DFS report


Test Report

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                            Report No.: FZ0N1923

           Dynamic Frequency Selection Test Report

           Equipment                  :   Wireless LAN Adaptor
           Model No.                  :   N5HBZ0000055, N5HBZ0000056, N5HBZ0000057
           Brand Name                 :   Panasonic
           Filing Type                :   New Application
           Applicant                  : Askey Computer Corporation
           Manufacturer                 10F, NO. 119, CHIENKANG RD., CHUNG-HO,
                                        TAIPEI, TAIWAN, 23585 R.O.C.
           FCC ID                     : H8N-WLU5080
           IC ID                      : 1353A-WLU5080
           Test Standard(s)           : 47 CFR FCC Part 15 Subpart E § 15.407
           Test Freq. Range           : 5250~5350 MHz / 5470~5725 MHz
           Received Date              : Nov. 23, 2010
           Final Test Date            : Nov. 23, 2010
           Submission Type            : Original Equipment
           Operating Mode             : Client (without radar detection function)

 The test result in this report refers exclusively to the presented test model / sample.
 Without written approval of SPORTON International Inc., the test report shall not be reproduced except in full.
 The measurements and test results shown in this test report were made in accordance with the procedures and
 found in compliance with the limit given in FCC OET Order 06-96A (2006) and 47 CFR FCC Part 15 Subpart E
 § 15.407 / IC RSS-210 Annex 9. The test equipment used to perform the test is calibrated and traceable to

   Wayne Hsu / Vice Manager
   Reviewed Data: Dec. 31, 2005

                                                                                           SPORTON International Inc.
                                                                                              Report Format Version: a

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                                                                                        Report No.: FZ0N1923

                                                                              Table of Contents
1 SUMMARY OF THE TEST RESULT .......................................................................................................................1
2 GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................2
   2.1      Standard Requirement ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
   2.2      Product Specification Table ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
   2.3      Table for DFS Band Carrier Frequencies ............................................................................................................................................ 2

3 DFS DETECTION THRESHOLDS AND RADAR TEST WAVEFORMS.................................................................3
   3.1      Interference Threshold values, Master or Client incorporating In-Service Monitoring ........................................................................... 3
   3.2      DFS Response requirement values ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
   3.3      Radar Test Waveforms Minimum Step ................................................................................................................................................ 4
   3.4      Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms .................................................................................................................................................... 4
   3.5      Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
   3.6      Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveform ......................................................................................................................................... 8
   3.7      Conducted Calibration Setup............................................................................................................................................................. 10
   3.8      Radar Waveform Calibration Procedure ............................................................................................................................................ 10
   3.9      Calibration Deviation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

4 TEST SETUP AND TEST RESULT ...................................................................................................................... 11
   4.1      Test setup ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
   4.2      In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission Time and Non-Occupancy Period Measurement ...... 16
   4.3      Result of Channel Move Time & Channel Closing Transmission Time & Non-Occupancy Period ...................................................... 17

5 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS.............................................................................................................................. 22

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                        Report No.: FZ0N1923

                                      History of This Test Report

      Original Issue Date: Nov. 24, 2010
      Report No.: FZ0N1923
      ■ No additional attachment.
      □ Additional attachment were issued as following record:

        Attachment No.       Issue Date    Description

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                             Report No.: FZ0N1923


                                  Applied Standard: FCC OET Order 06-96A (2006)
      Part     Appendix                              Description of Test                                  Result
                             In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time, Channel Closing
       4.2        7.8.3                                                                                 Complies
                             Transmission Time and Non-Occupancy Period
     Note: Client without radar detection

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                             Report No.: FZ0N1923

2.1 Standard Requirement

      FCC 15.407: U-NII devices operating in the 5250~5350 MHz / 5470~5725 MHz band. The U-NII device is
      required to have the capability to operate at least 6 dB below the mean EIRP value of 30 dBm. U-NII devices
      operating in the 5250~5350 MHz / 5470~5725 MHz bands shall employ a DFS radar detection mechanism to
      detect the presence of radar systems and to avoid co-channel operation with radar systems.

