Revised Manual


Users Manual

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1/4 W att, Body W
    Watt,         orn
  Video T ransmitter

 VBS2-250 Frequency 2200 - 2300 MHz

 VBS-250 Frequency 2400-2500 MHz

 VBL-250 Frequency 1700-1850 MHz


How to contact DTC                                         Copyright Notice                                         Warranty
For operator and troubleshooting                           Copyright © 2002                                         DTC warrants its manufactured components against
information, customers are encouraged to refer to          DTC     Communications,            Inc. All     rights   defects in material and workmanship for a period of
the details in this manual. For additional                 reserved. No part of this document may be                two (2) years, commencing on the date of original
clarification or instruction, or to order parts, contact   reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a re-    purchase.
DTC.                                                       trieval system or translated into any                    Products manufactured by others that are approved
Customer Service is available Monday through               language or computer language, in any form or by         for use with DTC equipment are warranted for the
Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM            any means, including but not limited to electronic,      manufacturer’s warranty period, commencing from
EST at:                                                    magnetic, mechanical, optical, chemical, manual or       the date of shipment from DTC.
Tel: 603-880-4411                                          otherwise, without the prior written permission of DTC
Fax: 603-880-6965
                                                           Communications, Inc.                                     FCC information
Email:                                                                                              The following information is provided as a
                                                           Disclaimer                                               service to our law enforcement customers who
                                                           The information in the document is subject to change     require a Part 90 station license for video
486 Amherst Street                                         without notice. DTC makes no representations or          surveillance operations using the 2450 to 2483.5
Nashua, New Hampshire 03063                                warranties with respect to the contents hereof, and      MHz band.
USA                                                        specifically disclaims any implied warranties of mer-    You will need to provide:
                                                           chantability or fitness for a particular purpose. DTC      • Form 600 (the application form)
                                                           reserves the right to revise this publication and to
                                                                                                                    Forms can be obtained from the FCC on their web-
                                                           make changes from time to time in the content hereof
                                                                                                                    site at:
                                                           without obligation of DTC to notify any person of such
                                                           revision or changes.
                                                                                                                    You can also contact the FCC using their FAX back
                                                           Trademarks                                               service at: (888) 418-3676
                                                           Trademarks of DTC Communications, Inc. include:          Additional instructions are available by telephone at:
                                                                • DTC                                               (888) 225-5322
                                                                • MiniPIX®                                          The filing fee form is returned to:
                                                                • DynaPIX®                                             Federal Communications Commission
                                                           Other product names used in this manual are the             1270 Fairfield Road
                                                           properties of their respective owners.                      Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245


Manual Conventions
                                                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS
    NOTE Describes special issues you should be aware of
     while using a particular function.                          Quick Start ........................................................................... 4
                                                                 Overview .............................................................................. 5
    WARNING Calls out situations in which equipment              Features ............................................................................... 6
    could be damaged or a process could be incorrectly           Specifications ....................................................................... 7
    implemented, but in which operator safety is not a           Battery Drain ........................................................................ 9
    factor.                                                      Connectors ......................................................................... 10
                                                                 Connections ........................................................................ 11
    TIP Describes application hints.                             Equipment Configurations ................................................. 12
                                                                 Optional Accessories ........................................................ 16
                                                                 Programming ...................................................................... 26
RF EXPOSURE STATEMENT                                            Appendix A ......................................................................... 30

When used as directed, the maximum SAR of this device is
2.7 W/kg, which meets the limits set forth by the FCC. Refer
to Appendix A in this manual for instruction in the proper use
of antennas with this device. When used in non-portable
aplications, a separation distance of at least 20 cm. must be
maintained between the antenna and the body of the user or
nearby persons.

    Note: This device is for occupational use only. Occupa-
     tional user are those persons who are exposed as a
     consequence of their employment provided these
     persons are fully aware of and exercise control over
     their exposure.


                                                                                                        DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                        3

                                     1   Make sure that the ON/OFF switch is set to OFF. (Red dot is OFF).
                   5                 2   Install 4 “AA” batteries in the internal battery compartment of the module.
            6                             (Lithium batteries are recommended)
    4                    7       1
                                     3   Using a screwdriver, turn the channel selector to the correct transmission
                                         channel number.
                                     4   Connect an antenna to the ANTENNA connector on the module.
                                     5   Connect the microphone or microphones to the MIC-1 and MIC-2 connectors
                                         on the module.
                                 3   6   Connect a video source to the Video/Multi I/O connector.
                                     7   Slide the power switch to the ON position (Green dot is ON) to apply power to
                                         the transmitter.

