Test Report


Test Report

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                                    The University of Michigan
                                       Radiation Laboratory
                                       3228 EECS Building
                                    Ann Arbor, MI 48109—2122
                                       Tel: (734) 647—1792

                               Measured Radio Frequency Emissions


                              TRW Receiver Door Control
                                 PN:; 8$9741—A¢AA020

                                      Report No. 415031—065
                                         January 18, 2001

                                            Copyright © 2001

                                   TRW Automotive Electronics
                                      24175 Research Drive
                                 Farmington Hills, MI 48335—2642

                                            Saad Jabro
                                        Tel: 248—442—5187
                                        Fax: 248—478—7241
                                           PO: pending

                                                  Tests supervised by: /        12 4    %
Measurements made by:                             Report approved by:      fl/          /      W
                       ._   Joseph Brunett                               Valdis V. Liepa
                            Valdis V. Liepa                              Research Scientist


Tests for compliance with FCC Regulations subject to Part 15, Subpart B, and with Industry
Canada Regulations subject to RSS—210, were performed on TRW RKE Receiver. This device is
subject to Rules and Regulations as a Receiver. As a Digital Device it is exempt, but such
measurements were made to assess the receiver‘s overall emissions.
         In testing performed on January 15 and 16, 2001, the device tested in the worst case met
the allowed specifications for radiated emissions from the receiver section by greater than 11.4 dB
(see p. 6). The line conducted emission tests do not apply, since the device is powered from an
external 12—volt DC, originating from automotive 12—volt electric system.

1. Introduction

TRW superheterodyne security receiver was tested for compliance with FCC Regulations, Part 15,
adopted under Docket 87—389, April 18, 1989, and with Industry Canada RSS—210, Issue 2, dated
February 14, 1998. The tests were performed at the University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory
Willow Run Test Range following the procedures described in ANSI C€63.4—1992 "Methods of
Measurement of Radio—Noise Emissions from Low—Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in
the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz". The Site description and attenuation characteristics of the Open Site
facility are on file with FCC Laboratory, Columbia, Maryland (FCC Reg. No: 91050) and with
Industry Canada, Ottawa, ON (File Ref. No: IC 2057).

2. Test Procedure and Equipment Used

The test equipment commonly used in our facility is listed in Table 2.1 below. The second column
identifies the specific equipment used in these tests. The HP 8§593E spectrum analyzer is used for
primary amplitude and frequency reference.

                                     Table 2.1. Test Equipment.

Test Instrument   Equipment Used Manufacturer/Model                  Cal. Date/By
Spectrum Analyzer       X        Hewlett—Packard 8593A               December 2000/UM
   (OkHz—22GHz)                          SN: 3107401358
Spectrum Analyzer          X          Hewlett—Packard 8593E      December 2000/HP
  (OkHz—26GHz)                           SN:; 3107A01131
Spectrum Analyzer                     Hewlett—Packard 182T/8558B December 2000/UM
   (0.1—1500 MHz)                        SN:; 1529A01114/543592
Preamplifier                          Watkins—Johnson            December 2000/UM

   (5—1000MHz)                           A1ll —1 plus A25—18
Preamplifier                          Avantek                        Oct. 1999/ U of M Rad Lab
   (5—4000 MHz)
Broadband Bicone                      University of Michigan         June 1996/U of M Rad Lab

   (20—200 MHz)
Broadband Bicone                      University of Michigan         June 1996/U of M Rad Lab
   (200—1000 MHz)
Dipole Antenna Set                    University of Michigan         June 2000/UM
   (25—1000 MHz)
Dipole Antenna Set                    EMCO    3121C                  June 2000/UM
   (30—1000 MHz)                        SN:   992
Active Loop Antenna                   EMCO    6502                   December 1993/ EMCO
   (0.090—30MHz)                        SN:   2855
Active Rod                            EMCO    3301B                  December 1993/EMCO
   (30Hz—50 MHz)                         SN: 3223
Ridge—horn Antenna                    University of Michigan         March 1999/U of M Rad Lab
   (0.5—5 GHz)
LISN Box                              University of Michigan         Dec. 1997/U of M Rad Lab
Signal Cables                         Assorted                       January 1993/U of M Rad Lab
X—Y Plotter                           Hewlett—Packard 7046A          During Use/U of M Rad Lab
Signal Generator                      Hewlett—Packard 8656A          January 1990/U of M Rad Lab
   (0.1—990 MHz)
Printer                               Hewlett—Packard 2225A          August 1989/HP

