Users Manual

FCC ID: H25T2350

Users Manual

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Audio Transmitter
Project 25 Digital & Analog
Users Manual


How to contact DTC                                  Copyright Notice                                         Warranty
For operator and troubleshooting                    Copyright © 2004                                         DTC warrants its manufactured components against
information, customers are encouraged to refer to   DTC     Communications,        Inc. All       rights     defects in material and workmanship for a period of
the details in this manual. For additional          reserved. No part of this document may be                two (2) years, commencing on the date of original
clarification or instruction, or to order parts,    reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a re-    purchase.
contact DTC.                                        trieval system or translated into any                    Products manufactured by others that are approved
Customer Service is available Monday through
                                                    language or computer language, in any form or by         for use with DTC equipment are warranted for the
Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM
                                                    any means, including but not limited to electronic,      manufacturer’s warranty period, commencing from
EST at:
Tel: 603-880-4411                                   magnetic, mechanical, optical, chemical, manual or       the date of shipment from DTC.
Fax: 603-880-6965                                   otherwise, without the prior written permission of
Website:                             DTC Communications, Inc.                                 Intellectual Property Rights
Email:                                                                                       Notice
                                                    The information in the document is subject to change     Digital Voice Systems, Inc. (DVSI) claims
486 Amherst Street                                  without notice. DTC makes no representations or          certain rights, including patent rights under
Nashua, New Hampshire 03063                         warranties with respect to the contents hereof, and      US Patents #5,870,405, #5,826,222,
USA                                                 specifically disclaims any implied warranties of mer-    #5,754,974, #5,701,390, #5,715,365,
                                                    chantability or fitness for a particular purpose. DTC    #5,649,050, #5,630,011, #5,581,656,
                                                    reserves the right to revise this publication and to     #5,517,511, #5,491,772, #5,247,579,
                                                    make changes from time to time in the content hereof     #5,226,084, #5,195,166, and under other US
                                                    without obligation of DTC to notify any person of such   and foreign patents patents and patents
                                                    revision or changes.                                     pending, in IMBE Vocoder technology and
                                                    Trademarks                                               software embedded in this product. Any
                                                                                                             use of this technology or software requires
                                                    Trademarks of DTC Communications, Inc. include:
                                                                                                             a separate written license grant
                                                         • DTC
                                                         • MiniPIX®
                                                                                                             from DVSI.
                                                         • DynaPIX®
                                                    Other product names used in this manual are the          IMBE is a registered trademark of Digital
                                                    properties of their respective owners.                   Voice Systems, Inc.


                                                                                        Table of Contents
Manual Conventions                                      Overview ............................................................................. 4
                                                        Connections ...................................................................... 5
   NOTE Describes special issues you should be aware    Quick Start Option 1 .......................................................... 6
   of while using a particular function.
                                                        Quick Start Option 2 .......................................................... 7
   WARNING Calls out situations in which equipment      miniSDTM Card ................................................................. 8-9
   could be damaged or a process could be incorrectly
                                                        Recording to a miniSDTM Card ......................................... 10
   implemented, but in which operator safety is not a
   factor.                                              Trouble Shooting ............................................................... 11
                                                        Tips ................................................................................... 12
   TIP Describes application hints.
                                                        Specifications .................................................................. 13
                                                        Programming .............................................................. 14-16
                                                        Programming Options ................................................ 17-20
                                                        Encryption ......................................................................... 21
                                                        Accessories Antennas ..................................................... 22
                                                        Warranty ............................................................................ 23


                                             The T-2350 is a synthesized VHF, digital and analog audio transmitter with a
                                             software selectable power output of 1 Watt. The T-2350 has an optional
                                             removable Mini SDTM Card that can record approximately 1 minute of audio in
                       Channel Select        WAV file format per MB of storage.
                                             The T-2350 has 10 programmable channels. It is designed for body worn
                                             personal protection and evidence gathering missions. Its miniature size and
                       Internal              rugged design insures safe concealment and long lasting performance. The
                       Batteries             time to half power with fresh AAA Alkaline batteries is 5 hours. The transmission
                                             is programmable for digital P25 clear, digital P25 encrypted, analog
                                             narrowband, or analog wideband operation. The T-2350 transmission is either
                                             duplexed on the mic/antenna cable (meaning the microphone is the antenna)
Front of Transmitter                         or transmitted on a stand-alone noodle antenna, in which case the internal
                                             microphone or remote microphone must be used.

