Users manual REV2


Users Manual

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                                                                                                UEM-8DR/8T SERIES

       No.1, Lane 17, Sec. 2, Han Shi West Road, Taichung, 401 TAIWAN
                    Tel:886-4-22313737 Fax:886-4-22346757
    All rights reserved to SEIKAKU. All features and content might be changed
   without prior notice. Any photocopy, translation, or reproduction of part of this
manual without written permission is forbidden. Copyright c 2005 SEIKAKU GROUP


       Please read this manual carefully before operating
                   this unit for the first time.

All rights reserved to SHOW. All features and content might be changed
without prior notice. Any photocopy, translation, or reproduction of part of
this manual without written permission is forbidden.


                 CAUTION                          External Connection
                     DO NOT OPEN
                                                  The external wiring connected to the out-
                                                  put hazardous live terminals requires
     The symbol is used to indicate that some     installation by an instructed person, or
     hazardous live terminals are involved        the use of ready-made leads or cords.
     within this apparatus, even under the
                                                  Do not Remove any Cover
     normal operating conditions.
                                                  There are maybe some areas with high
     The symbol is used in the service do-        voltages inside, to reduce the risk of electric
     cumentation to indicate that specific        shock, do not remove any cover if the power
     component shall be only replaced by          supply is connected.
     the component specified in that docu-
                                                  The cover should be removed by the qual-
     mentation for safety reasons.
                                                  ified personnel only.
     Protective grounding terminal.               No user serviceable parts inside.
      Alternating current /voltage.
      Hazardous live terminal .                   To prevent a fire, make sure to use fuses
  ON: Denotes the apparatus turns on.             with specified standard (current, voltage,
 OFF: Denotes the apparatus turns off, be-        type). Do not use a different fuse or short
 cause of using the single pole switch, be sure   circuit the fuse holder.
 to unplug the AC power to prevent any ele-       Before replacing the fuse, turn OFF the
 ctric shock before you proceed your service.     apparatus and disconnected the power
 WARNING: Describes precautions that              source.
 should be observed to prevent the danger
                                                  Protective Grounding
 of injury or death to the user.
                                                  Make sure to connect the protective
         Disposing of this product should         grounding to prevent any electric shock
         not be placed in municipal waste         before turning ON the apparatus.
         and should be separate collection.        Never cut off the internal or external pro-
                                                  tective grounding wire or disconnect the
 CAUTION: Describes precautions that              wiring of protective grounding terminal.
 should be observed to prevent danger of the
 apparatus.                                       Operating Conditions
                                                  This apparatus shall not be exposed to
                                                  dripping or splashing and that no objects
 Power Supply                                     filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be
 Ensure the source voltage matches the             placed on this apparatus.
 voltage of the power supply before turning       To reduce the risk of fire or ele ctric shock,
 ON the apparatus.                                 do not expose this apparatus to rain or
 Unplug this apparatus during lightning            moisture.
 storms or when unused for long periods            Do not use this apparatus near water.
 of time.                                         Install in accordance with the manufacturer's

 instructions. Do not install near any heat        Servicing
 sources such as radiators, heat registers,         Refer all servicing to qualified personnel. To
 stoves, or other apparatus (including am-          reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform
 plifiers) that produce heat. Do not block          any servicing other than that contained in the
 any ventilation openings.                          operating instructions unless you are qualified
 No naked flame sources, such as lighted            to do so .
 candles, should be placed on the apparatus.       Servicing is required when the apparatus has
                                                   been damaged in any way ,such as power
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS                      supply cord or plug is damaged , liquid has
 Read these instructions.                          been spilled or objects have fallen into the
 Follow all instructions.                          apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed
                                                   to rain or moisture, does not operate normally,
 Keep these instructions.
                                                   or has been dropped.
 Heed all warnings.
                                                   WARNING: changes or modifications
  Only use attachments/accessories spec-           not expressly approved by the party
 ified by the manufacturer.                        responsible for compliance could void
                                                    the user's authority to operate the
 Power Cord and Plug                               equipment.
 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the           This device complies with Part 15 of the
 polarized or grounding type plug.                 FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
 A polarized plug has two blades with              condition that this device does not cause
 one wider than the other. A grounding             harmful interference.
 type plug has two blades and a third              NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found
 grounding prong. The wide blade or the            to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
 third prong are provided for your safety.         device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
 If the provided plug does not fit into your       These limits are designed to provide reasonable
 outlet, consult an electrician for replace-       protection against harmful interference in a
 ment of the obsolete outlet.                      residential installation. This equipment generates,
                                                   uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
 Protect the power cord from being walk-           if not installed and used in accordance with the
 ed on or pinched particularly at plugs,           instructions, may cause harmful interference to
 convenience receptacles, and the point            radio communications. However, there is no
  where they exit from the apparatus.              guarantee that interference will not occur in a
                                                   particular installation. If this equipment does cause
                                                   harmful interference to radio or television
 When the apparatus needs a cleaning, you          reception, which can be determined by turning the
 can blow off dust from the apparatus with         equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
                                                   to correct the interference by one or more of the
 a blower or clean with rag etc.
                                                   following measures:
 Don't use solvents such as benzol, alcohol,       -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. --
 or other fluids with very strong volatility and   Increase the separation between the equipment
 flammability for cleaning the apparatus body.     and receiver. -- Connect the equipment into an
 Clean only with dry cloth.                        outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
*This device normal operated more than             receiver is connected.-- Consult the dealer or an
body 5 cm                                          experienced radio/TV technician for help.

