User manual


Users Manual

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                           CA 6550
                         Owner’s Guide

               2 Way LCD Vehicle Security and

                             Remote Start System

         IMPORTANT NOTE: The operation of the Security and Convenience System as described in this manual is
            applicable to most vehicles. However, due to the configuration of some vehicles, some functions AND/OR
                SAFETY PRECAUTIONS may not apply. Please see your installing dealer for more information.

2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                          1

              Table of Contents

    Using Your Remote Control ............................................................... 3

          Arming the Security System ............................................................ 3
          Passive Arming Bypass ................................................................... 3
          Bypassing the Shock Sensor .......................................................... 3
          Hidden Alarm Function ...................................................................... 3
          Disarming the Security System ........................................................ 3
          Two Stage Door Unlock (optional) ................................................... 4
          Valet Mode ........................................................................................ 4
          Manually Overriding the Security System ....................................... 4
          Activating Trunk Release (optional) ................................................ 4
          Activating Optional AUX 1 (optional) ............................................... 4
          Using the Progressive Car Finder Feature ...................................... 5
          Using the Personal Protection Alarm ............................................... 5
          Eliminating Arm / Disarm Notification Chirps .................................... 5
          Car Jack Mode .................................................................................. 5

    Using Your Remote Vehicle Starter ................................................. 6

          Remote Starting Your Vehicle .......................................................... 6
          Entering Your Vehicle while it is Running via Remote Start ........... 6
          Preheating or Precooling the Vehicle’s Interior ............................... 6
          Using the “Quick-Stop” Feature ....................................................... 6
          Operating the 2 / 3 Hour Start Up Timer Mode ................................ 7
          Turbo Timer Mode (optional) ............................................................ 7
          Operating the Daily Start Timer ........................................................ 8
          Remote Start Safety Features ......................................................... 8

    LED and Siren/Horn Indications ......................................................... 9

    Additional 2-Way LCD Remote Control Functions ...................... 10

    LCD Remote Control ICON’s ............................................................ 12

    Transmitter Button Functions ......................................................... 13

    Replacing Remote Control Batteries ............................................. 15

    Warranty Information ......................................................................... 17

2                                                                 2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

   Using Your Remote Control
   Arming the Security System
   To arm the system, exit the vehicle, close all doors, then press the button. The
   parking lights will flash 2 times, indicating the system is armed, has locked the
   doors (if equipped and connected) and activated the starter disable feature. The
   LED status indicator will blink steadily, once per second.
   NOTE: The system is defaulted with Silent Choice enabled, which requires a
   second press of the  button to activate an audible arming response from the

    Passive Arming Bypass
   If passive arming is enabled on your system, while the system is disarmed, press
       +    , the system will respond with 1 chirp and the LED will turn on. The
   security system will remain in this temporally bypassed state for as long as you
   wish. To exit passive bypass, press the     or button and the system will return
   to normal status.

    Bypassing The Shock Sensor
   To arm the system and ignore the shock sensor press      button, then within 5
   seconds press    +    , the system will respond with 1 long chirp.
   NOTE: The system will only change the shock sensor setting for one arm cycle
   and will be defaulted back to normal operation the next time the system is armed.

    Hidden Alarm Function
   Press the      button first, within 3 seconds press the    button to activate the
   hidden alarm function. The security system will arm with “Hidden Alarm Function”
   in which the siren / horn will be silenced if the system is triggered.

    Disarming the Security System
   To disarm the system press the button. The parking lights will flash 1 time,
   indicating the system is disarmed and has unlocked the doors (if equipped and
   NOTE: The system is defaulted with Silent Choice enabled, which requires a
   second press of the button to activate an audible arming response from the

*Throughout this manual, ‘press’ refers to pressing for less than 1 second; ‘press and hold’ refers to pressing for more
than 2 seconds.
2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.                                                                3

     Two Stage Door Unlock (Optional)
    If this feature is enabled on your system, pressing the  button one time will
    unlock only the driver’s door. Press again within three seconds to unlock the
    remaining doors.

