RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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R041-09-101841-3A – RG / CHB

                          ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS

                                                          According to:

                                                        EN 50364:2001
                                                     Equipment under test:

                                             RFID MODULE HF-AM1-IKÔN


                                                      PSION TEKLOGIX

Diffusion: Mr FORNIER                                                          (Company: PSION TEKLOGIX)

                                                                              Number of pages: 11 including 2 annexes

                           Modified                         Written by                          Technical verification
Ed.         Date
                           page(s)                                                              and Quality approval
                                            Name                             Visa          Name                      Visa
 0      11 Jun. 09         Creation                    Régis GONZALEZ                                   Olivier HEYER

 Duplication of this report is only permitted for an integral photographic facsimile. It includes the number of pages referenced above.
 This document is the result of testing a specimen or a sample of the product submitted. It does not imply an assessment of the
 conformity of the whole production of the item tested.

                                                 R041-09-101841-3A Ed.0         PAGE : 2


Serial number                               : None

Part number                                 : None

Software Version                            : None

MANUFACTURER'S NAME                         : PSION TEKLOGIX


Company                                     : PSION TEKLOGIX

Address                                     : 135 rue de la Duranne
                                              BP 421000
                                              13591 AIX EN PROVENCE CEDEX 3

Person(s) present during the tests          : Mr FORNIER

Responsible                                 : Mr FORNIER

DATE(S) OF TESTS                            : April, the 9th of 2009

TESTS LOCATION(S)                           : Emitech Grand Sud laboratory in
                                              Vendargues (34)

TESTS SUPERVISOR(S)                         : None

TESTS OPERATOR(S)                           : Régis GONZALEZ

                                                                                      R041-09-101841-3A Ed.0                               PAGE : 3


1.    INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................4

2.    REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................4

3.    EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST CONFIGURATION AND DESCRIPTION .............................................4

4.    SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS .......................................................................................................5

5.    SPACIALLY AVERAGE MEASUREMENT .......................................................................................6

6.    MEASUREMENT OF LIMB AND CONTACT CURRENTS................................................................7

ANNEX 1 : BOARD OF RESULTS............................................................................................................8

ANNEX 2 : PHOTOGRAPH(S).................................................................................................................10

                                                            R041-09-101841-3A Ed.0              PAGE : 4


This report presents the results of the measurements performed on RFID MODULE HF-AM1-IKÔN in order to
verify the compliance of this product with the European standard EN 50364 (01) which requirements are derived
from the European recommendation 99/519/EC


EN 50364:2001                  Limitation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices operating
                               in the frequency range 0 Hz to 10 GHz, used in Electronic Article Surveillance
                               (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and similar applications.

EN 50357:2001                  Evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices used in
                               Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
                               and similar applications.

Recommendation 99/519/EC Limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields.
of 12 july 1999


Cycle and operating mode during emission tests: Permanent emission mode without modulation.

Equipment modifications applied during tests: No

                                                           R041-09-101841-3A Ed.0                PAGE : 5


                 Tests designation                                              Comments
Spacially average measurement                           YES
Measurement of limb and contact currents                YES

N.P.: Not Performed.                                                                N.A.: Not Applicable.

ƒ    In emission:

Sample subject to the test complies with prescriptions of the standard(s) EN 50364:2001 according to limits
specified in this test report.

                                                             R041-09-101841-3A Ed.0               PAGE : 6


The Derived Reference Levels are based on spatially averaged values over the entire body of the exposed
individual. The measurement was performed to verify the compliance of the EUT with the derived reference
levels in the frequencies of interest.

The fundamental frequency of emission of EUT is 13.56 MHz. The compliance with radio standard EN 300 330
imposes that harmonics are low and spurious much lower, in consequence all the records are performed at
fundamental frequency.

Moreover the type of tested equipment emits a near field inductive field and electric component of the electro-
magnetic field is lower than in plane wave.

So only H field is taken into account in the measurements and the SAR* calculated with this value will be an
overvaluation of the actual SAR* (see § 4.2.2 of the EN 50357).

The limit defined for H field is 13.56 MHz at 73 mA/m.

Test configuration according to table 1 of the standard: Figure 2i

Test apparatus list:

          CATEGORY                         BRAND              MODEL NUMBER                 N° EMITECH
Agilent E7405A                     Agilent Technologies     Spectrum analyzer                  2161
Boucle 7.5 CM                      boucle                   Antenna                            2464

Climatic Conditions:

                   Date            Temperature (°C)       Humidity (%HR)          Pression (hPa)
             April 9th of 2009           23                    55                     1019

E.U.T mode: Permanent emission without modulation

Results: See Board in annex 1: H = 2.61mA/m.

Test Conclusion: Sample subject to the test can be considered as compliant with prescriptions of the standard
according to limits specified in this test report.

(*) Specific absorption rate

                                                               R041-09-101841-3A Ed.0                 PAGE : 7


Body current measurements under consideration are those defined by ICNIRP with frequencies up to 110 MHz.

Two types of current are mentioned:
- limb current.
- contact current.