                                         Note: While installing the batteries, observe proper polarity as printed in the
                                         battery compartment. Reverse polarity protection is a built-in design feature
                                         of the transmitter. If a battery is installed backwards, this feature prevents the
                                         transmitter from powering up, without damaging the transmitter or battery.

                                         Warning: Do not apply power to the transmitter until an antenna has been
                                         connected in step 4.

                                         Warning: Refer to Appendix A of this manual for information on the proper
                                         use of antennas.


 What should you expect to receive with your 250mW
 Transmitter. Some of these components may be
                                                          NOTE: The dipole antenna included is not recommended for normal
 1 VBS/VBL Video Transmitter                              use! This antenna enables you to quickly set up your transmitter
 1 Dipole antenna with right angle SMA connector          and ensure proper operation. DTC highly recommends the use of
 1 One Video, Power in, and camera power cable            circularly polarized antennas for the best rejection of multi-path.
 1 DTC programming software package
 1 DTC programming cable                                 NOTE: DTC has provided you with a “Y” cable (power and video)
 8 Batteries                                             terminated with an RCA connector and a BNC adapter for your

The VBL/VBS series video transmitters from DTC represent the first true “video body wires” available. DTC has developed a
fully user programmable video transmitter and mated it with an integral AA battery pack. This dramatically simplifies wiring,
lowers the risk of detection, and increases the chances of operational success.

For best results, DTC recommends the use of its VidiWIRE on body dual patch antenna system with phase matching module,
and a DTC diversity receiver.

Users should also consider using the VBL/VBS series transmitters for rapid deployment drop cameras. Packaging the
transmitters with miniature board cameras is exceptionally easy, and in the case of 5 volt cameras, power may be provided to
the camera directly from the VBL/VBS transmitter’s internal battery pack.

This product in only available for sale to legitimate state, local, federal and friendly foreign government agencies.

                                                                                              DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.      5

                             Feature     Description
          Remote Switching Capability    • You may turn the device ON remotely, by attaching a switch to one
                                           of the pins on the Multi I/O connector. DTC provides hard-wired and wireless
                                           switches for this application.
         External Power Loop Through     • The power applied to the Multi I/O pin is automatically looped through the
                                           unit, and available on a second pin to power a remote device, such as a
                                           camera. If you apply 9 Volts in, you will get 9 -.05 (8.5) Volts out.

                                         Note: If internal batteries are used at the same time external power is used, the
                                             batteries will continue to supply some of the transmitter’s’ power, resulting in
                                             continued dischare of the batteries.

                                             WARNING: Make sure your camera will operate on the voltage being supplied
                                             to the transmitter.

                                         User programmable video channels, selectable in 250 kHz steps. Two user
                                         programmable audio sub carriers, selectable in 10 kHz steps from 6 MHz to
                                         7.5 MHz.
                                         • Audio sub carriers are OFF unless microphones are attached. The
                                           transmitter automatically senses when a microphone has been attached.
                                         • The audio sub carriers are phase locked, and will not drift into the video
                                         • Automatic Gain Control is provided on each audio input, amplifying soft
      Efficient Switching Power Supply
                                         • They generate far less heat than a traditional video transmitters.
                                         • They operate significantly longer than traditional video transmitters on the
                                           same power source.
     Camera Power Available thromugh
                  Multi I/O Connector    • When powering the device using the internal battery pack, regulated 5 VDC is
                                           available on the multi I/O connector, limited to 200 mA current drain.

Specifications for the body worn VBS/VBL-250                                            SPECIFICATIONS
Power Supply               Internal batteries 4 “AA” batteries or external 9-16 VDC.
                                                                                                     FRONT PATCH
Power Consumption          2.5 Watts (not including camera)                                          ANTENNA
Battery life               3 hours - Minimum AA batteries
Reverse polarity                                                                       BACK PATCH
protection                 Yes
Dimensions                 2.5 x 4.5 x 0.675”
Camera Power               Using external power input:                                                                   MICROPHONES
                           Same as supply voltage -0.5 Vdc switched (200 mA max)                             CAMERA
                           Using internal batteries:
                           5 VDC @ 175 mA, switched (internal regulator)               SPLITTER
Controls                   10 channel select rotary switch
                           Panel mounted, slide ON/OFF switch
Connectors                 2 pin Lemo: Mic 1
                           2 pin Lemo: Mic 2
                           SMA: Antenna
                           6 pin Multi I/O: Video in, Data in, DC input 9 -16 VDC,
                           camera power, Remote ON/OFF, Multiplexed Data out,
Programmability            Video: 2400 - 2500 MHz (VBS-250)
                           1700 - 1850 MHz (VBL-250)
                           250 KHz resolution steps
                           Audio: User programmable from 6.0 - 7.5 MHz, in                                            TRANSMITTER
                           10 kHz steps
Chassis notes              Machined solid aluminum with rounded edges.

