User Manual


Users Manual

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PD2 Digital Transmitter
COFDM Transmitter Module
Model PD2-TX-5000S 5 Watt Output

The most important thing we build is trust

how to contact COBHAM                            copyright notice                                 FCC information
For operator and troubleshooting                 Copyright © 2003 - 2011                          The following information is provided as a
information, customers are encouraged            COBHAM All rights reserved. No part of this      service to our law enforcement customers
to refer to the details in this manual. For      document may be reproduced, transmitted,         who require a Part 90 station license for
additional clarification or instruction, or to   transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or     video surveillance operations using the 2450
order parts, contact COBHAM.                     translated into any language or computer         to 2483.5 MHz band.
                                                 language, in any form or by any means,           You will need to provide two documents:
Customer Service is available Monday             including but not limited to electronic,         • Form 600 (the application form)
through Friday between the hours of 9:00         magnetic, mechanical, optical, chemical,
                                                 manual or otherwise, without the prior           • Form 159 (the filing fee form)
AM and 5:00 PM EST at:
                                                 written permission of COBHAM.                    Forms can be obtained from the FCC on
Tel: 603-880-4411                                                                                 their website at:
Fax: 603-880-6965                                disclaimer                                       You can also contact the FCC using their FAX
Website:                      The information in the document is subject       back service at: (888) 418-3676 Additional
                                                 to change without notice. COBHAM                 instructions are available by telephone at:
Email:                       makes no representations or warranties           (888) 225-5322
                                                 with respect to the contents hereof, and
                                                 specifically disclaims any implied warranties    The filing fee form is returned to: Federal
DTC Communications, Inc.                                                                          Communications Commission
                                                 of merchantability or fitness for a particular
dba Cobham Tactical Communications and           purpose. COBHAM reserves the right to            1270 Fairfield Road
Surveillance                                     revise this publication and to make changes      Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245
486 Amherst Street                               from time to time in the content hereof
Nashua, New Hampshire 03063                      without obligation of COBHAM to notify           FCC ID #H25PD2TX5000S
                                                 any person of such revision or changes.

 2                                                                                                                   OP1920633 Rev.001

                                                                                                                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
manual conventions
                                                                    Introduction................................................................................................................ 4-5
                                                                    Quick Start.........................................................................................................................6
       NOTE: Describes special issues you should be aware of
       while using a particular function.                           Specifications............................................................................................................. 7-8
       WARNING: Calls out situations in which                       Contact Us.....................................................................................................................11
       equipment could be damaged or a process could be
       incorrectly implemented, but in which operator safety is
       not a factor.

       TIP: Describes application hints.

A separation distance of at least 30 cm must be maintained
between the antenna and the body of the user or nearby
persons. When the unit is used consistant with the previous
notice, it conforms to the requirements of FCC Rules and
regulations, sections 1.1307 & 2.19091, as required by section

       WARNING: Use of antennas with gain above 2.1 dBi may
       exceed Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits.

       NOTE: This device is for occupational use only. Oc-
       cupational users are those persons who are exposed as
       a consequence of their employment, provided these
       persons are fully aware of and exercise control over their


The Palladium II Series of digital video trans-
mitters provide exceptional video quality in      Fan   Heatsink      SMA Antenna connection
high multipath environments. They are ideal
for use inside buildings, in urban areas, and
in other applications where multipath would
normally cause video tearing or breakup.
All Palladium II Series transmitters are                                                                     PD2
designed for spectrum-efficient 2.5 MHz                                                                      Transmitter
channel spacing. Approximately 400 carriers
are used to transmit video and two channels
of voice and data. Palladium transmitters may
be located on adjacent channels without a
guard band. AES 128-bit encryption ensures
users of secure communications.
The Palladium 5000S is a small, modular
transmitter with a 5W RF power output. It’s
ideal for OEM concealments and short to
mid-range robotic and UAV applications. The
package is only 10” x 10” x 3.625”. All connec-
tions are conveniently located. The Palladium
5000S incorporates a power amplifier bring-
ing total power output to 5W.                                                              9 Pin Connector
                                                          DC Power Input and       NTSC Video Input
                                                          RF Output ON/OFF
 4                                                        control

