Test Report DFS


Test Report

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                Report No. : FZ292625

                       FCC DFS Test Report

     Equipment               : USB WLAN Module
     Brand Name              : ASKEY
     Model No.               : WLU5053-D4(ROHS)
     FCC ID                  : H8N-WLU5053
     Standard                : 47 CFR FCC Part 15.407
     Applicant               : Askey Computer Corp.
                               10F, No. 119, Chienkang Rd., Chung-Ho, Taiwan, R.O.C.
     Manufacturer            : Askey Computer Corp.
                               10F, No. 119, Chienkang Rd., Chung-Ho, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                ASKEY TECHNOLOGY (JIANG SU) LTD.
                                No. 1388, Jiao Tong Road,
                                Wujiang Economic-Technological Development Area,
                                Jiangsu Province, P.R. China
     Operate Mode            : Client without radar detection

     The product sample received on Sep. 27, 2012 and completely tested on Nov. 07, 2012. We,
     SPORTON, would like to declare that the tested sample has been evaluated in accordance
     with the procedures given in FCC 06-96 Appendix and shown compliance with the
     applicable technical standards.

     The test results in this report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample. Without written
     approval of SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC., the test report shall not be reproduced except
     in full.

       Reviewed by:

       Wayne Hsu / Assistant Manager

SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC.                                              Page No.          : 1 of 20
TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                    Report Version    : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

                 FCC DFS Test Report                                                                                    Report No. : FZ292625

                                                      Table of Contents
1       GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...............................................................................................................5

1.1     Information........................................................................................................................................5
1.2     Support Equipment ...........................................................................................................................6
1.3     Testing Applied Standards ................................................................................................................ 6
1.4     Testing Location Information .............................................................................................................6
1.5     Measurement Uncertainty .................................................................................................................6

2       TEST CONFIGURATION OF EUT ....................................................................................................7

2.1     DFS and TPC Information .................................................................................................................7
2.2     The Worst Case Measurement Configuration .................................................................................... 7

3       DYNAMIC FREQUENCY SELECTION (DFS) TEST RESULT .......................................................... 8

3.1     General DFS Information .................................................................................................................. 8
3.2     Radar Test Waveform Calibration.................................................................................................... 10

4       TEST EQUIPMENT AND CALIBRATION DATA............................................................................. 19

5       CERTIFICATION OF TAF ACCREDITATION ................................................................................. 20

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                     Report No. : FZ292625

                                   Summary of Test Result
                         Conformance Test Specifications (FCC 06-96 Appendix)
 Report Ref. Std.
                              Description                 Measured                      Limit            Result
 Clause Clause
     -        7.8.1    DFS: UNII Detection        N/A (Client w/o test)          80% of the 99%               N/A
                       Bandwidth Measurement                                     BW
     -   DFS: Initial Channel       N/A (Client w/o test)          CAC     60 sec               N/A
                       Availability Check Time
     -   DFS: Radar Burst at the    N/A (Client w/o test)          Detection                    N/A
                       Beginning of the Channel                                  Threshold:
                       Availability Check Time                                   -64 dBm
     -   DFS: Radar Burst at the    N/A (Client w/o test)          Detection                    N/A
                       End of the Channel                                        Threshold:
                       Availability Check Time                                   -64 dBm
    0         7.8.3    DFS: In-Service Monitoring CMT < 10sec                    CMT     10sec         Complied
                       for Channel Move Time
    0         7.8.3    DFS: In-Service Monitoring CCTT < 60 ms                   CCTT 60 ms            Complied
                       for Channel Closing                                       starting at CMT
                       Transmission Time (CCTT)                                  200ms
    0         7.8.3    DFS: In-Service Monitoring NOP > 30 min                   NOP     30 min        Complied
                       for Non-Occupancy Period
     -        7.8.4    DFS: Statistical           N/A (Client w/o test)          Table 5 - 7                  N/A
                       Performance Check                                         (KDB 905462)
     -        5.8.1    DFS: Uniform Spreading     N/A (Client w/o this           Uniform                      N/A
                                                  function)                      Spreading for
                                                                                 DFS Band
  3.1.4        8.1     User Access Restrictions   Manufacturer attestation       DFS controls          Complied
                                                  NOT accessible to user

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                           Report No. : FZ292625

                                   Revision History
     Report No.         Version              Description                            Issued Date

     FZ292625            Rev. 01         Initial issue of report                    Dec. 12, 2012

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                     Report No. : FZ292625

