User Manual


Users Manual

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       No.1, Lane 17, Sec. 2, Han Shi West Road, Taichung, 401 TAIWAN
                    Tel:886-4-22313737 Fax:886-4-22346757
    All rights reserved to SEIKAKU. All features and content might be changed
   without prior notice. Any photocopy, translation, or reproduction of part of this
manual without written permission is forbidden. Copyright c 2007 SEIKAKU GROUP

                                                                                                     MODEL          UB-8P
                                                                               Oscillation mode               PLL UHF SYNTHESIZED

                                                                               Carrier frequency band         UHF 740~769 MHZ
                                                                               Frequency response             50Hz~15KHz( 3dB)
                                                                               Frequency stability             0.005%
                                                                               T.H.D                            0.8%
                                                                               Modulation mode                FM(F3E)
                                                                               RF output power                10mw
                                                                               Dynamic :                        100dB
                                                                               Tone frequncy :                32.768KHz
                                                                               Curent drain :                   150mA

                                                                               Max.Deviation :                 35KHZ Deviation

                                                                               Battery:                      "AA"      type 2pcs (used for more than 6 hours)

                                                                               Microphone Capsule             Condenser or Dynamic Capsule

                                                                                                               1. Condenser
                                                                               4 band choice                   2. Dynamic
                                                                                                               3. Electric instrument
                                                                                                               4. Ground
                                                                               Dimensions :                   65(W) 111(L) 31(H)
                                                                               Weight :                       0.105Kg(Approx.)

         Please read this manual carefully before operating
                     this unit for the first time.

All rights reserved to SHOW. All features and content might be changed
without prior notice. Any photocopy, translation, or reproduction of part of
this manual without written permission is forbidden.


                                                                                     SAFETY RELATED SYMBOLS
 SPECIFICATION                       UB-81R                 UB-81DV
                                                                                                       CAUTION                         External Connection
 Channel                   Single-Channel              Single-Channel
                                                                                                     RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK            The external wiring connected to the out-
 Receiver type             Non-Diversity               Diversity                                           DO NOT OPEN

                                                                                                                                       put hazardous live terminals requires
 Receiver type             PLL UHF SYNTHESIZED         PLL UHF SYNTHESIZED
                                                                                           The symbol is used to indicate that some    installation by an instructed person, or
 Frequency band            UHF 740~769MHz              UHF 740~769MHz                      hazardous live terminals are involved       the use of ready-made leads or cords.
 Frequency response 50Hz~50KHz( 3dB)                   50Hz~50KHz( 3dB)                    within this apparatus, even under the
                                                                                                                                       Do not Remove any Cover
 Frequency stability        0.005%                      0.005%                             normal operating conditions.
                                                                                                                                       There are maybe some areas with high
 Modulation mode           FM(F3E)                     FM(F3E)                             The symbol is used in the service do-       voltages inside, to reduce the risk of electric
 T.H.D                       1%                         1%                                 cumentation to indicate that specific       shock, do not remove any cover if the power
 Dynamic                     100dB                       100dB                             component shall be only replaced by         supply is connected.
                           unbalanced 6.3mm phone jack unbalanced 6.3mm phone jack         the component specified in that docu-
 Audio Output                                                                                                                          The cover should be removed by the qual-
                           280mv 15KHz deviation       280mv 15KHz deviation               mentation for safety reasons.
                                                                                                                                       ified personnel only.
 Balance output            280mV at 15KHz deviation    280mV at 15KHz deviation            Protective grounding terminal.              No user serviceable parts inside.
 S/N Ratio                   90dB                        90dB                              Alternating current /voltage.
 RF sensitivity            -100dbm/30db sinad          -100dbm/30db sinad                  Hazardous live terminal .                   To prevent a fire, make sure to use fuses
 Power supply              DC 12V/500mA(AC 120V        DC 12V/500mA(AC 120V            ON: Denotes the apparatus turns on.             with specified standard (current, voltage,
                           /230V 50/60Hz Adaptor)      /230V 50/60Hz Adaptor)                                                          type). Do not use a different fuse or short
                                                                                      OFF: Denotes the apparatus turns off, be-
 Dimensions                130(W) 44(H) 201(L)         130(W) 44(H) 201(L)                                                             circuit the fuse holder.
                                                                                      cause of using the single pole switch, be sure
 Weight                    0.350Kg(Approx.)            0.365Kg(Approx.)                                                                Before replacing the fuse, turn OFF the
                                                                                      to unplug the AC power to prevent any ele-
                                                                                      ctric shock before you proceed your service.     apparatus and disconnected the power
                   MODEL              UB-8H
   SPECIFICATION                                                                      WARNING: Describes precautions that              source.
  Oscillation mode           PLL UHF SYNTHESIZED                                      should be observed to prevent the danger
                                                                                                                                       Protective Grounding
  Carrier frequency band     UHF 740~769 MHZ                                          of injury or death to the user.
                                                                                                                                       Make sure to connect the protective
  Frequency response         50Hz~15KHz( 3dB)                                                 Disposing of this product should         grounding to prevent any electric shock
  Frequency stability         0.005%                                                          not be placed in municipal waste         before turning ON the apparatus.
  T.H.D                        0.8%                                                           and should be separate collection.       Never cut off the internal or external pro-
  Modulation mode            FM (F3E)                                                                                                  tective grounding wire or disconnect the
                                                                                      CAUTION: Describes precautions that              wiring of protective grounding terminal.
  RF output power            10mw                                                     should be observed to prevent danger of the
  Dynamic                      100dB                                                  apparatus.                                       Operating Conditions
  Tone frequency             32.768KHz                                                                                                 This apparatus shall not be exposed to
                                                                                     WARNING                                           dripping or splashing and that no objects
  Current drain                150mA
  Max. Deviation                                                                      Power Supply                                      filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be
                              35KHZ Deviation
                                                                                      Ensure the source voltage matches the            placed on this apparatus.
  Battery                   "AA"       type 2pcs
                                                                                      voltage of the power supply before turning       To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock,
  Microphone Capsule         Dynamic Capsule                                          ON the apparatus.                                do not expose this apparatus to rain or
  Dimensions                 220mm                                                    Unplug this apparatus during lightning           moisture.

