Attestation Statements


Attestation Statements

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                             Re:     Certification for TRW Composite Device
                                     Model(s): 95800-3E300, 95800-26000
                                     FCC ID: GQ4-39R
                                     IC: 1470A-11R

                               POWER OF ATTORNEY

A letter granting Valdis V. Liepa the Power of Attorney is on file and can be provided
when so requested.

                               Re:     Certification for TRW Composite Device
                                       Model(s): 95800-3E300, 95800-26000
                                       FCC ID: GQ4-39R
                                       IC: 1470A-11R

                          REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIALITY

Pursuant to 47 CRF 0.459, TRW requests that a part of the subject application be held
confidential. This comprises Exhibits

              (5)      Schematics
              (10)     Parts List (Part of Exhibit only)

TRW has spent substantial effort in developing this product and it is one of the first of its
kind in industry. Having the subject information easily available to "competition" would
negate the advantage they have achieved by developing this product. Not protecting the
details of the design will result in financial hardship.

If there are any questions regarding this request, please contact me at the above address
or call 734-483-4211, fax 734-647-2106 or e-mail


                                                              Valdis V. Liepa
                                                              Research Scientist
                                                              University of Michigan

                                     June 3, 2006

                             Re:    Certification for TRW Composite Device
                                    Model(s): 95800-3E300, 95800-26000
                                    FCC ID: GQ4-39R
                                    IC: 1470A-11R

                      STATEMENT OF MODIFICATIONS

There were no modifications made to the DUT by this test laboratory. (Also see Section
3.1 of the attached Test Report).

                                                          Valdis V. Liepa
                                                          Research Scientist

                                Re:    Certification for TRW Composite Device
                                       Model(s): 95800-3E300, 95800-26000
                                       FCC ID: GQ4-39R
                                       IC: 1470A-11R


The device, for which certification is pursued, has been designed by:

                                         TRW Inc.
                                   24175 Research Drive
                              Farmington Hills, MI 48335-2642

                                       Redhwan Mawari
                                 Tel: 248-478-7210 ext 4827
                                      Fax: 248-478-7241

It will be manufactured by:

                                TRW Automotive Electronics
                                  2240 Cranbrook Drive
                                 Auburn, New York, 13021

                                       Redhwan Mawari
                                 Tel: 248-478-7210 ext 4827
                                      Fax: 248-478-7241

Canadian Contact:
                                   TRW Canada Limited
                                     16643 Highway 12
                              Midland, Ontario, Canada L4R4L5
                               Phone Number: 705.526.8791
                                    FAX: 705.527.6232
                                Contact: Bob Millett ext 4103

                                                                             Autemave Electonics
                                                                             24175 Resoarch Dive
                                                                             Farminglon His,M
                                                                             Tel(248) are—r210
                                                                             Fax 2«8)are—r241

Altn: Director of Centfication

                                         uthority   to Act as   nt

1 appoint Valdis V. Liepa to act as our agent in the preparation of this application for equipment
certfication.. 1 cerily that submited documents properly describe the device or system for which
equipment certfcation is sought. also certly that each unt manufactured, imported or marketed, as
defined in Industry Canada‘s regulaions will have affxed to it a label identical to that submited for
approval wih this application.
For instances where our authorized agent signs the applcation for certication on our behalf, 1
acknowledge that all responsiblity for complying with the terms and condiions for Certfication, as
speciied by American TGB, sillresides wih TRIW 24175           Resard  Formi
Dated this            28          day of __July_, 2004._.
Agency Agreement Expiration Date: 28 July 2005

ay.                                                                  Pavk cumuel
                        e                                            (Pmniname)
Tile:                  Staf fEngineer.

On behalfof                 Trw
                        (Gompany Name)
Telephone:               2es—442.0008

Reference: TPM Inflator 30360—S0V—AO

                                                                               Astomolive Electonics
                                                                               24175 Rescarch Dive
                                                                               Famington Hil, M
                                                                               Tol (248) are—rz10
                                                                               Fax (248) are—r901

American ToR
6731 Whiter Ave
MeLean, VA 22101

                            Acke                otic Li           irements
By sgring ths document, we acknoledge that any infomaton speciied on the ATCB Application and
Aareement Form for Industry Canada Cortfieation Services provided wih thiapplialon may be provided
to Industy Ganada, We acknowfedge that is infomaton may be posted in he Rado Equipment Li(REL)
on the Depatments Web Ste._ Addilonaly, we understand that we mustinfom ATCB of any changes to e
ieformation submitec.
\We futher acknontedge that he Gerified product shalnot be dtrbsted, leased, or ofered for ale in Canada
prior to is Istng on the industy Canada Racio Equipment Lst (REL}, We are aware that we may verly the
staus of is lstng t hefolowing web adcross:

                                                                       PAvC cumiey
                                                                        (Print name)
Tile:                 Staff Engineer_
emai            __paulimey@tw.com_

On behalfot.|_______TRW
                 (Gompany Name)
Telephone:      _2484428006____

Reference: TPM Inilator 30360—S0V—A0

Document Created: 2006-06-03 21:34:28
Document Modified: 2006-06-03 21:34:28

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