Test report


Test Report

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                                                                           Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

                                       Test Report

          Product Name            : SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
          Model No.               : VC451
          FCC ID.                 : FU5VC451

Address          : 7th fl.609 Wan Shou Road Sec. 1, Kweishan, Taoyuan Hsien
                   333, Taiwan, R.O.C.

                           Date of Receipt : Sep. 19, 2007

                           Issued Date        : Feb. 27, 2008

                           Report No.         : 079244R-RFUSP07V01

                           Version            : V1.0

The Test Results relate only to the samples tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP any agency of the U.S. Government
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                                                                                  Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

                              Test Re port Certification
                                                                          Issued Date: Feb. 27, 2008
                                                                          Report No. : 079244R-RFUSP07V01

                                            Accredited by NIST (NVLAP)
                                              NVLAP Lab Code: 200533-0

   Product Name               : SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT

   Applicant                  : EVERSPRING INDUSTRY CO., LTD

   Address                    : 7th fl.609 Wan Shou Road Sec. 1, Kweishan, Taoyuan Hsien 333, Taiwan,
   Manufacturer               : EVERSPRING INDUSTRY CO., LTD
   Model No.                  : VC451
   Rated Voltage              : AC 120V/60Hz
   Working Voltage            : DC 9V
   Trade Name                 : EVERSPRING
   Applicable Standard        : FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C: 2007
                                ANSI C63.4: 2003 ,CISPR 22: 2005
   Test Result                : Complied

The Test Results relate only to the samples tested.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of QuieTek Corporation.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP any agency of the U.S. Government

   Documented By          :

                               ( Adm. Specialist / Leven Huang)

   Tested By              :

                                      (Engineer/Tim Sung)

   Approved By            :

                                ( Deputy Manager / Vincent Lin)

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                                                                                                                    Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

                                                       TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S
        Description                                                                                                                                        Page
1. GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................4

  1.1. EUT Description ............................................................................................................................................4
  1.2. Operation Description....................................................................................................................................5
  1.3. Tested System Details....................................................................................................................................6
  1.4. Configuration of Test System ........................................................................................................................6
  1.5. EUT Exercise Software .................................................................................................................................6
  1.6. Test Facility ...................................................................................................................................................7
2. Conducted Emission...........................................................................................................................................8

  2.1. Test Equipment ..............................................................................................................................................8
  2.2. Test Setup.......................................................................................................................................................8
  2.3. Limits.............................................................................................................................................................8
  2.4. Test Procedure ...............................................................................................................................................9
  2.5. Uncertainty ....................................................................................................................................................9
  2.6. Test Result of Conducted Emission .............................................................................................................10
3. Radiated Emission............................................................................................................................................12

  3.1. Test Equipment ............................................................................................................................................12
  3.2. Test Setup.....................................................................................................................................................12
  3.3. Limits...........................................................................................................................................................13
  3.4. Test Procedure .............................................................................................................................................14
  3.5. Uncertainty ..................................................................................................................................................14
  3.6. Test Result of Radiated Emission ................................................................................................................15
4. Band Edge 20

  4.1. Test Equipment ............................................................................................................................................20
  4.2. Test Setup.....................................................................................................................................................20
  4.3. Limit ............................................................................................................................................................21
  4.4. Test Procedure .............................................................................................................................................21
  4.5. Uncertainty ..................................................................................................................................................21
  4.6. Test Result of Band Edge.............................................................................................................................22
5. EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing ...................................................................................26
  Attachment 1:            EUT Test Photographs
  Attachment 2:            EUT Detailed Photographs

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                                                                          Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01


1.1.   EUT Description

       Product Name               : SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
       Trade Name                 : EVERSPRING
       FCC ID.                    : FU5VC451
       Model No.                  : VC451
       Frequency Range            : 2413MHz, 2432MHz, 2451MHz, 2470MHz
       Number of Channels         : 4
       Channel Separation         : 19MHz
       Channel Control            : Auto
       Antenna Type               : Dipole
       Antenna Gain               : Refer to the table “Antenna List”
       Power Adapter              : MFR: Ktec, M/N: KSAA0900050W1US

                                       Input: AC 100-240V, 50-60Hz,0.18A
                                       Output: DC 9V, 0.5A
                                       Cable Out: Non-Shielded,1.6m

