RF Exposure Info

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           FCC Test Report                                                              Report No. : FR292625

1         Human Exposure Assessment
1.1       Maximum Permissible Exposure
1.1.1     Limit of Maximum Permissible Exposure
                             Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
                                                                                        Averaging Time
 Frequency Range         Electric Field      Magnetic Field      Power Density (S)
                                                                                         |E|²,|H|² or S
      (MHz)            Strength (E) (V/m)   Strength (H) (A/m)      (mW/ cm²)
         0.3-3.0               614                 1.63                (100)*                    6
         3.0-30              1842 / f             4.89 / f            (900 / f)*                 6
         30-300               61.4                0.163                  1.0                     6
        300-1500                -                    -                 F/300                     6
    1500-100,000                -                    -                    5                      6
                        Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
                                                                                        Averaging Time
 Frequency Range         Electric Field      Magnetic Field      Power Density (S)
                                                                                         |E|²,|H|² or S
      (MHz)            Strength (E) (V/m)   Strength (H) (A/m)      (mW/ cm²)
        0.3-1.34               614                 1.63                (100)*                   30
        1.34-30               824/f               2.19/f              (180/f)*                  30
         30-300               27.5                0.073                  0.2                    30
        300-1500                -                    -                F/1500                    30
    1500-100,000                -                    -                   1.0                    30
Note 1: f = frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density
Note 2: For the applicable limit, see FCC 1.1310

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            FCC Test Report                                                                      Report No. : FR292625

              RF Field Strength Limits for Controlled Use Devices (Controlled Environment)

 Frequency Range       Electric Field (V/m   Magnetic Field               Power Density         Averaging Time
      (MHz)                   rms)             (A/m rms)                     (W/m2)               (minutes)
        0.003-1               600                    4.9                        -                       6
          1-10               600/ƒ                   4.9/ƒ                      -                       6
         10-30                 60                    4.9/ƒ                      -                       6
         30-300                60                   0.163                      10*                      6
        300-1500           3.54 ƒ 0.5          0.0094 ƒ 0.5                   ƒ/30                      6
     1500-15000               137                   0.364                      50                       6
    15000-150000              137                   0.364                      50                616000/ƒ 1.2
   150000-300000           0.354 ƒ 0.5       9.4 x 10-4 ƒ 0.5             3.33 x 10-4 ƒ          616000/ƒ 1.2
     RF Field Strength Limits for Devices Used by the General Public (Uncontrolled Environment)
  Frequency Range          Electric Field     Magnetic Field              Power Density         Averaging Time
       (MHz)                 (V/m rms)          (A/m rms)                    (W/m2)               (minutes)
         0.003-1                280                   2.19                      -                       6
          1-10                 280/ƒ                 2.19/ƒ                     -                       6
          10-30                 28                   2.19/ƒ                     -                       6
         30-300                 28                   0.073                     2*                       6
                                       0.5                        0.5
        300-1500             1.585 ƒ               0.0042 ƒ                   ƒ/150                     6
      1500-15000               61.4                  0.163                     10                       6
     15000-150000              61.4                  0.163                     10                 616000/ƒ
                                       0.5                   -4     0.5               -5                       1.2
    150000-300000            0.158 ƒ           4.21 x 10 ƒ                 6.67 x 10 ƒ            616000/ƒ
Note 1: ƒ is frequency in MHz.
Note 2: For the applicable limit, see IC RSS-102

1.1.2     MPE Calculation Method
              30 P G                                                            E2
E (V/m) =                                    Power Density: Pd (W/m2) =
                  d                                                             377
E = Electric field (V/m)                     P = RF output power (W)
G = EUT Antenna numeric gain (numeric)       d = Separation distance between radiator and human body (m)
The formula can be changed to
Pd = 30 P G
        377 d 2

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          FCC Test Report                                                                       Report No. : FR292625