General                    Mic level input (line level factory opt.) 50 - 3000 Hz
                           Phased locked with AGC on both inputs. Sub-carrier auto
                           sensing, only active when microphone is attached.
Number of sub-carriers     2                                                                      Four lithium “AA” batteries
Sub-carriers frequencies   6.0 - 7.5 MHz , user programmable

                                                                                             DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.               7

                                Sub-carrier ON/OFF control       Subcarriers are activated when mic is connected.
                                Subcarrier frequency stability   +/- 0.003%, -30°C to +70°C
                                Sub-Carrier Deviation            50 kHz peak
                                Audio S/N                        45 dB min.
                                Frequency Response               BW1.5dB = 50 - 3000 Hz
                                Total Harmonic Distortion        <2%
                                Input Level                      8 mVpp @ 400 Hz for 50 kHz peak dev.
                                Pre-Emphasis                     75 uS
                                Input Impedance                  10 k Ohm

                                Video Frequency
                                Response                         BW1.5dB = 6 Hz - 5.0 MHz
                                Input Impedance                  75 Ohms
                                Input Level                      1Vp-p Max.
                                S/N                              60 dB min.
                                Pre-Emphasis                     Per CCIR 405 525 line curve
                                Differential Gain                5%

                                Operating Frequency              1700 - 1850 MHz, 250 KHz resolution steps
                                                                 2400 - 2500 MHz, 250 KHz resolution steps
                                Power output                     250 mW min. @ nominal supply voltage, 25 Deg. C.
                                                                 -3 dB @ 3.6 VDC int
                                                                 -2 dB over temp.
                                Output Impedance                 50 Ohms
                                Spurs and Harmonics output       -50 dBc

                                Load Pull Stability              8:1 VSWR
                                Frequency Stability              +/- 0.003%, -30°C to +50°C


Modulation Sensitivity          8 MHz/V nom.
Modulation Sensitivity
Variation                       +/- 5% across the band                                      Four lithium batteries
Peak Carrier Deviation          4 MHz nom.
Number of channels              10 max. (user programmable)
Sub-carrier sideband level      -28 dBc, +/- 2 dB
Temperature Range               -30°C - +70°C
Humidity                        90% (non-condensing)

Estimated Battery Life:                                           Transmitter & Camera
Internal Battery Type        Part Number       Transmitter Only   Camera 5V@200mA
4 AA Alkaline                8030001           4 hours            Not recommended
4 AA Lithium                 8030030           6 hours            4 hours

External Battery Type        Part Number       Transmitter Only   Camera 12V@150mA
9 AA Alkaline Pack           4045131           6 hours            4 hours
9 AA Lithium                 4045132           9 hours            6 hours
9 AA NiMH                    4045130           7 hours            4 hours
10 D Cell Battery            4045177           55 hours           25 hours
pack Alkaline

                                                                                         DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.    9

                                MATING CONNECTORS

                                  Lemo Male Part # (FFS.01.250.DLAE31)
                                  DTC Male Part # (8570003)

                                  Hirose Part # HR10A-7P-6P (02)
                                  DTC Part # 954020

                                 Standard Male SMA connector

                                MICROPHONE CONNECTORS
                                Two connectors accommodate two microphone inputs. Each connector has two
                                contacts and provides power to the microphone as well as connecting the audio
 Microphone Connectors          signal into the transmitter. The audio sub-carriers are activated by the presence of
                                the microphone. If a microphone is removed, that sub-carrier is removed from the
                                transmit signal. Turning off the unused sub-carrier saves power and improves
                                picture quality.


A standard SMA connector is used as the antenna connector on both the                    CONNECTIONS
VBS/VBL-250.                                                                         Antenna Connector

    TIP: You may use the VBS/VBL series transmitters with other manufacturers
    antennas. Verify that they are suited for the band you are operating in.

    WARNING: Refer to Appendix A of this manual for information on the proper
    use of antennas.                                                                                         On/OFF
A slide switch is provided for local control of power ON and OFF. Green dot is
ON, Red dot is OFF.
    NOTE: REMOTE ON overrides the chassis mounted OFF switch. (i.e. When
    the chassis mounted power switch is set to OFF, REMOTE ON can be used
    to turn the transmitter ON.)

