
FCC ID: H38WL-200R

Users Manual

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          WL-200R/H SHOW_V1.3
          105G      NH00149(3:8)
           A3       A4   A5                      3
                              1    V1.2        11/10/24
                              2    V1.3        12/04/16

                 User's Manual



                                                                                                        WIRELESS SYSTEM

Technical Specifications   SAFETY RELATED SYMBOLS                              Unplug this apparatus during lightning
                                                                               storms or when unused for long periods
                                           CAUTION                             of time.
                                         RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK
                                               DO NOT OPEN
                                                                               External Connection

                                The symbol is used to indicate that            The external wiring connected to the output
                                some hazardous live terminals are              hazardous live terminals requires installation
                                involved within this apparatus, even           by an instructed person, or the use of ready-
                                under the normal operating conditions.         made leads or cords.

                                The symbol is used in the service              Do not Remove any Cover
                                documentation to indicate that specific        There are maybe some areas with high
                                component shall be only replaced by            voltages inside, to reduce the risk of electric
                                the component specified in that                shock, do not remove any cover if the power
                                Documentation for safety reasons.              supply is connected.

                                Protective grounding terminal.                 The cover should be removed by the qualified
                                                                               personnel only.
                                Alternating current /voltage.
                                                                               No user serviceable parts inside.
                                Hazardous live terminal .
                           ON: Denotes the apparatus turns on.                 Fuse
                           OFF: Denotes the apparatus turns off, bec-          To prevent a fire, make sure to use fuses
                           ause of using the single pole switch, be sure       with specified standard (current, voltage,
                           to unplug the AC power to prevent any               type). Do not use a different fuse or short
                           electric shock before you proceed your              circuit the fuse holder.
                           service.                                            Before replacing the fuse, turn OFF the
                           WARNING: Describes precautions that                 apparatus and disconnected the power
                           should be observed to prevent the danger            source.
                           of injury or death to the user.
                                                                               Protective Grounding
                                   Disposing of this product should            Make sure to connect the protective
                                   not be placed in municipal waste            grounding to prevent any electric shock
                                   and should be separate collection.          before turning ON the apparatus.
                                                                               Never cut off the internal or external pro-
                           CAUTION: Describes precautions that
                                                                               tective grounding wire or disconnect the
                           should be observed to prevent danger of the
                                                                               wiring of protective grounding terminal.
                                                                               Operating Conditions
                                                                               This apparatus shall not be exposed to
                           Power Supply                                        dripping or splashing and that no objects
                           Ensure the source voltage matches the               filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be
                           voltage of the power supply before turning          placed on this apparatus.
                           ON the apparatus.
           8                                                               1

                                                                                                                                                                                               WIRELESS SYSTEM

To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock,        a blower or clean with rag etc.
do not expose this apparatus to rain or
                                                                                                                                                Operating Instruction
                                                     Don't use solvents such as benzol, alcohol,
moisture.                                            or other fluids with very strong volatility and
Do not use this apparatus near water.                flammability for cleaning the apparatus body.
Install in accordance with the manufacture-r's       Clean only with dry cloth.                               WL-200 consists of transmitter (microphone) and receiver.
instructions. Do not install near any heat
                                                                                                                Automatically calibrate frequency to match up the frequencies of microphone and receiver
sources such as radiators, heat registers,           Servicing
stoves, or other apparatus (including am-                                                                     Transmitter (microphone) functions description
plifiers) that produce heat. Do not block            Refer all servicing to qualified personnel. To           1. Red LED, Orange LED and a push-button equipped at bottom
any ventilation openings.                            reduce the risk of electric shock, do not                 2. If red LED always lights up, it means that the transmitter (microphone) is muted; if the red
                                                     perform any servicing other than that
                                                                                                                 LED blinks, it means that the battery is of low level.
No naked flame sources, such as lighted              contained in the operating instructions unless
candles, should be placed on the apparatus.          you are qualified to do so .                             3. If the orange LED always illuminates, it means that the battery is of high level. If the orange LED
                                                                                                                 blinks, it means that the IR frequency calibration needs confirming.
                                                     Servicing is required when the apparatus has             4. Press and hold the push-button 2 seconds the push-button to power on the unit; press and hold
   IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS                     been damaged in any way , such as power                     the push-button 2 seconds to power off the unit. Press the MUTE button slightly, the volume
                                                     supply cord or plug is damaged , liquid has
Read these instructions.                                                                                        will be muted.
                                                     been spilled or objects have fallen into the
 Follow all instructions.                            apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed                5. Frequency calibration
 Keep these instructions.                            to rain or moisture , does not operate                     Align the bottom of the transmitter (microphone)to IR indicator of the receiver within distance
 Heed all warnings.                                  normally, or has been dropped.                             of 20cm until the orange LED at bottom of the transmitter (microphone) begins to blink. Then
 Only use attachments/accessories spec-                                                                         press push-button at the bottom for confirm. The orange LED always illuminates, presenting
                                                     The mains plug is used as the disconnect device,
ified by the manufacturer.                           the disconnect device shall remain readily                 frequency calibration ok.

