1507RSU00809-RF Exposure Report


RF Exposure Info

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                                   MRT Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd            Report No.: 1507RSU00809
                                   Phone: +86-512-66308358                     Report Version:        V01
                                   Fax:   +86-512-66308368                     Issue Date:     10-12-2015
                                   Web:    www.mrt-cert.com

            RF Exposure Evaluation Declaration

FCC ID:                        H8N-WHD0110


Application Type:              Certification
Product:                       Smart Gateway
Model No.:                     WHD0110(RoHS), WHD0111(RoHS)
Trademark:                     ASKEY
FCC Classification: Digital Transmission System (DTS)
                               Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNII)

Reviewed By            :
                               ( Robin Wu )
Approved By            :
                             ( Marlin Chen )

The test results relate only to the samples tested.
The test results shown in the test report are traceable to the national/international standards through the
calibration of the equipment and evaluated measurement uncertainty herein.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of MRT Technology (Suzhou)
Co., Ltd.
 FCC ID: H8N-WHD0110                                                                       Page Number: 1 of 7

                                                            Report No.: 1507RSU00809

                                Revision History

   Report No.         Version              Description                 Issue Date

 1507RSU00809         Rev. 01              Initial report              10-12-2015

FCC ID: H8N-WHD0110                                               Page Number: 2 of 7

                                                         Report No.: 1507RSU00809

1.1. Equipment Description
Product Name             Smart Gateway
Model No.                WHD0110(RoHS), WHD0111(RoHS)
Brand Name               ASKEY
Wi-Fi Specification      802.11a/b/g/n/ac
Frequency Range          2.4GHz:
                         For 802.11b/g/n-HT20:
                         2412 ~ 2462 MHz
                         For 802.11n-HT40:
                         2422 ~ 2452 MHz
                         For 802.11a/n-HT20:
                         5180~5320MHz, 5500~5700MHz, 5745~5825MHz
                         For 802.11ac-VHT20:
                         5180~5320MHz, 5500~5720MHz, 5745~5825MHz
                         For 802.11n-HT40:
                         5190~5310MHz, 5510~5670MHz, 5755~5795MHz
                         For 802.11ac-VHT40:
                         5190~5310MHz, 5510~5710MHz, 5755~5795MHz
                         For 802.11ac-VHT80:
                         5210MHz, 5290MHz, 5530MHz, 5610MHz, 5690MHz, 5775MHz
Type of Modulation       802.11b: DSSS
                         802.11g/a/n/ac: OFDM
Maximum Average Output   For 2.4GHz Band:
Power                    802.11b: 25.40dBm
                         802.11g: 22.28dBm
                         802.11n-HT20: 22.16dBm
                         802.11n-HT40: 22.10dBm
                         For 5GHz Band:
                         802.11a: 22.33dBm
                         802.11n-HT20: 21.51dBm
                         802.11n-HT40: 23.06dBm
                         802.11ac-VHT20: 22.85dBm
                         802.11ac-VHT40: 23.34dBm
                         802.11ac-VHT80: 22.36dBm

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                                                                             Report No.: 1507RSU00809

 1.2. Antenna Description
 Antenna       Frequency       Tx       Per Chain Max Antenna Gain (dBi)            CDD Directional
     Type           Band     Paths                                                     Gain (dBi)
                    (MHz)                     Ant 0                 Ant 1

              2412 ~2462        2              4.13                  3.82                    6.99

              5150 ~ 5250       2              3.90                  3.53                    6.73
              5250 ~ 5350       2              3.86                  3.42                    6.66
              5470 ~ 5725       2              4.10                  3.65                    6.89

              5725 ~ 5850       2              4.00                  4.35                    7.19

1.    The EUT supports Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD) technology, and that CDD technology is
(1) Correlated signals include, but are not limited to, signals transmitted in any of the following
     Unequal Antenna gains, with equal transmit powers. For Antenna gains given by G1, G2, …,
      GN dBi transmit signals are correlated, then
     Directional gain = 10*log[(10G1/20 + 10G2/20 + … + 10GN/20)2/NANT] dBi [Note the “20”s in the
      denominator of each exponent and the square of the sum of terms; the object is to combine
      the signal levels coherently.]
      For example: 2.4GHz Directional Gain = 10*log[(104.13/20 + 103.82/20)2/2] = 6.99 dBi

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                                                                             Report No.: 1507RSU00809

 2.     RF Exposure Evaluation
 2.1. Limits
According to FCC 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in 1.1307(b)

Frequency Range        Electric Field      Magnetic Field       Power Density         Average Time
      (MHz)           Strength (V/m)       Strength (A/m)         (mW/cm )              (Minutes)
                           (A) Limits for Occupational/ Control Exposures
300-1500                     --                   --                 f/300                  6
1500-100,000                 --                   --                  5                     6
                     (B) Limits for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposures
300-1500                     --                   --                f/1500                  6
1500-100,000                 --                   --                  1                    30
f= Frequency in MHz

Calculation Formula: Pd = (Pout*G)/(4*pi*r2)

Pd = power density in mW/cm2
Pout = output power to antenna in mW
G = gain of antenna in linear scale
Pi = 3.1416
r = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

Pd is the limit of MPE, 1mW/cm². If we know the maximum gain of the antenna and the total power
input to the antenna, through the calculation, we will know the distance r where the MPE limit is

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                                                                       Report No.: 1507RSU00809

2.2. Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation
Product               Smart Gateway
Test Item             RF Exposure Evaluation

Antenna Gain: The maximum Gain measured in fully anechoic chamber is 6.99dBi for 2.4GHz,
6.73dBi for 5.2GHz, 6.66dBi for 5.3GHz, 6.89dBi for 5.6GHz and 7.19dBi for 5.80GHz in logarithm
scale, 1dBi for Bluetooth Module.

For 2.4GHz ISM Band:
     Test Mode        Frequency Band    Maximum Average Power Density at              Limit
                            (MHz)          Output Power         R = 20 cm          (mW/cm2)
                                               (dBm)            (mW/cm2)
                        2412 ~ 2462            25.40              0.3449               1
     Bluetooth          2402 ~ 2480            5.56               0.0009               1

For 5GHz UNII Band:
     Test Mode         Frequency Band   Maximum Average Power Density at              Limit
                            (MHz)          Output Power         R = 20 cm          (mW/cm2)
                                               (dBm)            (mW/cm2)

                         5180 ~ 5240           23.34              0.2022               1

  802.11a/n-HT20/        5260 ~ 5320           22.75              0.1737               1
                         5500 ~ 5720           22.51              0.1733               1

                         5745 ~ 5825           22.85              0.2008               1

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                                                                 Report No.: 1507RSU00809

Both of the WLAN 2.4GHz Band and WLAN 5GHz Band can transmit simultaneously. Therefore,
the Max Power Density at R (20 cm) = 0.3449mW/cm2+ 0.2022mW/cm2 + 0.0009 mW/cm2 =
0.5480mW/cm2 < 1mW/cm2.
So the EUT complies with the requirement.

                                            The End

FCC ID: H8N-WHD0110                                                    Page Number: 7 of 7

Document Created: 2015-10-12 20:25:01
Document Modified: 2015-10-12 20:25:01

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