Manual Part 2


Users Manual

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                                                                                     ACTIVE PATCH
Antenna Options                                            NON ACTIVE
Before installing the MiniBox-4, you should also
consider antenna options (if you are using RF analog or
digital transmission). You have the choice of using one                              DOUBLE FEMALE
                                                                                                                       MiniBox-4 Using
or two patch antennas.                                                                 ADAPTER                         1 Patch Antenna
                                                                                                                                           N LOG
Using both patch antennas with the supplied splitter                                                                                           D
will provide the largest radiation pattern but at a
lower gain. Using one antenna will make the radiation
pattern directional, but will typically double the gain,
which will increase the signal range in that direction.

To configure for one antenna, disconnect the coax             One Antenna Configuration
from the transmitter at the bottom of the splitter and
connect the double-female adapter in its place. Connect
                                                                           RIGHT PATCH
the cable from the desired active antenna to the                            ANTENNA

adapter. See illustration top right.                       LEFT PATCH

To configure for two antennas, disconnect the coax
from the transmitter at the double-female adapter and
connect the splitter (input) in its place. Connect the
                                                                                                                       MiniBox-4 Using
cables from both antennas to the splitter (outputs). See                                                               2 Patch Antennas
illustration bottom right.                                                SPLITTER

      NOTE: Do NOT remove antenna connections
      with device powered ON!


                                                              Two Antenna Configuration

                                                                                                          DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.        11

                                               Wall-Mounting the MiniBox-4
 A                                             To wall-mount the MiniBox-4, complete the following steps:

                                               1.   Dry-fit the MiniBox on the wall and make a pencil mark on the wall at
N LOG                                               the top-center mounting slot.

 D                                             2.   Drill a pilot hole at the pencil mark for a mounting screw. Make sure
                   Top of MiniBox-4
                                                    the wall is composed of solid, strong material such as wood or metal,
                                                    Select a fastener that will support at least 30 pounds.

                                               3.   Install the screw but leave enough of the shank exposed (1-1/4”
                                                    minimum) to hang the MiniBox-4 on.

                                               4.   Hang the MiniBox-4 as shown (left).
             WARNING: To prevent
             overheating, make sure the rear   5.   With the MiniBox-4 plumb and level, drill and mount a second screw
             vent is not blocked.                   in the bottom mounting hole.

                                               6.   Tighten the top screw.
             WARNING: Never stand on or
             place weight on the MiniBox-4.
                 D GITAL

                                                    NOTE: Do NOT overtighten the mounting screws. Tighten enough to snug
                                                    the wall mount bracket to the wall. Overtightening may bend or damage the
                                                    mounting plate.


                                                                             POLE MOUNTING SCHEME
Pole-Mounting the MiniBox-4
To pole-mount the MiniBox-4, complete the following steps:                                                              A

1.   Use the Wall Mounting Scheme steps 1-4 (left) to hang the MiniBox-4
     on the pole. Alternatively, a helper can hold the MiniBox-4 in place                                           N LOG
     for step 2 below. The back of the MiniBox-4 features a self-centering

2.   Using a band-clamp (provided), secure the top of the MiniBox-4 to the
     pole as shown (right).
                                                                                       Top of MiniBox-4                 W
3.   Using a band-clamp (provided), secure the bottom of the MiniBox-4 to
     the pole in the same fashion.

                                                                                 WARNING: To prevent
                                                                                 overheating, make sure the rear
                                                                                 vent is not blocked.

                                                                                 WARNING: Never stand on or
                                                                                 place weight on the MiniBox-4.

                                                                                 DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.          13

                                    PCMCIA Slot (Gently squeeze    Factory setting of the camera
                                    cover to remove)               network is DHCP.

