Test Report

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Test Report

Test Report                                                                                     1/18

Report No.                        $07 15698

Specifications                    FCC Part 15 — Notification
Test Method                      ANSI C63.4 1992

Applicant                        23, Lane 2, Jing Wu Road,
address                          Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Applicant                        Sekaku Electron Industry Co., Ltd.
Items tested                     WIRELESS RECEIVER
Model No.                        JW—201H.DV (Sample #807698)

Results                          As detailed within this report
Sample received                  07/17/1998 (month / day / year )

Prepared by                                                          project engineer

Authorized by                                                        Vice General Manager
                                                                     (Jacob Lin )
Issue date                                                           {month / day / year )

Modifications                    None(
Tested by                        Training Research Co., Ltd.
Office at                        2F, No. 571, Chung Hsiao E. Road, See.7, Taipei, Tarwan
Open site at                     No. 5—3, Lange 21. Yen Chiu Yuan Rd.,   See.4, Taipei Taiwan

 Conditi          63      .

(1). This test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written
       r         TRC  A                        7      ithin this repor      r
       J          }      pmitted for       .

(2) This report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by
  NVLAP or nay agency of U.S. Government.

                              * FCC ID : H38JW—201HDV

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCC Part 15 ~ Notification
Test date : 08/03/98,   Training Research Co., Ltd. |TEL:886—2—27881332,Fax:886—2—27857408

Test Report                                                                                                                 2718

Chapter 1 Introduction
      DeSCrIPtOM Of EUT........c00022lse en en en neeereerereene en en en enc en 3
      CONfiguration Of TeSt S@AUP................0..ccccceiieeeccecvrrmeeneenere e e en en ene en en e ee e en 4
      List of Support EqUIDPM@Nt. ..............2.. 222222 e ce en en e e e +9

Chapter 2 Conducted Emission Test
      Test COMGItION &MG S@AUP...............c i2 lsccsm cnnee e en en nee en en e en e 6
      Conducted Test PIACEM@Nt. ... e e se eee e en e

Chapter 3 Radiated Emission Test
      Test CONGItiON ANG SEtUP.............. ... lc eer n en en e e en en en e 8
      .Radiated Test PIAC@MENt .. ..........2...000020000 ie en e en ce en e en ce e 9

Appendix A :
       OrsaleTecole cce o e Lt
Appendix B :
       Radiated teSt FESUIt . ......22.222.2 2222222002222 00 2c u cesc ce n en en a en en en e en en e a en e e e e e 13

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCCPart 15 — Notification
Test date : 08/03,/98.     Training Research Co.. Ltd. (TEL:886—2—27881332. Fax:886—2—27857408

 Test Report                                                                                   3/18

                              Chapter 1 Introduction

Description of EUT :

     These products are professionally designed wireless microphone and receiver system
made—up of diverse circuit. It can receive one frequency between 174 MHz and 216 MHz. This
microphone is worn by a performer and other participants in a program, filming ,
reporting ... etc.

Connection of EUT :

      (1)Connect the EUT‘s audio output to guitar amplifier by an audio cable .
      (2)Plug the adapter into the EUT .
      (3)Pull out the antenna vertically

Test method :

           There are three EUT‘s tested which are operatd at 174.1, 194.82 , 214.82 MHz
      separately. Turn on the receiver and the speaker . There is a signal generator connected
      with a field probe , which can transmit the receiving frequency , put near the EUT . The
      test data also showed three EUT‘s emission .

       (If the emission is close to the ambience, the resolution BW and view resofution will
be reduced and the data will be recorded by detection of maximum hold peak mode.)

Statement oftransition provision for compliance with the rules
         The EUT receives the signal which only send from the wireless microphone. The EUT
won‘t be influenced by the transition provision , it will be continue to comply with the regulations
of the FCC Part 15       ( The relative wireless microphone FCC ID :H38VXM—198TS).

      The testing configuration oftest setup is showing in the next page.