1          General Description
1.1        Information
1.1.1      RF General Information
                                              RF General Information
                                   IEEE Std. 802.11
Frequency Range (MHz)                                      Ch. Frequency (MHz)            Channel Number
          5250-5350                       a                      5260-5320                       52-64 [4]
          5470-5725                                              5500-5700                      100-140 [8]
          5250-5350                   n (HT20)                   5260-5320                       52-64 [4]
          5470-5725                                              5500-5700                      100-140 [8]
          5250-5350                   n (HT40)                   5270-5310                       54-62 [2]
          5470-5725                                              5510-5670                      102-134 [3]
Note 1: IEEE Std. 802.11n-2009 modulation consists of HT20 and HT40 (HT: High Throughput). Then EUT
        support HT20 and HT40.
Note 2: 20dB bandwidth not falls completely or partly within the 5600 MHz to 5650 MHz band. Following
        channel frequencies could not be used for 5600 MHz to 5650 MHz band:
        20MHz mode [MHz]: 5600, 5620, 5640
        40MHz mode [MHz]: 5590, 5630

1.1.2      Antenna Information
                                                Antenna Category
        Equipment placed on the market without antennas
        Integral antenna (antenna permanently attached)
            Temporary RF connector provided
            No temporary RF connector provided
            Transmit chains bypass antenna and soldered temporary RF connector provided for connected
            measurement. In case of conducted measurements the transmitter shall be connected to the
            measuring equipment via a suitable attenuator and correct for all losses in the RF path.

                                         Antenna General Information
 No.                   Ant. Cat.                       Ant. Type                              Gain (dBi)
    1                  Integral                           PIFA                                  3.37
    2                  Integral                           PIFA                                  3.01
        For conducted tests, antenna ports [2] are used for the tests and master antenna gain [1.95] dBi that
        was used to set the DFS Detection Threshold level during calibration of the test setup.

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                             Report No. : FZ292625

1.2       Support Equipment
                                               Support Equipment
 No.           Equipment                 Brand Name                   Model Name                      FCC ID
  1           NoteBook PC                     Dell                   Latitude E5510                    DoC
  2           NoteBook PC                    ASUS                    Eee PC 904HD                 MSQEPC9HD780
  3            AP (Master)                  NETGERA                   WNR34000v2                   PY311100155

1.3       Testing Applied Standards
According to the specifications of the manufacturer, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the
following standards:
      FCC 06-96 Appendix
      FCC KDB 905462 5 GHz UNII DFS Compliance Procedures
      FCC KDB 443999 Approval of DFS UNII Devices

1.4       Testing Location Information
                                                Testing Location
       HWA YA          ADD   : No. 52, Hwa Ya 1 Rd., Hwa Ya Technology Park, Kwei-Shan Hsiang,
                               Tao Yuan Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                       TEL   : 886-3-327-3456            FAX   :     886-3-327-0973
   Test Condition            Test Site No.           Test Engineer       Test Environment              Test Date
       DFS Site                DF01-HY                Bear Chen            24.8°C / 62%                7-Nov.-12

1.5       Measurement Uncertainty
ISO/IEC 17025 requires that an estimate of the measurement uncertainties associated with the emissions test
results be included in the report. The measurement uncertainties given below are based on a 95% confidence
level (based on a coverage factor (k=2)

                                             Measurement Uncertainty
                                Test Item                                     Uncertainty                 Limit
Radio frequency                                                               ± 8.7 X 10                    N/A
RF output power, conducted                                                     ±0.63 dB                     N/A
All emissions, conducted                                                       ±0.83 dB                     N/A
All emissions, radiated                                                        ±2.87 dB                     N/A
Temperature                                                                     ±0.8 °C                     N/A
Humidity                                                                         ±3 %                       N/A
DC and low frequency voltages                                                    ±3 %                       N/A
Time                                                                            ±1.42 %                     N/A

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                 FCC DFS Test Report                                              Report No. : FZ292625

2         Test Configuration of EUT
2.1       DFS and TPC Information
                           The DFS Related Operating Mode(s) of the Equipment
      Slave with radar detection
      Slave without radar detection
Software / Firmware Version 
Communication Mode                       IP Based (Load Based)          Frame Based
    IEEE Std.
      802.11                           TPC (Transmit Power Control)              Passive Scan
                       Range (MHz)
         a               5250-5350                  No                                 Yes
      n (HT20)           5470-5725                  No                                 Yes
      n (HT40)           5600-5650                   -                                  -