                                             Concerned with the rapid evolution of digital communication technologies and
                                 TM          a need for interoperability, the Association of Public Communications safety
                        miniSD        Card
                                             Officials (APCO) developed an open architecture, digital standard for public
                                             safety and government communications systems. Products compliant with
                                             APCO Project 25 standard are interoperable, regardless of the manufacturer.
                                             The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has
                                             adopted the APCO Project 25 interoperability standard, also known as TIA/EIA-
                                             102. The T-2350 is compliant with this standard.

 Back of Transmitter


ANTENNA (Female Lemo Connector)
This connector accepts both the mic/antenna and the noodle antenna.                               Connections
                                                                                                  Top View
MULTI-PIN CONNECTOR (Male multi-pin connector)
This connector mates with an external microphone and is used in conjunction                                 Multi Pin Connector
                                                                                        Antenna Connector
with the noodle antenna. This connector also mates with the programming

Once power is applied (after approximately 3 seconds), the Status LED will turn
on (green), which indicates a successful self-test. The LED will turn off after a         Status LED           On / Off Switch
few seconds, and remain off or flash green at 1 second intervals. (See program-
                                                                                              Internal Microphone
ming section)

ON/OFF SWITCH (Slide Switch: Green dot is ON, Red dot is OFF)
The ON/OFF switch controls the power to the transmitter. The power is supplied
through the internal battery compartment, which holds six AAA batteries. Sliding           NOTE: When using the noodle
the switch to the green dot turns the power ON. Sliding the switch to the red dot          antenna, the unit must be pro-
turns the power OFF.                                                                       grammed to use the alternate
                                                                                           microphone. If no external
CHANNEL SELECT SWITCH (Rotary Switch)                                                      microphone is connected, the unit
The channel select switch allows you to change transmit channels and is                    will automatically use the internal
located on the front of the transmitter. It is a rotary switch which requires the use      microphone.
of the supplied screwdriver to turn the switching mechanism. Select a transmit
channel number by turning the rotary switch.

                                                                                           NOTE: When Cycling power on the
                                                                                           unit, power switch must be left in
                                                                                           the off postion for at least 2
                                                                                           seconds before turning it back on.


    QUICK START Option1        Using The Antenna/Mic Assembly
                                   NOTE: The channel being used must be programmed
     NOTE: Do not operate          to use the antenna/mic
     the transmitter without
     an antenna installed.
                               1   Install the antenna/mic into the antenna connector
                                   on the transmitter.

                                   NOTE: This is a push-on, push off locking connector.
                                   The connector will rotate 360° in the transmitter
                                   without disconnecting. Use extreme caution when
                                   connecting or removing the mic/antenna.(See
                                   illustration on page 12.)

                               2   Ensure that the power switch on the transmitter is set
                                   to OFF. (Red dot is OFF).

                               3   Slide the battery door to the right and install six, fresh
                                   AAA batteries, being careful to observe proper polarity.
                                   Slide the battery door to the left to close the battery

                               4   Using a small screwdriver, turn the recessed rotary
                                   switch located on the front cover, to the desired

                               5   Turn the unit on by sliding the switch to the ON
                                   position. (Green dot is ON.)

                                   NOTE: Once power is applied (after approximately 3
                                   seconds), the Status LED will turn on (green), which
                                   indicates a successful self-test. The LED will turn off
                                   after a few seconds.

Using A Separate Microphone with the
                 Microphone                                       QUICK START Option 2
Noodle Antenna
                                                                            NOTE: Do not operate
     NOTE: The channel being used must be programmed                        the transmitter without
to use the internal mic.                                                    an antenna installed.

