Agent authorization


Cover Letter(s)

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       ‘SMIK                     SMK.CORPORATION
                               5—5, Togoshi 6—chome, Shinagawa—ku, Tokyo 142—8511, Japan
                                                                                           Fax: (03) 3785—2804

February 5, 2009

Compliance Certification Services
Certification Division
47173 Benicia Street,
Fremont, CA 94538


To whom it may concern:

We, the undersigned, hereby authorize the Testing Division of Compliance Engineering Services,
Inc., d.b.a. Compliance Certification Services and hereafter referred to as CCS, to act on our behalf
in all manners relating to application for equipment authorization, including signing of all
documents relating to these matters. Any and all acts carried out by CCS on our behalf shall have
the same effect as acts of our own.

We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we are not subject to a denial of federal benefits, that
includes FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C.

In authorizing CCS Testing Division as our agent, we still recognize that we are responsible to:

         a)    comply with the relevant provisions of the certification program;

         b)    make all necessary arrangements for the conduct ofthe evaluation, including
               provision for examining documentation and access to all areas, records (including
               internal audit reports) and personnel for the purposes of evaluation (e.g. testing,
               inspection, assessment, surveillance, reassessment) and resolution of complaints;

         c)    make claims regarding certification only in respect of the scope for which
               certification has been granted;

         d)    do not use our product certification in such a manner as to bring the Certification
               Division into disrepute and not make any statement regarding our product
               certification which the Certification Division may consider misleading or

         e)    upon suspension or cancellation ofcertification, discontinue use of all advertising
               matter that contains any reference thereto and return any certification documents
               as required by the Certification Division;

       .S.M.K.                     SMIK CORPORATION                                          Tel : (03) 3785—2877
                                 5—5, Togoshi 6—chome, Shinagawa—ku, Tokyo 142—8511, Japan   Fax: (03) 3785—2804

        f)      use certification only to indicate the products are certified as being in conformity
                with specified standards;

        g)      endeavor to ensure that no certificate or report nor any part thereofis used in a
                misleading manner;

     .. h)      ensure that any reference to our product certification in communication media
                such as documents, brochures or advertising, complies with the requirements of
                the Certification Division;

        1)      keep a record of all complaints made known to the us relating to the product‘s
                compliance with requirements of the relevant standard and to make these records
                available to the Certification Division when requested;

       §        take appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found
                in products or services that affect compliance with the requirements for

        k)      document the actions taken.

This authorization is valid until further written notice from the applicant.

Sincerely Yours,


FC Division, Product Design Dept.


1.      This authorization letter will be sent along with your application when filing with the
        Certification Division.
2.      Please follow the format and type it on company letterhead and send original to us.


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 Sspak E1019

                                                                                                                                                           Page 1 of 2

                                        COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES
                                                        47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538
                                                   OVER 20 YEARS OF SERVICE TO INDUSTRY
                                                         QUOTATION# J0913393—01
Your Account Representative is: Shizuka Kamakura                                                                            :el:   g:g;gg}-ggggx
        .                                                                                                                    ax:          ~
BILL TO: SMK CORPORATION                                                                                          
APPLICANT: Panasonic Canada Inc.                                                                                            Date: 2/5/2009

Please confirm that the date(s) scheduled and/or services requested are correct and that the above—named applicantagrees with Compllance Engineering
Service, Inc., a Callfornia corporation doing business as Compliance Certification Services ("CCS"), to all of the terms and conditions contained In this
Confirmation Agreement. If so, please sign below and fax this Confirmation Agreement back to CCS Sales.

EUT INFORMATION                                                                                                           CONTACT INFORMATION
Description: 2.4GHz RF Remote Control                                                                                     Contact: Kenjl Otsuka
                                                                                                                          Phone: B1 3 3785 2877
Model Name: N2QBYBODDOOS                                                                                                  Address:5—5 Togosh! 6—chome
                                                                                                                                  Shinagawa—ku, Tokyo 142—8511
PO:                    Uimit: $