Select a transmission channel by using the rotary switch located on the front
surface of the transmitter. Use a screwdriver to rotate the switch to the desired
channel number.

The multi I/O (6-pin Multi I/O) connector is mainly used as the video and external              Multi I/O Connector
power input connector. It also provides access to many transmitter functions, such
as:                                     Pin 6: Video in
•    Programming the device                                       Pin 1: Ground
•    Video in                                                                        NOTE: When using the external
                                Pin 5: RS-232 in                  Pin 2: Ext power
•    Power in                                                                        power: camera power = external
                                Pin 4: Remote on,                 input 9-16VDC      power -0.5 Vdc.
•    Remote on
•    Camera power               switched to ground            Pin 3: Camera          When using internal batteries: camera
                                multiplexed RS-232 out                               power = 5 Vdc.
                                                              Power Output
                                                                                         DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.       11

                                                                      The basic VBS/VBL-250 configuration
 EXTERNAL CAMERA POWER                                                consists of the video transmitter, Vidi-Wire
                        FRONT PATCH                                   Antenna, and DTC cable part number
                                                                      4045170-024. This cable is connected to the
                                                                      multi I/O port of the transmitter, and is
          BACK PATCH                                                  configured to supply:

                                                                      •   The video signal from the camera to the
                                                 EXTERNAL                 transmitter.
                                               CAMERA POWER




                                                                             Cable 4045170-024



The basic VBS/VBL-250 configuration consists
of the video transmitter, Vidi-Wire Antenna, and
                                                   INTERNAL CAMERA POWER
DTC cable part number 4045194-024. This
cable is connected to the multi I/O port of the
transmitter, and is configured to supply:                       FRONT PATCH

•   The video signal from the camera to the
    transmitter.                                   BACK PATCH
•   Power (5 Vdc) to the camera through the
    internal battery pack.
This configuration allows the internal battery
pack to supply the power to the camera and
the transmitter. It does not depend on supple-
mental battery packs to supply power to any of
its components.


            Cable 4045194-024

                                                                              DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.   13

     ADDING EXTERNAL POWER                                                 The VMS/VML-250 configuration, which uses
                                                                           the loop through power source for the camera,
 Cable 4045189-024                                                         consists of the video transmitter and DTC cable
                                                                           part number 4045189-024 . This cable is
                                                                           connected to the multi I/O port of the transmit-
                                                                           It is configured to supply:
                                                                           •     The video signal to the transmitter
                                                             MICROPHONES         from the camera.
                                                                           •     Power to the transmitter through a
                                                                                 molex connector that can be easily
                                                                                 connected to DTC’s battery packs.
                                                                           •     Power to the camera through the internal
        STRIPPED AND                                                             power loop through.
        STANDARD                                                           This configuration allows for additonal battery
                                                                           capacity from connnecting DTC’s supplemental
                                                                           battery packs to the body worn transmitter. The
                                                                           cable 4045189-024 allows for this configura-
             C                                                             tion.
                         POWER SOURCE
                         for transmitter and
                         camera via loop                                   DTC Optional Battery Packs
                         through 9-16 V.
                                                                           A 4045131 (AA non-rechargeable, 13.5 V)

                                       ANTENNA                             B    4045177( D-Cell battery pack, 15 V)
                   B                                                            Alkaline

                                                                           C   4045130 (AA rechargeable, 13.5 V)
        BATTERY                                                                MiMH
        PACKS              A                                                   Note: Optional battery packs are not to be
                                               TRANSMITTER                      used in body worn applications. Use only
                                                                                internal batteries when the transmitter is
                                                                                to be worn on the body.

This configuration consists of the video transmit-
ter, Vidi-Wire antenna, and DTC cable part             ADDING REMOTE ON FUNCTION
number 4045192-024. This cable is connected to                                                    Cable 4045192-024
the multi/IO port of the transmitter, and is config-                 FRONT PATCH
ured to supply:
•    The video signal from the camera to the
     transmitter.                                      BACK PATCH
•    Power (5 V) to the camera through the             ANTENNA

     internal battery pack.
•    Remote on function through a hard wired
     switch or remote Key FOB transmitter. This                                          MICROPHONES
     remote on function overrides the OFF switch                                CAMERA
     located on the transmitter chassis.
The Remote On function allows you to turn the
transmitter on from a remote location. The Remote
                                                                                              HARD WIRED
On function overides the OFF switch on the                                                      SWITCH
transmitter.                                                                                         STRIPPED AND
                                                                                                     TINNED LEADS