       Antenna List
       No. Manufacturer                         Model Number                         Peak Gain
       1     Bondale Industries Ltd.            G-RA-94051(DG105-001/I)              2.1dBi

       Frequency of Each Channel
       Channel     Frequency    Channel       Frequency        Channel   Frequency   Channel     Frequency
          01       2413MHz        02          2432MHz            03      2451MHz       04        2470MHz

           1.    The EUT is a SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT with a built-in 2.4GHz transmitter.
           2.    These tests are conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of demonstrating
                 compliance with Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.249.
           3.    Regarding to the operation frequency, the lowest, middle and highest frequency are
                 selected to perform the test.

       EMI Test Mode        Mode 1: Transmitter

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                                                                  Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

1.2.   Operation Description

       The EUT is a SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT with a built-in 2.4GHz transmitter. The
       operation frequencies are 2413MHz, 2432MHz, 2451MHz, and 2470MHz. DC 9V shall be provided
       for EUT. The EUT used Dipole antenna.

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                                                                                  Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

1.3.         Tested System Details

             The types for all equipment, plus descriptions of all cables used in the tested system (including
             inserted cards) are:

              Product            Manufacturer            Model No.         Serial No.          Power Cord
   (1) Monitor                SONY                 PVM-14M2U            2105742          Non-Shielded, 1.8m
   (2) Video Receiver         EVERSPRING           N/A                  N/A              N/A

               Signal Cable Type                                 Signal Cable Description
   (A) RCA Cable                          Non-Shielded, 1.5m

1.4.         Configuration of Test System

1.5.         EUT Exercise Software

       (1)   Setup the EUT as shown in section 1.4.
       (2)   Associate the EUT with the video receiver.
       (3)   Verify that the EUT works properly.

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                                                                           Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

1.6.   Test Facility

       Ambient conditions in the laboratory:
                 Items               Required (IEC 68-1)                   Actual
       Temperature (°C)          15-35                          20-35
       Humidity (%RH)            25-75                          50-65
       Barometric pressure (mbar) 860-1060                      950-1000

       Site Description:   File on
                           Federal Communications Commission
                           FCC Engineering Laboratory
                           7435 Oakland Mills Road
                           Columbia, MD 21046
                           Reference 31040/SIT1300F2

                           Accreditation on NVLAP
                           NVLAP Lab Code: 200533-0

       Site Name:          Quietek Corporation
       Site Address:       No. 5-22, Ruei-Shu Valley, Ruei-Ping Tsuen,
                           Lin-Kou Shiang, Taipei,
                           Taiwan, R.O.C.
                           TEL: 886-2-8601-3788 / FAX : 886-2-8601-3789
                           E-Mail : service@quietek.com

       FCC Accreditation Number: TW1014

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                                                                                   Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

2.     Conducted Emission

2.1.   Test Equipment

       The following test equipment are used during the conducted emission test:
       Item Instrument               Manufacturer       Type No./Serial No              Last Cal.     Remark
       1     Test Receiver              R&S             ESCS 30/825442/17               May, 2007
       2     L.I.S.N.                R&S                ESH3-Z5/825016/6                May, 2007     EUT
       3     L.I.S.N.                Kyoritsu           KNW-407/8-1420-3                May, 2007     Peripherals
       4     Pulse Limiter           R&S                ESH3-Z2                         May, 2007
       5     No.1 Shielded Room                                                         N/A
       Note: All instruments are calibrated every one year.

2.2.   Test Setup

                                                                            Reference Plane

                         Test Receiver

                        12dBuV                                             EUT
                        †††                                     Load

                                                    LISN                                       LISN

                                         Ground Plane

2.3.   Limits

                        FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.207 (dBuV) Limit

                         Frequency                                     Limits

                                                           QP                           AV

                         0.15 - 0.50                     66-56                         56-46

                          0.50-5.0                         56                           46

                          5.0 - 30                         60                           50

                 Remarks: In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

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                                                                         Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

2.4.   Test Procedure

       The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization
       network (L.I.S.N.). This provides a 50 ohm /50uH coupling impedance for the measuring
       equipment. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN that
       provides a 50ohm /50uH coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please refers to the block
       diagram of the test setup and photographs.)
       Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum conducted interference. In order to find the
       maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of the interface cables must be
       changed according to ANSI C63.4: 2003 on conducted measurement.
       Conducted emissions were invested over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz using a
       receiver bandwidth of 9kHz.