TARGET:            *

No.   Code        Test Standard                                                                                    Test Total       Report        Agent:Pay To
1     WO430—1     IC RSS—210 assuming FCC is done                                                                    $750.00         $0.00       $0.00
2     AO3OY—1     1C—CB Assessment Fee for RSS 210                                                                     $0.00         $0.00     $700.00 CCS
3     CO402—1     1C—CB Submission Package                                                                             $0.00         $0.00     $400.00 CCS
4     A0320—1      1C—CB Expedited Assessment Fee ( base                                                               $0.00         $0.00     $350.00 CCS
                  assessment + 50%)
Sub Total                                                                                                            $750.00         $0.00     $1,450.00

                                                                                                                                   Discount Amount:         $525.00
                                                                                                                                             Test Cost:      $225.00
                                                                                             Agency Fees (Advanced by CCS, payable to CCS):$1,450.00
                                                                                                                      Total Cost (payable to CCS):$1,675.00

                                                                                                                                                        Page 2 of 2
                                        COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES
                                                        47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538
                                                               Http: / /
                                                   OVER 20 YEARS OF SERVICE TO INDUSTRY
                                                          QUOTATION# J0913393—01
Your Account Representative Is: Shizuka Kamakura                                                                            Tel: (510)771—1000x
                                                                                                                            Fax: (510)661—0888
BILL TO:. SMK CORPORATION                                                                                         
APPLICANT: Panasonic Canada Inc.                                                                                            Date: 2/5/2009

Please confirm that the date(s) scheduled and/or services requested are correct and thatthe above—named applicant agrees with Compliance Engineering
Service, Inc., a Callfornia corporation doing business as Compllance Certification Services (°CCS"), to all of the terms and conditions contained in this
Confirmation Agreement. If so, please sign below and fax this Confirmation Agreement back to CCS Sales.

EUT INFORMATION                                                                                                           CONTACT INFORMATION
Description: 2.4GHz RF Remote Control                                                                                     Contact: Ken! Otsuka
                                                                                                                          Phone: B1 3 3785 2877
                                                                                                                          Email:   kennl@smk.cop
Model Name: N2QBYB0000O5                                                                                                  Address:5—5 Togash! 6—chome
                                                                                                                                   Shinagawa—ku, Tokyo 142—8511

Note: Additional Terms and Conditions: The applicant is responsible for providing all documents, sample(s), and any other Information required by CCS for the
test and appiicationtGCS !s not responsible for any documents provided by the applicant that contain any errors or omlsslons or that are delayed in process.
The applicant understands that the testing process can damage or destroy the sample(s). The applicant also understands that CCS may be required to alter the
sample(s) In connection with the testing process and that this alteration may damage or destroy the sample(s); the applicant agrees to hold CCS harmless for
any damage ar destruction of the sample(s) which may occur as a result of such alteration. In addition, the applicant agrees to hold CCS harmfess for any
damage or destruction of the sample(s) due to fire, theft, vandalism, or otherwise unless such damage or destruction was caused by the gross negligence of
CCS. In any event the applicant agrees that CCS‘ lfabllity shall not exceed the lesser of; (1) the wholesale value of the sample(S), or(2) five thousand
dollars.If the applicant daes not request the return of the sample(s) within one (1) month after the sample(s) are certified or verlfied, then: (1) the sample(s)
may be destroyed by CCS and (1!) CCS shall not have any llabllity for such destruction of the sample(s). CCS has a lien on the sample(s) and other materials
for the payment of amounts payable to CCS hereunder; In the event that any amounts payable to CCS become past due, then CCS may retain possession of
the sample(s) and other materials and may exerciseIts rights as a ienholder in accordance to applicable law.

Please read the above carefully and confirm by signing below and returning this Confirmation Agreement to CCS as soon as possible. CCS will not start to work
on the above project until: (i) CCS recelves the applicant‘s PO and this signed Confirmation Agreement; and (i) either, an approved line of credit has been
established with CCS and a 50% deposit has been received; a 100% cash prepayment has been recelved by CCS; or other payment terms have been indicated
                                     Our Customers are welcome at all times to witness testing of their equipment
CANCELLATION PoICy                                                                                                                 Discount Amount:        $525.00
greater than 2 Days=No Charge                                                                                                             Test Cost:       $225.00
less than 2 Days = 50% Service Charge                                                        Agency Fees (Advanced by CCS, payable to CCS):$1,450.00
less than 1 Days = 100% Service Charge                                                                          Total Cost (payable to CCS):$1,675.00
Return Sample: Yes— Ej No— [:l If no entry made, No is assumed

