Users Manual Part 2


Users Manual

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Orvsin inoliie i terwe td                         oo
MiZcrerNesc ore
malroretas                                      Drenic ies

4. Indicators and Controls
41. indentors
AOt: uhnen etiopasiesint
At Ponerted
Th rospoe L0 mtcow pavay mss oc e EY poe ues s ooe
n wringrn it mmondirnncwcy mt
412. ReceiveteD
s   wX 1ED mtcun K on cco thtt pornnnat mnmenneie
413 Tansmizzn
"he 1Xitce ms rming onit peig Rwpose
a1s raanieD
Ahe e HAGE 2 utt o e ut cmd iinohnvurlce ie
in lo—n en Som itie se fcennginPA vrunee en mc ow:
w n i dn ult mt ue on Th nenmamnul ay tn opait

«15 Lc0 Bispay
Avrde onhsncier 10wet upit on nntemam. idcuactcp
dierteanntpn onn db w e mcb mapainon
42. Contols
421 Uptown Scrot
uitconues e mo nmeamn ies mtc n ic n canie ie
ne ie on
Than‘s masceriont niemerenionin
                  rewy owoser mpiemiennit Te monnonnteman
                                          momeay  marehn
nc dsolmion‘Wahoan mc witeghovatainne im tm
tottons unsmo nnte cecky ut oet e vae

©Avniticon ie                                    bestions

Onvvin nolunncntincetinad                         ons
Metcnerrase on
mnlivorertar                                    bremie ims
422 Mn
ontldhge tpothace
           pesmaremtuyt itces  nattle m mtTe on oc t
bnte ts mening ie stepowe . h manhe unc onmm we tacion To
t i mnilicatie m o ue tse oi elriuncny, ol en
Toh iedte on how on c e maniy
423 Rest
Thnsl oo hi h xtt novag s nmuntaive pinein unt ie

Ofeattiiom ie                                    basmus

Onevion eotviies tnt                                 omm«
uZlcrnrrass ore
mnairorerias                                       Drenie ies

5. User Functions
51. dState(Detaay Dispay
We w ne fvin is o rormnst i 10 anionconnt mere uon n
1ee un i e e l h nop e c n e dnc maal o a mnee

$2. Generat Usage ofButions
Al o0 rominniy tecium e in wnte mame: on t new l pence trert
PeinlincmmAn     mnterinirentometiebrietteromier
oiCeliimt i ubnal nevwt hcm          mt onig mt o o ona
enon cregragteme iyme mrcpen.
(Wens ssm itcecrnecmingi it Aschagn n uin ons te mt
noomitenubtien oi
Huvoant ving o t nee e opce td t naitt oi it e ite uen dci,
Peuned mon o e memania m on coun m
Biitenton:     hests en be lt dn eswon te
Abinon h tw y t snnolicbt 0K ht ne
83. MainUsermonu

©vaiticon me                                        besnars

Obien iiiio mitenietent                           onroen
MEXPaa ore
mairoeetas                                      bremie ims
besinoie ie nc 98 ts Otainen es
532. TrnomitPower

Hrass spon teuntr in et0e nts uce
Oristeriags 0db AtnimmPuen
New tw i peo ie wote tt mcnman pev t 0PK oo on mcromnt
0 nbidale pvoian sul mcman en
$33 Hang Time

To ol hon ienane uy en oit es ut in poaic y e
nsmcesnepannhage cendsn
tm ieca t pogmantis 10m nhavenand oo
th hnue onmss mt uodor on t pognmnal meve tnsk i te
hnrrat mmie mm eiiipwul
Doihas ns te nud ndcun nc poane o srce on ud os e
 nael hoiwls o dn uy in mco sewwlo hy nare
xm tSnd m e tol nnmamemmt nsA m fvad
ow ht dn
Teoitiat  enc  tytete Weadmthatyhn  twA rond
                                 ntoupeon      uin‘ ons
Th tsuin sefom ns 1. tw lt ie neage i in n sn
Pn meint AGC entii oi hvwer A0C uit i t A0€ inrimen
w  ty n AGhmen
Feetewdactipaih  uinm ehi
                        0¥ ommmt    nctone in owuy hy ine
Tots unon s inane ta tA lh popub o ie nvoptgi oe e hag

i ipsate s naden e in ic ce smmpapos t it
mm mon e Ye ut Yuon We To ient ie mm witoa ce
merid mc wsparoat Neinoutlinapmaiuon