2.5.   Uncertainty

       ± 2.26 dB

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                                                                               Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

 2.6.         Test Result of Conducted Emission

              Product        :    SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
              Test Item      :    Conducted Emission Test
              Test Site      :    Line 1
              Test Mode      :    Mode 1: Transmitter

Frequency              Correct             Reading             Measurement          Margin             Limit
                       Factor               Level                      Level
   MHz                     dB               dBuV                   dBuV               dB              dBuV
  0.201                   0.643             42.570                 43.213           -21.330           64.543
  0.529                   0.300             31.660                 31.960           -24.040           56.000
  0.923                   0.310             29.910                 30.220           -25.780           56.000
  2.281                   0.350             30.760                 31.110           -24.890           56.000
  3.241                   0.370             32.900                 33.270           -22.730           56.000
  5.785                   0.454             33.640                 34.094           -25.906           60.000

  0.201                   0.643             36.260                 36.903           -17.640           54.543
  0.529                   0.300             28.180                 28.480           -17.520           46.000
  0.923                   0.310             28.570                 28.880           -17.120           46.000
  2.281                   0.350             28.570                 28.920           -17.080           46.000
  3.241                   0.370             30.180                 30.550           -15.450           46.000
  5.785                   0.454             31.600                 32.054           -17.946           50.000

        1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value.
        2.“     “ means the worst emission level.
        3.Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor

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                                                                            Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

           Product       :       SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
           Test Item     :       Conducted Emission Test
           Test Site     :       Line 2
           Test Mode     :       Mode 1: Transmitter

Frequency              Correct             Reading            Measurement         Margin            Limit
                       Factor               Level                  Level
  MHz                    dB                 dBuV                   dBuV             dB              dBuV
  0.297                0.300               44.960                  45.260         -19.397          64.657
  0.376                0.310               36.230                  36.540         -22.431          58.971
  0.758                0.314               35.250                  35.564         -20.436          56.000
  2.289                0.350               29.920                  30.270         -25.730          56.000
  2.891                0.370               30.480                  30.850         -25.150          56.000
  5.665                0.430               33.520                  33.950         -26.050          60.000
  0.297                0.300               35.630                  35.930         -18.727          54.657
  0.376                0.310               35.440                  35.750         -13.221          48.971
  0.758                0.314               33.060                  33.374         -12.626          46.000
  2.289                0.350               28.270                  28.620         -17.380          46.000
  2.891                0.370               28.570                  28.940         -17.060          46.000
  5.665                0.430               30.920                  31.350         -18.650          50.000

     1. All Reading Levels are Quasi-Peak and average value.
     2.“     “ means the worst emission level.
     3.Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor

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                                                                                    Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

3.      Radiated Emission

3.1.    Test Equipment

        The following test equipment are used during the radiated emission test:

        Test Site              Equipment           Manufacturer        Model No./Serial No.        Last Cal.

       Site # 1                Test Receiver          R&S             ESCS 30 / 825442/14          May, 2007
                               Spectrum Analyzer    Advantest         R3261C / 71720140            May, 2007
                               Pre-Amplifier           HP             8447D/3307A01812             May, 2007
                               Bilog Antenna          Chase           CBL6112B / 12452             Sep., 2007
                               Horn Antenna            EM             EM6917 / 103325              May, 2007
       Site # 2                Test Receiver          R&S             ESCS 30 / 825442/17          May, 2007
                               Spectrum Analyzer    Advantest         R3261C / 71720609            May, 2007
                               Pre-Amplifier           HP             8447D/3307A01814             May, 2007
                               Bilog Antenna          Chase           CBL6112B / 2455              Sep., 2007
                               Horn Antenna            EM             EM6917 / 103325              May, 2007
       Site # 3          X     Test Receiver          R&S             ESI 26 / 838786 / 004        May, 2007
                         X     Spectrum Analyzer     Agilent          E4407B / US39440758          May, 2007
                         X     Bilog Antenna       SCHAFFNER          CBL6112B / 2697              May, 2007
                         X     Horn Antenna        Schwarzbeck        BBHA9120D / 305, 306         July, 2007
                         X     Horn Antenna        Schwarzbeck        BBHA9170 / 208, 209          July, 2007
                         X     Pre-Amplifier          QTK             QTK-AMP-03 / 0003            May, 2007
                         X     Pre-Amplifier           HP             8449B / 3008A01123           July, 2007
        Note:        1. All equipments are calibrated every one year.
                     2. The test instruments marked by “X” are used to measure the final test results.