2.2       The Worst Case Measurement Configuration
                          The Worst Case Mode for Following Conformance Tests
      Tests Item         Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
    Test Condition       Conducted measurement at transmit chains
                                             Modulation Mode
                                                HT20 / HT40

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                       Report No. : FZ292625

3         Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) Test Result
3.1       General DFS Information
3.1.1     DFS Parameters
                                         Table D.1: DFS requirement values
                       Parameter                                                  Value
               Non-occupancy period                   Minimum 30 minutes
         Channel Availability Check Time              60 seconds
                Channel Move Time                     10 seconds See Note 1.
        Channel Closing Transmission Time             200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds over
                                                      remaining 10 second periods. See Notes 1 and 2.
            U-NII Detection Bandwidth                 Minimum 80% of the 99% power bandwidth See Note 3.
Note 1: The instant that the Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time begins is as
         • For the Short pulse radar Test Signals this instant is the end of the Burst.
         • For the Frequency Hopping radar Test Signal, this instant is the end of the last radar Burst
         • For the Long Pulse radar Test Signal this instant is the end of the 12 second period defining the
         radar transmission.
Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning
        of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate
        Channel changes (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period.
        The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.
Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 1 is used and for each frequency
        step the minimum percentage of detection is 90%. Measurements are performed with no data traffic.

                                       Table D.2: Interference threshold values
            Maximum Transmit Power                                        Value (see note)
                       200 milliwatt                                           -64 dBm
                   < 200 milliwatt                                             -62 dBm
Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the test
        transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that
        the test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                     Report No. : FZ292625

3.1.2     Applicability of DFS Requirements Prior to Use of a Channel
                                                               DFS Operational mode
             Requirement                                          Client without radar        Client with radar
                                                                       detection                  detection
Non-Occupancy Period                               Yes                Not required                   Yes
DFS Detection Threshold                            Yes                Not required                   Yes
Channel Availability Check Time                    Yes                Not required              Not required
Uniform Spreading                                  Yes                Not required              Not required
U-NII Detection Bandwidth                          Yes                Not required                   Yes

3.1.3     Applicability of DFS Requirements during Normal Operation
                                                               DFS Operational mode
             Requirement                                          Client without radar        Client with radar
                                                                       detection                  detection
DFS Detection Threshold                            Yes                Not required                   Yes
Channel Closing Transmission Time                  Yes                     Yes                       Yes
Channel Move Time                                  Yes                     Yes                       Yes
U-NII Detection Bandwidth                          Yes                Not required                   Yes

3.1.4     User Access Restrictions
                                           User Access Restrictions
     DFS controls (hardware or software) related to radar detection are NOT accessible to the user.
     Manufacturer statement confirming that information regarding the parameters of the detected Radar
     Waveforms is not available to the end user.

3.1.5     Channel Loading/Data Streaming
      IP Based (Load Based) - stream the test file from the Master to the Client.
           The client device is link with the master device and plays the WAV audio file from master device to
           client device. Test file download in NTIA website (http://ntiacsd.ntia.doc.gov/dfs/)
           The client device is link with the master device and plays the MPEG (file name: TestFile.mpg) from
           master device to client device. Test file download in NTIA website (http://ntiacsd.ntia.doc.gov/dfs/)
           Alternative streaming e.g., FTP with about 17 to 20% loading and submit proposal to FCC.
      Frame Based - stream the test file from the Master to the Client.
           fixed talk/listen ratio, set the ratio to 45%/55%

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                      Report No. : FZ292625

3.2       Radar Test Waveform Calibration
3.2.1     Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms
 Radar        Pulse Width                             Number of            Percentage of
                                   PRI (µsec)                                                  Minimum Trials
 Type           (µsec)                                 Pulses               Successful
    1                  1             1428                    18                60%                    30
    2              1-5              150-230                 23-29              60%                    30
    3             6-10              200-500                 16-18              60%                    30
    4             11-20             200-500                 12-16              60%                    30
Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                    80%                   120

A minimum of 30 unique waveforms are required for each of the short pulse radar types 2 through 4. For short
pulse radar type 1, the same waveform is used a minimum of 30 times. If more than 30 waveforms are used
for short pulse radar types 2 through 4, then each additional waveform must also be unique and not repeated
from the previous waveforms. The aggregate is the average of the percentage of successful detections of
short pulse radar types 1-4.