                                                                   Wireless LAN settings: Type=adhoc,
                                                                   SSID=snc-rx550, Channel=11
                                                                   ch, WEP=nothing, IP address
                                                         , subnet mask=

                                                                       Tech Tip: Set your configuration
                                                                       computer for an IP address in
                                                                       the shipped WiFi family. As an
                                                                       example, the WiFi is shipped
                                    Wi-Fi Card in PCMCIA Adapter, subnet Set
                                                                       your configuration computer for
                                    Kapton® Tape             , subnet

                                    Wi-Fi Card in PCMCIA Adapter

                                    Remove Protective Packaging

                                    Memory Stick Slot


                                                                                                  WI-FI SETUP
To setup your Wi-Fi option, complete the following steps:

1.   Remove the plastic door from the front of the camera to expose the            WARNING                               W
     PCMCIA slot.                                                                  WiFi (802.11g) operates in the
                                                                                   S-Band 2.4 GHz.
2.   The 802.11 Wi-Fi card is shipped in the Accessory Bag--attached
     with Kapton tape to the PCMCIA Adapter. Push this assembly gently             If your MiniBox-4 is equipped
     but firmly into the slot on the front of the camera as shown. The gold        with both WiFi and an S, S2,
     connector must be on the left.                                                S3 Band transmitter, the
                                                                                   transmitter will cause the WiFi
3.   Access the Wi-Fi signal with a Wi-Fi-equipped computer via a web              system to be intermittent or
     browser (see page 20).                                                        inoperable. Use either WiFi or S,
4.   To remove the card and adapter assembly, press the eject button to            S2, S3 Band transmitter, but not
     the right of the PCMCIA slot.                                                 both at the same time.

                                                                                   WiFi may also suffer from
                                                                                   interference if used in close
     Camera Latency: In applications where continuous or frequent camera
                                                                                   proximity to microwave ovens
     control commands are sent or if controlling the camera using two sources
     (RF TX & WiFi) at the same time, latency may build due to the buffering and   and cordless phones.
     processing of these commands. This latency will be observed as the camera
     being slow or non-responsive to commands. To minimize this effect, DTC
     recommends controlling the camera with one source at a time and lowering
     the frame-rate to 5 fps for optimum viewing and operation.

                                                                                      DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.      15

         OPERATION                        Control Panel - All Models
                                          Power LED The Power LED is ON or OFF to indicate that main power to
 A                                        the MiniBox-4 is ON or OFF. The LED blinks briefly during power-up.
                       Power LED
N LOG                  Push ON            Push ON The Push ON button is a push-push master power ON/OFF
                                          switch for the MiniBox-4 including accessories plugged into the outlets.
                                          Always turn this master power ON/OFF switch to OFF before applying
                       AC Breaker Reset   power or plugging anything into the MiniBox-4 outlets.

 W                                        AC Breaker Reset The AC Breaker Reset is a 5 Amp circuit breaker that
                       AC Power Reset     protects the outlets inside the MiniBox-4.

                                          AC Power Reset The AC Power Reset is a circuit breaker that protects the
                                          MiniBox-4 electronics.

                       Video Outputs
                                          Video Outputs The MiniBox-4 has two video output connectors on the
                                          control panel. These are available for use with customer-supplied test
                                          monitors, VCRs, or DVRs as desired.

                                          Camera Connector The Camera Connector is a multi-I/O connector that
                       Camera Connector   connects to the SONY IPELA camera.