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCCPart 15 — Notification

Test date : 08/03,/98,   Training Research Co., Ltd. ,TEL:886—2—27881332,Fax:886—2—27857408

 Test Report                                                                                         4/18

 Configuration of test setup

                                       Power                                                     |

      Signal Generator                                              guitar amplifier
                                                    EUT                                      |

            * The Adapter 120Vac/15Vdc,400 mA, 190 cm long, non—shielded.
            * The Audio cable dual head 6.30, 126 cm, non—shielded.

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCCPart 15 — Notification

Test date : 08/03/98,   Training Research Co., Ltd. ,TEL:886—2—27881332,Fax:886—2—27857408

 Test Report                                                                                  5/18

List ofsupport equipment

Conducted (Radiated) test :

Guitar Amprifier : Dragon (KIKUTANI MUSIC COL,LTD. )
Model      No.          GA—10 ( RMS—100 )
Power type              110vac    60Hz
Power code              Non—shield , 1.2m long

Field     Probe          HP Field Probe 30MHz~1GHz
Model      No.          HP11940A
Serial     No.          2650403038

Signal Generator :        HP     9KHz~4000MHz
Model      No.          8648D
Serial     No.          3613A00117
Power type              110vac    60Hz
Power cord              Non — Shielded

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCC Part 15 — Notification

Test date : 08/03/98.   Training Research Co., Ltd. ,TEL:886—2—27881332, Fax:886—2—27857408

 Test Report                                                                                             6/18

                          Chapter 2            Conducted emission test

 Test condition and set up :

      All the equipment is placed and setup according to the ANSI C63.4 — 1992 .
The EUT is assembled on a wooden table which is 80 cm high , is placed 40 cm from the
back—wall which is a vertical conducting plane          One LISN is for EUT ,the other LISN is
for support equipment. They are all placed on the conductive ground .The EUT‘s LISN
is connected to a line switch box for       selecting     L1 or L2 .then c anect to a preamplifier and
      The spectrum scans from 450KHz to 30MHz .                   Conducted emission levels are detected
at max. peak mode . But if the max. peak mode failed .it will be measured by CISPR‘s quasi—
peak detection mode
      While testing, there is a worst—emission plot printed at peak detection mode ,and
there are more than 6 highest emissions relative to limit recorded. The plot is kept as the
original data, not included in test report .

List of test Instrument :
                                                                              libration   D
Instrument Name         Model          Br               rial No        Last    ti             xt   tim
Spectrum analyzer 8591EM                HP          3619400821        08/29~7             08/29/98
LISN (EUT)              382572          EMCO         9411—2284        08/15/98            05/15/99
LISN (Support E.) 3825/2                EMCO       9210—2007          05/15/98            05/15/99
Preamplifier            8447F           HP         2944A03706         05/15/98            05/15/99
Line switch box         AC1—003         TRC        ——~4>—>~——         05/15/98            05/15/99
Line selector           AC1—002         TRC        —>~—>>>——          05/15/98            05/15/99

 The level of confidence of 95% .the uncertainty of measurement of conducted emission is + 2.4 dB .

        Test    R        : Pass   (A

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCC Part 15 — Notification
Toct date + A8/M3/08.   Training Research Co.. Ltd. .TEL:886—2—27881332. Fax:886—2—27857408

 Test Report                                                                                            8/18