                             SMK CORPORATION                                                       COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVCIES

                        Hlhine                                                      ,yé
                                 U                    O                                 iShizuke Kamakura

                         A ccount E)(eCUTlve.                                         rAccount Executive

                        2 /6 /206                                                      127572009

*This quote is valid for 30 days from the day of issuance. Testing must begin within 30 days of the quote being accepted. All projected costs, relating to
Product Safety testing, are based on the assumption thatall relevant components bear requlsite safety approvals, unless otherwise stipulated. Projected costs
assume completion of all paperwork within 180 days of Inception. Any profects not completed within 180 days will be requoted for balance of requirements

                              MNEITREXE @Gi#>
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                                           Tel:03—3785—2877 Fax: 03—3785—2804
                                                     Ar8(RE)) M# GAREY) fFrr0oGe)
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 FCC Part 15C SE(FR—=

2. »RGkkEE—ORN: bMisr CRBRKT eRMIET LV7MER eBEbnHE htofk(                                 )
3. m i : 2000 ozh sn CGhemip— ZH——omi — eanon )
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7. tinstm(nrfs#® Xtkmt)
 20058 HEATELKS,

8. iBb    O#     (tbh&n: @ )                                    9. %e:
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 Siik E1019

                                                                                                                                                      Page 1 of 2
                                       COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES
                                                      47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538
                                                 OVER 20 YEARS OF SERVICE TO INDUSTRY
                                                          QUOTATION# J0913393
Your Account Representative is: Shizuka Kamakura                                                                        Iel:   giggggi-agggx
                                                                                                                          ax:           ~
BILL TO: SMK CORPORATION _                     .                                                               
APPLICANT: Panasonic Corporation of North America                                                                        Date: 2/5/2009

Please confirm that the date(s) scheduled and/or services requested are correct and that the above—named applicant agrees with Compifance Engineering
Service, Inc., a Callfornia corporation doing business as Compliance Certification Services ("CCS"), to all of the terms and conditions contained In this
Confirmation Agreement. If so, please sign below and fax this Confirmation Agreement back to CCS Sales.

EUT INFORMATION                                                                                                       CONTACT INFORMATION
Description: 2.4GHz RF Remote Contol for FCC                                                                          Contact: Kenf! Otsuka
                                                                                                                      Phone: B1 3 3785 2877
                                                                                                                      Email:   kenn@smk.co4p
Model Name: N2QBYBO0CODS                                                                                              Address:5—5 Tagash1 6—chome
                                                                                                                               Shinagawa—ku, Tokyo 142—8511
PO:__________          Limit:$

TARGET:           wa

No.   Code       Test Standard                                                                                  Test Total      Report       AgentiPay To
1     W0OO63—1    FCC Part15C Test                                                                              $3,750.00      $600.00       $0.00
2     A0272—1    TCB Assessment Fee for ZIgbee                                                                      $0.00        $0.00     $700.00 CCS
3     CO401—1    TCB Submission Package                                                                             $0.00        $0.00     $600.00 CCS
4     ©O0371—1    FCC 158 Verification Test Report                                                                  $0.00      $350.00       $0.00
5     A0284—1    TCB Expedited Assessment Fee ( base                                                                $0.00        $0.00      $350.00 CCS
                 assessment + 50%)
6     A0280—1    TCB Assessment fee for request for short—term                                                       $0.00       $0.00     $150.00 CCS
Sub Tatal                                                                                                       $3,750.00      $950.00    $1,800.00

                                                                                                                               Discount Amount:         $700,00
                                                                                                                                         Test Cost:$4,000.00
                                                                                          Agency Fees (Advanced by CCS, payable to CCS):$1,800.00
                                                                                                                  Total Cost (payable to CCS):$5,800.00

                                                                                                                                                        Page 2 of 2
                                        COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVICES
                                                        47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538
                                                   OVER 20 YEARS OF SERVICE TO INDUSTRY
                                                           QUOTATION# J0913393
Your Account Representative !s: Shizuka Kamakura                                                                            Iel:   giggggl-muux
         .                                                                                                                   ax:           1—0888
BIHL, TO:; SMK CORPORATION                                                                                        
APPLICANT: Panasonic Corporation of North America                                                                           Date: 2/5/2009

Please confirm that the date(s) scheduled and/or services requested are correct and that the above—named applicant agrees with Compilance Engineering
Service, Inc., a Callfornia corporation doing business as Compilance Certification Services (°CCS"), to all of the terms and conditions contained In this
Confirmation Agreement. If so, please sign below and fax this Confirmation Agreement back to CCS Sales.

