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                                                                                                                                   BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title               BIT ERR2

                    Enables the receiver with simplified hopping defined by Country
                    Code with a choice of low or high side modulation (hi-side ), and
                    with a designated attenuation setting (RX Attenuation) as for
Summary             RXDATA2 .

                    Returns information on bit errors to the host as those given for
                    BIT ERR1 .

                    None, but note that this test allows (as in BIT ERR1 ) the tests
Related Test Spec   RCV/CA/01/C and RCV/CA/02/C (sensitivity), RCV/CA/04/C
                    (blocking performance) to be performed with hopping on. This is
                    a more thorough test than that possible with the 7 Layers

                    Country Code =     0 to 3 (default 0)

Test Arguments      hi-side =   0 or 1 (default = 0)

                    RX Attenuation =    0 to 15 (default = 0)

                    With a second unit, execute CFG UAP/LAP to set BT address
                    then execute TXDATA2 , then execute CFG UAP/LAP to set the
                    same BT address on the Equipment under Test (EUT) before
                    executing BIT ERR2 .

Return Data         Nine reports, each two uint32 values as for BIT ERR1 .                                           BIT ERR2 Example Display

Exit                Click on Reset Chip.

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                                                                                                                               BlueTest Instruction Manual

Loopback Test Mode

Title            LOOP BACK

                 Receives data on LO Frequency for data packets and then retransmits
                 this data on the same channel at transmit level ‘lvl’. Highside
                 reception is off and attenuation is set to 0. Expected reception
                 frequency, txrx_freq (default = 12500 microsecs) with single slot
                 packets returned lb_offs after receipt (default = 1875 microsecs).
                 Defaults can be changed. See Configuration Commands section.

                 None, but note that this test RCV/CA/01/C to RCV/CA/06/C to be
                 performed in loopback without using the LMP commanded loopback
Related Test     test mode.
Spec Name
                 RCV/CA/01/C to RCV/CA/06/C to be performed in loopback, but
                 without using the LMP commanded loopback test mode.

                 LO Freq (Carrier Frequency MHz)= 2402 to 2480            (default =
Test Arguments
                 Power (Ext, Int) = gain of external amplifier (if present) and internal
                 amplifier. Ext value is specific to the design and Int value is 0 to 63
                 (Default = 50).

Return Data      None

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.
                                                                                                                   LOOP BACK Example Display

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                                                                                                                                   BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            RX LOOP BACK

Summary          Transmit PRBS9 data on LO Frequency at transmit level and listen for
                 transmissions in the next slot but one. Sends reports as RXDATA1 back to
                 the host once per second (configurable). Highside reception is off and
                 attenuation is set to 0. Default is single-slot packets (configurable with
                 config_freq). This is designed to be used with a second unit in
                 LOOP_BACK test mode.

Related Test     None, but note that this test allows transmission to and reception from
Spec Name        Implementation under Test (IUT) in LOOP_BACK test mode with RSSI
                 and BER calculated from FEC.

                 LO Freq (Carrier Frequency MHz)= 2402 to 2480
Test Arguments
                 Power (Ext, Int) = gain of external amplifier (if present) and internal
                 amplifier. Ext value is specific to the design and Int value is 0 to 63
                 (Default = 50).

Note             With a second unit execute CFG UAP/LAP to set the Bluetooth address.
                 Execute LOOP BACK then execute CFG UAP/LAP to set the same BT
                 address on the Equipment under Test (EUT) before executing RX LOOP

Return Data      NP = Number of packets
                 NGP = Number of good packets
                 NCP = Number of corrected packets
                                                                                                                    RX LOOP BACK Example Display
                 RSSI = Received Signal Strength Indication
                 True = RSSI is reliable, otherwise false

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

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                                                                                                                                    BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            BER LOOP BACK

                 Transmit PRBS9 data on LO Frequency at transmit level
                 and listen for transmissions in the next slot but one. Sends
                 reports as BIT ERR1 back to the host once per second
Summary          (configurable). Highside reception is off and attenuation is set to
                 zero Default is single slot packets (configurable with
                 config_freq). Designed to be used with a second unit in
                 loop_back test mode.

                 None, but note that this test allows transmission to and
Related Test
                 reception from IUT in loopback test mode, with calculation of
Spec Name
                 BER to BT specification.

Called via       BCSP channel 2

                 LO Freq (Carrier Frequency MHz)=     2402 to 2480

Test Arguments   Power (Ext, Int) = gain of external amplifier (if present) and
                 internal amplifier. Ext value is specific to the design and Int
                 value is 0 to 63 (Default = 50).