      TO CLOSE:
      MOLEX LOCKING MECHANISM CLICKS AND LOCKS                                                   KEY FOB

       TO OPEN:
       PUSH THIS TAB DOWN TO RELEASE THE MOLEX                                                  KEY FOB
       LOCKING MECHANISM, THEN PULL CONNECTORS                                                  SWITCH
       APART.                                                                                 TRANSMITTER

                                                                                         DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.     15

 ACCESSORIES                    Part Number               Description
                                1088185                   VidiVest™

                                The VidiVest™ is designed to be used in conjunction with DTC’s body worn video
                                transmitter. The vest supplies compartments for the video transmitter, associated
                                wiring, antenna system (i.e. VidiWire™), microphones, and a button camera. The
                                garment is ventilated for comfort and can be adjusted with velcro straps at the
                                waist and shoulders. The vest is intended to be worn as an undergarment with a
                                loose fitting shirt or other garment over the vest.

                                4045181                   Camera with 3-pin connector

                                This camera is a high-resolution color CCD type, which has been modified to look
                                like a shirt button. This allows for easy concealment through a regular button

                                4045192-024               VidiVest cable harness

                                This cable harness connects all of the components, such as, the transmitter,
                                camera, and remote on.


Part Number              Description                                                           ACCESSORIES
VW-ANT-2-SMA             VidiWire antenna system 2.4-2.5 GHz
VW-ANT-1-SMA             VidiWire antenna system 1.7-1.9 GHz

The VidiWire™ antenna system was specifically designed for video transmission
from on-body transmitters. This DTC Proprietary system provides the best
possible omnidirectional video transmission from a body-worn system. The
system is composed of three parts: two special patch-type antennas, and a
phasing module.

    WARNING: VidiWire Antennas are housed in a milled aluminum cover which
    shields the wearer from RF energy. Make sure the antennas radiating side is
    directed away from the body.
    WARNING: Do not use the VidiWire antenna system on the body with any          Type                      DTC proprietary
                                                                                                            VidiWire™ design
    transmitter outputting more than 250mW of RF energy.                          Polarization              Dual Polarized
                                                                                  Peak Gain                 Pseudo-Isotropic
                                                                                  Horizontal Beamwidth      Omnidirectional
                                                                                  Vertical Beamwidth        Omnidirectional
    WARNING: Refer to Appendix A of this manual for information on the proper     Nominal Impedance         50 Ohms
    use of antennas.                                                              Groundplane
                                                                                  Requirements              Not applicable
                                                                                  Size         Antennas:    2.0” W x 2.0” H x 0.25” D
                                                                                                            (51 mm x 51 mm x 6.35 mm)
                                                                                             Phasing Unit   2.0” W x 1.5” H x 0.25” D
                                                                                                            (51mm x 38mm x 6.35mm)
                                                                                  Net Weight                6oz
                                                                                  VW-ANT-2-SMA              2.4 to 2.5 GHz SMA male
                                                                                  VW-ANT-2-TNC              2.4 to 2.5 GHz TNC male
                                                                                  VW-ANT-1-SMA              1.7 to 1.9 GHz SMA male

                                                                                         DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                 17

     ACCESSORIES                Part Number   Description
                                4045170-024   Video In, 24”standard.
                                              Video In: Multi I/O to RCA(M) with BNC
                                              adaptor. (YELLOW)

                                4045193-024   Video In/Remote On, 24”standard.
                                              Video In: Multi I/O to RCA(M) with BNC
                                              adaptor. (YELLOW)
                                              Remote On: 24 AWG wire with a molex
                                              connector and stripped and tinned leads. (GREEN)

                                4045189-024   Video In/EXT Power/Camera Power cable, 24”standard.

                                              Video In: Multi I/O to RCA(M) with BNC
                                              adaptor. (YELLOW)
                                              Ext. Power: 24 AWG wire with a molex connector
                                              and stripped and tinned leads. (RED)
                                              Camera Power:24 AWG wire with a molex
                                              connector and stripped and tinned leads.(GRAY)


Part Number   Description
4045194-024   Video In/Camera Power, 24”standard.
              Video In: Multi I/O to RCA(M) with BNC
              adaptor. (YELLOW)
              Camera Power: 24 AWG wire with a molex
              connector and stripped and tinned leads. (GRAY)

4045192-024   Video In/Camera Power/Remote On, 24”standard.
              Video In: Multi I/O to RCA(M) with BNC
              adaptor. (YELLOW)
              Camera Power: 24 AWG wire with a molex
              connector and stripped and tinned leads.(GRAY)
              Remote On: 24 AWG wire with a molex
              connector and stripped and tinned leads. (GREEN)

                                                                 DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.   19

 COMPONENTS                     Part Number               Description
                                4045173                   Programming cable (Connects from the Multi I/O
                                                          connector to the DB9 connector)
                                                          This cable plugs into COM1 or COM2, serial ports of a
                                                          PC. It allows for the programming of the Video trans-
                                                          mitter with the DTC Programming software.