                        Chapter 3 Radiated emission test

 Test condition and set up :
       Pretest :       Prior to the final test (OATS test) .the EUT is placed in a shielded
enclosure ,GTEM, and scan from 30MHz to 1GHz.This is done to ensure the radiation exactly
emits form the EUT.
       Final test : Final radiation measurements is made on a | > :>i=:. open—field
test site. The EUT is placed on a nonconductive table which is 0.8 m height, the top surface is
 1.0 x 1.5 meter. All the placement is according to ANSI C634 — 1992.
       The spectrum is examined from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz measured by HP spectrum.
       The EMCO whole range Antenna is used to measure frequency from                   30 MHz to
 1GHz.The final test is used the spectrum HP 8594EM
       Measure more than six top marked frequencies generated form pretest by computer step
by step at each frequency . The EUT is rotated 360 degrees, and antenna is raised and lowered
from 1 to 4 meter to find the maximum emission levels. The antenna is used with
both horizontal and vertical polarization.
      Appropriated preamplifier which is made by TRC is used for nnproving sensitivity and
precautions is taken to avoid overloading .The spectrum analyzer‘s 6dB bandwidth is set to
120 K Hz , and the EUT is measured at quasi—peak mode.
      If the emission is close to the frequency band of ambience ,the data will be rechecked by
the tester and the corrected data will be written in the test data sheet. If the emission is
just within the ambience ,the data from GTEM will be taken as the final data.
List of test Instrument :
                                                                           Calibration Date
Instrument   nam             Model N            rand          i                              Nex
Spectrum analyzer            8568B            HP          3004A18617       05715798          05/15/99
Quasi—peak Adapter           85650A           HP          2521A00984       05/15/98          05/15/99
RF Pre—selector              85685A           HP          2047A01011       05/15/98          05/15/99
Spectrum analyzer            8594EM           HP          361900198 0a/13/97                 08/13/98
Antenna(30M—2G Hz)           3142             EMCO        9610—1094        10/30/97          10/30/98
Open test side (Antenna . Amplify, cable calibrated together )             05/15/98          05/15/99
The fevel of confidence of 95% .the uncertainty of measurement ofradiated emission is + 4.96 dB .


Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCCPart 15 — Notiftcation
Tost dote + 08208      Training Roconrch Ca      —Inl   TFI —RR6—3.3788122 Ea—206_0.378¢7i00

 Test Report                                                                                 10/18

                                 Appendix A

Conducted Emission Test Result ( Frequency 174.10 MHz )
Testing room : Temperature           24 °C      Humidity : 50 %RH

            Frequency           Amplitude          Limit       Margin
            (KHz)                (dBuV)            (dBuV/m)     |(dB)
            455.00               41.74             48.00        —6.26
            470.00               41.31             48.00       —6.69
            483.00               40.44             48.00       —17.56
            524.00               38.24             48.00       —9.76
            549.00               37.04             48.00       —10.96

            586.00               35.45             48.00       —12.55
            612.00               33.83             48.00       —14.17
            624.00               33.55             48.00       —14.45
            658.00              31.86              48. 00      —16.14
            729.00              29.73              48.00       —18.27

            Frequency           Amplitude         Limit        Margin
            (KHz)               (dBuV)             (dBuV)      (dB)
            467.00              39.23              48.00       —8.77
            486.00              38.07             48.00        —9.93
            499.00              37.67             48.00        —10.33
            $18.00              36.23             48.00        —11.77
            556.00              34.33             48.00        —13.67
            575.00              33.37             48.00        —14.63
            601.00              31.69             48.00        —16.31
            612.00              31.62             48.00        —16.38
            637.00              31.28             48.00        —16.72
            654.00              29.38             48.00        —18.62

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCCPart 15 — Notification
Test date : 08/03/98,   Training Research Co., Ltd. |TEL:886—2—27881332,Fax:886—2—27857408

 Test Report                                                                                 11/18

( Frequency 194.82 MHz )

            Frequency           Amplitude          Limit    Margin
             KHz)               (dBuV)             (dBuV/m) |(dB)
            457.00               34.94             48.00         —13.06
            499.00               33.57             48.00         —14.43
            571.00               29.52             48.00         —18.48
            590.00               27.25             48.00        —20.75
            641.00               24.87             48.00        —23.13
            675.00               21.70             48.00        —26.30
            764.00               24.48             48.00        —23 52
             1120.00             25.88             48.00        —22.12
            23350.00             22.22             48.00        —25.78
            23940.00            22.74              48.00        —25.26

            Frequency           Amplitude          Limit        Margin
            (MHz)                (dBuV)            (dBuV)       __|(dB)
            455.00              39.51              48.00        —8.49
            480.00              39.52              48.00        —8.48
            489.00              38.92              48.00        —9.08
            534.00              37.92              48.00        —10.08
            553.00              37.37              48.00        —10.63
            628.00              33.20              48.00        —14.80
            645.00              32.21              48.00        —15.79
            671.00              31.05              48.00        —16.95
            692.00              30.84              48.00        —17.16
            719.00              30.11              48.00        —17.89

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCC Part 15 — Notification

Test date : 08/03/98,   Training Research Co., Ltd. ,TEL:886—2—27881332,Fax:886—2—27857408