    Valet Mode
    To engage valet mode:
          1. Turn the ignition key to the ON position.
          2. Press and hold the emergency override button.
          3. The LED will light solid indicating that the system is in valet mode.
    When valet mode is activated the status LED will light solid, and all security and
    remote start functions will be disabled.

    To disengage valet Mode:
          1. Turn the ignition key to the ON position.
          2. Press and release the emergency override button.
          3. The LED will turn off indicating that the system has exited valet mode.

    Manually Overriding the Security System

     Your system can be disarmed without the use of the transmitter. This is
     necessary, since you will need the ability to operate your vehicle if the transmitter
     is lost or its battery fails. To by-pass the alarm system;
           1. Open the vehicle door. The alarm will sound.
           2. Turn the ignition key to the ON position.
           3. Within 5 seconds, press and release the valet push button switch.
     The alarm system will stop sounding and enter the (by-passed) mode. You can
     now start and operate the vehicle normally.

     Activating the Trunk Release Feature (Optional)
    If this feature is enabled on your system, pressing and holding the              button for 3
    seconds will open the vehicle’s trunk or hatch.

     Activating Optional AUX 1 (Optional)
    If this feature is enabled on your system, pressing the     and buttons
    simultaneously will activate an optional feature. This feature can be programmed
    for a wide range of functions like power window or sunroof automation, please
    consult your installing dealer to determine the functionality of your system.

4                                              2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Using the Progressive Car Finder Feature
   Press the    button to locate your vehicle. The system will sound 5 times at low
   volume, increasing in volume each time the button is pressed.

    Using the Personal Protection Alarm (Panic)
   Press and hold the        button for 3 seconds to activate the personal protection
   alarm. During panic mode, the normal function of the transmitter buttons will be
   suspended. The transmitter’s and buttons can be used to lock and unlock the
   door (if the option is installed). To stop the alarm, press and hold the   button on
   the transmitter again for 3 seconds. The system will automatically stop after 30

    Eliminating Arm / Disarm Notification Chirps

     System ARM/DISARM chirps can be toggled ON or OFF without entering the
     programming feature banks.
             1. Turn the ignition ON then OFF.
             2. Press and release the valet/programming button 3 times. The system will
             respond with 1 chirp for ON or 2 chirps for OFF.

    Car Jack Mode
   This feature must be turned on in system programming, please consult your
   installing dealer.
   Car Jack mode ON: Turn the ignition ON, Car Jack mode is automatically entered.
   TRIGGERING Car Jack mode: Car Jack mode will be triggered when a door is
   opened then closed. When Car Jack mode is on, the system will act as follows;
             1.    50 seconds after being triggered the siren will chirp for 15 seconds,
             durring this 15 seconds you will be alerted to push the valet button to turn
             off Car Jack mode. If Car Jack mode is not turned off at this time it will
             advance to the next step.
             2.    Following the 15 second chirps (total time now 65 seconds) the siren
             will go into full sound and the parking lights will start flashing.
             3.   90 seconds after trigger in, addition to the siren and parking lights, the
             system will activate the starter kill. THE SYSTEM WILL REMAIN IN THIS
   then On and press the valet button within 10 seconds. NOTE: If you have activated
   the password pin code you will need to use your pin code to override Car Jack
   mode. (see your dealer about the password pin code feature).

2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.                                    5

    Using Your Remote Vehicle Starter
     Remote Starting Your Vehicle
    To activate the remote vehicle start function, press and release the      button 2
    times within 2 seconds. The system will sound, the parking lights will flash 1 time
    and the system will check the vehicle to ensure it is safe to start. If all safety
    parameters are correct, the vehicle will start within 5 seconds. The vehicle’s
    parking lights will turn on (or flash depending on system settings) as a visual
    indication that the vehicle has started and is running. Press and hold the      button
    for 3 seconds to turn the vehicle off.
    If your vehicle stalls or does not start, the system will pause 5 seconds, then try 2
    more times to start the vehicle (a total of 3 attempts). The system will pause 5
    seconds between each start attempt. If the vehicle does not start after the 3rd
    attempt, the system will abort the remote vehicle start process.