3. Configuration and Identification of Device Under Test

The DUT is a 315.0 MHz superheterodyne receiver, designed for onboard automobile
security/convenience applications, and as such, it is powered from an automotive 12—volt DC source.
The receiver is based on a single—chip receiver, with 325.7 MHz LO. The receiver is packaged in a
plastic case approximately 2.25 x 2.75 x 1.25 inches, with attached metal mounting bracket to the
case. Antenna is internal. For testing for radiated emissions, a 3 meter long section of generic harness
was used, with power wires separated from the control/signal lines. In the receiver decoding and
signal processing are performed by a micro.
        The DUT was designed and manufactured by TRW Automotive Electronics Group, 24175
Research Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48335—2642. It is identified as:

                           TRW Receiver Door Control
                           PN: 89741—AA02O
                           SN: 27
                           FCC ID: GQ43VT27R

3.1 Modifications Made
There were no modifications made to the DUT by this laboratory.

4. Emission Limits

For FCC the DUT falls under Part 15, Subpart B, "Unintentional Radiators". For Industry Canada the
DUT falls under Receiver category and is subject to technical requirement of sections 7.1 to 7.4 in
RSS—210. The pertinent test frequencies, with corresponding emission limits, are given in Tables 4.1
and 4.2 below.

4.1 Radiated Emission Limits

        Table 4.1. Radiated Emission Limits (FCC: 15.33, 15.35, 15.109; IC: RSS—210, 7.3).

                 Freq. (MHz)                Eiim (3m) uV/m              E1im dB(uV/m)
                      30—88                       100                        40.0
                     88—216                       150                        43.5
                     216—960                      200                        46.0
                  960—2000                        500                        54.0
                              Note:    Quasi—Peak readings apply to 1000 MHz (120 kHz BW)
                                      Average readings apply above 1000 MHz (1 MHz BW)

4.2 Conducted Emission Limits

               Table 4.2. Conducted Emission Limits (FCC: 15.107; IC: RSS—210, 6.6).

                       Freq. (MHz)                uV                    dB(uV)
                      0.450 — 1.705               250                    48.0
                       1.705 — 30.0               250                    48.0
                                                Note: Quasi—Peak readings apply here

5. Emission Tests and Results

5.1 Anechoic Chamber Radiated Emission Tests
To familiarize with the radiated emission behavior of the DUT, it was studied and measured in the
shielded anechoic chamber. In the chamber there is a set—up similar to that of an outdoor 3—meter site,
with turntable, antenna mast, and a ground plane. Instrumentation includes spectrum analyzers and
other equipment as needed.
        To study and test for radiated emissions, the DUT was powered by a laboratory power supply.
A 315 MHz CW signal was injected (radiated) from a nearby signal generator using a short wire
antenna. The DUT was placed on the test table on each of its three axis. For each placement, the table
was rotated to obtain maximum signal for vertical and horizontal emission polarizations. This
sequence was repeated throughout the required frequency range.
        In the chamber we studied and recorded all the emissions using a ridge—hom antenna, which
covers 200 MHz to 5000 MHz, up to 2 GHz. In scanning from 30 MHz to 2.0 GHz, there were no
spurious emissions observed other than the LO, the injection signal, and the LO harmonics. Figures
5.1 and 5.2 show emissions measured 0—1000 MHz and 1000—2000 MHz, respectively. These
measurements are made with a ridge—horn antenna at 3m, with spectrum analyzer in peak hold mode
and the receiver rotated in all orientations. The measurements up to 1000 MHz (Fig. 5.1) are used for
initial evaluation only, but those above 1000 MHz (Fig. 5.2) are used in final assessment for

5.2 Open Site Radiated Emission Tests
The DUT was then moved to the 3 meter Open Field Test Site where measurements were repeated up
to 1000 MHz using a small bicone, or dipoles when the measurement is near the limit. The DUT was
exercised as described in Sec. 5.1 above. The measurements were made with a spectrum analyzer
using 120 kHz IF bandwidth and peak detection mode, and, when appropriate, using Quasi—Peak or
average detection. The test set—up photographs are in the Appendix (i.e., end of this report).
        The emissions from digital circuitry were measured using a standard bicone. These results are
also presented in Table 5.1.

5.3 Computations and Results for Radiated Emissions
To convert the dBm‘s measured on the spectrum analyzer to dB(uV/m), we use expression

                                 E3(dBuV/m) = 107 + Pr + Ka — Kg

where Pr = power recorded on spectrum analyzer, dB, measured at 3m
      Ka = antenna factor, dB/m
      Kg = pre—amplifier gain, including cable loss, dB

        When presenting the data, at each frequency the highest measured emission under all of the
possible orientations is given. Computations and results are given in Table 5.1. There we see that the
DUT meets the limit by more than 11.4 dB.

5.4 Conducted Emission Tests
These tests do not apply, since the DUT is powered from a 12—volt automotive supply.

6. Other Measurements

6.1 Emission Spectrum Near Fundamental
Near operating frequency emission spectrum is measured typically over 50 MHz span with and
without injection signal. These data are taken with the DUT close to antenna and, hence, amplitudes
are relative. The plot is shown in Figure 6.1.