Ofveiticon ie                                    ho irms

Opesin invisvnintie ttont                        on
Wet cens ore
wenirorerics                                   bremse is
$35. Avtomatic AGC Lint

Tfi usna PPeap waiee fave f onl O¥ t ty venits fad
snn Th tAGC Ina t facienamacay n 0 ho ncemmice
smen mm hn mt rounrtctie. e cocaon t ns md on
innn mc Emunan owwiep ie om oat i oout ces
T feoto on o e wl o mnmacaly mhn mon one opu wne on
Th in m amneA0C n dorninis e e o de hy uee tstyi ie
foF ht minemmTe mnmt nie N0X iniaps. manavae
nera mo at ORe MGG ho n h wme ie wl e mt
umt td e ht C hmape trpm t on 10on resmmcona
Pn e non hatr snnruroin t o magewseg vigen t evmc 0C tak
Rendad We lA w tnw thi nccen on
Te iamnt uiwnaice uind ce annemt te mane mavee marer w
10e 106 hi mamacaly nien utt N00 Inrmapn Te wave
obintin uin on nol ce me Adlhan t avane

ThA esn temouity uin intn aoonteen
M inttmevnie esn imte OORo are o nmA on
ental enO uimaretw io wmt o tmt on
ewl iol mc oo W m rootl i e bev mmee
menacenitenta‘s mt
1i manmnttt nsmGCsin e cosun n meoan wcommnie
l on onmamiiclic dn unc e anion imcomatn rany
538 Manuat AGC Limit

Te 08 ison te mt w it e dwb cut m ccennt e A0G ons
intun iessn uon t AGC hn ut e o a t ontan
woeatnov en ie OrX wove
Aarrninns t hiter t AGC int o ko n tneot sn en
zin ht mcnd efi ht‘ i oi m a A0G hann 10n
ic t noind mt it ie eantnowaen
"he in A0C iy w namen ultt dhnTe L0 t stto

Ofvaiticen me                                   rasisors

Onrmis inviin miseriettmnd                        onume
mnuirorerier                                    brumie ton
537. AGC Mystoresis

A0Chpanniit itinoe w e n o wil o OX ce ramnine n e
Inta i msimte vioitsnwieitcon
                          coomit nc
                                  bnapotam   mm io
                                           uni  O¥c n
Ahe A snn ts manaty se uotm 00b s tpureay o0s
{heornis mt e n oie ts h ce dfrace es t ncve Armicmt
Thdn hparot on4c iwl0BR eparn on h ancn h
m              '   ho
Pone mh bywwot sainp cisy mine te maute unuinyo ie OP% he
1 n mevol o ialat n ts e onAdC «i ie uoioe uon
snmety nteatnmpied
§28. TestOscilator

Thmt nouttonb mt it in tirri s t OPK uit utm
snmvern wmt ceimn n ol hn c n nte e caaga
(meombieln ntont ie ie 0tR mantnown n oi id woe on
Th ntr nfls t nc ie i min e h o
1ib 1tme uc tm tt non sacivact, us tr ha ue eltnt
in silncininmy mImmannnmnmenne
84. rautindiatins
We tntcontisvrt tD eve t utdc iomwron
w (€B ie. Tukmmnl mt non  e Alhnenwin e

Pouesnitenmie h ce . Tresnine itb drtan o ut cntice uit
poieh rpce ions ts

0t Ficonhe                                       netrrs

Orvviinntatceinniettant                          on
mmiromriat                                     Drmie tms

Powe mpit s ow9t nce n mewt en ut o e emnteo
enonAvmnnrin uie nepat o m ran Owincrmmy ie maka

Hmentr sn tere o uce on n $o mm uns carn. Uniosrceh maty
vemtinl abrciiemmon

(ansnu powe css ow ied spaa isnn en o i ensnne ncies
ofmatyton Focilannte Mpanone Th t hute aninas io crooe

Pmpne ic onhn3¥ otisn o mpa. Wisomaly inbaimotaind
hac inamor nlrmeint s Weo ocmce

Th Kwud VS80 s ootamenimnly 21ulnc fate n cornd
onirecmens. Tintalsindelmilsaniy node