3.2.    Test Setup


                          FRP Dome
                                                                                                           1m to 4m

                                                                             The height of Bilog
                                                                             or Horn Antenna
                                                                             was scanned from
                                                                             1M to 4M.
                                                                             The distance
                                                                             between antenna
                                                                             and turn table was
                                         EUT                                 3M regards to the
                  Non-Conducted Table                                        standard adopted.


                                                             Fully soldered Metal Ground           To Controller
                      Test                                                                             To Receiver

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                                                                             Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

3.3.   Limits

       ¾ Fundamental and Harmonics Emission Limits

                             FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.249 Limits
             Frequency        Field Strength of Fundamental       Field Strength of Harmonics
                 MHz         (mV/m @3m) (dBuV/m @3m) (uV/m @3m) (dBuV/m @3m)

                902-928             50              94                500                 54

            2400-2483.5             50              94                500                 54

             5725-5875              50              94                500                 54
       Remarks : 1. RF Voltage (dBuV/m) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV/m)
                    2. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                    antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.

       ¾ General Radiated Emission Limits

       Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated
       by at least 50dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in
       paragraph 15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

                             FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph 15.209 Limits
                         MHz                    uV/m @3m                    dBuV/m@3m

                           30-88                     100                        40

                          88-216                     150                       43.5

                          216-960                    200                        46

                       Above 960                     500                        54

       Remarks :    1. RF Voltage (dBuV/m) = 20 log RF Voltage (uV/m)
                    2. In the Above Table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
                    3. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument
                    antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.

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                                                                          Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

3.4.   Test Procedure

       The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The turn
       table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The EUT
       was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters.
       The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
       emission level.
       Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to find
       the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI C63.4:
       2003 on radiated measurement.
       Radiated emissions were invested over the frequency range from 30MHz to1GHz using a
       receiver bandwidth of 120kHz. Radiated was performed at an antenna to EUT distance of 3
       The frequency range from 30MHz to 10th harminics is checked.

3.5.   Uncertainty

       ± 3.9 dB above 1GHz
       ± 3.8 dB below 1GHz

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                                                                        Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

3.6.       Test Result of Radiated Emission

           Product      :    SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
           Test Item    :    Fundamental Radiated Emission
           Test Site    :    No.3OATS
           Test Mode    :    Mode 1: Transmitter

          Frequency          Correct        Reading       Measurement    Margin        Average
                             Factor          Level           Level                      Limit
         MHz                  dB             dBuV          dBuV/m          dB          dBuV/m
   Peak Detector:
   Channel 01
       2413.000              -2.296         84.980           82.684      -31.316       114.000
   Channel 03
       2451.000              -2.126         85.140           83.013      -30.987       114.000
   Channel 04
       2470.000              -2.046         85.380           83.334      -30.666       114.000
   Average Detector
   Channel 01
       2413.000              -2.296         83.540           81.244      -12.756       94.000
   Channel 03
       2451.000              -2.126         85.090           82.963      -11.037       94.000
   Channel 04
        2470.000             -2.046         85.170           83.124      -10.876       94.000
   Peak Detector:
   Channel 01
       2413.000              -2.296         82.230           79.934      -34.066       114.000
   Channel 03
       2451.000              -2.126         83.090           80.963      -33.037       114.000
   Channel 04
        2470.000             -2.046         82.470           80.424      -33.576       114.000
   Average Detector
       Channel 01
          2413.000           -2.296         81.940           79.644      -14.356       94.000
         Channel 03
          2451.000           -2.126         82.890           80.763      -13.237       94.000
         Channel 04
          2470.000           -2.046         82.380           80.334      -13.666       94.000
        1. Emission Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
        2. Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – PreAMP.