    Entering the Vehicle while it is Running via Remote Vehicle Start
    1. Unlock the vehicle’s doors.
    2. Enter the vehicle. DO NOT PRESS THE BRAKE PEDAL!
    3. Insert the key into the ignition switch and turn to the ON or RUN position.
    4. Press the brake pedal. The remote vehicle starter will disengage and the
    vehicle will operate normally.

    Preheating or Precooling the Vehicle’s interior
    Before exiting the vehicle, set the temperature controls to the desired setting and
    operation. After the system starts the vehicle, the heater or air conditioner will
    activate and heat or cool the vehicle’s interior to your setting.

     Using the “Quick-stop” Feature
    If you want to make a short stop and keep your vehicle running (to keep the
    interior warm or cool), the quick-stop feature allows you to do this while keeping
    your vehicle secure and your keys with you.
           To engage quick stop:
           1. Stop the vehicle and place the transmission in PARK.
           2. With your foot off the brake pedal, press and release the    button 2
           times within 2 seconds. The LED will flash 3 times to confirm quick stop is
           3. Remove the keys from the ignition and exit the vehicle. Press the
           button to lock the vehicle’s doors if desired.
    Note: Do not leave children or animals unattended in the vehicle when using the
    quick-stop feature.

6                                              2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

   Operating the 2 / 3 Hour Start Up Timer Mode
   The system has the ability to start the vehicle every 2 or 3 hours for a 48 hour
   period. This feature is especially useful in cold climates where the only means to
   keep the engine and engine fluids warm is to periodically start the engine. The
   default setting is 3 hour, Selection between 2 or 3 hour is made in option
   Be certain that the vehicle is outdoors before using this or any remote starting
   device. A running engine produces dangerous carbon monoxide fumes which can
   be harmful or fatal if prolonged exposure occurs. DO NOT remote start the vehicle
   if it is garaged.

   To begin the 2 / 3 hour start up timer mode:
             1.     Turn the vehicle’s ignition ON then OFF.
             2.     Press and hold the valet button.
             3.   Press the      button 4 times, the system will chirp 2 times and flash the
             parking lights 4 times.
             4.     Release the valet button.

   To exit the 2 / 3 hour start up timer mode:
             1.     Turn the vehicle’s Ignition ON.
             1.     Activate the remote vehicle start feature using the remote control.

    Turbo Timer
   This option will keep the engine running to allow the vehicle’s turbo to properly cool
   down before shutting the engine off.
   To engage the Turbo Timer feature:
             1.   With the vehicle running via the ignition key and your foot off of the
             brake pedal.
             2.   Engage the vehicle’s parking brake and press the       and
             buttons simultaneously.
             3.   The vehicle’s parking lights will turn on to verify the Turbo Timer
             feature has been activated.
             4.   Turn the ignition key OFF, the vehicle will continue to run until the pre-
             programmed time has elapsed (1, 3, or 5 minutes)

   To disengage the turbo timer feature, press the vehicle’s brake pedal.

2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.                                    7

    Operating the Daily Start Timer
    The system has the ability to start your vehicle based on a 24-hour countdown
    timer. This feature requires a two-part activation sequence. From the remote,
    pressing both the     &     buttons together will activate the 24 hour countdown
    timer (the vehicle will start 24 hours from this time). Next, When you are finished
    operating the vehicle for the day, perform the following steps to complete the
           1.   Turn the ignition ON/OFF (vehicle must be disarmed).
           2.   Within 10 seconds, while pressing the brake, press and release the
           button twice.
           3.   The vehicle will emit 2 chirps.

    Remote Start Safety Features
    For safety and security reasons, the system will shutdown or prevent the remote
    vehicle starter from activating if any of the following occur:
           1.   The vehicle hood is open.
           2.    The brake pedal is pressed prior to turning the ignition key to the ON
           3.   The engine is over-reved (tach checking only).
           4.   Valet mode is active.