1    Install the 36” remote microphone into the auxiliary
    (multi-pin) connector on the transmitter

2   Install the noodle antenna into the antenna connector
    on the transmitter. Adjust length to center of operating
    frequencies. (See example on Page 22)

    NOTE: This is a push-on, push off locking connector.
    The connector will rotate 360° in the transmitter without
    disconnecting. Use extreme caution when connecting
    or removing the noodle antenna.(See illustration on
    page 12.)

3    Ensure that the power switch on the transmitter is set
    to OFF. (Red dot is OFF).

4    Slide the battery door to the right and install six, fresh
     AAA batteries, being careful to observe proper polarity.
     Slide the battery door to the left to close the battery

5    Using a small screwdriver, turn the recessed rotary
     switch located on the front cover to the desired

6    Turn the unit on by sliding the switch to the ON
     position.(Green dot is ON.)                                                                  7

    miniSDTM Card
                                       miniSDTM Card
                                       The T-2350 uses an industry-standard miniSD™ card to make audio
                                       recordings. A 512 MB card, an SD to miniSD adapter, and an SD card reader
                                       are provided with a new T-2350. The audio is recorded in a Windows PCM
                                       waveform format (.wav file). Should the need to replace the card arise, they can
                                       be purchased at most major retailers in various densities from 32 Mb to
                                       512 Mb. Higher densities may be available in the future. As an example, a 32Mb
                                       card will provide approximatley 30 minutes of recording time, 64Mb wil provide
                                       about 60 minutes, etc. The 512 Mb card included with the transmitter will
                                       provide well over 8 hours of recording time. Generally speaking, 1 MB of
                                       memory will provide about 1 minute of recording.

                                       Every new miniSD™ must be properly formatted before it can be used.
                                       Formatting is a simple process that can be done on almost any Microsoft
                                       Windows equipped PC, Laptop, Notebook, and some hand-held PCs. Typically,
                                       this will only need to be done once on each card.

                                       Installing miniSDTM Card
miniSDTM Card         TM
                 miniSD                The miniSD™ card slot is accessed by sliding the side panel down (Figure 2).
Adapter (to be   Card                  The Card is inserted with the gold tabs facing the same side as the Channel
used with Card                         Switch. When installed, a red LED will be illuminated indicating that the card
Reader)                                should not be removed due to file management activity. Wait until the red LED
                                       is OFF before removing the card by gently pushing in until it releases.

                                           NOTE: Never insert or remove the card while power is ON.

                           SD Card

                                                                                         miniSDTM Card
Formatting Instructions for Desktop, Laptop, and Notebook computers.
   1. Double click on ‘my computer’ to display your list of drives.
    2.   Insert the miniSD™ card into the miniSD™ to SD adaptor as shown.            Side View of the miniSDTM slot
    3.   Insert the adaptor into the SD card reader included with the
    4.   Insert the card reader into an available USB port on your computer.
         The computer should acknowledge the installation by adding another
         drive icon in the drive list called ‘Removable Disk’ and followed by a
         drive letter.
    5.   Right click on this new drive, pick Properties, and then Format.

WARNING: Do not perform this function on any drive whose name or type is
        “LOCAL DRIVE”. Doing so could permanently harm your computer.              miniSDTM
    6.   Ensure that the ‘Quick Format’ and ‘Enable Compression’ boxes are
         NOT checked, then click ‘Start’.
    7.   Click OK in the Warning box that appears. When the dialog box that
         confirms that the format is complete appears, click OK. The format is
         now complete and the miniSDTM card can be used in the T-2350.

    Installing the miniSDTM card into the T-2350
    1. Power OFF the T-2350.
    2.   Remove the aluminum cover plate access the miniSDTM slot.
    3.   Install the miniSDTM card so the gold fingers of the miniSDTM card will              Figure 2
         face the same side as the Channel Select Rotary switch of the T-2350
    4.   Replace the aluminum cover plate