2.2 Product Specification Table

          Specification Items                                     Description
        Data Modulation           OFDM (BPSK / QPSK / 16QAM / 64QAM)
        Data Rate (Mbps)          OFDM (6/9/12/18/24/36/48/54)
        DFS Function              5260~5320 MHz ; 5500~5580 MHz ; 5660~5700 MHz
        Operating Mode            Client (without radar detection function)
        Communication Mode        IP based system
        Power-on cycle            NA (No Channel Availability Check Function)
        Hardware version          WLU5080-D81-REV3
        Software Version

2.3 Table for DFS Band Carrier Frequencies
                                                           Frequency                                 Frequency
            Frequency Band           Channel No.                              Channel No.
                                                            (20MHz)                                   (40MHz)
                                             52            5260 MHz               54                 5270 MHz
             5250~5350 MHz                   56            5280 MHz               62                 5310 MHz
                 Band 2                      60            5300 MHz                -                     -
                                             64            5320 MHz                -                     -

            Frequency Band                        Channel No.
                                                     100                               5500 MHz
                                                     104                               5520 MHz
                                                     108                               5540 MHz
                                                     112                               5560 MHz
                                                     116                               5580 MHz
                                                     132                               5660 MHz
             5470~5725 MHz
                                                     136                               5680 MHz
                 Band 3
                                                     140                               5700 MHz
                                                  Channel No.
                                                     102                               5510 MHz
                                                     110                               5550 MHz
                                                     134                               5670 MHz

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                     Report No.: FZ0N1923

3.1 Interference Threshold values, Master or Client incorporating In-Service Monitoring

                        Maximum Transmit Power                                     Value (see note)
                             ≥ 200 milliwatt                                               -64 dBm
                             < 200 milliwatt                                               -62 dBm
       Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
       Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the test
       transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that the test
       signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
     There are APs for DFS test. One is 20MHz mode WL-605 [FCC ID: O9C-WL605]. Maximum EIRP power is
     26.5 dBm for 20MHz mode AP and Maximum EIRP power is 26.0 dBm AP. Minimum antenna gain is 3CWE590
     (5 GHz, 2.0 dBi Monopole). This antenna was used to set the threshold level (-64dBm + 2.0dBi +1 dB) during
     calibration of the test setup.

3.2 DFS Response requirement values

                              Parameter                                                     Value
       Non-occupancy period                                      Minimum 30 minutes
       Channel Availability Check Time                           60 seconds
       Channel Move Time                                         10 seconds See Note 1.
       Channel Closing Transmission Time                         200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds
                                                                 over remaining 10 second periods. See Notes 1/ 2.
       U-NII Detection Bandwidth                                 Minimum 80% of the 99% power bandwidth See
                                                                 Note 3.
       Note 1: The instant that the Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time begins is as
          • For the Short pulse radar Test Signals this instant is the end of the Burst.
          • For the Frequency Hopping radar Test Signal, this instant is the end of the last radar Burst generated.
          • For the Long Pulse radar Test Signal this instant is the end of the 12 second period defining the radar
       Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning
       of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required facilitating Channel
       changes (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate
       duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.
       Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 1 is used and for each frequency
       step the minimum percentage of detection is 90%. Measurements are performed with no data traffic.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                              Report No.: FZ0N1923

3.3 Radar Test Waveforms Minimum Step

      Step intervals of 0.1 microsecond for Pulse Width, 1 microsecond for PRI, 1 MHz for chirp width and 1 for the
      number of pulses will be utilized for the random determination of specific test waveforms.

3.4 Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms

        Radar                                                  Number of        Percentage of            Minimum
                  Pulse Width (µsec)          PRI (µsec)
        Type                                                    Pulses           Successful               Trials
           1                  1                 1428                18               60%                     30
           2                  1-5              150-230            23-29              60%                     30
           3                 6-10              200-500            16-18              60%                     30
           4                 11-20             200-500            12-16              60%                     30
       Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                   80%                     120
      A minimum of 30 unique waveforms are required for each of the short pulse radar types 2 through 4. For short
      pulse radar type 1, the same waveform is used a minimum of 30 times. If more than 30 waveforms are used
      for short pulse radar types 2 through 4, then each additional waveform must also be unique and not repeated
      from the previous waveforms. The aggregate is the average of the percentage of successful detections of
      short pulse radar types 1-4.
      FCC Radar Types (1~4) System Diagram