3.2.2     Long Pulse Radar Test Waveform
               Pulse       Chirp                 Number of
  Radar                                                    Number of           Percentage of        Minimum
               Width       Width    PRI (µsec)    Pulses
  Type                                                      Bursts              Successful           Trials
               (µsec)      (MHz)                 per Burst
      5        50-100       5-20    1000-2000         1-3           8-20             80%                 30

Each waveform is defined as follows:
    The transmission period for the Long Pulse Radar test signal is 12 seconds.
    There are a total of 8 to 20 Bursts in the 12 second period, with the number of Bursts being randomly
    chosen. This number is Burst_Count.
    Each Burst consists of 1 to 3 pulses, with the number of pulses being randomly chosen. Each Burst
    within the 12 second sequence may have a different number of pulses.
    The pulse width is between 50 and 100 microseconds, with the pulse width being randomly chosen.
    Each pulse within a Burst will have the same pulse width. Pulses in different Bursts may have different
    pulse widths.
    Each pulse has a linear FM chirp between 5 and 20 MHz, with the chirp width being randomly chosen.
    Each pulse within a Burst will have the same chirp width. Pulses in different Bursts may have different
    chirp widths. The chirp is centered on the pulse. For example, with a radar frequency of 5300 MHz and a
    20 MHz chirped signal, the chirp starts at 5290 MHz and ends at 5310 MHz.
    If more than one pulse is present in a Burst, the time between the pulses will be between 1000 and 2000
    microseconds, with the time being randomly chosen. If three pulses are present in a Burst, the time
    between the first and second pulses is chosen independently of the time between the second and third
    The 12 second transmission period is divided into even intervals. The number of intervals is equal to
    Burst_Count. Each interval is of length (12,000,000 / Burst_Count) microseconds. Each interval
    contains one Burst. The start time for the Burst, relative to the beginning of the interval, is between 1 and
    [(12,000,000 / Burst_Count) – (Total Burst Length) + (One Random PRI Interval)] microseconds, with
    the start time being randomly chosen. The step interval for the start time is 1 microsecond. The start time
    for each Burst is chosen independently.

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                      Report No. : FZ292625

3.2.3     Frequency Hopping Radar Test Waveform
             Pulse                                           Hopping
 Radar                  PRI      Pulses       Hopping                          Percentage of         Minimum
             Width                                          Sequence
 Type                  (µsec)    per Hop     Rate (kHz)                         Successful            Trials
             (µsec)                                        Length (ms)
    6           1       333          9          0.333           300                  70%                     30

The FCC Type 6 waveform uses a static waveform with 100 bursts in the instruments ARB. In addition, the RF
list mode is operated with a list containing 100 frequencies from a randomly generated list and it had be
ensured that at least one of the random frequencies falls into the UNII Detection Bandwidth of the DUT. Each
burst from the waveform file initiates a trigger pulse at the beginning that switches the RF list from one item to
the next one.

3.2.4     Master DFS Threshold Level
                                         Master DFS Threshold Level
DFS Threshold level:     -59.05 dBm            at the antenna connector
                                               in front of the antenna
The Interference Radar Detection Threshold Level is (-62dBm) + { 1.95 dB} + {1dB} = -59.05 dBm. That
had been taken into account the master output power range and antenna gain.

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                                                     Report No. : FZ292625

3.2.5     Calibration Setup
                                       Client Conducted Calibration Setup

                                                           Calibration Plots
                                 Radar #1 DFS detection threshold level
                                     MARKER 1                                 RBW 1 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                       24.2775 ms                            * VBW 1 MHz             -58.98 dBm
                                     Ref -10 dBm            * Att   0 dB      SWT 30 ms           24.277500 ms


                             1 AP
                             CLRWR                                                                                TRG




                                     -70     TRG -70 dBm





                                     Center 5.5 GHz                        3 ms/

                             Date:          7.NOV.2012   20:09:26

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                                                     Report No. : FZ292625

3.2.6     Test Setup
A spectrum analyzer is used as a monitor to verify that the EUT has vacated the Channel within the (Channel
Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time, and does not transmit on a Channel during the
Non-Occupancy Period after the detection and Channel move.