  Weight                     0.16Kg(Approx.)                                          storms or when unused for long periods           Do not use this apparatus near water.
                                                                                      of time.                                         Install in accordance with the manufacturer's

                                                                                                        4.3 OPERATING FREQUENCY MATCHES BETWEEN THE RECEIVER AND
instructions. Do not install near any heat          Servicing
sources such as radiators, heat registers,          Refer all servicing to qualified personnel. To
                                                                                                             THE TRANSMITTER
stoves, or other apparatus (including am-           reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform        To make the operating frequency matched between the transmitter and the receiver,
plifiers) that produce heat. Do not block           any servicing other than that contained in the           adjust the transmitter and receiver manually with the adjusting bar for the same
any ventilation openings.                           operating instructions unless you are qualified          frequency. Please refer to the following table for selecting frequency.
No naked flame sources, such as lighted             to do so .
candles, should be placed on the apparatus.         Servicing is required when the apparatus has             Caution: a: If several apparatus are used at the same time, the same frequency can not
                                                    been damaged in any way ,such as power                               be used for them.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS                       supply cord or plug is damaged , liquid has
                                                                                                                      b: Ten channels can be used simultaneously at most. They are respectively
  Read these instructions.                          been spilled or objects have fallen into the
                                                                                                                         CH0, CH1, CH3, CH4, CH6, CH7, CH8, CH9, CHE, CHF. The rest 6 channels
  Follow all instructions.                          apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed
                                                                                                                         are available for customer's choice.
                                                    to rain or moisture, does not operate normally,
  Keep these instructions.
                                                    or has been dropped.
  Heed all warnings.
   Only use attachments/accessories spec-           This device complies with Part 15 of the
                                                    FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the                            CH0~CHF                               FREQUENCY
  ified by the manufacturer.
                                                    following two conditions: (1) this device may                           0                               See the table F6
  Power Cord and Plug                                not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
                                                     device must accept any interference received,                          1                               See the table F6
   Do not defeat the safety purpose of the          including interference that may cause undesired
                                                                                                                            2                               See the table F6
   polarized or grounding type plug.                operation.
   A polarized plug has two blades with                                                                                     3                               See the table F6
                                                    WARNING: changes or modifications not expressly
   one wider than the other. A grounding            approved by the party responsible for compliance could                  4                               See the table F6
   type plug has two blades and a third             void the user's authority to operate the equipment.                     5                               See the table F6
   grounding prong. The wide blade or the
   third prong are provided for your safety.                                                                                6                                  See the table F6
   If the provided plug does not fit into your                                                                              7                                  See the table F6
   outlet, consult an electrician for replace-
                                                                                                                            8                                  See the table F6
   ment of the obsolete outlet.
                                                                                                                            9                                  See the table F6
   Protect the power cord from being walk-
   ed on or pinched particularly at plugs,                                                                                 A                                   See the table F6
   convenience receptacles, and the point
    where they exit from the apparatus.                                                                                    B                                See the table F6
  Cleaning                                                                                                                 C                                   See the table F6
  When the apparatus needs a cleaning, you                                                                                 D                                   See the table F6
  can blow off dust from the apparatus with                                                                                E                                   See the table F6
  a blower or clean with rag etc.
                                                                                                                            F                                  See the table F6
  Don't use solvents such as benzol, alcohol,
  or other fluids with very strong volatility and
  flammability for cleaning the apparatus body.
  Clean only with dry cloth.