EUT INFORMATION                                                                                                           CONTACT INFORMATION
Description: 2.4GHz RF Remote Contol for FCC                                                                              Contact: Kenjl Otsuka
                                                                                                                          Phone: 81 3 3785 2877
                                                                                                                          Emall:            .co.,
Model Name: N2QBYBOO0OOS                                                                                                  Addm:;’.’g'}'fii’;}'fi %".fl,‘.’oma
                                                                                                                                   Shinagawa—ku, Tokyo 142—8511

Note: Additional Terms and Conditions: The applicant !s responsible for providing all documents, sample(s), and any other Information required by CCS for the
test and applicationCCS is not responsible for any documents provided by the applicant that contain any errors or omissions or that are delayed In process.
The applicant understands that the testing process can damage or destroy the sample(s). The appiicantalso understands that CCS may be required to alter the
sample(s) n connection with the testIng process and thatthis alteration may damage or destroy the sample(s); the applicant agrees to hold CCS harmless for
any damage or destruction of the sample(s) which may occuras a result of such alteration. In addition, the applicant agrees to hold CCS harmless for any
damage or destruction of the sample(s) due to fire, theft, vandalism, or otherwise unless such damage or destruction was caused by the gross negligence of
CCS. In any eventthe applicant agrees that CCS‘ liability shall not exceed the lesser of; (1) the wholesale value of the sample(S), or (2) five thousand
dollars.If the applicant does not request the return of the sample(s) within one (1) month after the sample(s) are certified or verified, then: (1) the sample(s)
may be destroyed by CCS and (1!) CCS shall not have any liability for such destruction of the sample(s). CCS has a lien on the sample(s) and other materials
for the payment of amounts payable to CCS hereunder; in the eventthat any amounts payable to CCS become past due, then CCS may retain possession of
the sample(s) and other materlals and may exercise its rights as a Hlenholderin accordance to applicable law.

Please read the above carefully and confirm by signing below and returning this Confirmation Agreementto CCS as soon as possible. CCS will not start to work
on the above project until: (1) CCS receives the applicant‘s PO and this signed Confirmation Agreement; and (if) either, an approved line of credit has been
established with CCS and a 50% deposit has been received; a 100% cash prepayment has been recelved by CCS; or other payment terms have been Indicated
                                    Our Customers are welcome at all times to witness testing of their equipment
CANCELLATION POLICY                                                                                                                Discount Amount:         $700.00
greater than 2 Days=No Charge                                                                                                              Test Cost:$4,000.00
less than 2 Days = 50% Service Charge                                                        Agency Fees (Advanced by CCS, payable to CCS):$1,800.00
less than 1 Days = 100% Service Charge                                                                          Total Cost (payable to CCS):$5,800.00
Return Sample: Yes—             No— D If no entry made, No is assumed

                             SMK CORPORATION                                                       COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION SERVCIES

By:          fi‘m                                                                  By: fi/‘ M

Name:         /__/A RU MI        [(A NO                                           Name:Shizuka Kamakura

             Account Executive.                                                   [rtle:Account Executive
Date:          2 /6 /7 2009                                                       lbate:2/5/2000

*This quote is valld for 30 days from the day of Issuance. TestIng must begin within 30 days of the quote being accepted. All profected costs, relating to
Product Safety testing, are based on the assumption that all relevant components bear requlsite safety approvals, unless otherwisestipulated. Profected costs
assume completion of all paperwork within 180 days of Inceptlon. Any projects not completed within 180 days will be requoted for balance of requirements

Document Created: 2019-09-04 05:40:38
Document Modified: 2019-09-04 05:40:38

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC