

Attestation Statements

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                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

                                 U%.'. D   1   1994
                                                                   IN REPLY REFER To:

                                                              31030 /EQU/4—2—4

Mr. Valdis V. Liepa
University of Michigan
Radiation Laboratory
NASA/Center for Space Terahertz Technology
3228 EECS Building
Ann Arbor, MI  48109—2122

Dear Mr.   Liepa:

This is in reply to your facsimile transmission of August 2, 1994,
regarding the labelling of a low power communication device that willi
be marketed within the U.S. and Canada.  You request approval to
combine the labels for both countries, permitting a single label to be
employed.  As indicated, this combined label would read as follows:

     "This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with
     RSS—210 of the Industry Canada.   Operation is subject to the
     following two conditions:   (1) This device may not cause
     harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
     interference received, including interference that may cause
     undesired operation."              —

According to Section 15.19(a) of our rules, a low power communications
device operating under Part 15 must be labelled with the specific
statement contained in paragraph ({a) (3). The only difference between
the statement required under our rules and your proposed statement is
the addition in the first sentence of the phrase "... and with RSS—210
of the Industry Canada."

I note that Kwai Lum of Industry Canada, in a facsimile to you on
August 3, 1994, has already given permission to use this combined
label.  I also agree that the use of this combined label, as shown
above, is acceptable under our reqgulations. This label conveys the
desired information and is essentially identical to our requirement.
As expressed by Mr. Lum, text denoting compliance with the standards
for both countries was not stated in our rules as "it would be too
presumptuous [to assume] that all products are for both markets."

I trust that the above responds to your inguiry.  Additional questions
should be directed to John Reed, 1300B4, at the address on the
letterhead or at (202) 653—7313.


                                 Richard B.        Engelman
                           V     Chief,        Technical Standards Branch
                                 Office of        Engineering and Technology

    08 /03 /94                   U9 : 37                 3613 952 5108                                                      1SC/DGEF                                                                                                 @001

                                                              Government of Canada                                  C              Gouvernement du Canada
                                                              Industry Canada                                                      Industrie Canada
                                 FACSIMILE                         SHEET                             FORMULE D‘ENVOI                                       PAR TELECOPIEUR
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TO/A:                            Name/Nom......: Mr Valdis V. Liepa
                                 Office/Bureau.: Radiation Lab, University of Michigan,USA
                                 Tel. No./No. de tél.:                Fax:  3137747—2106
uy mas mas ans ons mas mas es sue sn s on 47e on o tm tee man aee m me ce oa~ —A mm Aun ane ons m ons ons ce mm ce tae uy —s * hoh o m es on hay ce mae our Mn mns mes se e tan ome us ma ant uae 40 F4 C50 Sas mas mae ane oo aap

FROM/DE:                                          Name/Nom......:                                         Kwai Lum
                                                                                                     Manager, Radio Equipment Standards,
                                                                                                     300 Slater Street,                                              13th Floor,
                                                                                                     Ottawa,                    Canada, K1A 0OCS8
                                                                                                     Phone:                     613—990—4699;     Fax:                                                 613—952~5108

Total pages                                 :                                                                            Date & time sent: August 3, 94.
Pages totales:                                               1_                                                          Date & heure envoyé:

our_Ref                     : DGEP—5630—1                                  (RSS—210 Labelling)

This is to respond to your fax of August 1, 94 requesting that we permit
a combined statement for FCC and Industry Canada on the equipment labels.

We wish to assure you that your suggested combined label that you
submitted in your fax is acceptable to Canada since our standard (section
5.8 of RSS—210) allows (to quote) ".....equivalent statement....".

We have made our labelling statement as close as we can to Part 15.19(3);
the differences are : we left out the word "harmful" because of
difficulties in defining what is harmful. We added the phrase "of the
device" to remove any possible misunderstanding.

To re—capitulate, although your proposed statement uses FCC text except
for the mention of "RSS—210 of Industry Canada", we consider it to be
equivalent. Our preferred text is per RSS—210; the next best is to add
the word "harmful" to meet FCC requirements.

Since FCC and Industry Canada are from different countries, we ao not
consider it necessary to state in our separate standards a combined text.
In any case it would be too presumptuous that all products are for both
markets.                            *

Oour equipment certification staff will be informed of the above. We will
also copy this to Mr Reed of the FCC since you said that you sent a
similar fax to hin.

Regards |                                   @N\A

Kwai Lunm

cc Mr John Reed                                        (FCC OET fax 202—653—8773).
cc R. Corey (Equipment Certification) .

                                     Re:     Certification for TRW Receiver Door Control
                                             PN: 89741-AA020
                                             FCC ID: GQ43VT27R
                                             CANADA: to be provided by IC

                               POWER OF ATTORNEY

A letter granting Valdis V. Liepa the Power of Attorney is on file and can be provided
when so requested.

            UnIvEeRrsIty OF MIicHGaNn

            3228 EECS BUILDING
            1301 BEAL AVENUE
            ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48109—2122
            734 764—0500 FAX 734 647—2106
            http: //

                                                 Re:   Certification for TRW Receiver Door Control
                                                       PN: 89741—AA020
                                                       FCC ID: GQA43VT27R
                                                       CANADA: to be provided by IC

                                  REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIALITY

Pursuant to 47 CRF 0.459, TRW requests that a part of the subject application be held
confidential. This comprises Exhibits

              (5)          Scherfiatics
              (10)        Parts List (Part of Exhibit only)

TRW has spent substantial effort in developing this product and it is one of the first of its kind in
industry. Having the subject information easily available to "competition" would negate the
advantage they have achieved by developing this product. Not protecting the details of the
design will definitely result in a financial hardship.

If there are any questions regarding this request, please contact me at the above address or call
734—647—1792, (lab) 734—483—4211, fax 734—647—2106 or e—mail


                                                                              tkPr 4 a@,
                                                                             Valdis V. Liepa
                                                                             Research Scientist
                                                                             University of Michigan

                                         Re:      Certification for TRW Receiver Door Control
                                                  PN: 89741-AA020
                                                  FCC ID: GQ43VT27R
                                                  CANADA: to be provided by IC


The device, for which certification is pursued, has been designed by:

                                 Automotive Electronics Group
                                     24175 Research Drive
                                Farmington Hills, MI 48335-2642

                                            Saad Jabro
                                        Tel: 248-442-5187
                                        Fax: 248-478-7241

It will be manufactured by:

                                 Automotive Electronics Group
                                     24175 Research Drive
                                Farmington Hills, MI 48335-2642

                                            Saad Jabro
                                        Tel: 248-442-5187
                                        Fax: 248-478-7241

It will be marketed and serviced by:


        Universtry OF MICHIGAN

        3228 EECS BUILDING
        1301 BEAL AVENUE
        ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48109—2122
        734 764—0500 FAX 734 647—2106
        http: //

                                               January 21, 2001

                                         Re:    Certification for TRW Receiver Door Control
                                                PN: 89741—AA020
                                                FCC ID: GQ43VT27R
                                                CANADA : to be provided by IC

                           STATEMENT OF MODIFICATIONS

There were no modifications made to the DUT by this test laboratory. (Also see Section
3.1 of the attached Test Report).

                                                                  /é/cfi              M)
                                                                    Valdis V. Liepa
                                                                    Research Scientist

Document Created: 2001-01-22 11:52:47
Document Modified: 2001-01-22 11:52:47

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