1.1.3     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure-(2.4G)
                              Transmitter Chains & Receiver Chains Information
    IEEE Std.           Number of         Number of          Correlation
                                                                               RF Output
      802.11             Transmit       Receive Chains       Signals with                         Co-location
                                                                              Power (dBm)
     Protocol          Chains (NTX)          (NRX)           Multiple NTX
     11B-20M                  1                1                 N/A                17.41               N/A
     11G-20M                  1                1                 N/A                17.90               N/A
    n (HT-20)                 1                1             Uncorrelated           17.57               N/A
    n (HT-20)                 2                2             Uncorrelated           20.49               N/A
    n (HT-40)                 1                1             Uncorrelated           14.24               N/A
    n (HT-40)                 2                2             Uncorrelated           16.54               N/A
Note 1: Co-location, Co-location is generally defined as simultaneously transmitting (co-transmitting)
        antennas within 20 cm of each other. (i.e., EUT has simultaneously co-transmitting that operating
        2.4GHz and 5GHz.)
Note 2: RF output power specifies that Maximum Conducted (Average) Output Power.

                                  Worst Maximum RF Output Power Result
    Exposure Environment          General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Separation Distance (cm)        20
            Condition                                        RF Output Power (dBm)
    Modulation                     Chain-     Chain-                        Sum         DG      EIRP         PD (S)
                         NTX                             -          -
      Mode                         Port 1     Port 2                        Chain      (dBi)    Power       (mW/cm²)

     11B-20M              1           17.41        -     -          -       17.41        3.19   20.60       0.01095
     11G-20M              1           17.90        -     -          -       17.90        3.19   21.09       0.01226
    11N-HT-20             1           17.57        -     -          -       17.57        3.19   20.76       0.01136
    11N-HT-20             2           17.47   17.49      -          -       20.49        2.49   22.98       0.02225
    11N-HT-40             1           14.24        -     -          -       14.24        3.19   17.43       0.00528
    11N-HT-40             2           13.36   13.69      -          -       16.54        2.49   19.03       0.00896
                         Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit (mW/cm²)                                           1
Note 1: NTX = Number of Transmit Chains

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

          FCC Test Report                                                                       Report No. : FR292625

1.1.4     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure-(5.8G)
                              Transmitter Chains & Receiver Chains Information
    IEEE Std.           Number of         Number of          Correlation
                                                                               RF Output
      802.11             Transmit       Receive Chains       Signals with                         Co-location
                                                                              Power (dBm)
     Protocol          Chains (NTX)          (NRX)           Multiple NTX
  11A5.8G-20M                 1                1              Correlated            15.30               N/A
 11N5.8G- HT20                1                1             Uncorrelated           15.39               N/A
 11N5.8G- HT20                2                2             Uncorrelated           18.07               N/A
 11N5.8G- HT40                1                1             Uncorrelated           14.32               N/A
 11N5.8G- HT40                2                2             Uncorrelated           17.08               N/A
Note 1: Co-location, Co-location is generally defined as simultaneously transmitting (co-transmitting)
        antennas within 20 cm of each other. (i.e., EUT has simultaneously co-transmitting that operating
        2.4GHz and 5GHz.)
Note 2: RF output power specifies that Maximum Conducted (Average) Output Power.

                                  Worst Maximum RF Output Power Result
    Exposure Environment          General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Separation Distance (cm)        20
            Condition                                        RF Output Power (dBm)
    Modulation                     Chain-     Chain-                        Sum         DG      EIRP         PD (S)
                         NTX                             -          -
      Mode                         Port 1     Port 2                        Chain      (dBi)    Power       (mW/cm²)

   11A5.8G-20M            1           15.30        -     -          -       15.30        3.37   18.67       0.00674
 11N5.8G- HT20            1           15.39        -     -          -       15.39        3.37   18.76       0.00688
 11N5.8G- HT20            2           15.35   14.76      -          -       18.07        3.19   21.27       0.01277
 11N5.8G- HT40            1           14.32        -     -          -       14.32        3.37   17.69       0.00538
 11N5.8G- HT40            2           14.15   13.99      -          -       17.08        3.19   20.27       0.01015
                         Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit (mW/cm²)                                           1
Note 1: NTX = Number of Transmit Chains