Control Panel - Transmitter Models Only
Status LED The Status LED is ON or OFF to indicate that the transmitter
is ON or OFF. The Status LED flashes to indicate that the channel                                                A
selection was controlled by the DTMF radio, which means the channel
selector switch does not correctly indicate what channel is in use.           Status LED
                                                                                                             N LOG
TX Programming Connector The digital or analog transmitter
programming connector allows the user to connect to the transmitter’s                                            D
programming DB-9 cable connector without having to remove the                 Video TX
transmitter from the MiniBox-4.                                               Programming
PWR High/Low The PWR High/Low switch is used for MiniBox-4 models
with analog transmitter only. The switch selects either high power
(approximately 5 Watts) or low power (approximately 2 Watts).                 Video TX PWR
Sig SCR/CLR The Sig SCR/CLR switch is for MiniBox-4 models with
analog transmitter and optional scrambling only. The switch selects           Sig SCR/CLR
scrambled or clear transmition.
Chan Sel Video TX The Chan Sel Video TX switch allows the user to select      Video TX
channels (10 analog or 8 digital) without having to access the transmitter,   Chan Select
which is built inside the MiniBox-4.                                          DTMF RX
                                                                              Chan Select
Chan Sel DTMF RX The Chan Sel DTMF RX switch allows the user to               Audio Out
select channels on the DTMF receiver. The selected frequency should
correspond with the Kenwood DTMF radio.
Audio Out The audio out connector allows the user to temporarily listen
to a channel with headphones to ensure that it is free of interference from   DTMF RX Prog
other transmitters. DO NOT leave headphones connected during normal           Connector
DTMF RX Programming Connector The DTMF RX programming
connector allows the user to connect to the DTMF reveiver’s programming
DB-9 cable connector without having to remove the receiver from the
MiniBox-4.                                                                                                  17
                                                                                 DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                            Concealed Camera Ports
                                            There are three concealed camera ports on the Utility Box. Each port
                                            is disguised with an ELECTRICAL PANEL IN USE label. Keep the label
N LOG                                       surface clean and free from scuff marks. Make sure nothing blocks this
                                            A combination of two labels and an interior screen are installed per
                                            window. Three additional labels (one per window) are also included in the
                                            accessory kit. The installed label set and interior screen will provide the
                                            best camera performance while balancing covert appearance issues, such
                                            as reflection and light penetration from the other windows. The additional
         Do NOT block airflow to vents at   (accessory bag) labels can be customer-applied if desired. You must be
          back and bottom of MiniBox-4      willing to accept some honeycomb effect in the video at lower camera zoom
                                            settings in order to cover up the tinted glass area of the windows.

                                            Ventilation and Thermal Considerations
                                            The Utility Box has a louvered exhaust vent on the back and a wire mesh
                                            intake vent on the bottom of the enclosure. A cooling fan is mounted inside
                                            of one of these ports. The cooling fan and heater run automatically to keep
                                            the MiniBox-4 operating temperature between –20C (-4F) and +50C (122F).
                                            Foam mesh filtration protects against water/dirt invasion.

                                            Optional Analog and Digital transmitters feature a thermal shut-down
                                            circuit to protect the transmitter if the inside of the MiniBox-4 gets too
                                            hot. Always remove obstructions from the vents to ensure good air flow.
                                            Vacuum the bottom vent to remove excess dust, Remove the rear louvers,
                                            clean and replace the foam filter if needed.


Sony Camera & PTZ Platform
The MiniBox-4 features a SONY high resolution color camera with 26X                                               A
optical and 12X digital zoom. The SONY camera has its own pan/tilt
mechanism and is hidden behind three concealed camera ports in the                                               N LOG
utility box. DTMF commands (transmitter models) or browser-based
commands allow for control of pan, tilt, zoom, focus, and auto focus. The                                         D
SONY camera works well in low light situations. The camera orientation
can be panned to left, right, or front view ports.

Analog Video Transmitter                                                                                          W
The optional analog DTC Video Transmitter is built into the MiniBox-4
along with two microwave patch antennas. The analog video transmitter
features ten user-programmable channels. A label on the inside door
of the MiniBox-4 lists the factory-set frequencies. Access to the serial
programming connector and channel switch are provided on the MiniBox-       Optional Analog Video Transmitter
4 Control Panel. Programming should be performed at the factory or by a
trained depot technician using DTC’s Universal Programming software.

Digital Video Transmitter
The optional DTC Palladium II Digital Video Transmitter is built into
the MiniBox-4 along with two microwave patch antennas. The video
transmitter features eight user-programmable channels. A label on the
inside door of the MiniBox-4 lists the factory set frequencies. Access to   Optional Digital Video Transmitter
the serial programming connector and channel switch are provided on the
MiniBox-4 Control Panel. Programming should be performed at the factory
or by a trained depot technician using DTC’s Palladium Programming

                                                                               DTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.     19

     OPERATION                                   Web Access
                                                 Type the MiniBox-4 IP address from
                                        Start    page 14 into your web browser and
                                        Screen   you should see the Start Screen
                                                 (left). Click Enter to view the Video
                                                 Screen (below). Click Control to
                                                 access the Controls (right) or click
                                                 twice to access the Remote Control

                           Click 2X
                           to Display


Document Created: 2009-04-27 12:42:05
Document Modified: 2009-04-27 12:42:05

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