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                                                                          Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

         Product      :    SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
         Test Item    :    Harmonic Radiated Emission Data
         Test Site    :    No.3 OATS
         Test Mode    :    Mode 1: Transmitter (2413MHz)

        Frequency          Correct         Reading        Measurement         Margin         Average
                           Factor           Level            Level                            Limit
        MHz                 dB              dBuV           dBuV/m               dB           dBuV/m
  Peak Detector:
        4826.000            2.932           55.660               58.592      -15.378          74.000
        7236.000            9.472           42.360               51.832      -22.138          74.000
        9652.000           10.515           48.730               59.245      -14.725          74.000

  Average Detector
        4826.000            2.932           41.260               44.192       -9.778          54.000
        7239.000            9.474           29.690               39.165      -14.805          54.000
        9652.000           10.515           37.070               47.585       -6.385          54.000

  Peak Detector:
        4826.000            2.932           53.950               56.882      -17.088          74.000
        7239.000            9.474           42.270               51.745      -22.225          74.000
        9652.000           10.515           47.780               58.295      -15.675          74.000

  Average Detector
        4826.000            2.932           41.330               44.262       -9.708          54.000
        7239.000            9.474           29.670               39.145      -14.825          54.000
        9652.000           10.515           36.420               46.935       -7.035          54.000

    1. Readings below 1GHz are quasi-peak and readings above 1GHz are peak and/or average.
    2. Receiver setting (Peak Detector) : RBW:1MHz; VBW:1MHz; Span:100MHz.
    3. Receiver setting (AVG Detector) : RBW:1MHz; VBW:30Hz; Span:20MHz.
    4. Emission Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
    5. The average measurement was not performed when the peak measured data under the limit of average
        detection. If the readings given are average, peak measurement should also be supplied.

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                                                                          Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

         Product      :    SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
         Test Item    :    Harmonic Radiated Emission Data
         Test Site    :    No.3 OATS
         Test Mode    :    Mode 1: Transmitter (2451MHz)

        Frequency          Correct         Reading        Measurement         Margin         Average
                           Factor           Level            Level                            Limit
        MHz                 dB              dBuV           dBuV/m               dB           dBuV/m
  Peak Detector:
        4902.000            3.104           54.180               57.284      -16.686          74.000
        7353.000            9.600           43.150               52.750      -21.220          74.000
        9804.000           10.642           50.960               61.602      -12.368          74.000

  Average Detector
        4902.000            3.104           40.030               43.134      -10.836          54.000
        7353.000            9.600           35.680               45.280       -8.690          54.000
        9804.000           10.642           34.752               45.394       -8.576          54.000

  Peak Detector:
        4902.000            3.104           53.940               57.044      -16.926          74.000
        7353.000            9.600           43.580               53.180      -20.790          74.000
        9804.000           10.642           50.150               60.792      -13.178          74.000

  Average Detector
        4902.000            3.104           40.900               44.004       -9.966          54.000
        7353.000            9.600           29.160               38.760      -15.210          54.000
        9804.000           10.642           35.670               46.312       -7.658          54.000

    1. Readings below 1GHz are quasi-peak and readings above 1GHz are peak and/or average.
    2. Receiver setting (Peak Detector) : RBW:1MHz; VBW:1MHz; Span:100MHz.
    3. Receiver setting (AVG Detector) : RBW:1MHz; VBW:30Hz; Span:20MHz.
    4. Emission Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
    5. The average measurement was not performed when the peak measured data under the limit of average
        detection. If the readings given are average, peak measurement should also be supplied.

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                                                                          Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

         Product      :    SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
         Test Item    :    Harmonic Radiated Emission Data
         Test Site    :    No.3 OATS
         Test Mode    :    Mode 1: Transmitter (2470MHz)

        Frequency          Correct         Reading        Measurement         Margin         Average
                           Factor           Level            Level                            Limit
        MHz                 dB              dBuV           dBuV/m               dB           dBuV/m
  Peak Detector:
        4940.000            3.192           54.350               57.542      -16.428          74.000
        7410.000            9.658           49.280               58.938      -15.032          74.000
        9880.000           10.704           51.360               62.064      -11.906          74.000

  Average Detector
        4940.000            3.192           39.530               42.722      -11.248          54.000
        7410.000            9.658           34.910               44.568       -9.402          54.000
        9880.000           10.704           35.790               46.494       -7.476          54.000