OfintFimon ie                                   racviers

Anime se hncude t AGC nc in imamsn on cape. Tss io my
worlempatanic ie ks

hopt mt ut nc t e O0% mvie t e en pove eolag on mt 100
clltatnine whn n hevi a momime n mocd
d oi hn n h i utene i in mcnine    m Wnn
                                       o Urnintm o Orn
                                               omm h
lt l e tm on i tarn in toupotiact e i come ag mo
wnor snn on se
Mptcera tt natct. temmie c PCB j ncitecsn

O fouton is                                   bacirars

Opien intnimantsence un                         ooo«
ucceran     ore
wtivorerted                                   bremie rea

6. Tneory of Operation
61 Mdentication ofModuies
oT Paoertagaanonsb atcthae
62. Ovenifurction
A07h unun beatidhen

62 rentEnd
‘he on ieangticitctncts o¥t3 atte
‘ms in n t s n t Iepes ie t m 10 atam i te m hn3
s otamgane Tie iheoteemtd mectow in heuend
M aeidu y Thh mc mvite EBat e n t ie omm niie
Aieo cahae ud ael i9 1e conond e Pe tr t oont nhve en
Amotin y 1Em eo oo0 m en e e e it ts
(HE N l ht Tt paato t m onl o h n Timaewl oo
Mn00 it wnion t td nn ind W ol iow mptteni
Aowrt it sn mt d un
Teoci htt112 on ntu w t on nTh come it apictins
wo n w008 whinmonr h bveayty 1 nc uTe mt mc h
lt y 1Oopuity E0 mt apine enc
Th m en i t frcen s unta 6 Revow BM on e um n T0 Ans
Aance it G90% Ghoon e ut n escdre on Ti n fgumenat n on
64. LocalOseitator
(Be utwmant htmoide nmne e 200 mL0 n t i o ne o
l mm y t ue 0 hisnnOA mpun m epeny
Wt ie mroent
Anpvase crmmmae onvuthe¥1 evema e hedc tuaoo 2 m ie
TR 1 Tt mt O l in cunt mt ow ie e hn 0) maate we
Amengt   i thuo ts OB iement t oc 0 un mk
ind inol inh Pnd3 mi s ie havc mtore Rivscena
t€ Tid win e L0 en e n oi i on ie m e na‘e
core t nuat owtemm 6 upul ocnce n ces tms

OfvntFicen be                                  becmars

Opesininnsndsencettont                               vioien
Merconr en ore
muroierich                                         Prentetoa
65 IPTranamiter
651 Genert
Abe htanine muitconent utm e fraen notli t ut cerePy
oChoal Wun e 29 Mbat oi wpa Enteenmame n sue n te m o
C9Hndtwilrwn an i cen mts e resmat T mronenooo
movin ommoiowtonnan ie rnlane wcuin mces
Poow d un o0 0 00 t Maiiiei eA t onhces
Th AGC nnuinmt cman n comini AGC ont oi ns toovaa ue
(hoin mt hayhoh on t ePopenie. Tetmns
ovided  t aten wurd
 Tmmuruon        norbay  i mmto s
                     nsmaporn      se onape hn moree memtioen
Te mt neite ns t 1 ¥0G ut 24 VDC Conmorio 96 DC esmmt
w¥Commmgnavat imon mcin
    a in
dho, nerm   ncnta       iot toihroidn
                                 en 24ewl          otmen Anam
                                                         13 d
      knmdnpia       insl                   l ieipomnen
"Wo ie ot poria o mami ommsaran too h mc c
weiain mawun Remmand ol i ine secunl) cce se tmA in
Rebnd remnamle AGC cony uin on N06 ncutan i mnen tmt om
esd n Bs mage of e OM muce Gapader on mhn at h we
A snn eio uhton t mt i t onipotanigpeny
snn imhinnnuemanenmte mm
in ounis          wet tRevred i9
         miniefenimerntrin    SpuSrapt
                                 ie mm ntcase (350 heCm i eus
TBe A0C mdn margeyove smy nc mataneie e P AGCtnp
hoi o baroo itonl ol o y dovaagn neeo on
en tmi ns hne wit mte oi y uh ons w m w
Grmoniat14B me ceultw in iewnr e nce un on 10
e w on t wc e it en it ce n e n e
mci ecale ce mm ofmapng nrmauce hy copa pov m t mm
(hetis sapinty t B0incomaniaen t t on

OAvaiticonie                                         raccsurns

Document Created: 2001-07-06 14:22:27
Document Modified: 2001-07-06 14:22:27

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