                                    Recording to a miniSDTM Card
     Recording                      Each of the ten selected channels on the T-2350 can have the recording feature
                                    turned on or off independently from each other. This is accomplished by
                                    clicking the ‘recording on’ or ‘recording off’ button for each channel in the DTC
                                    Universal Programming Software (refer to Figure 3 page 19 for details). To
                                    make a recording, the desired channel must have the ‘recording on’ button
                                    checked, and a properly formatted miniSD card with some available space
                                    must be installed in the T-2350 miniSD slot. For the purposes of this tutorial,
                                    the ‘recording messages’ radio button should be set to ON via the DTC
                                    Universal Programmer.
                                    1. Install a properly formatted miniSDTM card with some available space into
                                       the T-2350, gold connectors facing the side with the channel switch, and
                                       slide the door closed.
                                    2. Set the channel switch to a channel with recording enabled.
                                    3. Turn on a radio reciever tuned to a matching frequency.
                                    4. Turn on the T-2350. First, a message broadcasting “Media Present With
                                       More Than Four Hours Of Recording Time” will be heard on the receiver, then
                                       a few seconds later you will hear the message “Recording Start”.
                                    5. Speak into whichever microphone is enabled, allowing for the recording to
                                       progress for a few moments
                                    6. Set the power switch to the OFF position.
                                    7. Ensure that the red LED in the card slot is NOT on, then push the card in to
                                    8. Insert the card into the miniSD-SD adaptor, then insert the adaptor into the
NOTE: Pre-recorded messages are
      broadcast but not recorded.   9. Using Windows Explorer, open the SD card and double click on the newly
                                       created .wav file. This should launch the application that plays audio files.
                                    10. Ensure the PC speakers are turned on and at a comfortable listening level.
                                       The recording you just made should now be playing.

Trouble Shooting


     Disconnecting the noodle                 Additional Operational Notes:
     antenna or the mic/antenna               The T-2350 operates on six AAA batteries in series, which produce 9 VDC. A fresh
                                              set of batteries will operate the unit for over five hours when in high power mode.
     assembly.                                Battery reversal guards are integral to the battery compartment to eliminate the
                                              possibility of cell reversal.
                  SLIDE BLACK SLEEVE

                                              NOTE: Always turn the unit off and remove used batteries when not in use. It is
                                                 imperative to discard partially used batteries, as their remaining life is not
                                                 predictable. Always start an operation with a fresh set of batteries.

                                          Audio Circuit and Body Mounting Tips:
                                          All body worn transmitters are susceptible to “clothing noise”. Reducing this
                                          rubbing effect is accomplished in a variety of ways. Attach the transmitter to the body
                                          with a secure mounting method, such an ace bandage or a custom harness.
      NOTE: This is a push-on, push off   1 Try to locate the microphone in an area that “pickup” will be best and rubbing
      locking connector. The connector         noise is least. Avoid the arms, legs, crotch or under the arms or the waist
      will rotate 360° in the transmitter      area. Front torso mounting is ideal.
      without disconnecting. Use extreme 2 Always provide a small amount of strain relief on the microphone cable itself.
      caution when connecting or               This reduces the noise caused by the microphone cable and element being
      removing the mic/antenna or              tugged and prevents cable damage.
      noodle antenna. To remove slide     3 Secure the microphone cable to the body with medical adhesive tape in at
      the black sleeve back, and pull up       least two spots, the final being about an inch below the element. Remember
      on the metal base, then pull the         to leave a strain relief loop!
      mic/antenna or noodle antenna
                                          4 Completely cover the microphone element (facing outward) with an ordinary
      straight out.
                                               Band Aid™. This provides a damped baffle for the microphone and a slick
                                               surface for clothing to rub on, and actually does not impact audio pickup level
                                               at all.

                                                             ITEM                      SPECIFICATION

Care should be taken when selecting the proper output                                  500mW
                                                             Power (RF)
power for the T-2350. Higher power will give the greatest                              1000mW

range but will shorten the battery life and increase the
                                                                                       • 10 position rotary channel/mode switch
chance of counter detection. DTC recommends using the        Controls and Indicators   • Sliding ON/OFF power switch
                                                                                       • Bi-color Status LED
lowest possible transmit power that can safely do the job.
                                                                                       Mic/antenna, combination external
                                                             Connectors                mic/power/programming and
                                                                                       multi-pin connector

The power level must be selected in software. Each           Frequency Stability       Within +/- 2.5 ppm over -30° C to +65° C
channel can be individually set to either high or low                                  10 User programmable with DTC Universal
                                                             Channel Capacity
power.                                                                                 Software

                                                                                       • 150 - 174 MHz (VHF-High)
                                                             Frequency Range
                                                                                       • 138 - 150 MHz (Option VHF-Low)

                                                                                       N/A: Transmitter can be programmed to any channel
                                                             Minimum Tuning Step
                                                                                       within specified frequency band.