                         Slave without Radar Detection Conducted Measurement

                  Verification that when the EUT is “off” that the RF energy emitted Plots
                                           Without Data Traffic Plot (Noise Plot)
                                 MARKER 1                                  RBW 1 MHz        Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                   8.229 s                                * VBW 1 MHz                 -77.47 dBm
                                 Ref -10 dBm            * Att   0 dB       SWT 12 s                 8.229000 s

                         1 AP










                                 Center 5.5 GHz                        1.2 s/

                         Date:          7.NOV.2012   20:51:10

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                                                 Report No. : FZ292625

                                                  EUT Client Data Traffic Plot
                                 MARKER 1                                  RBW 1 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                   6.768 s                                * VBW 1 MHz             -20.46 dBm
                                 Ref -10 dBm            * Att   0 dB       SWT 12 s             6.768000 s

                         1 AP









                                 Center 5.5 GHz                        1.2 s/

                         Date:          7.NOV.2012   20:56:04

                  Verification that when the EUT is “off” that the RF energy emitted Plots
                                                     Master Data Traffic Plot
                                 MARKER 1                                  RBW 1 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                   10.7745 s                              * VBW 1 MHz             -50.43 dBm
                                 Ref -10 dBm            * Att   0 dB       SWT 12 s            10.774500 s

                         1 AP









                                 Center 5.5 GHz                        1.2 s/

                         Date:          7.NOV.2012   20:58:50

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                 Report No. : FZ292625

In-service Monitoring

3.2.7     In-service Monitoring Limit
                                          In-service Monitoring Limit
          Channel Move Time              10 sec
 Channel Closing Transmission Time 200 ms + an aggregate of 60 ms over remaining 10 sec periods.
         Non-occupancy period            Minimum 30 minutes

3.2.8     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

3.2.9     Test Procedures
                                                  Test Method
     Refer as FCC 06-96 Appendix, clause 7.8.3 verified during In-Service Monitoring; Channel Closing
     Transmission Time, Channel Move Time. Client Device will associate with the EUT. Observe the
     transmissions of the EUT at the end of the radar Burst on the Operating Channel for duration greater
     than 10 seconds. Measure and record the transmissions from the EUT during the observation time
     (Channel Move Time). Compare the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time
     Refer as FCC 06-96 Appendix, clause 8.3 verified during In-Service Monitoring; Channel Closing
     Transmission Time, Channel Move Time. One 10 sec plot needs to be reported for the Short Pulse
     Radar Types 1-4 and one for the Long Pulse Radar Type in a 22 sec plot. And zoom-in a 600 ms plot
     verified channel closing time for the aggregate transmission time starting from 200ms after the end of
     the radar signal to the completion of the channel move.
     Refer as FCC 06-96 Appendix, clause 7.8.3 verified during In-Service Monitoring; Non-Occupancy
     Period. Client Device will associate with the EUT. Observe the transmissions of the EUT at the end of
     the radar Burst on the Operating Channel for duration greater than 10 seconds. Measure and record the
     transmissions from the EUT during the observation time (Non-Occupancy Period). Compare the
     Non-Occupancy Period limits.

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                                                              Report No. : FZ292625

3.2.10 Test Result of In-service Monitoring
                       Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time Result
                                                         Channel Closing Transmission Time (ms)                                   Channel Move Time
   Modulation            Freq.              Radar
     Mode                (MHz)              Type              Test               Limit            Test         Limit                Test            Limit
                                                             (0-200ms)          (0-200ms)    (200ms-10s)    (200ms-10s)

       HT20               5500                   1       < 200ms                  200              0               60             < 200ms              10 s
  8001 sample bin for measurement                                               0 bin [200ms~10s]                                  0 bin [200ms~10s]
                                                                  12 sec Timing Plot
                                     TIME LINE 2                                     RBW 1 MHz     Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                      10.5835 s                                     * VBW 1 MHz              -80.18 dBm
                                    Ref -10 dBm                  * Att   0 dB        SWT 12 s             10.583500 s
                                     -10                                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                             -20.88   dBm
                                        1                                                                                    A
                                     -20                                                                 583.500000   ms
                                                                                                   Delta 1 [T1 ]            SGL
                            1 AP
                                                                                                             -58.91   dB
                                     -30                                                                 200.000000   ms

                                     -40             200ms~10s 0 bin for data transmit


           ending                    -60

           burst                     -70

           200ms                            1                                                                 2



                                    Center 5.5 GHz                               1.2 s/

                            Date:               7.NOV.2012    21:24:17

                                                         Zoom-in 600 ms Timing Plot
                                     TIME LINE 1                                     RBW 1 MHz     Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                      200 ms                                        * VBW 1 MHz              -47.36 dB
                                    Ref -10 dBm                  * Att   0 dB        SWT 600 ms          200.000000 ms
                                     -10                                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                             -32.85 dBm
                                                                                                           0.000000 s        A
                            1 AP
                            CLRWR                                                                                           TRG
                                    1 -30