Test Report                                                               12718

      ( Frequency 214.82 MHz )

           Frequency           Amplitude           Limit        Margin
           (MHz)                (dBuV)             (dBuV/m) |(dB)
           455.00               39.48              48.00        —8.52
           470.00               39.59              48.00        —8.41
           493.00               38.14              48.00        —9.86
           502.00               38.3 1             48.00        —9.69
           524.00               36.81              48.00        —11.19
           534.00               36.81              48.00        —11.19
           564.00               34.93              48.00        —13.07
           604.00               33.29              48.00        —14.71
           624.00              31.70               48.00        —16.30
           663.00              30.76               48.00        —17.24

           Frequency           Amplitude           Limit        Margin
           (MHz)               (dBuV)              (dBuV)       (dB)
           461.00              40.57               48.00        —7.43
           477.00              40. 14              48.00        —7.86
           489.00              39.36               48.00        —8.64
           499.00              39.38               48.00        —8.62

           518.00              38.50               48.00        —9.50
           534.00              37.99               48.00        —10.01
           549.00              36.39               48.00        —1 L.61
           582.00              34.30               48.00        —13.70
           604.00              33.69               48.00        —14.31
           654.00              31.97               48.00        —16.03

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCC Part 15 — Notification

 Test Report                                                                                  13718

                                       Appendix         B

Radiated Emission Test Result :( Frequency 174.10 MH Horizontal)
Test Conditions:
      Testing room : Temperature        .    26.50° C        Humidity : 70% RH
      Testing site      Temperature     ©—   32.30° C        Humidity 82 % RH

‘Frequency :     Reading      Ant. :'Table      Correction    {Corrected
                                                  Factors     {Amplitude

217.$880 _|

|.Margin = Amplitude — limit,       ifmargin is minus means under limit.
2.Corrected Amplitude = Reading Amplitude — Correction Factors
3.Correction factor = Antenna factor + ( Cable Loss — Amplitude gain)
(For example : 30MHz correction factor = 15.5 + (—15.26) = 0.24 dB/m)

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCC Part 15 — Notification
Test date : 08/03/98,   Training Research Co., Ltd. ,TEL:886—2—27881332, Fax:886—2—27857408

 Test Report                                                                                      14/18

Radiated Emission Test Result :(Vertical)

Frequency      Reading       Ant.    |Table       Correction     Corrected   |Class B    Margin
              Amplitude    |Height                     Factors   Amplitude     limit

  MHz            dBuV         m      |degree           dB/m       dBuV/m     |dBuV/m      dB

 163.410     |56.61        3.03      316       |—22.59           34.02       43.50      —9.48
217.880     |36.63          1.00     |130      |—20.31           16.32       46.00      —29.68
272.340     |35.60          1.00     1296      _}—17.75          17.85       46.00      —28.15
326.810     140.37          1.00     153       —14.51            25.86       46.00      —20.14
381,.280    144.77          1.00     |12       —13.44            31.33       46.00      —14.67
435.750     |41.63          1.00     j16       —8.43             33.20       46.00      —12.80

653.620     |54.74          1.00     _|101     |—13.07           41.67       46.00      —4.33
708.090     |52.54          1.00     _|108     j—13.22           39.32       46.00      —6.68

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCC Part 15 — Notification

 Test Report                                                                                      15718

Radiated Emission Test Result :( Frequency 194.82 MH Horizontal)

Frequency        Reading      Ant.     |Table       Correction   Corrected   |Class B    Margin
               Amplitude     [Height                   Factors   Amplitude     limit

  MHz             dBuV         m       |degree         dB/m       dBuV/m     |dBuV/m      dB

 137.020      }49.62         1.00      1246      |—24.42         25.20       43.50      —18.30
 205.530      |47.85         1.00      164       —20.40          27.45       43.50      —16.05
 274.040      137.43         1.00      |74       —17 68          19.75       46.00      —26.25
 342.550      [37.84         1.00      243       |—14.59         23.25       46.00      —22.75
411.050      _141.40         1.00      |102      |—13.28         28.12       46.00      —17.88
616.580      }39.17          3.02      J51       —13.59          25.58       46.00      —20.42
685.090      (39.58          1.00      {114      _|—12.46        27.12       46.00      —18.88
890.620      |45.17          1.00      |}219     |—13.98         31.19       46.00      —14.81