                                                                                       5 KHz (wide) or TIA/EIA-102 compliant
                                                                                       2.5 KHz (narrow) , programmed by channel

                                                             Microphone                Electret-fet

                                                             Spurious and Harmonics    -50 dBc max

                                                             Operating Temp Range      -30° C to + 70° C

                                                             Power Sources             Six AAA batteries

                                                             Battery Life              5 hours min with AAA batteries measured to half-life
                                                                                       of transmitter output power

                                                             Dimensions                2.275” W x 3.70” L x 0.525” D

                                                             Weight                    Unit .188 lbs / Unit and Batteries .288 lbs

                                                             NTIA Compliant            TIA/EIA-102 - Analog and Digital mode

                                                                                       All specifications at 25° C and RF measurements
                                                                                       taken into 50 Ohms unless otherwise stated.


DTC has improved the flexibility in the programming options you have on the
T-2350 audio transmitter. You can choose to use some, all, or none of this

When you order a T-2350 transmitter, DTC will factory program your frequen-
cies at no additional charge to you. You may want to place a sticker over the
rotary switch on the chassis, so users in the field don’t attempt to change

DTC will also provide you with free software and a free programming cable,
enabling you to change any programmable option. This is ideal if you often
work with other agencies, or anticipate the equipment being used by a multi-
jurisdictional task force. You can program up to ten channel settings per unit.    TIP: Make sure that you program
In general, this allows you to program at the depot for most variations you        your transmitter to match the
might encounter in the field.                                                      frequencies of your receiver, and
                                                                                   test the components as a system
The configuration of each channel is managed with DTC programming                  prior to going into the field!
software. The programming software included with your T-2350 allows you
to do all of the following:

 -    Assign frequencies to each channel                     -   Select Automatic Gain Control mode
 -    Select the mode of operation for each channel              (High Gain AGC, Low Gain AGC, No AGC
      (digital clear, digital encrypted, analog narrow or        (Digital Clear/Encryption Only)
      analog wideband)                                       -   Select LED operation
 -    Select the 56-bit DES-OFB encryption key and               (normal operation or disabled)
      16-bit key ID                                          -   Enable/disable recording for each channel
 -    Select power level for each channel (High or Low)      -   Turn on/off pre-recorded miniSD™ status and
 -    Select which microphone to use                             battery status messages
      (mic/antenna or alternate microphone).                 -   Set internal clock


Installing DTC Universal Programming Software
on your PC
    NOTE: Uninstall any previous versions by going to Add/Remove Pro-
     grams, clicking on DTC Universal Programming, and clicking on

1   Click on Start, click on run.

2   Click on the Browse button.

3   Click on or find your CD drive

4   Install the JAVA Runtime Environment Application first (CD provided).

5   Follow the install wizard screens.

6   Install the Universal Programming software next (floppy provided).

7   Click on Start, click on run.

8   Click on the Browse Button.

9   Click on your floppy drive.

10 Double click on the setup.

11 Follow the install wizard screens.

        Your programming software is installed                                            15

1    Connect the antenna to the T-2350 transmitter.
2    Install the programming cable into the connector on                                        3
     the T-2350.
3    Plug the serial cable of the programming cable into           1              2
     the COM1 or COM2 port of your computer.
4    From the Start Menu, Select Programs>DTC
     Communications>COM1 or COM2 on your computer.                                                                6

                                                               9   Enter your new settings and click OK. (See Programming
5    The cycle power screen displays.                              Options pages 18-21) You can change the frequencies,
6    Slide the power switch to the ON position and click OK.       mode, key ID, misc source, AGC, and bandwidth
     A message screen displays T-2350 downloading.                 The programming software returns
                                                                   to the TX channels screen with
                                                                   your new settings displayed, and
                                                                   an asterisk (*) beside the channel
                                                                   that has changed.
7    Click on the TX Channels Tab.
                                                               10 Click on the upload button.
                                                                  A message screen displays the new settings being
                                                                  uploaded to device.
                                                                  A message screen
                                                                  displays that your
                                                                  settings have been
8    Click on the channel you need to change and click on
                                                                  successfully uploaded.
     the Edit Channel button
                                                                         Your new settings have been installed.

