Cover letters


Cover Letter(s)

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U ltraTech
      G roup of Labs                May 4, 2000

                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                    7435 Oakland Mills Road
                                    Columbia, MD 21046

                                    Subject:        Type Acceptance Application under FCC CFR 47, Parts 2 and 90
                                                    (Subpart I) - Radio Services Transmitters Operating in the
                                                    frequency bands 403 - 512 MHz (25 kHz Channel Spacing).

                                    Applicant:      Kaval Telecom Inc.
                                    Product:        50 dB Bi-Directional Amplifier
                                    Model:          BDA 1300
                                    FCC ID:         H6M-BDA1300

                                    Dear Sir/Madam,

                                    As appointed agent for Kaval Telecom Inc., please find enclosed copy of the
                                    engineering report, authorization form, application form and FCC assessment free of
                                    US $610.00.

                                    If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us by our TOLL FREE

                                            OUR TELEPHONE NO.:              1-877-765-4173

                                    Yours truly,

                                    Tri Minh Luu, P. Eng.,
                                    V.P., Engineering



3000 Bristol Circle,
Oakville, Ontario, Canada
L6H 6G4

Telephone (905) 829-1570
Facsimile (905) 829-8050


                                        Te L e C 0 M 1 N C.
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Marh 22, 2000

Federal Communications Commission
Colmba, MD, 21015, USA
Subject:         AGENCYAGREEMENT

Dear Si or Madar;
Ihereby appoin Uiratech Engineering Labs Inc. to act as cur agent in the proparation o an appliation for eqvipment
authorizaion ofthe BDA300 under parts 15 and 90 o the CC Rules and Regulatons. ertlythat Exh 2 proporty
descrbes the devicefor which authoration is sought, thatth nformation descrbed in the User‘s Manual wilbo
provided wih each fem manutactured ordstrbited by KavaTelecom Inc.and thatthelabels descrbbod byexht wit
be affred toeach Rem manufactured by theapplcant I furher certlythat appropriate arangements have beon made to
assurethat producton unts of is equipment bearing the name and FCG IDENTIFIER isted in this applcation wit
continue to complywth the Commission‘s equirements.
Ifothar certly bysignature belowthat no pary (per47 CFR 1200128)) to the applcation is subject to a donil of
Federal benefts,ncluding FCC benefts, pursuant to Secton 5301 of Ant:Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. A53(a)
"This appointment alsoincludes the authortyto complete FCC Fom 731 on our bohalf and sign the applcation as an
authorized agont

Yours sncoroy,

wrmmmim                                         wan _LZZGeeb
Tite: Manager of RF Product Development          Date: March 22, 2000

# Page 1

                              KAYVAL    1e 1 e C 0 m
                                      «e aovat nown, oi ontamotan n
                                 To: gos s10To ree: arAVA. Fax on cove

Marc 22, 2000

Federal Communications Commission
Equipment Authotzation Branch
7435 Oadand Mis R.
Coumbia, MD, 21046, USA
Subject:          conrbeNmALTy REauest

Dear Si or Madar;
Kaval Telscom inc. reepectlily requests confidentatyof cetain materals provided wih the submission o BDA1300
under FGC D: HGN—BDA1200 in accordance wth FCC Regulations0.450. The confdentilty request appli o the
schomat dagrams, SCHO0OOOI2S contained n Exhbx 2. The BDA1200 has bean developed at considemble efot
ad expanse by Kaval Tlecom Inc. These fems areconsidered as Trade Secres and tharefor» publc aconss t the
propetarymateral coul! possiby resut n duplcaton of equipment that could severaly damage the company‘s
businoss acvantage.
Iappreciate yourassistince in this manner

Yours sincerey,

Name: Alan C. Astet, P.Eng.                    Signature:    %
Tiie: Manager of RF Product Development        Date: March 22, 2000

# Page 1

Document Created: 2019-10-24 01:56:45
Document Modified: 2019-10-24 01:56:45

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