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCCPart 15 — Notification
Test date : 08/03/98,   Training Research Co., Ltd. |TEL:886—2—27881332,Fax:886—2—27857408

 Test Report                                                                                       16/18

Radiated Emission Test Result :( Frequency 194.82 MH Vertical)

Frequency        Reading      Ant.      |Table       Correction   Corrected   |Class B    Margin
               Amplitude      |Height                  Factors    Amplitude     limit

  MHz             dBuV          m       {degree        dB/m        dBuV/m     {dBuV/m      dB

 137.020      |52.29         1.00       |319      |—24.42         27.87       43.50      —15.63
 205. 530     148.32         3.03       j137      |—20.40         27.92       43.50      —15.58
 274.040      |37.34         1.00       _|1       —17.68          19.66       46.00      —26.34
 342550       139.69         1.00       |25       —14.59          25.10       46.00      —20.90
 411.050      |47.10         1.00       |246      |—13.28         33.82       46.00      —12.18
 616.580     |43.73          1,.00      _|15      —13.59          30.14       46.00      —15.86
 685.090      145.26         1.00       1309      |—12.46         32.80       46.00      —13.20
 890.620     |47.22          3.03_      1276      {—13.98         33.24       46.00      —12.76

Report No.:.80715698, Wireless receiver |FCC Part 15 — Notification

Test date : 08/03/98,   Training Research Co., Ltd. |TEL:886—2—27881332,Fax:886—2—27857408

 Test Report                                                                                     17718

Radiated Emission Test Result :( Frequency 214.82 MH Horizontal)

Frequency       Reading      Ant.     |Table       Correction   Corrected   |Class B    Margin
               Amplitude    |Height                   Factors   Amplitude     limit

  MHz             dBuV         m      |degree         dB/m       dBuV/m     |dBuV/m       dB

 150.350     {48.36         1.00      146       —23.48          24.88       43.50      —18.62
225.530      {57.38         1.00      J275      |—19.91         37.47       46.00      —8.53
375.870      |42.41         1.00      173       —13.55          28.86       46.00      —17.14
451.050      |47.33         1.00      _}118     —10.17          3716        46.00      —8.84
 526.220     _|40.12        100       }I11      |—10.9%         29.16       46.00      —16.84
601.400      |48.71         3.02      [251      _|—13.09        35.62       46.00      |—10.38
676.580      145.42         1.00      251       |—12.43         32.99       46.00      |—13.01

Report No.:.50715698, Wireless receiver ,FCC Part 15 — Notification
To« date + 08/M03/08   Training Recearch Co _ Itd TEL—886—2.27881332Fav886.2.3785 7408

 Test Report                                                                                      18/18

Radiated Emission Test Result :( Frequency 214.82MHz Vertical)

Frequency        Reading     Ant.     |Table       Correction   Corrected   —|Class B    Margin
               Amplitude    |Height                   Factors   Amplitude     limit
  MHz             dBuV         m      |degree         dB/m       dBuV/m     |dBuV/m        dB

 150.350      148.25        1.00      |23       —23.48          24.77       43.50       —18.73
225.530       |52.91        1.00      |124      {—19.91         33.00       46.00       —13.00
 375.870     149.71         1.00      }20       —13.55          36.16       46.00       —9.84
451.050       152.70        1.00      [302      |—10.17         42.53       46.00       —3.47
 526,.220    |43.29         1.00      )8        —10.96          32.33       46.00       —13.67
601.400      J43.41         1.00      1202      |—13.09         30.32       46.00       —15.68
676.580      |50.44         1.00      [313      _|—12.43        38.01       46.00       —7.99

Final statement :
This test report, measurements made by TRC are traceable to the NIST.

Report No.:80715698, Wireless receiver ,FCCPart 15 — Notification
Test date : 08/03/98.   Training Research Co., Ltd. ,TEL:886—2—27881332,Fax:886—2—27857408

Document Created: 2001-06-12 02:42:42
Document Modified: 2001-06-12 02:42:42

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