6. ANNEX                                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS
  The frequencies which corresponds to the channels are as follows.            1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................1
   F5 702-731
                      1         2          3        4         5         6      2. FEATURES..............................................................................................2
                   702.125   702.875   703.775   705.875   724.875   730.125   3. CONTROL ELEMENTS...........................................................................2
   F5 702-731
                      7         8          9       10        11        12
                                                                               4. OPERATION............................................................................................4
                   702.500   703.250   704.150   706.250   725.250   730.500
                     13        14          15      16                          5. SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................6
   F5 702-731

                   714.725   714.925   725.475   730.725                       6. ANNEX....................................................................................................7

   F2 535-564
                      1         2          3        4         5         6
                   535.125   535.875   536.775   538.875   557.875   563.125
   F2 535-564
                      7         8          9       10        11        12
                   535.500   536.250   537.150   539.250   558.250   563.500
   F2 535-564
                     13        14          15      16
                   547.725   547.925   558.475   563.725

   Remark: FCC only for F2:535-564MHz


1. INTRODUCTION                                                                          5. Specifications
  Thank you for purchasing UEM monitoring system. It has many advantages of in-ear
  monitoring including: better sound quality, more mobility, personal adjustment,                    MODEL                                     UEM-8DR
  etc. Better sound quality means high fidelity without risky feedback. More mobility      Frequency range             470~870 MHz (FCC only for F2:535-564MHz)
  means the mix is mobile with the owner together. Personal djustment means it
                                                                                           Frequency response          50Hz TO 15KHz
  forms a personal mix, and adjusts the personal levels.
                                                                                           Total harmonic distortion     1.5%
  The UEM Monitor System
  The UEM monitor system is a frequency-sensitive system with in-ear monitor,              Signal to noise ratio       80dB
  which is used in a wide range of applications. The product is suitable for school        Maximum output level        20mW
  speech, meeting speech, teachers and performer on stage.The features aid to              Audio output connector      3.5mm stereo
  solve the problems from stage monitoring.                                                Power requirements          9V alkaline battery
  The UEM-8DR is new bodypack receiver which works as a wired receiver, a wireless         Current drain                 75mA
  receiver, or both at the same time. The UEM-8T is another unique design for in-ear
                                                                                           Dimensions                  106(L) x 23(W) x 66(H) mm
                                                                                                                       4.2L x 0.9Wx 2.6 H inch
  Connect the two line-level or MIC level inputs directly into the transmitter and
                                                                                           Net weight                  80g (0.177bs)
  then the two signals can be mixed together. Connect microphones or instruments
  directly with the inputs or with UEM-8T, and use line outputs from a mixing console.
  In a word, no matter what kind of output device you use, it can be plugged into                       MODEL                     UEM-8T
                                                                                           Frequency range              470-870MHz ( FCC only for F2:535-564MHz)
  The whole UEM monitor series include the EB earphones and it has a dynamic
  driver to produces crisp, full-spectrum sound. They have various sleeve options          Frequency stability           0.005% at 25
  for the best fit and isolation for ears. The EB earphone can operate wellwith CD          Antenna output              TNC socket 50
  players, MP3 players, and anything else with a 1/5 inch (3-5mm) stereo output.           RF output power              0=30mW
                                                                                            Maxiumum Deviation          60K
                                                                                            AF frequency response       50-15KHz
                                                                                            Modulation                  Stereo FM working on the "pilot tone" principle
                                                                                            Spurious emission             55dBc (type)
                                                                                            Power supply extend DC      12-15V 550 mA AC/DC adaptor
  UEM-8DR Receiver
                                                                                            Headphone output            1/4 (6.3mm)        stereo jack
                                                                                            AF inputs                   XLR/6.3mm , RCA line
                                                                                            THD at 1kHz                   1.2%
                                                                                            Dimensions                  210(W) X 232(D) X 44(H)mm
                                                                                                                        8.27" x 9.13" x 1.73"
                                                                                            Weight                      1.45Kg (3.21lb)