                 With a second unit execute CFG UAP/LAP to set BT address
                 then execute LOOP BACK, then execute CFG UAP/LAP to set
                 the same BT address on the EUT before executing BER LOOP

Return Data      Nine reports as for BIT ERR1.
                                                                                                                   BER LOOP BACK Example Display
Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

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                                                                                                                               BlueTest Instruction Manual

Configuration Commands

 Title            CFG FREQ

                  Sets three values used in deciding timing details of tests.
                  Tx/Rx Int (txrx_freq) sets the period in microseconds
                  between TX and RX events in RXDATA, TXDATA, BIT ERR and
                  LOOP BACK test modes. Default is 1250 (20 slots), maximum
                  65536. If passed as 0, current value unchanged.
                  Loopback    (lb_offs) sets the offset in microseconds
                  between a reception event and retransmission of the data in
                  loopback. Default is 1875 (two slots later), must be less than
                  TX/Rx Int (txrx_freq). If passed as zero current value
                  Report Int(report_freqs) sets the time in seconds between
                  reports to host sent by RXDATA and BIT ERR functions. Default
                  1, if passed as 0 current value unchanged.
 Related Test
 Spec Name
                  TX/RX Int (µS) = 1 to 65535 (default = 1250)

 Test Arguments   Loopback (µS) = 1 to 65535     (default = 1875)

                  Report Int (S) = 1 to 65535   (default = 1)

 Return Data      None.

 Exit             Click on Reset Chip.                                                                           CFG FREQ Example Display

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                                                                                                                                 BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            CFG PKT

                 Sets packet type and size for transmitter tests. It has no effect on
                 RX or LOOP BACK tests.

                 Packet Type  (pkt-type) is the standard Bluetooth packet
                 type, 0-15 (12-13 not allowed). Any other number sets default:
                 DM5 for TXDATA1/2 , DH5 for TXDATA3/4 .
                 Packet Size  (pkt_size) is the size of data in packet, from one
                 to maximum for type. If zero sets default: 20 bytes for TXDATA1/2 ,
                 192 bytes for TXDATA3/4 .

                 Since the two values are connected both values must be set – no
                 default is inferred.

Related Test
Spec Name

                 Packet Type = 0 to 15 (default = 4) (see Appendix 5)
Test Arguments
                 Packet Size = 0 to 339 (default = 27)

Return data      None

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                                   CFG PKT Example Display

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                                                                                                                                BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            CFG BIT ERR

                 Sets two values used in bit error measurements.

                 If Bits Count (bits_count) is non-zero, the target for total
                 counters is set to this and total count resets at this value. If
Summary          passed as 0 current value, unchanged.

                 If Reset is not false and BIT ERR/2 is active, immediately resets
                 the counters for the total statistics, but not over the last report

Related Test
Spec Name

                 Bits Count =   1 to 4.2 x 109 (default = 1600000 Bit)
Test Arguments
                 Reset =   false (0) or true (1) (default = false)

Return Data      None

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                                CFG BIT ERR Example Display

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                                                                                                                                 BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title          CFG TX IF

               Sets the IF frequency used in transmit test modes. The target is
               zero, but the stack currently uses a default of -1MHz.
               Offset is a signed integer with a range from +5 to –5, in units of

Related Test
Spec Name

Test           IF Offset = -5 to +5   (default = 0)

Return data    None

Exit           Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                                 CFG TX IF Example Display

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                                                                                                                                        BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title           CFG XTAL FTRIM

                Timing for BlueCore01 is controlled by a crystal. This requires
                trimming for new hardware. This command can be used to set a
                new trim value either before a radiotest command is started or
                while a test is already in operation; the change takes effect

                Crystal Trim (xtal_ftrim) is a number between 0 and 63
                inclusive. This is not a permanent change.

Related Test
Spec Name

Test            Crystal Trim = 0 to 63 (typical = 27)

Note            With Crystal Trim set to 0, the current settings will not change.

Return data     None

Exit            Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                                      CFG XTAL FTRIM Example Display

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                                                                                                                              BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            CFG UAP/LAP

                 Sets the UAP and LAP to be used in tests. BlueCore01 usually
                 uses its own Bluetooth Device address to determine the access
Summary          sync code, as if it is master of a piconet. The UAP and LAP are
                 the only parts used. This command allows a special UAP and LAP
                 to be used only in the test modes.

Related Test
Spec Name

                 Bluetooth Address:

Test Arguments   UAP = 0 to FF (Default = 6b)

                 LAP = 0 to FFFFFF (Default = c6967e)

Return Data      None

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                              CFG UAP/LAP Example Display

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                                                                                                                               BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            CFG ACC ERRS

                 The receiver uses a sliding correlator to determine that it has
Summary          matched the start of a packet. The receiver allows up to # of
                 errors (n_errs) before a match is rejected.

Related Test
Spec Name

Test Arguments   # of errors = 0 to 15 (default = 10)

Return Data      None

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                                CFG ACC ERRS Example Display

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                                                                                                                                BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            CFG IQ TRIM

                 Sets the IQ Trim (trim) value overriding the value calculated by
Summary          the internal calibration algorithm. This command is not executed in
                 normal use.

Related Test
Spec Name

Test Arguments   IQ Trim = 0 to 511 (default 149 (hex))

Return Data      None

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                                 CFG IQ TRIM Example Display

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                                                                                                                           BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title               CFG TX TRIM

                    Sets the Active Member Address (am_addr) for the device
                    to be used in the header of all test transmissions to
Summary             am_addr. If the transmitter and receiver are used for the
                    same test, both devices will normally have to be set to the
                    same am_addr.