8                                                 2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

     LED and Siren/Horn Indications
     LED Display Indications
              LED                                      Function
              OFF                                      DISARMED
              SLOW FLASH                               ARMED
              FAST FLASH                               PASSIVE ARMING
              ON (SOLID)                               VALET MODE
              2 FLASH... PAUSE                         ZONE 2 TRIGGER, HOOD/TRUNK
              3 FLASH... PAUSE                         ZONE 3 TRIGGER, DOOR
              4 FLASH... PAUSE                         ZONE 4 TRIGGER, SHOCK
              5 FLASH... PAUSE                         ZONE 5 TRIGGER, IGNITION

     Siren/Horn Indications
              Chirps                                   Function
              1                                        DISARM
              2                                        ARM
              3                                        DOOR AJAR UPON ARMING
              4                                        DISARM / TRIGGERED
              5                                        CAR LOCATOR

     Parking Light Flash Indications
              Flashes                                  Function
              1                                        DISARM
              2                                        ARM
              3                                        DISARM / TRIGGERED
              5                                        CAR LOCATOR
              ON (SOLID)                               REMOTE STARTED

2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.                         9

     Additional 2-Way LCD Remote Control Functions

     Check Vehicle Status
     Press and release   then press the  within 3 seconds, the transmitter will
     respond with one melody sound and display the current status of the vehicle.

     Display Illumination
     Press and release the    button. The display will illuminate for 5 seconds.

     Melody / Vibration Mode
     To have the remote control vibrate or play a melody tone each time it receives a
     response from the vehicle press and release      then press and hold for 2

     Button Beeps
     To toggle button beeps on or off press and release         then press and hold             for 2

     Page Call Out
     With the ignition OFF, press the valet programming button for two seconds, the
     vehicle will chirp one time and the 2-way transmitter will play the paging melody
     and display the call icon.

     Battery Save Mode
     While in POWER SAVE MODE the 2-way LCD transmitter will NOT look for any
     incoming signals from the main unit until a button is pressed. The LCD screen will
     display SAVE to indicate that power save mode is ON. To enter power save mode
     press and hold for 5 seconds.

     Clear Flashing Icons and Melody Sound
     Press the button 3 times within 3 seconds. This will clear the melody sound and
     flashing icons on the LCD screen.

     Stopping LCD Trigger Melody
     To stop the alarm trigger melody if the system has been triggered WITHOUT
     disarming the system, press any button one time only, this will not send a
     command to the vehicle at this time and the alarm will continue to sound.

10                                             2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Button Lock
   Press and release             then press hold the          for 2 seconds to toggle the button lock
   on or off.

   Press and release       2 times then press and hold for 2 seconds to toggle
   illumination on or off. When on, the display will illuminate when it receives or
   sends a command.

    2 Car Mode
   To control a second security system enter 2 car mode by pressing then press
   and together for 3 seconds. When the          icon appears on the transmitter’s LCD
   screen it will control the second security system. Use the same method to exit 2
   car mode and resume control of the original vehicle’s security system.
   NOTE: A second security system must be installed and the LCD transmitter must be
   learned to it before this feature will operate the additional system.

    Parking Meter Countdown
   The parking meter countdown timer has 6 preset times, to access the preset times
   and begin countdown press and release       then press and hold   for 2 seconds,
   repeating this step to increase the countdown time.

    Adjusting the Clock and Timer Settings
   The clock, alarm clock and programmable countdown timer are accessed through
   the Function Menu. Press and hold for 3 seconds to access the function menu,
   once you have accessed the feature menu press and release to scroll through
   each feature and follow the steps below to adjust the settings for each. Press and
   hold for 2 seconds to exit the menu.