      Used R&S SMU200A (Vector SG with one ARB) or SG + ARB
      B11: Base-band Generator with ARB (16 M samples) and Digital Modulation
      B13: Base-band Main Module
      B106: frequency range (100 kHz to 6 GHz)
      For selecting the waveform parameters from within the bounds of the signal type, system were random
      selection using uniform distribution.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                 Report No.: FZ0N1923

3.5 Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform

                        Pulse    Chirp                   Number
         Radar                                                       Number of      Percentage of          Minimum
                        Width    Width    PRI (µsec)    of Pulses
         Type                                                         Bursts         Successful             Trials
                        (µsec)   (MHz)                  per Burst
           5            50-100   5-20     1000-2000         1-3          8-20             80%                   30

      The parameters for this waveform are randomly chosen. Thirty unique waveforms are required for the Long
      Pulse radar test signal. If more than 30 waveforms are used for the Long Pulse radar test signal, then each
      additional waveform must also be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms. Each waveform is
      defined as follows:
      (1) The transmission period for the Long Pulse Radar test signal is 12 seconds.
      (2) There are a total of 8 to 20 Bursts in the 12 second period, with the number of Bursts being randomly
           chosen. This number is Burst_Count.
      (3) Each Burst consists of 1 to 3 pulses, with the number of pulses being randomly chosen. Each Burst within
           the 12 second sequence may have a different number of pulses.
      (4) The pulse width is between 50 and 100 microseconds, with the pulse width being randomly chosen. Each
           pulse within a Burst will have the same pulse width. Pulses in different Bursts may have different pulse
      (5) Each pulse has a linear FM chirp between 5 and 20 MHz, with the chirp width being randomly chosen.
           Each pulse within a Burst will have the same chirp width. Pulses in different Bursts may have different
           chirp widths. The chirp is centered on the pulse. For example, with a radar frequency of 5300 MHz and a
           20 MHz chirped signal, the chirp starts at 5290 MHz and ends at 5310 MHz.
      (6) If more than one pulse is present in a Burst, the time between the pulses will be between 1000 and 2000
           microseconds, with the time being randomly chosen. If three pulses are present in a Burst, the time
           between the first and second pulses is chosen independently of the time between the second and third
      (7) The 12 second transmission period is divided into even intervals. The number of intervals is equal to
           Burst_Count. Each interval is of length (12,000,000 / Burst_Count) microseconds. Each interval contains
           one Burst. The start time for the Burst, relative to the beginning of the interval, is between 1 and
           [(12,000,000 / Burst_Count) – (Total Burst Length) +     (One Random PRI Interval)] microseconds, with
           the start time being randomly chosen. The step interval for the start time is 1 microsecond. The start time
           for each Burst is chosen independently.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                Report No.: FZ0N1923

      A representative example of a Long Pulse radar test waveform:
      (1) The total test signal length is 12 seconds.
      (2) 8 Bursts are randomly generated for the Burst_Count.
      (3) Burst 1 has 2 randomly generated pulses.
      (4) The pulse width (for both pulses) is randomly selected to be 75 microseconds.
      (5) The PRI is randomly selected to be at 1213 microseconds.
      (6) Bursts 2 through 8 are generated using steps 3 – 5.
      (7) Each Burst is contained in even intervals of 1,500,000 microseconds.       The starting location for Pulse 1,
           Burst 1 is randomly generated (1 to 1,500,000 minus the total Burst 1 length + 1 random PRI interval) at
           the 325,001 microsecond step. Bursts 2 through 8 randomly fall in successive 1,500,000 microsecond
           intervals (i.e. Burst 2 falls in the 1,500,001 – 3,000,000 microsecond range).