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

          FCC Test Report                                                                  Report No. : FR292625

1.1.5     Result of Maximum Permissible Exposure-(5.2G~5.6G)
                                         RF General Information
   Modulation                             Channel          Transmit           RF Output
                       Ch. Freq. (MHz)                                                         Co-location
     Mode                                 Number          Chains (NTX)       Power (dBm)
  11A5.2G-20M            5180-5240        36-48 [4]             1                13.76
  11A5.3G-20M            5260-5320        52-64 [4]             1                14.67                  N/A
  11A5.6G-20M            5500-5700       100-140 [8]            1                14.41
 11N5.2G-HT-20           5180-5240        36-48 [4]             1                13.76
 11N5.3G-HT-20           5260-5320        52-64 [4]             1                14.64
 11N5.6G-HT-20           5500-5700       100-140 [8]            1                14.40
 11N5.2G-HT-20           5180-5240        36-48 [4]             2                14.02
 11N5.3G-HT-20           5260-5320        52-64 [4]             2                17.10
 11N5.6G-HT-20           5500-5700       100-140 [8]            2                16.63
 11N5.2G-HT-40           5190-5230        38-46 [2]             1                13.45
 11N5.3G-HT-40           5270-5310        54-62 [2]             1                13.74
 11N5.6G-HT-40           5510-5670       102-134 [3]            1                13.32
 11N5.2G-HT-40           5190-5230        38-46 [2]             2                16.43
 11N5.3G-HT-40           5270-5310        54-62 [2]             2                16.76
 11N5.6G-HT-40           5510-5670       102-134 [3]            2                16.79
Note 1: RF output power specifies that Maximum Conducted (Average) Output Power.
Note 2: Co-location, Co-location is generally defined as simultaneously transmitting (co-transmitting)
        antennas within 20 cm of each other. (i.e., EUT has simultaneously co-transmitting that operating
        2.4GHz and 5GHz.)

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

          FCC Test Report                                                                  Report No. : FR292625

                               Worst Maximum Permissible Exposure Result
    Exposure Environment         General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Separation Distance (cm)       20
            Condition                                     RF Output Power (dBm)
                                 Chain-   Chain-                      Sum         DG       EIRP         PD (S)
  Modulation Mode        NTX                          -         -
                                 Port 1   Port 2                      Chain      (dBi)     Power        (W/m²)
    11A5.2G-20M           1       13.76      -        -         -     13.76         3.37   17.13       0.00473
    11A5.3G-20M           1       14.67      -        -         -     14.67         3.37   18.04       0.00583
    11A5.6G-20M           1       14.41      -        -         -     14.41         3.37   17.78       0.00549
    11N5.2G-20M           1       13.76      -        -         -     13.76         3.37   17.13       0.00473
    11N5.3G-20M           1       14.64      -        -         -     14.64         3.37   18.01       0.00579
    11N5.6G-20M           1       14.40      -        -         -     14.40         3.37   17.77       0.00548
    11N5.2G-20M           2       11.30    10.70      -         -     14.02         3.19   17.21       0.00502
    11N5.3G-20M           2       14.11    14.07      -         -     17.10         3.19   20.29       0.01020
    11N5.6G-20M           2       13.95    13.26      -         -     16.63         3.19   19.82       0.00915
    11N5.2G-40M           1       13.45      -        -         -     13.45         3.37   16.82       0.00440
    11N5.3G-40M           1       13.74      -        -         -     13.74         3.37   17.11       0.00470
    11N5.6G-40M           1       13.32      -        -         -     13.32         3.37   16.69       0.00427
    11N5.2G-40M           2       13.45    13.40      -         -     16.43         3.19   19.63       0.00875
    11N5.3G-40M           2       13.68    13.83      -         -     16.76         3.19   19.96       0.00944
    11N5.6G-40M           2       13.70    13.86      -         -     16.79         3.19   19.98       0.00950
                        Maximum Permissible Exposure Limit (mW/cm²)                                       1

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

Document Created: 2012-12-26 17:18:29
Document Modified: 2012-12-26 17:18:29

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