                                4045174-006               Antenna cable, SMA to TNC, 6”standard length
                                4045174-012               Antenna cable, SMA to TNC, 12”

                                7011145-012               Microphone, 12” length
                                7011145-024               Microphone, 24” length
                                7011145-036               Microphone, 36” length
                                7011145-048               Microphone, 48” length
                                7011145-072               Microphone, 6’ length
                                7011145-144               Microphone 12’ length
                                7011145-360               Microphone 30’ length

                                4045177                   D cell battery pack with locking Molex Micro-fit

                                   Note: Optional battery packs are not to be used in body worn applications.
                                    Use only internal batteries when the transmitter is to be worn on the body.

Part Number               Description                                               COMPONENTS
4045131                   AA (13.5 V) Non-rechargeable Battery Pack with
                          Molex Micro-fit Connector

4045130                   AA (13.5 V) Rechargeable battery pack (NiMH) with
                          Molex Micro-fit Connector

8590138                   Terminal, Crimp, Female, micro-fit (3.0)
                          wire size 20-24 AWG plt gold.
                          Molex Part # 43030-0009
8550104                   Receptacle, 2 circuit, micro-fit (3.0)
                          in line. Molex Part # 43645-0200

8590139                   Terminal, Crimp, Male, Micro-fit (3.0)
                          wire size 20-24 AWG plt. gold.
                          Molex Part # 43031-0009
8550101                   Plug, 2 circuit, Micro-fit (3.0)
                          Inline. Molex Part # 43640-0200
                                                                                  TO CLOSE:
                                                                                  PUSH CONNECTORS TOGETHER UNTIL THE
                                                                                  MOLEX LOCKING MECHANISM CLICKS AND LOCKS

                                                                                   TO OPEN:
                                                                                   PUSH THIS TAB DOWN TO RELEASE THE MOLEX
                                                                                   LOCKING MECHANISM, THEN PULL CONNECTORS
   Note: Optional battery packs are not to be used in body worn applications.      APART.

    Use only internal batteries when the transmitter is to be worn on the body.
                                                                                    DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.           21

 ANTENNAS                                    Part Number                Description
                                             VDAR-1                    Single 5 dBic “Hybrid-Patch”™ Antenna with mounting
                                                                       options. Connector: TNC Female on chassis

                                             The VDAR video antennas are designed to operate with traditional single video
                                             receivers and multiple antenna configurations for diversity receivers. The antenna
                                             uses the DTC Hybrid-Patch system to ensure high purity circular polarization. This
                                             ensures the highest possible performance in video reception, especially in
                                             diversity systems. It is available in three different bands. Reversible and adjust-
                                             able suction cup mounts come standard for quick and easy installation on the
                                             inside or outside of window or other hard, smooth surfaces.

Type                   Three Hybrid Patch™
Polarization           RHCP                                                          VDAR-1
Peak Gain              5dBic
Horizontal Beamwidth   90°
Vertical Beamwidth     90°
Nominal Impedance      50 Ohms
Groundplane Req.       Built-in
Size                   6.6” H x 6.6” W
                       (167mm x 167 mm)
Weight                 12 Oz. (34g)
DTC Part Number        Frequency Range
7011156-1              1700 to 1850 MHz
7011156-3              1990 to 2110 MHz
7011156-2              2400 to 2500 MHz

                                                 WARNING: Refer to Appendix A of this manual for information on the proper
                                                 use of antennas.