                                                                                0 bin after 200ms-10s

                                    Center 5.5 GHz                               60 ms/

                            Date:               7.NOV.2012    22:01:31

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                                                              Report No. : FZ292625

                       Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time Result
                                                            Channel Closing Transmission Time (ms)                                Channel Move Time
   Modulation            Freq.              Radar
     Mode                (MHz)              Type              Test               Limit            Test         Limit                Test            Limit
                                                             (0-200ms)          (0-200ms)    (200ms-10s)    (200ms-10s)

       HT40               5510                      1       < 200ms               200              0                60            < 200ms              10 s
  8001 sample bin for measurement                                               0 bin [200ms~10s]                                  0 bin [200ms~10s]
                                                                  12 sec Timing Plot
                                     TIME LINE 2                                     RBW 1 MHz     Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                      10.7725 s                                     * VBW 1 MHz              -52.84 dB
                                    Ref -10 dBm                  * Att   0 dB        SWT 12 s            200.000000 ms
                                     -10                                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                             -28.67   dBm
                                                                                                         772.500000   ms     A
                                                                                                   Marker 2 [T1 ]           SGL
                            1 AP            1
                                                                                                             -80.83   dBm
                                     -30                                                                  10.772500   s

                                                        200ms~10s 0 bin for data transmit


           ending                    -60

           burst                     -70

           200ms                                                                                               2



                                    Center 5.51 GHz                              1.2 s/

                            Date:               7.NOV.2012    20:35:15

                                                            Zoom-in 600 ms Timing Plot
                                     TIME LINE 1                                     RBW 1 MHz     Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                      200 ms                                        * VBW 1 MHz              -40.64 dB
                                    Ref -10 dBm                  * Att   0 dB        SWT 600 ms          200.000000 ms
                                     -10                                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                             -42.74 dBm
                                                                                                           0.000000 s        A
                            1 AP
                            CLRWR                                                                                           TRG

                                    1 -40




                                     -80                           1



                                                                                0 bin after 200ms-10s

                                    Center 5.51 GHz                              60 ms/

                            Date:               7.NOV.2012    20:47:24

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                FCC DFS Test Report                                                                                 Report No. : FZ292625

                                             Non-Occupancy Period Result

   Modulation                                                                            Non-Occupancy Period
                                    Freq. (MHz)
     Mode                                                                     Measured                  Limit                  Result
       HT20                            5500                                    >30min               30 min                   Complied
                                                     2000 sec Timing Plot
                               TIME LINE 2                               RBW 1 MHz    Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                 1831.8 s                               * VBW 1 MHz             -79.09 dBm
                               Ref -10 dBm            * Att   0 dB       SWT 2000 s           1.831800 ks
                               -10                                                    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                               1                                                                -20.10   dBm
                                                                                             31.800000   s      A
                                                                                      Delta 1 [T1 ]            SGL
                       1 AP
                                                                                                -59.20   dB
                               -30                                                           10.000000   s





                               1                                                                    2



                               Center 5.5 GHz                        200 s/

                       Date:          7.NOV.2012   23:39:11

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TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                                            Report Version             : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

                 FCC DFS Test Report                                                         Report No. : FZ292625

4         Test Equipment and Calibration Data
      Instrument       Manufacturer     Model No.    Serial No.       Spec.        Calibration Date     Remark

                           R&S           FSP 7        100645       9kHz ~ 7GHz      Mar. 29, 2012     DFS01-HY
      Vector Signal
                           R&S          SMU200A       102098      100kHz ~ 6GHz     Oct. 03, 2012     DFS01-HY
      RF Cable-3m                     SUCOFLEX_104    302338      1GHz ~ 26.5GHz            NA        DFS01-HY
     RF Cable-10m                     SUCOFLEX_104    302345      1GHz ~ 26.5GHz            NA        DFS01-HY

     Horn Antenna      COM-POWER         AH-118        10094      1GHz ~ 18GHz      Feb. 15, 2012     DFS01-HY

     Horn Antenna      COM-POWER         AH-118       711064      1GHz ~ 18GHz      Sep. 14, 2012     DFS01-HY

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TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                             Report Version       : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

                FCC DFS Test Report                       Report No. : FZ292625

5         Certification of TAF Accreditation

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TEL : 886-3-327-3456                           Report Version    : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

Document Created: 2012-12-26 17:18:08
Document Modified: 2012-12-26 17:18:08

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