F6: 740.000—764.000(740—769)MHz

     Group!1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Group? Group8 Group$ Group10 Group11 Group12
     740.125 740.325   740.525   740.725   740.925   741125 741.325   741.525   741.725 741.925   742125 1742.325

     142525 142.725 142.925 143125 143325 143525 143.725              143.925 144125 144.325 144525 144725

     144.925 145.125 145.325 145525 145.125 145.925 146125            146.325 146,525 146.725 146.925 147125

     147.325 147525 147.125 147.925 148125 148.325 148525             148.725 148.925 149.125 149,.325 149525

     149.725 149.925 1750.125 150.325 750525 150.725 150.925          151125 151325 151525 151.725 151.925

     152125 152.325 152.525 152.725 152925 153125 153.325             153,525 153.725 153.925 154125 154.325

     154525 154725 154.925 155125 755325 155525 155.725               155.925 156.125 156.325 156.525 156.725

     156.925 157.125 157.325 157.525 757.125 157.925 158.125          158.325 158.525 158.725 158.925 159125

     159.325 159.525 159.725 159.925 760125 160.325 160.525           160.725 160.925 161.125 161.325 161525

     161.725 161.925 162.125 162.325 162525 162.725 162.925           163.125 163.325 163.525 163.725 163.925

     164.125 164.325 164.525 164725 764.925 1765125 165.325           165,525 165.725 165.925 166125 166.325

     166.525 166.725 166.925 167.125 767.325 167.525 167.725          167.925 168.125 168.325 168525 168.725

4. OPERATION                                                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS

 4.1 FOR the UB-81R/81DV, PLL UHF DIVERSITY RECEIVER                                              1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................1

   - MANUALLY SELECTING FREQUENCY                                                                 2. FEATURES..............................................................................................3
    With an adjusting bar, adjust the band selector to select the right frequency which matches
                                                                                                  3. CONTROL ELEMENTS...........................................................................3
    the frequency of transmitter.

   - OUTPUT VOLUME CONTROL                                                                        4. OPERATION............................................................................................7
     It is used to control the output volume. Turn the knob clockwise and the output volume
                                                                                                  5. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................9
     increases. Turn the knob counter- clockwise and the output volume decreases.

    The job of a squelch circuit is to reduce audible noise. It eliminates noise during
    pauses in the audio signal by muting the receiver every time and the audio level
    drops below a defined threshold. The squelch control on the receiver sets this
    threshold. Use the squelch control with care! If the squelch threshold is too
    high, the squelch will not only cut out noise but mute quiet audio signals as
    well because the squelch responds to the detected voltage and cannot
    distinguish between wanted signal and noise. Besides that, a too high squelch
    threshold also decreases the usable range. The squelch range is 95.0dB~65.
    0dB. Use an adjusting bar to adjust the squelch selector for a right squelch

    In practice, to effectively avoid the interference from any lighting equipment, Com-
    puters, fax machines, etc nearby, It is usually advised to switch to another
    frequency to get best performance.

