operating next to a person has been printed on the user’s manual. So, this
product is classified as the Mobile Device.

3. RF Exposure Limit

According to FCC 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to
evaluate the environmental impact of human exposure to radio-frequency (RF) radiation
as specified in 1.1307(b).

ADT No.: 920116R03



   Frequency          Electric Field   Magnetic Field    Power Density    Average Time
     Range           Strength (V/m)    Strength (A/m)      (mW/cm2)         (minutes)
                     (A)Limits For Occupational / Control Exposures
     30-300               61.4             0.163              1.0              6
   300-1500                …                …               F/300              6
 1500-100,000              …                …                 5                6
              (B)Limits For General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
     30-300               27.5             0.073              0.2             30
   300-1500                …                …               F/1500            30
 1500-100,000              …                …                 1.0             30
F = Frequency in MHz

4. Friis Formula

Friis transmission formula : Pd = (Pout*G) / (4*pi*r2)

Pd = power density in mW/cm2
Pout = output power to antenna in mW
G = gain of antenna in linear scale
Pi = 3.1416
R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

Pd is the limit of MPE, 1 mW/cm2. If we know the maximum Gain of the antenna and the
total power input to the antenna, through the calculation, we will know the distance r
where the MPE limit is reached.

Ref. : David K. Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Second Edition,
      Page 640, Eq. (11-133).

5. EUT Operating condition
The software provided by Manufacturer enabled the EUT to transmit and receive data at
lowest, middle and highest channel individually.

ADT No.: 920116R03


6. Test Results

6.1 Antenna Gain

The maximum Gain measured in Fully Anechoic Chamber is 1.8dBi.

6.2 Output Power Into Antenna & RF Exposure Distance :

 For 802.11b
                                               OUTPUT POWER      DISTANCE ( r )
      CHANNEL              FREQUENCY
                                              TO ANTENNA (mW)      FROM SKIN

           1                    2412                     36.31        2.09
           6                    2437                     31.62        1.95
           11                   2462                     28.64        1.86

 For 802.11g
                                               OUTPUT POWER      DISTANCE ( r )
      CHANNEL              FREQUENCY
                                              TO ANTENNA (mW)      FROM SKIN

           1                    2412                     30.27        1.91
           6                    2437                     31.26        1.94
           11                   2462                     30.13        1.91

The minimum allowable distance is very close to the enclosure of the antenna and is
very far away from the human being under normal use condition. But it is recommended
to always keep, at least, 20cm separation distance with the antenna.

ADT No.: 920116R03

Document Created: 2003-01-24 14:46:08
Document Modified: 2003-01-24 14:46:08

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