  Peak Detector:
        4940.000            3.192           52.580               55.772      -18.198          74.000
        7410.000            9.658           49.120               58.778      -15.192          74.000
        9880.000           10.704           50.710               61.414      -12.556          74.000

  Average Detector
        4940.000            3.192           39.270               42.462      -11.508          54.000
        7410.000            9.658           34.710               44.368       -9.602          54.000
        9880.000           10.704           36.500               47.204       -6.766          54.000

    1. Readings below 1GHz are quasi-peak and readings above 1GHz are peak and/or average.
    2. Receiver setting (Peak Detector) : RBW:1MHz; VBW:1MHz; Span:100MHz.
    3. Receiver setting (AVG Detector) : RBW:1MHz; VBW:30Hz; Span:20MHz.
    4. Emission Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor.
    5. The average measurement was not performed when the peak measured data under the limit of average
        detection. If the readings given are average, peak measurement should also be supplied.

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                                                                          Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

          Product      :       SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
          Test Item    :       General Radiated Emission Data
          Test Site    :       No.3 OATS
          Test Mode    :       Mode 1: Transmitter (2451MHz)

   Frequency            Correct              Reading        Measurement      Margin             Limit
                           Factor             Level             Level
        MHz                 dB               dBuV              dBuV/m          dB             dBuV/m
    114.543             12.913                8.112             21.025       -22.475           43.500
    233.495                11.120             8.512             19.632       -26.368           46.000
    305.445             13.836                4.797             18.632       -27.368           46.000
    543.002             19.832                2.405             22.236       -23.764           46.000
    659.600             20.939                1.426             22.365       -23.635           46.000
    756.300             21.469                1.166             22.635       -23.365           46.000

    112.500                11.937             4.645             16.582       -26.918           43.500
    154.836             10.179                5.846             16.025       -27.475           43.500
    255.550             13.921                6.790             20.711       -25.289           46.000
    458.175             18.492                3.873             22.365       -23.635           46.000
    544.662             20.602                2.033             22.635       -23.365           46.000
    656.200             19.927                2.709             22.635       -23.365           46.000

   1. Readings below 1GHz are quasi-peak and readings above 1GHz are peak and/or average.
   2. “    ” means the worst emission level.
   3. Measurement Level = Reading Level + Correct Factor
   4. The radiated emissions below 1GHz of the lowest, middle, highest frequency are pretested. Only the
        worst case is shown on the report.

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                                                                                 Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

4.     Band Edge

4.1.   Test Equipment

       The following test equipments are used during the band edge tests:

                 Equipment             Manufacturer       Model No./Serial No.                     Last Cal.
        X          Test Receiver            R&S          ESI 26 / 838786 / 004                May, 2007
        X       Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent      E4407B / US39440758                  May, 2007
        X         Bilog Antenna        SCHAFFNER           CBL6112B / 2697                    May, 2007
        X          Horn Antenna        Schwarzbeck      BBHA9120D / 305, 306                   July, 2007
        X          Horn Antenna        Schwarzbeck       BBHA9170 / 208, 209                   July, 2007
        X          Pre-Amplifier             QTK          QTK-AMP-03 / 0003                   May, 2007
        X          Pre-Amplifier              HP          8449B / 3008A01123                   July, 2007
               No.3 OATS
       Note:      1. All instruments are calibrated every one year.
                  2. The test instruments marked by “X” are used to measure the final test results.

4.2.   Test Setup

       RF Conducted Measurement:

                                       RF Cable
                      EUT                                                                            Spectrum

       RF Radiated Measurement:


                        FRP Dome
                                                                                                                 1m to 4m

                                                                          The height of board
                                                                          band or Dipole
                                                                          Antenna was scanned
                                                                          from 1M to 4M.
                                                                          The distance between
                                                                          antenna and turn table
                                                                          was 3M regards to the
                                      EUT                                 standard adopted.
                Non-Conducted Table


                                                          Fully soldered Metal Ground                    To Controller
                    Test                                                                                     To Receiver

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                                                                            Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

4.3.   Limit

       In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum intentional
       radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at
       least 50 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the
       desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement. Attenuation below the
       general limits specified in Section 15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall
       in the restricted bands, as defined in Section 15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission
       limits specified in Section 15.209(a) (see Section 15.205(c)).