Part Number               Description
QHA-4                     Quadrifilar Helix Antenna with Ring-Hybrid feed
                          Connector: TNC Female
                          Must be used with SMA to TNC antenna cable

The QHA family of antennas was developed to provide a compact solution for
pattern-tailored circularly polarized antennas. This rugged antenna is omnidirec-
tional when the antenna is vertical. The pattern is slightly elevated to allow
overhead coverage. The base of the antenna includes a special flat with #10-32
threaded hole, 0.25-in. deep for mounting. It is available in both RHCP and LHCP
                                    QHA-4                                           Type                   Quadrifilar Helix with
                                                                                                           Ring-hybrid feed
                                                                                    Polarization           Circular
                                                                                    Peak Gain              4dBiC at 24° above
                                                                                    Horizontal Beamwidth   Omnidirectional
                                                                                    Vertical Beamwidth     46°
                                                                                    Nominal Impedance      50 Ohms
                                                                                    Groundplane req.       Not Required
                                                                                    Size                   8.0” L x 1.25” dia
                                                                                                           (203 mm x 32 mm dia)
                                                                                    Weight                 3.7 oz. (105 g)
                                                                                    DTC Part Number        Frequency Range
                                                                                    QHA-4-2-R              2.4 to 2.5 GHz, RHCP
                                                                                    QHA-4-2-L              2.4 to 2.5 GHz, Lhcp
                                                                                    QHA-4-1-R              1.7 to 1.9 GHz, RHCP
                                                                                    QHA-4-1-L              1.7 to 1.9 GHz, LHCP

    WARNING: Refer to Appendix A of this manual for information on the proper
    use of antennas.
                                                                                           DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                 23

 ANTENNAS                                            Part Number               Description
                                                     ANT-5-PIG                 5 dBi Patch Antenna Connector: SMA or TNC Male on
                                                                               18" coax. “pigtail”.

                                                     DTC has developed a series of circularly polarized patch antennas for use in the
                                                     2.0 to 2.5 GHz indoor and short term outdoor installations. The ANT-5-P is a 5dbi
                                                     gain, 90 degree wide beamwidth, antenna, mounted on a 0.125 in. thick aluminum
                                                     plate. Typical uses include disguised transmitters and vehicular-mounted transmit-
                                                     ter antennas and in a variety of receive applications.

Specifications                                                                        Ant-5P
Type                   Patch antenna with integral
                       ring hybrid
Polarization           RHCP
Peak Gain              5dBic
Horizontal Beamwidth   90°
Vertical Beamwidth     90°
Nominal Impedance      50 Ohms
Groundplane Req.       Built-in
Size                   4.0” W x 4.0” H X 0.625” D
                       (102mm x 102mm x 16mm)
Weight                 6.4 Oz. (180 g)
DTC Part Number        Frequency Range
ANT-5-P-SMA            2.0 to 2.5 Ghz with SMA
                       male connector
ANT-5-P-TNC            2.0 to 2.5 Ghz with TNC
                       with male connector

                                                         WARNING: Refer to Appendix A of this manual for information on the proper
                                                         use of antennas.

Part Number                Description
ANT-10                    9dBic Wideband Panel Connector: TNC Female

DTC has developed a series of circularly polarized panel antennas for use in
wideband transmit and receive applications from 1.7 to 2.7 GHz. The ANT-10-R is
a very wide bandwidth, unidirectional log-spiral array. This antenna has useful
gain, with some sidelobe variation, to 4 GHz. It can be mounted to a wall or swivel
mounted with the MAF-1 grip on two surfaces, via two pairs of “1/4-20” tapped
holes located in the rear center and the bottom center of the aluminum housing.
The front of the antenna is a radome made of a polycarbonate material. The
antenna is suitable for indoor and short-term outdoor use. It must be protected for
extended outdoor use and installations since it is not waterproof.

                                  Ant-10                                              Specifications
                                                                                      Type                   Log-spiral slot array, absorber
                                                                                      Polarization           RHCP
                                                                                      Peak Gain              9dBic
                                                                                      Horizontal Beamwidth   30°at 2.0 GHz
                                                                                      Vertical Beamwidth     30°at 2.0 GHz
                                                                                      Nominal Impedance      50 Ohms
                                                                                      Groundplane Req.       Not required
                                                                                      Size                   9” W x 9” H x 1.2” D
                                                                                                             (227mm x 227 mm x 30 mm)
                                                                                      Weight                 1.7 lb. (750g)
                                                                                      DTC Part Number        Frequency Range
                                                                                      4044411                1.7 to 2.7 GHz; RHCP
                                                                                      7011142                1.7 to 2.7 GHz; RHCP with
                                                                                                             MAF - 1 grip included

    WARNING: Refer to Appendix A of this manual for information on the proper
    use of antennas.
                                                                                             DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                          25

     PROGRAMMING                DTC has built in a lot of flexibility in the programming options you have on the VBL
                                and VBS series transmitters. You can choose to use some, all or none of this

                                When you order a VBL or VBS transmitter, DTC will factory program your frequen-
                                cies at no additional charge to you. You may want to place a sticker over the
                                rotary switch on the chassis, so users in the field don’t attempt to change frequen-
                                cies. This is often the best path for state and local agencies with limited frequen-
                                cies available to them.