Power Cord and Plug                                  operable.                                                Receiver function description
Do not defeat the safety purpose of the              Changes or modifications to this unit not                1. Press the SET button to manually set CH1~CH16 with corresponding LED on front panel
polarized or grounding type plug.                    expressly approved by the party responsible                 displaying 0~F.
                                                     for compliance could void the user's authority           2. Press the SCAN button to automatically calibrate the frequency.
A polarized plug has two blades with                 to operate the equipment.
one wider than the other. A grounding                                                                         3. Frequency calibration
type plug has two blades and a third                             FCC Rules and Regulations                       Press the Scan button to automatically calibrate the IR frequencies. The receiver will automatically
grounding prong. The wide blade or the               SHOW wireless receivers are certified under FCC             search the available frequency and send the IR signal. The blinking LED means that it's searching
third prong are provided for your safety.            Rules part 15 and transmitters are certified under
                                                                                                                 the signal. The LED will not stop blinking until the signal is received.
If the provided plug does not fit into your          FCC Rules part 74.Licensing of SHOW equipment
                                                     is the user's responsibility and licensability depends   4.Up to 6 channels are available for the WL-200 without interference to each other. The six frequencies
outlet, consult an electrician for replace-
                                                     on the user's classification,application and frequency     are as follows: CH00,CH02,CH04,CHB,CH09,and CHD.
ment of the obsolete outlet.

Protect the power cord from being walk-              NOTE: This equipment has been tested and
ed on or pinched particularly at plugs,              found to comply with the limits for a class B
convenience receptacles, and the point               digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
 where they exit from the apparatus.                 Rules .These limits are designed to provide
                                                     reasonable protection         against harmful
Cleaning                                             interference in a residential installation . This
When the apparatus needs a cleaning, you             equipment generates, uses and can radiate
                                                     radio frequency energy and , if not installed
can blow off dust from the apparatus with

                                                 2                                                                                                               7

                                                                                                                                                                              WIRELESS SYSTEM

                                                                                                and used in accordance with the instructions,         This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
                                      CONTROL ELEMENTS                                                                                                Rules. Operation is subject to the following
                                                                                                may cause harmful interference to radio
                                                                                                communications. However, there is no                  two conditions:(1) this device may not cause
WL-200P                                                                                                                                               harmful interference and (2) this device must
                                                                                                guarantee that interference will not occur in
                                                                                                a particular installation. If this                    accept any interference received. including
                                                                                                equipment does cause harmful interference             interference that may cause undesired
                                                                                                to radio or television reception, which               operation.
                                                                                                can be determined by turning the
                                                                                                equipment off and on, the user is
                                                         1   IR Receiving Section               encouraged to try to correct the
                                                         3   Dual Colour LED                    interference by one or more of the following
 1                                                       4   Power Switch/Mute                  --Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                                                         5   Volume Control                     --Increase the separation between the
              2       3    4     5                                                              equipment and receiver.
2    MINI 4P CONNECTOR                                                                          --Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
                                                                                                circuit different from that to which the
     This connector is used to connect the unit with the clip microphones, for example, HM-38
                                                                                                receiver is connected.
     or HM-58 condenser microphones.                                                            --Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/
                                                                                                TV technician for help.
          A   D C

