User Manual


Users Manual

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DOCSIS Cable Gateway

    User Manual

       May 4, 2017

        Rev. 0.1


This is a DOCSIS cable gateway device including the following functionalities:

       DOCSIS 3.1 Cable Modem
       PacketCable 2.0 eDVA
       2 port Gigabit Ethernet switch with advanced routing capability
       802.11n WiFi interface at 2.4GHz
       802.11ac WiFi interface at 5GHz
       Zigbee radio interface
       Bluetooth Smart radio interface
       Thread radio interface
       2 FXS ports
       Internal PSU
       eMTA supporting PacketCable 2.0
       IPv4/IPv6 router
       Remote management capabilities (SNMP, TR069, HNAP)

External Photos


     High speed DOCSIS 3.1 interface
          o Supports Gigabit internet connectivity
     High speed wireless interface
          o Supports whole-home coverage with state-of-the-art radio technology
     Voice performance
          o PacketCable 2.0 compliant and equipped with basic and extended CLASS features such
              as caller ID and call-waiting
     Advanced Security
          o The integrated firewall provides Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI), and an integrated
              Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDS) engine monitors a wide range of attack
              patterns, and logs potential security breaches to a local cache or remote server. To
              secure data exchange between the gateways and the cable operators’ servers, BPI+
              communications privacy is used.
     WPS
          o With Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) users can easily connect to the wireless network by
              simply pushing a button or entering a PIN code. It allows home users to easily connect
              to a secure network without any complex configuration and eliminates the need to
              remember or store their security information in an unsafe way.
     Easy to Use
          o This is an easy-to-use/easy-to-install gateway. For convenience of the end user, the
              easy-to-access multi-colored LEDs provide a clear indication of start-up sequence and
              connectivity status. Multiple integrated web pages allow direct access to the status and
              settings, including privacy and security information.

Technical Specifications

                                                Transmitter Specifications
Cable Certifications
                                                      Upstream Modulation QPSK, QAM,
      Data
      Voice
                                                      Upstream Frequency Range
      CMTS interoperability                                                5-42 MHz
      DOCSIS 3.1
                                                      Output Impedance     75 ohm
      PacketCable 2.0

                                                Wireless Specifications
Hardware Specifications                               WiFi IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
      WAN Interface         1 RF F-type              WiFi Protected Setup
      LAN interface         2-port wired
                             ethernet RJ45,
                             WiFi IEEE
      Interfaces other      WPS button,
                             reset button
      Power supply          120-240VAC
      Operating Temperature 0 to 40 degC
      Operating humidity    20-90% non-
      Storage temperature -20-70 degC

Receiver Specifications
      Downstream modulation
                                QAM, OFDM
      Downstream Frequency Range
                                54-1002 MHz
      Input signal level range
                                -15 / +15dBmV
      Input impedance          75 ohm

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Document Created: 2017-05-15 21:20:55
Document Modified: 2017-05-15 21:20:55

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