Related Test Spec

Test Arguments      Trim (am_addr) = 0 to 7, Default = 7

Return Data         None

Exit                Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                             CFG TX TRIM Example Display

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                                                                                                                                 BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            CFG LO LVL

                 Sets the value of the Analogue Local Oscillator output level to LO
Summary          level (lvl), overriding the value calculated by the internal
                 calibration algorithm. This command is not executed in normal use.

Related Test
Spec Name

Test Arguments   LO level = 0 to 15 (default = 13)

Return Data      None

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                                   CFG LO LVL Example Display

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                                                                                                                                BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            CFG TX COMP

                 Sets TX Offset (tx_offset) and LO Offset (lo_offset) for the
                 firmware’s algorithm, which sets the maximum power. Run
                 TXSTART before executing CFG TX COMP, otherwise there is no
                 transmit power to set.

Related Test
Spec Name

                 TX Offset, minimum = 0 (default = 7)
Test Arguments
                 LO Offset, minimum = 0 (default = 8)

Return Data      None

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                                CFG TX COMP Example Display

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                                                                                                                            BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title          CFG SETTLE

               Sets the period (radio_on_offset) in microseconds
               between turning the radio on and starting to transmit.

Related Test
Spec Name

Test           Offset, minimum = 0 (default = 130)

Return Data    None

Exit           Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                              CFG SETTLE Example Display

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                                                                                                                                    BlueTest Instruction Manual

Built-in-Self Test (BIST) Routines

 Title         Deep Sleep

               Puts the chip into deep-sleep after a delay of half a second until
               woken by reset or any activity on USB or UART interface.

 Return Data   None

 Exit          Click on Reset Chip or another routine being called.

                                                                                                                 Deep Sleep Example Display

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                                                                                                                             BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title          PCM LB

               Sets the PCM into LOOP BACK mode, whereby the data read from
               the PCM input is output again on the PCM out pin. The LOOP BACK
               is via software and the buffers so there is a pipeline delay. The PCM
               port mode is selectable.

               If PCM Mode = 0, BlueCore01 is slave in normal 4-wire
Summary        configuration

               If PCM Mode = 1, BlueCore01 is master in normal 4-wire

               If PCM Mode = 2, BlueCore01 is master in Manchester encoded,
               2-wire configuration.

Test           PCM Mode = 0 to 2 (default = 1)

Return Data    None

Exit           Click on Reset Chip or another routine being called.

                                                                                                                PCM LB Example Display

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                                                                                                                                     BlueTest Instruction Manual


                 Sets the PCM into external LOOPBACK mode, whereby the data
                 written to the PCM output is read again on the input pin. A check is
                 made that the data read back is the same (up to usual codec
                 transformations) as that written. The LOOP BACK consists of 512
                 bytes of random data.
                 The PCM port mode is selectable as PCM Mode (pcm_mode),
                 which is the same as for PCM LB

                 The external LOOP BACK may be a simple wire.

Related Test
Spec Name

                 On the Casira under test, set CN8 jumper to Codec BYP and on
                 header CN12 link pins 10 and 11.

Test Arguments   PCM Mode = 0 to 2      (default = 1)

Return Data      None

Exit             Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                                      PCM EXT LB Example Display

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                                                                                                                              BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title            SETTLE

                 Builds the LUT as normal, then does a step from Start Channel
                 (chan1) to Finish Channel (chan2), while the synthesiser is
Summary          running. It digitises the synthesiser (LO_TUNE) error
                 voltage at intervals of 10 – 20µs over the next 200µs and
                 writes the results to an array.

                 Start Channel (chan1) = 0 to 78 (default 0)
Test Arguments
                 Finish Channel (chan2) = 0 to 78 (default 78)

                 A sequence of ten reports of the synthesiser (LO_TUNE) error
Return Data
                 voltage over the next 200µs.

Exit             Click on Reset Chip or another routine being called.

                                                                                                                 SETTLE Example Display

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                                                                                                                          BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title          IF RESP

               Sweeps transmit IF carrier frequency over designated number of
               samples (n_samples) within range (0-3MHz maximum) and
               measures RSSI. Returns table of RSSI value against frequency
               offset to characterise IF filter response.

               No. of Samples(n_samples) = 0 to 65535         (default = 10)

Test           Start   (lo_offset) = 0 to 3MHz (default 0.001 MHz)
                    (hi_offset) = 0 to 3 MHz (default = 3.000
               MHz. Must be greater than lo_offset)

Return Data    A sequence of reports of RSSI and frequency offset.

Exit           Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                              IF RESP Example Display

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                                                                                                                             BlueTest Instruction Manual

Title          RF IQ MATCH

               Measures RF IQ match by injecting test signal, sweeping IQ trim
Summary        and measuring RSSI for on-channel and image. Returns array of
               IQ measurements against IQ trim.

Return Data    An array of 16 IQ measurements against IQ trim.

Exit           Click on Reset Chip.

                                                                                                              RF IQ MATCH Example Display

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Document Created: 2005-12-15 14:51:47
Document Modified: 2005-12-15 14:51:47

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