                                  A   Pin 1, GND
                                  B   Pin 2, Phantom power supply for Condenser microphone                                         INTRODUCTION
                                  C   Pin 3, for Guitar, bass and keyboards
                                  D   Pin 4, for Dynamic or condenser microphone
                                                                                                Thanks for purchasing the SHOW wireless microphone system. The WL-200 is the delicately designed
                                                                                                VHF, PLL synthesized system, with antenna for smart switching diversity control, the higher level RF
                                                                                                signals maybe fed into the system for greater reliability and coverage, therefore, the risks of breakdown
                                                                                                and interference are to be effectively reduced.

                                     FREQUENCY TABLE                                            The WL-200 features as follows:
    Channel       Frequency       Channel       Frequency        Channel       Frequency          -Switching diversity control to receive the RF signal;
                                                                                                  -LED indication for RF, AF PEAK and POWER;
       00         175.125MHz           06       176.975MHz           C         182.025MHz
                                                                                                  -Output volume control;
       01         175.375MHz           07       177.925MHz           D         183.225MHz         -Squelch control;
                                                                                                  -Soft touch painting for comfortable use;
       02         175.775MHz           08       178.125MHz           E         184.525MHz
                                                                                                  -Channel frequency adjusted manually
       03         175.975MHz           09       178.925MHz           F         185.125MHz         -PLL synthesized design;
       04         176.175MHz           A        180.725MHz                                        -Consistent operating frequencies to comply with the EMC regulations;
                                                                                                  -16 channel frequency presets;
       05         176.525MHz           B        181.525MHz

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                                                                                                                                                                                    WIRELESS SYSTEM

                                     CONTROL ELEMENTS                                                                                             CONTROL ELEMENTS

WL-200R                                                                                              REAR PANEL



                                                                                                                                  1      2         3    4                 5

                                                                                                     1   AUDIO OUTPUT JACK
                                                                                                         This is a professional unbalanced output jack.
                                                                                                     2   VOL SWITCH
                                                                                                          It is used to adjust the volume .
                                                                                                     3   Squelch SWITCH
                                3    4   5       6         7                                             It is used to adjust the squelch level by using an adjusting bar which is placed in the microphone.
1    ANT-A & ANT-B                                                                                   4   XLR AUDIO OUTPUT
    It is the flexible antenna. To get effective transmission, never cover the antenna with hand ,        This is a professional balanced XLR output connector.
    clothes, etc during the operation, and always position the transmitter nearby the receiver.
                                                                                                     5   DC IN
2   SELECT button                                                                                        Connect 12V-15DC power supply to power on/off this unit.
    Press the SET button to manually set CH1~CH16 with Display showing 0~F.
    The SET button is used for selecting the desired frequency available and then press for
    confirm. Press the SCAN button to automatically calibrate the frequency.

4   IR Transmitting Section

5   AF-peak                                                                                                                                                          1   Power LED(dual colour LED)
    When this LED is illuminating, it means that the signal of the microphone is too strong.
                                                                                                                                                                     2   Power Switch/Mute
6   Display                                                                                                                                                    3     3   IR Receiving Section
    This sexy and smart display will show exact Channel selected from 0~F, totally 16 channels.
7   Diversity LED A & B
    These two LED will light up when the ANT-A & ANT-B are used.

                                                     4                                                                                                    5

Document Created: 2012-05-02 13:37:57
Document Modified: 2012-05-02 13:37:57

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