    The frequency range of this system is UHF, 740MHz ~ 769MHz, and it is divided into
    16 frequency bands according to the country's EMC regulations; Each frequency band
    can be manually adjusted with an adjusting bar. If you want to switch a frequency, you
    have to turn off the unit, adjust frequency and then turn it on again.

    Please be advised to use only one pair of AA 1.5V batteries for power supply.
    Caution: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace the batteries
    only with the same or equivalent type.


1. INTRODUCTION                                                                             1 POWER SWITCH
                                                                                               Set the power switch in the position ON, then the microphone is turned on and
Thanks for purchasing the SHOW wireless microphone system. The UB-8H/8P/81R/81DV
                                                                                               the flashes once. Set the power switch in the position OFF, then the microphone
Series is the delicately designed UHF, PLL synthesized system, with antenna built inside
                                                                                               is turned off and the BATT LED lights off slowly.
the receiver for smart switching diversity control, the higher level RF signals maybe fed
                                                                                            2 MINI 4P CONNECTOR
into the system for greater reliability and coverage, therefore, the risks of breakdown
                                                                                               This connector is used to connect the unit with the clip microphones, for example, HM-38
and interference are to be effectively reduced.
                                                                                              or HM-58 condenser microphones.

You can manually adjust the channel of the transmitter to match that of the receiver if                     1    4 3
you know about the operating frequency of it.
Generally, the UB-8H/8P/81R/81DV series consists of                                                                                 Pin 1, GND
-UB-81DV, PLL UHF Diversity Receiver                                                                                                Pin 2, Phantom power supply for Condenser microphone
-UB-81R, PLL UHF Diversity Receiver                                                                                                 Pin 3, for Guitar, bass and keyboards
-UB-8H, Handheld transmitter                                                                                                        Pin 4, for Dynamic or condenser microphone
-UB-8P series, Body Pack transmitter

 UB-81DV, PLL UHF DIVERSITY RECEIVER                                                                             2

                                                                                            3 BATTERY COMPARTMENT
                                                                                                 This unit may be powered from one pair dry or rechargeable batteries, UM3 size AA 1.5V.
                                                                                            4 BELT CLIP
                                                                                              It is the detachable belt clip for easy carry during the live applications.
                                                                                            5 ANTENNA
                                                                                              It is the flexible antenna. To get effective transmission, never cover the antenna with
                                                                                              hand, clothes, etc during the operation, and always position the transmitter nearby the
 UB-81R, PLL UHF DIVERSITY RECEIVER                                                           receiver.
                                                                                            6 GT SWITCH
                                                                                                 It is used to adjust the input signal level of electrical guitar. When an electrical guitar is being
                                                                                                 used it is ineffective to adjust MT switch.
                                                                                            7 MT SWITCH
                                                                                              It is used to adjust the input signal level of microphone. When an microphone is being used
                                                                                              it is ineffective to adjust GT switch.
                                                                                            8 BAND SELECTOR
                                                                                              With the adjusting bar, the band selector can be used to switch to an expected frequency
 UB-8H, HANDHELD TRANSMITTER                                                                  before switching the frequencies, turn off the transmitter first and then turn on it.
                                                                                            9 ADJUSTING BAR
                                                                                              It is used to adjust BAND SELECTOR, MT SWITCH and GT SWITCH.
                                                                                            10   POWER LED
                                                                                                 When the unit is turned on this LED flashes once. When the unit is turned off this LED lights
                                                                                                 off slowly. When the batteries are short of power, this LED flashes. When the batteries can
                                                                                                 not be used this LED lights up.
                                           1                                                                                                6

                                                                                                     UB-8P SERIES, BODY PACK TRANSMITTER

     Extremely rugged spring steel mesh grill to protect the capsule underneath in tough
     stage or live performance.                                                                        For the UB-8P series, there are several types of clip microphone are included in this
   2 POWER SWITCH                                                                                      product range, please make sure that the proper microphone has been selected for
     Set the power switch in the position ON, then the microphone is turned on and the                 your typical sound reinforcement system before installation.
     BATT LED flashes once. Set the power switch in the position OFF, then the microphone
     is turned off and the BATT LED lights off slowly.
     When the unit is turned on, this LED flashes once. When the unit is turned off, this
     LED lights off slowly. When the batteries are short of power, this LED lights up.