6.2 Effect of Supply Voltage Variation
For the subject device, the radiated emissions (i.e., LO) are extremely low and were unmeasurable in
our standard (FCC) measurement set—up.

6.3 Operating Voltage and Current
                               V    —=   12.8 VDC
                               I    =     1.0 mADC

                                      The University of Michigan
                                        Radiation Laboratory
                                         3228 EECS Building
                                   Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109—2122
                                           (734) 647—1792

                                        Table 5.1 Highest Emissions Measured
                                         Radiated Emission—RF                                             TRW RX; FCC/IC
      Freq.     Ant.    Ant.|    Pr      Det.   Ka       Kg | E3           E3lim|   Pass
#     MHz       Used    Pol.    dBm     Used    dB/m      dB    |dBuV/mfdBuV/m       dB                 Comments
 1|   325.7     SBic     H      —90.1    Pk     19.2     21.7      14.4     46.0    31.6      |{max of all, noise; 10 kHz BW
2|    325.7     SBic     V      —88.5    Pk     19.2     21.7      16.0     46.0    30.0      |max of all, noise; 10 kHz BW
3|    651.4     SBic     H      —82.0    Pk     25.5     18.3      32.2     46.0    13.8      |max of all, noise; 10 kHz BW
4|    651.4     SBic     V      —83.0    Pk     25.5     18.3      31.2     46.0    14.8      |max of all, noise; 10 kHz BW
5|    977.1     SBic     H      —91.2    Pk     29.2     15.7      29.3     54.0    24.7      |max of all, noise; 10 kHz BW
6|    977.1     SBic     V      —90.3    Pk     29.2     15.7      30.2     54.0    23.8      |max of all, noise; 10 kHz BW
 7|   1303.0    Hom      H      —71.0    Pk     31.8     28.1      39.7     54.0     14.3     |max of all, noise; 1 MHz BW
 8|   1629.0    Hom      H      —70.0    Pk     33.8     28.2      42.6     54.0     11.4     |max of all, noise; 1 MHz BW
9|    1950.0    Homm     H      —72.0    Pk     35.5     28.1      42.4     54.0     11.6 |max of all, noise; 1 MHz BW
12             All reciever orientations were measured; no signal was observed at 3 m distance,
13             nor with the antenna on top of the DUT\

                                         Radiated Emission — Digital (Class B)
 3                               Digital Emissions more than 20 dB below FCC Class B limits

                                           Conducted Emissions
      Freq.     Line    Det.    Vtest   Vlim    Pass
      MHz       Side    Used|   dBuV    dBuV|    dB                       Comments

                                                         Not applicable

                                                                                            Meas. 01/15,16/2001; U of Mich.

   15156144    16                 JAN     2001
  REF .9 dBm                              AT          190   dB
  PEAK       —                                 —             —
  4B ./

  START 9 Hz                                                                                   STOF 1.9000 G6Hz
      #REL BiH 126 khz                                           vViu       3980 kH@             ESWP 2@R msec

    15 :57 :498              16   JAN     2001
  REF      .8     dBnm                    AT          i9    dB
  FEAK                   —          "          —             —
  LQ B
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  START & Hz                                                                                   STOP 1.000 GHz
      #RES BH                 120       kHz                      VEBN       200   kHz            SUP 209 msec

Figure 5.1. Emissions measured at 3 meters in anechoic chamber, 0—1000 MHz.
               (top) Receiver plus ambient
               (bottom) Ambient

                  8        i6     JAN        2001
              A .0 dBm                     #AT            A   dB

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 START 1i.000               GHz                                                                   SsTOP 2 .300 GHz
     #RES BW                1.0         MHz                            VEW   300     kHz             SWP 20 .0 msec

   16 1:i0@i16             16     JAN        2801

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 START 1.000                6Hz                                                                   SsTOP 2.000 6BHz
     #RES BW                1.9         MHz                            VBW       300 kHz             SWF 290 .90 msec

Figure 5.2. Emissions measured at 3 meters in anechoic chamber, 1000—2000 MHz.
                      (top) Receiver plus ambient
                      (bottom) Ambient

     16 iA5 i2            16   JAH     2G@1
 /                                                                                         NKR       #15 .00      MHz
 REF .0 dBnm                           AT       10   dB                                              —~21 .48     dBm
 L0 6
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 VA     VB
 §C  C

         ER 325.70 MHz                                                                    SPAN 40 .090 MHz
         #RES BW 120 kHz                                  VBH    300      kHz               SWUP 20 .9 msec

Figure 6.1. Relative receiver emissions in stand—by and "locked—in" modes.
                    The final emission measurements were made with the receiver in
                    "locked—in" mode.

Document Created: 2001-01-22 10:46:56
Document Modified: 2001-01-22 10:46:56

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