             Clock Hour                               Press     to increase or    to decrease
             Clock Minute                             Press     to increase or    to decrease
             Alarm Clock Hour                         Press     to increase or    to decrease
             Alarm Clock Minute                       Press     to increase or    to decrease
             Alarm Clock ON / OFF                     Press     to turn ON or    to turn OFF
             Countdown Timer Hour                     Press     to increase or    to decrease
             Countdown Timer Minute                   Press     to increase or    to decrease
             Countdown Timer ON / OFF Press                     to turn ON or    to turn OFF

2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.                                             11

     LCD Remote Control ICON’s

           LOCK                                UNLOCK

           SYSTEM ARMED                         VALET MODE

           TRANSMITTING                         IGNITION ON/TRIGGER

           TRUNK TRIGGER                       DOOR TRIGGER

           HOOD TRIGGER                        FULL SHOCK TRIGGER

           CHIRPS ON/OFF                       CAR JACK MODE

           PAGE FROM VEHICLE                    TIME COUNT DOWN

           BATTERY INDICATOR                   BATTERY SAVE MODE

           VIBRATE/SILENT MODE                 MELODY MODE

            2 CAR MODE                         TIME DISPLAY

           ALARM CLOCK                         ENGINE RUNNING

           TIMER START MODES                   CELSIUS / FAHRENHEIT

12                               2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

   Transmitter Button Functions

2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.   13

14   2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

   Replacing Remote Control Batteries
    1-Way 4 Button Remote Control:
The batteries (model CR2016) inside each remote control should last approximately 1
year under normal use. When the batteries become weak you will notice the remote
control range (the distance from the vehicle the remote control will work) deteriorate
and the small LED on the remote control will dim. To replace the remote control
   1. Remove 3 screws and disassemble the halves of the remote control.
   2. Remove the old batteries, observing the +/- symbols on the batteries and
   replace with new CR2016 batteries.
   3. Reassemble the halves of the remote control and install the 3 screws.
   4. Test operation of the remote control.

    2-way LCD Remote Control:
The CR2450 battery inside the 2-way LCD remote control should last approximately 6
months under normal use. When the batteries become weak you will notice the
remote control range (the distance from the vehicle the remote control will work)
deteriorate and the BATTERY icon on the LCD remote control will show.
   1. Gently slide the battery cover off of the remote control.
   2. Remove the old CR2450 battery, observing the +/- symbols on the battery, and
   replace with a new CR2450 battery.
   3. Gently slide the battery cover on to the back of the remote control.
   4. Test operation of the remote control.

2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.                              15

16   2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

                   Code Systems, Inc. Limited Lifetime Warranty

            Code Systems Inc. (“CODE”) warrants to the ORIGINAL PURCHASER of this CODE
vehicle security product (the “Product”), purchased from an authorized CODE dealer, that (except as
provided below) should this Product under normal use and conditions, be proven defective in
NALLY INSTALLED, such defect(s) will be repaired or replaced (at CODE’s option) without charge for
parts directly related to repairs of the defect(s).

           Switches, indicator lights, and transmitter cases are similarly warranted to the original
purchaser for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase of the Product.

           CODE accessories, sold separately, are covered by the applicable warranty accompa-
nying the accessory.

           This warranty is non-transferable, non-assignable and is voided when: (1) the Product is
removed from the vehicle in which it was originally installed; or (2) the vehicle in which the Product
was originally installed is transferred to another party.

            This warranty does not apply to any product damaged by accident, physical or electrical
abuse, improper installation, alteration, or use contrary to its intended function, fire, flood, or other
natural acts.

             In order for the Product to be repaired or replaced under the terms of this warranty, the
defective Product must be returned to an authorized CODE dealer and accompanied by a copy of
the retail sales receipt. The date of purchase and year, make and model of the vehicle in which the
Product was originally installed must be clearly indicated on the sales receipt.

         This warranty is exclusive and CODE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED

CODE does not warrant that the Product cannot be compromised or circumvented. THE EXTENT OF

           Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential
damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state

2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.                                             17

                     Audiovox Electronics Corporation.
                     Customer Service 1-800-421-3209

     This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and with RSS-210 of
     Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
     1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
     2. This device must accept any interference received, including any interference
         that may cause undesired operation.
     Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
     compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

18                                            2009 Audiovox Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.

Document Created: 2009-08-27 09:43:20
Document Modified: 2009-08-27 09:43:20

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