Using your Palladium II Transmitter
Follow the instructions given in the Quick Start section on pages 6-7. When power is first ap-
plied to the Palladium, the unit reverts to the indicated channel and RF ON state. The Alarm LED
may be ON, which indicates that there is no active video input.
Changing your Transmitter Configuration
The Palladium Transmitter can store up to 8 different configurations, which can be selected
with the Channel Control. The frequency channels are preprogrammed please contact your
local Sales Manager for more information
Top Controls/Connectors
• Multi-I/O Connector
• Data Chaining & Control Connector.
• Audio 2 (left) and Audio 1 (right/mono) LEMO Conn. These connectors provide the audio
input connections to the transmitter. Either one or two audio inputs can be used with the Pal-
ladium II Transmitter.
• Frequency Channel Controller
          - Fmin = 1 (2451.25 MHz)
          - Fmid = 2 (2466.00 MHz)
          - Fmax = 3-8 (2482.50 MHz)
Bottom Controls/Connector
• SMA Antenna connection



Complete these steps:                            NOTE: Palladium TX-5000A Modules         WARNING: Do not connect the
1. Connect the transmitter antenna to the        feature a heat sink for proper heat      antenna without a suitable 50
SMA connector on the Palladium unit              dissipation. For optimal performance,    ohm load attached. The maxi-
                                                 do not block air flow over the fins of   mum safe operating distance,
(see photo right).                               this heat sink.                          antenna to human body must
2. Attach a 12 VDC power source (capable                                                  be 30cm.
of 7 amp output current) to the power block
(red) as shown to the right. The input voltage
is 12 VDC nom.
3. Connect a TTL logic source to the power
block (orange) as shown to turn on the
amplifier. This is the ON/OFF control for the
RF amp.
RF/ON = TTL1           RF/OFF = TTL0
4. Attach the common return of both supplies
to the (black) power center block
5. Attach your camera video input (75 ohm                                                                          5
composite video source in PAL or NTSC) to
the video RCA connector (see photo to the
right).                                                                       3
6. Apply the necessary power to your camera
                                                                                   2       NOTE: Device is polarity sensitive.
and turn ON.
                                                                                           Connect DC power only as shown
                                                                                           above; black to black (-), red to red (+).


 Unit Dimensions (approx.)                    10 “ x 10” x 3.625 (not including connectors)
 Operational Temp 		                          -30 degrees C to 50 degrees C
 Input Voltage 		                             12 VDC nominal
 Power Consumption		                          75w
 PC Control Interface 		                      RS-232.
 Memory 		                                    8 configurations
 		                                           3 Factory programmed frequencies
Video Encoding
 Compression Standard MPEG-2 w/ non-DVB modes, MPEG-4
 		                                       DVB-T Compliant
 Chrominance Profile 		                   4:2:0
 Line Standard 		                         PAL 625 or NTSC 525
 Horizontal Resolution 		                 704, 528, 480, 352 pixels (528 as standard)
 Vertical Resolution 		                   576 (625 lines) or 480 (525 lines)
 Video Bitrates 		                        1Mbps to 10 Mbps
 Video Latency 		                         End to end delay of 54 milliseconds


Audio Encoding
 Input 		                          Stereo or Dual Mono pair
 Bitrates 		                       28 kbps to 72 kbps depending on configuration
 Sampling Frequency 		             32 kHz, 16 kHz or 8kHz
 THD 		                            < 0.1% max
 Response 		                       20Hz to 15KHz, +/- 0.25dB depending on
 Crosstalk 		                      > 55 dB min
 S/N 		                            60 dB RMS
Composite Video Input
 Standards 		                      NTSC (with and without pedestal) or PAL
 Specification 		                  Rec. ITU-R BT.470-4
 Connector 		                      Hirose
 Composite PAL and NTSC decoding   Eight-bit comb filtering composite decoder
Analog Audio
 Analog Audio Input		              +10 dBu
 Nominal Level		                   +4 dBu
 Scrambling type		                 Fixed key scrambling system
 		                                Algorithms offered include AES.
COFDM RF output
 Output Frequency 		               Band Dependent
 Occupied Bandwidth 		             2.44 MHz
 Power 		                          5000 mW
 Connector 		                      SMA
 COFDM Standard 		                 Proprietary, 2.5 MHz channel bandwidth








  Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance
486 Amherst Street • Nashua, New Hampshire 03063 • 603-880- 4411

Document Created: 2012-01-26 09:09:03
Document Modified: 2012-01-26 09:09:03

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