     With an adjusting bar, the band selector can be used to switch to an expected frequency.            HM-38, Condenser microphone                      HM-58, Condenser microphone
     Before switching frequencies, turn off the microphone first and then turn on it.                    Preset impedance: 600ohm;                        Preset impedance: 700ohm;
                                                                                                         Freq. response: 80-12KHz;                        Freq. response: 200-8KHz;
                                                                                                         Sensitivity: -68dB+/-3dB at 1KHz;                Sensitivity: -65dB at 1KHz;
     This adjusting bar is placed in the microphone. It is used to adjust squelch control and band
                                                                                                         Directional: Uni-directional;                    Directional: Uni-directional;
     selector for switching frequencies.
                                                                                                         Weight: 52g (0.12Ib)                             Weight: 54g (0.12Ib)
     The antenna is integrated into the transmitter body for transmitting signals.                     Last but not the least, the operating frequency of this system may be varied from 798MHz
                                                                                                       to 827MHz, please refer to your national EMC regulations to pick out the authorized
                                                                                                       frequency band (0 ~ F) for your end application.
     The unit may be powered from a dry or rechargeable battery.

3.3 UB-8P SERIES, BODY PACK TRANSMITTER                                                              2. FEATURES
      3 6 7                        5                      4 2      1   10                              -UB-81R/81DV, PLL UHF DIVERSITY RECEIVER
                                                                                                       -Switching diversity control to receive the RF signal;
                                                                                                       -LED indication for RF, AF PEAK and POWER;
                                                                                                       -Output volume control;
                                                                                                         -Squelch control;
          8         9

                                                5                                                                                                2

 -UB-8H/8P TRANSMITTER,                                                           4 RF LED
 -Soft touch painting for comfortable use;                                           This LED lights up when antenna receives signals.
 -Channel frequency adjusted manually                                                Note: UB-81DV has two antennas. LED A lights up when antenna A receives more
 -COMMON FEATURES,                                                                   signals than antenna B. LED B lights up when antenna B receives more signals than
                                                                                     antenna A.
 -PLL synthesized design;
 -Consistent operating frequencies to comply with the EMC regulations;            5 VOLUME CONTROL
 -16 channel frequency presets;                                                      It is used to adjust the volume of receiver.
 -Manufactured under ISO9000:2000, ISO/TS16949:2002 quality management system;    6 ANTENNA
                                                                                     The antenna receives the signals from transmitter. .
3. CONTROL ELEMENTS                                                                  Note: 81DV has two antennas and 81R has only one antenna.

3.1 UB-81R/81DV, PLL UHF DIVERSITY RECEIVER                                       THE REAR PANEL

                                                                                                           1    2        3               4   5

                 6                                             6
                             5        4      3 2    1

                                                                                  1 DC JACK
                                                                                     This DC jack is used to connect DC 12~18V for the receiver.

                                                                                  2 SQUELCH CONTROL
                                                                                    It is used to adjust the squelch level by using an adjusting bar which is placed in the
                 6           5        4      3 2    1
                                                                                     microphone. The adjustable squelch range is 95.0~65.0dB.

                                                                                  3 XLR AUDIO OUTPUT
                                                                                    This is a professional balanced XLR output connector.
                                                                                  4 AUDIO OUTPUT JACK
                                                                                    This is a professional unbalanced output jack.
                                                                                  5 FREQUENCY BAND SELECTOR
                                                                                    Using a select bar, you can select the right frequency band you want.
  It switches on/off UB-81R/81DV main power.                                     3.2 UB-8H, HANDHELD TRANSMITTER
                                                                                                            6                    5   4                    1
   This LED lights up when the receiver is powered on and vice versa.
   This LED lights up when the signal reaches PEAK and sound is distorted.                           2

                                  3                                                                                          4

Document Created: 2019-09-05 15:38:06
Document Modified: 2019-09-05 15:38:06

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