                                                                       NOTE: Width refers to channel spacing. 12.5 kHz =
16                                                                     Narrowband. 25 kHz = Wideband

                                                                 Programming Options
                      Uploads new channel information
                                                                Click this button to establish
                      to the unit. Click this button when all
                                                                communication between unit and PC.
                      of the necessary configuration
                      changes are complete                      Follow the on-screen instructions.

 Individual channel
 See Page 18

                                                                                  Global transmit options.
   Model Number                                                                   See Page 20

Firmware Version

  Denotes band of

                                               Figure 1


     Programming Options                                     Click on the channel of
                                                             interest, then click this button
                                                             to edit individual channel
                               Repeats channel settings      Refer to Page 19.
                               from previously set channel

                           Figure 2


                                                                                 Programming Options
Enter frequency                                                                       C     D
in MHz
                                   A            B
                                                                    Select RF Power                Sets encryption key to be
         Selects Modulations                                                                       associated with this channel

                                                       Figure 3
      A. Selects AGC mode. In analog transmission             C. Selects RF power operation when unit is in a low battery
       modes, AGC Off is not available and will operate as      condition. When the internal microprocessor detects that the
       LOW when selected. In digital transmission mode          battery voltage has dropped below 4.1 VDC, the transmit
       all three settings are available.                        power will be controlled according to these settings.
                                                                Selecting Low Power or Off will prolong battery life, and will
      B. Selects microphone or auxiliary input. When            not affect recording settings.
      selecting Internal/ALT1, the internal microphone will
      be automatically selected unless there is an external D. Record mode. Disables or enables recording on individual
                                                                channels. The Switched setting is intended to be used with
      source connected to ALT1 on the circular connector.
                                                                the optional remote recording switch.
      In both settings, an external source will automatically
      be selected when connected. When selecting
      Antenna Mic/ALT2, you must have either the Antenna
      Mic (DTC PN 7011149) or an external input source                                                                         19
      connected to ALT2 on the circular connector.

        Programming Options
                                                        Turns low battery
                                                        Warnings On/Off          F

                E                                                                                                Turns external
                                                                                                                 LED On/Off

Edits encryptions
codes and keys.
See Page 21

                                                            Figure 4
     E. Turns audio messages On/Off                               F. Updates clock
      None - No recording status or warnings will be broadcast.    Selecting yes will update the T-2350 internal clock using
      Power Up - The status of the card will be broadcast on       the time from your computer. The update will be made
      power up only, not during operation.                         when the Upload button is clicked.
      Active Only - Record status and warnings will be broad-
      cast during operation, but NOT on power up.
      All - Record status and warnings will be broadcast during
      operation AND on power up.


1. To start entering KeyID/Key pairs, select the “Tx Options” tab , and click the Edit          Encryption
button under “Encryption_Keys”.
2. To enter a new pair, click “Add Item”. In the dialog box (see Figure A), enter a
four-digit hexadecimal number for the KeyID and click “OK”.
3. The KeyID will be displayed at the top of the dialog box, and the program will                            Figure A
then ask to enter the Encryption Key (16 hexadecimal digits). When done
entering the Key, click OK, and the KeyID/Key pair will be entered into the avail-
able list. If the parity of any of the bytes is not odd, the user will be warned
“Wrong parity entered” and the KeyID/Key will have to be re-entered. To protect
the Key, it will not be shown or displayed once it is entered.