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                       Report No.: FZ0N1923

      FCC Radar Types (5) System Diagram

      Used R&S SMU200A (Vector SG with two ARB)
      Path A / Path B Two B11: Base-band Generator with ARB (16 M samples) and Digital Modulation
      B13: Base-band Main Module
      B106: frequency range (100 kHz to 6 GHz)
      For selecting the waveform parameters from within the bounds of the signal type, system was random
      selection using uniform distribution.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                              Report No.: FZ0N1923

3.6 Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveform

                                                                 Hopping            Minimum
        Radar                  PRI     Pulses        Hopping     Sequence         Percentage of           Minimum
        Type                 (µsec)    per Hop      Rate (kHz)    Length           Successful              Trials
                                                                  (msec)            Detection
           6            1     333         9           0.333         300                70%                        30

      For the Frequency Hopping Radar Type, the same Burst parameters are used for each waveform. The
      hopping sequence is different for each waveform and a 100-length segment is selected from the hopping
      sequence defined by the following algorithm:
      The first frequency in a hopping sequence is selected randomly from the group of 475 integer frequencies
      from 5470~5725 MHz. Next, the frequency that was just chosen is removed from the group and a frequency is
      randomly selected from the remaining 474 frequencies in the group. This process continues until all 475
      frequencies are chosen for the set. For selection of a random frequency, the frequencies remaining within the
      group are always treated as equally likely.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                      Report No.: FZ0N1923

      FCC Radar Types (6) System Diagram

      Used R&S SMU200A (Vector SG with one ARB)
      B11: Base-band Generator with ARB (16 M samples) and Digital Modulation
      B13: Base-band Main Module
      B106: frequency range (100 kHz to 6 GHz)
      For selecting the waveform parameters from within the bounds of the signal type, systems were random
      selection using uniform distribution.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                           Report No.: FZ0N1923

3.7 Conducted Calibration Setup

                                                      Slave configure

3.8 Radar Waveform Calibration Procedure

      The Interference Radar Detection Threshold Level is (-64dBm + 2.0dBi +1 dB) = -61 dBm that had been
      taken into account the output power range and antenna gain. The above equipment setup was used to
      calibrate the conducted Radar Waveform. A vector signal generator was utilized to establish the test signal
      level for each radar type. During this process there were replace 50ohm terminal form Master and Client
      device and no transmissions by either the Master or Client Device. The spectrum analyzer was switched to
      the zero spans (Time Domain) at the frequency of the Radar Waveform generator. Peak detection was used.
      The spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth (RBW) and video bandwidth (VBW) were set to at least 3 MHz.
      The vector signal generator amplitude was set so that the power level measured at the spectrum analyzer
      was –62 dBm. Capture the spectrum analyzer plots on short pulse radar types, long pulse radar type and
      hopping radar waveform.

3.9 Calibration Deviation

      There is no deviation with the original standard.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                             Report No.: FZ0N1923

4.1 Test setup

  4.1.1    Test Setup Diagram
           Following is the test setup for generate the radar waveforms and used to monitor UNII device.
                                                     Slave configure

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                        Report No.: FZ0N1923

        Master (AP) Data Traffic Plot IEEE 802.11a 5470~5725 MHz

                     MARKER      1                                      RBW    1    MHz   Marker   1    [T1   ]
                        8.9655   s                                     * VBW   1    MHz                  -62.11       dBm
                    Ref   -10    dBm           * Att    0   dB          SWT    12    s                 8.965500       s


           1 PK *









                    Center      5.5    GHz                       1.2    s/

           Date:             23.NOV.2010     13:34:45

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                        Report No.: FZ0N1923

        Data Traffic Plot (Slave) IEEE 802.11a 5470~5725 MHz

                     CENTER      FREQUENCY                              RBW    1    MHz   Marker   1    [T1   ]
                        5.5   GHz                                      * VBW   1    MHz                  -37.87       dBm
                    Ref   -10    dBm           * Att    0   dB          SWT    12    s                 1.962000       s


           1 PK *










                    Center      5.5    GHz                       1.2    s/

           Date:              23.NOV.2010    13:33:29

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FCC TEST REPORT                 Report No.: FZ0N1923

4.1.2 Test Setup Photo


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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                            Report No.: FZ0N1923

  4.1.3    Supporting Units

             Support Unit          Brand             Model No.          Serial No.         Software Version