Both limb and contact current arise from a person touching a metallic object isolated from the ground and
charged by electromagnetic field or a charged person isolated from the ground and touching a grounded
metallic object.

The limb current is set to prevent excessive SAR* in the wrists, elbows, ankle and knees. The limit is 45 mA for
the relevant frequency.

The contact current is set to prevent the risk of shock, or burn from light contact of the fingers with the external
object. The limit of contact current is 20 mA for the relevant frequency.

The limb and contact current assume different contact impedance.

(*) Specific absorption rate

Test apparatus list:

          CATEGORY                          BRAND                MODEL NUMBER                  N° EMITECH
Agilent E7405A                      Agilent Technologies       Spectrum analyzer                   2161
F-80                                FCC                        Measurement clamp                   2535

Climatic Conditions:

                   Date             Temperature (°C)         Humidity (%HR)           Pression (hPa)
             April 9th of 2009            23                      55                      1019

E.U.T mode: Permanent emission without modulation

Results: See Board in annex 1: H (limbs) = 0.4 mA.

Test Conclusion: Sample subject to the test can be considered as compliant with prescriptions of the standard
according to limits specified in this test report.

                          ††† End of report – 2 annexes to be forwarded †††

         R041-09-101841-3A Ed.0   PAGE : 8

  ANNEX 1:
Board of results

  clent rsiON                                   Produt RFID HF—AM—IKON                            Devs 0—101841    ste   ooavr0s
          Contquration dessai                                                    10          distence 09           t
                                                                                                      ahis   0,15m Po          101
                             Equipment height         im
                  measurement helght                  0.85 m
  measurement point (dBuV)                            Records (mV)        corrected level {mA/m)                                     uh
                                                 «s                                                                                         osr
                 6e vo on un—

                                                 s              aas                   1.20
                                                 as             o25                   o7                                  moskle            das
                                                 a7             a22                   0.co                                                  ose
                                                 as             o2s                   o                            1                        osr
                                                 as             a2s                   or                                                    o4s
                                                 a1             on                    0.3                                                   ocs
                                                 «3             ons                   03e                                                   on
                                                 «0             ao                    o2r                                                   cor
                       measurement height           im
  measurement point (dBuV)                          Records (mV) corrected level (mA/m)
                                                  2            125                                                                     138
                 6e vo oe un o

                                                 73            aar          mar                                    a                   m3
                                                 es            1              ar0                                                      13s
                                                 se            ase            230                                                       a71
                                                 se            200            sas                                  1                   250
                                                 1             n12            s.01                                                      a0«
                                                 3             a05            o13                                                       o2
                                                 «3            ons            03e                                                       one
                                                 as            ois            o.42                                                      ons
                  measurement height                  115m
  measurement point (dBuV)                            Records (m¥) corrected level (mAm)
                                                 1               i12            sn                                                         s0s
                 be vo oe un —

                                                 se              20e            7.ss                               4                      s7.05
                                                 so              1.00           268                                                        ris
                                                 a1              on             0.3                                                        o0
                                                 as              ane            oss                                1                       one
                                                 «1              on             0.3                                                        ons
                                                 so              oos            0.08                                                       oo1
                                                 as              acs            o.1s                                                       o2
                                                 2s              acs            0.08                                                       o1
                  measurement height                  13m
  measurement point (Bp¥V)                            Records (mV) corrected level (mAlm)
                                                 s2              aa0            107                                                         n1e
                 6e o e uns

                                                 so              1.00           258                                a                        ris
                                                 s2              oa0            107                                                         a14
                                                 so              asa            o.«s                                                        oz
                                                 s2              oao            107                                d                        xd
                                                 ar              aze            0.c0                                                        ose
                                                 s               13             02                                                          006
                                                 «0              a10            o2r                                                         cor
                                                 3s              nos            o.15                                                        002
                  measurement height                  145 m
  measurement point (dBuV)                            Records (mV) corrected level (mAm)
                                                 as              o2s            osr                                                         oas
                 ce vo ne un —

                                                 se              as0            134                                a                        180
                                                 as              eas            osr                                                         o4s
                                                 a2              and            ose                                                         ond
                                                 «s              ons            o.4e                               d                        ozs
                                                 «2              a1s            o3                                                          on
                                                 «0              a10            o2                                                          oor
                                                 a1              on             0.3                                                         008
                                                 s               nos            o21                                                         o0s
  Spatially averaged measure                                                          261 maim      T3ma/m                             sos.r2
                                                      measurement point (dBi)                       Records (my)        Limits
  Mesure 4 1 cm u lecteur au centre                                                                    0.00        000               miim
  Mesure ccourant dans e bras                                        ss                                200         0.40 asma
  Mesure dans Ia chevile                                             a                                 005         0.01 45mA

       R041-09-101841-3A Ed.0   PAGE : 10

   ANNEX 2:

                                             R041-09-101841-3A Ed.0   PAGE : 11

                   Equipment Under Test (E.U.T.) PHOTOGRAPH(S):

                           RFID MODULE HF-AM1-IKÔN

Photograph(s) of

Document Created: 2009-06-19 10:46:42
Document Modified: 2009-06-19 10:46:42

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