Digital Encryption                           the Encryption Key must have odd
In the “Digital Encrypt” mode of opera-      parity. Odd parity means that the
tion, this unit uses a 56-bit DES-OFB        number of “one’s” in the binary (0/1)
Encryption Key per the APCO Project 25       representation of the 8-bit byte must be
specification. Each Encryption Key is        odd. For example, the following is a
identified/labeled using a shorter Key       valid Encryption Key: 2F AB 08 E3 B5         Hexa
Identifier (16 bits), known as the KeyID.                                                decimal     Binary
                                             9D 4C 16 .
If the unit uses the Digital Encrypt mode                                                   1         0000
of operation, one or more KeyID/key          Associating a Key/KeyID pair with a            2         0001
                                             Channel                                        3         0010
pairs need to be entered.                                                                   4         0011
                                             For each channel with the “Digital                       0100
Entering Key/KeyID pairs                                                                    5
                                             Encrypt” mode selected, a Key/KeyID                      0101
The KeyID is essentially a label for the     pair must be selected. Under the “Tx           7
DES-OFB Encryption Key. The KeyID is                                                                  0111
                                             Channels” tab, select the channel and          8         1000
a 16-bit value, represented by four          click “Edit Chan”. The Key/KeyID pair          9         1001
hexadecimal digits, with each hexadeci-      is selected under “key_IDs”. Note that         A         1010
                                                                                            B         1011
mal digit representing 4-bits (see Table     you only see the KeyID, not the Key
                                                                                            C         1100
1 below). The Encryption Key is a 64-bit     itself. Note that multiple channels            D         1101
value (56-bit key + 8 bits parity), repre-   may use the same KeyID/Key pair if             E         1110
sented by eight hexadecimal digits. Per      desired. If the mode is not “Digital           F         1111
the APCO Project 25 specification, each      Encrypt”, the key_ID setting is ignored            (Table 1)
byte (i.e. pair of hexadecimal digits) in    and has no effect.

     Accessories Antennas
                                       The “noodle” antenna may be adjusted over the frequency range of 138 MHz to 225
                                       MHz by adjusting the amount of wire that is folded back along side the end of the
                                       The total length may be calculated by the following formula.

                                       Length (inches) = 2950 / (Freq MHz)
     DTC part number
     7011151    138 - 225 MHz

     DTC part number Frequency Range
     7011149         150 - 174 MHz
     7001073         140 - 150 MHz
     7001077         210 - 225 MHz


                   TWO YEAR WARRANTY
DTC Communications, Inc. (DTC) warrants its RF transmitting and receiving products to be free
from defects in workmanship or material for a period of two (2) years from the date of shipment
unless otherwise stated.
The liability of DTC, Inc. under this warranty is limited to replacing, repairing, or issuing credit, at
option, for any products, which are returned by the purchaser during such warranty period, provided:
DTC is notified and a Repair Authorization Number is issued by DTC Customer Service within 30
days after discovery of such defects by Customer.
The defective units are returned to DTC with transportation charged Prepaid by the Customer.
Product damaged in shipment must be reported to and claim forms filed with the Carrier by the
Customer. In shipments to the factory, notice and claim procedures will be initiated by DTC.
DTC’s examination of such products shall disclose to its satisfaction that such defects exist and
have not been caused by misuse, misapplication, neglect, improper installation, improper storage,
alteration, physical damage or accidents.
The warranty shall not apply to microphones, batteries, antennas, crystals or material ordinarily
susceptible to field damage or any accessories of a disposable nature. The warranty shall not apply
to Engineering Prototypes or Customer requested modifications to electronic circuits.
This warranty does not apply to and DTC does not independently warrant items or systems sold by
DTC which are produced by other manufacturers. With respect to such items, the Customer shall
look to the warranty of the original manufacturer and DTC disclaims all warranty, expressed or
Nothing in this warranty, or any statement, brochure, bulletin, or advertisement is to be interpreted as
establishing the suitability of any product for particular application or use. Applications of the product
and the determination of suitability for any application, is the sole responsibility of the Customer.


sa0ea . son.as0—a4n:

Document Created: 2005-01-11 12:13:17
Document Modified: 2005-01-11 12:13:17

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