                Notebook           ASUS                 K40IP                -                Win XP SP2
              AP (Master)          3Com        (FCC ID: O9C-WL605)           -         WP741_normal_v18.WW

                Notebook           DELL                PP20L                 -                Win XP SP2

  4.1.4    Test Setup Operation
           System testing was performed with the designated MPEG test file that streams full motion video from the
           Access Point to the Client in full motion video mode using the media player with the V2.61 Codec
           package.. This file is used by IP and Frame based systems for loading the test channel during the
           In-service compliance testing of the U-NII device.
           The waveform parameters from within the bounds of the signal type are selected randomly using uniform
           A spectrum analyzer is used as a monitor to verify that the EUT has vacated the Channel within the
           (Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time, and does not transmit on a Channel
           during the Non-Occupancy Period after the detection and Channel move.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                 Report No.: FZ0N1923

4.2 In-Service Monitoring for Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission Time
    and Non-Occupancy Period Measurement

  4.2.1    Limit
           The EUT has In-Service Monitoring function to continuously monitor the radar signals, If radar is detected,
           must leave the channel (Shutdown). The Channel Move Time to cease all transmissions on the current
           Channel upon detection of a Radar Waveform above the DFS Detection Threshold within 10 sec. The
           total duration of Channel Closing Transmission Time is 260ms. Channel Closing Transmission Time is
           comprised of 200 ms starting at the beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent
           control signals between 9.8 sec after 200 ms starting from the end of radar burst. The Non-Occupancy
           Period time is 30 minute during which a Channel will not be utilized after a Radar Waveform is detected
           on that Channel.
  4.2.2    Test Procedures
           1. When radar burst with a level equal to the DFS Detection Threshold + 1dB is generated on the
               Operating Channel of the U-NII device. A U-NII device operating as a Client Device will associate with
               the Master at Channel. Stream the MPEG test file from the Master Device to the Client Device on the
               selected Channel for the entire period of the test. At time T0 the Radar Waveform generator sends a
               Burst of pulses for each of the radar types at Detection Threshold + 1dB.

           2. Observe the transmissions of the EUT at the end of the radar Burst on the Operating Channel.
               Measure and record the transmissions from the EUT during the observation time (Channel Move
               Time). One 12 second plot been reported for the Short Pulse Radar Types 1.        The plot for the Short
               Pulse Radar Types start at the end of the radar burst. The Channel Move Time will be calculated
               based on the plot of the Short Pulse Radar Type.

           3. To measure the total intermittent control signals transmission time. The total intermittent control
               signals transmission time is measured between 9.8 sec that is calculated 10 sec starting at the
               beginning of the Channel Move Time and minus 200ms. The spectrum analyzer set to zero span
               tuned to the center frequency of the EUT operating channel at the radar simulated frequency, peak
               detection, and max hold, the dwell time per bin is given by: Dwell = S / B; where Dwell is the dwell time
               per spectrum analyzer sampling bin, S is the sweep time and B is the number of spectrum analyzer
               sampling bins. The total intermittent control signals transmission time is calculated by: C = N X Dwell ;
               where C is the total intermittent control signals transmission time between 9.8 sec, N is the number of
               spectrum analyzer sampling bins showing total intermittent control signals and Dwell is the dwell time
               per bin.

           4. Measure the EUT for more than 30 minutes following the channel close/move time to verify that the
               EUT does not resume any transmissions on this Channel.

  4.2.3    Test Deviation
           There is no deviation with the original standard.
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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                              Report No.: FZ0N1923

4.3 Result of Channel Move Time & Channel Closing Transmission Time &
    Non-Occupancy Period

        IEEE 802.11 a

                                                              Test Result
                         Parameter                                                                   Limit
                                                             Radar Type 1

        Test Channel (MHz)                                     5500 MHz                                 -
        Channel Move Time (sec)                                   0s                              < 10s
        Intermittent control signals (ms) (Note)                  0 ms                           < 60ms
        Non-Occupancy Period (min.)                              30 min                              ≧30

        Note: The total intermittent control signals transmission time is measured between 9.8 sec that is calculated
        10 sec starting at the beginning of the Channel Move Time and minus 200ms.

