Operational Description


Operational Description

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August 14, 2003                                         TRW Automotive U.S. LLC
                                                        d.b.a. TRW Automotive Electronics
                                                        24175 Research Drive
                                                        Farmington Hills, MI 48335
                                                        Tel:     248.478.7210
                                                        Fax:     248.478.7241

RE: Certification for TRW TPM ’04 Initiator
      Model #:          39360-S3V-A0
      FCC ID:           GQ4-22T
      Canada IC:        1470A-3T


The device for which certification is being requested is a low frequency (125KHz) transmitter
designed specifically for a Honda tire pressure monitoring system. With its associated tire
sensors and receiver; the initiator is part of the system used to detect the tire pressure of the tires
in a vehicle. Four initiators are used in each vehicle, one for each tire. They are located in or
near the wheel well and are connected by wire harness to the central receiver. This central
receiver sends a 125KHz waveform over the wire harness to the initiator where it is converted to
a magnetic field that is broadcast to a sensor in the tire. The tire sensor then responds by
transmitting a 315MHz signal back to the receiver, closing the loop. With warning lights on the
dashboard, the receiver informs the driver when the air pressure in a certain tire is low.

The initiator consists of one printed circuit board housed in a plastic case. Embedded in the
plastic case is a low frequency ferrite antenna. A three-pin connector molded into the plastic
case is used to connect the wire harness from the receiver.

EXHIBIT_______                                                                         Page ___ of ___

August 14, 2003                                       TRW Automotive U.S. LLC
                                                      d.b.a. TRW Automotive Electronics
                                                      24175 Research Drive
                                                      Farmington Hills, MI 48335
                                                      Tel:     248.478.7210
                                                      Fax:     248.478.7241

RE: Certification for TRW TPM ’04 Initiator
      Model #:          39360-S3V-A0
      FCC ID:           GQ4-22T
      Canada IC:        1470A-3T


The initiator receives a 125KHz waveform. Input comparator circuitry clean this waveform up
where it is level shifted and timing shifted to avoid shoot through currents in the output push/pull
transistor stage. The push/pull transistor stage drives a tank circuit tuned to approximately
125KHz and the inductor in the tank circuit is the magnetic transducer used to broadcast a signal
to the tire sensor.

EXHIBIT_______             Confidential / Trade Secret Information                   Page ___ of ___

Document Created: 2003-10-20 12:32:55
Document Modified: 2003-10-20 12:32:55

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