4.4.   Test Procedure

       The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The turn
       table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The EUT
       was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters.
       The antenna can move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
       emission level.
       Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to find
       the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI
       C63.4:2003 on radiated measurement.
       The bandwidth below 1GHz setting on the field strength meter (R&S Test Receiver ESCS 30 )is 120
       kHz, above 1GHz are 1 MHz.

4.5.   Uncertainty

       Conducted is ± 1.27 dB
       Radiated is ± 3.9 dB.

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                                                                     Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

4.6.        Test Result of Band Edge

            Product     :   SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
            Test Item   :   Band Edge Data
            Test Site   :   No.3 OATS
            Test Mode   :   Mode 1: Transmitter (2413MHz)

RF Radiated Measurement (Horizontal):
            Frequency Correct Factor Reading Level Emission Level Peak Limit    Average Limit
Channel No.                                                                                   Result
              (MHz)       (dB)          (dBuV)       (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dBuV/m)
01 (Peak)       2390.000    -2.405      40.808              38.404     74.00        54.00       Pass
01 (Peak)       2400.000    -2.357      42.500              40.143     74.00        54.00       Pass
01 (Peak)       2413.300    -2.295      83.976              81.681     74.00        54.00       Pass

Figure Channel 01:                           Horizontal

Note: RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, Sweep Time=500ms

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                                                                     Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

            Product     :   SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
            Test Item   :   Band Edge Data
            Test Site   :   No.3 OATS
            Test Mode   :   Mode 1: Transmitter (2413MHz)

RF Radiated Measurement (Vertical):
            Frequency Correct Factor Reading Level Emission Level    Peak Limit   Average Limit
Channel No.                                                                                     Result
              (MHz)       (dB)          (dBuV)       (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)
01 (Peak)       2390.000    -2.405      40.843              38.439     74.00         54.00        Pass
01 (Peak)       2400.000    -2.357      41.671              39.314     74.00         54.00        Pass
01 (Peak)       2414.400    -2.291      83.210              80.919     74.00         54.00        Pass

 Figure Channel 01:                          Vertical

 Note: RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, Sweep Time=500ms

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                                                                     Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

            Product     :   SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
            Test Item   :   Band Edge Data
            Test Site   :   No.3 OATS
            Test Mode   :   Mode 1: Transmitter (2470MHz)

RF Radiated Measurement (Horizontal):
            Frequency Correct Factor Reading Level Emission Level Peak Limit    Average Limit
Channel No.                                                                                   Result
              (MHz)       (dB)          (dBuV)       (dBuV/m)     (dBuV/m)       (dBuV/m)
04 (Peak)       2468.100    -2.052      84.399              82.346     74.00        54.00       Pass
04 (Peak)       2483.500    -1.987      41.772              39.785     74.00        54.00       Pass
04 (Peak)       2500.000    -1.932      41.100              39.168     74.00        54.00       Pass

Figure Channel 04:                           Horizontal

Note: RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, Sweep Time=500ms

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                                                                        Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

            Product     :   SOLAR-POWERED PIR CAMERA KIT
            Test Item   :   Band Edge Data
            Test Site   :   No.3 OATS
            Test Mode   :   Mode 1: Transmitter (2470MHz)

RF Radiated Measurement (Vertical):
            Frequency Correct Factor Reading Level Emission Level       Peak Limit   Average Limit
Channel No.                                                                                        Result
              (MHz)       (dB)          (dBuV)       (dBuV/m)           (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)
04 (Peak)       2468.300    -2.052         81.527              79.475     74.00         54.00        Pass
04 (Peak)       2483.500    -1.987         41.031              39.044     74.00         54.00        Pass
04 (Peak)       2500.000    -1.932         41.268              39.336     74.00         54.00        Pass

 Figure Channel 04:                             Vertical

 Note: RBW=1MHz, VBW=1MHz, Sweep Time=500ms

 Note: The average measurement was not performed when the peak measured data under the limit of average
 detection. If the readings given are average, peak measurement should also be supplied.

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                                                            Report No. 079244R-RFUSP07V01

5.   EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing

     No modification was made during testing.

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Document Created: 2008-03-07 09:24:18
Document Modified: 2008-03-07 09:24:18

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