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                          Report No.: FZ0N1923

  4.3.1    Channel Move Time Plot
          Radar #1 Channel Move Time IEEE 802.11a 5470~5725 MHz

                     TIME    LINE        2                                RBW    1    MHz   Marker   1    [T1   ]
                        1.613   s                                        * VBW   1    MHz                  -37.99       dBm
                    Ref   -10    dBm              * Att   0   dB          SWT    12    s                 1.413000       s


           1 PK *

                                               Slave Signal








                    Center      5.5      GHz                       1.2    s/

           Date:             23.NOV.2010       13:36:37

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                             Report No.: FZ0N1923

  4.3.2    Channel Closing Transmission Time Plot

          Radar #1 Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 ms starting at the beginning of
          the Channel Move Time plus 0ms intermittent control signals of 9.8 sec period
          (IEEE 802.11a 5470~5725 MHz)

                         TIME    LINE       1                                RBW    1   MHz    Marker   1    [T1   ]
                          200   ms                                          * VBW   1   MHz                   -80.79       dBm
                     Ref       -10    dBm           * Att    0   dB          SWT    600   ms                0.000000       s


            1 PK *
                         -30                                                                                                        TRG








                     Center          5.5    GHz                       60   ms/

           Date:                23.NOV.2010       13:51:02

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FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                                    Report No.: FZ0N1923

  4.3.3    Non-Occupancy Period Plot
          Associated Test Mode

          Radar #1 Non-Occupancy Period IEEE 802.11a 5470~5725 MHz

                        TIME   LINE     2                                      RBW   1   MHz          Marker   1    [T1   ]
                        1816.25    s                                         * VBW   1   MHz                         -39.43       dBm
                    Ref    -10    dBm                * Att   0   dB            SWT   2000      s               16.250000          s


           1 PK *
                    -30                     Slave Signal

                                                                      30 min

                                                                                                   Master Signal





                    Center       5.5    GHz                            200    s/

           Date:               23.NOV.2010        14:44:40

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TEL : 886-2-2696-2468                                                                                       Issued Date       : Nov. 24, 2010
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                             Report No.: FZ0N1923

        Non-associated test Mode

        Radar #1 Non-Occupancy Period IEEE 802.11a 5470~5725 MHz
        Non-associated test, Master was off. During the 30 minutes observation time, The UUT did not make
        any transmissions in the DFS band after UUT power up.

                     MARKER      1                                        RBW    1   MHz       Marker   1    [T1   ]
                        58.75   s                                        * VBW   1   MHz                      -75.72        dBm
                    Ref   -10    dBm           * Att    0   dB            SWT    2000      s            58.750000           s


           1 PK *


                                                                 30 min







                    Center      5.5    GHz                         200    s/

           Date:             23.NOV.2010     15:20:18

SPORTON International Inc.                                                                          Page No.            : 21 of 22
TEL : 886-2-2696-2468                                                                               Issued Date         : Nov. 24, 2010
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255

FCC TEST REPORT                                                                                 Report No.: FZ0N1923

       Instrument         Manufacturer    Model No.       Serial No.      Characteristics                       Remark
     Spectrum Analyzer        R&S          FSU26.5          100015         20Hz ~ 26.5GHz   Nov. 18, 2010
        Vector Signal                                                                                           Conducted
                              R&S          SMU200A          102098         100kHz ~ 6GHz    Feb. 13, 2010
         Generator                                                                                              (TH01-HY)
      RF Power Divider         HP           11636A          102934              N/A             N/A
      RF Power Splitter      Anaren         44100       881840 / 881850         N/A             N/A
                                                           8817950 /                                            Conducted
      RF Power Splitter      Anaren         42100                               N/A             N/A
                                                            8817960                                             (TH01-HY)
       RF Cable-0.5m         SUHNER      SUCOFLEX 106   TH01-HY –01~06     1GHz~26.5GHz     Feb. 03, 2010
    Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

SPORTON International Inc.                                                                  Page No.        : 22 of 22
TEL : 886-2-2696-2468                                                                       Issued Date     : Nov. 24, 2010
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255

Document Created: 2010-11-29 14:43:41
Document Modified: 2010-11-29 14:43:41

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