                                DTC will also provide you with free software and a free programming cable,
                                enabling you to change your video frequencies and their associated audio sub-
                                carriers. This is ideal if you often work with other agencies, or anticipate the
                                equipment being used by a multi-jurisdictional task force. You can program up to
                                ten channel settings per unit. In general, this allows you to program most varia-
                                tions you might encounter in the field at the depot level.

                                As a practical matter, your VBL or VBS transmitter’s video frequencies and audio
                                sub-carriers will be dictated by the frequency and sub-carriers(s) of your receiver
                                and/or repeater. In many cases, these devices are crystal controlled or have few
                                channel options.

                                    TIP: Make sure that you program your transmitter to match the frequencies
                                    and audio sub-carriers or your receiver, and test the components as a system
                                    prior to going into the field!


Installing DTC Universal Programming Software on your PC                      PROGRAMMING
     NOTE: Uninstall any previous versions by going to Add/Remove Programs,
      clicking on DTC Universal Programming, and clicking on uninstall.

1    Click on Start, click on run.

2    Click on the Browse button.

3    Click on or find your CD drive.

4    Install the JAVA Runtime Environment Application first (CD provided).

5    Follow the install wizard screens.

6    Install the Universal Programming software next (floppy provided).

7    Click on Start, click on run.

8    Click on the Browse Button.

9    Click on your floppy drive.

10   Double click on the setup.

11   Follow the install wizard screens.

         Your programming software is installed.

                                                                              DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.   27

                                     1   Make sure the video transmitter ON/OFFswitch is set to OFF. The red dot is
                                     2   Make sure the transmitter has an antenna installed into the antenna connec-
 SERIAL PORT OF           AC POWER       tor prior to programming.
 COMPUTER                 ADAPTER    3   Install the programming cable into the Multi I/O connector on the transmitter.
 COM1 OR COM2                +
                             _       4   Plug the serial cable of the programming cable
                  4                      into the COM1 or COM2 port of your computer
                                         and plug in the AC adapter.
                                     5   Turn the transmitter switch to ON. The green dot
                                         is ON.
                                     6   Select Start, programs, DTC communications on
                                3        your computer.
                                     7   The system allows you to select device COM1 or
            2                            COM2, depending
                                         on which serial port
                                         you are connected
                                     8   Follow the instruc-
                                         tions on the DTC
                                         Universal Program-
                                         ming screens to
                                         begin the download                                            8
                      5         1


   Click on the “Tx Channel” tab in the programmer screen.
   Select a channel and click on the Edit Channel button to change settings.
11 Enter your new frequency and settings.                                     9
12 To change any of the MIC-2 or MIC-1 settings, click on the settings provided,                              13
   then click OK.
13 Click on the Upload button to upload your new settings to the transmitter.

Your new settings have been installed.



                                                                                   DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.    29

                                Using Antennas with the VBS/VBL-250 Video Transmitter
                                Bodyworn applications:

                                               When the VBS/VBL-250 video transmitter is to be worn on the body,
                                only the DTC VidiWire antenna system should be used to insure that appropriate RF
                                exposure levels are not exceeded. This antenna has been extensively tested and
                                found to be safe when used as directed. The antennas used in the VidiWire system
                                are clearly labeled as to which side of the antenna should be placed against the
                                body. These directions must be observed to insure safe and effective operation. In
                                addition, there are steps that the user may take to further reduce their RF exposure.
                                Turning the transmitter OFF when it is not needed will reduce the actual time that the
                                user is exposed to the RF signal. For optimum performance, keep arms, hands, etc.
                                away from the side of the antenna that faces away from the body.

                                Non-portable applications:

                                               In mobile or fixed location applications, any suitable antenna may be
                                used. However, to insure safe operation, it is imperative that proper spacing be
                                maintained between the radiating surface of the antenna and any persons body.
                                Except as described above for bodyworn applications, no antenna should be placed
                                closer than 8 inches (20 cm) to the body. To insure that proper spacing is main-
                                tained, locate the transmitter or arrange physical barriers in such away that people
                                are prevented from approaching too closely.


486 Amherst Street • Nashua, New Hampshire 03063 • 603-880- 4411

Document Created: 2002-12-12 08:57:01
Document Modified: 2002-12-12 08:57:01

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