                                       1                                                                                      6

  mode of selecting channel. Use UP or DOWN key to select the channel you want. When            2. Features
  one channel is selected, the corresponding frequency is presented. If one channel is          UEM monitor system
  selected, press MEM key to save it. If one channel is selected from the transmitter, select   -16 channels /frequencies selectable (Each channel corresponds to a frequency)
  the corresponding channel from receiver.
                                                                                                -EB dynamic driver earphones included
  Notes: For frequencies of channels in detail, please refer to the Annex.
                                                                                                -Mono mix
4.2.3 RF output power                                                                           UEM-8T
                                                                                                -2 mic/line XLR 1/4 inch combo inputs
                                                                                                - Input level adjustment
                                                                                                UEM-8DR Receiver
                                                                                                -Gain switch adjusting line input sensitivity
  Press SET key three times and RF power could be then set. Use UP and DOWN key to              -1/4 inch line-level input jack for the connection with monitor mix, click tracks effects
  adjust the audio output power. The output power has two choices, 0 stands for 10mV, 1         -Cable management groove protects cables connected with bodypack
  stands for 100mV. When the RF power has been set, please press MEM key to save it.
                                                                                                3. CONTROL ELEMENTS
                                                                                                  3.1 UEM-8T
  4.3.1 Turn on the power switch
  4.3.2 Select the channel which corresponds to that of the transmitter.                        THE FRONT PANEL
  4.3.3 Put the ear phone plug into stereo socket for listening.
                                                                                                                                                       6       7
  4.3.4 Adjust the volume control Adjust the volume by turning the volume control.
  4.3.5 Battery Replacing & Installation
  The double colour LED turns red, this indicates the battery low. Please replace
  them with new batteries.
  Please pay attention to that battery positive/negative should exactly correspond
  to that of the receiver before the battery replacement. There is explosion
  danger if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace the battery only with the
  same or equivalent type.                                                                                              1               4                  5       3   2
  Note:                                                                                         1. Power switch
   1 After operation the unit should be switched off as well. Otherwise the batteries              It switches on/off the main power of UEM-8T.
  . soon be exhausted. If LED of receiver lights up green, this indicates that the              2. Headphone output
  receiver works well. If LED lights up red, this indicates that the wireless receiver             This is a 6.3mm phone jack for headphone monitoring.
  do not work. Please check if the channel is the right one which corresponds to
                                                                                                3. Headphone volume control
  that of the transmitter. .
                                                                                                   It controls volume level for headphone.
                                                                                                4. LCD display
  1 Battery use DC9V.
   2 Do not drop the ear phone body on the floor.                                                  The LCD shows RF signal, group value, channel value, audio level and the selected
   3 Protect the unit from humidity and heat.                                                      frequency.
  4 If the units don't work, bring them to technical engineer for disposal.                     5. UP/DOWN key
  5 Volume level should not be too loud in case ears are hurt.                                     In this menu mode, you can choose the right value via these two keys.

                                         5                                                                                                   2

6. SET key                                                                              4 LED indicator
    Via this key, you can choose the right function you want.                              When LED lights up red, it means battery power is insufficient. When the LED lights
                                                                                           up green, it means the receiver is in normal operation.
7. MEM key
    This key is used to save the exact function you select.                             5 Battery cover

THE REAR PANEL                                                                          6 Channel selector control
                                                                                          It is used to select the channels 1~16 for the receiver.
                                                                                        7 Label

                                                                                        8 Belt clip
                                                                                          It is the detachable belt clip for easy carry during the live applications.
                       11      10   9           8
8 .MIC input
                                                                                       4. OPERATION
   This is a jack for inputting MIC signal.
                                                                                        4.1 Make the right connection for the system
9   .Input mode
                                                                                           4.1.1. Please make sure first the voltage is correct, and then plug the power
    There are totally four input modes here. They are 1-MIXER/CD PLAYER,
                                                                                           supply cord into DC INPUT jack.
                                                                                           4.1.2. Install the antenna for UEM-8T.
10 .DC   input socket
                                                                                        4.2 UEM-8T TRANSMITTER
    It is used to connect an attached adapter.
11 . Antenna

    This antenna transmits signal for receiver. To get effective transmission, never
    cover the antenna with hand, clothes, etc during the operation, and always
    position the transmitter nearby the receiver.

3.2 UEM-8DR                   4 3 2 1
                                                                                        4.2.1 Turning on/off RF signal
                                            7                       5

                                                                                           Press SET key once and use UP and DOWN key to switch ON/OFF RF signal. If "ON"
1 Stereo socket                                                                            remains flashing, it means the RF signal is turned on. If "OFF" remains flashing, it
  This is a 3.5 jack for listening stereo signal or mono signal.                           means the RF signal is turned off. Then press MEM key to save it.
2 Volume control
  It controls the volume of receiver.                                                   4.2.2 Selecting channel
3 Power switch
  When power switch is set in the position OFF, the receiver is switched off.
  When the power switch is set in the middle, the receiver is switched on and it
  receives stereo signal. When the power switch is set in the position ON which the
  silkscreen shows, it receives mono signal.                                               Press SET key twice, and "channel" keeps flashing. It means the unit is in the

                                        3                                                                                     4

Document Created: 2010-04-20 13:10:52
Document Modified: 2010-04-20 13:10:52

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